

Sailingfast 2018 600x500

Open House Chicago

Columbia Yacht Club

111 N. Lake Shore Dr.



Since 1892, Columbia Yacht Club has been celebrated as one of Chicago's premier boating clubs and sailing organizations. It is located where Randolph Street meets the Lake Michigan shoreline. In the winter of 1982-83, Columbia Yacht Club purchased the MV Abegweit, a 372-foot, 7,000-ton train ferry from Canada. Its lower level held railcars and motor vehicles during the ship's service on the Northumberland Straight from 1947 to 1982. The ferry now serves as the club ship and headquarters. Once the most powerful icebreaking ship in the world, "Abby" remains "in service" today as an exclusive dining room and event space that offers unparalleled views of the Chicago harbor, skyline and Grant Park.

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columbia yacht club ship

What is that big ship and where does it go? Are the most frequent questions heard from those who see the "big blue boat" tied up at the head or north end of Chicago's Monroe Harbor for the first time. The answer to this question is that the boat is Columbia Yacht Club and it doesn't go anywhere. This landmark vessel on the Chicago lakefront is the "Abegweit" or "Abby", the most recent in a series of ships that have been the home to Columbia Yacht Club. Columbia Yacht Club's Unique History

Columbia Yacht Club boasts a history rich in tradition and almost as old as Chicago itself. Plans were put together for the club in 1891, by five sailors who wanted to establish a new downtown yacht club. In 1892, a charter was granted this group by the state and a site selected at the foot of Randolph Street, where it still resides after 113 years.

Columbia has the unique distinction of having always been a floating yacht club. The original clubship was a hand built shack on a floating barge located at the foot of Randolph Street near its current location. The ideal location brought many new members, so "the shack" was soon replaced by a 2-story building, still afloat, to accommodate the new members.

In 1927, the Club purchased "Pere Marquette #4", a 193' steamboat, and towed it to the Randolph Street location. In 1936, this ship was replaced by a former lake steamer the "Florida". A fire in the 1950s destroyed the original superstructure of the "Florida" which was replaced by a more modern design. By 1982, the growing membership determined that the "Florida" was too small and the controversial decision was made to purchase a new clubship. In 1983 the Club purchased the replacement for the "Florida", the "Abegweit" or "Abby", a 386 foot, 8,500 gross tons, decommissioned railroad-car ice-breaking ferry from the Canadian National Railroad. This ship had for many years been the only way to get from the mainland, in Nova Scotia, to Prince Edward Island. In April of that year 45 club members joined 15 licensed deck and engineering officers from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (all Chicago Alumni) and 6 Canadian officers (returning from retirement), to make "Abby's" final and longest voyage, the voyage from Pictou, Nova Scotia to Chicago. Today the "Abegweit" sits proudly at the top of Chicago's Monroe Harbor; home to an active and welcoming Columbia Yacht Club and a true jewel on Chicago's beautiful lakefront. She remains the largest privately owned yacht to ever traverse the St. Lawrence Seaway. The Clubship Delivery Voyage

When the Chicago Chapter of the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy Alumni Association, requested volunteers to bring an almost 400 foot long ship down the St. Lawrence Seaway, Second Assistant Engineer Jules Traut, now a Columbia Yacht Club member and Columbia's Chief Engineering Officer, was one of the fifteen association members who raised their hands. The volunteers were told the ship had been in mothballs for over a year and if not relocated would go to the scrap yard, that the two week delivery was planned for the spring of 1983, the pay would be $1 plus the air fare to Halifax, and that their crew would be un-licensed yacht club members! Looking back, it turned out to be a very memorable experience and one that he and the rest of the delivery crew will always treasure.

"We knew we would have to bring our own tools, radio gear, navigational charts, etc., as all these types of things had "walked off" the ship while it was out of service. Imagine going to O'Hare Field today with a tool box full of such terrorist items as screwdrivers, channel locks, socket wrenches, pry bars, etc., along with a one-way ticket out of the country."

"Six of us went up early, on Good Friday morning, thinking we'd use the ship as our "hotel" and tour Nova Scotia, until the main contingent arrived on Easter Sunday night. Ha! We arrived at the waterfront in Pictou, Nova Scotia, about 11 pm, in a very cold drizzling rain and fog. Climbing a rickety narrow gangplank, we entered the vessel at the "mezzanine" level and saw a dim light at the top of the stairwell. There was one bulb on there, one in what is now the formal dining room and one in what is now the bar area. Everywhere we walked the dark maroon floor tile was covered in grit and crunched underfoot. The hull was being sandblasted and painted (part of the delivery terms) and that grit covered everything! There was a sheet of paper taped to the bulkhead designating who was assigned to what cabin. I found mine, dropped my gear on the bunk, found my flashlight and then went exploring. The rail deck was a wide open "tunnel" from the stern to almost the bow of the ship with 3 parallel railroad tracks. There were no lights on and it was very eerie."

"After opening a few hatch type doors, I found a stairwell down to the control room level and thought I'd entered a Frankenstein movie set. Everywhere I looked were 1940's vintage knife blade switches, stacks of resistors, large dials and wheels, etc. I was sure "Igor" would come hobbling out from behind a cabinet at any moment. There were still no lights as none of the ship's generators were working. Going down to the main engines level, reality really struck - there would be no golf, sightseeing or fishing this weekend! Instead a lot of detective work was in store. I could see and hear multiple dripping noises from leaking pipes. While examining valve manifolds, I noted that a great number of brass nameplate disks had been removed and apparently taken as souvenirs. I returned to my cabin asking myself what the hell I'd gotten myself into!"

"First thing Saturday morning, I went into Pictou, found a local hardware store and bought all their masking tape and marking pens. Returning to the ship, I got a couple of the "early birds" together and we started our detective work. There are 2 separate engine rooms below the rail deck, each containing 8 Dominion Sulzer 6-cylinder locomotive sized diesel engines paired to 4 main generators. These created the power to the 4 huge motors driving each of the 4 propellers, 2 forward pulling and 2 aft pushing the ship. We found a sketch in the control room that designated them by number and put a masking tape label on each. We then began opening tanks to see if they contained fuel oil, lube oil, fresh or salt water, bilge or ballast. After labeling the tanks, we traced the piping to and from them, to pumps or manifolds. Labeling the pumps, we then traced the conduit from their motors to the relay panels and labeled the relays. On the circuit breaker panels in the control room, we found that fortunately the identification cards had not been removed and these confirmed our detective efforts."

"Next we figured out how to start one of the small emergency diesels in a room off the rail deck. This provided 440v DC power to the control room and enabled us to start a saltwater, fresh water, lube oil, fuel oil and vacuum pump for 1 of the 3 ship's generators. Once running, that generator in turn produced power to start the auxiliary pumps and then the other 2 ship's generators. We then had enough power to start the comparable support pumps and systems for the main engines. This was a great example of the "domino effect" but to accomplish it took all day Saturday, and a good part of Sunday. We also marked all of the pressure gauge and thermometer dials about mid-range with marking pens, as well as labeling all the valves. This labeling would prove invaluable once the novice yacht club crew joined us."

"The main contingent of the crew (the yacht club members and the rest of the USMMA licensed officers) arrived late Sunday and their "orientation" started on Monday morning. We didn't have time to get into a lot of technical marine engineering, so we just simplified the key points of their duties. The entire crew was divided into 3 watches so everyone worked at least a 4 hours on and 8 hours off shift for the entire trip. My team was the 4 am to 8 am and 4 pm to 8 pm shift. Key training included such things as showing them where a shoe box sized manifold was on each engine that distributed lube oil from 12 small plunger type pumps to key lubrication points, Each manifold had a vertical glass tube in one corner and you could thus see the level of oil in the manifold. They were told that it was vitally important to always have at least "half a glass" oil level visible. In similar fashion, they were instructed to grasp both cooling water pipes on the back of each of 8 main generators each time they passed by. The one touched by their left hand, "closest to their heart," should be the warmer than the one in their right hand, which meant that the generator was getting proper cooling. This was about as technical as things got." "Over a coffee at the log desk one of the guys on my watch asked me how in the world I knew how to do all this stuff, especially on a strange ship that I had never served on. I answered that it was just part of our training at the Marine Academy, but not having sailed actively as a ship's engineer for 24 years, this delivery trip showed me just how good that U. S. Merchant Marine Academy training was. While stopped in a lock when the entire Seaway System was temporarily in a "stop and maintain position" mode due to very heavy fog, we lost the entire electrical system and were a "black ship" with absolutely nothing running. The system had become overloaded when some additional ventilators were turned on. Anyway thanks to the Marine Academy's training we were back on line and ready to move about 28 hectic minutes later, after a lot of flying around in the engine rooms to get everything going again."

"A huge amount of credit and praise is due the Columbia members that made the trip. They came from all walks of life and everyone rolled up their sleeves and pitched in to accomplish this voyage. All of us worked a lot harder then we had anticipated would be necessary and accomplished the impossible. The Seaway people were very nervous when learning that we had a largely "untrained" crew, but by the time we had progressed through the first few locks, the "word" was passed by radio that these people seemed to know what they were doing. We also had great support from the Canadians who came out of retirement to make the last voyage of their favorite ship. They helped us decipher some of the systems, locate spare parts scattered all over the ship, to fix leaks or get broken pumps fixed, etc."

"The touching tributes and warm greetings we received at each of the locks and whenever we passed under a bridge made us soon realize what great service this ship had offered over the years. Canadians who had been transported to and from Prince Edward Island by the ship had signs wishing "Abby" a safe voyage, dropped flowers from the bridges, tooted car horns in salute, etc. The Canadian Coast Guard also sent out an ice breaker to bid her farewell and circled us while we were still crunching our way through the ice packs in the Gulf of St. Lawrence."

"It took us 10 days to reach Chicago. While enroute, we continuously broke through ice reported up to 12 feet thick for about the first third of the voyage. The "Abby" was one of the largest ice breakers in the world and handled herself admirably. We found out, as an aside, that the State Department had gotten involved in the original negotiations for the purchase of the ship for Columbia because they did not want it to fall into the hands of the Russians because of her ice breaking capability."

"The weather turned very sour on the final leg of the trip from the Straits of Mackinac to Chicago. The winds were right out of the north and gusting in excess of 35 mph. We were taking solid water against the windows on the bridge and there was sincere concern regarding the following seas we were in. The sister ship of the "Abby" foundered and sank in a following sea. Take a good look sometime at the flimsy metal door all the way aft on the rail deck. It is much like the roller "curtain type doors" you see on some storefronts, i.e., not very strong. A wave broke over the end of the sister ship, and with the rail deck only about 6 feet above the waterline, it took the door out. The volume of water that then cascaded into the rail deck area, created negative buoyancy and the ship sank!" "Somewhere off Racine, we almost hit a net trawler that was moving west to east right across our bow. They ignored our horn and lights (there was some thought that they were on autopilot and possibly even sleeping) but fortunately for both parties they missed us by less than 50 yards!"

"Original plans were for us to stop in Kenosha to pick up those club members who had contributed to the bond issue to purchase the boat but were unable to take 2 weeks off to help bring it here. The idea was that as a reward, they could make the last 40-50 miles of the voyage. Unfortunately for them Lake Michigan had other ideas, and the swells rolling into Kenosha harbor were in excess of 12 feet so the pick-up had to be cancelled."

"On arrival in Chicago we pulled into the south side of Navy Pier, sheltered somewhat from the winds, and then took a short cruise the following day on the Lake for those we couldn't pick up in Kenosha, before tying her up on the north side of the present breakwater in what was then a turning basin on the Chicago River and now of course is Du Sable Harbor."

"I don't know what specific fuel prices were back then, but given the fact that the "Abby" was being retired due to fuel prices (as she burned 55 metric tons of fuel a day when all engines were operating) the rumor that it cost the club more to pay for the delivery trip fuel than it did to pay for the purchase of the ship itself did not really surprise us."

"Some 4 or 5 years later, the City of Chicago informed us that the club's lease designated "Monroe Street Harbor" and so we had to move the ship the 40 feet or so from one side of the breakwater to the other. With the ship no longer running this was no small feat and it involved (at a cost of over a quarter of a million dollars) hiring pile drivers to sink mooring stanchions at both ends of the ship, cutting some 80 feet out of the existing pier/dock, hiring 2 tug boats to move us and then cutting new entry doors on both sides of the ship so members could walk through the ship to the pier/dock."

The Ongoing Clubship Makeover

The Clubship, as you would expect of a 55 year old vessel is in continual need of maintenance. In addition, frequent upgrades are required to meet the changing requirements of the membership. Responsibility for these projects falls upon the "House Committee" which oversees maintenance with little more than a shoe-string budget and the kind donations of materials, equipment and sweat equity from club members.

Members have restored the ship's bridge, the radio room and ship's compass, the library, dining room and ladies lounge to like new. The bar has been lovingly re-varnished by members every year and in the last few years they have rebuilt the kitchen, replaced the original steam heating system, installed A/C in the bar and dining room, built a grill in the bar and upgraded the water system. This year aside from the ongoing maintenance and redecoration efforts, a donated wide-screen HDTV has been installed in the bar and members are working alongside contractors installing an elevator to provide access to all three decks of the ship for the older or less mobile club members.

Vice Commodore, Bill Bartz got pulled in to the House Committee when someone asked him to lend a hand. Ten years and several thousand feet of conduit later he is 90% complete on his task of upgrading the ship's wiring! Columbia Yacht Club Today Sandwiched between Chicago's Monroe and Du Sable Harbors and just south of Chicago's Navy Pier, the Clubship and it's dock provide it's members and their guests unquestionably the ultimate platform for watching the Independence Day and Venetian Night fireworks spectaculars, and if that is not enough we also get our "private" bi-weekly (Wednesday and Saturday) fireworks shows all summer long courtesy of Navy Pier!! Membership Events Socially the club has a broad and diverse membership, both in terms of age and interests. Young or old, flip-flops or formal, Columbia's Activities Committee makes sure that in addition to the expected on the water activities, shore-side there is something to offer everyone.  

For the kids highlights of the year include Easter with bunnies, eggs and treasure hunts, summer kite flying, and an incredible Kids Halloween party (with the club turning itself into an authentic Ghost Ship, complete with ghouls, witches, cauldrons, fortune tellers and mummies). The huge Children's Holiday party is the finale to the year, when a long-standing member with "an inside track" to Santa, gives the kids the opportunity to whisper their desires into Santa's ear and get a Christmas photo with him. For the grownups the jam-packed social activities schedule provides the adult membership with events from Black Beard to Black Tie and Tie-Dye!! The Black Beard event is in conjunction with the national Talk Like a Pirate Day. Columbia hosts a "Pirate's Ball" in September, which "brings out the pirate in" hundreds of our members and their guests, with the best-dressed pirates making off with all the booty from Columbia's very own swashbuckling event. Black Tie gives everyone the chance to dress up at the stunning Commodore's Reception, Holiday Dinner Dance and New Year's Parties. Tie-Dye, another event that is Columbia's own is the "Dead Of Summer Party" with a number of our most active members selling "original" Columbia Tie-Dye creations (hats, shirts and skirts) to the revelers, who dance and party the warm mid-summer night away on the dock to the sounds of one of our favorite Grateful Dead tribute bands while taking their fill of our chefs pig-roast. Columbia's Sailing School Providing sailing instruction for both adults and kids, the sailing school lets you leave life as a landlubber behind. Many club members have come to the school for lessons and then joined the club to fully participate in the ongoing sailing camaraderie. Our Adult Sailing Program offers hands-on experience in the classroom and on the water. You choose the vessel: 420 dinghies or J-22 sloop-rigged keelboats. This is supplemented by our Skipjacks Program which is a member-sponsored learn-to-sail program for adults run on Tuesday evenings using those club members' boats. Building on that experience some students choose to become involved with the Wednesday night Beer Can racing while others elect more private or group lessons. Racing Clinics are designed to teach advanced boat handling maneuvers and sail trim techniques to give you an edge on the race course and our US Sailing Keelboat Certification Program enables you to become certified to charter a boat with confidence, both locally and abroad in just two short weekends. During the summer, as many of the adult members toil in their offices, hundreds of junior sailors stream through the Columbia doors and take over the dock. The Junior Sailing Program offers these students (from 8 to 18) the opportunity to take the helm and get a head start on a lifetime of sport. Spring, Summer and Fall sessions in Optimists, 420s and Lasers ensure a wide variety of challenges to young sailors of all skill levels. This is our next generation learning to harness the wind for their enjoyment. Those who qualify for the 15 - 20 member racing team will travel to neighboring states or as far as the East and West Coasts to compete in various regattas during the summer. The Opti race team, composed of six of our younger sailors, has traveled about five thousand miles to compete against others in the under ten-year old division. Many recent graduates of the Columbia Junior Sailing Program have qualified for college sailing scholarships and currently there are two girls and two boys sailing on three different boats attempting to qualify for the US Olympic Team. Finally Columbia is also home to the Sea Scout Ship "Challenge" #5111. The Sea Scout program teaches young adults (13 to 18 years old) not only to sail but the basics of good citizenship and leadership through sailing, stressing both safety and sportsmanship. Boating at Columbia - Spring, Summer and Fall During the summer, life revolves around boats and the Lake, as one might expect, with a variety of on the water activities to engage every type of boater. Our Power Fleet offers a Leukemia Cup "Poker Run", raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society running between every harbor on the Chicago lakefront collecting playing cards and returning to the Columbia dock to see who has collected the best poker hand for the grand prize, and of course, a rocking party. Chicago's Venetian Night also provides the Power Fleet the opportunity to join with their Sailing Fleet brethren and dress their boats up for a spectacular harbor parade and fireworks display which challenges the Independence Day fireworks for the best show of the summer.  

Sail Fleet members have their choice of cruising Lake Michigan with the Cruising Fleet or a wide range of racing options ranging from the casual Beer Can racing, to the more competitive LMSRF Area III and MORF racing, the huge West Marine One Design, Lands'End NOOD, Leukemia Cup and Verve Cup regattas as well as of course the Chicago MAC race. Racing and cruising fleets are not mutually exclusive as we frequently see racers join in on a cruise, and equally members of the "cruising fleet" are regular entrants in the Wednesday night Beer Can Races. The cruising events range from long weekends to Michigan City and Hammond to "cruising the harbor" from boat to boat for a potluck dinner or cruising to another club for lunch. It is a congenial group which always welcomes new members and encourages non-boat owners to join in. Columbia has made a strong commitment to Chicago's racing fleet as a regular sponsor of a number of the LMSRF Area 3 races as well as the growing West Marine One Design regatta, providing race committee and hosting post-race parties on the our dock after every race they host. Among the races we sponsor is the world's oldest continually run freshwater race, the Chicago to Michigan City race (which is older than even the Chicago MAC race). In addition there is our Commodore's Invitational (the first race of the season), the Mayor Daley and Centennial Regatta, the Fran Byrne, and the overnight first leg of the Tri State Race, the Chicago to St. Joseph in Michigan. Columbia also hosts Chicago's Wednesday and Friday night Beer Can racing which draws a more casual crowd from all Chicago's clubs in the Monroe harbor area. Beer Can racing in Chicago is almost as big as the LMSRF Area III racing and it is not uncommon to see over 100 boats going off the line in classes that range from Jib and Main (JAM) to spinnaker sections with the Santa Cruz 70s. Columbia's racers are consistently at the top of their classes. For 6 of the last 8 years Columbia boats have won the LMSRF Area III "Overall PHRF Boat of the Year" award with "Assassin" having just won it back-to-back in 2004 and 2005, and this year adding to our club laurels further, "Kutty's Ark", one of the club's oldest boats, won the Mackinac Trophy in it's 30th MAC race!! Finally wrapping up our on the water activity and not to be ignored are our Laser, Vanguard and Penguin racers, a hardy group who besides racing their summer series can also be seen "frostbiting" in the harbor in the spring and fall, when the rest of us are snug inside. Entertainment and Fine Dining at Columbia With its breathtaking views of the city and lakefront Columbia Yacht Club offers a fine dining and special event venue unmatched in the city. Columbia's ever-changing menu highlights the bold, the new and the delicious. Our chef and his staff use the freshest produce and finest meats and seafood available, indeed those familiar with Allen Brothers Steaks or the impeccable seafood from Wabash or Plitt Seafoods will not be disappointed, as these are the club's primary meat and seafood suppliers. A combination of seasonal specialties and proven favorites, along with a stellar view of Lake Michigan and the skyline, make dining at Columbia an experience certain to please even the most discerning palate.  

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Ship 5111 'Challenge', chartered by Columbia Yacht Club, was formed in 2002, coinciding with the first year of the William I. Koch International Sea Scout Regatta also hosted by Columbia Yacht Club.  

Ship 5111, Inc. is now a 501c3 not-for-profit organization. We hold regular fundraisers and encourage donations to further programs for young adults ages 14-21 through our Sea Scout program.



We are selling US flags to support our program and our Council. If you have an old US flag you need to replace, why not buy one from us and support Sea Scouting!

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Ship 5111 Earns National Quarterdeck Keelboat Fleet honor

Ship 5111 Earns National Quarterdeck Keelboat Fleet honor

columbia yacht club ship

Ship 5111 Monroe Harbor Fleet

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Youth Summer Sailing

Our dynamic Summer Sailing Program runs from mid-June through mid-August, ten weeks. Our day camps provide the perfect chance to get young sailors comfortable with the water and eager to continue developing their skills and confidence. Courses are carefully constructed for specific age levels to maximize learning and growth opportunities. 

Camp runs Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM beginning June 10th through August 16th, 2024. Students can sign up for however many weeks they wish, from as little as one week to as many as ten weeks. Though not a requirement, we recommend choosing consecutive weeks, if your sailor's summer schedule allows, to maximize skill retention.

2024 COLSS Youth Sailing Info.png

Please use this chart only as a guide, considering age and experience. There is no set or correct "track" for what classes you can or can't take. Both tracks are interchangeable when no previous experience is required. If you are interested in racing, this chart helps show what some of our previous sailors have done in the past to refine their skills and compete at a high level.

Still, have a few weeks left before school starts?

Sign up for Shark Week and Lab Week!

Youth Summer Sailing FAQs

Q: When does registration open for Youth Summer 2024? Should I register right away?

A: Our registration opens on December 4th, 2024. We recommend, as soon as you know your summer schedule, to secure your spot. Our classes are very popular and fill up quickly.

Q: What should my child bring to summer sailing lessons?

A: Students should come to class prepared to sail in any weather conditions (hot, cold, sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, etc.). Sailors must dress appropriately for the conditions: rash guards, sun protective clothing, thermal layers, spray gear, wet suits, sailing boots, beanies, gloves, etc., are strongly recommended. Stay away from cotton! Bring your own towel, snug-fitting US Coast Guard Approved Type III PFD, water bottle, sunglasses, sunscreen, shoes that can get wet, and a complete change of clothes. Please ensure all gear and personal items are marked with your student’s name in permanent marker. COLSS is not responsible for any lost items.

Q: Does my child need a life vest?

A: Each student is required to have their own life vest. Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) should be approved by United States Coast Guard (USCG) and fit correctly. USCG Type III PFDs are strongly recommended. If your child forgets their life jacket one day, not to worry COLSS does have a few extras on hand, but we recommend purchasing your own. We recommend looking at Crowley's Yacht Yard, West Marine, and Amazon for an appropriate life jacket.

Q: Where can I drop off/pick up my child from COLSS?

A: Drop-off and Pick-up for sailing lessons at COLSS occur inside the club ship. Students 12 years of age and under must have a parent pick them up inside the ship. Students over 13 may leave after class if they have a parent permission slip on file. Parents may temporarily use the Columbia Yacht Club parking lot for pick-up and drop-off. Parents who leave their vehicles unattended in the traffic circle run a high risk of receiving a traffic citation.

​Q: Will there be a swim check?

A: Each student will participate in a swim check on the first day of camp, supervised by their respective instructor. Please bring a swimsuit and towel for the swim check. Swimming speed and proficiency are not being tested; instructors primarily look at the student’s comfort level in the water.

​Q: What happens when the weather is not ideal for sailing?

A: Safety is our number one priority, and we constantly monitor the weather.  We only take the children on the water if conditions are safe for their boats and their experience level. If the weather doesn’t allow for on-the-water activities, we combine classroom instruction and fun off-the-water activities to keep children engaged throughout the day.

Q: Is there camp on July 4th?

A: We do not have class on July 4th when it falls on a weekday.  It is a short week, and we do not allow make-ups or price breaks as it is one of our most popular weeks with out-of-town family members joining us. 

Q: What if we go on vacation and will miss a class? A:  If you know your child will miss a class, please notify the instructor ahead of time. If your child is missing several classes, please tell the Manager. If your child misses many classes, you may want to consider private lessons if you want your child to keep up with the class. Classes are not pro-rated for missed classes.

Q: May my student bring a friend to class? A: Unfortunately, due to liability, COLSS cannot allow guests in sailing classes . Medical reports, swim tests, enrollment fees, life jackets, knowledge of the water, and boat availability prevent guests from attending classes. Instead, encourage your friends to sign up!  

Q: How does payment for camp work?

A: Payment is taken in full when you go through the registration process here .

​Q: What if we need to cancel?

A: Refunds will be issued minus the credit card processing fee. Students who cancel 21 days prior to the program start date will be eligible for a full refund (with the processing fee deducted). If cancellation occurs within 20 days of the start date, the student will receive a 50% refund (with the processing fee subtracted). No refunds will be provided for cancellations within 14 days of the program start date.

Please feel free to reach out to  [email protected]  with any questions or concerns! We look forward to helping sailors get on the water in the summer of 2024!

To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.


Aftercare is available every afternoon throughout our 10-week summer camp, operating from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Any pickups after 6:00 PM will be subject to an additional fee. This service accommodates working parents with younger sailors requiring extended supervision.

For your convenience, if you are aware of your schedule in advance, you can opt for prepayment weekly at a rate of $100. If you need Aftercare for a single day or find yourself running late on a particular day, there is a $20 charge applicable for pickups after 4:00 PM.

During Aftercare sessions, sailors will engage in various activities such as games, swimming, and watching movies—a delightful mix to unwind after a day on the water!


More From Forbes

The luxurious msc yacht club experience elevates this cruise brand.

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MSC Seashore’s MSC Yacht Club is the largest in the fleet.

For a mighty ship with 1,648 crew members and 5,632 passengers, it’s important to feel like you can get away from the masses and enjoy some peace and quiet while on board the MSC Seashore . The exclusive MSC Yacht Club , with its ingenious ship-within-a-ship model, allows guests to spread out over four different decks. The largest in the fleet, this all-inclusive experience includes not only the best sea views on the ship, but also, premium accommodations, a large sun-soaked solarium with whirlpools, a private restaurant and lounge, and a secluded swimming pool. Travelers will also love the 24-hour butler service and complimentary premium beverages. You’re on vacation after all, go ahead and indulge.

Reserved Venues

From the moment you arrive at the port, you’ll be well taken care of throughout the embarkation and disembarkation processes with priority access. Once on board, you’ll have access to private spaces, reserved expressly for MSC Yacht Club guests, like a dedicated fine dining restaurant, private sun deck and swimming pool, and the Top Sail Lounge, a relaxing place to unwind with inventive finger foods and live music after a fun-filled day.

Cool off in your private pool and enjoy a cocktail while you relax and soak up the sun.

Round-the-Clock Butler Service

No matter what time of day it is, your dedicated butler will ensure that you have the most unforgettable experience while on board. Whether you’d like to request room service or extra beverages and snacks, or you’d like turn-down service with extra toiletries and towels, your butler is up to the task.

An Expert Concierge Team

You’ll have access to your own concierge team that can handle any request, whether you’d like dinner reservations at specialty restaurants, private shopping access, or VIP seating during a show. If you’re interested in extraordinary excursions while on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve or Nassau, the concierge team is happy to assist.

Exclusive Access While on Ocean Cay

When the ship has arrived at Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve, MSC Yacht Club guests will have sole access to the Ocean House Beach, an open-air space, complete with incredible views, beachfront cabanas, and extra amenities like towels and cold water.

On land at the private Ocean House Beach on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve, enjoy exclusive amenities. ... [+]

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Ingrid andress’ national anthem at 2024 home run derby draws criticism online, apple iphone 16 pro design upgrade promises key feature boost, report says, luxurious staterooms.

Choose from a variety of rooms to suit your budget and taste. From expansive rooms with private whirlpools and balconies to suites with inventive bunkbed configurations for children, you’ll find all of the comforts of home while onboard.

Plenty of Amenities

While you’ll have access to the entire ship, full of dining, entertainment, and swimming options, the MSC Yacht Club access includes extra conveniences like premium beverage options, high-speed internet, and complimentary access to the thermal spa.

The MSC Yacht Club offers an elevated menu at the dedicated restaurant.

The Best of the Rest

When you venture out to explore the rest of the ship, outside of the MSC Yacht Club, you’ll find that this 1,100-foot ship, the longest in the MSC Cruises fleet, has plenty of outdoor space to discover including the Bridge of Sighs, an elevated glass walkway, and plenty of outdoor dining and lounge opportunities.

Kids of all ages will love the clubs and dedicated children’s spaces as well as the swimming pools, whirlpools, and Pirates Cove Aquapark, complete with a waterslide and ropes course adventure trail.

Choose from a variety of Caribbean sailings with MSC Cruises, the world’s third-largest cruise brand, including itineraries on the MSC Seashore that span from three to fourteen nights. Go solo, with a partner or friend, or with your entire family in tow—there’s something for everyone.

Wendy Altschuler

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Three Thai missing boats loaded with smuggled diesel found off Malaysian coast

Monday, 17 Jun 2024

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BANGKOK: The three boats that disappeared from a marine police station last week with some 330,000 litres of diesel were found in Malaysian waters on Sunday (June 16) and are being towed back.

Pol Maj-General Jaroonkiart Pankaew (pic), deputy commissioner of the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB), said the three boats are expected to reach Songkhla pier on Monday.

Jaroonkiart was speaking to reporters just before boarding a police plane to Songkhla, where he will interrogate the crew of the three boats himself.

The three fishing boats were among five seized by the coast guard in the Gulf of Thailand on March 17 with 28 crew members. Most of the crew are of Thai nationality.

Three of the five boats were found to be loaded with some 330,000 litres of diesel smuggled from a neighbouring country to sell cheaply in Thailand. The other two boats were empty.

The five boats were towed to the Sattahip marine police’s pier in Chonburi. On the evening of June 11, officers guarding the boats allowed them to be moved away from the pier due to strong winds.

The officers believed the heavy winds and big waves would cause the boats to smash into the pier and get damaged.

However, no officers were dispatched to watch the boats and the three loaded with diesel disappeared late that night.

Channel 8 reported earlier that certain members of the coast guard had allegedly siphoned some diesel from the boats to sell and had let go of the boats to conceal their crimes.

On Monday, Pol Maj-General Preutthipong Nutchanart, commander of the marine police division under CIB, said it was found that some of the oil on the three boats was missing. He did not elaborate.

He also said eight of the 16 crew members on the three boats had also disappeared.

Preutthipong added that he believes some members of the Sattahip coast guard definitely had a hand in letting the boats go. He said Jaroonkiart has given him seven days to investigate the case and determine who was involved.

Meanwhile, Pol Colonel Chatchawal Chuchaicharoen, commander of Crime Suppression Sub-division 2, said he had learned from lawyers that only 11 of the 28 crew members arrested on March 17 were still available to face charges after being released on bail. The 11 suspects are scheduled to report for interrogation later on Monday. - The Nation/ANN

Tags / Keywords: Thailand , Malaysia , missing , boats , diesel , smuggle

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Yemen’s Houthi rebels launch boat-borne bomb attack against Greek-owned ship in Red Sea

An HSC-7 helicopter lands on the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Laboon in the Red Sea, Wednesday, June 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

An HSC-7 helicopter lands on the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Laboon in the Red Sea, Wednesday, June 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

The USS aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower, also known as ‘IKE’, sails in the Red Sea on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

A fighter jet parks on the deck of the USS aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower, also known as ‘IKE’, in the Red Sea, Tuesday, June 11, 2024. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

A sailor signals a fighter jet preparing to launch off the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the Red Sea on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. (AP Photo/Jon Gambrell)

A fighter jet takes off from the USS aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower, also known as ‘IKE’, in the Red Sea, Tuesday, June 11, 2024. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

This is a locator map for Yemen with its capital, Sanaa. (AP Photo)

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ABOARD THE USS LABOON IN THE RED SEA (AP) — Yemen’s Houthi rebels launched a boat-borne bomb attack against a commercial ship in the Red Sea on Wednesday, authorities said, the latest escalation despite a U.S.-led campaign trying to protect the vital waterway.

The use of a boat loaded with explosives raised the specter of 2000’s USS Cole attack, a suicide assault by al-Qaida on the warship when it was at port in Aden, killing 17 on board. Associated Press journalists saw the Cole in the Red Sea on Wednesday, now taking part in the U.S. campaign while visiting one of her sister ships, the USS Laboon.

Yemen’s military spokesman Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree claimed responsibility for the attack, identifying the vessel targeted as the Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned bulk carrier Tutor. He described the attack as using a “drone boat,” as well as drones and ballistic missiles.

In a warning to shippers, the British military’s United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations center described the vessel as being hit in its stern by a small white craft southwest of the Houthi-controlled port city of Hodeida.

The captain “reports the vessel is taking on water, and not under command of the crew,” the UKMTO said. He also “reports the vessel was hit for a second time by an unknown airborne projectile.”

Palestinians mourn their relatives killed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip in a hospital in Deir al Balah on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. (AP Photo/Abdel Kareem Hana)

The U.S. military’s Central Command also acknowledged the attack, saying the Tutor “most recently docked in Russia.”

“The impact of the (drone boat) caused severe flooding and damage to the engine room,” it added.

The U.S. military separately destroyed three anti-ship cruise missile launchers in Houthi-held Yemen, as well as one rebel drone over the Red Sea. The Houthis launched two anti-ship ballistic missiles over the Red Sea, but they caused no damage, Central Command said.

The Houthis, who seized Yemen’s capital nearly a decade ago and have been fighting a Saudi-led coalition since shortly after, have been targeting shipping throughout the Red Sea corridor over the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip.

They say the attacks are aimed at stopping the war and supporting the Palestinians, though the attacks often target vessels that have nothing to do with the conflict .

The war in Gaza has killed more than 36,000 Palestinians there, while hundreds of others have been killed in Israeli operations in the West Bank. It began after Hamas-led militants attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing about 1,200 people and taking around 250 hostage.

The Houthis have launched more than 50 attacks on shipping, killed three sailors, seized one vessel and sunk another since November, according to the U.S. Maritime Administration. A U.S.-led airstrike campaign has targeted the Houthis since January, with a series of strikes May 30 killing at least 16 people and wounding 42 others, the rebels say.

Associated Press journalists on an embark with the U.S. Navy were interviewing Cmdr. Eric Blomberg, the commanding officer of the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer Laboon, when the alert came in on the attack. Blomberg took multiple calls from sailors on board the vessel, giving updates on the apparent attack.

The Laboon is one of the destroyers accompanying the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier and both has shot down Houthi fire and escorted vessels through the region. Though Blomberg and others stressed they were still investigating the attack, he said it appeared the vessel targeted had nothing to do with the Israel-Hamas war.

The Houthis “hit ships that are completely not associated or tied to the U.S. or Israel at all,” Blomberg said.

“These are just innocent merchant sailors carrying goods through the Red Sea, trying to get it through the least-expensive route, and they’re paying for it,” he said.

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‘All eyes on Rafah’ is the Internet's most viral AI image. Two artists are claiming credit

Bobby Allyn

Bobby Allyn

The image on the right was generated by Zila Abka in February. She says she created it with Microsoft’s Image Creator. On the left is the viral image that Amirul Shah said he created also using an AI image generator tool.

The image on the right was generated by Zila Abka in February. She says she created it with Microsoft’s Image Creator. On the left is the viral image that Amirul Shah said he created also using an AI image generator tool. Amirul Shah/AI generated image and Zila Abka/Microsoft Image Creator hide caption

Two Malaysians separated by 900 miles are both taking credit for a synthetic image of Gaza that became the most viral ever AI-generated photo, underscoring the complexities of authorship and ownership in an online landscape increasingly overrun with content created by artificial intelligence.

The story behind the “all eyes on Rafah” graphic, which has been shared about 50 million times on Instagram and other platforms, likely begins on the northern tip of the Southeast Asian island of Borneo.

There, back in February, Zila AbKa was at her home playing around with Microsoft’s AI tool Image Creator.

AbKa is a 39-year-old science teacher and an AI art hobbyist. She’s also a pro-Palestinian activist. She wanted to make a piece of political art that depicted those sheltering in camps in the Gazan city of Rafah.

Zila Abka is a school teacher in Malaysia. She is active in the Facebook group Prompters Malaya, a gathering place for mostly Malaysian AI artists to show their work.

Zila Abka is a school teacher in Malaysia. She is active in the Facebook group Prompters Malaya, a gathering place for mostly Malaysian AI artists to show their work. Zila Abka hide caption

After the phrase “all eyes on Rafah” started going viral, AbKa said she wrote a prompt for the AI tool to create an image that would have the phrase spelled out by white tents amid dense rows of other tent encampments. The words had become a rallying cry after a World Health Organization representative used them to draw attention to the situation in the region where hundreds of thousands of displaced people have fled.

When Microsoft’s Image Creator spit out a graphic, AbKa put two watermarks on it: One indicating it was generated by AI; another saying she was the creator.

She liked it. So she shared a post on Feb. 14 in her language — Malay — to the Facebook group Prompters Malaya , a gathering place of about 250,000 mostly Malaysians who share AI-generated art, sometimes about the war in Gaza.

“I wanted to spread and highlight the issue and hoped that everybody would do whatever they could to show solidarity with Gazans right now,” AbKa told NPR.

AbKa has not previously spoken out about making the image.

AbKa: 'I think this is mine,' but the watermarks are gone

From there, she basically forgot about it — until last week, when she saw a very similar image on Instagram, spreading rapidly following an Israeli strike in the city that killed dozens and prompted worldwide condemnation.

But the image was altered. Her watermarks were gone. And the image was expanded to include snow-capped mountains looming over the tents, an almost surrealist touch, an AI riff on Gaza’s Middle Eastern landscape.

Zila Abka generated this image in February.

Zila Abka generated this image in February. Zila Abka/Microsoft Image Creator hide caption

At first, she was offended that someone had laundered her image and removed her name from it. In addition, she was initially alarmed that the “AI generated” disclaimer was missing just as tens of millions of people were re-sharing it across the internet.

She zoomed in to examine every letter and corner of the viral image. She concluded that it had to be hers.

“Everything about the structure of the words and the arrangement of the ‘tents,’ it’s all the same, except for the expanded part,” she said. “When I saw it, I thought, yeah, I think this is mine.”

But her annoyance over not getting credit soon dissipated.

“I don’t think any generated AI image is fully someone’s belonging,” AbKa said.

Indeed, the U.S. Copyright Office has repeatedly rejected copyright protection for AI-generated images since they lack human authorship, placing the AI images in a legal gray area.

It was, however, AbKa’s unique prompt that summoned the image. She said that should be worth something, though galvanizing support for Gaza was always her main impetus.

“If the aim is to spread awareness,” AbKa said about the version of the image that went viral, “then I think I should thank that person.”

The person behind the account 'Shahv4012'

Amirul Shah is a college student and photographer in Malaysia. The “all eyes on Rafah” image he created has been shared nearly 50 million times on Instagram.

Amirul Shah is a college student and photographer in Malaysia. The “all eyes on Rafah” image he created has been shared nearly 50 million times on Instagram. Amirul Shah hide caption

That person is Amirul Shah, known as Shahv4012 on Instagram. He is also Malaysian.

The two do not know each other, nor have they ever communicated.

AbKa believes he took her image, edited it and created an Instagram “template,” which has since surged on social media, amassing nearly 50 million shares on Instagram and millions more on other social media platforms.

AbKa thinks Shah cropped her image right above her watermarks, then edited it with a tool that uses AI to expand and re-imagine the background of a photo. She believes this because she tried it herself on her own AI rendering and got results strikingly similar to the viral image.

Shah’s image has his own watermark on it with the tag of his Instagram account dedicated to his photography, @chaa.my_, giving the impression that the whole thing was his original undertaking.

Amirul Shah added his generated image to an Instagram template that was amplified by celebrities like Dua Lipa and Bella Hadid.

Amirul Shah added his generated image to an Instagram template that was amplified by celebrities like Dua Lipa and Bella Hadid. Amirul Shah/AI generated image hide caption

When Shah was reached for an interview, he denied copying AbKa’s creation. Instead, he shared a different version of events.

Shah, a 21-year-old college student in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s capital, has not previously spoken out about his process.

A photography enthusiast, Shah says he was toying around with an AI image generator recently. He thinks he used Microsoft’s Image Creator, the same service AbKa used, but he claims he can’t remember.

When he added it to an Instagram "template," it ricocheted around the world, as influencers and celebrities like Dua Lipa and Bella Hadid amplified it to their millions of followers.

The image looks uncannily like AbKa’s, but he claims he hadn't even seen AbKa's before making his own.

Still, the size of the words, placement of each letter and AI-generated clusters of tents next to the phrase are identical. But Shah’s version is portrayed from an higher aerial view, with deeper and longer shadows cast by snowy mountains.

He said he was giving all sorts of Gaza-related AI images a try as a form of activism, not angling for virality.

“My intention was not for popularity,” Shah told NPR. “I wanted to uphold justice for all Palestinians who are there.”

Shah says AI images spread faster

Technologists say that generating the same exact AI image twice is exceedingly unlikely.

In dozens of attempts to recreate the image using Microsoft’s Image Creator, NPR was not able to prompt the tool to create a visual that came close to the viral one. Most of the time, the tool struggled to correctly spell “All eyes on Rafah,” a limitation of many AI image generators, which tend to depict words misspelled or warped in some way.

These are the results produced for NPR by Microsoft’s Image Creator after given a prompt to produce a realistic-looking aerial photo of Rafah, with the phrase “all eyes on Rafah” superimposed among the tents.

These are the results produced for NPR by Microsoft’s Image Creator after given a prompt to produce a realistic-looking aerial photo of Rafah, with the phrase “all eyes on Rafah” superimposed among the tents. NPR/Microsoft Image Creator hide caption

Shah, who regularly shares posts on social media highlighting the plight of Palestinians, said he has noticed that real photos and videos of the war tend to have limited reach on Instagram.

“The picture from AI can spread faster in a short time,” he said. Shah says another problem is that he has had graphic images of war removed by Instagram for violating the platform’s policies. He said he’s aware that repeat violations can mean that “users can get blocked,” he said.

Felix Simon, a research fellow at the University of Oxford who studies AI’s impact on public discourse, said the image being created by artificial intelligence fueled its virality far less than other factors.

“The simplicity of the slogan, the symbolism at work, the timing and political context, and the fact that it was shared by celebrities,” said Simon, adding that “the lack of graphic content makes it less likely to get taken down, which helps, too.”

It is a concern that has been echoed by other activists who have claimed graphic imagery that shows the atrocities of the war in Gaza can be removed from platforms, or suppressed by social media algorithms.

Some commentators criticized the meme for portraying a sanitized version of war that renders human horrors on the ground in Gaza into an easily-shareable AI image.

Both AbKa and Shah reject that idea, saying AI images can be a useful way to grab peoples' attention and make them engage in some way with the war.

Yet there is no agreement among them about who created the viral image that has spurred discussion around the world about the authenticity of online activism and renewed attention on an internet increasingly rife with realistic-looking AI depictions.

When pressed in direct messages on Instagram for a response to AbKa’s contention that her image was copied, Shah blocked an NPR reporter.

NPR researcher Susie Cummings contributed to this report.

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ABOARD THE USS LABOON IN THE RED SEA (AP) — Yemen's Houthi rebels launched a boat-borne bomb attack against a commercial ship in the Red Sea on Wednesday, authorities said, the latest escalation despite a U.S.-led campaign trying to protect the vital waterway.. The use of a boat loaded with explosives raised the specter of 2000's USS Cole attack, a suicide assault by al-Qaida on the ...

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    The club's entrance leads directly into the ship's cargo hold, which used to store train cars until it was repurposed for the club's sailing program. The second level was once a car deck but now accommodates outdoor dining and event space. ... Columbia Yacht Club General Manager Nick Philip describes the club as having a "neighborhood ...

  10. Columbia Yacht Club, Illinois

    Columbia Yacht Club, Illinois. Since 1892, Columbia Yacht Club in Chicago has been known as more than a ship on the Lake, as more than a sailing organization, as more than a dining room. It has been known and continues to be celebrated as the club that fosters a deep sense of pride and camaraderie among its members, officers, and staff.

  11. Columbia Yacht Club · Sites · Open House Chicago

    Since 1892, Columbia Yacht Club has been celebrated as one of Chicago's premier boating clubs and sailing organizations. It is located where Randolph Street meets the Lake Michigan shoreline. In the winter of 1982-83, Columbia Yacht Club purchased the MV Abegweit, a 372-foot, 7,000-ton train ferry from Canada. Its lower level held railcars and motor vehicles during the ship's service on the ...

  12. Columbia Yacht Club, Illinois

    Columbia Yacht Club, Illinois. Since 1892, Columbia Yacht Club in Chicago has been known as more than a ship on the Lake, as more than a sailing organization, as more than a dining room. It has been known and continues to be celebrated as the club that fosters a deep sense of pride and camaraderie among its members, officers, and staff.

  13. Columbia Yacht Club

    Columbia Yacht Club's Unique History. Columbia Yacht Club boasts a history rich in tradition and almost as old as Chicago itself. Plans were put together for the club in 1891, by five sailors who wanted to establish a new downtown yacht club. In 1892, a charter was granted this group by the state and a site selected at the foot of Randolph ...

  14. Visit Us

    Directions. 111 N Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, IL 60601. Columbia Yacht Club, which houses the Columbia Sailing School, is located where the end of Randolf Street meets Lake Michigan at the North end of Monroe Harbor. It is conveniently located near walking and bike paths, Divvy stations, public transportation, and directly on scenic Lake Shore Drive.

  15. Ship 5111

    Ship 5111 'Challenge', chartered by Columbia Yacht Club, was formed in 2002, coinciding with the first year of the William I. Koch International Sea Scout Regatta also hosted by Columbia Yacht Club. Ship 5111, Inc. is now a 501c3 not-for-profit organization. We hold regular fundraisers and encourage donations to further programs for young ...

  16. MV Abegweit (1947)

    Columbia Yacht Club. Abegweit was purchased by the Columbia Yacht Club in 1983 and moved to Chicago that spring. In 1986, she appeared in an action sequence in the film, Running Scared. She continues to serve as club house for the ColYC. The ship had new hull paint applied in 2010, preserving the traditional color scheme. See also. CN Marine

  17. Columbia Yacht Club (@columbiayachtclub)

    2,014 Followers, 662 Following, 915 Posts - Columbia Yacht Club (@columbiayachtclub) on Instagram: "Since 1892 our members have shared a passion for sailing and camaraderie.The ice-cutting ferry the Q.S.M.V Abegweit has been our club ship since 1983."

  18. MV Abegweit (1982)

    She was purchased by the Columbia Yacht Club in Chicago, ... Measuring 401 feet (122 m) in length and displacing 12,000 tons, the ship had six main engines which generated 18,000 brake horsepower (13 MW) which drove two stern propellers and two bow thrusters and one stern thruster.

  19. Youth Summer Sailing

    A: Drop-off and Pick-up for sailing lessons at COLSS occur inside the club ship. Students 12 years of age and under must have a parent pick them up inside the ship. Students over 13 may leave after class if they have a parent permission slip on file. Parents may temporarily use the Columbia Yacht Club parking lot for pick-up and drop-off.

  20. The Luxurious MSC Yacht Club Experience Elevates This Cruise Brand

    The MSC Yacht Club offers an elevated menu at the dedicated restaurant. MSC Cruises The Best of the Rest. When you venture out to explore the rest of the ship, outside of the MSC Yacht Club, you ...

  21. MSC Cruises Unveils Exclusive Tours for Yacht Club Guests

    MSC Cruises is introducing over 90 exclusive shore excursions for its Yacht Club guests, with priority disembarkation and private transfers. ... a 6,700-guest ship set to launch in 2025. The club ...

  22. Cruise News Update: Utopia of the Seas, Disney, Ship-Free Saturday

    MSC Yacht Club guests can book the exclusive tours in advance, either online or via the line's contact center, as well as onboard their ship, either through the MSC For Me app, the MSC Yacht ...

  23. Караоке клуб 90-е, Ulitsa Karla Marksa, 55В, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Where to find Караоке клуб 90-е? Караоке клуб 90-е is located at Ulitsa Karla Marksa, 55В, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in the state Moscow, Russia. The place can be reached through its phone number, which is +7 967 261-99-00. The local time zone is Europe/Moscow. . the sun rises in Караоке клуб 90-е at 03:40 and sets at 21:13.

  24. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  25. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

    State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region Elektrostal postal code 144009. See Google profile, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. 2.0 Cybo Score. Review on Cybo.

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    Langkawi yacht club-06.18.02" n 99.51.01" e, kuah harbour langkawi island malaysia. YACHT BROKERAGE LISTINGS - CRUISING GUIDES - NEW YACHTS - LANGKAWI YACHT REGISTRY ... The Houthis launched two anti-ship ballistic missiles over the Red Sea, but they caused no damage, Central Command said. The Houthis, who seized Yemen's capital nearly a ...