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Royal Brighton Yacht Club has a long and distinguished history going back to 1875, growing from a small lean-to shed on the beach here in Brighton to the large modern facility you see now.

Our passion for the sport of sailing has remained undiminished. The style of yachts may have changed, but the wind in our sails, friendly competition and adventurous cruising further afield, continue to attract countless Melburnians and visitors to our Club on the water.

We have an extensive sailing program, which provides opportunities for young and old, male and female, racer and cruiser to go sailing. For those new to sailing there is children’s or adult learn to sail, while for the more experienced there is racing, or cruising, or a combination of both. Besides our active keelboat and one-design fleets, our dinghy classes are strongly re-establishing themselves.

The Club’s online calendar provides an overview of what is on offer this season. Some prefer the Club’s active social program with numerous functions and live musical entertainment without venturing out on the water, whilst our Iceberger members have found a home here for their daily swims.

We recommend our catering and hospitality to you – we have a beautiful Members Lounge and a stylish function room with views over the water upstairs to suit all your wedding, dining, party and conferencing requirements. In 2018 we opened our redeveloped forecourt, deck and brand new kitchen downstairs, and this has become a wonderful new social hub for the Club for all Members and their guests and visitors.

Our collection

Royal brighton yacht club trophies.

Royal Brighton Yacht Club has collected a great deal of sailing memorabilia during it's 147 years of operation. We have steering wheels from old ships, flags, trophies etc which we would like to catalogue.The significant collection of trophies displayed at Royal Brighton Yacht Club is being loaded online for the benefit of all members.

Many members will have additional information about these memorabilia. We encourage and welcome anyone with such knowledge to send any additions or corrections to [email protected] with the subject heading "RBYC Collections Contribution".

Items featured online

VXOne Season Trophy

VXOne Season Trophy

VXOne Season Championship : Awarded by the VXone group based on overall season performance

Badge - Pins, Jock Sturrocks Pin Collection, 2022

Badge - Pins, Jock Sturrocks Pin Collection, 2022

Part of our history on display These mementos were collected by Jock Sturrock’s wife Betty on their trips around the world to yacht clubs and sailing events. This collection has been lovingly preserved by Betty’s bother Doug Jones, his wife Elaine and their daughters Michelle and Claudia, who have donated it to Royal Brighton Yacht Club for members to enjoy. The donors were thanked with a lunch at the club, hosted by three members of General Committee

Award - Etchells Class Trophies

Award - Etchells Class Trophies

The Etchells One Design Class has a long and proud history at RBYC.

Trophy, Most Improved Cruiser

Trophy, Most Improved Cruiser

This trophy was donated by David and Wendy Pollard to RBYC in 2002, to be awarded annually to the most improved cruiser The aim of this award is to encourage and recognise the newer skippers in taking responsibility and in sailing further into ocean waters and all other facets pertaining thereto.

Trophy, Cruising Yachtsman of the Year

Trophy, Cruising Yachtsman of the Year

The Cruising Yachtsman of the Year trophy was donated to RBYC in 1993 by Commodore John R. and Mrs Anna Robinson of Queenscliffe Cruising Yacht club. The trophy is a silver wine basket to be presented with a bottle of wine on a white serviette in it. The winner is entitled to have the trophy on their table with their wine bottle in it if they were having dinner at the club.

Trophy, Stars and Compass

Trophy, Stars and Compass

The Stars and Compass Trophy was donated by Richard Hawkins in 1998 (the Year of the Oceans) to encourage the use of traditional navigation skills by yachts at sea. See attached document for more extensive background information

navigation, hawkins

Boat Models

Boat Models

These models of RBYC Race Management boats (Blue Gum, RB8 and Tarni) have been donated by Graham Noel and can be viewed in a glass cabinet of the Olympic restaurant at RBYC. Graham originally donated the model of Tarni to the club in 2005, in acknowledgement of the valuable work done by race management volunteers. The model was presented to Harry Tedston on his retirement as Race Officer in 2008. Harry then donated the trophy back to the club in 2009, for the enjoyment of all members.

graham noel, blue gum, rb8, tarni

Trophy, Twilight with Extras

Trophy, Twilight with Extras

The Twilight series "with extras" (ie boats racing with spinnakers) is sailed on Wednesday evenings over summer. The first winner of this trophy was Jim Simmons in 2009/10.

twilight, simmons, extras

Trophy, Blizzard Winter Series

Trophy, Blizzard Winter Series

The Blizzard winter series is run for keelboats over the winter months. It was first raced in 2009.

blizzard, winter

Trophy, Phil Bedlington Award

Trophy, Phil Bedlington Award

This trophy is donated by Phil Bedlington and is awarded annually as part of the RBYC presentation night. It is awarded for an Outstanding Achievement in Sailing at the National or International level. The first winner was Krystal Weir in 2001/2002

bedlington, weir, krystal

Model yacht, Revelle Family Perpetual Trophy

Model yacht, Revelle Family Perpetual Trophy

This trophy has been donated by Diarne Revelle. It is awarded to the PHS winner of the Port Phillip Women's Championship Series race sailed as part of the BLISS regatta.

bliss, revelle, ppwcs, phs

Trophy, BLISS Club Teams Trophy

Trophy, BLISS Club Teams Trophy

This is the BLISS Club teams trophy, awarded to the Club which partook in the whole BLiSS program (training & racing), for the club that has the highest female participation rate.

bliss, teams, club

Shield, Jubilee Perpetual Trophy - Senior Division

Shield, Jubilee Perpetual Trophy - Senior Division

This is a long standing Jubilee trophy awarded annually

jubilees, perpetual

Trophies, Non-Sailing Trophies

Trophies, Non-Sailing Trophies

When not on the water many RBYC members enjoy billiards or golf, with regular annual events being held for both.

ja douglas, harvey, golf, billiards

Trophy, Navy Teams Racing Trophies

Trophy, Navy Teams Racing Trophies

These are trophies for the Navy Teams Invitational racing - Victorian selections series and National Championships..

navy, teams, selection, victorian, national

Trophies, Ornate and Old trophies

Trophies, Ornate and Old trophies

Over the history of RBYC some very ornate trophies have been presented. These are no longer used but are brought out for display on special occasions. You can see some of these by clicking on the right arrow on the photo above.

petersville, clock, olympic, dragon, jubilee, custom paints, galatea, breeze, harvey, ramsey, lightening, lynch, st kilda, commodore, loch ness, bell

Junior and Transition Trophies, Junior classes

Junior and Transition Trophies, Junior classes

Sabot Dinghies have raced at RBYC for a great many years, as a training boat for boys and girls and as a "one design" regatta boat. There are a number of trophies which have been awarded, some of which have since been repurposed for use by other junior classes. If you click on the "right arrow" on the photo above you can see each of these one by one.

sabot, caitlin, junior, hermann, robinson, clog, mccallum, shepard, 16 ft skiff, 420, acrospire, sylvia, laser, 505, duncan, royalist, b class, redeemer

Cadet Dinghy Trophies, Cadets

Cadet Dinghy Trophies, Cadets

Cadet Dinghies have a long proud history at RBYC with many Trophies awarded over the years. Apart from the Stonehaven Cup (see separate entry) the other trophies are shown here. You can see these by clicking on the right arrow on the photo above.

cadet, andrew linacre, deed of gift

Trophy, 1930s Trophies

Trophy, 1930s Trophies

1930s Trophies Donor: Deed of Gift: Details: Left to Right A1 Class ‘Acrospire’ 1936 Young Frothblowers Corella 1930 Corella and Royalist 1930/ 34

a1, acrospire, frothblowers, corella, royalist

model, J. A. Linacre Memorial Trophy

model, J. A. Linacre Memorial Trophy

J. A. Linacre Memorial Trophy Donor: J. H. Linacre Deed of Gift: Yes The trophy was presented by J. H. Linacre and the Linacre family in memory of their father Jim Linacre who was a past Commodore and one of the founders of the Jubilee Class of yachts in 1935. The trophy is awarded annually to the winner of the Jubilee Class Victorian Championship. First Winner: Freydis BJ1, J. H. Linacre 1947/48

jubilees, freydis, deed of gift

Tray, W. G. Linacre Memorial Trophy (Tray)

Tray, W. G. Linacre Memorial Trophy (Tray)

W. G. Linacre Memorial Trophy (Tray) Donor: J. H. Linacre Deed of Gift: The trophy was donated by the Linacre family in memory of their brother Bill who was also a member of the RBYC. The trophy is awarded to the winner of a Jubilee class race at RBYC. First Winner: Freelance BJ25, N. McInnes 5/3/1955

jubilees, linacre

Cup, Vanessa Cup

Cup, Vanessa Cup

Vanessa Cup Donor: Past Commodore J. A. Linacre, 1935 Deed of Gift: No The 8-metre yacht Vanessa was at one time owned by Commodore J. A. Linacre who originally donated the trophy to the B Class. With the introduction of the new Jubilee Class in 1935 the trophy was transferred and is now awarded each year to the winner of the Jubilee Class RBYC season aggregate. First Winner: (B Class) Eighteen Twenty, 1935 (Jubilee) Rotanes, A. E. Akhurst 1936

Cup, Sarawaki Cup

Cup, Sarawaki Cup

Sarawaki Cup Donor: Deed of Gift: No First Winner: Bramac, B.J.C 1936 RBYC to Mornington: Freelance, R. J. Colemen 1982

Cup, Returned Soldiers’ Cup

Cup, Returned Soldiers’ Cup

Returned Soldiers’ Cup Donor: Deed of Gift: No There is an earlier returned soldiers trophy which is a World War I shell case which was awarded to commemorate the RBYC members who served in the first World War. The first trophy was awarded to the Jubilee yacht Rotanes BJ3, owned by A. E. Akhurst in 1935. For an unknown reason the current Returned Soldiers’ Cup was purchased and first awarded in season 1935/36. First Winner: Sylvia BJ2, W. Jamison 1935/36

Cup, Perpetual Challenge Cup

Cup, Perpetual Challenge Cup

Perpetual Challenge Cup Donor: Presented by the first 10 owners Deed of Gift: Yes 3/8/1953 The first owners were J. A. Linacre, W. Jamison, A. E. Akhurst, C. H. Beyer, J. Stewart, W. Ross, G. Douglas, E. A. Franklin, O. H. Tuck and G. O’Connor. The trophy was originally intended for interclub competition, however it seems to have only been used in club racing at RBYC. First Winner: Sarawaki BJ8, 1935/36

jubilees, owners

half model, Mornington Perpetual Trophy

half model, Mornington Perpetual Trophy

Mornington Perpetual Trophy Donor: The Mornington Yacht Club 1985 Deed of Gift: No Donated to commemorate the Jubilee class 50th anniversary and is awarded to the winner of the last heat of the Victorian Championship for the J. A. Linacre Memorial Trophy. First Winner: Killara J, R. A. Chisholm 1986

jubilees, mornington

Shield, Les Pound Shield

Shield, Les Pound Shield

Les Pound Shield Donor: Victorian Jubilee Controlling Body Deed of Gift: In 1966 in recognition of his great contribution in developing the Jubilee class and to its ongoing success over many years, the Victorian Jubilee Controlling Body donated the Les Pound Shield. It is to be awarded to the best Victorian Jubilee yacht competing in the annual Huntingfield Cup. Les Pound was one of the original owners, building his own BJ4 Aeolus in 1935. In his later years, to minimize the task of maintaining a timber boat, he purchased a fiberglass boat which he named after his wife Stella. He was made an honorary life member in 1972. First Winner: Aeolus BJ4, L. N. Pound 1966

jubilees, pound, aeolus

Cup, Jubilee Cup

Cup, Jubilee Cup

Jubilee Cup Donor: Commodore A. T. Crick 1935 Deed of Gift: No Donated by Commodore Crick to commemorate the Jubilee year of King George V and which gave name to the new class of yacht. The trophy was originally awarded to the B class of yachts but with the launch of the new Jubilees, it was transferred to that class. Fist B Class Winner: Virginia, A. S. Sturrock 1934/35 First Jubilee Winner: Sylvia, W. Jamison 1936

jubilees, jubilee, crick

Cup, Huntingfield Cup

Cup, Huntingfield Cup

Huntingfield Cup Donor: Governor of Victoria Lord Huntingfield, 1936 Deed of Gift: Yes The trophy was donated as a perpetual trophy for interstate competition for their Australian Championship. Originally the trophy was competed for by a team of 3 yachts from each state using yachts provided by the home state. The first teams’ race was won by NSW with Ken Clark and Alan Baldick sailing Petrel. In 1966 the series became an individual competition with the first being won by Victorian yacht Aeolus BJ4 by L. N. Pound in 1966.

jubilees, huntingfield

Cup, Harvie Linklater Cup

Cup, Harvie Linklater Cup

Harvie Linklater Cup Donor: Deed of Gift: Harvie Linklater was one of the early member of RBYC and for a number of years was the clubs’ Historian. He raced on a number of the clubs’ famous early yachts, including with J. A. Linacre, a past Commodore. He was also one of the Brighton members who started off the Black Rock Yacht Club as an annex of the RBYC. First Winner: Samoa BJ21, H. Stephens 1948/49

jubilees, linklater

Victorian Collections acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.

Royal Brighton Yacht Club (Brighton)

Royal Brighton Yacht Club (Brighton)



GJW Direct 2024 Dinghy

Sail Melbourne at Royal Brighton Yacht Club - Overall

royal brighton yacht club

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royal brighton yacht club

Download Wedding Pack & Pricing

Royal Brighton Yacht Club Wedding Venue

  • Wedding Venues

Royal Brighton Yacht Club - Wedding Reception

At a Glance

royal brighton yacht club

RBYC,  can be best described as coastal chic, combining the natural beauty of the sea with timeless elegance and impeccable service to create unforgettable moments that will be cherished for a lifetime.

Bayview Room:

  • Capacity for seated: Up to 100 guests
  • Capacity for cocktail reception: Up to 320 guests

Bayview Private Dining Room:

  • Capacity for seated: Up to 30 guests
  • Capacity for cocktail reception: Up to 50 guests

The Royal Brighton Yacht Club event space is the newest waterfront wedding venue on Port Phillip bay!

Nestled along the breathtaking shores of Brighton Beach, The Royal Brighton Yacht Club stands as an emblem of timeless elegance and unparalleled beauty. Our illustrious venue offers a captivating backdrop for couples seeking to exchange vows amidst the serene allure of the sea.

Imagine saying "I do" against the backdrop of a mesmerizing sunset, with the gentle lull of the waves providing a harmonious soundtrack to your special day. At The Royal Brighton Yacht Club, we specialize in crafting unforgettable moments, ensuring that your wedding day is nothing short of magical.

Our venue boasts a blend of modern luxury and nautical charm, providing the perfect canvas for you to paint the wedding of your dreams. Whether you envision an intimate gathering or a grand affair, our versatile event spaces can be tailored to suit your unique vision.

From our elegant ballrooms with panoramic views of the ocean to our picturesque outdoor terrace overlooking the marina, every corner of The Royal Brighton Yacht Club exudes romance and sophistication. Our dedicated team of experienced professionals is committed to bringing your vision to life, guiding you through every step of the planning process with precision and care.

In addition to our stunning venue, The Royal Brighton Yacht Club offers a range of services to ensure a seamless and memorable wedding experience. From exquisite catering options curated by our award-winning chefs to personalized décor and entertainment solutions, we strive to exceed your expectations in every way.

Conveniently located just moments away from Melbourne's vibrant city center, The Royal Brighton Yacht Club offers easy access for you and your guests, making it the ideal destination for both local and destination weddings.

At The Royal Brighton Yacht Club, your happily ever after begins by the sea. Contact us today to start planning the wedding of your dreams.

253 Esplanade Middle Brighton Victoria

royal brighton yacht club

A must see location for your next visit to Middle Brighton. Friendly service great food and coffee and views of the bayside that will relax you. I've been visiting this place and taking my social group here for almost a decade. Great fun.

A fun relaxed place for lunch with mates. Delicious food and wine with a lovely outlook

Great lunch for our 50th yr celebration !

We enjoyed a great lunch at the club on Monday, catching up with a few friends from our trip to Cape York last September. Our reserved table was located right next to the window so our guests could best enjoy the view. It is really nice to be addressed by name by the staff. Our orders were delivered promptly and the food portions were generous. Everyone enjoyed their dining experience.

Lovely lunch with my son & three grandchildren. Beautiful Caesar salad & burger & I had delicious Leek & mushroom croquettes for the second time in a week ~ yes theyre so good! Kids had burgers & nuggets plus ice cream with topping. Kitchen & Service as always was excellent. I love my Social Membership

Hi, visited for lunch yesterday and was very impressed by both staff, food and service. Firstly your manager called me to see if we wanted to move inside because of the weather, which was a good move indeed. The table looked great and the food was really good and service top class. Really improved in the last few years. Thanks so much as we all enjoyed our Xmas Breakup!

Great venue for the BNI networking meeting. I enjoyed it very much. Awesome view.

Great lunch for 18 to celebrate a 90th birthday. Staff were amazing, food and wine fabulous

Had a lovely family lunch, food and service fantastic. the ambience pretty amazing too

Fish and chips were lovely.

The food is home made and appetising and the staff are only too willing to help

We tried the bistro last week we both tried the Steak Sandwich If you like steak sandwiches it was the best very tender steak Very large portion had a nice bottle of wine The young waitress that looked after us was excellent

Great spot, wonderful breakfast and lovely staff

Great coffee!

Great location, fantastic food, and customer service

Delicious meals and a fantastic view.

We wander in weekly for our ancient grains salad and a bottle of wine. Outstanding friendly service and exceptional environment, feel & view. Thank you Bill & Debbie


Big serves of food!

I really enjoyed the view and peaceful atmosphere. Note as a visitor, you must enter via the front door, just so you know. Great friendly staff, too, btw.

The food is amazing! One of the best brunches I ever had! Will definitely go there again. The steak was so soft and tasty! The fish wow!!! Staff was very friendly and helpful as well.

Great food and fabulous view!

I am absolutely thrilled to leave a 5-star review for Royal Brighton Yacht Club. As SIFA Events, we recently had the privilege of hosting an event for our clients at this splendid venue, and the experience was nothing short of exceptional.

From the moment we arrived, the Royal Brighton Yacht Club team welcomed us with warmth and professionalism. The venue itself is extraordinary, offering breathtaking views and an elegant atmosphere that perfectly complemented the occasion.

We provided DJ RELLIK as the entertainment for the evening, and the seamless coordination with the Royal Brighton Yacht Club team was a testament to their commitment to excellence. They ensured that every aspect of the event was executed flawlessly, allowing us to focus on providing the best entertainment experience for our shared clients and their guests.

Throughout the planning process, the Royal Brighton Yacht Club team's responsiveness and attention to detail were truly commendable. Their dedication to creating a memorable experience for both us and our clients did not go unnoticed.

On behalf of SIFA Events and our clients, I want to express our deepest gratitude for the exceptional service provided by Royal Brighton Yacht Club. Your venue contributed significantly to the success of their event, and we couldn't be happier with the outcome.

We eagerly look forward to the opportunity to host future events at Royal Brighton Yacht Club. The remarkable experience we had working with your team has left a lasting impression, and we believe that together, we can continue to create memorable events that exceed our clients' expectations.

Thank you, Royal Brighton Yacht Club, for being an integral part of our clients' event. Your venue and team are nothing short of extraordinary.

Delicious breakfast. Great views. Friendly staff.

Wonderful vista of the bay dinning Alfresco. Reasonably priced menu and drinks

great food, $25 steak night was great value great staff, we will be back

Another great lunch at RBYC. The staff are always friendly and super helpful. The food is great and the menu has something for everyone. I can't comment on what it's like to sit inside as we always go on a nice day and sit on the deck. This allows for the kids coming and going to the beach and for the grown ups to have a nice time with the spectacular view. We'll be back again soon.

We had dinner at the Yacht Club Thursday night. Our meals were very good and as usual the staff were brilliant. Riley looked after us and was efficient and cheerful, he made us feel very welcome

Had Lunch at the RBYC on Sunday - booked online & requested a table which honored. Table service was fantastic - the guy was professional, polite, friendly & knowledgeable regarding the menu. Drinks arrived quickly as did the fabulous meal. Couldn't fault the atmosphere, decor or great staff. Well done & keep up the good work.

Great food and service on Saturday night...thanks RBYC team!

Fast and courteous service of tasty, well presented meals at reasonable prices. Online booking service very good and useful to plan one's visits.

Fantastic service, delicious meals and the atmosphere so relaxed, such a great overall experience , thank you

We held an event for 20 women at the Royal Brighton Yacht Club yesterday. It was seriously THE BEST service we have ever experienced ( and we hold lots of events). Firstly their IT person Reilly was brilliant , he had a full understanding of their equipment and all the adaptors required to iron out the normal AV glitches ( This NEVER happens). We complied a list of the many and varied coffee orders, we were a bit late getting it in and assumed it would result in a bit of a wait but no , they arrived in the room in record time. The whole day ran smoothly ,and on schedule, the food was great, the staff were very courteous and couldnt do enough to help them Many thanks to the staff at the club you made my job so much easier

We enjoyed celebrating our wedding anniversary here on Saturday night...Every moment from the time we entered the restaurant was wonderful. From all the extremely friendly and efficient staff to the most delicious, fresh, well presented food . And of course the wonderful view of the bay. All up made a very special night out and we look forward to returning for our 35th Wedding Anniversary in 2024...

Great food and drinks. Cosy atmosphere and helpful staff made it an enjoyable time for all my birthday guests.

Great location, fantastic food, and customer service Brilliant view

Great food, good outdoor area excellent service. The food was excellent and will proceed.

great food good value

Great food, good coffee, and wonderful location.

Well appointed venue in a great location.

Great food, staff and location. We have our Xmas get together at RBYC every December

You cant beat the view and the food is nice and easy. Plenty of room for kids to run around too.

Had beautiful meal and we were just wonderfully looked after by Ollie who must be one of the nicest and hardest working member of the rbyc team.

Great staff,nice atmosphere. Good food

Excellent service and great food as always.

Great food and service, food come out quickly, and we enjoyed sitting outside overlooking Port Phillip Bay

Thanks for squeezing us in. Staff were cheerful and efficient. Wine a bit expensive, Food was good. No complaints.

Took a friend from other side of Melbourne to dinner last night..So lovely with the sparkling water on a hot evening. Our food was delicious and lovely wait staff

Great view, great service and good food (prices of food very reasonable). A place that I will definitely go back again and enjoy.

Food, staff and atmosphere were fantastic. I'd recommend it to anyone.

Great food. Friendly service. Thank you

The food and service was fantastic and the views magnificent.

Beautiful meals yesterday Sunday, with my family. The snapper was absolutely gorgeous, soft & tender with a mornay sauce, peas, broccolini, swede & chive oil. My grandies had the kids Margherita pizzas which they love. Son enjoyed the rockling fish & chips. Enjoy my Social Membership & 10% off the food bill. Staff always so kind & professional. Thank you

Tremendous meals at a very reasonable cost. Excellent service and right on the beach!

We went for a casual Sunday lunch to celebrate my teenage son's birthday. The atmosphere was great and the food was excellent, even hard to please enjoyed the food. Adults had cocktails and commented on their excellent quality. My other son's birthday is coming up and he already wants to go there again.

We had a beautiful dinner with family celebrating our sons 16th birthday. The staff were fantastic and the food sensational. Accommodated us at short notice. Thanks so much. Very memorable

Great place for a casual meeting, relaxing drink or a formal event.

Great view, great service, lovely food and a credit to the management for selecting down to earth, young, happy people with zero attitude.It made a difference to our experience. SERVE THE PEOPLE AND THE PEOPLE WILL SERVE YOU

Great seaside location on Port Phillip Bay.

We had a lovely birthday lunch for my son's birthday. Accompanied by his family, his in-laws and my wife. the service was extremely professional and friendly with a strong customer focus. the meals were very good and very well presented. Our compliment to the RBYC. Sam

Excellent service with delicious food at reasonable prices. A perfect setting overlooking the yachts and the bay, a great experience.

On Friday 1st March I organised our Gadding About Melbourne group of ladies to lunch at Brighton Yacht Club. It was a way for the group to catch up with each other for the year. Brighton Yacht Club offers a great atmosphere as well as great food and very good service. Everyone enjoyed their meals and it was easy to chat.


We enjoyed a delightful dinner at RBYC.

What great place to relax Lots of space easy parking and wonderful staff + good food. They deserve all our support.

Excellent, well presented food and attentive service with a smile.

We were at the RBYC on Easter Sunday The customer service was exemplary They went out of their way to respond to our requirements.

Food and service were excellent. Good place to eat with a moderate variety of food to chose from.

Here is like our home!

Had a great dining experience. Could not fault. Service was brilliant, food was delicious and staff very accomodating with our large group booking.

What a fabulous job the staff did looking after 22 of us cheerfully & efficiently. I really appreciate it. The food was great & the long table setting worked really well. I love RBYC. When we arrived the beautiful view to the sea, the passing ships & the golden sky was an added treat Thank you sincerely to everyone. And thanks to Mandy on the desk who always reassured me it was all ok accommodating such a large group.

Simple, decent, children friendly, good to watch sunset, with or without a glass of wine or a beer

Nice place, good food ! Excellent service !! Very friendly staff !!! We will be back !!!

Fabulous !!"food service venue all outstanding. My new go to place

lovely little spot

Great service. Great view. Great food. What more could you ask for?

A beautiful place for a walk on a nice night to see lots of people fishing and enjoy each other's company watching the sunset over the yachts

Wonderful outdoor area facing the Bay and remarkable value!

Steak and mushroom sauce

Great new menu, food was delicious and fabulous service from the team! Highly recommend

Friendly staff and great views

Had the duck, it was great!

Opened in 1875, Royal Brighton Yacht Club is a timeless venue, located on the iconic Brighton Beach overlooking Port Phillip Bay and the City skyline.

royal brighton yacht club

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03 9592 3092 rbyc.org.au


royal brighton yacht club

The Vineyard Restaurant & Bar

the round

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Mill Place Merchants

Royal Brighton Yacht Club

General Enquiries

  • Reception phone number: 9592 3092
  • Street Address: 253 Esplanade Middle Brighton VIC 3186
  • Postal Address: PO BOX 74 Middle Brighton VIC 3186
  • Reception email address: [email protected]

General Manager

phil hall

[email protected]

Sailing and Marina Office

royal brighton yacht club

Colin Burgess

Restaurant, functions and events.

royal brighton yacht club

Samantha Doddy

royal brighton yacht club

Caroline Hollingsworth

Administration & maintenance.

royal brighton yacht club

Kylie Stewart

royal brighton yacht club

Brendan Fisher


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    Royal Brighton Yacht Club. Sailing. Entries & Results Learn to sail Doc's Sail Pass. Marina. Fees Casual berthing Enquire. Restaurant & Events. What's On Bar & Dining Functions. Membership. Join now! Benefits Member Portal. Latest news. NAIDOC week 2024 is 7 July - 14 July.

  2. Our Club

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club is one of Australia's premier yacht clubs, offering a wide range of sailing events and activites year-round, including junior and youth off-the-beach sailing and training, world-class Etchells and Dragons one design racing, keelboat racing and cruising. Our modern marina offers berthing for sailing and motor yachts ...

  3. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

    The Royal Brighton Yacht Club (founded in 1875) is located at Brighton, Victoria, Australia at 253 Esplanade Brighton. History Aerial panorama of Middle Brighton Pier and its fleet of yachts. February 2023. It is ...

  4. Membership

    In a premier location alongside Brighton Pier on picturesque Port Phillip, Royal Brighton Yacht Club is one of Melbourne's first Clubs, with a proud history stretching back to its' establishment in 1875. The Club is firmly dedicated to promoting the sport of sailing with active programs in racing, cruising, women's, youth and junior ...

  5. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club, Brighton, Victoria, Australia. 5,239 likes · 74 talking about this · 22,790 were here. Royal Brighton Yacht Club is one of the largest clubs on Port Phillip Bay. Sail,...

  6. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club - 2.4mR Australian Championships 2024 Nash Advisory VX One Australian Nationals - Mack One (l-r) Ben Franklin, Alan Moffat, Josh Franklin Nash Advisory VX One Australian Nationals - The Beast 5 - First Junior Helm Add your Upcoming Events Find out how to add Royal Brighton Yacht Club events to the YachtsandYachting.com ...

  7. Royal Brighton Yacht Club (@royalbrightonyachtclub)

    2,946 Followers, 1,822 Following, 1,069 Posts - Royal Brighton Yacht Club (@royalbrightonyachtclub) on Instagram: "Welcome to RBYC! Restaurant Bar Events Sailing ⛵️ Gym ‍♀️ Icebergers ‍♀️ #royalbrightonyachtclub"

  8. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club has a long and distinguished history going back to 1875, growing from a small lean-to shed on the beach here in Brighton to the large modern facility you see now. Our passion for the sport of sailing has remained undiminished. The style of yachts may have changed, but the wind in our sails, friendly competition and adventurous cruising further afield, continue to ...

  9. 94th Stonehaven Cup Regatta at Royal Brighton Yacht Club wraps up

    94th Stonehaven Cup Regatta at Royal Brighton Yacht Club wraps up. Where it all began. From a lot of ideas and no doubt dozens of sketches (no computers in those days!) a gentleman called Mr A.C. Barber penned the lines of a dinghy, bringing together all the ideas floated in many very animated discussions about training boats.

  10. Royal Brighton Yacht Club (Brighton)

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club is one of Australia's premier yacht clubs, offering a wide range of sailing events and activities year-round, including junior and youth off-the-beach sailing and training, world-class Etchells and Dragons one design racing, keelboat racing and cruising. Our modern marina offers berthing for sailing and motor yachts up ...

  11. Restaurant

    Menus. Opening hours. Our Brighton beachfront Olympic Restaurant and Bar is the ideal place for a beautiful relaxing family friendly meal, while enjoying the stunning beach views Brighton has to offer. Come and join us for a classic Melbourne brunch, a light flavoursome lunch, or friendly table service style dinner. Don't forget to treat ...

  12. Sail Melbourne at Royal Brighton Yacht Club

    "Royal Brighton Yacht Club is honoured to host Sail Melbourne, not just to have a front row seat to world class competitive racing but also recognising it is a terrific opportunity for race management teams and volunteers from different clubs to get together, share knowledge and improve their skills," said club Commodore Niesje Hees. ...

  13. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club . Add to favorites. 1156 Views. SALE. 51 % OFF. Business Description . The RBYC marina is conveniently located adjacent to the Brighton Pier. It includes a hardstand and a 235 pen floating marina with pens varying in size from 8 metres to 18 metres. All pens have their own power and water supplies.

  14. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

    The Royal Brighton Yacht Club event space is the newest waterfront wedding venue on Port Phillip bay! Nestled along the breathtaking shores of Brighton Beach, The Royal Brighton Yacht Club stands as an emblem of timeless elegance and unparalleled beauty. Our illustrious venue offers a captivating backdrop for couples seeking to exchange vows ...

  15. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club Brighton, VIC. 253 Esplanade Brighton VIC 3186. 03 9592 3092 rbyc.org.au. Recommended. Fitzroy, VIC Creatures of Habit Bar & Bandroom. St Kilda, VIC The Vineyard Restaurant & Bar. Nunawading, VIC The Round. Footscray Misfits. Carlton, VIC Arrow on Swanston.

  16. Royal Brighton Yacht Club Functions

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club Functions, Brighton, Victoria, Australia. 208 likes · 12 were here. Royal Brighton Yacht Club, is a stunning waterfront venue located on the shores of Port Phillip Bay.

  17. What's on

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club. Menu. Home; The Club. OUR History; Membership; Join now! Committees; Picture Gallery; Opening Day 2023; RBYC 150th Book; 2022-2023 Presentation Night; ... The Club Show sub menu. OUR History. Membership. Join now! Committees. Picture Gallery. Opening Day 2023. RBYC 150th Book. 2022-2023 Presentation Night. RBYC World ...

  18. Contact Us

    Rose Island Yacht Club P.O. Box 1101 Prospect, KY 40059 Phone: (502) 365-2628 Fax: (502) 228-8639 Email the Commodore - Evan Cauble. Email the Vice Commodore - James Magnus

  19. Beaver Valley Yacht Club

    Beaver Valley Yacht Club, New Brighton, Pennsylvania. 281 likes · 26 were here. Welcome to the Beaver Valley Yacht club! We are a private boat club situated on the beaver river. We will be using this...

  20. Home [riyc.net]

    Rose Island Yacht Club is a privately owned boating community, offering a protected marina with a clubhouse, pool, and scenic views of the Ohio River. [Read More...] Recent & Upcoming Events. No events: Latest Documents (last 3) pdf RIYC Rules and Regulations - 8-18-22.pdf Popular.

  21. Functions and events

    Our dedicated functions and events team is on hand to ensure your day goes exactly as you envisioned. Celebrations of Life, christenings, weddings, birthdays, baby showers, private corporate functions and much more are all hosted in our stunning Bayview room upstairs boasting views of Port Phillip Bay. We offer customisable packages to suit all ...

  22. About Our Yacht Club

    About Our Yacht Club. Rose Island Yacht Club Association is a privately-owned boating community located in Prospect, Kentucky on the Ohio River at mile marker 589.8 and was founded in 1989. The club is named after the Rose Island Amusement Park which was located across the river on the peninsula at 14-Mile Creek.

  23. Contact us

    Reception phone number: 9592 3092. Street Address: 253 Esplanade Middle Brighton VIC 3186. Postal Address: PO BOX 74 Middle Brighton VIC 3186. Reception email address: [email protected].