
Navigation Lights for Sailboats (And How To Read Them)

Navigation Lights for Sailboats (And How To Read Them) | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Capt Chris German

June 15, 2022

Navigation lights on a sailboat can be confusing. If you understand the reason behind why they are the way they are however, they can make a lot more sense.

At their heart, sailboats are really just a power boat and as such must adhere to all power boat rules such as navigation lights. Other times however, a sailboat is classified in a special category. They have a set of additional lights they CAN show as an option, but are not always required to do so.

That’s about as clear as mud if you ask me and I contend that that is where the confusion about lighting a sailboat begins.

Just because you can show a light to identify yourself in times of low visibility, does not mean you have to and then we add in a little sibling rivalry between power and sail and things get downright adversarial when it comes to navigation and the night.

Table of contents

The USCG says You’re a Power Boat Whether You Like It or Not

Much to the consternation of many a sailor who has earned a commercial license to drive their sailboat, when you received your credential from the USCG it says you are a master of steam and power across the top with no mention of wind as a source of propulsion.

It is not until you read the back pages of your little red book that feels like a passport and looks like a US Sailing credential, that you will see the term “sail auxiliary”. That is because most of the time the U.S. Coast Guard knows that you are primarily reliant on your mechanical power to propel your vessel.

It's a sad thing, but the days of commercially viable sail boats are done and all but the most select few even have sails let alone use them as their primary power source. All sail boats by law are powerboats, but not all powerboats are sailboats.

Navigation Lights for a Power Boat

As a power boat, you are required to show certain lights and have been required to do so before power was even invented. 

In the days of man powered vessels like the viking ships who relied on oars while in close quarters to power their vessels, they needed to show other boats, friend or foe, where they were by showing lanterns in the dark to identify themselves. As you know, it is a time honored rule among all the nations of the world both past and present, that you must avoid a collision at all costs while at sea and even the viking knew that you should not run into things.

By lighting the front and back of your boat, you could warn other boats of your presence as well as identify which way you were heading. As such there is a very specific rule in the Code of Federal Regulations Number 46 (CFR46 by common name) that spells out with detail how many, the color, the luminosity or brightness, the angle of visibility and the location of all of the lights required for navigation on every single boat, seaplane, submarine and other nondescript vessel conceived by man to date that they must show while underway in reduced visibility.

And there is no flexibility in the rules.

As such a power boat, and by extension all sailboats, MUST, without question show one green light on the starboard bow and one red light on the port bow and one all around white light or lights while operating in reduced visibility. These lights should shine at all 360 degrees of visibility with the bow lights shining at an angle of dead ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam and the stern lights shining 225 degrees dead aft. A forward facing masthead light that is white in color shall shine forward to comply with the directive that all vessels must carry an all around white light. For more read here .

As you can see, there isn’t much wiggle room when it comes to lights that must be shown.

Sailboats get a little flexibility with lights

Sailboats however, are a little different when they are in fact sailboats, which is only when you are entirely reliant on the wind for power and in no way reliant on any mechanical or manual means of propulsion. And for good reason.

Back in the day when men were men and sailboats were wooden, fire was a major concern. Sails were coated with wax and other flammable substances and the wood on boats was saturated with oils and grease. Even the ropes were plant materials saturated with oils to keep them pliable and strong.

Add those highly flammable substances to a parching environment like the sea and you had what was essentially a giant floating tinderbox.

Then tell that giant floating tinderbox that they need to identify themselves to the world at large at night using oil lamps with flames because batteries and lights were not invented yet. It didn't take very long or very many ships burning to the water line for the Governments to say to the sailboats, you get to do things a little different.

As such, sailboats are given special dispensation when it comes to lights aloft. They don't have to show an all around white light in their rigging because no one wanted to set their rig on fire with oil lamps 60 feet up in their rig.

However, when a sailboat takes their sails down such as when they are powered or at anchor, they must resume the display of an all around white light or lights aloft. That became a real challenge with aluminum masts and the disappearance of rat lines on the shrouds because there was no easy way to climb the rig and check the bulbs up the mast on a regular basis. 

Red over Green Sailing Machine

I have no idea where the history of this particular light comes from, but if you ever take a deck exam with the USCG, you better remember this mnemonic. An all around red light over an all around green may be displayed on a vessel during times of reduced visibility to indicate that a vessel is operating under sail power alone. 

I won’t even speculate on how or why they came up with this particular light configuration, but if you want to use these lights as a sailing vessel, you can do so, but that means that you will need three all round lights at the top of your mast, an all around white, an all around red and an all around green, just in that order.

The red over green is to be displayed in addition to the running lights or the red and green bow lights with the 225 degree stern light. As always, when the motor comes on, so does the steaming light or the forward facing white light that is also usually about ¾ of the way up on your mast to complete the requirement of an all around white light that indicates a power vessel.

What is a “steaming light” and why are you mentioning it now?

Most sailboat electrical panels will have a switch that is labelled “steaming light” and it will only come on when your anchor light is off. This is probably the most confusing part of sailboat navigation lights so if you are confused about this, you're in good company as most people are. 

A “steaming” light is named thusly, going back to the days of steam powered sailboats where when they fired up their boilers and doused the sails, they became a power boat once again. There aren’t too many steam powered boats, let alone steam powered sailboats, but the name stuck and it is a vestige of a bygone era.

Either way, when you fire up your motor, you turn on your “steaming light” and that locks out the all around white light which is used for anchoring to minimize the number of switches on your panel and reduce the number of wires in your mast. The fewer wires, the less chance of something not working or becoming disconnected.

The steaming light and the anchor light both go up the mast, but you can’t use an all around white light while using the 225 degree stern light at the deck level because to other boaters you would look like you have two white lights from the stern and that would be confusing.

The anchor light is used exclusively for anchoring while the steaming light is used to indicate you are a power vessel while underway.

As to why I am mentioning it now in the article, is because this would have blown your mind if I started with this subject cause it can be really confusing stuff.

Aspect Recognition with Lights

Remember when I said earlier that lights can help you tell others which way you are heading as well as tell you which way other boats are heading? That is called the aspect of the vessel and the USCG tests you on this for your deck exam as well. 

Knowing that the bow lights go 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on both sides or 112.5 degrees on each side, and the stern light faces 225 degrees aft for a total of 360 degrees of visibility, you can tell a lot about where a boat is heading and who has the right of way.

One thing that's easy to remember is red means stop and if you see a vessel's red light, it means stop as you are the give way vessel and approaching the other vessel from his port side. Conversely it works with green as well as that means you are approaching from the other vessel's starboard side and you are the standon vessel.

If you see a red and green light equally low on the horizon, that means your heading dead on into another vessel's path and conversely if all you see is a white light low on the horizon, it means you are overtaking another vessel power or sail, we don’t care because it is an overtaking situation. However, any time you do see a white light aloft in addition to the red and green bow lights, you know you are encountering a power boat.

Then there are angular approaches as well, where you see white and red or white and green light low on the horizon. You know in that case you are seeing a portion of the bow lights and stern lights from the side approaches of a vessel. Based on which direction those lights are heading, you can deduce which way that boat is going in relation to your boat.

So put it all together and you see a green light and a white light low on the horizon with a red over green light aloft, you know that you are approaching a sailboat that is traveling to your port and that might make you the standon vessel. That is of course, if we didn’t concern ourselves with windward and leeward and port tacks and starboard tacks, but that is a discussion for another article. So stay tuned when we talk about sailing rules and the right of way. But for now, do good, have fun and sail far.

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Capt Chris German is a life long sailor and licensed captain who has taught thousands to sail over the last 20 years. In 2007, he founded a US Sailing-based community sailing school in Bridgeport, CT for inner city youth and families. When Hurricane Sandy forced him to abandon those efforts, he moved to North Carolina where he set out to share this love for broadcasting and sailing with a growing web-based television audience through The Charted Life Television Network.

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Navigation Lights for Sailboats (And How To Read Them)

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Boat Navigation Lights Rules: Illustrated Beginners Guide

When navigating at night, the lights on other boats are your first clue about the moving dangers around you. And your navigation lights are your first line of safety in avoiding collisions in the dark, and they tell others vessels what you are and what you are doing. The rules sound complex, but with a little understanding you can get the basics for any situation.

So what are the basic navigation light rules? For most small vessels, motoring requires red and green (port and starboard) lights, and a white light visible in all directions around the boat. This is almost always a stern light and a masthead light on sailboats. Boats under sail require port and starboard lights, and a white stern light. Sailboats below sixty-five feet may show a tricolor light at the masthead instead of side and stern lights when sailing.

That's it, in a nutshell. There's a little more to it, as the rules change with different sizes and there are some specifics about angles of display for the colors. Identifying other ships at sea requires more study, but the basics are the same. And it's not much trouble to make sure you've always got the proper lights on your vessel.

Infographic for Marine Navigation Lights Rules based on sailboat size

On this page:

What are the official colregs rules for your sailboat, what about the uscg (united states coast guard) rules, lighting at anchor, identifying the boats around you.

The International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea , abbreviated "COLREGS" is very specific about the lights required, their shapes and sizes, and the distance they must be visible. For the smaller boat, the following definitions apply.

  • Masthead Light - a white light placed centerline on the boat showing an arc of 225 degrees with 112.5 degrees either side of the front of the vessel.
  • Sidelights - A red light on the port side and a green light on the starboard. They must show an arc of 112.5 degrees from centerline of the bow.
  • Stern light - A white light on the stern of the boat showing an unbroken arc of 135 degrees from centerline of the vessel.
  • All-round light - A light showing in an unbroken arc of 360 degrees.

The good news is you need not measure these angles. Any properly installed USCG or COLREGS approved light which will cover the correct arcs. If you have to replace the original light from your boat, make sure it's with an approved replacement.

Lights When Sailing

sailboat bow lights

The specific rules for a sailboat under sail are in COLREGS Rule 25 and vary slightly with the size of the boat. A sailboat powering is considered a power boat and falls under in Rule 23.

  • Under 23 feet (7 meters) - side lights and a stern light, possible. If these lights can not be displayed a light must be kept at hand to help avoid a collision. This can be a bright flashlight.
  • Over 23 feet - Side lights visible to one nautical mile and stern light visible for two.
  • Vessels under 65 feet may combine both sidelights into a single lantern on the bow.
  • May show a tricolor light on the masthead instead of sidelights and a stern light. It's one or the other though, do not show these lights at the same time .
  • Masthead light must be visible for three nautical miles, all other lights must have a two nautical mile visibility.
  • Side lights must be separated.
  • May not show a masthead tricolor light.
  • Masthead light must have five nautical mile visibility, all other lights must be visible for two nautical miles.
  • Optional masthead lights - any vessel under sail may display a red light over a green light at the masthead with sidelights and stern light. The red over green may NOT be displayed with a masthead tricolor light. It's one set or the other.

Lights When Motoring

sailboat bow lights

For all navigational purposes a sailboat under power is considered a power boat. This includes motor sailing - if the engine is on and providing propulsion you are on a power boat, even if the sails are up . This applies to navigation lighting, sound signals in fog and limited visibility, and rights of way.

Sailboats under 50 meters under power need to show:

  • A masthead light
  • Stern light

A power-driven vessel under 23 feet (7 meters) that does not exceed seven knots of speed may display an all around white light, though sidelights should be used if available.

sailboat bow lights

The USCG has published its own "Rules of the Road" that are based on the COLREGS. In addition, it has rules for the "Inland Waterways" for rivers, inland lakes and the Great Lakes.

The good news is this has no impact on what you have to do with your own boat.

They mostly relate to lighting changes on towed vessels like barges and tugs. For example, a vessel towing or pushing another vessel in the ocean under COLREGS shows two masthead lights, sidelights and a stern light, whereas in Inland Waterways the towing or pushing vessel displays two yellow towing lights instead of a white stern light.

If you sail on lakes, rivers or the Great Lakes where towed commercial traffic is common you should learn the inland lights, but coastal or ocean sailors will never see these.

When you anchor outside a designated mooring field, you should display an all around white light at the masthead or as high in the boat as practical.

sailboat bow lights

If your boat is large and has a very tall mast, you may wish to display another light closer to the waterline. Boats approaching in the dark may not see a light on a mast sixty or seventy feet in the air when they are close to your boat.

We use a simple garden path light on our stern when we anchor, left in a rod holder or flag socket. It comes on automatically at dusk and is a cheap and easy way to be more visible. There is no specific rule stating you can not display more lights than required, or the nature of any lights beyond the required all around light.

The COLREGS also specify that a round black "daymark" should be displayed in the rigging of any vessel at anchor. Very few small vessels observe this, however it is the correct display for a vessel in an anchorage.

If you tie to a mooring in a marked mooring area you are not required to display anchor lights, but there is no harm in doing so.

The other important reason to know your lights is to figure out what's going on around you at night. The water may be ablaze with white, red, green and other lights at night and they are your first key to avoiding collisions and problems.

All combinations of lights for fishing boats, commercial vessels, and so on are outside this post‘s scope. The odds are small you will encounter a submarine, seaplane or hovercraft at night, but there are regulations regarding specific lighting for each of those vessels!

There are a few fundamentals to help you figure out what that is you see on the horizon, which way it is going, and whether it is a danger to you.

Port Wine is Red

The fundamental rule is that red sidelights will ALWAYS be on the port side of a vessel, and green lights will always be on starboard. However, some vessels can use all around red and green lights for other purposes, though those will be higher than sidelights.

Diagram for identifying boats at night

The light‘s on a ship is not important, some large tankers and freighters will have their sidelights far aft and put them on the superstructure for better visibility. It is not safe to assume that sidelights you can see are on the bow of large vessels .

When you can see the color, you know which way the bow is pointing. If it's red, it's pointing more or less to the left and will travel in that direction. A green light shows it is heading more or less to your right.

If you can see the red and green lights at the same time, you are looking directly at the bow of the vessel. When you are far away, this isn‘t as alarming as if you are close crossing. Seeing red and green lights together on a vessel is something you never want to see for long.

Be aware of red and green lights used in combination with other red, green and white lights. These may not be running lights and could have other significance.

Tankers, Freighters and Large Ships

Tankers, freighters and large ships will have side lights, a stern light and a masthead light. In addition, on vessels over 50 meters there will be a second masthead light further aft and higher than the forward light. The masthead light positions are a better tipoff to the bow direction and how far from the bow the sidelights might be. Remember - on a large vessel the sidelights may not be at the bow or even close to it.

USCG Inland Rules allow for a second all-around white light on large vessels on the Great Lakes instead of a second masthead light.

Fishing Boats

Fishing boats engaged in fishing will have more complex light displays. When they aren't fishing, they will show lights like any power vessel, but Rule 26 spells out light combinations that vary by the fishing activity being done. In general:

  • Boats which are Trawling but not making headway will display a green all-around light over a white all-around light , and a masthead light aft of these lights. Boats making headway while trawling will show these lights, plus sidelights and a stern light.
  • A vessel fishing other than trawling will show a red all-around light over a white all-around light . When making way they will also show sidelights and a stern light.
  • If a vessel has gear more than 150 meters away from the boat, it will show a second all around light in the direction of the gear. The best rule is to give fishing boats as wide a berth as you can at night. They're easy to pick out if you check the top light configurations but their course may be difficult to predict.

Towing and Pushing

Towed vessels can be the most dangerous to cross, but they have the most lights to tell you what is happening. Refer to COLREGS or the USCG Rules of the Road Rule 24 for all combinations You can pick a tow/push vessel out with the following lights:

  • Two or three masthead lights in a vertical line. Three masthead lights shows a tow over 200 meters. Additional masthead lights may show for larger tow vessels.
  • A towing light (yellow light with the same characteristics as a stern light) directly above the stern light.
  • The will also have side lights and a stern light.
  • The towed vessel will show sidelights and a stern light. Lighting may vary under USCG inland rules, where towing lights may replace stern lights. Learn these differences if this is your regular cruising ground. If you think there is a tow ahead of you, always go well behind the aft most set of lights. Never go between a tow and avoid crossing ahead if possible as it may restrict their maneuverability.

Special Situations

There are several rare situations you may encounter. As a general rule, if there are a lot of lights and you don't understand them look for the sidelights on a moving vessel. If you can find them and figure out the direction it is moving, it makes the vessel easier to avoid. Stay well clear of lights you do not understand if you can avoid them without risk.

Most of these signals are used by larger, commercial vessels and you will not need them.

They use these light combinations with other light combinations. For example a towing vessel may also be restricted in maneuverability, and a vessel constrained by draft will show running lights if moving.

  • Not Under Command - two all around red lights in a single line
  • Restricted in Ability to Maneuver - red, white then red in a single line
  • Constrained by draft - three all around red lights

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Infographic: boat navigation lighting requirements.

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Marine Lighting - Bow Navigation Lights

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"; $('#quantity-127575').after(message); $('#quantity-127575').attr("aria-describedby", "quantity-validation-message"); $('#quantity-127575').focus(); e.preventDefault(); } }); $('#quantity-127575').change(function () { $('#quantity-validation-message').remove(); }); }); })(adnsf$);

Don't let the size of these lights fool you! Despite its minute size, these L.E.D navigation lights shine brighter than regular bulbs. L.E.D. bulbs last longer, shine brighter and are more energy efficient than standard bulbs. These elliptical navigation lights mount flush into fiberglass for a seamless look, and make a great alternative to the "bug-eyed" pop-up lights. These lights are designed to be mounted on a vertical surface, to allow the light pattern to be unobstructed from view. Unlike other brands these Led Navigation Lights by Hardin Marine are easy to install with a simple round hole cut rather than oval.

For use on boats up to 65 feet. LED Navigation lights are smaller, brighter and more power efficient than old style Nav lights that use and incandescent bulb. This means longer life and less energy use, and with Hardin's easy install lights, putting them in is a breeze! The delrin housing provides a non-corrosive housing, making these a perfect fit in the marine environment.

"; $('#quantity-87759').after(message); $('#quantity-87759').attr("aria-describedby", "quantity-validation-message"); $('#quantity-87759').focus(); e.preventDefault(); } }); $('#quantity-87759').change(function () { $('#quantity-validation-message').remove(); }); }); })(adnsf$);

Don't let the size of these lights fool you! Despite its minute size, these L.E.D navigation lights shine brighter than regular bulbs. L.E.D. bulbs last longer, shine brighter and are more energy efficient than standard bulbs. These elliptical navigation lights mount flush into fiberglass for a seamless look, and make a great alternative to the "bug-eyed" pop-up lights. These lights are designed to be mounted on a vertical surface, to allow the light pattern to be unobstructed from view. Unlike other brands these Led Navigation Lights by Hardin Marine are easy to install with a simple round hole cut rather than oval (see photos).

For use on boats up to 65 feet. LED Navigation lights are smaller, brighter and more power efficient than old style Nav lights that use and incandescent bulb. This means longer life and less energy use, and with Hardin's easy install lights, putting them in is a breeze! The stainless steel housing provides increased resistance to corrosion, making these a perfect fit in the marine environment.

"; $('#quantity-13777').after(message); $('#quantity-13777').attr("aria-describedby", "quantity-validation-message"); $('#quantity-13777').focus(); e.preventDefault(); } }); $('#quantity-13777').change(function () { $('#quantity-validation-message').remove(); }); }); })(adnsf$);

These L.E.D. bulbs are more energy efficient than standard bulbs. Elliptical navigation lights flush mount into fiberglass for a seamless look, a great alternative to the "bug-eyed" pop-up lights. These lights are designed to be mounted on a vertical surface, to allow the light pattern to be unobstructed from view.

These lights measure 3 1/4" W by 1 3/4" H with a visibility of 2 nautical miles! For use on boats up to 20 meters.

LED Navigation Light Adapter Plates

LED Navigation Light Adapter Plates

These are packaged as pairs. This will fit both Hardin & Livorsi navigation lights. These are adapter plates only, lights sold separately! Note:  This replaces 730-LEDNLAP.

Polished Stainless Steel Pop-up LED Bow Light

Polished Stainless Steel Pop-up LED Bow Light

Polished Stainless Steel LED Pop-up Bow Light

These LED Pop-up bow lights are made of stainless steel. Simply pull up for night use, and keep flush during the day. Green and Red lights.

  • Keeps deck free of protruding lights.
  • Marine grade 316 stainless steel.
  • Folds down flush when not in use.
  • Same Cutout as 680-204M for easy upgrading
  • USCG approved 2 nautical miles.
  • NMMA type accepted.
  • Meets 72 Colregs.
  • Flange measures 5.3" Long by 3.5" Wide.
  • Flange is longer and skinnier than 730-LEDPUBL.


Each light is supplied with a cut-outtemplate. Use the supplied template to make a cut-out where the light will go. Fasten with three #10 screws (not included).


Plastic Undercover Cup For Stainless Pop-up Bow Lights

Plastic Undercover Cup For Stainless LED Pop-up Bow Lights

For use with 680-211-M, Pop-Up Bow Light.

Polished Stainless Steel LED Pop-up Bow Light

The LED Pop-Up Bow Light houses both port and starboard navigation lights in one convenient housing. Folds down flush when closed, opens with the push of a button. LED lights draw very littler power and stay cool to the touch, approved by USCG. 2 nautical mile range. Optional waterproof cup is available for water runoff.

  • Made of marine grade 316 stainless steel
  • Folds down flush when closed
  • USCG approved for 2 nautical miles
  • LED Red and Green lights stay cool to the touch
  • Optional waterproof cup for water run-off
  • Flange measures 4.43" Long by 4" Wide
  • Semi-Oval Shaped Flange is shorter and fatter than 211-M
  • Same part as 210-M

LED Pop-up Bow Light Cup

LED Pop-up Bow Light Cup

Polished Stainless Steel Pop-up Bow Light

Polished Stainless Steel Pop-up Bow Light

These Pop-up bow lights are made of stainless steel. Simply pull up for night use,and keep flush during the day. Green and Red lights.

  • Uses a #78 bulb.
  • USCG approved 1 nautical mile.
  • Overall width is 3-1/2" and length is 5-1/2".

Plastic Undercover Cup For Stainless Pop-up Bow Lights

Plastic Undercover Cup For Stainless Pop-up Bow Lights

For use with 680-204-M, Pop-Up Bow Light.

Billet Pop-Up Bow Light Bezel

Billet Pop-Up Bow Light Bezel

Billet Pop-Up Bow Light Bezel (Each)

This bezel is machined form 1/4" 6061-T6 billet aluminum. It is designed to fit the stainless steel pop-up bow lights #680-204-M and 680-211-M.  Available polished or in your choice of powder coated colors. Does not fit the LED Pop-Up Bow Light ( 730-LEDPUBL ) Fits: Pop-up LED bow light 680-211M  and Pop Light 680-204M

Side Mount Bow Lights

Side Mount Bow Lights

Side mount bow lights that are flush mounted in the hull of your boat. Sold in pairs. Measures 7-3/4" Long by 2-3/8" Tall. Light Fixture is 3" Deep

Suction Bow Light

Suction Bow Light

These running lights are tested to meet or exceed A-16 standards and meet lawful requirements for inland and international waters when properly placed on your boat.

  • Uses 4 AA batteries (not included)
  • It floats and is waterproof
  • Double o-ring seal
  • Shock resistant rubber housing
  • Rubber booted on/off switch

Attwood Pulsar Side Light Deck Mount Port - Red

Attwood Pulsar Side Light Deck Mount Port - Red

"For use on boats up to 39.4' (12 m) in length, provides 1-mile visibility. Twist/bayonet lock design secures lens and cover to base. Includes an 8-watt wedge base lamp and 7" wire leads for connection to 12 VDC power supply. Install directly to deck with (2) #10 fasteners. Cover and lens conceal installation fasteners and seal out water. Lights are visible 112.5°. Size: 2-3/8" dia. x 1-7/16" vertical height."

Type: Port, Lens: Red, Housing: Black, Case: 6

Attwood Pulsar Side Light Deck Mount Starboard - Green

Attwood Pulsar Side Light Deck Mount Starboard - Green

Type: Starboard, Lens: Green, Housing: Black, Case: 6

Attwood Pulsar Side Light, Raised Base, Green Lens

Attwood Pulsar Side Light, Raised Base, Green Lens

Pulsar Sidelight w/Raised Base, Green

  • Twist/bayonet design secures lens and cover to base
  • 7" wire leads connect to 12V power supply
  • 3" high. Black housing
  • Includes 9-watt wedge base lamp
  • Sold individually, not as pairs

Type: Starboard, Lens: Green

Attwood Pulsar Side Light, Raised Base, Red Lens

Attwood Pulsar Side Light, Raised Base, Red Lens

Pulsar Sidelight w/Raised Base, Red

Type: Port, Lens: Red

Combination Bow Light Chr Zinc

Combination Bow Light Chr Zinc

Combination Bow Light Chrome Zinc

  • Size: 2-7/8"L x 2-9/16"W x 1-1/2"H
  • Die cast chrome zinc
  • For replacement use only

Attwood C-Clamp Mount Portable Led Nav Light Kit With Telescoping Pole, Gray (Uses 3-Aaa Batteries Not Included)

BATTERY OPERATED LED PORTABLE NAV LIGHT KIT (ATTWOOD MARINE) - Attwood C-Clamp Mount Portable LED Nav Light Kit With Telescoping Pole, Gray (Uses 3-AAA Batteries Not Included)

Type: Telescoping Pole, Mount: C-Clamp, Color: Marine Gray

Be seen and be safe with these compact and portable LED navigation lights. All new portable navigation lights are more durable, easier to use, and include Attwood's strongest mounting and pole configurations. Ideal for personal water craft, camping, and hunting. Kit includes red/green LED bow light, white LED stern light, quick release mounts, pole, and hardware.

Attwood C-Clamp Mount Portable Led Nav Light Kit With Threaded Pole, Camo (Uses 3-Aaa Batteries Not Included)

BATTERY OPERATED LED PORTABLE NAV LIGHT KIT (ATTWOOD MARINE) - Attwood C-Clamp Mount Portable LED Nav Light Kit With Threaded Pole, Camo (Uses 3-AAA Batteries Not Included)

Type: Threaded Pole, Mount: C-Clamp, Color: Real Tree ® Max-4 Camo

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  • © Hardin Marine 2023. All Rights Reserved.

sailboat bow lights

Boating Basics Online

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The Best Battery Powered Navigation Lights for Boat, Canoe & Kayak

Written by J. Harvey / Fact checked by S. Numbers

best battery powered navigation lights

Boat owners should know the vital role of navigation lights. These marine accessories provide visibility for other vessels to acknowledge your presence whether you’re moored or underway. They’re also a must-buy due to the mandate of local regulations and international laws. With these concerns, you can turn to battery powered boat lights.

The best battery powered navigation lights are dependable in providing your needs as well as being compliant with the laws. To ensure that you purchase them, take a look at these factors:

  • Knowing the Application of Navigation Lights

Before everything else, you have to know very well the applications of battery operated nav lights. You should know what you’re up to before buying a light kit. For instance, kayak navigation lights are submersible while portable ones are dinghy navigation lights. With these details, you can perceive that the smaller the vessel, the smaller the lights should be. So, choose bigger lights for larger vessels.

  • Depends on Your Boat Size

Another important factor that you have to look at when buying battery powered boat navigation lights is your boat size. Find something that fits your canoes, dinghies, rowboats, and inflatables.

  • Light Color

What you can find in the market are bi-colored, tri-colored, and white lights. Apart from color varieties, there are also options whether the lights can be temporarily or permanently installed. Rest assured that all battery operated nav lights installation is a straightforward process. C-clamps, suction cups, and pole mounts are the usual parts for assembling them.

Color is not only for your boat’s appearance but to comply with the regulations. You have to select the recommended size and color for a specific boat navigation light. Running lights, stern lights, and bow lights come in different sizes, colors, and even forms.

  • Great LED Lights

What sets LED lights apart from other types of light is the low draw of energy. Every boat owner will find it favorable as battery operated navigation lights are generally with LEDs.

After you take note of these features, you don’t have to spend a lot of time looking for excellent battery powered navigation light as they are listed below:


  • Made for marine use
  • Has camouflage color
  • Versatile mounting equipment

sailboat bow lights

  • Pretty easy installation
  • One-year warranty
  • Spectacular brightness for safety

sailboat bow lights

  • Four-position switch toggles
  • Waterproof and survives saltwater
  • Comes with the necessary batteries

Table of Contents

1. attwood 14191-7 Clamp-On Boat Navigation Light

2. botepon marine boat bow lights, 3. bright eyes be-btlgt-gr-1 marine led boating lights, 4. shoreline marine portable clamp-on navigation light, 5. innovative lighting 560-1110-7 portable led bow light, 6. deals4you portable marine led boat lights, 7. aqua signal 27440-7 battery-powered led stern light, factors to consider when choosing battery powered navigation lights, what are the most trusted battery powered navigation light brands, what navigation lights are required for human-powered vessels, why are navigation lights red and green, top 7 battery powered navigation light reviews.

These clamp-on battery powered nav lights are perfect for my 14-foot Jon boat . I don’t have to deal with bad switches on navigation lights anymore! The visibility it creates at night is superb and it’s what every boat owner needs when going sailing, hunting, or fishing at night. I don’t have to hurry to go back home when the dark falls.

The LEDs in this navigation light kit do their job well. They guarantee my safety and they’re also the items for the observance of the regulations. With its brightness, no doubt that nearby boats can see me in the dark.

You can get a white LED stern light, LED bow lights in color red and green, poles, quick-release mounts, and pieces of hardware. Everything is pretty good, however, I just wish that the stern light was taller. Installation is a piece of cake but this part requires additional work. I think not everyone should do some modification.

The changes that I made were not complicated at all as the mounting equipment is versatile. You can be creative like me and mount it in many ways on small boats. I like how the clamp holds firmly, so I don’t have to worry about it. Additionally, it’s easy for me to add or remove the lights in its designated area.

  • Has brightness that can create superb visibility at night
  • Guarantees safety and observance of regulations
  • Has versatile mounting equipment for modifications
  • Clamps hold firmly but can be removed and attached easily
  • Has camouflage color that is helpful for hunting
  • The stern light needs to be taller for some

I’m happy and content with these portable boat running lights. They’re well-designed and functional with a one-year warranty. The brightness coming from this red and green light is spectacular as I can enjoy watching the moon at night with my kayak. I can be seen even from 0.6 miles away. Night outings and activities become fun because of them.

These are battery navigation lights that warrant my safety and compliance with water regulations. I don’t have to be afraid of getting run over by motorboats. Even bystanders who are hanging out along the bank can spot me. They’re great to use when sailing on small bodies of water. I placed them on the bow rails and you may also attach them on a cleat.

Whenever I’m out of the lake or river, occasional splashes of water are unavoidable. I’m glad that these lights still function despite those encounters. Initially, I have them as dinghy lights but I’m impressed with their abilities. Therefore, I even bought some of them for my main boat because they work wonderfully as a backup light. They can be a great helping hand when I go out with my fishing boat with their brightness.

  • Well-designed and functional with a one-year warranty
  • With spectacular brightness for safety and compliance to water regulations
  • Can be attached on bow rails or cleat
  • Doesn’t get damaged with splashes of water
  • Can be used as backup lights with lighting modes
  • May rust from saltwater

I salute these portable navigation light boats for promoting boat safety lighting solutions. When I found them, I knew right away that they were perfect for my inflatable pontoon. Nonetheless, they’re also great for kayaks, canoes, skeeters, and other small boats. Although these are tiny lights, the brightness is incredible!

They’re super bright, so they can show you the way in poor visibility, like when you’re night boating. With their brightness, they will pass as emergency lights. Sometime in the past, I met local marine police who congratulated me for correctly choosing and installing navigation lights. Hence, I owe these lights for not getting in trouble.

They’re effective portable navigation lights for small boats because they’re relatively waterproof. They had contact with saltwater but they remained functional. The LED lights are not only waterproof but the silicone sleeve as well for covering. They’re reliable as there’s a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee that every buyer can avail of.

I inserted the silicone loops on the 1 1/8 inches OD frame tubes in my pontoon. They’ll fit rails that have a diameter of around an inch or 1 ½ inches. However, my brother needs to put some 100 mph chrome tape as the lights become loose for his thin boat rails. They must be stable in facing the direction where the light should project.

  • Promotes boat safety lighting solution with its brightness
  • Can pass as navigation lights
  • Relatively waterproof and survives saltwater
  • Gives buyers a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee
  • Has four-position switch toggles
  • Needs to add 100 mph chrome tape when placed on boat rails below the one-inch diameter

sailboat bow lights

The stern light in this kit did the trick. I adore the simplicity of clamping the light and inserting the batteries to obtain the illumination I need. Moreover, I don’t have to struggle to assemble wires and switches. There’s plenty of brightness coming from the LED lights. The light won’t run out of batteries all night as LEDs don’t draw much energy.

Thus, I don’t have inhibitions to go night fishing. I usually set off in the evening and continue until midnight or sometimes, early morning. During those periods, I can get a hefty catch. Also, the safety of everyone and my boat is guaranteed because of its brightness. Its abilities also adhere to the legal directives.

This boat stern light has a 24-inch pole mount which is the right height for my 20-foot pontoon boat. The available mounting hardware included in the kit can be transformed into different configurations. Because of this, these boat lights will fit any boat type. What only bothered me was the button that seemed to be made of hard plastic. It would be much better if it’s made of pliable rubber.

Since this light works in any boat, I didn’t hesitate to recommend it to my friends and family. My brother put it on his 12-foot aluminum Jon boat. He thanked me for introducing this light as it doesn’t rattle even though his boat has a single-cylinder outboard.

  • Can simple clamp the light and insert the batteries
  • Plenty of brightness
  • For safety and legal directives
  • The mounting hardware can be in different configurations
  • Fit for any boat type
  • Durable enough to stay in a marine environment
  • The button could have been better in pliable rubber

sailboat bow lights

This battery powered bow light is terrific as it has stayed with me for years! It’s a provider of sufficient low-setting light so I can go paddling and fishing in the evening or at night. You may even go water skiing with this in the dark. Favorably, I don’t need to drill or follow a process that can mess up the surface of my kayak. But it adheres well with solid brightness that ensures safety and observance of regulations.

It stands out among options of battery powered navigation lights for kayaks. However, it’s suitable for other small crafts like a canoe. It comes with a nice suction cup for straightforward installation and placement on the bow. But it needs to be on a flat surface and I was able to move it on the side. Another way to mount the cup is through the threaded brass insert.

To my surprise, it has some cords that I can link to the rigging if ever the suction cup fails, which never happened. Due to this concern, I added a lanyard so I could retrieve it quickly. The only thing that should be changed about this light is the on or off switch because the lip is slightly raised. I understand that they made it this way to prevent turning it on unintentionally, but it’s hard to do it when paddling.

  • Can last for years
  • The low light setting for safety and regulations
  • Suitable for small craft
  • With suction cup and cord for easy installation or placement
  • Well-built and waterproof as it works even after being submerged
  • The on or off switch has a slightly raised lip

sailboat bow lights

I was first cynical about these battery operated boat lights, but the size is not the main factor in giving off the right amount of brightness. These 12V LED navigation lights are the perfect example. They can take on various roles, such as running lights and backup lights. Thus, fishing and boating at night can be safe and fun. Since my town requires red light and green light, they’re perfect for my needs, even for small vessels.

My kayak can be seen even from two miles away because of these battery operated boat navigation lights. The brightness is magnificent with three lighting modes which are solid brightness, slow blink, and strobe. They don’t only work as a small vessel or inflatable boat navigation lights since a set of these lights is good for a pair of paddles. They’re also useful in other outdoor activities like camping.

You’ll be amazed at how the battery lasts on these as it’s filled with LED light . They serve me for hours or throughout the night on my dinghy that is anchored with my sailboat. Since the batteries can last long, my friend also uses these lights on his rafts every night. You’ll find extra batteries from its package but I suggest that it’s better to buy quality ones.

  • Can be running lights and backup lights
  • Has magnificent brightness with three lighting modes that can be seen from 2 miles away
  • Energy-saver as batteries can last for a long time
  • Durable and waterproof to withstand rugged marine use and heavy salt air
  • Buying better batteries than the free ones

sailboat bow lights

This white light is much brighter than the stern light that I had before. It delivers the brightness that I need when paddling in the evening and night fishing with my kayak. The strong LED light is fantastic for marine use. Thus, I can be seen even from miles away. It can be an all-around light or a flashlight for power outages.

There are different mounting options available. I mounted it using the sophisticated suction cup to a dry, clean surface. A carabiner clip comes with it too. Some people even place this over their outboard motors as it doesn’t come off even when the boat moves at high speed.

If you are still wary of the suction cup, you can opt for the nice brass inserts and small set screws. These pieces of hardware are for the permanent installation of this wonderful battery powered boat stern light.

You can also customize the mount set-up to give way to your vessel’s structure. A mounting clip and several stainless screws are in the package to help you with the installation. But then, it’s inevitable that you may need other types of materials and parts. Boat owners who purchase some essential things didn’t complain since this stern light serves its purpose well.

  • Bright and strong for marine use
  • An all-around light that can be seen from miles away
  • Can be mounted in different ways and even for customization
  • The suction cup doesn’t come off even though the vessel moves at a high speed
  • Not relatively bulky with a dependable pole
  • Has good battery compartment
  • Need to buy other types of materials and parts when customizing the mounting part


Battery powered navigation lights for boats come in several distinct ranges of visibility, an arc of illumination, and location. Variations of colors are also available. Here are their distinct forms.

  • Masthead light

Boats operated with a motor or engine need a masthead light. It’s a white light that beams forward and creates an arc of 225 degrees. This has to be placed at least a meter apart and on the top of the sidelights. The acceptable range of its light is two nautical miles. It’s fine to not add this light on sail boats.

Navigation boating lights also stay on the boat’s left and right sides. Hence, the term, ‘sidelights’, came into existence. The green light is placed on the right while the red light is on the left. This pair of lights should go beyond one nautical mile and it’s most suited for boats that are up to 12 meters long. As you can see, it only offers a limited range of scope, which is not relevant to the needs of larger vessels.

  • Stern Light

Stern light is the white light found at the stern or rear section of a vessel. With this, the vessels behind you can see you.

  • All-around White Light

This is required for vessels that are less than 12 meters long and powered by an engine. The effect of this light is similar to combined masthead light and stern light. Once you have it, you’re visible from any direction.

There are several perks to take advantage of when you add excellent battery operated boat lights to pose as navigation lights. First of all, they’re convenient and practical to use because you don’t need to hardwire an electrical system. You can call it wireless boat navigation lights! Moreover, it’s reliable in times of emergencies like power outages and other unfortunate circumstances.

This type of light is generally uncomplicated to install, provided that you follow the instructions in the user manual. You don’t need the skills of an expert to put things in order. In most cases, you only need to clip or mount it effortlessly. They are also built with durable construction to last in a marine environment.

You can’t only get brightness from them but various colors that meet your needs or legal requirements. Thus, you remain seen despite dark areas or bad visibility. Safety and security are guaranteed when you have them in your boat. Controlling or operating them is super easy. They’re crafted as portable items that can be stored with no complications. In addition, it’s not a burden to take them everywhere you go.

Even though these battery powered lights offer several benefits, they come with an affordable price tag. It won’t be challenging for you to get the right size and color for your boat. Consequently, the case of battery replacement is the same. You can get them without trouble from stores. They can last as long as you work on caring and maintenance.


There are so many battery powered lights in the market, but only some are reliable in providing good service. To get your money’s worth, you can search for reputable brands. You won’t be sorry when you get battery operated navigation lights from Attwood, Bright Eyes, Shoreline Marine, Innovative, Lighting, Botepon Marine, Deals4you, and Aqua Signal.

These companies are recognized in the marine industry as producers of top-quality products. You don’t have to be bothered by issues when you use the lights that they’ve created.

Navigation lights won’t allow you to go astray in the dark. Every human-powered vessel needs a masthead light and stern light regarding this matter. They’re like a pair of safety lights when you go out at night, dawn, dusk, or with low visibility in the waters. Unlike powered vessels, you don’t need the starboard and port sidelights in the same color.

A white light that beams in various directions will be fine for human-powered vessels. However, you’ll need starboard and port lights when you maneuver a larger vessel.

  • Starboard Side Light

It’s a green light that is always on the right or starboard side. The main role of this light is to let others be aware that you’re approaching. You can compare it with traffic lights as the green color also means go. Turning this green light on will make you obtain the right of way. Although you have it, you still need to be careful with your actions to prevent collisions and accidents.

  • Port Side Light

On the other hand, the port side appears in red and it notifies other vessels that you intend to pass on the left side. You also place it on the left side and it has the same nature as traffic rules. When you see this light, you have to stop and give way to other boaters.

Do you ever wonder why there are red and green navigation lights on the vessel’s sides? As mentioned, these lights are not different from the traffic lights when it comes to meanings and significance. Red is about stopping and green is a go signal. Always remember that these colors have a permanent place on a boat. The red light is always on the left or the port while the green one is fixed on the right or the starboard.

The majority of the boaters prefer the port side when passing other vessels. When it happens, the red light needs to be flashed. Be mindful of flashing the green light as it means asking for the right of way. Upon seeing the green light from another, you have to prepare to give way.

You won’t regret investing in the best battery powered navigation lights as they can provide the much-needed illumination and service for a decent period. Crossing the waters at night, after sunset, and before sunrise is safe and easy because of their brightness. So, don’t forget to turn them on when you’re underway or your boat is moored.

sailboat bow lights

“I am James Harvey – founder of Boating Basics Online. It is established with the drive to help out first-time boaters, which are those desiring to explore their way through the water. So if you are new to boating, start from here with me. “


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Best Bow Light Boat Navigation Lights of 2024

Jason Kiser Avatar

* We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. If you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation.

Bow Light Boat Navigation Lights are essential equipment for any boat owner. These lights are specifically designed to ensure the safety and visibility of boats during nighttime or low visibility conditions. The bow lights are typically installed at the front of the boat, providing a clear indication of the vessel's presence and direction to other boaters. These navigation lights are durable, waterproof, and easy to install, making them a must-have for all boat owners who prioritize safety on the water. Whether you're cruising, fishing, or sailing, Bow Light Boat Navigation Lights are an indispensable accessory for a worry-free boating experience.

At a Glance: Our Top Picks

Seachoice Bow Light, Marine Navigation, Chrome Bi-Color Cover

Top 10 Bow Light Boat Navigation Lights

Seachoice bow light, marine navigation, chrome bi-color.

The Seachoice Bow Light is a chrome bi-color navigation light designed for boats under 39 feet. It enhances safe navigation in poor visibility conditions, providing up to 1 mile visibility. Its watertight construction is resistant to corrosion and its compact size makes it easy to install.

Sebnux LED Boat Navigation Light

The Sebnux LED Boat Navigation Light, designed for pontoon and small boats, boasts excellent corrosion resistance with its copper plated zinc housing. It uses leading LED technology, providing high visibility and excellent heat dispersion while being low-carbon and environmentally-friendly. The light meets USCG 3NM requirements, providing a 3NM visual range to avoid accidents in dark environments. With a waterproof rate of IP67 and a durable marine grade cable, the Sebnux LED boat navigation light is a reliable choice for watercraft safety.

Sebnux Boat Navigation Light

Introducing the Sebnux Nav Light, a high-quality boat navigation light that is ideal for pontoon and small boats. With a voltage of DC 12V and power of 3W, this light emits a radiation angle of 112.5 degrees with a New technique LED optical red and green LED light design, which provides 2NM high visibility running signal to oncoming targets. The Sebnux Nav Light is IP67 waterproof, thanks to its high-density foam silicone rubber sealing ring, which can completely avoid short circuits caused by water. This light features power saving capabilities, with brighter light power, lower energy consumption, and longer service life compared to halogen lamps. Additionally, it is super easy to install with just a single screw. Meet USCG requirements with the Sebnux Nav Light.

Pactrade Marine Boat Navigation Light

Pactrade Marine Boat Navigation Light Cover

This is a must-have for your boat! The Pactrade Navigation Light is a 12" red and green bi-color light made with a durable plastic housing and aluminum post. The color-coded lights make it easy to identify port (red) and starboard (green) sides of the boat. With a visibility of 1 nautical mile and a 225-degree angle, you can be sure that other boats can see you from a distance. The light has a working voltage of 13VDC and a 2 pin female connection mount. The light is easy to install and use, and we also offer a compatible 2-prong stern light base. With a length of 12", a light housing diameter of 2", and a pole diameter of 3/4", the Pactrade Navigation Light is a perfect fit for most boats.

Obcursco Boat LED Navigation Light

Obcursco Boat LED Navigation Light Cover

The Obcursco Boat LED Navigation Light is designed with a proprietary optical design that provides extra visibility and safety. Its durable Chrome Plated Zinc cover passed a 72-hour salt spray test, ensuring it can avoid corrosion problems. The bi-color navigation light uses innovative LED optical design that guarantees a bright level of the navigation light and reduces the heat to last its lifetime. Additionally, it has an IP67 waterproof design that avoids water getting into the internal light and causing short circuit issues. The light meets USCG requirements for 2 nautical mile visibility, making it ideal for pontoon, skiff, and small boat use.

Wave One Marine LED Bow Navigation Light

Wave One Marine LED Bow Navigation Light Cover

Wave One Marine Bow Light is a USA-designed and tested LED navigation light set with a polished marine stainless base. It features a weatherproof design with bright LEDs for 1NM visibility. Easy to install, it can be stowed flush when not in use. The IP65 waterproof rating ensures durability in tough conditions. This light is ideal for safe navigation at night, perfect for fishing or evening boating. Backed by a no-hassle warranty, it's a premium upgrade for any boat.

Besramtic Bow Light LED Boat Navigation Lights

Besramtic Bow Light LED Boat Navigation Lights Cover

The Besramtic Bow Light LED Boat Navigation Lights provide 1 NM visibility with 24 bright LED lights that are easy to install and replace. The lights are completely sealed with IP 65 rating to prevent any water damage. The Base is designed with stainless steel material which is corrosion resistant and durable. It is suitable for replacing original lights that are compatible with the 2 pin connections.

DDL LED Marine Navigation Lamp

DDL LED Marine Navigation Lamp Cover

The DDL LED Marine Navigation Lamp is a high-quality navigation light designed for boats. It features bi-colored and visible red for port side and green for starboard side, which makes it a great choice for use as a bow light or stern light. With 12 LEDs, it provides simple and effective boat safety lighting with low power consumption. It is made of high-quality engineering ABS plastic base and housing construction, and is easy to install with screws included in the package. It meets USCG requirements for 2 nautical mile visibility and is IP67 waterproof, which keeps it safe during rainy or strong windy voyages and avoids short circuit damage from moisture.

Osinmax LED Bow Light for Boat

Osinmax LED Bow Light for Boat Cover

The Osinmax LED Bow Light for Boat is a durable and high visibility navigation light that is perfect for small boats and pontoons. Its chrome plated zinc housing construction passed the 72 hours salt spray test, enhancing its working life, while its innovative surround lamp bead optical design provides a high visibility light signal that meets USCG requirements for 2 NM visibility. The light is also IP67 waterproof thanks to its precise edge sealing design and built-in high-density hot melt glue, preventing water vapor intrusion that causes short circuits. With a voltage of DC 12V, power of 6W, and radiation angle of 225 degrees, the Osinmax Boat Navigation Light is super easy to install.

Shangyuan LED Boat Navigation Lights

Shangyuan LED Boat Navigation Lights Cover

Shangyuan Boat Lights are a stylish and effective choice for your watercraft. The package includes a 3.8" red and a 3.8" green LED strip, offering more visibility than traditional pole lights. These PC lens lights are waterproof, shockproof, and dustproof, suitable for various types of boats like kayaks, sailboats, and pontoons. With a lifespan of over 50,000 hours, these energy-saving lights are easy to install with just 2 wires to connect. Enjoy the convenience of a one-year warranty for any delivery damage or manufacturer defects.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. what navigation lights are required on a boat.

For powered boats less than 39.4 feet, or 12 meters, you need to have the following set of navigation lights.. One all-around white light that you can see from 360 degrees and from two miles away;And one pair of red and green sidelights that are visible at 112.5 degrees and from one mile away.

2. Where do you put navigation lights on a boat?

Generally, all boats will have a red light on their port side and a green light on their starboard side. To put it in plain English, if you're in the driver's seat, the red light goes on the left, and the green light goes on the right. A white light should be at the stern of the boat. The stern is the rear of the boat.

3. What navigation lights are required on a boat at night?

Navigation light requirements by boat type and length 1 all-round white light at night or 1 ball during the day, and. An additional all-round white light.

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Sea Dog Marine LED Utility Light

Sea Dog LED Utility Light

Sea Dog Marine LED Utility Light These surface-mounted LED courtesy lights are constructed of injection-molded Delrin for strength, heat resistance and dimensional stability. Installs with four #6 FH fasteners (not included). Comes standard with low amp...

T-H Marine Underwater LED Lights

T-H Marine Underwater LED Lights

T-H Marine High Intensity Underwater LED Lights These T-H Marine Underwater LED Lights are designed to be used above or below the water line and feature low power draw and no high heat. With 180 Lumens, they have a greater light output and a...

T-H Marine LED Slim Line Utility Light

T-H Marine LED Slim Line Utility Light

TH Marine Slim Line LED Utility Strip Light These surface mount LED Utility Strip Lights are great for lighting or decorating interior and exterior of boats, RVs and other vehicles. Being 100% waterproof, they can be used virtually anywhere. Long...

Portable LED Boat Stern Light w/ Suction Cup

Portable LED Boat Stern Light w/ Suction Cup

Innovative Lighting Portable LED Boat Stern Light w/ Suction Cup This Portable LED Boat Stern Light w/ Suction Cup is designed to withstand the marine environment with its molded one piece white body build with shock resistant...

Portable LED Boat Bow Navigation Light w/ Suction Cup

Portable LED Boat Bow Navigation Light w/ Suction Cup

Innovative Lighting Portable LED Boat Bow Navigation Light w/ Suction Cup This Portable LED Boat Bow Navigation Light w/ Suction Cup features molded brass threaded mounting bushings with shock resistant neoprene accents. Rated at 100,00 hours LED...

Attwood Replacement All-Round Boat Stern Light

Attwood Replacement All-Round Boat Stern Light

Attwood Replacement All-Round Boat Stern Light This Attwood Replacement All-Round Boat Stern Light features a clean translucent lens that provides a 2-mile 360° illumination for boats up to 65.6' (20m). The Frosted Globe uses a...

T-H Marine LED Boat Courtesy Lights

T-H Marine LED Courtesy Lights

TH Marine LED Oblong Courtesy Lights TH Marine LED Courtesy Lights are very attractive stainless steel bezel courtesy lights that can be used virtually anywhere. The bright polished stainless provides a very rich look. They are great for accent...

Attwood Frosted Globe All-Round Boat Navigation Light

Attwood Frosted Globe All-Round Boat Navigation Light

Attwood Frosted Globe All-Round Boat Navigation Light This Attwood Frosted Globe All-Round Boat Navigation Light uses a standardized lamp that is commonly available in marine, auto, and convenience stores. It provides a 2-mile 360 degree...

4-LED Courtesy Light - Surface Mount

4-LED Courtesy Light - Surface Mount

Innovative Lighting 4-LED Courtesy Light - Surface Mount This courtesy light from Innovative Lighting is a multi-functional marine light with four bright LEDs. These lights are shock and vibration proof and remain cool to the touch while in use. They...

Stainless Steel Drain Plug Underwater LED Light

Stainless Steel Drain Plug Underwater LED Light

Gen3 Marine Stainless Steel Drain Plug Underwater LED Light Upgrade the lighting on your boat with the Gen3 Marine LED Drain Plug Light. Easy to install, this underwater light replaces your current 1/2" garboard drain plug - no drilling necessary! Built...

Marine CREE LED 1,600 Lumen Flashlight with 18650 Lithium Battery and Charger

Wholesale Marine LED Aluminum Flashlight Kit

 Product Description: Marine CREE LED Aluminum High Output Flashlight Case material:Durable aircraft-grade aluminum Water resistant CREE LED Bulb 900 Lumens Max - Output Varies based on battery voltage Telescoping to focus light beam from...

Attwood LED Articulating All-Round Boat Stern Light

Attwood LED Articulating All-Round Boat Stern Light

Attwood LED Articulating All-Round Boat Stern Light This Attwood LED Articulating All-Round Boat Stern Light features improved lens technology and a cleaner light transmission. It is 30% brighter than traditional LED lights and has 60% lower mass...

Portable Clamp-On Boat Bow and Stern Lights

Portable Clamp-On Boat Bow and Stern Lights

Attwood Portable Clamp-On Boat Bow and Stern Lights The Attwood Portable Clamp-On Boat Bow and Stern Lights feature a water-resistant, shatterproof polycarbonate lens. They are composed of shock-proof composite housing and have durable, portable LED...

Perko All-Round Boat Navigation Light

Perko 36" All-Round Boat Navigation Light

Perko 36" All-Round Boat Navigation Light This Perko All-Round Boat Navigation Light helps preserve night vision and provides a reduced glare. With a black polymer top and collars, the amount of light wasted outside of the visibility zone is...

T&H Marine Led Recessed Puck 3''

T-H Marine Led Recessed Puck 3''

TH Marine Recessed LED Puck Lights Great for lighting under cabinets, cockpits, headliners, and compartments Recessed Mounting Gives Clean Profile Look Circuit board completely sealed in epoxy to resist water, corrosion and vibration Low amp draw...

Perko Fold Down Masthead Horizontal Mount Base

Perko Fold Down Masthead Horizontal Mount Base

Perko Fold Down Masthead Horizontal Mount Base Fold down adjustable angle mounting base with plastic adapter for "V" or flat mounting surfaces complete with knob and end plug. Chrome plated zinc alloy and black plastic. Length: 2" Width: 1-1/2"

Wholesale Marine Super Bright LED Aluminum Flashlight

Wholesale Marine LED Aluminum Flashlight

Marine LED Aluminum High Output Flashlight Case material:Durable aircraft-grade aluminum Water resistant CREE LED Bulb 900 Lumens Max - Output Varies based on battery voltage Telescoping to focus light beam from flood to spot. Requires 3 AAA...

Attwood Stowaway Boat Stern Light w/ Base

Attwood Stowaway Boat Stern Light w/ Base

Attwood Stowaway Boat Stern Light w/ Base This Attwood Stowaway Boat Stern Light w/ Base features a new, clean lens with 2-mile 360 degree visibility. The base extends just 3" below deck while the swivel cover protects the base socket when light is...

Attwood Replacement Boat Stern Light Lens

Attwood Replacement Boat Stern Light Lens

ATTWOOD® FIXED BASE ALL-ROUND LIGHT PONTOON BOAT REPLACEMENT GLOBE Two-mile, 360º light visibility for boats 12 to 20 meters (39.4 to 65.6 feet). For use on pontoons, hard tops & radar arches. Replacement Globe

Sea Dog Marine Chrome Led Dome Light 6''

Sea Dog Chrome Led Dome Light 6''

Sea Dog LED Dome Light 6" LED Dome Lights have very low current consumption at .068 amps at 12 volts and have extreme long life. LED Dome Lights give off very low heat and are resistant to vibration. LED Dome Lights have 18 white LED’s per light.

Boat Lights: Lighting for all Types of Boats

Boat lighting is an integral part of keeping you safe, both onboard and on the water. Every vessel needs to be well-equipped with various kinds of boat lights from cabin lighting, navigational lighting, spotlights, and flashlights. 

Having sufficient boat lighting will ensure the safety of everyone on board. Wholesale Marine has an extensive line of marine lighting for all your nighttime boating needs. Our boat light inventory includes a wide selection of LED, Xenon, Halogen, and Incandescent lights for various courtesy, navigational or underwater uses.

While Wholesale Marine carries an extensive line of LED lighting for boats and yacht lighting. We offer marine lighting fixtures from top brands like Attwood , Rigid Industries , Sea Dog , TACO Marine , and T & H Marine . These brands provide lighting and accessories for every situation. Our easy to use online parts finder makes finding the boat lights you need a breeze.

Wholesale Marine’s selection of boat lighting has been manufactured and engineered to be corrosion resistant and made to the highest standards. Each light or light kit is easy to install. Many of our boat lights are LED, with a proven LED electrical design and functionality. Wholesale Marine carries high quality LED marine lighting.

Marine Lighting for all Places

The safety of you and your passengers is no accident. Well-positioned boat courtesy lights can illuminate low ceilings or can be positioned to eliminate tripping hazards. Sea Dog's Utility LED Courtesy Light is a great surface mount light for your galley or even your deck. Constructed from sturdy and durable materials, these bright LED boat lights are excellent as a counter or step light.

At some point, docking your vessel at night will be unavoidable. Boat dock lights and navigation lights are an easy-to-use solution to avoid damage and dock your craft. Illuminate blind spots with the Anderson Halogen Boat Docking Light Kit . These powerful 55W lights are housed in a tough black housing with hardened glass lens

When visibility on the water is low, ensure that you have the right marine navigation lights installed from Wholesale Marine. From yachts, to cruisers, small boats, PWC's or even kayaks we offer a variety of portable navigation lights. Side lights such as the Perko Vertical Mount Side Light are equipped with red and green marine navigation lights.

Boat spotlights help provide smoother navigation when taking your boat out at night, and every boat should have a spotlight and flashlight on board. For smaller vessels, the Jabsco 135 SL RC Searchlight is a mounted spot light with a remote control and 15’ of cable for easy installation.

Even if you are an avid boater, you may not be familiar with boat spreader lights. These are essentially courtesy lighting that originally had been mounted to the spreaders on a sailboat mast, hence the name. Need an economical solution? We suggest Sea Dog’s Halogen Flood Light .

Underwater Boat lights are a great way to accessorize and add aesthetic appeal to your boat, help anglers when fishing, and also provide additional safety. The Attwood Light Armor Underwater 3-LED Light is easy to install and designed to perform in the harshest conditions.

Stern lights not only provide extra lighting for safety, but also can extend recreation time when out for a day of boating, for fishing, or for night runs. Stern light bases can be easily installed to update and upgrade existing watercraft as needed. For smaller craft, consider Attwood’s economical 3-Pin Round Straight Pole Base .

Our boating specialists are here to help you Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM EST at 877-388-2628. We’ll gladly assist you with all your boat lighting needs. We also offer the Captain’s Club Rewards Program so you can accrue points that can be used towards future purchases. Most orders have same-day shipping. Call us to order today.

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  • Moscow Oblast


Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Population157,409 inhabitants
Elektrostal Population Density3,179.3 /km² (8,234.4 /sq mi)

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: , Longitude:
55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East
Elektrostal Area4,951 hectares
49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi)
Elektrostal Altitude164 m (538 ft)
Elektrostal ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Elektrostal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Elektrostal and the biggest cities of Russia.

Elektrostal Map

Locate simply the city of Elektrostal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 June02:43 - 11:25 - 20:0701:43 - 21:0701:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
9 June02:42 - 11:25 - 20:0801:42 - 21:0801:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
10 June02:42 - 11:25 - 20:0901:41 - 21:0901:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
11 June02:41 - 11:25 - 20:1001:41 - 21:1001:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
12 June02:41 - 11:26 - 20:1101:40 - 21:1101:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
13 June02:40 - 11:26 - 20:1101:40 - 21:1201:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
14 June02:40 - 11:26 - 20:1201:39 - 21:1301:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Located next to Noginskoye Highway in Electrostal, Apelsin Hotel offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi. Free parking is available. The elegant rooms are air conditioned and feature a flat-screen satellite TV and fridge...

Located in the green area Yamskiye Woods, 5 km from Elektrostal city centre, this hotel features a sauna and a restaurant. It offers rooms with a kitchen...

Ekotel Bogorodsk Hotel is located in a picturesque park near Chernogolovsky Pond. It features an indoor swimming pool and a wellness centre. Free Wi-Fi and private parking are provided...

Surrounded by 420,000 m² of parkland and overlooking Kovershi Lake, this hotel outside Moscow offers spa and fitness facilities, and a private beach area with volleyball court and loungers...

Surrounded by green parklands, this hotel in the Moscow region features 2 restaurants, a bowling alley with bar, and several spa and fitness facilities. Moscow Ring Road is 17 km away...

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

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  1. Boat Navigation LED Lighting Kit

    sailboat bow lights

  2. 12V Navigation Lights LED Combination Bow Light Marine Boat LED Red

    sailboat bow lights

  3. Five Oceans LED Boat Bow Navigation Deck Mount Port & Starboard

    sailboat bow lights

  4. LED Navigation Lights Deck Mount, New Marine Sailing Lights for Boat

    sailboat bow lights

  5. Attwood Bi

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  6. 12V LED Marine Bi Color Navigation Light Waterproof Boat Side Red Green

    sailboat bow lights


  1. Testing my boat lights with a drill battery!!??

  2. Farr Yacht Design Presents KWRW Anarchy Friday

  3. Kill Light 250HD Bow Light from Elusive Wildlife

  4. Sunrise at Sea: Stunning View from the Sailboat Bow 🌅

  5. Installing new running lights on my sailboat!

  6. BOWFISHING BUILD PART 7: Completing the Deck and Lights


  1. Boat Navigation Lights

    Botepon Navigation Lights For Boats Led, Boat Red and Green Bow Lights, Boat Night Fishing Lights, Deck Lights, IP67 Waterproof for Pontoon Boat Bas Boat Dinghy Kayak Jon Boat Yacht. 4.7 out of 5 stars. 2,288. 2K+ bought in past month. $14.99 $ 14. 99. List: $18.00 $18.00.

  2. Navigation Lights for Sailboats (And How To Read Them)

    As such a power boat, and by extension all sailboats, MUST, without question show one green light on the starboard bow and one red light on the port bow and one all around white light or lights while operating in reduced visibility. These lights should shine at all 360 degrees of visibility with the bow lights shining at an angle of dead ahead ...

  3. Amazon Best Sellers: Best Boat Navigation Lights

    Boaton Marine Boat Navigation Lights, Night Fishing No Drilling Install Bow Lights Running For Pontoon Bass Jon Jet Ski Kayak. 2,851. 1 offer from $14.99. #7. marinexplore Boat Anchor Light,White LED Stern Light for Boat 3 Nautical Mile Bimini Top Lights Fold Down Pontoon Light All Round 12~24V, 6''.

  4. Boat Navigation Lights

    This bi-color dual side light offers a universal fit, sitting on a 14" straight 2-pin locking collar pole. Increase your visibility on the water with the Attwood LED All-Round Boat Stern Light. This boat stern light offers bright white light and is designed for 360° visibility on boats up to 39.4' in length. This marine navigation light is ...

  5. Boat Navigation Lights Rules: Illustrated Beginners Guide

    They must show an arc of 112.5 degrees from centerline of the bow. Stern light - A white light on the stern of the boat showing an unbroken arc of 135 degrees from centerline of the vessel. All-round light - A light showing in an unbroken arc of 360 degrees. The good news is you need not measure these angles.

  6. Boat Navigation Lights

    A bi-colored boating navigation light is for the bow and the all-around navigation light will be on the back or center of the boat body. The bi-colored light will be at a 225 degree spread and the all-around light will be a 360 degree spread light. If the boat is about 13 meters (39.79), the boat must have red and green lights on the side of ...

  7. Navigation Lights

    Boats less than 12m (39.4'), sidelights must be visible for at least 1nm. All other lights must be visible for at least 2nm. Boats less than 20m (65.7'), a masthead light must be visible for 3nm. All other lights must be visible for 2nm. Boat over 20m (65.7') and less than 50m (164') must display a masthead light visible for 5nm.

  8. SeaSense LED Combination Stainless Steel Bow Light, 12 Volt

    The Unified Marine SeaSense LED combination bow light is a stainless steel combination navigation light. The 20 LEDs provide an even brighter light and more appealing, but saves power with a lower amp draw. This light meets USCG regulations, has a corrosion resistant stainless steel housing and low profile.

  9. Hardin Marine

    It is designed to fit the stainless steel pop-up bow lights #680-204-M and 680-211-M. Available polished or in your choice of powder coated colors. Does not fit the LED Pop-Up Bow Light ( 730-LEDPUBL) Fits: Pop-up LED bow light 680-211M and Pop Light 680-204M. Your Price: $76.99.

  10. 7 Best Battery Powered Navigation Lights for Boat, Canoe & Kayak

    1. attwood 14191-7 Clamp-On Boat Navigation Light; 2. Botepon Marine Boat Bow Lights; 3. Bright Eyes BE-BTLGT-GR-1 Marine LED Boating Lights; 4. Shoreline Marine Portable Clamp-on Navigation Light; 5. Innovative Lighting 560-1110-7 Portable LED Bow Light; 6. Deals4you Portable Marine LED Boat Lights; 7. Aqua Signal 27440-7 Battery-Powered LED ...

  11. Deck Mount LED Bi-Color Navigation Light, 2 Nautical Miles Visibility

    The low-profile stainless steel housing is ideal for sailboats, runabouts, small fishing boats under 40' and any application that benefits from reduced deck clutter. Conserve battery power while meeting night-time boating requirements with a West Marine LED Bi-Color Light. Key Features. LED bi-color light makes boating at night safer

  12. Best Bow Light Boat Navigation Lights of 2024

    The Osinmax LED Bow Light for Boat is a durable and high visibility navigation light that is perfect for small boats and pontoons. Its chrome plated zinc housing construction passed the 72 hours salt spray test, enhancing its working life, while its innovative surround lamp bead optical design provides a high visibility light signal that meets USCG requirements for 2 NM visibility.

  13. Boat Lights in Marine Supplies

    Ozark Trail Marine Red and Green Bi-Color Boat Pole Bow Light with Task Light. 36 4.3 out of 5 Stars. 36 reviews. Save with. Shipping, arrives today. Perko 1445DP6CHR Inland-Series Reduced Glare White All-Round Pole Light - 48" Height, 5Rake. Add $ 46 71. current price $46.71.

  14. Innovative Lighting

    Buy Innovative Lighting - 560-1110 Portable LED Bow Light with Suction Cup: Navigation Lights - FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases ... To my surprise, the boat's Nav Lights suddenly stopped working the day before and I was not having success tracing down the problem. So, I bought the Innovative Lighting Portable LED Bow ...

  15. Boat Boat Bow Lights for sale

    Boat safety bow light Green/Red SEASENSE Brand 12 volt. Brand New: SeaSense. $0.99. 0 bids. $10.70 shipping. 3d 20h. Get the best deals on Boat Boat Bow Lights when you shop the largest online selection at Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices.

  16. Used 2007 Bavaria 50 Vision, 29928 Hilton Head Island

    Check out this Used 2007 Bavaria 50 Vision for sale in Hilton Head Island, SC 29928. View this Cruisers and other Sail boats on

  17. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  18. Bow Light LED Boat Navigation Lights Red and Green Bi-Color Light Pole

    【Bright Lights】 Bow Light is equipped with 24 Pieces. 1 NM visibility lights bright enough to be seen from the other boats 【Easy Installation】 Boat navigation lights red and green is easy to plug in for us or removable 【Completely Sealed IP 65 】 Bow lights for boats with build -in Pre-fitted tight sealed O-ring gasket.

  19. Boat Lights

    Stern light bases can be easily installed to update and upgrade existing watercraft as needed. For smaller craft, consider Attwood's economical 3-Pin Round Straight Pole Base. Our boating specialists are here to help you Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM EST at 877-388-2628. We'll gladly assist you with all your boat lighting ...

  20. Flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia : r/vexillology

    596K subscribers in the vexillology community. A subreddit for those who enjoy learning about flags, their place in society past and present, and…

  21. rigging a precision 15 sailboat

    234. With an unobtrusively low centerboard trunk and an elegantly simple swept spreader three-stay rig, the Precision 15 is beautiful both to see and to sail. And at only 390 pounds fully rigged, she's a snap to trailer and launch. You'll enjoy many years of safe and spirited sailing in your Precision 15.

  22. LED Lights For Sailboat

    Partsam 2Pcs Marine Boat Light, Red Green LED Bow Navigation Lights, Deck Port Side Starboard Lights Sailing Signal Light for Pontoon Yacht Sailboat Speedboat Fishing Boats, IP67 Waterproof, DC 12V. 4.4 out of 5 stars. 349. 50+ bought in past month. $12.99 $ 12. 99.

  23. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  24. Bowfishing Lights For Boat

    Botepon Battery Operated Kayak Navigation Lights, Marine Led Boat Lights, Boat Bow Lights and Stern Lights for Pontoon Boat Bass Boat Jon Boat Dinghy Kayak Yacht Jet Ski. 4.4 out of 5 stars. 1,856. 50+ bought in past month. $9.99 $ 9. 99. List: $15.00 $15.00. FREE delivery Wed, Jan 24 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon.