Luxurylaunches -

Snapchat’s CEO Evan Spiegel is the youngest person in history to commission a $200 million superyacht. While in his early twenties, the billionaire ordered the 347-foot-long vessel that has three swimming pools and a spa, making it just perfect to cruise with his supermodel wife.

evan spiegel yacht name

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Twice the size of Jeff Bezos’ $500 million yacht, Accor is building the worlds largest megayacht – The 722 feet long Orient Express Silenseas will offer stately suites, two swimming pools, amphitheater cabaret and oyster bar.

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Germany has seized the world’s biggest superyacht – Owned by oligarch Alisher Usmanov’s sister the $600 million Dilbar yacht is more than three times the length of an Olympic swimming pool, it has two helipads, a garden, a crew of 100, and costs around $800,000 just to refuel.

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Billionaire Paypal founder and ardent Trump supporter Peter Thiel plans to build a luxury home, meditation pod, and a lodge on his picturesque 477-acre estate in New Zealand

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Along with his $1.3 billion megayachts Eclipse and Solaris, Roman Abramovich owned a rather modest $40 million superyacht. Incidentally, he passed the ownership of the 165-ft long vessel to his close friend exactly on the day Russia invaded Ukraine.

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Spain has seized this Russian billionaire’s stunning $140 million superyacht after he refused to pay maintenance fees – Designed for privacy, the 279-feet vessel was once chartered by Jennifer Lopez. She enjoyed its panoramic gym, hammam & a $300,000 self-playing piano.

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As the world prepares to coin its first trillionaire the $2 billion Migaloo M5 super submarine superyacht surfaces into the limelight. Longer than Jeff Bezos’ Koru it can stay underwater for 4 weeks, it has a swimming pool, cinema, helipad and its own hot air balloon.

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Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel live in luxury aboard $250 million yacht

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Miranda Kerr, Evan Spiegel

Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel’s love boat has arrived.

The billionaire couple were spotted aboard their 311-ft mega yacht sailing through the Mediterranean with their two sons, Hart, 3, and Myles, 2, as well as Kerr’s son, Flynn, 10, from her previous marriage to Orlando Bloom .

Kerr, 38, sizzled in an orange bikini on deck while embracing Spiegel, 31, from behind. The couple, who have been married since 2017 , also entertained guests who swam in the sea water near the ship.

Kerr and Spiegel’s luxury ride — a hybrid eco yacht — took three years to build and is powered by a diesel-electric propulsion system. It also comes complete with nine guest rooms, three pools and a spa.

The billionaire boat comes complete with activities like jet skis, paddleboards and more.

Photos show Spiegel wearing safety gear while tearing through waves on a jet ski. In another photo, Kerr is paddle boarding through the water while fully dressed.

On Friday, the whole family hopped in one of the yacht’s tenders so they could visit Porquerolles Island on the Côte d’Azur. Once there, Spiegel took pictures of Kerr and the children as they explored a beautiful beach together.

Joining the supermodel and the Snapchat co-founder on their maiden voyage are fellow model Joan Smalls and her boyfriend Henry Junior Chalhoub.

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Yacht Brinkmanship: Owners of Tech’s Biggest Pleasure Craft Compete to the Ends of the Earth

For some, a superyacht isn’t enough—you also need submersibles, remotely operated vehicles, a starlink or two, and a support vessel with a landing pad and extra crew..

If you’re Sergey Brin, Evan Spiegel, Jan Koum, Jeff Bezos, Laurene Powell Jobs, Eric Schmidt, Yuri Milner or any one of dozens of other modern-day tech moguls, it’s not enough to just own a yacht. Now you might need two—one for you and your guests to ride on, and one to act as a “support vessel,” tailing you around the seven seas while towing submersibles, seaplanes, helicopters or just some extra deckhands.

It’s the maritime version of keeping up with the Joneses. When it comes to accumulating pleasure craft, tech’s billionaire elite are sparing no expense—and that includes on submarines, the newest must-have add-on to the luxury superyacht, Titanic disasters be damned. Executives seem to bring the same cutthroat ambition to yachting that they do to business, sizing up each other’s yacht lengths, hiring the same small cadre of designers and tradespeople, and filling them with the same toys and tech.

“If you’re a billionaire, you want to have the nicest things because you can,” said superyacht designer Jonathan Quinn Barnett. “I think it’s actually a pleasure to know that if there’s anything out there, you own the finest.”

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Superyachten der Tech-Milliardäre von Bezos, Zuckerberg und Co.

Von mark zuckerberg bis jeff bezos: die größten superyachten der tech-milliardäre.

  • Madeline Berg,

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Mark Zuckerberg hat kürzlich eine 118 Meter lange Megayacht gekauft, ein Statussymbol unter Tech-Milliardären.

Megayachten sind zu einem Statussymbol für die Reichsten der Reichen geworden.

In den letzten Jahren haben sich Jeff Bezos und Mark Zuckerberg riesige Boote zugelegt.

Bezos‘ hat die längste Superyacht: Ein Schiff namens Koru mit einer Länge von 127 Meter.

Der Durchschnittsbürger, der eine persönliche Renaissance feiert, etwa nach dem Ende einer langjährigen Beziehung oder wenn ein neues Lebensjahrzehnt anbricht, wird dies vielleicht mit einem Knöcheltattoo oder einem Sportwagen feiern. Aber wenn man Milliardär ist, kann man stattdessen Hunderte von Millionen für eine Yacht ausgeben.

Ein paar Jahre nach der Scheidung von seiner Frau hat Jeff Bezos eine Megayacht gekauft. Letztes Jahr stellte Bezos das 127 Meter lange Schiff „Koru“ vor, ein Māori-Symbol, das für einen Neuanfang steht – vielleicht eine Anspielung auf die Trennung von seiner Verlobten Lauren Sanchez.

Anfang dieses Jahres, kurz vor seinem 40. Geburtstag, wurde Mark Zuckerberg zum gerüchteweisen Besitzer einer Yacht, die ursprünglich für einen russischen Oligarchen gebaut wurde.

Superyachten haben sich zunehmend zu Statussymbolen für Ultrareiche entwickelt, da sie sehr abgelegene Freizeit- und Vernetzungsorte bieten. Sie sind – mehr noch als Immobilien – der teuerste Vermögenswert, den man besitzen kann.

evan spiegel yacht name

„Es ist eine Art Feier des Erfolgs im Leben, des Reichtums“, sagte Giovanna Vitelli, Vizepräsidentin der Azimut Benetti Group, des weltweit größten Herstellers von Superyachten, gegenüber Business Insider.

Zwar haben viele Tech-Milliardäre Yachten gekauft, doch die Reichsten der Reichen, wie Bezos, Zuckerberg und Oracle-Mitbegründer Larry Ellison, haben sich noch größeres geleistet. Ihre Boote sind virtuelle Paläste auf See, die mit Annehmlichkeiten wie Fitnessstudios, Spas, Pools, Nachtclubs und Kinos ausgestattet sind.

Ein Blick auf diese Megayachten – im weitesten Sinne definiert als über 70 Meter lang, meist nach Maß gebaut und oft neunstellig – bietet einen Einblick in das Leben der 0,00001 Prozent. Das ist etwas, was nur wenige andere jemals erleben werden. Selbst das Chartern einer Yacht dieser Größe für eine Woche kostet normalerweise mehr als eine Million Dollar (0,93 Millionen Euro).

Eine wichtige Sache, die man mit Hunderten von Millionen Dollar kaufen kann, ist die Privatsphäre. Es gibt wahrscheinlich Yachten, die nicht öffentlich erfasst oder registriert sind – so soll Evan Spiegel zum Beispiel die 94 Meter lange Megayacht Bliss besitzen. In einer Branche, die von Diskretion beherrscht wird, ist die Entschlüsselung des Eigentümers in der Regel eine Übung, bei der viele Hinweise zusammengetragen werden müssen.

evan spiegel yacht name

Hier sind die größten Yachten im Besitz von Tech-Milliardären in der Reihenfolge ihrer Länge.

Die größten Yachten der Tech-Milliardären

PORTOFINO, ITALY - JUNE 13: Koru and Abeona, Jeff Bezos yachts are seen on June 13, 2023 in Portofino, Italy.

Jeff Bezos: Koru and Abeona

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Launchpad Yacht

Mark Zuckerberg: Launchpad

The yacht

Eric Schmidt: Whisper

Eos yacht

Barry Diller: Eos

Athena yacht

Jim Clark: Athena

Super Yacht Musashi owned by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison: Musashi

The yacht

Laurene Powell Jobs: Venus

harles Simonyis luxury yacht 'Skat' sits in the harbour on November 21, 2008 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Charles Simonyi: Norn

Butterfly, a yacht owned by Sergey Brin

Sergey Brin: Dragonfly

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Evan Spiegel

Evan Spiegel is the co-founder and CEO of Snap Inc., named for its flagship product, the photo- and video-sharing app Snapchat.

DLD Innovation Conference19 January 2020, Bavaria, Munich: Evan Spiegel, founder and CEO of Snap, sits on a panel discussion at the DLD (Digital Life Design) innovation conference. Topics of the conference are internet trends and developments in digitisation. Photo: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa (Photo by Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/picture alliance via Getty Images)

Who Is Evan Spiegel?

Born in 1990 in Los Angeles, California, Evan Spiegel is the co-founder and CEO of Snap Inc., the parent company of Snapchat. Spiegel developed the idea for the popular photo- and video-sharing app while attending Stanford University, alongside former fraternity brother Bobby Murphy. Initially named Picaboo and released in 2011, the app gained steam the following winter, eventually making its co-founders billionaires when Snap went public in early 2017. Spiegel is also known for his marriage to Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr.

Evan Spiegel Photo

What Is Evan Spiegel's Net Worth?

Entering 2018, Spiegel was estimated to be worth $3.2 billion by Forbes , based on his 18 percent ownership in the company he co-founded.

That marked a significant dropoff from when Snap went public in March 2017. At the time, Snap closed its first day of trading at $24.48 per share, up 44 percent from its IPO price, and Spiegel was subsequently rewarded with 37 million additional shares, pushing his net worth to approximately $5.5 billion.

Marriage to Miranda Kerr

Spiegel's smashing success with Snapchat enabled him to enjoy the trappings of a rock star lifestyle, which included romancing Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr. Engaged in July 2016, they bought a home together in the ritzy L.A. neighborhood of Brentwood later that year, and were married in its backyard in May 2017.

Kerr is an enthusiastic supporter of her husband's company: She used Snapchat-owned Bitmojis to embellish the announcement of their engagement on Instagram, and later slammed Facebook for "steal[ing] all of my partner's ideas." In November 2017, Kerr announced that she and Spiegel were expecting their first child.

Snapchat Founding at Stanford

At Stanford, Evan Spiegel joined the Kappa Sigma fraternity, where he met future Snapchat CTO Bobby Murphy. The two collaborated on other projects, at one point putting together a college admissions website called Future Freshmen, before abandoning the effort.

In the spring of 2011, another Kappa Sigma brother, Reggie Brown, remarked how he wished there was a way to send disappearing photos. Spiegel siezed on the idea, and the two recruited the already-graduated Murphy to join the project.

That summer, the three camped out at Spiegel's home in Pacific Palisades, building a business through designated roles: Spiegel as CEO and designer, Murphy as CTO and developer and Brown as chief marketing officer. In July, they debuted an early version of Snapchat, then called Picaboo, an app that allowed users to send photos that quickly disappeared, revealing and then erasing evidence of illicit activities.

By August, the initial promise of the project had given way to infighting; Spiegel and Murphy ousted Brown, moving forward with the newly renamed Snapchat. Sales were modest that fall, but something clicked into place by winter, with the app recording 20,000 users in January 2012, before ramping up to 100,000 in April. The surge in demand brought a huge increase in server bills, but the founders were bailed out by a $485,000 investment from Lightspeed Venture Partners in May. Spiegel subsequently dropped out of Stanford, a few weeks shy of graduation.

Snapchat Ups and Downs

The sky seemed to be the limit for Snapchat in the months before going public. Rebranded as Snap Inc. in September 2016, the company unveiled its camera-equipped Spectacles two months later, and disclosed a revenue of more than $400 million for the year.

However, the company failed to meet expectations for quarterly earnings after going public in March 2017, dropping its stock price below $12 per share by August. The dropoff was partly due to stiff competition from rivals like Facebook, which had copied Stories and other Snapchat features, and to the inevitable diminished enthusiasm for its once-novel capabilities.

Late in the year, Spiegel announced that Snap would meet the challenges by introducing new algorithmic filtering for content, and by continuing to develop innovative products such as its recently unveiled augmented reality lenses.

'No Thanks' to Zuckerberg

"There are very few people in the world who get to build a business like this," Spiegel told Forbes afterward. "I think trading that for some short-term gain isn’t very interesting."

As was the case with Facebook, once Snapchat showed signs of developing into a major tech company, a jilted contributor came back for his share of the pie. In February 2013, Reggie Brown filed a lawsuit on the grounds that he shared rights to the intellectual property being developed by Spiegel and Murphy. Among his claims, Brown said that the company was built on his idea, and that he had contributed its signature ghost logo.

Although a letter from Snapchat lawyers to Brown referred to his legal action as a "transparent attempt to shakedown Mr. Spiegel and Mr. Murphy for a share in a company to which you contributed nothing," the two sides in September 2014 agreed to a settlement of $157.5 million for Brown.

Young Negotiator

Evan Thomas Spiegel was born on June 4, 1990, in Los Angeles, California. The oldest child of two successful lawyers, he was raised in tony Pacific Palisades, enjoying membership at private clubs and family vacations to Europe, the Bahamas and Maui.

A shy, nerdy kid, Spiegel bonded with faculty types like his sixth-grade computer teacher, who helped him build his own model from scratch. He came out of his shell as he matured into his teen years, becoming a party promoter through an internship with Red Bull. Spiegel also began developing the negotiation skills that would serve him well in the business world: After his parents divorced in 2007, he hounded his father for a new BMW, before going to live with his mother when she agreed to lease the car.

Although he wasn't the best student at the Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences, Spiegel had become adept as a graphic designer, enabling him to follow in his father's footsteps by earning acceptance to Stanford University in 2008.


  • Name: Evan Spiegel
  • Birth Year: 1990
  • Birth date: June 4, 1990
  • Birth State: California
  • Birth City: Los Angeles
  • Gender: Male
  • Best Known For: Evan Spiegel is the co-founder and CEO of Snap Inc., named for its flagship product, the photo- and video-sharing app Snapchat.
  • Astrological Sign: Gemini
  • Standford University
  • Occupations
  • Entrepreneur

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  • Article Title: Evan Spiegel Biography
  • Author: Editors
  • Website Name: The website
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  • Access Date:
  • Publisher: A&E; Television Networks
  • Last Updated: September 9, 2022
  • Original Published Date: January 8, 2018
  • I am a young, white, educated male. I got really, really lucky. And life isn't fair.
  • I do believe that people understand the difference between imagination, art and information. And I think there’s a lot of work we can do as technologists to make that distinction more clear.
  • You can't build a business off sexting.


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Key Points : Timeline : Facts Featured Video : Life Lessons Questions and Answers

The Life Story of Evan Spiegel

When you think about billionaires, you usually think about people in their 30s or 40s.

However, some people with the right ideas can enjoy the billionaire life much sooner.

This was the case of Evan Spiegel, who became a billionaire at the age of 25 and doubled his fortune in the years that followed.

evan spiegel yacht name

Mostly known as the person who brought us Snapchat, Spiegel is the CEO and founder of Snap Inc. In his younger years, Spiegel had a reputation for being somewhat of a nerd.

However, his interest in arts and sciences brought him major success at a very young age. In this article, we will talk about how Spiegel became one of the richest people in the world in just a few years.

“Talking with pictures and making memories is universally appealing.” ~  Evan Spiegel

Early Life and Education

Evan Spiegel was born in Los Angeles, California, on the 4 th of June 1990.

His parents are John W. Spiegel and Melissa Ann Thomas, two affluent lawyers. Thanks to this, Spiegel had quite a privileged childhood, receiving a $250 allowance per week when he was a teenager.

His parents eventually got divorced, but Spiegel was not deprived of his needs.

When he was a teenager, Spiegel asked his father to get him a new BMW . His father refused, not necessarily because of the money, but because he did not think a teenager should own a BMW.

His father’s refusal caused him to move in with his mother out of protest, and she signed the lease for his new $750,000 BMW.

It’s because of these privileges as a teenager that he learned not to take “no” as an answer.

  • Spiegel attended the Santa Monica Crossroads School of Arts and Sciences.

evan spiegel yacht name

He also took design classes at the Otis Art and Design College while he was still in high school. Aside from that, he attended classes at the Pasadena Art Center College of Design.

During his years as a student, he conducted numerous Photoshop experiments, coming up with the perfect design. He also got an unpaid internship at Redbull, where he worked in sales.

After he finished high school, he started attending Stanford University, joining a product design program. He was also accepted into a prestigious Stanford fraternity, the Kappa Sigma.

While in college, he met Bobby Murphy , a fellow student at Stanford.

Murphy hired Spiegel to design an online social network, using Google Circles as an inspiration. The business turned out to be a complete failure.

Founding of Snapchat

During college, Spiegel began collaborating with another fellow student, Reggie Brown. Unlike Bobby Murphy, his partnership with Brown was more productive.

Brown and Spiegel worked on the idea of an app that contained disappearing pictures. Shortly after they started the prototype, Murphy also joined the team.

The app was initially called “Picaboo.” Many of his classmates criticized his ideas, claiming that disappearing photos would not succeed.

Spiegel believed in his idea, and in 2011, the app was re-launched under the name of Snapchat. People ended up loving it for its ability to maintain privacy.

“It’s important to be thoughtful and mindful about the things you say to other people.” ~  Evan Spiegel

Career and Accomplishments

The greatest accomplishment of Siegel’s career was his involvement with the Snapchat app, the multimedia and image messaging application.

The app allowed for social networking and photo sharing, making it an attractive choice for millions of people worldwide. Thanks to his success, he won the Crunchies “Best Mobile Application Award” in 2013.

On March 2017, Snapchat was listed as an IPO, the stocks trading at about $24 per share at first. On the same day, the prices of those stocks increased by 44%.

The stocks kept bouncing in value over time, especially with the growing popularity of Facebook. However, at around $24 per share, they still brought him a lot of profit.

Entrepreneurial Vision and Business Philosophy

Because of his childhood, Spiegel learned never to take a refusal for an answer. This followed him in adulthood and business life, but it slightly changed into determination.

He became a very demanding CEO who wanted nothing less than perfection and was willing to take every step to make that happen.

While his business philosophy brought him success, things were not easy.

Due to his leadership style, many employees would not last in the company for more than a year. That said, his refusal to settle for the mediocre turned Snapchat into a tremendous success.

Personal Life and Philanthropy

Evan Spiegel briefly dated famous singer Taylor Swift. However, in 2014, he met the woman who would become his wife, Miranda Kerr.

The couple met through a mutual friend at a party hosted at the New York Museum of Modern Art. By 2016, the couple was already engaged and tied the knot in 2017.

They have two sons together: Hart and Myles. Kerr also has a 10-year-old son, fathered by Orlando Bloom, her ex-husband.

Spiegel was significantly involved with charity work as well. In 2022, he donated $20 million to a Stockton scholarship program, the Stockton Scholars.

He also announced that he would pay the student debts of the class graduating from Otis College Art of Design in 2022.

“We never saw Google+ Circles or Facebook Lists as reflective of the way our friendships play out.” ~  Evan Spiegel

Challenges and Lessons Learned

During his career, Spiegel saw various challenges and controversies. In 2014, while he was still in college, some of Spiegel’s emails were leaked to Gawker, containing homophobic and misogynistic content.

In those emails, he openly encouraged his friends to get sorority girls drunk to convince them to have sex. He also supported underage drinking, an illegal practice that was very common among students.

He stated in response to those emails, explaining his embarrassment of the situation and how sorry he was for his youthful idiocies. He claimed that those emails do not reflect how he views women today.

Aside from his personal life, Spiegel experienced several challenges with Snapchat. The biggest problem was the competition with X, Facebook, and Instagram, which had a bigger user base.

As the apps continuously updated their platform to appeal to more people, many Snapchat users switched to other apps.

This prevented Spiegel’s company from growing further, leading to a decline in stock value. The stock value went from $17 billion in one year to under $10 billion.

This caused multiple investors to desert the company, leading to more and more financial challenges.

To deal with this failure, Spiegel hired Anthony Noto in 2015 as the company’s COO. Noto realized that Spiegel was focusing too much on monetizing the platform and not enough on adding new features.

He addressed the issue, and by 2016, Snapchat became one of the most popular online apps.

Impact and Legacy

Spiegel’s legacy grew a lot, despite the challenges that he faced. First, Snapchat was appreciated for its auto-deletion of messages, improving user privacy.

Several apps began adopting this strategy, one example being the “secret conversation” of Facebook. However, Snapchat was the app to initially coin this concept.

Spiegel was also recognized as the youngest company CEO, receiving the Eddy Award in 2005 by LAEDC. This was done in recognition of his success in improving the LA economy.

Thanks to Snap Inc., Spiegel succeeded in creating many well-paying jobs for residents in Los Angeles.

“It’s not about working harder; it’s about working the system.” ~  Evan Spiegel

Evan Spiegel is a man who had a brilliant idea in college and put it to good use.

In its prototype stage, no one believed that Snapchat would be much of a success.

However, through belief and determination, the app caught on and reached millions of people and this turned Spiegel into one of the richest people in the world.

“There is real value in sharing moments that don’t live forever.” ~  Evan Spiegel
  • Evan Spiegel became a billionaire at age 25, mostly due to his creation of Snapchat.
  • Born in Los Angeles in 1990 to affluent lawyer parents, John W. Spiegel and Melissa Ann Thomas.
  • Had a privileged upbringing; for example, received a $750,000 BMW as a teenager.
  • Attended Santa Monica Crossroads School of Arts and Sciences, took design classes in high school, and later joined Stanford University’s product design program.
  • Met Bobby Murphy at Stanford; their initial collaboration on an online social network failed.
  • Spiegel then partnered with Reggie Brown, and later Bobby Murphy, to work on a disappearing pictures app, initially named “Picaboo.”
  • Despite skepticism, they rebranded it to Snapchat in 2011, and it gained widespread popularity due to its privacy features.
  • Snapchat’s IPO in March 2017 had stocks trading around $24 per share, which increased 44% the same day.
  • Spiegel’s leadership style is demanding and uncompromising, often leading to high staff turnover, but it has contributed to Snapchat’s success.
  • Personal life: Briefly dated Taylor Swift, married Miranda Kerr in 2017, and has two sons.
  • Active in philanthropy; donated $20 million to Stockton Scholars in 2022 and pledged to pay student debts for Otis College Art of Design’s 2022 graduating class.
  • Faced controversies including leaked problematic emails from college and fierce competition from social media giants like X and Facebook.
  • Anthony Noto was hired as COO in 2015 to help redirect the company’s focus on user experience.
  • Snapchat is lauded for pioneering auto-deletion of messages, and Spiegel’s impact in the tech industry has been recognized with awards such as the 2005 Eddy Award by LAEDC.
  • Despite challenges, Spiegel’s belief in his product led to its success and his rise as one of the world’s wealthiest individuals.

Evan Spiegel

  • Evan Spiegel is born in Los Angeles, California on the 4th of June to John W. Spiegel and Melissa Ann Thomas.

Early 2000s (exact year not mentioned):

  • Receives a $250 allowance per week as a teenager.
  • Asks his father for a new BMW, leading to a move to his mother’s place and subsequently obtaining the BMW.

Late 2000s (during high school years, exact years not mentioned):

  • Attends the Santa Monica Crossroads School of Arts and Sciences.
  • Takes design classes at the Otis Art and Design College.
  • Attends classes at the Pasadena Art Center College of Design.
  • Conducts various Photoshop experiments.
  • Works an unpaid internship at Redbull in sales.

Early 2010s (during college years, exact years not mentioned):

  • Begins attending Stanford University for a product design program.
  • Joins the Kappa Sigma fraternity at Stanford.
  • Meets Bobby Murphy, works on an online social network inspired by Google Circles that eventually fails.
  • Starts working with Reggie Brown on the concept of an app with disappearing pictures.
  • The initial prototype of the app, “Picaboo”, is launched.
  • Spiegel and team re-launch “Picaboo” as “Snapchat.”
  • Wins the Crunchies “Best Mobile Application Award” for Snapchat.
  • Spiegel’s old emails are leaked containing controversial content, for which he later apologizes.
  • Begins dating Miranda Kerr.
  • Snapchat’s stock value drops from $17 billion to under $10 billion.
  • Hires Anthony Noto as the company’s COO, leading to Snapchat’s resurgence in 2016.
  • Spiegel becomes engaged to Miranda Kerr.
  • Snapchat becomes one of the most popular online apps.
  • March: Snapchat is listed as an IPO with stocks trading at about $24 per share, which increased by 44% the same day.
  • Marries Miranda Kerr.
  • Donates $20 million to the Stockton Scholars scholarship program.
  • Announces to pay the student debts of the graduating class from Otis College Art of Design.

Legacy (years unspecified, but presumably up to 2023):

  • Receives the Eddy Award in 2005 by LAEDC as the youngest company CEO.
  • Through Snap Inc., creates numerous jobs in Los Angeles.

Life Lessons

  • Believe in Your Vision : Even when his classmates ridiculed the concept of disappearing photos, Spiegel believed in his idea and persisted, eventually leading to Snapchat’s massive success.
  • Challenges Shape You : Facing challenges, whether personal controversies or business downturns, can lead to growth if addressed head-on and learned from.
  • Never Settle for Mediocrity : Despite his wealth and privileges, Spiegel never settled for less than perfection, a mindset that significantly contributed to his success.
  • Importance of Adaptation : Spiegel recognized the need for change when Snapchat’s value declined. By bringing in new perspectives and strategies, he adapted the business to address its shortcomings.
  • Surround Yourself with the Right People : Spiegel’s partnership with Reggie Brown and Bobby Murphy and hiring Anthony Noto as the company’s COO shows the importance of collaboration and surrounding oneself with the right team to achieve success.
  • The Power of Persistence : Spiegel’s journey highlights the power of persistence. From his childhood refusal to accept “no” as an answer to pushing his app despite skepticism, his determination was a driving factor in his success.
  • Accept Responsibility for Mistakes : When faced with controversies, taking responsibility and addressing past mistakes can lead to personal growth and respect from others.
  • Legacy is More than Wealth : Beyond his billionaire status, Spiegel’s legacy includes enhancing user privacy in the digital realm and creating employment opportunities in Los Angeles.
  • Value of Philanthropy : Success comes with the responsibility to give back. Spiegel’s involvement in charity work, like the Stockton Scholars program, underscores the importance of supporting the community and future generations.
  • Stay Rooted in Your Passion : Spiegel’s early interests in arts, sciences, and design played a pivotal role in his eventual career path. Pursuing one’s passion can lead to unprecedented success.
  • Face Competition Head-On : Instead of shying away from competition with larger platforms like Facebook and X, Spiegel took them head-on, leading to innovations and growth for Snapchat.
  • Personal Growth is Continuous : Spiegel’s journey showcases the continual evolution of personal and professional growth from the controversies surrounding his college emails to his growth as a business leader.

These life lessons can serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for individuals, whether embarking on entrepreneurial ventures or navigating personal challenges.

  • Evan Spiegel became a billionaire at the age of 25.
  • He is the CEO and founder of Snap Inc.
  • Evan Spiegel was born in Los Angeles, California, on the 4th of June 1990.
  • His parents are John W. Spiegel and Melissa Ann Thomas, who were both lawyers.
  • As a teenager, Spiegel received a $250 allowance per week.
  • He took design classes at the Otis Art and Design College and the Pasadena Art Center College of Design during high school.
  • He had an unpaid internship at Redbull in sales.
  • Spiegel attended Stanford University and joined a product design program.
  • At Stanford, he met Bobby Murphy, with whom he initially tried to design an online social network.
  • Evan Spiegel also collaborated with Reggie Brown during college on the idea of an app with disappearing pictures.
  • Snapchat’s original name was “Picaboo.”
  • Snapchat was re-launched in 2011.
  • Snapchat won the Crunchies “Best Mobile Application Award” in 2013.
  • Snapchat was listed as an IPO in March 2017, with stocks trading initially at about $24 per share.
  • Evan Spiegel dated Taylor Swift briefly.
  • In 2014, Spiegel met Miranda Kerr, whom he married in 2017.
  • Spiegel and Kerr have two sons named Hart and Myles.
  • He donated $20 million to the Stockton Scholars in 2022 and promised to pay the student debts of the 2022 class graduating from Otis College Art of Design.
  • Spiegel faced controversies in 2014 due to leaked emails.
  • Snapchat faced competition from X, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • In one year, Snapchat’s stock value dropped from $17 billion to under $10 billion.
  • Anthony Noto was hired as the company’s COO in 2015.
  • Snapchat is recognized for its auto-deletion of messages.
  • Evan Spiegel received the Eddy Award in 2005 by LAEDC.

Questions and Answers

The information in this post answers many of the questions about Evan Spiegel. In addition, this section provides a summary and any further information.

Q: At what age did Evan Spiegel become a billionaire?

A: Evan Spiegel became a billionaire at the age of 25.

Q: For what is Evan Spiegel mostly known?

A: Evan Spiegel is mostly known as the person who brought us Snapchat and is the CEO and founder of Snap Inc.

Q: Where was Evan Spiegel born?

A: Evan Spiegel was born in Los Angeles, California.

Q: When was Evan Spiegel born?

A: Evan Spiegel was born on the 4th of June 1990.

Q: What professions did Evan’s parents have?

A: Evan’s parents, John W. Spiegel and Melissa Ann Thomas, were affluent lawyers.

Q: What did Spiegel’s father refuse to buy for him as a teenager?

A: Spiegel’s father refused to buy him a new BMW.

Q: Which schools did Evan Spiegel attend?

A: Evan Spiegel attended the Santa Monica Crossroads School of Arts and Sciences, took design classes at the Otis Art and Design College and the Pasadena Art Center College of Design, and later attended Stanford University.

Q: Who did Spiegel meet at Stanford and what business venture did they embark upon together?

A: While at Stanford, Spiegel met Bobby Murphy. Murphy hired Spiegel to design an online social network inspired by Google Circles, but it turned out to be a complete failure.

Q: With whom did Spiegel collaborate to create the idea of an app with disappearing pictures?

A: Spiegel collaborated with fellow student Reggie Brown to work on the idea of an app with disappearing pictures.

Q: What was the original name of Snapchat?

A: The app was originally called “Picaboo.”

Q: In which year was Snapchat re-launched under its new name?

A: Snapchat was re-launched under its new name in 2011.

Q: What award did Spiegel win in 2013?

A: In 2013, he won the Crunchies “Best Mobile Application Award.”

Q: When was Snapchat listed as an IPO?

A: Snapchat was listed as an IPO in March 2017.

Q: Who did Spiegel marry and when?

A: Evan Spiegel married Miranda Kerr in 2017.

Q: How many children do Evan Spiegel and Miranda Kerr have together?

A: Evan Spiegel and Miranda Kerr have two sons together: Hart and Myles.

Q: To which program did Spiegel donate $20 million in 2022?

A: In 2022, Spiegel donated $20 million to a Stockton scholarship program called the Stockton Scholars.

Q: What was leaked to Gawker in 2014 regarding Evan Spiegel?

A: In 2014, some of Evan Spiegel’s emails were leaked to Gawker, which contained homophobic and misogynistic content.

Q: Who was hired as the company’s COO to address the challenges Snapchat was facing?

A: In 2015, Anthony Noto was hired as the company’s COO to address the challenges Snapchat was facing.

Q: For what is Snapchat mainly appreciated?

A: Snapchat is mainly appreciated for its auto-deletion of messages, improving user privacy.

Q: What award did Evan Spiegel receive from LAEDC in 2005?

A: Evan Spiegel received the Eddy Award in 2005 from LAEDC in recognition of his success in improving the LA economy.

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The rise of Snap CEO Evan Spiegel, once one of the youngest billionaires in the world

  • Evan Spiegel  became one of the world's youngest billionaires at age 25.
  • Spiegel, who is now 33, has a net worth of $2.6 billion according to Forbes. 
  • Here's everything you need to know about Snap CEO  Evan Spiegel.

Insider Today

Evan Spiegel is no stranger to the ups and downs of helming a major tech company.

In 2015, Spiegel became one of the youngest billionaires in the world — just four years after launching Snap. Between 2021 and 2022, though, Spiegel saw his net worth tank by almost 83%  as Snap contended with year-over-year losses and problems with its advertising business. Now, at 33, he's worth  around $2.6 billion , according to the latest estimates from Forbes. Snap still ranks among the world's most recognized social media brands, and boasts almost 400 million daily active users, Spiegel said in the company's 2023 second quarter earnings release.  However, during the last year, the company underwent  sweeping layoffs, shut down projects , and saw a shakeup in its executive ranks , as it struggled with profitability and steady revenue growth. 

Here's how Evan Spiegel got his start and became a billionaire by the time he was 25. 

Spiegel was born in 1990, and grew up in a $2 million house in the Pacific Palisades, a ritzy Los Angeles enclave just east of Malibu.

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He is the oldest of three children and his parents are lawyers educated at Harvard and Stanford, according to a report from LA Weekly

Spiegel spent his early years at an ultra-exclusive school called Crossroads, which costs tens of thousands per academic year.

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The Santa Monica private school's notable alumni include celebrities like Jonah Hill, Jack Black, and Gwyneth Paltrow. 

Spiegel was reportedly bullied in school from a young age, according to LA Weekly.

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"I was a pretty nerdy kid and shy through most of school," Spiegel said in an interview with the Palisadian-Post . "I was best friends with my computer teacher and built my own PC by the time I was in sixth grade."

The Spiegel family was a member of a number of exclusive clubs, including the Jonathan Club in Santa Monica and the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club.

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They often went on trips to Europe, employed a full-time housekeeper, and even went snowboarding by helicopter in Canada. 

When Spiegel turned 16 and got his driver's license his parents gave him a new Cadillac Escalade.

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Less than a year later, his parents announced they were getting divorced, and Spiegel went to live with his father full-time during his senior year of high school, the LA Weekly reported. 

Around this time, Spiegel landed a marketing internship with Red Bull, during which he reportedly racked up expenses, and held several parties at his father's home.

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According to LA Weekly, Spiegel's father forced him to instate a budget, and Spiegel asked for his discipline to be rewarded with a $75,000 BMW 550i. After his dad refused, Spiegel moved back in with his mom, who leased him the BMW.

"Cars bring me sheer joy," Spiegel wrote in a letter to his parents in 2008 asking them to lease him the car. "I would really appreciate you validating me and all of my hard work by leasing the BMW."

Spiegel went on to study product design at Stanford University, his father's alma mater.

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A friend of the family let him sit in on a graduate-level class on entrepreneurship and venture capital, where he heard talks from tech luminaries like Google CEO Eric Schmidt and YouTube cofounder Chad Hurley, according to LA Weekly. 

Spiegel befriended Intuit cofounder Scott Cook after he gave a talk at one of those classes.

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Spiegel begged him for a job, and Cook ended up letting him work on a product that Intuit planned to release in India. This experience reportedly inspired Spiegel to launch his own project, and Cook later became an early Snapchat investor.

At Stanford, Spiegel met future Snapchat cofounders Reggie Brown and Bobby Murphy who were all part of the fraternity, Kappa Sigma, at some point.

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"We weren't cool," Murphy later told Forbes , "So we tried to build things to be cool."

Spiegel was social chair of his fraternity, which was temporarily kicked off campus during his sophomore year for a party it hosted.

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In leaked emails to his fraternity, Spiegel made offensive , expletive-laden jokes about having sex with women. He was forced to apologize in 2014 when those emails went public, saying the messages "no way reflect who I am today."

Early on, Spiegel and Murphy worked together on failed startup ideas, including one to help high schoolers apply for college.

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The idea for Snapchat came later in spring 2011 , reportedly spurred on by a conversation among fraternity brothers about sexting — that is, sending explicit messages and photos.

However, the early founding story of Snapchat is murky and disputed.

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In a lawsuit years later, Brown alleged he was the first to propose an app for sending disappearing photos, and that Murphy was brought in afterwards to write code.

In the summer of 2011, the three college students stayed at Spiegel's dad's house in the Palisades to work on their project: an app for sending pictures that would expire and disappear after a set amount of time.

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While Spiegel focused on design, Murphy did the coding and Brown led marketing.

The app's ghost logo was developed around this time, named "Ghostface Chillah" after Wu-Tang Clan member Ghostface Killah.

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"He's a silly dude," Spiegel told Business Insider in 2013.

The app first launched in July 2011 under the name Picaboo, and was spread by simple word-of-mouth and invites to the founders' friends.

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Later that year, the app's name was changed to Snapchat .

Not long after the launch, the relationship between the three founders began to fray, and Brown was forced out of the company.

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Brown later sued Spiegel and Murphy in 2013, claiming he wasn't given his equity: one-third of the company. The lawsuit was eventually settled, and Snapchat paid Brown $157.5 million to disappear.

In 2012, Spiegel dropped out of Stanford just a few credits short of graduation to work on Snapchat full-time.

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Although he didn't earn it, he nonetheless walked across the stage to collect a diploma with his friends in June.

However, he wasn't the only Spiegel sibling to attend — and drop out of —Stanford.

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His younger sister, Caroline, is the CEO of Quinn , a platform for free audio- and text-based porn. She's described her platform as "a much less gross, more fun PornHub."

The same year that Evan Spiegel dropped out of Stanford, Snapchat moved into an office on the Venice boardwalk.

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At its peak, Snapchat occupied thousands of square feet of office space in Venice , including an office steps from the beach on Market Street that once served as its headquarters. In 2019, Snap moved to Santa Monica.

By mid-2013, Snapchat had nearly 60 million downloads and was valued at $800 million.

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It wasn't long before would-be acquirers came knocking on Spiegel's door to buy Snapchat. He famously rebuffed a $3 billion offer from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in 2013 — and then turned down a subsequent $4 billion offer from Google. Zuckerberg also reportedly di cussed the possibility of an acquisition of Snapchat again in 2016 . 

Although he previously joked he wouldn't move out of his dad's house "until he kicks me out," Spiegel finally moved into his own place in November 2014.

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He bought his own three-bedroom house for $3.3 million in Los Angeles' wealthy Brentwood neighborhood — less than four miles from his dad's place.

Spiegel, who has long been fascinated with the music industry, explored the idea of Snapchat launching its own music label in 2014.

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He was reportedly interested in buying Big Machine — the record label that represents Taylor Swift — but the deal never went through. The former CEO of Sony Entertainment, Michael Lynton, is the chairman of Snap's board.

Spiegel is not shy about living the life of luxury.

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After Snapchat completed a big funding round in 2013 Spiegel bought himself a Ferrari . Spiegel is also a licensed helicopter pilot.

Spiegel cares about fashion more than most tech CEOs, and he made headlines in October 2015 for appearing on the cover of Vogue Italy.

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Spiegel dons several looks in the shoot from a fur coat (with a puppy in hand) to a plaid suit. 

In 2015, Spiegel said his work uniform includes $460 Common Projects sneakers, $255 Patrik Ervell black jeans, and a $60 James Perse white v-neck that he once told GQ has been a "staple since high school."

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He has also said he uses Kora Organics Daily Hand Cream , telling GQ, "In 2nd grade, a teacher made our class hold hands. A girl made fun of me for how dry my hands were, and I haven't forgotten."

Spiegel values secrecy highly in both his business dealings as well as in his personal life.

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Snap rarely holds all-hands meetings , and employees often don't know about products the company is working on until they're announced publicly.

Snapchat employees have painted Spiegel as an "aloof" leader.

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Spiegel has often flanked by a heavy security team, and he traveled on his own private jet separate from bankers during Snap's IPO roadshow. He reportedly once requested an armed security detail (but didn't get it), and $890,399 of Snapchat's money was spent on security for Spiegel in 2016.

Spiegel has said he's incredibly shy, and rarely addresses and interacts with employees because he finds it intimidating and awkward.

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During board meetings, Spiegel reportedly spends much of his time using Snapchat and playing with his phone. "I remember growing up I was taught to be small, be a turtle," Spiegel told Bloomberg in 2018.

Snap employees told Recode in 2016 that Spiegel is involved in all business decisions, and that his opinions are final — up to point he's killed "all-but-finalized" deals at the last minute.

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"When you go to work at Snapchat you go to work for Evan," one source told Recode . "You don't go to teach Evan. You don't go to show him the ropes."

As Snapchat's user base and valuation continued to swell, Spiegel quickly became a bona fide celebrity in the worlds of tech and media, and he regularly rubs shoulders with A-listers and celebrities.

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In 2013, he was romantically tied to a model who was later a contestant on "The Bachelor."

Spiegel eventually started dating Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr in 2015 after the two met the year before at a dinner for Louis Vuitton.

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The night they met, Harper's Bazaar editor-in-chief Glenda Bailey said to Kerr , "I bet you two are going to get married."

Things moved quickly for the couple after that. In May 2016, Spiegel and Kerr purchased a house in Brentwood for $12 million.

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The 7,164-square-foot home was once owned by Harrison Ford , and has a gym, pool and guest house.

A few months later, in July 2016, the couple announced they were engaged. Kerr showed off her ring on Snapchat, no less.

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Spiegel proposed to Kerr with a ring that is worth an estimated $55,000.

Kerr has not hesitated to weigh in on Spiegel's company.

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After some of Snapchat's core features were replicated on Instagram and Facebook's other apps in 2016, Kerr said she was "appalled" by Facebook's strategy . "Can they not be innovative?" she said in an interview. "Do they have to steal all of my partner's ideas?"

Spiegel eventually addressed Facebook's copying of Snapchat, which his company internally referred to as "Project Voldemort."

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"At the end of the day, just because Yahoo has a search box, it doesn't mean they're Google," Spiegel said in mid-2017. "You have to get comfortable with and enjoy the fact that someone is going to copy you if you make great stuff."

In September 2016, Spiegel renamed his company to Snap Inc., which he called it a "camera company" in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.

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Snap also expanded its offerings beyond the Snapchat app, and unveiled smart sunglasses with a built-in camera called Spectacles.

In February 2017, Spiegel and cofounder Bobby Murphy established the Snap Foundation to support nonprofit arts, education, and youth programs.

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In an S-1 filing Snap, and cofounders, pledged to donate up to 13,000,000 shares of Class A common stock over a period of 15 to 20 years to the Snap Foundation. 

Snap went public on March 2, 2017 at a valuation of roughly $33 billion.

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Spiegel added about $1.6 billion to his net worth based on Snap's 44% jump in share price in the first day of trading, according to Bloomberg . 

Not long after, Kerr and Spiegel tied the knot in a backyard ceremony at their home in Brentwood in May 2017.

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The wedding was an "intimate affair" with less than 50 guests in attendance, and included pre-nuptial yoga and after-hours karaoke.

Spiegel and Kerr honeymooned on the private island of Laucala in Fiji, at a resort owned by Red Bull billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz.

In November 2017, Spiegel and Kerr announced they were expecting their first child together. A baby boy, named Hart, was born in May 2018.

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Their son was born at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles and was named Hart after Spiegel's grandfather. 

When Spiegel isn't running Snap, Kerr says her husband loves to come home and chill with the family.

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"He acts like he's 50. He's not out partying," Kerr once said. "He goes to work in Venice. He comes home. We don't go out. We'd rather be at home and have dinner, go to bed early."

Spiegel said the couple imposes a limit on screen time for Flynn, Kerr's eldest son from her previous marriage to actor Orlando Bloom.

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Flynn is allowed only 1.5 hours of screen tim e per week, a rule Spiegel said is inspired by his own parents not allowing him to watch TV until he was nearly a teenager.

Nonetheless, Spiegel and his 8-year-old stepson are reportedly close.

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"He's already on his iPod," Spiegel said in a 2018 interview . "We email. Very emoji heavy. It's good!"

Spiegel has also been a French citizen since 2018.

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Spiegel was granted citizenship through a rare process for French-speaking foreign nationals who have taken "exceptional action" for France. "Honestly, he loves France," a Snap spokesperson said.

2018 also presented Spiegel with some new challenges. Snap rolled out a redesign to its app in February that was massively unpopular with users.

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The redesign lead user count to drop , its stock to fall, and employee layoffs to follow. Kylie Jenner even publicly criticized the app.

Kerr, Spiegel's wife, also told him she hated the redesign.

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However, Spiegel later said he doesn't regret the disastrous redesign , and said it actually helped to drive more users to watch "premium content" on Snapchat.

Although 2018 proved difficult for Spiegel, Snapchat rebounded in 2019 to recover its disastrous losses.

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Spiegel, however, still had advice for founders: "Don't go public."

In March 2019, Kerr and Spiegel said they were expecting their second child together. Kerr announced on Instagram in October that she had given birth to a baby boy named Myles.

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"We are overjoyed at the arrival of Myles and so appreciate everyone's kind words and wishes during this special time," Kerr wrote on Instagram , alongside a photo of her son's embroidered name. "We couldn't be more excited to welcome our beautiful son into our family."

2019 was also a massive year for another social platform: TikTok, the viral video-sharing app.

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While CEOs like Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg have labelled the app as a competitor, Spiegel said he considered TikTok as a "friend" helping people to spend even more time on their smartphones.

In an interview with CNBC's "Squawk Alley" later that year Spiegel once again asserted that TikTok was not encroaching on Snap's user base.

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"Snapchat is about communicating with close friends and seems like TikTok is a popularity contest," Spiegel said . 

Spiegel also spoke out about the challenges of running a public company

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In an interview with the Wall Street Journal in November 2019, Spiegel discussed the struggles of implementing the controversial redesign.  "As a public company, people are looking for more predictable growth. Making drastic changes can actually harm the business in a way that makes it harder going forward. We've found ways to introduce products in a smoother way, which should hopefully help us move faster," he said. 

Spiegel has also said he didn't watch television until he was a teen.

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"No TV until I was a teen. When I applied to college, I wrote my essay about how when my friends talked about "South Park," I thought it was a park. My friends eventually explained," Spiegel told the Wall Street Journal . 

In January 2021, Spiegel and Kerr purchased a $30 million mansion in Paris

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The 10,000 square foot house , located near the Seine river in Paris, includes six bedrooms, five bathrooms, a swimming pool, courtyard, garden, library, music room, wine cellar, private dressing rooms, and space for nurses, maids, or chefs. 

2021 was a banner year for the company as it marked Snap's highest growth in users since going public in 2017.

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 The company announced that it had accrued close to 300 million daily active users over the second quarter of 2021, representing an increase in 55 million users from the year prior.  "Our second quarter results reflect the broad-based strength of our business, as we grew both revenue and daily active users at the highest rates we have achieved in the past four years," Spiegel said at the time. 

At the same time, Spiegel was forced to reckon with charges against the lack of diversity in Snap's workforce.

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At an internal meeting in July 2020, Spiegel said that the company keeps its diversity reports private because releasing data would reinforce the idea that minority groups are underrepresented in the tech industry. He also told employees that the company's numbers were in line with those at other tech companies which tended to skew white and male. 

Later that month, though, the company released its first diversity report . The report broke down employee demographics going back all the way back to when Snap was first founded in 2011. It showed that Black and Latinx employees comprised less than 11% of the company's staff and less than a third of the company's staff identified as women. 

Snap also launched an investigation into allegations of racism and sexism at the company.

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The investigation came after some former employees spoke out in June about diminishing diversity and biased editorial practices . The company also hired lawyers from Seattle-based firm William Kastner to conduct interviews as part of a "confidential investigation" sources previously told Insider. 

Later that year, Spiegel and Kerr purchased property in the ritzy Los Angeles neighborhood of Holmby Hills where other tech execs like Sean Parker own homes.

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The Spiegels purchased a vacant lot spanning 1.4 acres for $25 million in 2021. By August 2022, they closed on a second parcel of land with an unfurnished mansion for $120 million, according to the New York Post. 

After laying off about 20% of the company's staff in late August 2022, Spiegel told remaining employees at an all hands meeting to "prove the haters wrong."

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Spiegel also diverted blame for the company's massive hiring spree over the previous 18 months in which headcount grew by thousands of people.

Between October 2021 and October 2022, Spiegel's net worth plunged from $13.9 billion to $2.3 billion, according to estimates by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

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Spiegel's losses came as Snap itself struggled with year-over-year losses, struggles with its advertising business, and Snapchat contended with stagnating user growth. 

Despite Snap's expansion into augmented reality, Spiegel has been more skeptical of virtual reality — and the metaverse.

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" The metaverse is 'living inside of a computer.' The last thing I want to do when I get home from work during a long day is live inside of a computer," Spiegel previously said.

This year, as US lawmakers consider ways to implement a ban on TikTok, Spiegel has said the company would love a "short-term" one in the US.

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"We'd love that. In the short term," he told a reporter in April. "In the short term, that is something that would help us out."

At the same time he acknowledged the ban could set a problematic precedent for other technology platforms.

"I think there are some big questions about what that would mean longer term, single out a single technology company, instead of developing a more comprehensive regulatory well," he said.

Alex Heath, Madeline Stone, Paige Leskin, and Avery Hartmans contributed to earlier versions of this article.

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OK Magazine

Miranda Kerr & Evan Spiegel Sail The Mediterranean Aboard $250 Million Mega Yacht

Move aside Ben and J.Lo ! Miranda Kerr and hubby Evan Spiegel went on their own luxury trip!

It was all aboard for the high profile couple — who have been married since 2017 — and their little ones when they took to their 311 foot mega yacht to sail the Mediterranean for a family getaway.

The lovebirds were accompanied by a few of their friends, Kerr's 10-year-old Flynn — from her previous marriage to Orlando Bloom — as well as 3-year-old Hart , and 2-year-old Myles , whom she shares with Spiegel.


It was all fun and relaxation for the group. Kerr was spotted paddle boarding throughout the trip, while Spiegel was caught decked out in safety gear and zipping around on a jet ski.

Other times, the stunning supermodel sported a sleek, orange bikini and cuddled up close to her Snapchat founder hubby on deck to catch some rays on a pleasant sunny afternoon.

During the trip, the family also visited Porquerolles Island on the Côte d’Azur and took pictures while wandering the scenic sandy beach together. Part of an archipelago known as "The Golden Islands", Porquerolles Island is technically a part of France, and in 2004, it boasted the miniscule population of only around 200 people.

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The luxury yacht aptly named "Bliss" is a custom hybrid eco with a diesel-electric propulsion system and a staggering 250 million dollar price tag.

Other features of the gorgeous ship are 3 pools, a spa, and 9 separate guest rooms. It is also fully stocked with all sorts of fun equipment for activities including jet skis and paddleboards for water-themed fun.


As OK! previously reported, Kerr has spoken candidly about how grateful she is that her ex-husband found love with Katy Perry.

She opened up about their relationship on The Drew Barrymore Show , gushing about her popstar friend. "I adore Katy, and I just feel so happy that Orlando has found someone that makes his heart so happy, because at the end of the day, for Flynn to have a happy father and a happy mother is just the most important thing."

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Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel spotted sailing around the South of France on 95-metre 'bliss' yacht

Model Miranda Kerr and husband and Snapchat creator Evan Spiegel are living in the lap of luxury, sailing aboard on a yacht estimated to be worth US$250 million (approx. $339 million).

The billionaire couple were spotted on the 311-foot (approx. 95 metres) vessel, sailing with their two sons Hart and Myles, and Kerr's son Flynn from her previous marriage to Orlando Bloom .

READ MORE: What happened to Miranda Kerr and where is she now?

The former Victoria's Secret Angel and Kora skincare founder sported an orange bikini on deck, while embracing Spiegel in images obtained by Page Six .

According to the publication, the couple — who married in 2017 — entertained guests in neighbouring ships.

The family of five are currently aboard a hybrid eco yacht.

Ok! reported Kerr has spent her time paddle boarding on their trip, while Spiegel was captured zipping around on a jet ski.

The couple's yacht, called Bliss, includes three pools, a spa and nine separate guest rooms.

The vessel took three years to build and is powered by a diesel-electric propulsion system, as per Page Six .

French publication Homme du Match reported Spiegel and Kerr have been staying around the southern coastline of the country, stopping on Friday at Porquerolles Island on the Côte d'Azur.

Model Joan Smalls and boyfriend Henry Junior Chalhoub reportedly joined the couple on a stint of their maiden journey.

Kerr previously told 9honey she was "looking forward to swimming in the ocean" following the coronavirus lockdown.

The mother of three spent lockdown at home in California, after enduring the state's bushfire crisis.

"The situation was so scary and it's hard to feel like you're doing nothing, but having gratitude for those fighting is so important to keeping yourself and others around you positive," she said at the time.

READ MORE: Miranda Kerr on the importance of an 'attitude of gratitude' in tough times

"The fact that we're together as a family and that we're safe — that's all that mattered to me."

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Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel live in luxury aboard $250 million yacht

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Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel live in luxury aboard $250 million yacht

Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel’s love boat has arrived.

The billionaire couple were spotted aboard their 311-ft mega yacht sailing through the Mediterranean with their two sons, Hart, 3, and Myles, 2, as well as Kerr’s son, Flynn, 10, from her previous marriage to Orlando Bloom.

Kerr, 38, sizzled in an orange bikini on deck while embracing Spiegel, 31, from behind. The couple, who have been married since 2017, also entertained guests who swam in the sea water near the ship.

Kerr and Spiegel’s luxury ride — a hybrid eco yacht — took three years to build and is powered by a diesel-electric propulsion system. It also comes complete with nine guest rooms, three pools and a spa.

The billionaire boat comes complete with activities like jet skis, paddleboards and more.

Photos show Spiegel wearing safety gear while tearing through waves on a jet ski. In another photo, Kerr is paddle boarding through the water while fully dressed.

On Friday, the whole family hopped in one of the yacht’s tenders so they could visit Porquerolles Island on the Côte d’Azur. Once there, Spiegel took pictures of Kerr and the children as they explored a beautiful beach together.

Joining the supermodel and the Snapchat co-founder on their maiden voyage are fellow model Joan Smalls and her boyfriend Henry Junior Chalhoub.


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  3. BLISS Yacht • Evan Spiegel $200M Superyacht

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  4. BLISS Yacht • Evan Spiegel $200M Superyacht

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  5. BLISS Yacht • Evan Spiegel $200M Superyacht

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  6. BLISS Yacht • Evan Spiegel $200M Superyacht

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    Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel live in luxury aboard $250 million yacht Aug 14, 2021 4:38 PM The billionaire couple were spotted aboard their 311-ft mega yacht sailing through the Mediterranean with their two sons, Hart and Myles, as well as Kerr's son, Flynn, 10, from her previous marriage to Orlando Bloom.

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  23. Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel live in luxury aboard $250 million yacht

    The billionaire couple were spotted aboard their 311-ft mega yacht sailing through the Mediterranean with their two sons, Hart, 3, and Myles, 2, as well as Kerr's son, Flynn, 10, from her previous marriage to Orlando Bloom. Kerr and Spiegel chat with guests in the Mediterranean sea. Mega.