• How to sail at night

Captains are often asked if it's possible to sail at night. In the vast majority of cases, the answer is yes, unless you are just starting out. You just need to know the specifics of night sailing — the rules of boat lighting, beacon signals, have navigation and nautical charts handy, and most importantly, follow basic safety rules on board. So, do you know what night sailing entails?

You can't do it without the correct lights

While on land, lights are primarily there to help us see, at sea it's the other way around. All boats must be properly lit for other vessels to see. And, a boat doesn't work like a car either, where we shine our headlights on the road ahead to see what's in front of us. At sea we rely on navigation, nautical charts, lighthouses and the captain's knowledge.

Basic boat lights include running lights, steaming lights and anchor lights. There are clearly defined and standardized rules for lighting a ship  under sail at night . So the question of how to light a yacht at night has a very simple answer. Running lights, or side lights, show other vessels where your port and starboard sides are, with red indicating port and green starboard, and you must also have a white stern light on.

Lighting the yacht at night is very important because, unlike during the day, the helmsman cannot judge the distance and direction  of other boats by sight. Running lights make the position and direction of the surrounding vessels visible, as well as their approximate distance, and helps to avoid possible collisions. Radar is also highly practical in this respect, as it shows the size and distance of the vessel.

However, when sailing there can be situations where the sails need to be lowered, and with that, the lighting also needs to be changed. If travelling under motor power , a steaming light  (masthead light)  must be turned on , which shines at the same angle as the side lights. When a sailboat is not under sail, it has to abide by the rules set out for power boats by COLREG (The International Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea).

Lighting regulations when at anchor are again different. When at anchor at sea , only the anchor light should be on . According to the regulations this could be either a 360-degree white light atop the mast, or a light suspended from the boom, above the foredeck or on a furled genoa. If the boat is moored in port, the light is not normally used.

Night sky at sea with a yacht.

Navigation, GPS and maps

Nowadays, GPS and navigation aids integrated into the boat or that work as mobile apps are commonly used to determine the position of the boat. Modern technology is very accurate and reliable, but it is still worth understanding, reading and checking your position on  paper nautical charts . After all, almost any skipper will tell you that their GPS or navigation system has at some point told them they were on land, even when tens or hundreds of metres from shore.

Man on board a sailboat by a plotter.

Thanks to nautical charts, you will not only know of possible danger spots, but also lighthouses , enabling you to easily and accurately determine your position with the help of a compass. Each lighthouse is different, being lit and flashing in a unique way. A nautical chart will tell you how to identify a lighthouse by the number of flashes, their frequency and the colour of the light. To determine your exact position, you’ll then need two lighthouses in sight that serve as reference points for each other.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Lighthouses are not only practical, but they are often buildings with impressive architecture that are well worth stopping off at. Take a look at  15 lighthouses you must visit .

Lighthouse at Cyclades Islands, Greece.

Safety is paramount when sailing at night

Even during the day, there are clear rules regarding the movement of the crew on board. Basically, the crew should not stand unless they are engaged in manoeuvres. In all other cases, they should be sitting on benches, at the side of the boat when heeling, or in the cabin. Apart from the fact that a standing crew member could obstruct the helmsman's view, it also poses a greater risk of falling overboard . If you're interested in getting to know this subject in more detail, check out our article Sailing Etiquette A to Z .

At night, the rules are even stricter to ensure the crew remain as safe as possible and avoid damaging the yacht. If a crew member is on deck at night while sailing, they should wear a lifejacket  and ideally be attached to the boat with a lifebelt or harness.

Except for really experienced seafarers, the rule of thumb is that there should be at least  two people on board when sailing at night. And the captain should schedule shifts so that there are always two  rested crew members on board. After all, you need to be doubly vigilant when sailing at night, and staying awake all night is certainly not conducive to alertness — especially when manoeuvring  or entering port. For the same reasons alcohol is prohibited when night sailing. While during the day, crew members other than the helmsman can toast Neptune or have one glass of wine or beer, drinking alcohol is not permitted during a voyage at night. By all means celebrate a successful journey upon arrival in port at a local tavern, but it definitely pays to keep a clear head at sea.

Specifics of night sailing and boat handling

Steering and controlling the boat  is not particularly different during the day and at night. There are just a few nuances to make sailing that bit smoother. If you're on a vessel you know well, that’s one thing, but if you're on a charter boat , it's worth marking the sheets and other lines so that you know your way around in the dark.

Sailing at night, it is also important to assess  the weather conditions well. What you would normally do during the day can be significantly more challenging at night and requires a more careful assessment of weather conditions and weather patterns. It is always better to choose smaller sails and if you have even the slightest doubt about anything, postpone the trip. 

When  entering a harbour  or sailing close to shore, be doubly cautious. There are several risk factors. During the day, the surrounding boats, the rocks and the potential hazards on the surface and below are visible. At night you have to rely on navigation, charts and lighting. When entering the harbour, charts and GPS can provide you many clues but lights can cause issues. For example, you might get dazzled by the light from the shore, the anchor lights of other boats are easily confused with the lights on land, and, last but not least, you may encounter poorly lit fishing boats. However, if you keep in mind all of these potential risks, you will arrive safely in the harbour.

Man steering a ship.

The magic of night sailing

When compared to sailing during the day, night sailing places more demands on the captain's experience and knowledge of sailing regulations. But it is also a truly romantic experience. Millions of stars glistening in the night sky and the waves sparkling in the moonlight. If you're lucky, sailing out of the mist from land on a clear night with a near full moon, it will seem almost like daylight.

Sunset at sea, a sailboat and a shining lighthouse.

If you're serious about sailing and steering your boat, there are other benefits to night sailing. Navigating at night sharpens the senses and enhances the sailing experience as well as your experience of the sea itself. It truly gives a whole new meaning to sailing. But if all you want is to just enjoy yourself, night sailing is one of the most romantic experiences you can have. Check out our article on how to enjoy romance on board a yacht charter .   


Are you new to the sea? We will recommend experienced captains who will take care of you on the ship. Give us a call.

Denisa Nguyenová

Denisa Nguyenová

Faq how to manage a night sailing.

Overnight Yacht Charter Yacht Charter & Boat Rentals

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Yachting World

  • Digital Edition

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Night sailing: top tips and expert advice to see you safely through until dawn

Helen Fretter

  • Helen Fretter
  • October 6, 2016

A Yachting World special report on how to prepare and enjoy sailing at night. Photos by Tor Johnson.

yacht night

Sailing through the night brings its own rewards: a contemplative stillness, phosphorescent trails through a star-lit sea, the soul-warming sunrises. But it also raises challenges – if you cannot see gusts and squalls approaching, how quickly can you react? How well do you – and the rest of your crew – know your yacht’s layout in the dark?

We asked some experienced long-distance cruisers, many of whom have sailed extensively in the tropics – experiencing much longer hours of darkness than northern hemisphere sailors who only venture offshore in summer months – for their night sailing advice.

Sundowner readiness

Romantic though sailing into the sunset may be, heading into darkness requires careful preparation. ‘Bones’ Black, who owns and skippers Emily Morgan , a Bowman 57 charter cruiser, says: “We do a great deal of night sailing, be it from island to island in the Caribbean or transatlantic passages. When doing overnight island-hopping we plan to arrive at the next destination in daylight, especially if we have not been there before.

“We prep the boat, all sail covers off, halyards attached, engine checks and of course we recheck the weather – if we are in tidal waters we would double check the tides too. We also prepare the cockpit by putting a good torch, hand-bearing compass, binoculars, bottle of water and spare safety tether to hand.

“Then we sit and have a decent meal to relax before we set sail. We also prepare a meal for later as it’s common to feel a little queasy at the start of a passage if it’s a bit lumpy and the last thing you want is to go below to start cooking.”

Erik Lindgren, currently cruising his Baltic 56 in Fiji, says: “ Spirit V is by design a very fast boat. This means that we cover good distances without pushing and without using too much sail at night. Our night set-up includes bimini down, sprayhood up, one or two reefs in the main depending on the risk of squalls, lifejackets are worn and we are always clipped on, AIS transmitters in lifejackets and PLB in foulweather jackets.”

Paul Frew, who is sailing his Oyster 575 Juno around Europe with his wife Caroline, says: “We are very cautious offshore. We have a golden rule never to leave the cockpit at night, so we will delay a pole gybe until daylight even it means heading a few miles off course. If for any reason we do need to leave the cockpit the on-watch crew have to call me and we all clip on. “I have an offshore checklist that we always review before any night passages. I keep a high-powered 24V torch in the cockpit and an anti-collision flare in the companionway. Radar is always on at night and AIS alarms are checked before dark.”

Take extra precautions if heading out of the cockpit on to the foredeck when sailing at night.

Take extra precautions if heading out of the cockpit on to the foredeck when sailing at night.

Golden rules

Once underway every skipper applies the same golden rules, summed up by Will Downing, skipper of the Hanse 575 Ximera : “Lifejackets obligatory; lifelines attached even if you are sleeping in the cockpit; don’t go forward without someone else awake in the cockpit and clipped on.”

Erik Lindgren adds: “We never, ever leave the cockpit while on a single watch. Sail area is reduced during the night – if hit by a big squall – by furling the jib. The off-watch sleeps on the saloon sofa.”

John Dyer, who sailed his First 47.7 Exocet Strike on the World ARC, says: “While on night watches we always take a view on likely weather conditions and reef accordingly before it’s dark – always easier to shake reefs out than put them in. “We also use head torches and use the red LED to preserve night vision.”

Top tip: Night vision relies on rod cells in the eyes, which take 20-40 minutes to adapt to a change of light

Bones Black says it’s also important to brief new crew joining the yacht on what to do if they have concerns. “We tell our crew always to wake Anna as skipper or me as first mate at any time. I would rather get up and check something out, be it a strange noise or a light on the horizon in good time, rather than at the last minute when it could be a problem.”

Conversely, when all is going well, being considerate of your off-watch crew is important – tether hooks dragging on deck and rattling pans in the galley sound incredibly loud at night. If you need to run a generator, consider timing it so it so the noise is split over two watches.

Sailing at night can be a truly uplifting experience.

Sailing at night can be a truly uplifting experience.

Watch patterns

Your choice of watch system depends on several factors – how many people there are on board, how mentally and physically draining the conditions are, and personal preferences – some people find it hard to sleep down below during the day, for instance, while others prefer a short night watch and a longer day off-watch.

Fact: NASA studied the sleep patterns of solo ocean racing sailors to see how extreme sleep deprivation affects decision making and performance.

Will Downing comments: “I am a firm believer in the four-hour sleep rule of REM. Most people sleep for four hours, then two hours, then one hour, with waking moments (or close to) in between. If there are only three people on board, a three-hours-on six-off watch system means you will definitely get that four hours of sleep. Two hours on and four off is not four hours of sleep. Once you’ve brushed your teeth, had a snack, gone to the heads and maybe read for a few minutes, you’re lucky if you end up with just three hours.

“Even better is a four-person shift pattern with two hours on and six off. It’s not long on duty, but long on the old shut-eye. I have always found that the crew are better humoured, easier going and just plain happier!”

Black agrees: “There are so many different watch systems you could run, but they depend on how many crew you have. If it’s just Anna and me we do three on and three off during the night, and four on four off during the day to catch up. If alone on watch we steer for about 20 minutes, looking around the horizon all the time, then have a look at the AIS and radar.

“If there are three people we do three on, six off and steer as much as we can to keep busy. When concentration starts to lapse the autopilot goes on for a while and a drink and a few nibbles help.

“If we have a full complement of six crew we run three on, six off with two crew on each watch, this means the crew on watch can steer for half an hour then swap.”

For an even more in-depth look at this topic and plenty of others, see our Bluewater Sailing Techniques feature and video on night watches and routines offshore

Handover period

Equally important is how you hand over between watches. Downing says it’s worth taking your time over the watch change. “When you finish a shift in the middle of the night and are yearning for your pillow and some well-earned rest, remember that the person coming on watch has only just recently woken up so take time to chat with them, offer them a hot drink, talk about the weather and the shipping.

“I always finish with asking: ‘Are you awake enough to do this?’ Remember that your life is now in their hands!”

For the person coming on deck Downing suggests: “Read the log. It’s nice to know they saw dolphins and a mermaid, but more important that they heard a rattle from the engine or that the temperature felt like it dropped several degrees very quickly.”

Preserve your night vision but keep on top of the logbook, radar and navigation

Preserve your night vision but keep on top of the logbook, radar and navigation

Getting through it: Creature comforts to get through the night

“As we normally have three or four crewmembers on long passages we adopt a mother watch. Desert Island Discs downloaded from the BBC is our favourite distraction!” Paul and Caroline Frew, Juno

“Listening to music helps pass the time – but I am always being told off by Anna for singing along while she is trying to sleep. We also have what we call the ‘excessive calories box’ stuffed full of sweets, breakfast bars, chocolate bars and anything else we can find. There is nothing like the sight of your watch mate appearing at 0300 with the box to raise morale.” Bones Black, Emily Morgan

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The best party superyachts for charter

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Whether you're organising a corporate event at some of the most prestigious celebrations on the charter calendar , celebrating a big birthday party or commemorating a milestone celebration like an anniversary or even a wedding reception, these superyachts have all the space and amenities for hosting epic soirées at sea...

With expansive deck spaces, ample facilities and decadent décor including a live aquarium, Baglietto’s flagship Vicky perfectly sets the scene for celebratory festivities. Lobby spaces on this 59-metre superyacht are completed with a piano for late-night entertainment and an eye-catching aquarium, plus a toybox bursting to the brim will keep everyone on the water entertained. To continue the after-party, guests can take a dip in the sundeck swimming pool or join the primary charterers in the master suite’s private saloon for a nightcap.

Capacity at quay: 80 guests

Vicky is managed by Ocean Independence with a weekly charter rate starting from €250,000 per week.

Secret Life

Take your guests back in time on board classic 1974 Feadship Secret Life . Permanently based in the party capital of St Tropez, the ample deck spaces on this 45-metre superyacht are equipped with elegant al fresco lounges and dining areas that make her an ideal host for corporate events or scaled-up celebrations. Indoors, her versatile main saloon can be divided into two separate rooms via a discreet sliding door during events, and guests looking for a quiet spot to break away from the crowd can also retreat to a hidden library.

Capacity at quay: 150 guests

Secret Life is managed by IYC with a weekly charter rate starting from €89,000.

Once a former passenger vessel, Dream was transformed into a private superyacht after nearly a decade of refit works. And while she is now bedecked in the glamorous interiors befitting a luxury charter, her vast interior spaces allow her to accommodate many more guests than would usually be able to step on board, with 18 suites for 36 guests and room for up to 40 members of crew. Party guests can arrive or depart in style thanks to the touch-and-go helipad, while a Japanese-style dining room with a teppanyaki grill, a private cinema, a two-level pool with a swim-up bar and a fully-equipped dive centre offer all the amenities for a variety of party themes and occasions.

Capacity at quay: 36 guests

Dream is managed by Hill Robinson with a weekly charter rate starting from €2,000,000.

The bridge deck on Royal Denship superyacht Force Blue , complete with a cocktail bar, professional DJ station and disco lighting offers the perfect setup for partying the night away. There’s also a sundeck hot tub, a games table in the saloon and an impressive walk-in wine cellar next to the formal dining room to keep guests entertained. The next day, stunning spa facilities will revive the sore-of-head, while the plain exhausted can retreat to the cinema. Currently undergoing an extensive winter refit, Force Blue will be back on the charter market this summer having been extended to 70 metres with an enlarged beach club and refreshed interiors.

Capacity at quay: 60 guests

Force Blue is managed for charter by Fraser , with a charter rate starting from €330,000 per week.

Sea Breeze III

After undergoing an extensive refit in 2020, classic superyacht Sea Breeze III is back on the charter market, offering the perfect setting for an event or celebration by combining old-school charm with modern facilities. New additions include an extended swimming platform with a barbecue for al fresco celebrations, plus a hydrotherapy hot tub on the foredeck and a well-stocked toybox. As Sea Breeze III is permanently based in Auckland, New Zealand, guests stepping on board for a party can enjoy the scenic cruising grounds of the Hauraki Gulf and wider south pacific, complemented by locally-sourced seafood and speciality wines.

Capacity at quay: 99 guests

Sea Breeze III is managed by 37 south with a weekly charter rate starting from $65,000. 

Showcasing sporty lines and with a top speed of 38 knots, 50 metre  Da Vinci is one of the largest Mangustas available on the charter market. Launched in 2017, on board highlights include a large bathing platform, a spa pool on the 15 metre long foredeck, and an impressive open plan interior. The main saloon is the entertainment hub of the yacht, featuring a luxe marble bar and gilded, Gatsby-esque touches throughout.

Capacity at quay: 100 guests

Da Vinci is managed for charter by Northrop & Johnson with a weekly rate starting from €225,000.

Esmeralda's expansive decks are the ideal setting for a special anniversary, birthday or corporate event. The upper aft deck on this 62 metre superyacht has a bar, al fresco dining and optional awnings for protection from the sun. Meanwhile, guests can enjoy 360-degree views from the panoramic sun deck complete with a raised jacuzzi and sun loungers. Her striking, classic-inspired lines will turn heads in any port, while lavishly decorated interiors set the scene for a night of glamorous festivities.

Esmeralda is managed by Fraser with a weekly charter rate starting from $230,000.

After an extensive interior refit in 2018, this 73 metre  Lurssen is certainly in ship shape. There's space for 200 revellers on Titania's sun and pool decks alone, while a 3.8 metre stern extension houses a beach club with sauna, bar and sofas, which converts into a stylish nightclub for those looking to continue the party into the night. For smaller gatherings, the pool deck bar seats eight – with another four pool seats – and can be set up for a DJ. Primary charterers staying on board can get glammed up for events in the beauty salon with the help of the on board beautician before other guests arrive, then can unwind after the festivities with a treatment from the resident masseuse.

Capacity at quay: 200 guests

Titania is managed for charter by Burgess and has a weekly starting rate of €525,000.

For parties where music is a key element, 62 metre motor yacht RoMa is more than sufficiently equipped for dockside events as her impressive audio system includes a party mode that provides music to all decks. There's also a games table for playing poker if the event is casino themed, while her main saloon bar is an ideal spot for pre and post dinner cocktails. A welcoming entrance lobby from which guests can head up to the party via a glass elevator sets the mood for revellers on arrival. 

RoMa is managed by Northrop & Johnson with a weekly charter rate starting from €345,000.

More about this yacht

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  • Sleeping on a Boat: The Ultimate Overnight Boating Guide
  • Sailing Hub
  • Sailing Tips

Have you ever been sleeping on a boat before? And we don't mean just a casual nap in the sun. When you charter a yacht for your holiday getaway, you can skip the overcrowded and overpriced hotels by spending the night aboard your very own home-at-sea. 

Not sure if spending the night on a boat is really your style? When you book a private yacht charter, there are enough different choices to suit everyone's unique style of travel—from elegant, five-star accommodations to casual, do-it-yourself adventure. 

Get ready for sleeping on a yacht rental overnight with our Ultimate Overnight Boating Guide: 

Why sleep aboard? 

How to sleep on a boat, what our overnight yacht rentals can offer you.

If it's your first time considering sleeping on a boat overnight, then you might be wary of getting started. We get it. But whether you're looking for a boat for camping or a boat for luxuriating between beach trips, the best overnight accommodations is your yacht. Here's why: 

Get an early start to your day

If you're spending the night in a hotel, then setting sail early in the morning means you have to hit the ground running. You've got to wake up early enough to assemble your gear at the hotel and spend time physically getting to the docks—all before the rest of the crowds do. 

But when you spend the night aboard your boat, you're ready to go from the moment you get out of bed. This spells less time wasted trying to get to your destination and more time on the open water enjoying your holiday. 

Enjoy more amenities at a cheaper price

Sleeping on a boat overnight doesn’t just save you time—it also saves you money! After all, you're already chartering a boat for your holiday, so why add additional hotel (and travel) fees to the mix? 

And while spending the night aboard your yacht is cheaper than staying in a hotel, it can actually be more luxurious. Why shell out the cash for a hotel room with a waterfront view when you can enjoy your own on-the-water view from your private yacht charter? 

Settle in with all your luggage

With views that can't be beat and a nonexistent hotel bill, sleeping on a yacht rental overnight is one of the biggest insider tips from pro-travelers—and at the end of the day, it’s just more comfortable, too. 

As you sail from one hot locale to the next, why would you want to keep unpacking and packing your bags at every different hotel you have to check into? When you decide to sleep on your yacht overnight, you can fully settle in for your holiday. This means you won't have to worry about forgetting anything in hotels, and you won't have to waste time going back and forth between hotels and your yacht. Instead, you can truly get comfortable and make your cabin your cozy home-away-from-home for your holiday. 

Escape loud neighbors and street noise

Perhaps the number one reason for sleeping on a boat during your holiday is to skip out on the crowds, the loud neighbors, and the street noise.

When you charter your own yacht, you can truly enjoy a tranquil getaway, where the gentle sound of the waves can lull you to sleep at night—not your annoying neighbors in the hotel who won’t stop partying. For a relaxing holiday that's peaceful and calm, sleeping aboard your boat can't be beat. 

Sold on spending the night sleeping on your yacht rental? Get ready for a good night's sleep with our boat camping tips:

Make sure you're well anchored

It might go without saying, but if you're going to be sleeping on a boat overnight, make sure that you're well anchored before you're ready to get under the covers, so you don't drift during the night. (No matter how adventurous you are, no one wants to wake up the next morning somewhere unknown out at sea!)

Don't forget extra layers

Even if you're sailing in a warm climate, like the Mediterranean or the Caribbean, it's a good idea to bring some extra layers with you. At night, your body temperature will naturally drop, which can make you feel cold while sleeping, so make sure you pack an extra sweater and socks to stay cozy at night. 

If it's your first time sleeping on a boat, you may be feeling a little uneasy, as it's a new and unusual experience. Try to remember that sleeping on a boat is just like sleeping anywhere else. It also helps to maintain your normal pre-sleep routine (like having a cup of tea, reading, etc.), so your body knows it's time to get to sleep. 

We also recommend bringing earplugs in case the splashing water or creakings from the boat distract you at night.

At Yacht4less, we know not everyone's idea of a dream holiday is the same, which is why we offer a host of different yachts for charter, so you can find the perfect match for your tip. Here's what some of our yacht rentals can offer you:

Fully-crewed yacht

Looking for five-star luxury? We deliver with a fully-crewed yacht . 

This kind of charter comes staffed with a captain, hostess, and private chef. Imagine waking up after spending the night on your boat with a gourmet breakfast prepared to your liking by a private chef. No need to go to a restaurant—instead, enjoy your custom meal on the deck of your private boat with the view of the sunrise.

By the cabin

Want the feel of that five-star luxury with a smaller price tag? We have options. Charter a yacht by the cabin . 

With a by-the-cabin yacht charter, you're booking a cabin aboard a yacht, much like booking a room in a hotel or on a cruise ship. You'll still enjoy a private room and bathroom, and you'll have free range of the common spaces, such as the kitchen, living room, and deck. This is also a great choice for those who like the more social atmosphere of a hotel. 

Are you really looking for a boat for camping? It's time to go bareboat ! 

Bareboat is for those who want to be the captain of their own vessel, chartering a fully-equipped yacht to sail without the assistance of a skipper. If you're an experienced sailor, this is a great way to enjoy maximum freedom and privacy while you spend the night aboard a private yacht. 

Need something a little more stripped down, but don't know how to sail? Choose a skippered yacht charter . 

With a skippered yacht, you can enjoy sailing and sleeping aboard a boat stress-free with a private skipper who's at the helm to take care of the legwork. An added bonus is that you can stay at unique anchorages and bays that you wouldn't have access to on a bareboat, as they're only open to a crew with expertise. 

Sleeping on a yacht rental overnight takes a sailing holiday to the next level. 

Want to learn more about your options for booking for your next trip? Get in touch with a consultant at Yacht4less for all the details and a free quote. 

Get a free & non-binding quote

yacht night

RENAISSANCE Motor yacht for charter

  • Length: 112m (367.4ft)
  • 36 guests in 19 cabins
  • Built: 2023, Freire Shipyard, Spain

With just three simple words, the benchmark of what the world’s most discerning guests can expect from a luxury yacht charter changes forever: Burgess introduces RENAISSANCE.

yacht night

Matchless superyacht. Incomparable facilities and first-class service. A new era in charter.

yacht night

  • Accommodation for up to 36 guests in 19 cabins
  • Palatial owner's deck featuring private fore and aft decks
  • Spa deck with wellness area, treatment rooms, plunge pools, steam/sauna rooms, hairdressing/beauty room and fitness centre
  • Sushi bar, BBQ bars and DJ zone
  • Indoor cinema seating 19 guests
  • Stunning beach club with port and starboard terraces
  • 10m x 5m swimming pool on the main deck
  • Dedicated business centre


With just three simple words, the benchmark of what the world’s most discerning guests can expect from a luxury yacht charter changes forever: Burgess introduces RENAISSANCE.

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View all yachts for charter

Summer cruising Mediterranean EUR 3,000,000/EUR 3,500,000 per week (low/high)
Winter cruising Caribbean USD 3,000,000/USD 3,500,000 per week (low/high)
Built 2023, Freire Shipyard, Spain
Length 112m (367.4ft)
Guests 36
No. of guest cabins 19
Crew 45
Beam 18m (59ft)
Draft 5.4m (17.7ft)
Gross tonnage 7,200
Maximum speed 16 knots
Cruising speed 12 knots
Fuel consumption at cruising speed 1,125 litres per hour
Cabin types 19 (15 × double, 4 × double/twin)
Engines 5 × 2,468hp Caterpillar

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Best #1 Guide for What to Wear to a Yacht Party at Night

Prepare to set sail in style with our humorous yet insightful guide on what to wear to a yacht party at night. From chic cocktail dresses to stylish boat shoes, we’ve got you covered for your upcoming nighttime yacht extravaganza. Jump aboard, and let’s navigate through the sea of fashion together!

Table of Contents

Welcome aboard, fellow yacht enthusiast.

Ahoy, mateys! Is this your first time boarding the luxurious deck of a yacht party? First off, congratulations on scoring the invite. Whether you’ve snagged an invite to a boat charter shindig or have managed to wrangle an invitation to a swanky yacht club event, one thing’s for sure: you’re in for an evening of glamour, style, and breathtaking views. And I’m not just talking about the scenery if you know what I mean.

A Night on the High Seas: The Thrill of Yacht Parties

There’s something undeniably alluring about yacht parties, isn’t there? You’ve got the soft, lapping sounds of the water, the twinkling lights reflecting off the undulating waves, and the prospect of enjoying a fancy dinner while cruising around a prosperous city’s skyline. It’s like stepping into a luxury lifestyle reality TV show episode, minus the unnecessary drama and relentless backbiting. Or at least, let’s hope so!

You see, yacht parties are a special breed of parties. They’re not quite your regular boat parties, where the dress code involves anything that can withstand a spontaneous cannonball into the pool. They’re not your average cocktail parties either, where you might spend half the night trying to balance on one foot as your high heels sink into the grass.

No, yacht parties are a unique blend of opulence and relaxation. One moment you’re sipping on a perfectly chilled glass of bubbly, the next you’re admiring the view, sunglasses perched stylishly on your head, lips moistened with your favorite lip balm, and the sea breeze playfully tousling your hair. Oh, and did I mention the delicious prospect of a dance party under the starry skies? It’s all about the mingling, the laughter, the luxury, and did we forget the glamour? Yes, yes we did.

Your Ticket to an Enthralling Yacht Trip

Consider this your first step towards mastering the art of yacht party attendance. The yacht trip may be the stuff of dreams, but let’s get one thing clear right away: It’s not all about leaning on the deck rail in a glamorous pose (though there’ll be plenty of opportunities for that, don’t worry).

It’s about a carefully orchestrated balance of style, comfort, and yes, appropriate footwear (because no one wants to be that person who slipped and face-planted in front of the DJ booth). So, whether you’re setting sail for a nighttime extravaganza on a luxury yacht or looking forward to a relaxed boat trip with friends, there’s a sartorial sweet spot to hit, and that’s exactly what we’ll help you find.

By the time we’re done here, you’ll be walking up that gangplank with your head held high and an outfit that screams, “Yes, I’m yacht-party-ready and fabulous!”. So, buckle up (or should I say, secure your life vests), let’s dive into the exciting world of yacht party outfits.

Navigating The Sea Of Dress Codes

Life on the high seas can be turbulent, and yacht parties, as fabulous as they may be, are no exception. Just like the ever-changing ocean currents, there is an intriguing ebb and flow to yacht party dress codes. One yacht charter might insist on a strict dress code that looks like it came straight out of a vintage nautical-themed movie, while another might just require you to be decently clothed and not wear anything that could be mistaken for a lifebuoy.

The key to decoding these sartorially challenging waters lies in understanding the type of party. A casual boat ride? Think light, airy, and sea-spray resistant. A luxury yacht cocktail party? Time to unleash your inner James Bond or Audrey Hepburn. But remember, even the best outfits must pass the ‘can I move without toppling overboard?’ test.

Weather Or Not, Here You Dress!

Let’s talk about the elephant on the yacht – the weather conditions. Just like the swaying boat might affect your balance, weather conditions could potentially affect your fashion choices. Now, I know we’d all like to believe we’re attending yacht parties in the perfect summer season, but let’s face it, not all of us are that lucky.

If you’re sailing under the scorching sun, light colors, breathable fabrics, and a wide-brimmed hat are your best bet. Oh, and did I mention sunscreen? Yes, even the chicest of us can turn into a lobster under that unforgiving sun, and let’s be real, ‘crispy’ is a good choice for bacon, not your skin.

But let’s not forget our friends in the winter season who still manage to keep the party boat sailing. Here, a light jacket won’t just be a good idea, it’ll be your best friend. Throw in a pair of long-sleeved shirts and dress slacks, and you’ll be both stylish and frostbite-free. And hey, it’s the perfect excuse to rock those knee-high boots you’ve been dying to show off.

Wind In Your Hair, Style In Your Wear

Picture this: You’re on a yacht trip, your hair is doing that fabulous slow-motion windblow thing, you take a sip from your cocktail, and suddenly… you realize your flowy dress is not as immune to the sea breeze as you thought. Yep, it’s Marilyn Monroe moment time! So, remember, while that crop top and wrap skirt may seem like a good idea at first, you might want to consider the potential for wardrobe malfunctions. Opt for an outfit that will let you enjoy the breeze without turning you into a spontaneous flag.

On the flip side, boat shoes might seem like a comical idea, but let me tell you, they are the unsung heroes of yacht parties. They’re classy, comfortable, and most importantly, have a grip that even the sea-slicked deck can’t challenge. So, while high heels might seem tempting for the ladies, remember: a sprained ankle is hardly the souvenir you want from your fabulous yacht party.

And that, my friend, is your primer on the factors that will shape your ultimate yacht party outfit. Now, let’s dive into the fun part: decoding the best outfits for your yacht soirée! Stay tuned for a breakdown of looks that will have you feeling as glamorous as the luxury yacht you’re stepping onto.

Setting Sail with Style: The Ladies’ Edition

Alright ladies, it’s time to discuss our battle plan. This is a yacht party, not a trip to the grocery store, so let’s aim for the sweet spot between “I’m here for the caviar” and “Did someone say cannonball?”

The Cocktail Dress Conundrum

For a chic look, a cocktail dress is a great option, and most often the most popular choice for a nighttime yacht party. Whether you opt for a short dress that shows off your legs or a midi dress that sways with the sea breeze, remember to choose breathable fabrics. However, don’t go too flowy, lest you want an unexpected Marilyn Monroe moment. And while the little black dress is an evergreen option, don’t be afraid to experiment with bright colors and solid colors. But, ladies, avoid the urge to wear your floor-length Oscar gown. Remember, it’s a yacht, not the red carpet.

The Casual, Yet Classy Alternative

If you prefer a more casual look, pairing a bikini top with denim shorts or a shirt dress can give off those effortless “I woke up like this” vibes. Throw in a stylish one-piece swimsuit underneath for that impromptu midnight dip. And before you ask, yes, crop tops are an excellent choice for a relaxed boat party outfit. Just make sure to wear it with something high-waisted, unless you want to moonlight as a belly dancer.

A Word (or Two) about Footwear

Let’s talk about the elephant in the yacht – high heels. They’re cute, they make your legs look amazing, but are they a good idea on a boat? The answer is: it depends. If the yacht is the size of a small country and the crew members double as bodyguards, go for it. But if you’re on a smaller vessel, strappy sandals or flat shoes might be the safer choice. Remember, fashion first, safety… also first.

Accessorizing for the High Seas

How much jewelry is too much? Well, unless you’re trying to double as a chandelier for the evening event, less is more. A statement necklace or dangling earrings can add a touch of glam without going overboard (pun intended). And don’t forget your pair of sunglasses, even at night. They’re not just for shielding your eyes; they’re a style statement. But beware, the sea breeze has a naughty habit of sending hats overboard. So, if you’re planning on wearing a wide-brimmed hat, make sure it fits well or is secured with a stylish scarf or hatpin.

Cruise Control: The Men’s Guide

Gentlemen, you’re up next! Your sartorial choices might seem easier, but remember, you’re on a yacht, not a pirate ship. Your goal should be to strike a balance between looking like a sea-faring fashionista and not like you’re auditioning for the role of the Skipper on Gilligan’s Island.

The Nitty-Gritty of Formal Wear

If the event is more on the formal side, like a boat wedding or a fancy dinner, a full suit or sports coat can never go wrong. Stick to lighter colors to avoid overheating. Polo shirts or Oxford shirts with dress pants or dress slacks are a safe bet. Pair it with boat shoes or loafers for a polished look. And remember, if you’re wearing a white shirt, beware of the red wine!

The Laid-Back Look

For a more casual vibe, a linen shirt with denim shorts or chinos is the perfect outfit. Boat shoes are again your best bet for a comfortable, stylish choice. And gentlemen, here’s a tip: bring a light jacket or matching jacket. Not only can it combat the cool sea breeze, but it can also be a chivalrous offering to a lady who underestimated the chill.

Deciphering the Details

Sunglasses are not only for the ladies; they’re a must-have accessory for gentlemen too. As for hats, unless you’re going for the sea captain look, it’s best to leave them at home. And gentlemen, don’t forget your lip balm. Saltwater and wind can do a number on those lips, and cracked lips are hardly the accessory you want to sport.

Now, that we’ve covered the basics, remember this: the key to a successful yacht party outfit is to embrace the setting, consider the event, and most importantly, wear something that makes you feel like a million bucks. After all, you’re on a yacht, darling, and that’s reason enough to celebrate!

Preparing for the Unexpected: The Wild Cards

Alright, we’ve covered the basics, but yacht parties are anything but basic. So let’s talk about those wildcard scenarios that no one tells you about. For instance, what if the yacht charter throws a staff party with a nautical theme? Or, what if you’re attending a boat cruise dinner party that’s a black-tie affair? You may find yourself asking, “Are denim shorts really the best way to win the best-dressed award?”

Navigating Nautical Nightmares

First up, the nautical-themed yacht party. These events can sometimes come with a specific dress code that would make a sailor blush. Think stripes, light colors, and yes, boat shoes are an absolute must here. Polo shirts for the gentlemen and shirt dresses for the ladies are great options, along with a pair of sunglasses to complete that “I just docked my yacht” look.

And remember, when it comes to nautical fashion, don’t fight the tide, ride it!

Black Tie on The Blue Sea

Now, let’s talk black-tie affairs. This is where formal wear takes center stage. Gentlemen, it’s time to break out the full suit or tuxedo, and ladies, this is your chance to shine in a cocktail outfit or an elegant evening gown. This isn’t the time for your bikini top or denim shorts, no matter how expensive they were. Don’t forget, you’re on a luxury yacht, not a surfboard.

One key tip here, make sure you know the difference between black-tie and black-tie optional. If you show up to a black-tie optional event in a full tux while the rest of the guests are rocking the smart-casual look, you’re going to feel like James Bond at a beach party. And that’s not as cool as it sounds.

The Casual Cocktail Conundrum

So, what if the invite says ‘casual cocktail wear’? Now, this is where it gets tricky. You want to look casual, but not “I just came from the gym” casual. Ladies, a knee-length summer dress or chic cocktail dress should do the trick. And gents, a sports coat over a polo shirt, paired with some dress pants, will have you looking dashing without feeling overdressed. Remember, ‘casual’ in yacht language usually means ‘casual chic’, not ‘casual sloppy’.

On the Home Stretch: Some Parting Words

There you have it, folks! A complete guide to standing out, while fitting in, at your next yacht party. So whether you’re headed for a daytime event, a fancy evening event, or even a boat wedding, remember these simple rules.

Always consider the type of party, keep in mind the weather conditions, dress appropriately for the specific dress code, and take necessary safety precautions. And don’t forget to have a great time. After all, it’s not every day you get to party on a yacht!

Remember, at the end of the day, it’s all about having fun and feeling fabulous. So, get out there, seize the day (or night), and show that yacht party what you’re made of! You’ll be the talk of the boat charter and the envy of the crew members in no time. Enjoy your yacht party, you fancy sea-farer, you!

Navigating Night Parties: The Dark Side of Dressing

When the sun sets and the yacht’s deck becomes a dance floor, there are a few additional sartorial points to consider. Nighttime yacht parties aren’t just about being comfortable; they’re about shining brighter than the stars overhead.

Understanding The Dark Color Dynamics

Ladies and gentlemen, dark colors are your best friends at night. But beware, the dark side is not all black and white, or should I say, black and navy. When picking your evening wear, think jewel tones and earthy hues. Gentlemen, a solid navy sports coat paired with an oxford shirt can do wonders. Ladies, try a rich burgundy cocktail dress or an emerald green jumpsuit.

However, make sure your evening wear doesn’t double as camouflage with the night sky. If you fall overboard, you want to be spotted quickly, not mistaken for a playful dolphin!

Lights and Brights: Accessorize with Shine

As for accessories, this is your time to shine. Literally. Pick jewelry that sparkles and catches the light. A statement cocktail ring or chandelier earrings can be just the ticket. Gentlemen, a nice watch can be both practical and stylish. Just ensure it’s waterproof, because, you know, you’re on a boat.

Oh, and ladies, high heels can be a good choice at night when visibility is low, and tripping hazards become the evening’s surprise guest. But remember the golden rule: if you can’t walk in them on solid ground, you’ll look like a newborn giraffe on a moving yacht.

Taking A Walk on The Wild Side

If you’re feeling adventurous, why not try something different for your nighttime yacht party outfit? Ladies, a stunning silk jumpsuit paired with strappy sandals can offer a chic look that breaks the cocktail dress monotony. And gents, consider a dinner jacket with some character – perhaps something in a pattern or with a bright pocket square.

It’s Party Time: Final Touches

As we come to the end of our fashion voyage, it’s time for some general tips for any yacht party, day or night, summer or winter.

Remember, the first thing is to always be comfortable. It’s hard to have a great time when you’re constantly adjusting your outfit or nursing a blister from those brand-new boat shoes. Choose comfortable clothing that makes you feel confident and enjoy the party.

And remember, you are attending a yacht party at a prosperous city’s yacht clubs, not a pirate gathering or a sailor meetup. While the nautical theme might be fun for a staff party, at a more elegant event, keep your sea shanties and pirate impressions at bay.

Most importantly, have fun! Whether it’s your first time or you’re a seasoned yacht party attendee, every boat trip is a special occasion. So, put on your perfect outfit, and prepare for a night (or day) to remember.

Now, go forth and be the life of the boat party! I can’t wait to hear all about your fabulous yacht party outfit and the great time you had. Just don’t forget to invite me next time, okay? Happy sailing, my stylish friends!

Weathering the Party: Dressing for the Elements

Sailing into this section, it’s time to confront the elephant in the room – or rather, the weather on the yacht. Trust me, nothing puts a dampener on a party faster than being under (or over) dressed for the weather conditions. So let’s talk climate, comfort, and chic ensembles!

Sizzling Summers: Keeping it Cool

Summertime yacht parties are a paradise of warm breezes and cool cocktails. Ladies, think flowy dresses, chic crop tops, and your best pair of sunglasses. And don’t forget a wide-brimmed hat, both for style and to shield you from the summer sun. Now, if the hat goes flying off into the sunset, don’t fret – at least it made a grand exit.

Gentlemen, linen shirts are your best bet in the summer season. Pair them with some stylish shorts, slap on a healthy layer of sunscreen, and you’re good to go. And let’s not forget about boat shoes. They’re not just a trendy name, they’re built for grip and comfort on deck.

Wintry Waters: Style that Warms

Now, what if your yacht party is in the winter season? Fear not, because style doesn’t hibernate. Ladies, a midi dress paired with a stylish jacket can keep you warm and elegant. Adding a stylish wrap skirt can also add an extra layer against the cold.

For the gentlemen, long-sleeved shirts and dress slacks are great options. Add a light jacket or sports coat to combat the chilly sea breeze. And remember, winter weather is no excuse to forgo the boat shoes. Frostbite toes are hardly the evening’s desired icebreaker.

Nailing the Nighttime: Starlit Style

Regardless of the season, when it comes to nighttime yacht parties, remember: the temperature can drop faster than your dance moves. Ladies, that chic cocktail dress might need a matching jacket. Gentlemen, your stylish polo shirt might appreciate the company of a light jacket.

Embracing The Elements: The Last Word

In the end, keep in mind that while yacht parties are about looking your best, they’re also about feeling your best. The right outfit is about more than just the perfect picture, it’s about creating the perfect memory.

So check the weather forecast, consider your comfort, and dress appropriately. You’re not trying to win a fashion war against the elements, you’re trying to have a fantastic time at a yacht party. And let’s be honest, shivering in a corner or melting under the sun isn’t anyone’s idea of fun.

Now, you’re armed with all the knowledge you need to brave the weather, beat the dress code, and bestow your fashionable presence on that yacht party. Whether you’re cruising into a summer sunset or dancing under the winter stars, you’ll be prepared for any yacht party – come rain or shine.

Bon voyage, my fashionable friends. May your outfits be chic, your weather be mild, and your parties be memorable. I’ll be expecting an invitation to your next boat soiree! Remember, the best outfit is the one worn by a happy party-goer. Sail on!

A Floating Fête: Navigating Different Yacht Events

As we float further into this sea of fashion wisdom, it’s time to address another important aspect of yacht party outfit selection: the type of event. Whether it’s a relaxed day cruise, an elegant cocktail party, or a crazy dance party, the dress code can vary as much as the waves beneath your feet.

Chill Cruise: Comfort is Key

Daytime events such as a relaxed boat trip or boat ride often call for a casual look. Ladies, this is a great opportunity to sport those denim shorts or a light shirt dress. Pair them with flat shoes or sandals for comfort and mobility. No one wants to perform an accidental backflip while navigating the deck in high heels!

Gentlemen, a polo shirt, a pair of shorts and of course, the indispensable boat shoes make for a great boat party outfit. Just remember, when the sun is shining, a pair of sunglasses and lip balm can be your best friends. It’s all fun and games until you’re mistaken for a lobster.

Cocktail Conclave: Dress to Impress

When it comes to cocktail parties on a luxury yacht, your outfit needs to make a splash. Ladies, this is the perfect occasion for cocktail dresses or even a little black dress. Pair them with high heels or strappy sandals, and you’re ready to dazzle the crowd.

For the gents, it’s time to step up your game. Dress slacks, a solid color oxford shirt, and a sports coat will fit the bill. Boat shoes are still a good choice, offering a nautical touch to your cocktail attire.

Dance Dock: Let Loose and Move

Now, if it’s a dance party on a party boat, things are about to get wild. Ladies, feel free to explore options beyond the cocktail dress. A crop top paired with a wrap skirt can make for a comfortable and chic look, perfect for a night of dancing.

Gents, a linen shirt with denim shorts could be your best bet here. It’s comfortable, stylish and most importantly, dance-friendly. Just remember, while your dance moves might be fire, your feet don’t need to be. Stick to those comfy boat shoes.

All Aboard: Final Call

In conclusion, dressing for a yacht party is not about following rigid rules, it’s about understanding the vibe of the event and feeling great in what you wear. Whether you’re partying on a yacht cruise in the heat of summer, enjoying a boat charter in the crisp winter season, or stepping aboard a yacht for the first time, remember that the best outfits are ones that make you feel fabulous.

So take a moment, consider the event, check the mirror, and then forget all about it and enjoy the party! Whether it’s a fancy dinner on a boat, a staff party, or a cocktail evening, you’re going to have a great time.

Dress up, step up, and ship out, my nautical fashionistas! May your yacht parties be unforgettable, your boat trips spectacular, and your outfits always on point. Until the next time we set sail in the sea of style!

Party Don’ts: What to Avoid at Yacht Parties

Alright, shipmates, we’ve sailed through all the dos of yacht party fashion, now let’s drop anchor for a moment to discuss the don’ts. Because let’s face it, even the most stylish sea-dogs can make mistakes when partying at sea.

Overboard Overkill: Too Much is Too Much

The first rule of yacht party fashion: don’t overdo it. Yes, you want to look fabulous, but remember, you’re not trying to outshine the yacht itself. Wearing too much jewelry can make you look like a walking chandelier or, worse, a pirate’s treasure chest. It’s also not a good idea to wear extremely formal wear like a full suit or an evening gown unless the event calls for it.

This also applies to makeup. Ladies, a boat party is not the right place for full-on, smoky-eye Hollywood glamour. Not only can it be a bit much, but you also run the risk of looking like a raccoon after a passionate encounter with the sea breeze.

Impractical Choices: It’s Not Just About Looking Good

When deciding on your boat party outfit, remember to consider practicality. An extravagant feathered hat may look fabulous on land, but at sea, it may quickly become a seagull’s new target.

Ladies, high heels can be a stunning addition to your outfit, but only if you can walk comfortably in them. Nobody wants to perform an impromptu ballet recital on the deck. If you’re in doubt, opt for flat shoes or wedges. And remember, the only stilettos allowed onboard should be served in a martini glass.

Ignoring The Dress Code: Don’t Be That Person

Lastly, always consider the dress code. If the yacht party has a specific dress code, it’s not just a suggestion, it’s your ticket to board. Don’t be the person who shows up to a black-tie event in flip flops and a bikini top. Not only is it a fashion faux pas, but you might also be mistaken for a castaway.

Smooth Sailing: The Final Wave

So there you have it, the complete guide to what to wear to a yacht party at night – and the daytime too. Remember, the key to nailing your yacht party outfit is balancing style, comfort, and appropriateness to the event. From casual daytime cruises to glamorous nighttime soirees, these tips will ensure you’re always dressed to impress, without going overboard.

Whether you’re setting sail for a relaxed boat ride or an extravagant yacht charter, remember to dress with confidence, comfort, and a touch of nautical chic. After all, you’re not just attending a party, you’re making waves.

So, cast off those fashion doubts, hoist the sail of confidence, and steer your style towards an unforgettable yacht party. And remember, the real secret to being the life of the party is not just what you wear, but how you wear it. So wear it with a smile, a laugh, and a dance move or two. Until our next fashion voyage, sailors!

Special Maritime Moments: Dressing for Themed & Occasion-Specific Parties

As we voyage further into the yacht party outfit sea, let’s delve into a slightly more niche territory: themed parties and special occasions. A prosperous city yacht club might throw a nautical-themed gala, or your mate Dave might invite you to a boat wedding. These events need a dash of creativity to meet their unique dress codes, and, trust me, these could make for some of the best outfits you’ll ever wear.

Themed Thrills: Embracing the Unusual

Themed parties are the time to step out of your comfort zone and into some fun. Nautical theme? Break out the sailor stripes and opt for bright colors to give your outfit a pop. 80’s retro dance party? Time to dig out those neon colors and wild prints.

But remember, though it may be tempting to go all out, do make sure you are still comfortable. Dressing like Captain Jack Sparrow might win you points for dedication, but that heavy pirate coat might not be the best choice for a dance party.

Saying ‘I Do’ on the Deck: Boat Weddings

Attending a boat wedding? This is where you might want to push the boat out – pun intended. Women, a knee-length summer dress in light colors can be a good choice. It’s formal, yet appropriate for the setting. Pair it with some stylish flat shoes or wedges, and you’re wedding-ready.

Men, it might be time to bring out the dress pants and a crisp white shirt. Depending on the formality of the event, a matching jacket or sports coat might be required. But remember, this is a yacht, not a stuffy old banquet hall. Opt for light, breathable fabrics to stay comfortable.

Celebrate in Style: Special Celebrations

For birthday bashes or anniversary parties, comfort and style go hand in hand. Ladies, consider a chic midi dress in solid colors or a short dress paired with a light jacket for an evening event. Men, you can’t go wrong with a linen shirt and dress slacks for that chic look.

Seal the Deal: Wrapping up the Fashion Voyage

Ultimately, themed parties and special occasions allow you to get creative with your yacht party outfit. The most important rule to remember is that the best way to ensure you have a great time is to feel good in what you’re wearing. Dressing for the theme or occasion is part of the fun, but comfort should always be a priority.

So, there you have it, shipmates! You’re now ready to take on any type of yacht party – from the strictest dress code to the wildest theme. Just remember, the best accessory to any outfit is a sense of humor and a readiness to have fun.

Until next time, I bid you fair winds and a great time at your yacht parties. Whether you’re docked in a prosperous city, dancing on a party boat, or just enjoying a boat cruise, remember: in the grand scheme of things, it’s not just about the clothes you wear but the memories you make while wearing them. Sail on!

Survival Kit: Essential Items to Pack for Yacht Parties

Alright, stylish sea dogs, we’ve covered what to wear to a yacht party, but what about those vital items you need to bring along? You know, the unsung heroes of the yacht party, the items that could save your night from going overboard.

Safety First: Important Precautions

First things first: safety precautions. Now, I don’t mean life jackets and flares – although, it’s good to know where those are. No, we’re talking about items like a wide-brimmed hat and a good pair of sunglasses. These can protect you from the harsh sun during daytime events. And of course, never forget the lip balm. Cracked lips might give you that rugged sailor look, but they’re not much fun when trying to enjoy your fancy dinner.

Comfort is Queen (and King): Must-Haves for Feeling Good

Comfortable clothing is a must on any boat trip, but there are a few additional things to consider. Ladies, if you’re wearing high heels, it’s a good idea to pack a pair of flat shoes too. After a few hours of dancing or walking on deck, you’ll be glad you did. Men, remember to bring an extra polo shirt or a light jacket. You never know when the sea breeze might kick in, and you don’t want to be shivering in your shorts.

Ready for Anything: Extra Essentials

But the true yacht party survival kit extends beyond clothing. Remember to bring along your go-to items to keep you looking fresh all night. This might include travel-sized toiletries, makeup for touch-ups, and, most importantly, a portable phone charger. After all, you’ll need enough battery to capture the memorable moments of your yacht trip, and you don’t want to be the one hunting for a power outlet on a luxury yacht.

Batten Down the Hatches: Final Words

There you have it, my fellow yacht-goers – the ultimate guide on what to wear to a yacht party at night (and day), and what to bring along. Keep in mind these outfit ideas, remember to check the weather conditions, dress according to the occasion, and most importantly, pack your survival kit.

But remember, while dressing right can set the tone for a great night, it’s your attitude that will make or break your experience. So, sport your yacht party outfit with confidence, rock that boat party with style, and savor the moment.

So, whether you’re partying on a yacht charter, cruising on a boat trip, or celebrating a special occasion on a yacht club, be prepared, be comfortable, be stylish, but most importantly, be ready to have a fabulous time.

Now go forth, my stylish sailors, and make some waves. I’ll see you at the next yacht party – just look for the person dancing in boat shoes, wearing a wide-brimmed hat, and reapplying lip balm. Bon voyage!

Onboard Etiquette: How to Make Waves (the Good Kind) at Yacht Parties

So, you’re all dressed up in your yacht party outfit, you’ve packed your survival kit, and you’re ready to rock the boat (metaphorically, please). But wait! How should you behave once you’re onboard? Well, my dear yacht-goers, let’s wrap up this fashion voyage with a quick guide to yacht party etiquette.

Crew Courtesy: Show Some Respect

Let’s start with the first thing you should remember: the crew members aren’t your personal waitstaff. Yes, they’re there to make sure you have a great time, but that doesn’t mean you can treat them like your minions. Be polite, respectful, and remember to thank them. They’re the ones making your luxury yacht experience possible, after all.

Don’t Rock the Boat: Keeping Balance

Next up, keep in mind that you’re on a boat, and boats can, well, rock. Try not to be the person who’s stumbling around like they’ve just sailed around the world single-handedly. Whether you’re wearing high heels or boat shoes, remember: walking on a boat requires a bit more finesse than on dry land.

Breezy Boundaries: Personal Space and Privacy

Just because you’re all on a boat together doesn’t mean personal boundaries have disappeared. Respect other guests’ space, don’t barge into cabins uninvited, and keep the noise down if you’re the last one dancing at the nighttime yacht party.

Chic Celebrations: Dressing for the Occasion

While we’ve covered this in detail, it’s worth repeating: always dress for the occasion. If it’s a formal cocktail party, then cocktail attire is a must. If it’s a casual boat ride, then denim shorts and a crop top might be a good choice.

All Ashore: Final Departure

So there you have it, shipmates, the end of our fashion voyage. We’ve covered what to wear to a yacht party at night and in the day, how to prepare for themed parties and special occasions, what to pack in your survival kit, and now, how to behave on board.

Whether you’re attending a yacht charter, a staff party, a boat wedding, or just a simple boat cruise, remember: it’s all about balance. Balancing style and comfort, fun and responsibility, making an impression and respecting others.

Remember, the best outfits are worn by those who know how to have a good time without going overboard (in both senses of the word). So get out there, make some waves, and have an unforgettable time. And who knows? Maybe I’ll see you at the next yacht party, cocktail in hand, wearing the perfect outfit, and of course, rocking a wide-brimmed hat. Until then, smooth sailing!

Dress Code Decoded: Yacht Party Styles Around the World

Just as the horizon changes from port to port, so do yacht party styles around the globe. In our final section, we’ll anchor in a few glamorous locations and see how the dress code changes from one prosperous city to another. Let’s set sail!

European Elegance: Mediterranean Magic

Imagine this: you’re at a yacht party, the sun is setting over the Mediterranean Sea, and you’ve just been handed a glass of champagne. What are you wearing?

In European yacht clubs, think chic and elegant. Women, consider a flowy dress in light colors for that ‘dancing on deck at sunset’ vibe. Men, opt for linen shirts and dress slacks, or perhaps an oxford shirt if the occasion is more formal.

Caribbean Casual: Laid-Back Luxury

Now let’s head to the Caribbean, where the vibe is a little more relaxed. Here, boat parties are all about comfort and style. Ladies, a bikini top paired with a wrap skirt or denim shorts can work perfectly. Gents, polo shirts and board shorts are a good choice. Don’t forget your wide-brimmed hat and lip balm to combat the tropical sun!

American Affluence: Hamptons High Life

Sailing over to the Hamptons, the dress code becomes slightly more posh. Here, boat shoes are a must, and you can’t go wrong with a summer season color palette. For women, consider pairing a shirt dress with strappy sandals for a daytime event or a little black dress for an evening affair. Men, long-sleeved shirts with dress pants or chinos are the way to go.

Final Port of Call: Making it Your Own

Despite the different dress codes, one rule remains the same across all yacht parties: be comfortable, and be yourself. Whether you’re on a luxury yacht in Monaco or a boat charter in Miami, remember that the best way to enjoy any party is to feel good in what you’re wearing.

We’ve now circumnavigated the globe, discussing what to wear to a yacht party at night and day, from the tropics to the Mediterranean. We’ve had a lot of fun – and I hope you have too!

So as you disembark from this fashion journey, remember, whether you’re the first-time sailor or the seasoned sea dog, whether you’re gearing up for a boat trip or a staff party, wearing the right outfit can elevate your experience from ‘just another boat party’ to ‘an unforgettable night at sea’.

Now, fellow yacht-goers, it’s time for you to make your own waves. As you step onto that deck, remember, you’re not just attending a yacht party – you’re making a statement. So dress well, have fun, and let the sea breeze guide you. Happy sailing !

What to Wear to a Yacht Party at Night ?

Ideas for outfits – Gentlemen – Ladies

Best #1 Guide for What to Wear to a Yacht Party at Night

Navigating through life, or as I like to call it, stumbling through a travel brochure, I’ve bounced from one continent to another like a ping pong ball. From riding a camel around the pyramids and getting lost in Cairo’s bazaars, to scuba diving wrecks off Florida, mingling with sharks in Roatan, and admiring Cozumel’s coral reefs. And amidst this whirlwind of adventure, I find time to scribble it all down in a blog, because what’s a near-death experience with a dolphin if you can’t brag about it online, right? So here’s to cheap travels, history lessons in every port, and unforgettable under-the-sea encounters. May my suitcase always be packed and my oxygen tank never be empty!

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Interface Full Audio Subtitles
Spanish - Spain
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Spanish - Latin America
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Planned Release Date: To be announced

About this game.

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  • Choose Your Champion Now, you can choose your champion from a lineup of 20 iconic characters, each with unique playstyles. Dive into the action with Shovel Knight, team up with Shield Knight, or even play as the Enchantress herself!
  • Team Up for Glory in Online Multiplayer Online multiplayer allows you to join forces with friends worldwide. Together, tackle the main adventure or explore myriad challenges, too.
  • A Treasure Trove of Content Dive into fan-favorite features from all previous versions of the game, including Challenge Stages, Custom Knight, and the Battle Ghost Arena. And for full immersion, return to the world of Shovel Knight in full Stereoscopic 3D!
  • Rewind and Save States For the first time, use the power of Rewind to perfect your platforming skills or use Save States to pause and plan your next moves.
  • Remix with Cheats With over 300 classic gameplay-twisting cheats, customize your experience to make it as challenging or as weird as you like. All these cheats can now be enabled simultaneously, offering endless ways to remix your adventure.

System Requirements

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS *: Windows 7 or later
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.1 ghz or equivalent
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 2nd Generation Intel Core HD Graphics (2000/3000), 512MB
  • Storage: 250 MB available space
  • OS: Compatible up to 10.15.17 Catalina
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 ghz or equivalent
  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04 and Newer

Shovel Knight™, the Shovel Knight logo, and the Shovel Knight characters are trademarks of Yacht Club Games™ and are registered in certain jurisdictions, including in the United States. ©2024 Yacht Club Games L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Daisy Kelliher shares safety message after sister Bonnie injured in accident

B elow Deck Sailing Yacht star Daisy Kelliher has shared a safety message after her sister Bonnie was seriously injured in an accident in Thailand.

Bonnie appeared on Season 4 of the hit sailing show to visit Daisy and enjoy a crazy night out with the Parsifal III crew.

Daisy has been keeping fans updated on her life via social media despite the delay for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5.

As Monsters and Critics previously reported, the fan-favorite Chief Stew even switched up her look, which suits her perfectly.

However, earlier today, Daisy got candid about something her family has been going through with Bonnie.

Taking to Instagram, Daisy didn’t hold back with a warning for fans in two posts.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht’s Daisy Kelliher revealed her sister Bonnie was in the hospital

In the first post, Daisy shared three pictures of her with Bonnie. The first two were of the sisters hanging out and having a good time with smiles all around, while the last one was a fun group shot.

“*Warning* ⚠️ upsetting message part 12 .5 weeks ago my sister had an accident in Thailand. I got a message on instagram from a friend of hers telling me she had been in an accident with no other information this was on the Friday and it had happened on the Thursday, by Saturday my parents were on a flight to her,” began her first IG message.

The Irish beauty didn’t want to go into too much detail but shared that Bonnie has undergone several surgeries on her face, chest, and brain, as well as two emergency surgeries that lasted over 12 hours.

Bonnie has been released from the ICU but remains in the hospital.

Daisy Kelliher from Below Deck Sailing Yacht shares safety message to fans

In a separate Instagram post, Daisy shared that she had made her way to Thailand to be there for Bonnie and her parents. Daisy spent Bonnie’s 34 th birthday by her sister’s side, grateful Bonnie was alive, considering the severity of her injuries.

“The only reason I am sharing this information (with my families permission) is to promote a few things. For anyone who might see this who is going on holiday or travelling or anything like this. Please don’t get on the moped and if you do wear a helmet and have insurance (no helmet, no insurance).” read part of Daisy’s caption.

The chief stew admitted over the past few days that she and her parents have seen many people admitted to the hospital Bonnie is at who have not been as lucky as her.

Daisy also explained the importance of friends sticking together.

It turns out Bonnie’s friend was the one who realized Bonnie hadn’t come and then went out to find her. The friend discovered Bonnie had been in an accident. The friend called Daisy and her parents.

“If it wasn’t for her things could have been different. She was so fast acting and a huge support to my family. So always always check on your friends,” Daisy wrote.

Before ending her message, Daisy explained Bonnie’s in a great hospital and on her road to recovery. She also expressed that she told the story in hopes of preventing others from what Daisy, Bonnie, and her family are going through right now.

“DO NOT GET ON THE BIyKE and if you do WEAR A HELMET have TRAVEL INSURANCE,” she stated.

Daisy Kelliher has a warning for Below Deck Sailing Yacht fans after her sister Bonnie Kelliher was seriously injured in a moped/scooter accident.

Here’s wishing Bonnie a safe and speedy recovery.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht is currently on hiatus on Bravo. Seasons 1-4 are streaming on Peacock.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht star Daisy Kelliher has shared a safety message after her sister Bonnie was seriously injured in an accident in Thailand. Bonnie appeared on Season 4 of the hit sailing show to visit Daisy and enjoy a crazy night out with the Parsifal III crew. Daisy has been keeping fans updated on

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Black Knight Charter Yacht


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BLACK KNIGHT yacht NOT for charter*

25m  /  82' | goudy & stevens | 1968.

  • Previous Yacht

The 25m/82' motor yacht 'Black Knight' (ex. Cassiar) was built by Goudy & Stevens .

Range & Performance

Black Knight is built with a wood hull and wood superstructure, with teak decks. Her low draft of makes her primed for accessing shallow areas and cruising close to the shorelines.

Length 25m / 82'
Beam -
Draft -
Cruising Speed -
Builder Goudy & Stevens
Model Custom

*Charter Black Knight Motor Yacht

Motor yacht Black Knight is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

Black Knight Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

Black Knight Photos

Black Knight Yacht

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


M/Y Black Knight

Length 25m / 82'
Built | Refit 1968
Beam -
Draft -
Cruising Speed -
Top Speed -


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POA ♦︎

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from $20,900 p/week

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from $23,000 p/week ♦︎

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Golden Princess

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from $21,000 p/week ♦︎

Monara charter yacht

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Shangri - La

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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Population157,409 inhabitants
Elektrostal Population Density3,179.3 /km² (8,234.4 /sq mi)

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: , Longitude:
55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East
Elektrostal Area4,951 hectares
49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi)
Elektrostal Altitude164 m (538 ft)
Elektrostal ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

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Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 June02:43 - 11:25 - 20:0701:43 - 21:0701:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
9 June02:42 - 11:25 - 20:0801:42 - 21:0801:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
10 June02:42 - 11:25 - 20:0901:41 - 21:0901:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
11 June02:41 - 11:25 - 20:1001:41 - 21:1001:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
12 June02:41 - 11:26 - 20:1101:40 - 21:1101:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
13 June02:40 - 11:26 - 20:1101:40 - 21:1201:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
14 June02:40 - 11:26 - 20:1201:39 - 21:1301:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Located next to Noginskoye Highway in Electrostal, Apelsin Hotel offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi. Free parking is available. The elegant rooms are air conditioned and feature a flat-screen satellite TV and fridge...

Located in the green area Yamskiye Woods, 5 km from Elektrostal city centre, this hotel features a sauna and a restaurant. It offers rooms with a kitchen...

Ekotel Bogorodsk Hotel is located in a picturesque park near Chernogolovsky Pond. It features an indoor swimming pool and a wellness centre. Free Wi-Fi and private parking are provided...

Surrounded by 420,000 m² of parkland and overlooking Kovershi Lake, this hotel outside Moscow offers spa and fitness facilities, and a private beach area with volleyball court and loungers...

Surrounded by green parklands, this hotel in the Moscow region features 2 restaurants, a bowling alley with bar, and several spa and fitness facilities. Moscow Ring Road is 17 km away...

Elektrostal Nearby

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    Generally night sailing falls into one of two categories: the first is a one-off night sail, such as the start of a summer cruise to get the boat to your cruising ground, or perhaps a RORC or JOG ...

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    OVERNIGHT YACHT CHARTER. Overnight yacht charters for multiple days, weeks, or months chartering from Marina del Rey, Los Angeles, Malibu, and Newport Beach. Our charter yachts for multi day rentals are ideal for 2-12 guests with private chef catering, water sports, and other amenities making your luxury yacht charter the ultimate experience.

  6. NIGHT HOWL Yacht Charter Brochure

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    La Datcha 77m Damen Yachting from $630,000 p/week ♦︎. Andrea 74m CRN from $976,000 p/week ♦︎. Titania 73m Lurssen from $615,000 p/week ♦︎. Search the entire global luxury Yacht Charter Fleet (3,000+ yachts) find the best crewed superyachts & megayachts to rent for your dream private yacht vacation.

  8. Night sailing: top tips and expert advice to see you safely through

    Sail area is reduced during the night - if hit by a big squall - by furling the jib. The off-watch sleeps on the saloon sofa.". "We also use head torches and use the red LED to preserve ...

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    Fraser offers a magnificent selection of party yachts for charter, ideal for corporate events or special occasions such as a birthday party. One such example is the luxury motor yacht for charter FORCE BLUE. This elegant 71 metre Royal Denship yacht is a true masterpiece, offering all the space and amenities to guarantee a party that wows.

  14. Starry Night Yacht Charter

    Starry Night is a 53-foot yacht able to handle 6 guests for your personalized yacht charter experience. Our captain, Matt Starling, can customize any type of intercoastal water excursion with amenities including catering, a top-shelf bar, and personal service from a first mate.

  15. RENAISSANCE Superyacht

    By night, the bars on the bridge and main decks convert into DJ stations for unforgettable entertainment while the lower deck cinema seating 19 guests is the place for that blockbuster experience. Her spa deck is a revelation. The fitness centre has a vast gym with an equipment list that would amaze an elite athlete.

  16. Night Howl Yacht

    Night Howl is a motor yacht with an overall length of m. The yacht's builder is Westport Yachts from United States, who launched Night Howl in 2010. The superyacht has a beam of m, a draught of m and a volume of . GT.. Night Howl features exterior design by Donald Starkey Designs. Up to 12 guests can be accommodated on board the superyacht, Night Howl, and she also has accommodation for 12 ...

  17. Best #1 Guide For What To Wear To A Yacht Party At Night

    If the event is more on the formal side, like a boat wedding or a fancy dinner, a full suit or sports coat can never go wrong. Stick to lighter colors to avoid overheating. Polo shirts or Oxford shirts with dress pants or dress slacks are a safe bet. Pair it with boat shoes or loafers for a polished look.

  18. KNIGHT Yacht Charter Price

    Sleeps 10 guests. Offering an array of luxury amenities, motor yacht KNIGHT is tailor made for memorable yacht charter vacations with family and friends. With a Gross Tonnage of 499GT and a top speed of 24 knots Satori is among the world's fastest 50 metre yachts. Built on the experience of launching seventeen 44- and 47-metre custom yachts ...

  19. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.

  20. Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX on Steam

    Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX is an enhanced edition of the pixel-perfect adventure. Jump, battle foes, and dig up treasure as you quest to defeat the Order of No Quarter and The Enchantress. DX adds 20 playable characters, online multiplayer, and new features like rewind and save states.

  21. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  22. Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Daisy Kelliher shares safety message ...

    Bonnie appeared on Season 4 of the hit sailing show to visit Daisy and enjoy a crazy night out with the Parsifal III crew. Daisy has been keeping fans updated on her life via social media despite ...

  23. BLACK KNIGHT Yacht

    The yacht particulars displayed in the results above are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your yacht charter broker. Trident Media Ltd does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images ...

  24. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  25. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.