• Open Water
  • „Open Water“: Diese wahre Geschichte steckt hinter den Filmen

„Open Water“: Diese wahre Geschichte steckt hinter den Filmen

„Open Water“: Diese wahre Geschichte steckt hinter den Filmen

In „Open Water“ geht ein Paar auf einen Tauchtrip und wird vom Boot zurückgelassen. Beruht der Thriller auf einer wahren Geschichte?

Wer an Thalassophobie, der Angst vor tiefen Gewässern, leidet, war sicher kein Fan von  „Open Water“ . Der 2003 veröffentlichte Film begleitet ein Paar bei einem Tauchausflug, doch als sie vom letzten Tauchgang aufsteigen, ist das Boot weg und sie sind verloren im großen, weiten Meer – und schon bald kriegen sie Gesellschaft von Haien. Nicht nur fehlendes Süßwasser und Nahrung werden dadurch zum Problem. Sie sind in einer aussichtslosen Situation gefangen. Im 2006 erschienenen zweiten Teil  „Open Water 2“  macht eine befreundete Truppe einen Yacht-Ausflug und vergisst vor dem Sprung ins Wasser die Leiter zurück an Bord auszuklappen. Ihre Rettung ist also direkt vor ihren Augen, nur die Wände sind zu hoch und sie kommen nicht mehr an Deck. Zu allem Überfluss ist das Baby von Amy (Susan May Pratt) und James (Richard Speight Jr.) allein in der Kajüte geblieben. Sind das ausgedachte Szenarien, die tiefe Ängste wecken, oder beruhen die Filme wirklich auf wahren Begebenheiten? 

Auch diese Filme beruhen auf wahren Begebenheiten. Erfahrt die Hintergründe in unserem Video.

Beruht „Open Water“ auf einer wahren Geschichte?

Kaum zu glauben, aber wahr: Tatsächlich ist die Geschichte des Paares wirklich passiert. Im Januar 1998 fuhren  Tom und Eileen Lonergan  auf einen Tauchausflug im Great Barrier Reef in Australien. Erst zwei Tage später, als man die Tasche mit den Pässen der Zwei an Bord fand, wurde eine Suche gestartet. Doch 60 km vor der Küste, in der Hitze und ohne Wasser und Nahrung waren die Überlebenschancen sehr gering. In den Wochen danach wurden Teile ihrer Ausrüstung angespült, was die Vermutung ihres Todes nur bestätigte. Was tatsächlich auf See passiert ist, kann natürlich keiner wissen; der Film mutmaßt über die Ereignisse der beiden einsamen Verlorenen.

Wie viel Wahrheit steckt hinter „Open Water 2“?

Die Fortsetzung basiert nicht auf einer wahren Geschichte, sondern auf der Kurzgeschichte „Adrift“ aus dem Buch  „Dark Water“  von Kōji Suzuki. Das Buch enthält sieben Kurzgeschichten aus den Genres Fantasy, Horror und Mystery, die sich alle um das Hauptthema Wasser drehen. 2002 wurde „Dark Water“ ebenfalls verfilmt; erst als japanisches Original, 2005 dann als  amerikanisches Remake  mit Jennifer Connelly und Tim Roth in den Hauptrollen. Außerdem soll bald  eine Verfilmung mit Jared Leto  veröffentlicht werden mit Darren Aronofsky als Regisseur. Die Zwei hatten zuletzt bei  „Requiem for a Dream“  zusammengearbeitet. „Adrift“ wird ein Horrorfilm von Blumhouse Productions. Jüngst musste Aronofsky aber erst einmal sein Projekt  „Der Wal“  mit Brendan Fraser beenden. 

Erkennt ihr diese Horror-Filme aus den 2000ern? Testet euer Wissen:

2000er-Horror-Quiz: Beweist euer Wissen im kniffligen Quiz!

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"Open Water 2": Wasserdrama ohne Haie und Nervenkitzel

"open water 2" wasserdrama ohne haie und nervenkitzel.

Es schwimmen sechs Menschen auf hoher See und haben vergessen, an ihrer Yacht die Bootsleiter herunterzulassen - wie kommen sie wieder an Deck? Mit dieser Rätselaufgabe ist schon die ganze Handlung des Films "Open Water 2" von Hans Horn beschrieben. Die deutsche Produktion leiht sich den Titel von dem "Hai-frisst-Mensch"-Horrorfilm "Open Water" - doch haben beide Streifen nur das Wasser gemeinsam. Der an der Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München ausgebildete Werbefilmer Horn spielt in diesem Low-Budget-Dreh nur mit der Angst vor einem möglichen Haiangriff.

Der Zuschauer wartet, aber der Hai kommt nicht, obschon zwischen den sechs Akteuren - Amy, James, Zach, Lauren, Michelle und Dan - auch viel Blut ins blaue Meer fließt. Die Leistung der amerikanischen Schauspieler, von denen bisher einige allenfalls aus US-Fernsehserien bekannt sind, ist nicht weiter der Rede Wert. Dennoch sollen die jungen Amerikaner helfen - wie der Titel -, das wohl als Thriller gedachte Wasserdrama international in die Kinos zu bringen. Die sechs Freunde um die 30 treffen sich zu einem Ausflug mit einer Luxusyacht.

Mit Kind und Kindheitstrauma

Laut Drehbuch (Adam Kreutner) spielt die Handlung vor der mexikanischen Küste, doch war das Set um Kameramann Bernhard Jasper, der in Ludwigsburg an der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg studierte, in Malta im Einsatz. Hier steigen alle aufs Boot, Alkohol fließt. Nur Amy (Susan May Pratt) passt nicht so richtig in die lustige Runde, sie ist gerade Mutter geworden, der Säugling liegt in der Kajüte. Was aber viel schwerer wiegt, ist Amys Kindheitstrauma: Als Kind sah sie ihren Vater ertrinken und hat seither Angst vor dem Wasser.

Warum sich Amy dennoch auf die Tour einlässt, bleibt eine der vielen offenen Fragen dieses Kammerspiels. Während schon vier im Wasser sind, ist Amy nur noch mit ihrer kleinen Tochter und dem Lebemann und Schönling Dan an Bord. Dan will sie von ihrem Trauma heilen und springt mit ihr ins Wasser. Es folgt eine Aneinanderreihung des Vorhersehbaren: Die allesamt mit sportlichen Körpern, aber nicht mit viel Grips Gesegneten verzweifeln zunehmend zwischen ihren Versuchen, am glatten Schiffsrumpf wieder an Deck zu kommen.

Verzweifelte Suche nach Überraschungen

Dass der Zuschauer in den handlungsarmen 90 Minuten doch irgendwie dabei bleibt, mag wohl vor allem am Warten auf den Hai liegen und daran, dass die meisten Protagonisten sterben. Unfreiwillig komisch sind dabei immer wieder die Dialoge und die Ideen sich zu retten. Da fallen absurde Sätze wie: "Er muss ins Krankenhaus, aber schnell", und es werden Bikinis und Badehosen zu einem Seil geknüpft. Dem Drehbuch ist die verzweifelte Suche nach Überraschungen anzumerken, etwa wenn Sonnyboy Dan (Eric Dane) plötzlich gesteht, dass ihm die Yacht nicht gehört und er auch keinen Bootsführerschein hat.

Abwechslung bieten zuweilen Horns und Jaspers Einfälle bei Film- und Kameratechnik - aus finanziellen Gründen beschränken sie sich auf 16 Millimeter - statt des sonst im Kino üblichen 35-Millimeter- Filmmaterials. Eine Handkamera vermittelt hautnah das Gefühl des Ertrinkens, es gibt extreme Zeitlupen und Zeitraffer, die Szenen im Super-8-Stil ablaufen lassen, und es gibt Unschärfeeffekte. Damit hätte aus der Geschichte ein wunderbarer Kurzfilm werden können, doch so geht die Story mit Geld der Filmförderung Bayern fast selbst baden.

Ulf Mauder/DPA

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25 sailing movies for when you’re knot shore what to watch

We share some of our favourite best sailing movies, from Hollywood blockbusters and indie films to illuminating documentaries

I still hang on to the rather fanciful notion of sailing in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race . Until I pluck up the courage (and the funds), I’ve been busying myself with more realistic nautical escapades.

From  tall ship sailing off the west coast of Scotland  to  sailing the Whitsunday Islands  in Australia , more and more of our travels have taken place on the water.

However, until I make the leap from weekend warrior to blue water sailor, I’ll have to make do with films, books and daydreams.

With that in mind, I’ve put together a list of the best sailing movies I’ve seen. What follows is a broad mix of modern and classic, indie and feature, drama and documentary film. Whatever their style, these flicks are thoroughly wet and wonderful.

And, I’m sorry about the pun, but you know, ship happens.

best sailing movies

Listed in no particular order, these nautical movies include terrifying ordeals of tragedy, inconceivable stories of survival, turbulent tales of adventure and wild journeys of discovery – perfect for a night in on a dry and comfy sofa.

1. Kon-Tiki (1950) Let’s start with one of the best sailing movies ever made. In 1947, Heyerdahl and five others sailed from Peru on a balsa wood raft. This is the classic Academy Award winning documentary of their astonishing journey across 4,300 miles of the Pacific Ocean.

Kon Tiki is one of the best sailing movies

Watch on Amazon Rotten Tomatoes IMDB

2. Red Dot on the Ocean (2014) Once labelled a ‘youth-at-risk’, 30-year old Matt Rutherford risked it all in an attempt to become the first person to sail solo non-stop around North and South America. Red Dot on the Ocean is the story of Matt’s death-defying voyage and the childhood odyssey that shaped him.

Red Dot movie poster – one of the best sailing movies

3. The Dove (1974) Produced by Gregory Peck, this coming-of-age adventure is based on the true story of Robin Lee Graham . At 16, he set sail in a 23ft sloop determined to be the youngest person to sail around the world.

The Dove – one of the best sailing movies

4. Wind (1992) In over 140 years of competition, the US has lost the America’s Cup just once. This is a fictional story of the American challengers intent on winning back sailing’s top prize. A tale of money, power, love and ambition follows… oh, and some sailing.

Wind  movie poster

5. Morning Light (2008) A riveting true-life adventure aboard the high-tech sloop Morning Light. Fifteen rookie sailors have one goal in mind: to be part of her crew, racing in one of the most revered sailing competitions in the world, the Transpac Yacht Race .

Morning light movie poster

6. Between Home – Odyssey of an Unusual Sea Bandit (2012) An independent filmmaker’s account of his solo voyage from the UK to Australia, negotiating the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans en route. A trip that eventually takes over two years to complete.

Between Home movie poster

Watch on Amazon IMDB

7. Styx (2019) When a lone yachtswoman comes across a sinking ship of refugees, she is torn away from her idyllic trip and tasked with a momentous decision. Should she act when authorities tell her to sail away?

Styx movie poster – one of the best sailing movies

8. Captain Ron (1992) After inheriting a yacht, a Chicago businessman enlists long-haired, one-eyed low-life Captain Ron to pilot the yacht from the Caribbean to Miami. During the voyage, the sailor frequently loses his way while becoming a hit with the businessman’s family. Goofy comedy starring Kurt Russell and Martin Short widely recognised as one of the funniest sailing movies ever made.

Cpt Ron movie poster

9. Maidentrip (2013) This riveting documentary chronicles the life and adventures of 14-year-old Laura Dekker who set out on a two-year voyage in pursuit of her dream to be the youngest person ever to sail solo around the world.

Maidentrip movie – one of the best sailing movies

10. Kon-Tiki (2012) A well-crafted retelling of the epic original and one of the best sailing movies ever made. This dramatised version is a throwback to old-school adventure filmmaking that’s exciting and entertaining in spite of its by-the-book plotting.

Kon Tiki 2012 movie – one of the best sailing movies

“But you can’t navigate a raft,” he added. “It goes sideways and backwards and round as the wind takes it.” – Thor Heyerdahl, Kon-Tiki

11. Abandoned (2015) Four men set sail on the trimaran yacht Rose Noelle . It capsizes in a storm, trapping the crew in a space the size of a double bed. After 119 days adrift, the yacht washes ashore. The crew’s story is extraordinary, but doubt is cast on their claims and they face hostility from the media and authorities.

Abandoned is one of the best sailing movies

12. Adrift (2019) There are far better films on this list, but Adrift is just about worth a watch. Based on true events, a young couple embark on an adventure of a lifetime that brings them face to face with one of the worst hurricanes in recorded history.

Adrift best sailing movies

13. The Perfect Storm (2000) A skipper insists that his crew go out on a final fishing trip before winter sets in. Unknown to them, a brutal storm is on its way. While the special effects are excellent for the time, the film falls a little  short on characterisation.

The Perfect Storm movie – one of the best sailing movies

14. Sea Gypsies: The Far Side of the World (2016) The vessel is Infinity, a 120ft hand-built sailboat, crewed by a band of miscreants. The journey, an 8,000-mile Pacific crossing from New Zealand to Patagonia with a stop in Antarctica .

Sea gypsies movie poster

15. Turning Tide / En Solitaire (2013) Franck Drevil is a star skipper, having won the latest Vendée Globe , the most prestigious round-the-world single-handed yacht race. However, with this year’s race approaching, a sudden accident forces Franck to withdraw.

Turning Time movie poster

16. Knife in the Water (1962) When a young hitchhiker joins a couple on a weekend yacht trip, psychological warfare breaks out as the two men compete for the woman’s attention. A storm forces the small crew below deck and tension builds to a violent climax.

best sailing movies knife in the water poster

17. Dead Calm (1989) This tense thriller tells the story of an Australian couple (Nicole Kidman and Sam Neill) whose yacht cruise is violently interrupted by the mysterious lone survivor (Billy Zane) of a ship whose crew has perished.

Dead Calm movie poster – one of the best sailing movies

18. The Riddle of the Sands (1979) A classic British swashbuckling yarn based on the early English spy novel of the same name. In 1901, two British yachtsmen visit Germany’s Frisian Islands and accidentally discover a German plot to invade England.

best sailing movies movie poster

19. Maiden (2019) The story of Tracy Edwards, a 24-year-old cook on charter boats, who became the skipper of the first-ever all-female crew to enter the Whitbread Round the World Race in 1989.

Maiden movie poster

20. White Squall (1996) Based on a true incident from 1960, White Squall is the story of the tragic sinking of the Albatross , a prep school educational two-masted schooner, during a Caribbean storm. Starring Jeff Bridges.

White Squall movie poster

21. The Mercy (2017) Starring Colin Firth and Rachel Weisz, this is certainly no heroic tale. Instead, it’s the dramatisation of the bizarre story of amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst and his attempt to pull off one of the greatest hoaxes of our time: pretending to be the first to sail singlehandedly around the world!

The Mercy movie poster

22. Deep Water (2006) Following on from the above, Deep Water is a British documentary about the remarkable story of the first Golden Globe round the world yacht race , focusing on the psychological toll it took on its competitors – particularly one Donald Crowhurst.

deep water movie poster

23. Captains Courageous (1937) A spoiled brat who falls overboard from a steamship gets picked up by a fishing boat, where he’s made to earn his keep by joining the crew in their work. Based on the 1897 novel by Rudyard Kipling.

Captains Courageous movie poster

24. Open Water 2: Adrift (2006) A silly premise, but entertaining nonetheless. Six friends jump off a yacht without lowering the ladder first. With no way to climb aboard, it’s only a matter of time before bickering turns to terror.

Adrift is one of the best sailing movies

25. Master and Commander – The Far Side of the World (2003) During the Napoleonic Wars, a brash British captain (Russell Crowe) pushes his ship and crew to their limits in pursuit of a formidable French war vessel.

best sailing movies

“Do you not know that in the service one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?” – Capt. Jack Aubrey, Master and Commander

Readers’ suggestions

Here’s what our readers have added to the list of the best sailing movies.

  • Masquerade (1988)
  • Violets are Blue (1986)
  • Kill Cruise (1992)
  • Message in a Bottle (1999)
  • High wind in Jamaica (1965)
  • Caddyshack (1980)
  • O Mundo em Duas Voltas (The World in Two Round Trips) (2007)
  • One Crazy Summer (1986)
  • Coyote: The Mike Plant Story (2018)
  • The Weekend Sailor (2017)
  • Harpoon (2019)
  • Waterworld (1995)
  • Around Cape Horn (1929)
  • Mutiny on the Bounty (1935)
  • Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)
  • The Bounty (1984)
  • All Is Lost (2013)

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Lead image:  IM_photo/Shutterstock

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15 Best Sailing Movies You Can’t Miss

sailing movies

A true sailing enthusiast suffers when forced to stay at home… So here we are to help you, presenting our selection of the best sailing movies that a sailor absolutely cannot miss. We discussed, because the world of cinema and TV (just think of Netflix) give us an almost infinite catalogue. We finally succeeded and we are happy to present you our favorite sailing movies. Which is your favorite?

1. 180° SOUTH (2010)

“180° South” is a 2010 adventure documentary film directed by Chris Malloy. The film follows the journey of Jeff Johnson as he retraces the steps of his heroes Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins to Patagonia, Chile. Along the way, Johnson encounters a variety of challenges, including navigating rugged terrain and dealing with extreme weather conditions. The film also explores themes of environmental conservation and the importance of protecting natural resources. It features stunning cinematography and is narrated by actor/musician/environmentalist Jack Johnson.

2. All is lost (2013)

“All Is Lost” is a 2013 survival drama film directed by J.C. Chandor. The film stars Robert Redford as an unnamed man who is stranded at sea after his sailboat is damaged by a shipping container. The man must use all of his survival skills and resourcefulness to stay alive in the face of increasingly dire circumstances. The film is notable for its minimalist approach, with no dialogue and minimal music, and Redford’s performance as the only actor on screen. It was praised for its technical achievements and the acting of Redford.

Mike Plant

3. Captain Ron (1992)

“Captain Ron” is a 1992 comedy film directed by Thom Eberhardt and starring Kurt Russell as the titular character, a slovenly, irreverent sailor who is hired to help a family sail their yacht from the Caribbean to Miami. Along the way, they encounter a variety of mishaps and adventures, including pirates and a hurricane. The film also stars Martin Short as the head of the family, Mary Kay Place as his wife, and Benjamin Salisbury and Meadow Sisto as their children. “Captain Ron” is known for its silly and irreverent humor and the strong performances of its cast. We have to be honest: Captain Ron is our favourite between the sailing movies of this list!

We discussed, because the world of cinema and TV (just think of Netflix) give us an almost infinite catalog of sailing films

4. Chasing Bubbles (2016)

“Chasing Bubbles” is a documentary about the journey and spirit of Alex Rust , a farm boy turned day trader from Indiana who, at 25, abandoned his life in Chicago, bought a modest sailboat (called Bubbles) and set out to sail around the world.

5. Dead calm (1989)

Dead Calm is a 1989 Australian psychological thriller film directed by Phillip Noyce and starring Sam Neill, Nicole Kidman and Billy Zane. The screenplay by Terry Hayes was based on the 1963 novel of the same name by Charles Williams; the film represents the first successful film adaptation of the novel after Orson Welles struggled for years to complete his own film based on it titled The Deep . Filmed around the Great Barrier Reef, the plot focuses on a married couple, who, after tragically losing their son, are spending some time isolated at sea, when they come across a stranger who has abandoned a sinking ship. A must see among sailing movies!

6. Deep Water (2006)

“Deep Water” is a 2006 documentary film directed by Jerry Rothwell and Louise Osmond about the history of the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race , a solo sailing race around the world that was held in 1968. The film follows the stories of the race’s participants, including Donald Crowhurst, a British sailor who became embroiled in a scandal when it was revealed that he had falsified his position in the race. The film also explores themes of adventure, ambition, and the human cost of pushing oneself to the limits. It was well-received by critics and audiences and won a number of awards.

7. Maidentrip (2013)

“Maidentrip” is a 2013 documentary film about the life of Laura Dekker , a Dutch sailor who, at the age of 14, became the youngest person to sail solo around the world. The film follows Dekker’s journey as she navigates the challenges and dangers of her voyage, including rough seas, equipment failures, and isolation. It also explores Dekker’s background and her motivations for embarking on such a risky and ambitious journey. “Maidentrip” was praised for its intimate and engaging portrayal of Dekker’s journey and for its powerful depiction of the human spirit and determination.

8. Master and commander (2003)

During the Napoleonic Wars, a brash British captain pushes his ship and crew to their limits in pursuit of a formidable French war vessel around South America. The naval action in the Mediterranean is  closely based on the real-life exploits of Lord Cochrane , including a battle modelled after Cochrane’s spectacular victory in the brig HMS Speedy over the vastly superior Spanish frigate El Gamo.

9. Morning light (2008)

Fifteen young sailors… six months of intense training… one chance at the brass ring. This documentary tells the story of a group of intrepid and determined young men and women, on the cusp of adulthood, as they embark on life’s first great adventure. Fifteen young men and women prepare for the adventure of their lives when they enter the TRANSPAC, one of the world’s most prestigious open-ocean sailing competitions. They begin their training in Hawaii with world-class teachers, but it is the race itself, a 2,300-mile ordeal featuring top professionals, that molds them into a cohesive whole.

10. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

“Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” is a 2003 adventure film directed by Gore Verbinski and based on the popular Disney theme park attraction of the same name. The film stars Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, a wily and unpredictable pirate who teams up with a blacksmith named Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and a Governor’s daughter named Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) to rescue Elizabeth’s father and defeat the cursed pirate captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush). The film also features an ensemble cast of supporting characters and is known for its action, humor, and special effects. It was a commercial and critical success and spawned a successful film franchise.

11. The Mercy (2018)

The Mercy is a British biographical drama film , directed by James Marsh and written by Scott Z. Burns. It is based on the true story of the disastrous attempt by the amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst to complete the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race in 1968 and his subsequent attempts to cover up his failure.

12. The Odyssey (2016)

The Odyssey is a movie which chronicles the life of the great Jacques Cousteau. Jacques Cousteau is perhaps one of the most famous French persons in the world due to his pioneering work on scuba diving, underwater exploration and film-making which introduced a whole generation to the wonders of reef and marine life in the ocean.

13. Turning Tide – En solitaire (2013)

It tells the story of Yann Kermadec whose dreams suddenly come true when he has to replace the DCNS star skipper at the last minute before the start of the Vendée Globe (a round-the-world non-stop single-handed yacht race). After several days of racing, Yann, who is in the lead, has to stop to repair a damaged rudder. This will disrupt his round-the-world journey…

14. White squall (1996)

Teenage boys discover discipline and camaraderie on an ill-fated sailing voyage. It is a coming of age film in which a group of high school and college-aged teenagers sign up for several months of training aboard a sail ship, a brigantine, and travel around half the globe when suddenly they are challenged by a severe storm.

15. WIND (1992)

Will Parker, played by Matthew Modine, loses the Americas Cup, the worlds biggest sailing prize, to the Australians and decides to form his own syndicate to win it back. In 1983, yacht sailor Will Parker (Matthew Modine) leads an American crew financed by millionaire Morgan Weld (Cliff Robertson) to defeat during the America’s Cup race against an Australian crew. Determined to get the prize back, Will convinces Morgan to finance an experimental boat designed by his ex-girlfriend Kate’s (Jennifer Grey) new beau, Joe Heisler (Stellan Skarsgard). When the boat is completed, the Americans head to Australia to reclaim the cup.

Finally, what do you think about our 15 sailing movies to watch at least one time in your life?

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Maiden Voyage. Round the world race by first all female crew.

What about “Maiden”. Terrific women’s movie, but good for all.


Yacht - Leiter - Film Open Water 2

Hallo Experten!

Bezüglich des Films Open Water 2 (bei dem die Besatzung zum schwimmen von Bord gehüpft war und die Schwimmleiter vergessen hatte einzuhängen), eine Frage von mir:

Ist das tatsächlich möglich bzw. ist es nicht so eine Art „Pflicht“ (TÜV-mäßig), daß Yachten oder Segelschiffe eine feste Leiter haben müssen?

Anscheinend beruht der Film ja auf der Realität.

Gruß Motorradmieze

Hallo Motorradmietze,

derartige „Unfälle“, teilweise mit tragischem Ausgang sind schon mehrfach passiert.

Eine derartige Vorschrift gibt es nicht.

Und auch einen „Boots-TÜV“ ist für nicht-komerziell genutze Boote in Deutschland nur auf ganz wenigen Revieren, z.B. dem Bodensee vorgeschrieben, in anderen Ländern oft gar nicht.

Gruß Werner

Yachtleiter Hi,

es handelt sich um einen üblichen Unfall, soll heissen auch heute noch kommen jedes Jahr Menschen auf diese Weise ums Leben. Sehr beliebt in heissen Gegenden und vor allem bei Flaute mit stehenden Segeln (das kommt dann besonders gut, wenn eine leichte Briese das Boot dann anspringen lässt) = alle springen ins kühle Element und dann wird das Boot verlassen treibend gefunden - ohne jegliche Besatzung oder Spuren von denen. Manche Yachtbauer bauen Leitern ein, welche vom Wasser aus, auszulösen sind oder Treppen ans angehängte Ruderblatt oder offene Spiegel…

Ja, das ist möglich und Nein, es gibt keinen TÜV dafür

Freundliche Grüsse Ray

Danke Werner u. Ray für die für mich überraschenden Antworten.

  • Yachting World
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Best sailing films on Netflix, Prime and more

Yachting World

  • June 29, 2023

Fancy sitting back and enjoying some dramatic sailing footage from the comfort of your sofa? We pick the best sailing films on Netflix, Prime and more

film yacht leiter vergessen

Recent years have seen a proliferation of sailing films arriving on streaming platforms, with Netflix taking the lead on producing original content but there are many other sailing films on offer on the streaming services that can fulfil your sailing addiction from the couch.

So if you are looking for a documentary about the America’s Cup , thrilling dramas based on true life events then look no further (And just because I was banned from mentioning it in full, here by my fellow staff, you can find Waterworld for rent on Amazon , or on Netflix in some territories… just sayin’)

Best sailing films on Netflix

Untold: The Race of the Century

Another big Netflix production to be released last year, this documentary on the 1983 America’s Cup is bursting with iconic footage and up-close interviews with major players. The story of the 1983 America’s Cup is legendary to those with even a passing interest in sailing, seeing John Bertrand’s Australia II crew beating Dennis Connor’s American Liberty crew to wrest the America’s Cup from the New York Yacht Clubs grasp for the first time in 132 years – the longest winning streak in sporting history. 

Even though we all know what happens, it’s still edge of the seat stuff and you can’t help but be reminded (or introduced to) the dizzying drama, which so captured the world and the Australian nation that it led the then Prime Minister of Australia, Bob Hawke to claim: “Any boss who sacks someone for not turning up to work today is a bum,” following the famous victory.  

This unflinching documentary film tells the story of Tracy Edwards ’ all-female Whitbread Round the World Race campaign, through raw interviews telling of the personality clashes and huge pressures the team were placed under.

It’s an emotional watch, with fantastic footage from the maxi fleets racing mid-ocean: highly recommended.

True Spirit

The latest sailing film from the streaming giant, True Spirit , takes a look at the story of Jessica Watson one of the the most famous sailors from the late Noughties and early 2010’s phenomenon of multiple teenagers bidding to become the youngest sailor to sail around the world.  Jessica Watson, who set off from Sydney in 2009 aged 16, completed her loop of Antarctica – and a dip north across the Equator in the Pacific Ocean – to return an all-Australian hero after 210 days at sea.

The film is a dramatic retelling of Watson’s story and attempts to tread the fine line between staying true to her story and picking drama out of the narrative. Watson’s story is undoubtedly intriguing and any film taking on the challenge of conveying he long, slow, and arduous experience of the solo adventurer is always going to struggle to weigh realism with drama. But for the most par this stays true enough to the story to make for a satisfying viewing experience.

Adrift  is based on the book  Red Sky in Mourning  – Tami Oldham Ashcraft’s true account of sailing into a Pacific hurricane, dismasting, and then sailing solo under jury rig for 41 days alone to Hawaii.

The true story is astounding but the film plays pretty fast and lose with the facts. For pure entertainment it is still well worth hunting out and the terror of the extreme conditions does come across on the screen. You get to marvel as Tami manages to solve the catalogue of near voyage-ending disasters – no matter how implausible some of it might seem.

Pure escapism, and a reminder that when the chips are down there is usually a way out.

Best sailing films on Prime

This critically acclaimed documentary, by the makers of Touching the Void , tells the tale of the 1968 Golden Globe Race and how Donald Crowhurst falsified his position before mysteriously disappearing. There are impressive amounts of original footage to enjoy over 50 years later.

The 2017 cinematic telling of the 1968 Golden Globe Race , in which Colin Firth delivers a stand-out performance as the complex maverick entrant Donald Crowhurst. There’s a strong emphasis on the family narrative to draw in non-sailing viewers, but the yachting scenes were carefully researched and convincing.

It stands above many other sailing films as a pure viewing experience – helped along by Firth’s considerable talents. For those of us who already know the tragic story of Crowhurst there nothing here to fill in any of the gaps, as you’d expect from a broad-appeal drama, but you cannot help but be moved to relive the story once again.

Morning light

This was a real revelation when it came out and remains a solid documentary.

Fifteen young sailors embark on six months of training with the ultimate aim to sail a TP52 across the Pacific Ocean taking part in the TRANSPAC.

The premise is that this young, inexperienced crew (made up of 18-23 year olds) sailing  Morning Light  race the 2,300 miles against some of sailing’s top professionals.

The whole thing was funded by Roy Disney and remains a stunning testament to the rigours of racing and sailing offshore, and how much can be achieved by young sailors give a chance.

Best sailing films elsewhere

Chasing tokyo.

Chasing Tokyo is available to stream from the RYA and is an emotional watch. Filmed over a full year, it follows the British Sailing Team athletes as they readied themselves for the strangest Olympic Games in history – and the parents and partners who were left behind when the sailors headed out to Tokyo.

The film crews had unprecedented access to the sailors as they navigated lockdowns, covid testing, and disrupted preparations, and the medal hopefuls candidly shared their dreams and fears. It’s an insightful view of the strange balance of tension and monotony, life-changing highs and soul-crushing lows, of life as an Olympic athlete.

The documentary gives an intriguing glimpse inside the ‘medal factory’, the machinery of the British Sailing Team which has made it consistently the most successful Olympic sailing team in the world. The legacy of London 2012, and the importance of the team’s home base in Portland – with all its quirks and characters – stands out.

Must watch viewing for anyone with an interest in the physical and mental toll the Olympics can take on professional athletes.

This one takes a bit of detective work to find, but the full documentary is hosted online and well worth a watch. In contrast to True Spirit , it’s made up of real videos shot by teen Laura Dekker as she sailed around the world in 2010.

Without cinematic production and following Dekker’s stopping route it’s a much less dramatic view of sailing around the world, though no less gripping for it, and a fascinating insight into a remarkable teen. Those who came away from True Spirit frustrated by some of the dramatic license taken may well want to watch this.

It’s impossible to watch  the Untold: The Race of the Century story – or indeed any America’s Cup film – without referring back to Wind , the 1992 movie telling of how America lost, and won back the Cup.

Like any Hollywood interpretation there are a few cringeworthy moments, and I wouldn’t recommend watching it with a sailmaker, but it’s a warm-hearted film with some great 12-Metre race scenes, and the memorable catchphrase “Hoist the Whomper!”.

If you enjoyed this….

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The best sailing films and documentaries chosen by the YM team

  • Katy Stickland
  • March 24, 2020

The Yachting Monthly editorial team reveal their pick of the best sailing films and documentaries to keep you entertained in the weeks to come. Feel free to share your favourites at [email protected]

Poster for one of the films of 2019, Maiden

Like many, we understand and accept the need to stay at home although we do feel frustrated that we can’t get out on our boats right now, so we tried to come up with the next best thing – watching films about sailing!

Here are our choices to keep you entertained in the weeks to come.

Hopefully these sailing films and documentaries will offer you a world of cruising escapism – just like Yachting Monthly does every month.

Remember, you can always get Yachting Monthly delivered direct to your door with a subscription or stay in touch via our Facebook , Twitter , Instagram or YouTube channels.

Theo Stocker – Editor chooses his favourite sailing films

*yachting monthly is not paid by manufacturers for our recommendations. if you click through and buy an item, we may receive a small amount of money from the retailer, at no cost to you.*.

Cross 1980s America’s Cup sailing with Top Gun , and you get an idea of what Wind is about.

Cheesey it may be, but fast boats, high drama, preening egos and the obligatory love interest match genuinely well-filmed sailing sequences for one of the most quotable sailing films of all time.

Wind follows one sailor’s dream to reclaim the greatest sailing trophy of them all – the America’s Cup.

After Will Parker (Matthew Modine) fails to lead his American crew to victory against challengers, Australia, he convinces his millionaire backer, Morgan Weld (Cliff Robertson) to finance an experimental yacht.

The boat has been designed by Joe Heisler (Stellan Skarsgard), the new partner of Will’s ex-girlfriend Kate, played by Jennifer Grey.

The film has some fantastic cinematography.

Buy the DVD now on Amazon (UK)

As sailors we are often faced with having to solve problems, sometimes miles from home.

Just think of Jeanne Socrates and how she overcame endless equipment failure to sail solo around the world non-stop without assistance.

All of it makes good fodder for films.

Adrift is based on the book Red Sky in Mourning – Tami Oldham Ashcraft’s true account of sailing into a Pacific hurricane, dismasting, and then sailing solo under jury rig for 41 days alone to Hawaii.

Admittedly the film plays fast and lose with the true story’s facts but it is still hugely entertaining.

You feel the terror of the extreme conditions and marvel as Tami manages to solve the catalogue of near voyage-ending disasters – no matter how implausible some of it might seem.

Pure escapism, and a reminder that when the chips are down there is usually a way out.

Watch it now on Amazon prime video (UK)

White Squall

Based on the 1961 sinking of the schooner, Albatross in the Gulf of Mexico, the Ridley Scott-directed film follows Captain Christopher Sheldon, played by Jeff Bridges, at the helm as he tries to teach fortitude and discipline to his youthful crew of Chuck Gieg (Scott Wolf), Frank Beaumont (Jeremy Sisto), Gil Martin (Ryan Phillippe) and Dean Preston (Eric Michael Cole).

When caught in a white squall, the boys use what they’ve been taught to survive. It is a bit like the Robin Williams’ classic Dead Poet’s Society , but at sea.

Jeff Bridges is solid as ‘Skipper’ who tries to make the boys men through life afloat, but some of the special effects are dodgy (At one point you can see some of them standing on the bottom of the tank).

The best part about this film (and the reason I think you should watch it) is the ship itself. The brigantine rigged Eye of the Wind , which is the Albatross in the film, is spectacular to see on the screen and it is easy to transport yourself out of your living room and almost feel the wind in the sails.

Katy Stickland – Deputy Editor chooses her favourite sailing films

En solitaire.

Also released under the title Turning Tide , this French film follows one man’s Vendée Globe race which gets turned upside down when he stops to make repairs in the Canary Islands and lands up with a stowaway on board.

Threatened with disqualification if his stowaway is discovered, weathered skipper Yann Kermadec struggles with his emotions, having to deceive his shore team as well as handling the pressures of the race.

Yes, it is a bit predictable but it is a heartwarming tale of how two very different people become friends.

I really liked the sequence at the start of the race and how the film captures the intensity of a solo round the world yacht race. The soundtrack is pretty good too.

What is more inspiring than watching Tracy Edwards and her ground breaking all-female crew in the 1989-90 Whitbread Round the World Race?

I have watched Maiden four times now and it still leaves me with a lump in my throat as Maiden makes her way back into Portsmouth, and punching the air when Tracy lifts up her well deserved Yachtsman of the Year Award.

Read the full review of Maiden here: ‘Powerful and inspirational’ Maiden documentary

The onboard footage is fascinating to watch, especially their second leg through the Southern Ocean which they won. You celebrate with them ( Maiden won Leg 2 and 3 in their class) and feel their pain when gear failure leaves them third in Leg 5 to Fort Lauderdale.

This footage is beautifully spliced with interviews with the crew members reflecting on their race. The brutal honesty still takes my breath away. One wonders if their male rivals would be equally as honest.

And yes, the disparaging expectations of some of the male sailing journalists still grates. Attitudes are changing thankfully, although more needs to be done!

Donald Crowhurst’s tragic 1968 Golden Globe Race aboard Teignmouth Electron brought to the big screen.

This still remains one of the best sailing films I have ever seen (and being married to a sailor and Whitbread/Golden Globe Race devotee I’ve seen nearly all of them, from films like Wind and The Old Man and the Sea to documentaries including Round the World with Ridgeway and Drum ).

The sailing is authentic for a Hollywood film, and yes there are some modern boats in some of the scenes shot in Teignmouth Harbour, but overall the sailing is true to life.

Read the full review here: The Mercy: ‘One of the best sailing films I’ve ever seen’

Colin Firth is standout as Crowhurst, who almost sleep walks to his fate, clinging on to the hope that he can prove the cynics wrong and win the race.

The film certainly got Sir Robin Knox-Johnston’s approval who described it as ‘a great film’. What more of an endorsement do you need?

Toby Heppell – Sailing Editor chooses his favourite sailing films

There is no denying this is an absolutely bonkers film.

I’m no film connoisseur but it’s well known this film absolutely tanked at the box office and was famous for losing quite a substantial amount of money – though when you finally factor in video sales apparently it just about saw a profit.

That being said, I absolutely adored this film when it came out. I was in my early teens at the time and racing dinghies at the weekend. Even then I remember feeling like someone behind the scenes actually knew about sailing.

Sure there are moments – as in many films featuring sailing – that sails are flapping or backed and the boat is happily making way forwards as if by magic. But the key sailing scenes remain impressive to this day.

The two 60ft trimarans that where used to shoot it were still look pretty modern even now. I remember watching Kevin Costner in full silent hero mode high-tailing it from the baddies, setting off downwind and firing a kite into the sky to help him speed away.

Not a spinnaker, mind, an actual kite. It felt like an inside joke about sailing slang put there just for me. Even now, I still return to it on the odd occasion.

It’s rare to see Hollywood doing sailing. It’s rare to see this much money thrown in the direction of sailing on the screen. If you can ignore the plot, the dialogue and much of the acting it remains a solid watch.

Morning Light

This was a real revelation when it came out and remains a solid documentary.

Fifteen young sailors embark on six months of training with the ultimate aim to sail a TP52 across the Pacific Ocean taking part in the TRANSPAC.

The premise is that this young, inexperienced crew (made up of 18-23 year olds) sailing Morning Light race the 2,300 miles against some of sailing’s top professionals.

The whole thing was funded by Roy Disney and remains a stunning testament to the rigours of racing and sailing offshore, and how much can be achieved by young sailors give a chance.

The Perfect Storm

As with Waterworld , The Perfect Storm is objectively pretty trashy. It’s made all the worse by the fact that there is no sailing at all in the film.

That it is loosely (very, very loosely) based on a true story of a fishing boat that heads out into the titular perfect storm with… consequences. It’s what keeps me coming back.

I grew up in a small town in Essex with a proud fishing tradition. The fishermen of the town would head out into the north sea on Smacks and other craft to ply their trade and, all too often, never return.

The walls of our local church are literally lined with memorials to those brave, lost men – the descendants of who still live there now.

So, The Perfect Storm may be about a fishing boat, in America, without sails, but it also serves to remind us what the sea can be capable of.

And it conjures thoughts for me, of those countless numbers who lost their lives at sea and under sail to keep the country and their families fed.

For all the latest from the sailing world, follow our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and Instagram .

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Sailing & Seamanship Movies

180° South (2010)

1. 180° South

Wind (1992)

3. Turning Tide

Kevin Costner in Waterworld (1995)

4. Waterworld

Gregory Peck and Virginia Mayo in Captain Horatio Hornblower (1951)

5. Captain Horatio Hornblower

Spencer Tracy, Lionel Barrymore, and Freddie Bartholomew in Captains Courageous (1937)

6. Captains Courageous

White Squall (1996)

7. White Squall

Nicole Kidman in Dead Calm (1989)

8. Dead Calm

Russell Crowe in Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

9. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Mel Gibson, Anthony Hopkins, and Tevaite Vernette in The Bounty (1984)

10. The Bounty

Kurt Russell, Martin Short, Mary Kay Place, Benjamin Salisbury, and Meadow Sisto in Captain Ron (1992)

11. Captain Ron

Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn in The African Queen (1951)

12. The African Queen

Anthony Quinn and James Coburn in A High Wind in Jamaica (1965)

13. A High Wind in Jamaica

Oliver Hardy and Stan Laurel in Utopia (1950)

15. Against All Flags

Knife in the Water (1962)

16. Knife in the Water

Jenny Agutter, Michael York, Wolf Kahler, and Simon MacCorkindale in The Riddle of the Sands (1979)

17. The Riddle of the Sands

The Perfect Storm (2000)

18. The Perfect Storm

Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)

19. Mutiny on the Bounty

Gene Tierney, Spencer Tracy, Van Johnson, Dawn Addams, and Leo Genn in Plymouth Adventure (1952)

20. Plymouth Adventure

Robinson Crusoe (1954)

21. Robinson Crusoe

Louis Hayward and Patricia Medina in Fortunes of Captain Blood (1950)

22. Fortunes of Captain Blood

Morning Light (2008)

23. Morning Light

Captain James Cook (1987)

24. Captain James Cook

Maureen O'Hara and Tyrone Power in The Black Swan (1942)

25. The Black Swan

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Here's How the Yacht in the Overboard Remake Compares to Goldie Hawn's Original

By Elizabeth Quinn Brown

Goldie Hawn in the 1987 version of Overboard on the deck of the yacht.

The film Overboard is about the haves and the have-nots—or, in this case, the haves and the have-yachts. The original 1987 film, which stars Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell , and the 2018 remake of the same name—which stars Eugenio Derbez and Anna Faris and was released just this month—feature childish yacht owners (Hawn and Derbez, respectively) who have amnesia and are, then, reestablished in less elite but comedic existences. For each of the Overboard films, ultra-luxe boats weren't only a crucial part of the setting—they were also key in demonstrating the characters’ status, and characters’ dedication to status symbols.

Image may contain Clothing Apparel Robe Evening Dress Fashion Gown Human Person Tie Accessories and Accessory

Goldie Hawn on the deck of her yacht in 1987's Overboard

In Overboard (1987), the 130-foot Yecats from Kong & Halvorsen in Glenorie, Australia (which was renamed the Attessa in 1992 and the Huntress in 1998), was featured as the S.S. Immaculata. (The same boat was also featured in 1993's Indecent Proposal, which stars Woody Harrelson and Demi Moore.) The interior decoration was characteristic of the era: The bold colors and excessive design complemented Hawn's character's profligate outfits. Brent Thomas, the production designer for Overboard (2018), describes: “There was definitely a campy vibe to it and it was incredibly ’80s, both in palette and in shapes and tones. It worked very well, but it was gauche and over the top and it assaulted your senses a little bit. We wanted to make our yacht in the remake a little more sophisticated and elegant and cleaner and crisper and more pristine and grounded, perhaps. A sort of sleek, smooth, gentleman’s fantasy but with elegance and taste as opposed to the one in the original.”

The yacht used in the 2018 remake of Overboard

The yacht, renamed Birthday Present for the film, used for the 2018 remake of Overboard.

Thomas and his team chose the 164-foot Aspen Alternative for Derbez’s Birthday Present —a 2010 custom creation from Trinity Yachts in Gulfport, Mississippi, that he sourced from Saint Maarten in the Caribbean after a lengthy international search. (In case anyone gets a case of yacht envy, the Aspen Alternative is currently on the market for $18.9 million.) Thomas credits the boat’s aesthetic—its “old-world elegance” with exotic sapele-wood details—as the reason for the decision.

Image may contain Furniture Indoors WalkIn Closet Closet Wardrobe and Room

The closet Thomas designed as a nod to Goldie Hawn's in the original film.

The Aspen Alternative’s exteriors and main salon were featured in the film, but the interiors were constructed in Vancouver, Canada. In Overboard (1987), there’s a focus on the estate room’s closets, with Hawn exclaiming at one point, “Well, the entire civilized world knows that all closets are made of cedar!” (Cedar can be more costly and is often considered more prestigious, as it repels moths and moisture.) For this reason, Thomas says he introduced one in the remake, too: “As a little shout-out to Goldie’s closet, I gave Eugenio a fabulous walk-in closet. It looked like a Hugo Boss store with shelves of shirts and shoes. It was lit and beautifully laid out. Again, as a wink and a nod, we gave him a place for a bunch of shoes as well.”

Image may contain Eugenio Derbez Furniture Human Person Desk Table Tabletop Couch Wood Coffee Table and Hardwood

A scene on the deck of 2018's Overboard.

Step Inside a Revitalized Palm Beach Manse

By Jennifer Ash Rudick

Tour Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt’s Gilded Age Estate in the Hudson Valley

By Paola Singer

The World’s Most Expensive Yachts&-Including Some That Cost Billions

By Brett Berk

Overboard (1987) contrasts with the remake, but it was the similarities between Hawn and Faris that were especially memorable for Thomas: “Every now and again, I went, ‘Oh my God, Anna looks and sounds just like Goldie!’ There was one moment with her lying back on the area in the bow of the boat. She said something like, “Boy, I could really get used to this lifestyle.’ It was a sunny day where you could lay back and relax, and it felt like the world was your oyster," remembers Thomas fondly. "I smiled and said, 'I get it. I could dig this lifestyle, too.'"

Image may contain Room Indoors Bedroom Interior Design Flooring Furniture Floor Wood Bed and Lighting

An interior set used for the yacht of 2018's Overboard.

Related: Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell Sell Their California Estate for $6.9 Million

The Full House House: Everything You Need to Know About the Victorian Dwelling From the Iconic Show

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Julianne Moore’s Homes: A Look at the Oscar Winner’s Stunning Residences

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The Full House House Hits the Market for $6.5 Million&-Take a Peek Inside

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Famous Yachts in Movies

Hollywood films often showcase the glamorous lifestyles of the rich and famous. Nothing illustrates wealth and prestige better than a luxury motor yacht. There are quite a few movies with yachts featured in them. Whether the silver screen is taking a look at the lives of affluent families and businessmen or tapping into extravagant daydreams the audience will no doubt relate to, yachts used in movies serve plenty of roles. Here is a list of some of the famous yachts in movies that left an impression on our minds.

The Parent Trap (1998)

Image 0538:

M/Y Synthesis 66

The setting of the long-awaited reunion between parents, masterminded by the film’s central red-headed twin sisters (both played by Lindsay Lohan), this 139-foot luxury motor yacht has a classic design. Built and launched by renowned superyacht builder Feadship in 1982, the Synthesis 66 has a unique canoe stern and expansive aft deck. Named Halcyon in the film, the vessel’s 5 cabins can accommodate up to 10 guests. Her exterior design was created by De Voogt Naval Architects with interiors designed by Pierre Tanter.

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Image 0539:

The motor yacht M3 served as the setting for the extravagant, drug-fueled parties of the film’s main character, Jordan Belfort. In the film, the M3  portrays the real-life yacht Belfort actually owned, the Nadine . The yacht infamously sank off the coast of Italy in 1996, 1 which was depicted in the movie. This 147.01-foot yacht was built in 2002 by Intermarine. Previously named Lady M, the vessel has recently painted its hull black. With interiors by Daniella Speicht, the yacht’s 5 cabins accommodate up to 10 guests. The M3 can be chartered to cruise in the Caribbean for $145,000 per week.

Mamma Mia! (2008)

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M/Y Haida 1929

This classic motor yacht played a starring role in Meryl Streep’s exuberant rendition of ABBA’s super hit “Money, Money, Money.” Launched in 1929, the Haida 1929 (previously named Haida G and Dona Amelia) is one of the oldest mega yachts still in the water today. Available for charter, this stunning 233-foot vessel is available for charter and lets guests experience a taste of the 1930s yachting lifestyle. Over her long history, she has had 11 owners and even served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Undergoing a major restoration in 20182, the vessel’s updated interiors are lighter yet still retain their classic charm.

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1.       Doug Hoogs & Buddy Haack, Yachts International – Mayday In The Med

2.       Risa Merl, BOAT International ­– Haida 1929: How Pendennis restored a classic

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  • Top 10 Boat Movies: Best Sailing Films to Watch
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Gearing up for your summer holiday? Or maybe you're looking for inspiration for your next sailing trip? Get in the mood with one of our favorite sailing flicks—from adventure to comedy to romance, these boat movies will have you hankering for a few weeks at sea. 

Here are our top ten picks for movies about sailing:

1. 180° South (2010)

2. wind (1992), 3. captain ron (1992), 4. morning light (2008), 5. the dove (1974), 6. moby dick (1956), 7. wild caribbean (2007), 8. maidentrip (2013), 9. the new swiss family robinson (1998), 10. the love boat (1977-1987).

Have adventure on the mind? Kick off a movie marathon with this documentary on the epic 1968 journey of Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins. 

Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and his best friend Tompkins took off on a whirlwind sailing journey to, yes, Patagonia in 1968. Along the way, they do some serious surfing but also discover the beauty of experiencing pure, raw nature. In this documentary, one of Chouinard's fans, Jeff Johnson, retraces the duo's steps to discover the thrill of sailing in nature for himself. 

For those looking for some sporty action, the 1992 flick is one of the most exciting of yacht movies. 

After losing the America's Cup (i.e., the biggest sailing race in the world), Matthew Modine makes it his ambition to win back the coveted title. Also following Modine's romance with Kate Bass, an aeronautical engineering graduate student, this boat movie is equal parts sporty and romantic—a one-two punch for a good movie night. 

Watch the trailer!

1992 was the year of the movies about boating! 

Also this year, Kurt Russell and Martin Short starred in Captain Ron , a comedy adventure about a man from Chicago who inherits an old yacht. The flick follows Short’s character, Martin Harvey, as he takes his wife and children to the Caribbean for a sailing adventure—which quickly turns into more than Harvey bargained for with Captain Ron (Russell) at the helm. 

Can’t get enough racing action? Neither can we. 

For a different twist on a movie about ships, try Morning Light . This documentary follows fifteen young sailors as they embark on six months of intensive training. Their goal? Race a high-performance 52-foot sloop in the Transpacific Yacht Race. From Hawaii to the high seas to the daring competition against the world's top professionals, this is one of the boat movies you don't want to miss. 

When it comes to movies about boating, real life is truly often more exciting than fiction. 

This 1974 film recounts the true story of 16-year-old Robin Lee Graham who embarks on a solo trip around the world in The Dove , his 23-foot sloop. Along the way, he meets a young woman who is on her own journey around the globe. With a dramatic biography that needs no embellishment, this film follows the adventures of Graham in life and love as he sails around the world from adolescence to adulthood.

You can't talk about boat movies without mentioning perhaps the most classic of them all: Moby Dick . 

In this legendary tale, the eminent Gregory Peck stars as Captain Ahab, an old fishing captain obsessed with hunting down and killing the white whale who robbed him of his leg years ago. If you want to take a break from the comedies and romantic yacht movies, Moby Dick is one of the renowned classics that will surely make you feel the thrill of the sea. 

Daydreaming about a holiday to the Caribbean? 

Us, too. That's why we have yachts available for charter across the islands—from Antigua to St. Lucia to Martinique. Before setting sail, get a taste of the Wild Caribbean with this four-part documentary series on the Caribbean islands and sea. Talk about some major travel inspiration! 

Check it out!  

For those who can't get enough of sailing documentaries, this is one of the movies about sailing you must add to your list. 

Maidentrip follows Laura Dekker as she sets out to become the youngest person ever to sail around the world alone—at the age of 14. The documentary takes us back before the start of her two-year voyage, from her early childhood sailing in New Zealand to life preparing for her epic feat. 

If you're planning a sailing holiday for the family, there's no better way to get the kids excited for the upcoming travel than with this boat movie. 

This cult classic follows Angelino Jack Robinson as he sails with his family from Hong Kong to Sydnery. From pirates to hidden treasure and more, this is one of the best sailing movies for families. While a private yacht charter won't get you tangled up with wild pirate chases and searches for buried treasure, this family film will certainly bring out the adventurer in you before your own sailing trip. 

Nautical movies not enough for you? If you're looking for a great binge watching session to satisfy your craving for sailing, try The Love Boat . 

This classic TV show follows the comedies, romances, and adventures of the passengers and crew of the cruise ship, Pacific Princess. Starring Fred Grandy, Bernie Kopell, Ted Lange, Lauren Tewes, and Gavin MacLeod, this retro sitcom was based off of Jeraldine Saunder's novel, which was inspired by her years working as a cruise ship hostess. 

Have these boat movies left you with a serious craving for the sea? 

If you want to live your life like you're the hero in your own movie, charter a yacht this year . Our yacht charter experts can make your favorite movie a real-life memory.

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Superyacht KISMET gets blown up in '6 Underground' movie

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By Editorial Team   27 December 2019

Starring in the biggest Netflix movie to date,  Lurssen ’s 95m/ 312ft motor yacht KISMET plays a central role in new Michael Bay blockbuster '6 Underground'.

With an A-list cast which includes Ryan Reynolds, 6 Underground promises high-speed drama, exhilarating action and a closer look at the world's 57th largest yacht KISMET . 

The yacht is at the centre of some explosive scenes- including one where she gets blown up with the help of CGI software.

Filming for the Netflix movie took place in October 2018, where she was spotted by local residents in Taranto, Italy.  Onlookers gathered along the coast to take in the action as the yacht cruised past accompanied by a filming helicopter.

Directed by the multi-award-winning director Michael Bay and budgeted at $150 million, 6 Underground is Netflix's priciest feature. The movie premiered on the 10th of December in New York, and was then released digitally to Netflix on the 13th. 

the dramatic and exciting movie poster for the Netflix original movie 6 underground staring Ryan Reynolds

The cast is led by Hollywood heavyweight Ryan Reynolds, with support from Mélanie Laurent, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Adria Arjona, and Ben Hardy.

The plot follows six individuals from around the world, each an expert in their field with a skillset and desire to change the future. The team is brought together by a leader known only as One (Ryan Reynolds) whose sole mission in life is to right terrible wrongs by whatever means necessary.

Filming onboard

the spacious sundeck with basketball court of superyacht KISMET while she is cruising the waters of Italy during the filming of 6 underground

KISMET was hired for a week during filming and she played host to some of the most exciting and high-action scenes in the movie. 

The movie highlights the glitz and glamour of the superyacht lifestyle, particularly in the party scenes. Plenty of long shots of the yacht's facilities were shot during the day, where her sleek interiors and spacious amenities were showcased.

There are even a few shots of the yacht's foredeck basketball court and and oversized jacuzzi.

A separate set

the replica aft deck of charter yacht kismet showcasing a completely different deck styling and aft deck pool

However, a seperate set was also constructed for a variety of scenes, including the poolside shoot-out. KISMET does not have an aft deck pool, and the seperate set allowed for increased flexibility when shooting.

Director of photography Bojan Baelli informed IBC, an online media news source, that the crew had to be extra cautious when filming the dynamic scenes on board KISMET, stating that “[she] had teak floors which we had to protect in case they burned down”.

Special effects & CGI

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Many of the exhilirating aerial shots were taken while the motor yacht was underway in Taranto, then later rendered for the full dramatic effect. 

This is apparent in KISMET's final scenes, where she is blown up and proceeds to sink slowly into the sea. This section of the movie was edited using CGI software.

How much does it cost to rent the 6 Underground movie yacht?

Available for private yacht charters , the cost to experience KISMET starts from €1,200,000 per week plus expenses. Currently, she is based in the Caribbean but will be cruising the Mediterranean for her summer season.

Guests onboard can expect to visit popular hotspots such as the French Riviera or the Amalfi coast , and may even get the opportunity to cruise by her old filming locations in Italy. 

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To charter M/Y KISMET, please speak with your prefered yacht charter broker .

Alternatively, you can view all other superyachts available for Mediterranean yacht charters .

More Yacht Information

Whisper yacht charter

95m Lurssen 2014



M/Y KISMET to star in $150 million movie, 'Six Underground'

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136m | Lurssen

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Maltese Falcon

88m | Perini Navi

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z. B. : Poor Things , Oppenheimer , Madame Web , Wo die Lüge hinfällt

Die Yacht - Ein mörderischer Trip

 Die Yacht - Ein mörderischer Trip

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Flavio (Filippo Nigro) und Elena (Diana Fleri) laden ihre besten Freunde (Marco Bocci, Marina Rocco, Katsiaryna Shulha, Alessandro Tiberi) auf ihre vor der traumhaften Küste Süditaliens im Mittelmeer verankerte Yacht ein. Als das Sextett nach einer durchfeierten Nacht erwacht, muss es feststellen, dass das Boot scheinbar sabotiert wurde und jemand sie ausgeraubt hat. Nun treiben sie völlig hilflos auf offener See – ohne Trinkwasser, ohne Nahrung und vor allem ohne ihre Handys. Flavio versucht, die anderen mit Durchhalteparolen zu beruhigen, wird aber selbst langsam nervös. Da taucht am Horizont ein anderes Schiff auf und nähert sich zielstrebig ihrem Boot. Wie sich allerdings schon kurz darauf per Funkkontakt herausstellt, beabsichtigt dessen Kapitän wohl keineswegs, den Schiffbrüchigen zu helfen. Ganz im Gegenteil …

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Die Yacht - Ein mörderischer Trip

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yachtskipper 3 grad


  • Yachtskipper 3

Hos SejlGo gør vi meget ud af at sende dig sikkert på alle verdens have. En yachtskipper er et selvstudie og er ikke nogen nem opgave, men bare rolig, vi hjælper med opgaver, sparring og undervisning. Du skal forvente en del hjemmestudie i form at læsning og sejladsplanlægning – måske din drømme tur? Men hvad betyder det, hvis motivationen er en sikker jordomsejling.

Selvstudie + prøve

Ovenstående pris dækker ikke over søkort (ca. 750 kr.), yachtskipperbogen (ca. 800 kr.) eller censor- og administrationsgebyr på samlet 950 kr.  Der er vejledere tilknyttet i dit selvstudie og du kan derfor hurtig få afklaring på dine spørgsmål. Ikke mindste guiddance til hvordan du bedst klare studieforløbet og den afsluttende eksamen

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Yachtskipper 3 hos Sejlgo

Uddannelsen til Yachtskipper 3 er en modulopbygget uddannelse, hvor de enkelte moduler kan tages uafhængigt af hinanden og i den rækkefølge eksaminanden ønsker dette.  Afsluttende prøve til Yachtskipper 3 er individuel og mundtlig. Den er et operativt interview af ca. 45 minutters varighed, hvor eksaminanden overhøres i alle dele af uddannelsens pensum. Til prøven skal eksaminanden medbringe en skriftlig rapport over et tværfagligt projektarbejde, dækkende alle uddannelseselementer Navigation, Sømandskab og kommunikation, Meteorologi og Sundhedslære.

Rapporten skal fremsendes til censor 7 dage før eksaminationens begyndelse. Se forventninger til indholdet i projektarbejdet senere i denne studiehåndbog

Tidspunkt for prøveafholdelse

Der vil under forudsætning af tilstrækkeligt antal tilmeldinger (minimum 4 tilmeldte, ellers vi prøven blive afholdt online), principielt kunne afholdes prøve på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt af året. Muligheden for at komme til prøve må dog forventes at være størst om foråret, hvor vintersæsonens udbud af kurser traditionelt afsluttes.

Fremgangsmåde som studerende

I det følgende finder du en kort opsummering af forløbet i forbindelse med en uddannelse til Yachtskipper 3.

1. Du forbereder dig til den ønskede eksamen ved at tilmelde dig et kursus – vi sender dig skabeloner, opgaver og andet materiale til udarbejdelse af Y1 opgaven. Vi står til rådighed og er din sparringspartner hele vejen!

2. Du tilmelder dig en eksamen, når du er klar, dog senest 21 dage før eksamen.

3. SejlGo kvitterer for modtagelse af din tilmelding.

4. Du sender projektarbejdet til censoren på din prøve. (Således censor senest har en skriftlig kopi senest 14 dage for Y1 før eksamen.)

5. Du møder op på anvist fysisk lokation eller deltager i en online eksamen. Du skal kunne fremvise billedlegitimation og dit projektarbejde med tilhørende materialer.

Forudsætninger for eksamen.

Hvornår skal man have en yachtskipper 3.

Hvis du vil sejle fartøjer, der er mellem 15 og op til 24 meter i længden, så kræver det, at du bliver Yachtskipper. Uddannelsen giver dig ret til at føre fritidsfartøjer på op til 24 meter i Østersøen og Nordsøen, omkring de Britiske Øer, Norge, Færøerne og langs Grønlands kyster. Derudover giver det også ret til at være styrmand på fritidsfartøjer på alle verdens have. Skal du ud og se hele verden, kræver det en Yachtskipper af 1. grad. Yachtskipperuddannelsen kan opnås i to forskellige varianter, der giver forskellige muligheder. Den ene er yachtskipper af 3. grad, og den anden er yachtskipper af 1. grad .

Hvad kan du bruge et yachtskipper 3 til?

Når du har bestået prøven som yachtskipper af 3. grad, samt taget en syns- og høretest, kan du indsende det til Søfartsstyrelsen, som derpå kan udstede et sønæringsbevis. Dette giver dig ret til at føre fritidsfartøjer på op til 24 meter i Østersøen og Nordsøen, omkring de Britiske Øer, Norge, Færøerne og langs Grønlands kyster. Derudover giver det også ret til at være styrmand på fritidsfartøjer på alle verdens have. Som en overbygning til yachtskipper af 3. grad kan du blive yachtskipper af 1. grad. Når du har bestået prøven, samt opnået ½ års fartstid, kan du søge om et sønæringsbevis, der giver dig ret til at føre fritidsbåde op til 24 meter på alle verdenshave.

Hvilke krav er der til yachtskipper 3?

Da yachtskipper som sagt er en teoretisk overbygning, er det en forudsætning, at du enten har taget et duelighedsbevis eller et speedbådskørekort. Herudover skal du også søge om sønæringsbevis for yachtskipper af 3. grad, før du kan drage ud i din sejlbåd. For at modtage dit sønæringsbevis for yachtskipper af 3. grad skal du først have bestået en syns- og høreprøve hos en godkendt søfartslæge. Her vil der blive lagt ekstra vægt på farveblindhed — såfremt du er farveblind i rød/grøn spektret, vil du ikke kunne modtage et sønæringsbevis.

Læs mere på Søfartsstyrelsens hjemmeside .

Hvad koster en yachtskipper 3?

Kurset koster 1.750 kr. uden prøvegebyr. Alle bør påregne at købe egne søkort (ca. 750 kr.) og Yacht skipper bogen (ca. 800 kr.)


Der skal betales administrations og censorgebyr på 950 kr. i forbindelse med indstilling til yachtskippereksamen. Eksamensgebyret opkræves i forbindelse med tilmelding til eksamen. Udeblivelse fra mundtlig prøve medfører tabt eksamensgebyr. 

Yachtskipper 3 som specielt VIP-kursus

Hvis du ønsker kurset yachtskipper af 3. grad, men gerne vil tage det privat, så tilbyder vi det også som VIP-kursus, hvor du selv bestemmer tid og sted for undervisning. Giv os et ring og hør nærmere på telefon: + 42 57 29 89

Hvad er forskellen på yachtskipperbevis af 1. grad og 3. grad?

Når man taler om at være yachtskipper, vil du oftest også høre “af 1. grad” eller “af 3. grad”. For at blive yachtskipper af 1. grad er det en forudsætning, at du har taget og bestået kurset yachtskipper af 3. grad. På den måde er 1. grad en overbygning til 3. grad.

Hvor gælder dit yachtskipper 3?

Hele verden!

Hvorfor vælge SejlGo?

Du bestemmer selv.

Vi har kurser i både hverdage og weekender. Du bestemmer derfor selv hvornår du ønsker at tage dine certifikater

Kvalitet i undervisningen

Vores undervisningsmateriale er skræddersyet baseret på mange års erfaringer, personlige fejltagelser og selvfølgelig Søfartsstyrelsens krav til duelighed i Danmark.

Opgradere dine egenskaber

Vi udsteder alle tilgængelige indenfor sejlads. Har du allerede taget et af vores kurser, så tilbyder vi rabat, hvis du vælger at tage flere.

Gratis genopfriskningskurser

Hvis du allerede har et af de påkrævede sejlerkurser, men ikke helt kan huske de basal ting, så kan du tage på et gratis genopfriskningskursus hos os.


Tilmeld nyhedsbrev 📬.

Vi sender dig gode tilbud, tips og tricks til, hvordan du bliver en dygtig sejler. Men bare rolig – vi spammer IKKE din indbakke :)

Yachtskipper 3

Sejlgo er placeret i Svendborg og Fredericia med direkte adgang til det sydfynske øhav. Vores undervisning er af  høj kvalitet med fokus på at gøre dig til en dygtig sejler. 

Åbningstider: Man-fre: 08.00 – 20.00 Lør: 09.00 – 16.00 Søn: 09.00 – 16.00

  • Badstuen 14, 5700 Svendborg, Danmark
  • Gothersgade 40, 7000 Fredericia, Danmark
  • +45 42 57 29 89
  • [email protected]


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Yachtskipper 3

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yachtskipper 3 grad

Tilmeld dig kursus i dag

Yachtskipper af 3. grad

Bliv yachtskipper af 3. grad på to weekender! På vores intensive yachtskipperkursus får du en masse detaljeret viden om vigtige emner som navigation, sejladsplanlægning, meteorologi, søret, søsikkerhed samt havmiljø. Det er altså en grundig fritidssejleruddannelse for dig, som ønsker at dygtiggøre dig og bygge oven på den viden, du allerede har. Prisen for kurset er 4.995 kr., og med i prisen er det komplette kursus inklusive undervisning, online teoribog, udlån af undervisningsmaterialer, let forplejning og beståelsesgaranti.

Du kan blive yachtskipper af 3. grad, hvis du har et gyldigt speedbådscertifikat eller duelighedsbevis. Vores yachtskipperkursus er en naturlig overbygning til duelighedsbeviset, og du vil dermed blive præsenteret for en mere dybdegående teori, end den du kender fra duelighedskurset – men også ny viden, eksempelvis om meteorologi og vejrforhold.

Vores yachtskipper 3-kursus er for dig, som gerne vil passe ny viden og læring ind i en travl hverdag. Vi har gjort vores yachtskipperkursus tilgængeligt for alle, da vi tilbyder kurser over hele landet. Du kan derfor blive yachtskipper af 3. grad både i København, Fredericia, Aarhus og Aalborg. Du kan se i vores kalender, hvornår de næste kurser nær dig afholdes.

Hvordan er vores yachtskipper 3-kursus opbygget?

Vores yachtskipper 3-kursus strækker sig som nævnt over to weekender, som er placeret med to ugers mellemrum. Det er dermed et intensivt og effektivt kursus, hvor tiden er maksimalt udnyttet – og hvor du får et højt udbytte. Du modtager det teoretiske kursusmateriale kort tid efter tilmelding, og du kan således hurtigt gå i gang med at forberede dig.

Før du møder op på dit yachtskipper 3-kursus, skal du forberede dig ved at gennemgå kursusbogen. Vores intensive kursus kræver god forberedelse – på den måde bliver du bedst muligt rustet til den afsluttende eksamen. På selve kurset vil en af vores mest erfarne undervisere gennemgå hele pensum med dig, så du får godt fat i stoffet. Der vil også være forberedelse, som du skal lave hjemme før anden kursusweekend.

Yachtskipperkurset er opbygget af både undervisning og opgaveregning i søkortet. På den måde sikrer vi, at du får afprøvet din teoretiske viden undervejs. Din første kursusdag er fredag i den første weekend, og når du tager hjem søndag i sidste kursusweekend, har du været til eksamen. En yachtskippereksamen består både af en skriftlig og en mundtlig prøve. I det tilfælde at du ikke består din afsluttende prøve, så gælder vores beståelsesgaranti. Det betyder, at vi giver et nyt gratis yachtskipper 3-kursus, så du kan modtage undervisning og gå til eksamen igen. Bemærk, at censor opkræver et prøvegebyr af 900 kr.

Speedbåd set oppefra

Praktisk information om yachtskipper 3

Når du har tilmeldt dig yachtskipper 3, vil du kort tid efter modtage vores undervisningsmateriale. Du får adgang til en online e-bog, som dækker hele pensum til vores yachtskipper 3-kursus. Du behøver derfor ikke at investere i andre bøger. Du kan også låne alt kursusmateriale samt hjælpemidler af os – vi har undervisningssøkort, skriveredskaber, kurslinealer og stikpassere til alle kursister.

Yachtskipper 3 er som sagt et dybdegående kursus, som kræver en del koncentration – men vi forsøger også at skabe en hyggelig stemning. Der vil derfor være kaffe, the og snacks på bordene, men husk endelig at medbringe en madpakke til de lange dage.

Da yachtskipper 3 er et teoretisk kursus, foregår al undervisning indendørs, og du skal derfor ikke tænke på praktisk beklædning eller andet. Alle vores lokationer er dog placeret centralt på havne, og selvom kurset foregår inde, vil du alligevel komme til at sidde i en hyggelig, maritim stemning. Vi forsøger nemlig at gøre det til en god oplevelse at blive yachtskipper af 3. grad!

Tilmeld dig et kursus i dag

Vi tilbyder også et yachtskipper 1-kursus

Når du har gennemført vores yachtskipper 3-kursus – eller hvis du allerede er yachtskipper af 3. grad – vil du måske være interesseret i vores yachtskipper 1-kursus. Det tilbyder vi ligeledes over hele landet, så kontakt os endelig, hvis du ønsker at blive yachtskipper af 1. grad.

Vores yachtskipperkurser er teoretiske kurser, og dermed giver de ikke i sig selv ret til sejlads. Dit eksamensbevis kan dog være ansøgningsgrundlag for sønæringsbevis sammen med en syns- og høreprøve fra en søfartslæge. Du ansøger ved Søfartsstyrelsen.

Tag dit duelighedsbevis ved os og få

yachtskipper 3 grad


Skulle det ske, at du ikke består, har vi beståelsesgaranti. Det betyder, at vi tilbyder dig et nyt gratis duelighedskursus, hvor du vil få mulighed for at deltage i undervisning samt gå til prøve igen.

Alt i én pakke

Prisen dækker en hel weekend, inklusive adgang til online teori, lån af undervisningsmaterialer, såsom kurslineal og søkort, og forplejning i form af vand, kaffe, the og snacks.

Landsdækkende kurser

Vi har kurser over hele landet, og du kan derfor frit vælge, hvor du ønsker at tage dit duelighedsbevis. Vælg København, Fredericia, Aarhus eller Aalborg, alt efter hvad der passer dig bedst.


WATERGAMES ApS Pilekæret 8 2840 Holte

+45 5354 0055 [email protected]

CVR: 3650 5095

Vi tilbyder


  • Online duelighedsbevis



  • Bliv medlem
  • Bestyrelsen og udvalg
  • Indeværende år
  • Barkasser 2013
  • Barkasser 2014
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  • Barkassen 2016
  • Barkassen 2017
  • Barkassen 2018
  • Barkassen 2019
  • Nyt fra formanden december 2022
  • Om klubhuset
  • Klubhusreglementet
  • Udlevering af nøglebrikker
  • Kollision af klubbåd
  • Sejlads med el på J/80 473 (instrumenter og navigationslys)
  • Racing forretningsorden (med skades rapport)
  • Sejlreparationer
  • Småindkøb til bådende
  • Vedligeholdelsesplan for Gaffelriggerne
  • Om søulkene
  • Se Søulkenes redningsaktion
  • 100 årig Freja og Søulkene i TV2-Lorry
  • Søulkenes fotoalbum
  • Om Sejlerskolen
  • Tilmeldinger
  • Introduktionskursus
  • Sommerskolen
  • Om vinterskolen
  • Navigation og søvejsregler
  • Tovværk og sømandskab
  • VHF/SRC-kursus

Yachtskipper af 3. grad (Y3)

  • Yachtskipper af 1. grad (YI)
  • Vil du med på en prøvetur på sejlerskolen?
  • Elev- og lærermateriale til undervisningen på Sejlerskolen
  • Sommertogt 2024
  • Tilmelding til weekendtur 2024
  • Bådejermøde tirsdag d. 29. august 2023 kl. 18-21
  • Om bådpladsen
  • Gammel Plads - Optagning og Søsætning
  • Kulpladsen - Optagning og søsætning
  • Skema for optagning af båd
  • Om K.A.S. Racing
  • Bring Your Own Boat
  • Stævne/ liga tildelings princip
  • Vi skifter stander den 29. oktober
  • Virker din selvoppustelige redningsvest?
  • Sejler forum
  • Vedligehold, klargøring og vidensdeling
  • Aktiviteter på Tværs
  • K.A.S. Klubliv kalender 2022-2023
  • Kom med på endagsskitur i Isaberg 13. januar
  • Leje af Jomsborg eller Restauranten
  • Standerhejsning 1. maj 2022
  • Vi skifter stander den 28. oktober kl 17:30
  • Workshop i K.A.S. lørdag den 4. november 2023

Undervisningen forbereder til eksamen til Yachtskipper af 3. grad, og indeholder bl.a. emnerne navigation, søsikkerhed, søvejsregler, søret og meteorologi. Du kan læse mere om pensummet på Dansk Sejlunions hjemmeside https://dansksejlunion.dk . Ud over kursusgebyret skal der påregnes udgifter til undervisningsmaterialer (bemærk ca. 2000-2500 kr.). Eksamen afholdes af godkendt udbyder og og forventes at koste et gebyr på ca. 900 kr. For at gå til eksamen skal du have bestået både den teoretiske og den praktiske del af duelighedsprøven. Du skal desuden dokumentere, at du har fået demonstreret brandslukning og redningsmidler, dette foregår på et selvstændigt kursus, der udbydes af K.A.S. Undervisning torsdage kl. 19-22. Kurset varer fra slutningen af oktober (uge 43) til midt april.

yachtskipper 3 grad

Teoriprøve Y3

yachtskipper 3 grad


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yachtskipper 3 grad

Yachtskipper af Tredje Grad

Yachtskipper af trejde grad, tag din yachtskipper 3 på to intensive weekender.

I takt med at bådene bliver større, drømmen om langturen mere realistisk og ønsket om at tilegne sig kundskaber på et højere niveau, er uddannelsen som Yachtskipper 3 det næste trin på stigen.

Uddannelsen er indført som et krav for førere af lystfartøjer over 15 meter op til 24 meter og giver ret til at være fører af lystfartøjer i nordeuropæisk fart samt sejle som styrmand på alle have.

Da uddannelsen tager sigte på et mere professionelt forhold til sejladsen er kravene til deltagernes kunnen og engagement tilsvarende høje.

Hvad omfatter undervisningen?

Yachtskipper af Tredie Grad omfatter terrestrisk navigation, søvejsregler, søret, sømandsskab og søsikkerhed, brand, vagthold og meterologi.

Som kursist udformer du en sejladsplanlægningsopgave som forberedelse til en sørejse med en udvalgt båd.

Du får introduktion til udvidede navigationsmetoder, herunder strømtrekanter og vejrforudsigelser, navigationsudstyr, sikkerhed og brand, bådens stabilitet, forskellige former for pejlinger, waypoints m.m.

Som kursist kan du bruge din Yachtskipper 3-opgave ikke kun til din eksamen, men som et praktisk redskab til planlægning af  længere sejltogter.

Eksamen til Yachtskipper af Tredje Grad er udformet som et “operativt interview” af ca. 45 min. varighed. Som udgangspunkt for interviewet kan tages en sejlads fra A til B med diverse spørgsmål i sejladsplanlægning, navigation, meterologi m.m.

Der er skriftlig prøve i emnerne sikkerhed, vagttjeneste søvejsregler, herunder lanterner og dagsignaler for skibe, vigeregler, sømærker, tåge – og manøvresignaler samt brovagthold.

Ellers er indholdet af uddannelsen og pensum beskrevet i  Dansk Sejlunions studiehåndbog for Yachtskipper-uddannelserne. 

Kommende kurser

Pris: kr 6.395 kr. incl moms. Prøveafgift: 925 kr. 

Y3 Kursus 2-3. februar 2024 og 3-4. marts 2024 (Udsolgt)


Kan jeg overnatte i Svendborg?

For de deltagere, der gerne vil overnatte i Svendborg, kan vi tilbyde overnatning på vores sejlbåde, når de ikke anvendes til andre kurser. Vi har to 41 fods Beneteau sejlbåde. Der er 4 kahytter med lukket dør, varme og toilet på hver båd. Bådene ligger ved Maritimt Centers bro ved Ærøfærgen. Ellers deler vi gård med Hotel Ærø.

Øvrige sejlerkurser

  • Speedbådsbevis
  • Yachtskipper af første grad
  • VHF Radiocertifikat
  • Motorpasning duelighedsbevis
  • Havnemanøvrekursus

Det siger vores kursister og gæster

Steffen og Line

Svendborg Sejlerskole Østre Havnevej 2 5700 Svendborg +45 2 1 37 19 89 [email protected]

  • Find vej på kort

Svendborg Sejlerskole er en af Danmarks ældste og største private sejlerskoler. Siden 1990 har vi stået for høj kvalitet i sejleruddannelser, der har givet fritidssejlere og sømænd  alle former for certifikater og træning.  Vi byder velkommen til både  nye, uøvede kursister og erfarne skippere og sejlere, der skal have opgraderet deres kompetencer. 

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Drømmer du om langfart?

Sammen med jordomsejleren, foredragsholder og filosof Joakim Quistorff-Refn har vi udviklet et praktisk kursus, der ruster dig til langfart. 

Du får tre døgn til havs på det tredobbelte jordomsejlerskib S/Y Nerthus og masser af værdifuld viden og erfaringer til dit togt .

yachtskipper 3 grad


  • Yachtskipper 3. grad

Godt rustet til drømmerejsen ”mod fjerne kyster”.

Med en uddannelse som Yachtskipper af tredje grad er du godt rustet til, at sejle på tur mod fjerne kyster. Ikke bare vil du være i stand til at navigere, du bliver også kvalificeret til at tage stilling til skibets sikkerhed, planlægge vagthold, købe og registrere større fritidsfartøjer, gøre vagttjeneste på broen, korrekt benytte skibets instrumenter og afkode vejrets kaotiske mønstre Undervisningen følger DFU’s uddannelsesplan for Yachtskipper af tredje grad. På kurset gennemgår vi følgende emner:

Terrestrisk navigation

  • Sømandskab og søsikkerhed
  • Meteorologi
  • Vagttjeneste og søvejsregler
  • Instrumentkendskab

På kursusdagen præsenterer underviseren stoffet for dig. Da vi udelukkende har små hold, vil der altid være mulighed for at du kan stille spørgsmål. Vi vil også løse konkrete opgaver, der minder om dem, du får stillet til eksamen. Det er naturligvis en stor fordel at repetere stoffet hjemme eller bruge lidt tid på forberedelse.

Du kan låne kurslineal, passer og søkort med hjem mod et depositum på 400 kr, som du får tilbage, når du returnerer det på eksamensdagen. Dette aftales nærmere på dagen.

Vi anbefaler meget kraftigt at du køber og læser Yachtskipperbogen, der findes i vores Shop. Den er velskrevet, letforståelig, og sikrer dig at du allerede før kurssustart er godt på vej mod at være i mål.

Vi har maksimalt 12 deltagere på vores hold, da vi ønsker, at alle deltagere får mest muligt ud af undervisningen.

Kurset vil strække sig over to weekender med en friweekend ind imellem. Programmet for weekenderne er følgende.

Den 1. weekend: Fredag fra 16:00 til 21:00, Lørdag fra 9:00 til 17:00 samt Søndag fra 9:00 til 17:00

Den 2. weekend : Fredag fra 16:00 til 21:00, Lørdag fra 9:00 til 17:00 samt Søndag fra 9:00 til 12:00. Herefter en pause før eksamen/prøve. I vil ikke være færdige senere end klokken 19.00.

Undervisningen foregår i Kongelig Dansk Yachtklubs klublokaler på adressen Rungsted Havn 42, 2960 Rungsted Kyst, eller i Sejlerskolens kursuslokaler på Lystbådehavnen i Fredericia.

Hvis du kommer i bil, er det muligt at parkere gratis.

Der vil blive serveret god kaffe, the og snacks, samt en let frokost lørdag og søndag, med sodavand/vand til.

Prøven afholdes i henhold til DFU’s uddannelses plan for Yachtskipper af 3. grad. Det betyder, at der vil være en skriftlig og mundtlig prøve, der begge skal bestås.

Den skriftlige prøve (30 min) består af 5 sider, der tester din viden og dine færdigheder inden for søvejsregler og afmærkninger. Det er tilladt at have en stor fejl og to mindre fejl på de første tre sider. Afhængigt at antallet af fejl på de første tre sider vil det være tilladt med et større eller mindre antal fejl på de sidste to sider.

Består du den skriftlige prøve, kommer du videre til den mundtlige del af yachtskipper 3-prøven.

Den mundtlige prøve kan vare op til 45 minutter og tager udgangspunkt i den resterende del af yachtskipper 3-pensummet. Under denne del af prøven er det din opgave at besvare censors spørgsmål og vise at du lever op til uddannelsesplanen.

Prøven er individuel og uden hjælpemidler.

DatoKursustypeStedPris fraLedige pladser

Internationale yachtskipper 3. grad certifikater med beståelsesgaranti til en skarp pris.

Efter beståelsen af vores kurser modtager i et Internationalt gældende certifikat.

Alle vores prøver afholdes i samarbejde med DFU kompetence center, der er godkendt af Søfartsstyrelsen til at afholde prøver og udstede certifikater indenfor sejlads.

DFU kompetence center er en afdeling under DFU – Dansk Fritidssejler Union, med hvem vi samarbejder.

På alle vores kurser giver vi beståelsesgaranti, forstået på den måde at skulle man mod forventning ikke bestå prøven, på prøve dagen, får man tilbudt et nyt kursus, hvor den eneste udgift er selve prøvegebyret.

Langt de fleste af vores kursusdeltagere består prøverne i første forsøg.

Priserne starter ved DKK 4.999,00 pr. person. I tillæg til prisen kommer et beløb på DKK 900,00 pr. person, der dækker aflønning af censor, samt gebyret for udstedelsen af det officielle internationalt gældende certifikat

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Yachtskipper 3. grad er en kvalifikation inden for sejlsport og søfart. Det er den højeste niveau af yachtskippercertifikater, der normalt tilbydes i Danmark.

Yachtskipper 3. grad certifikatet giver dig ret til at føre større skibe og har færre begrænsninger i forhold til skibets størrelse og anvendelse sammenlignet med lavere kvalifikationsniveauer som Yachtskipper 1. grad eller 2.

Forskellen mellem Yachtskipper 1. grad og Yachtskipper 3. grad er primært i deres kompetenceniveau og de typer af skibe, de kvalificerer til. Yachtskipper 1. grad er en mere grundlæggende certificering, der giver ret til at føre mindre kommercielle skibe som fiskerfartøjer og passagerskibe. Omvendt er Yachtskipper 3. grad en mere avanceret certificering, der giver beføjelse til at føre større skibe med færre restriktioner, og den kræver dybere søfartskundskaber.

Se vores andre kurser






VHF/SRC Certifikat

Søren _Møller_DSC03584





Speedbådskørekort & vandscooterbevis


  • Internationale Certifikater
  • Nyttige links
  • Handelsbetingelser

Sjællandsgade 16

7000 Fredericia

+45 2729 4844

CVR: 21519588


Ishøj Havn Søhesten, Bro S-06 2636 Ishøj

Lystbådehavnen Sanddal Bakke 24 7000 Fredericia

  • Sejlersudstyr

2023 / sejlerskolen.com

yachtskipper 3 grad

Af: Aveo Web&Marketing

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yachtskipper 3 grad

Hvem er vi?

yachtskipper 3 grad

Er I en grupper på min. 8 personer, der ønsker at tage jeres Yachtskipper 3   sammen, så laver vi et “ Privat hold “.

Følgende moduler indgår i yachtskipper 3 uddannelsen:,   navigation   søvejsregler   sømandsskab   meteorologi   søret   vagthold   sikkerhed til søs   forebyggelse og bekæmpelse af brand   beskyttelse af havmiljøet   sejladsplanlægning   navigationsudstyr og dets begrænsninger, vi er godt klar over at det kan være svært og finde en dato og tidspunkt hvor alle kan, så derfor er vores holdning: – i bestemmer, vi skal nok være klar..

yachtskipper 3 grad

Selve prøven består af både en skriftlig og mundtlig prøve.  Den skriftlige prøve varer 30 minutter, mens den mundtlige prøve varer 45 minutter. – Husk at der skal medbringes kr. 900,- til sensor i prøvegebyr .

yachtskipper 3 grad

Alle vores kurser har beståelsesgaranti, hvilket kort sagt betyder. Består du ikke prøven, tilbyder vi dig et nyt, kvit og frit. – Dog skal prøvegebyret på kr. 900,- til sensor betales for hver prøve.

yachtskipper 3 grad

Hvis du vil føre et fritidsfartøj, der måler mellem 15-24 meter i længden, skal du have et yachtskipperbevis.

Er fartøjet mindre end 15 meter langt, skal du eventuelt have et speedbådskørekort. hvis dit fartøj ikke kan klassificeres som en speedbåd, kan det også være du helt slipper for certifikat..

yachtskipper 3 grad

Som Yachtskipper af 3. grad har du ret til at føre fritidsfartøjer på op til 24 meters længde.  Du må dog udelukkende sejle i disse områder:

  østersøen   nordsøen   omkring de britiske øer   norge   færøerne   langs grønlands kyster.

yachtskipper 3 grad

Sønæringsbeviset udstedes af Søfartsstyrelsen. Når du har bestået din yachtskippereksamen skal du have udstedt et sønæringsbevis for yachtskipper af 3. grad.

Til din ansøgning om sønæringsbevis skal du have en gyldig syns- og høreprøveattest for fritidssejlere.  syns- og høreprøveattesten kan kun blive udfærdiget af en godkendt søfartslæge ​ eller en dansk speciallæge i oftalmologi., søg om sønæringsbevis som yachtskipper af 3. grad.

yachtskipper 3 grad

I undervisningen til Yachtskipper 3 lægger vi op til, at hver enkelt kursist udformer et projekt, som tager udgangspunkt i forberedelse af en sejllas planlægning i en udvalgt båd.

I projektet skal der indgår navigationsudstyr ombord, al sikkerhedsudstyr, en præsentation af en tænkt sejlads med eksempler på navigation. der skal ligeledes indgår principper for stabilitet, meteorologiske forhold, bådens registrering og andre elementer under søret., se eksempel på et projekt her, – hos dansk bådskole kan du forvente et grundigt og dybdegående kursusforløb med vores mest erfarne instruktør..

yachtskipper 3 grad

Når man taler om det at være yachtskipper, vil du oftest også høre “af 1. grad” eller “af 3. grad”.

For at blive yachtskipper af 1. grad er det en forudsætning, at du har taget og bestået kurset yachtskipper af 3. grad. – derfor er 1. grad en overbygning til 3. grad..

yachtskipper 3 grad

Hos Dansk Bådskole er vi yderst fleksibel, derfor har vi valgt at afholde kurser alle ugens 7 dage. Klik på følgende link for at vælge, hvilken dag der passer dig.  Tjek vores kursus kalender.

yachtskipper 3 grad

Læring er individuelt. V ores erfaring har vist at kursisterne får mere ud af undervisningen, hvis den foregår i 1:1, derfor afholder Dansk Bådskole kurser i mindre hold. Har du specielle behov, tager vi hensyn, og du vil modtage den støtte, som er nødvendig for dig.

yachtskipper 3 grad

Hos Dansk Bådskole finder vi det vigtigt, at du som kursist får et professionelt undervisningsmateriale, derfor har vi valgt selv at udvikle det. Vores materiale består af simple huskeregler, mange års erfaringer samt  de retningslinjer der er i bekendtgørelsen.

yachtskipper 3 grad

Hos Dansk Bådskole finder du kun instruktører, som besidder meget erfaring indenfor sejlads. Som kursist vil du blive mødt, af en dygtig instruktør der vil skabe tryghed, så de bedste forudsætninger for læring er tilstede. Ydermere er  vores instruktører og sensorer certificeret hos   Dansk Yacht Union .

yachtskipper 3 grad

Dansk Bådskole tilbyder alle former for beviser indenfor fritidssejlads. Har du behov for at få opgraderet dit bevis, og er du tidligere kunde hos Dansk Bådskole, tilbyder vi rabat på efterfølgende kurser. Kontakt vores kundeservice pr. mail for mere information.

yachtskipper 3 grad

Dansk Bådskole tilbyder et gratis genopfrisknings kursus, hvis du allerede har et bevis. Kontakt vores kundeservice pr. mail for mere information.

Er i en grupper på min. 6 personer , der ønsker at tage jeres certifikat sammen, så tilbyder vi også at lave et “privathold” ..

yachtskipper 3 grad


Er i en grupper på min. 12 personer , der ønsker at tage jeres certifikat sammen, så tilbyder vi også at lave et “privathold” ..

yachtskipper 3 grad

Er I en grupper på min. 8 personer , der ønsker at tage jeres certifikat sammen, så tilbyder vi også at lave et “Privathold” .

yachtskipper 3 grad

  Århus   Horsens   Juelsminde   Vejle   Fredericia   Middelfart   Svendborg

yachtskipper 3 grad

  Århus   Horsens   Juelsminde

yachtskipper 3 grad

  Horsens   Esbjerg   Middelfart

yachtskipper 3 grad

  Århus   Horsens   Herning   Fredericia

yachtskipper 3 grad

  Herning   Fredericia

yachtskipper 3 grad


Har du spørgsmål eller er du klar til at booke en tid?

yachtskipper 3 grad


For at få opgraderet dit bevis, kræver det fartstid. Der er forskellig fartstidskrav alt efter typen af bevis.

Fartstidskrav Handelsskibe

STCW Sønæringsbevis/
Stilling Fartstidskrav 1 Fartstidskrav 2 Fartstidskrav 3 Gyldighed
II/1 & III/3 Sønæringsbevis Dual Bevis som dual skibsofficer
(Vagthavende styrmand -
Vagthavende maskinmester)
12 mdr. som dual aspirant     5 år
II/2 & III/2 Sønæringsbevis Dual Bevis som dual skibsofficer
(Styrmand af 1. grad -
Maskinmester af 1. grad.)
12 mdr. som dual officer     5 år
II/2 & III/2 Sønæringsbevis Dual Bevis som dual skibsofficer
(Styrmand af 1. grad -
12 mdr. som vagthavende styrmand og 24 mdr. som maskinmester, heraf min.12 mdr. som maskinmester af 1. grad 12 mdr. som vagthavende styrmand og 36 mdr. som maskinmester   5 år
II/2 & III/2 Sønæringsbevis Dual Bevis som dual skibsofficer
(Skibsfører -
Maskinmester af 1. grad)
12 mdr. som vagthavende maskinmester og 24 mdr. som styrmand heraf min. 12 mdr. som øverste eller eneste styrmand 12 mdr. som vagthavende maskinmester og 36 mdr. som styrmand   5 år
II/2 & III/2 Sønæringsbevis Dual Bevis som dual skibsofficer
(Skibsfører - Maskinchef)
36 mdr. som dual officer     5 år
II/2 & III/3 Sønæringsbevis Dual Bevis som dual skibsofficer
(Styrmand af 1. grad -
Vagthavende maskinmester)
12 mdr. som min. vagthavende styrmand     5 år
II/2 & III/3 Sønæringsbevis Dual Bevis som dual skibsofficer
(Styrmand af 2. grad -
Vagthavende maskinmester)
12 mdr. som dual aspirant     5 år
II/2 & III/3 Sønæringsbevis Dual Bevis som dual skibsofficer
(Skibsfører -
Vagthavende maskinmester)
24 mdr. som styrmand heraf min. 12 mdr. som øverste eller eneste styrmand 36 mdr. som styrmand   5 år
III/2 Sønæringsbevis Maskinmester Bevis som Skibsmaskinchef 24 mdr. som min. vagthavende maskinmester, heraf 12 mdr. som skibsmaskinmester af 1 grad 36 mdr. min. som vagthavende maskinmester   5 år
III/2 Sønæringsbevis Maskinmester Bevis som Skibsmaskinmester af 1. grad  12 mdr. som vagthavende maskinmester     5 år
III/3 Sønæringsbevis Maskinmester Bevis som Skibsmaskinist af 1. grad  24 mdr. maskintjeneste, heraf 12 mdr. som min. Skibsmaskinist af 2. grad     5 år
III/3 Sønæringsbevis Maskinmester Bevis som Skibsmaskinist af 2. grad 12 mdr. maskintjeneste *fartstid som aspirant tæller ikke med i de 12 måneder. Heller ikke hvis fartstid er optjent efter bestået eksamen.     5 år
III/1 Sønæringsbevis Maskinmester Bevis som Vagthavende maskinmester  6 mdr. som maskinmesteraspirant     5 år
III/6 Sønæringsbevis Maskinmester Bevis som elektroteknisk officer 12 mdr. heraf 6 som maskintjeneste i skibe     5 år
II/4 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige 2-delt vagtholdsbevis 2 mdr. brovagtstjeneste under opsyn     Uden udløb
II/4 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Vagtholdsbevis 2 mdr. brovagtstjeneste under opsyn     Uden udløb 
II/5 & III/5 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Befaren Skibsassistent 12 mdr. som ubefaren skibsassistent og godkendt uddannelsesbog * fartstid på skoleskibe under uddannelse medregnes ikke *     Uden udløb 
III/7  Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Elektroteknisk Menig 3 mdr. dokumenteret ved en godkendt uddannelsesbog      
V/1-1-3 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Bevis for ledelse af operationer på olietankskibe 3 mdr. i den type tankskib     5 år
V/1-1-3 & V/1-1-5 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Bevis for ledelse af operationer på olie- og kemikalietankskibe 3 mdr. i den type tankskib     5 år
V/1-1-3 & V/1-1-5 & V/1-2-3 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Bevis for ledelse af operationer på olie-, kemikalie- og gastankskibe 3 mdr. i den type tankskib     5 år
V/1-1-3 & V/1-2-3 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Bevis for ledelse af operationer på olie- og gastankskibe 3 mdr. i den type tankskib     5 år
V/1-1-5 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Bevis for ledelse af operationer på kemikalietankskibe 3 mdr. i den type tankskib     5 år
V/1-1-5 & V/1-2-3 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Bevis for ledelse af operationer på kemikalie- og gastankskibe 3 mdr. i den type tankskib     5 år
V/1-2-3 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Bevis for ledelse af operationer på gastankskibe 3 mdr. i den type tankskib     5 år
V/3-2 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Bevis for ledelse af operationer på skibe omfattet af IGF-koden 3 mdr. i skibstypen     5 år
  Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Duelighedsbevis i motorpasning 6 mdr. ved maskintjeneste     Uden udløb
V/4-1 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Grundlæggende træning for søfarende om bord på skibe omfattet af polarkoden Intet fartidskrav     5 år 
V/4-2 Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Ledelse af operationer på skibe omfattet af polarkoden 2 mdr. vagthold     5 år 
  Kvalifikationsbevis Menige Ubefaren Skibsassistent Intet fartidskrav     Uden udløb 
II/1 Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Vagthavende styrmand 12 mdr. som styrmandsaspirant eller skibsassistent med vagtholdsbevis 15 mdr. med skibsassistentens grundmodul og vagtholdsbevis 18 mdr. med vagtholdsbevis 5 år
II/2  Sønæringsbevis Navigatør  Bevis som Skibsfører  24 mdr. som min. vagthavende styrmand, heraf 12 mdr. som øverste eller eneste styrmand 36 mdr. min som vagthavende styrmand   5 år
II/2 Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Styrmand af 1. grad  12 mdr. som min. vagthavende styrmand     5 år
II/2  Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Styrmand af 2. grad  12 mdr. som styrmandsaspirant eller skibsassistent med vagtholdsbevis 15 mdr. med skibsassistentens grundmodul og vagtholdsbevis 18 mdr. med vagtholdsbevis 5 år
II/2  Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Styrmand af 3. grad  12 mdr. som styrmandsaspirant eller skibsassistent med vagtholdsbevis 15 mdr. med skibsassistentens grundmodul og vagtholdsbevis 18 mdr. med vagtholdsbevis 5 år
II/2 Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Sætteskipper  24 mdr. som min. vagthavende styrmand, heraf min. 12 mdr. som øverste eller eneste styrmand 36 mdr. min som vagthavende styrmand   5 år
II/3 Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Bedstemand  6 mdr. ved dækstjeneste     5 år
II/3 Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Kystskipper  12 mdr. som min. bedstemand     5 år
II/3 Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Styrmand af 4. grad  12 mdr. som styrmandsaspirant eller skibsassistent med vagtholdsbevis 15 mdr. med skibsassistentens grundmodul og vagtholdsbevis 18 mdr. med vagtholdsbevis 5 år
  Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bådførercertifikat  3 mdr. i pågældende fartøj     5 år
  Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Duelighedsbevis i sejlads for handelsskibe  3 mdr. som skibsassistent med vagholdsbevis     5 år
IV2 Sønæringsbevis Særlig tjeneste Generelt certifikat som radiooperatør i GMDSS (GOC)  Intet fartidskrav 12 mdr. ved fornyelse   5 år
IV/2 Sønæringsbevis Særlig tjeneste Begrænset certifikat som radiooperatør i GMDSS (ROC)  Intet fartidskrav     5 år
  Sønæringsbevis Særlig tjeneste Bevis som Skibskok  12 mdr. kabystjeneste i søgående skibe     Uden udløb 
  Sønæringsbevis Særlig tjeneste Certifikat til betjening af maritime MF-, HF- og VHF-radioanlæg (LRC) Intet fartidskrav     Uden udløb 

Fartstidskrav Fiskeskibe

STCW Sønæringsbevis/
 Stilling  Fartstidskrav 1  Fartstidskrav 2   Fartstidskrav 3   Gyldighedsperiode 
II/1 Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Fiskeskipper af 1. grad 12 mdr. som min. styrmand af 3. grad i fiskeskibe     5 år
II/2 Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Styrmand af 1. grad i fiskeskibe 12 mdr. og gennemført erhvervsfiskeriets grundkursus 24 mdr. i fiskeskibe   5 år 
II/3 Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Fiskeskipper af 3. grad 12 mdr. som min. bedstemand i fiskeskibe     5 år 
II/4 Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Styrmand af 3. grad i fiskeskibe 12 mdr. og gennemført erhvervsfiskeriets grundkursus 24 mdr. i fiskeskibe   5 år  
  Sønæringsbevis Navigatør Bevis som Bedstemand i fiskeskibe 3 mdr. i fiskeskibe og grundkursus 12 mdr. i fiskeskibe   5 år 
  Sønæringsbevis Særlig tjeneste Bevis som Yachtskipper af 1. grad 6 mdr. som yachtskipper af 3. grad     Uden udløb 
  Sønæringsbevis Særlig tjeneste  Bevis som Yachtskipper af 3. grad Intet fartidskrav     Uden udløb 
  Sønæringsbevis Særlig tjeneste  Duelighedsbevis i sejlads for fritidssejlere Intet fartidskrav     Uden udløb 

Relaterede links

  • Sønæringsbekendtgørelsen

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Yachtskipper af 3. grad - vinteren 2023/2024

  • Nye sejlere
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  • FB opslag 2024
  • 2024 Tunølejr
  • Praktisk sejlads: Form og indhold
  • Priser - sejlerskolen i Kaløvig
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  • Teoretisk navigation 2023-2024
  • J70 klassen
  • Onsdagsbanen
  • Kapsejlads for kvinder - pigesejlerne i Kaløvig
  • Tur og langturssejlads
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  • Muslingefiskeri i Kalø Vig
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  • Kaløvig Bådelaug
  • Sejlerskolen

Kaløvig Bådelaug afholder i vinterhalvåret 2023/24 Yachtskipper 3 kursus for dem der gerne vil dygtiggøre sig til navigation/sejlads i fritidsbåde.

Pris: kr. 1.500,- Hertil kommer udgifter til undervisningsmaterialer samt prøvegebyr.

Underviser: Jesper Harpelunde.

Kursus henvender sig til alle der ønsker en teoretisk videregående sejladsuddannelse med henblik på sejlads i større fartøjer og dem der evt. gerne vil prøve kræfter med lidt længere sejlads i danske og evt. i nordeuropæiske farvande og den Engelske kanal samt de Britiske øer.

Efter bestået eksamen giver Yachtskipper 3 mulighed for at føre fritidsfartøjer på mellem 15 og 24 meter, samt adgang til yderligere en overbygning som Yachtskipper af 1. grad.

Undervisningen foregår som klasseundervisning på ca. 9 hverdagsaftner og der skal påregnes tid til hjemmeopgaver.

I uddannelsen indgår følgende emner: 

  • Søvejsregler
  • Sømandsskab og søret
  • Søsikkerhed og brandbekæmpelse
  • Sejladsplanlægning

Forudsætning for at deltage i kursus er at du har bestået den teoretiske og praktiske duelighedsprøve. I forbindelse med kurset afvikles de obligatoriske kurser: demonstration af brandslukning og demonstration af redningsmidler. For Yachtskipper 3 kursister, der ikke allerede har disse kurser, må påregnes et gebyr på kr. 350,- til dækning af materialer (+ morgenbrød og kaffe/te på kursus dagen). Skulle dette "tillægskursus" give overskud, doneres beløbet til Aarhusbugtens lokale redningsselskab "Nordfalcken". 

Kurset starter onsdag, den 22. november 2023 kl. 19.00 i Kaløvig Bådelaugs Jollehus.

Tilmelding og betaling foregår her .

Kaløvigs partnere

yachtskipper 3 grad

  • CVR: 42847011
  • Åstrup Strandvej 68A, 8541 Skødstrup
  • (+45) 86991967

Et kursus i Yachtskipper 3. grad er en højere uddannelse inden for sejlsport er rettet mod erfarne sejlere, som ønsker at føre større både på længere rejser og ud i åbent hav. Forløbet henvender sig til erfarne sejlere, der enten allerede har bestået Duelighedsprøven eller har tilsvarende erfaring. Deltagerne forventes at have en solid forståelse af grundlæggende sejlads, navigation og søsikkerhed.

Formålet med kurset er at udvikle dine færdigheder i håndteringen af større både på længere rejser i kystnære farvande samt på åbent hav. Du får gennem undervisningen det nødvendige kendskab til at føre en båd sikkert på længere distancer, også under ugunstige vejrforhold.

Find dine materialer til kurset her!

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Himmel og Hav - Viden om vind - vejr og vand

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Kort 1 - INT 1

yachtskipper 3 grad


yachtskipper 3 grad

Tegnerør til søkort, Linex 135cm

yachtskipper 3 grad

Linex kortpasser i messing, 7"

Tegnerør til søkort Linex DT124

Tegnerør til søkort

yachtskipper 3 grad

Motorlære til duelighedsprøve i motorpasning

Linex viskelæder - 2 stk

Linex viskelæder - 2 stk

yachtskipper 3 grad

Linex Passer 404

Linex transportør 2800M (uden håndtag)

Linex transportør 2800M (uden håndtag)

yachtskipper 3 grad


yachtskipper 3 grad

Centimetr. plottingdiagrammer

yachtskipper 3 grad

Linex RR 1000 Rullelineal

yachtskipper 3 grad

Sømandskab og kommunikation for yachtskippere

yachtskipper 3 grad

Søret for fritidssejlere

yachtskipper 3 grad

Opgaver i Navigation

De internationale søvejsregler

De internationale søvejsregler

Afmærkning af danske farvande (IALA)

Afmærkning af danske farvande (IALA)

yachtskipper 3 grad

Storcirkelkort Sydlige Stillehav

              | | | |  





yachtskipper 3 grad

yachtskipper 3 grad

Yachtskipper 1

Navigatøruddannelse for fritidssejlere, få sønæringsbevis med ret til at føre skib op til 24 meter i hele verden.

yachtskipper 3 grad

Viden og færdigheder oceansejlads

yachtskipper 3 grad

Klassehold, privat undervisning eller fjernundervisning

yachtskipper 3 grad

Yachtskipper 1 er et kursus, hvor krav og pensum er fastlagt af den danske stat. Kurset er en fortsættelse af Yachtskipper 3, hvor viden og færdigheder udbygges og bruges i praksis til udarbejdelse af sejlplan for en oceansejlads.

Pensum fra Yachtskipper 3 udbygges med tidevand, ocean meteorologi, storcirkelsejlads, sejladsplanlægning af oceansejlads og meget mere.

Efter bestået eksamen i Yachtskipper 1 kan du med dokumenteret farttid få sønæringsbevis til Yachtskipper 1 hos Søfartsstyrelsen. Sønæringsbeviset til Yachtskipper 1 er et internationalt anerkendt certifikat, der giver dig ret til at være kaptajn på skibe på op til 24 meter i hele verden.

Yachtskipper 1 sønæringsbevis er gyldigt alene for skibe med en motorkraft op til 100 KW eller 136 hk. Hvis du ønsker at sejle skibe med op til 750 KW eller 1020 hk, kræver det også duelighed i motorpasning .

yachtskipper 3 grad

Kursus i yachtskipper 1 hos Watergames

Watergames har forskellige kursustilbud til Yachtskipper 1.

Vores kurser klasseundervisning forløber over to weekender med to uger mellem hver undervisningsweekend. Kurset afsluttes med eksamen søndag eftermiddag den sidste weekend.

På første weekend repeteres pensum fra Yachtskipper 3 og du undervises i det udvidede pensum fra Yachtskipper 1. Der er også tid til at tale om og planlægge den individuelle rapport i sejladsplanlægning, så alle er godt i gang efter første kursusweekend.

Mellem første og anden kursusweekend skal du skrive din rapport.

På den anden kursusweekend undervises du i det sidste af pensum, og vi forbereder den mundtlige eksamen. Kurset afsluttes med eksamen i Yachtskipper 1 søndag eftermiddag i den sidste weekend.

Vi tilbyder også fjernundervisning, der er lærerledet og -støttet onlineundervisning. Kurset forløber over en række hverdage (eftermiddag og aften), hvor instruktøren og holdet er sammen online på Teams eller Zoom. Det er en effektiv løsning, hvis du bor i udlandet eller har langt til vores kursussteder. Efter kurset aftaler du tid til online eksamen.

Vores Yachtskipper 1 instruktører er alle erfarne sejlere med mange sømil under kølen. Det betyder, at de har et indgående kendskab til pensum og kan sætte emnerne i perspektiv med eksempler og egne erfaringer.

Ved tilmelding til Yachtskipper 1 (begge kursusformer) får du adgang til onlineudgaven af bogen Yachtskipper 3, men du kan også købe et fysisk eksemplar af bogen i vores webshop .

I tillæg til vores standardkurser arrangerer vi også privatkurser for grupper, sejlklubber og andre samt privatkurser med eneundervisning. Kontakt os for at høre om mulighederne .

yachtskipper 3 grad

Alt du skal vide om kurset

Har du andre spørgsmål, kontakt os endelig her

Forudsætninger og forberedelse

  • Yachtskipper 1 forudsætter eksamen i Yachtskipper 3 samt godkendt førstehjælpskursus.
  • Udover bogen Yachtskipper 3 fra Watergames, skal du bruge en række bøger. Du får tilsendt en litteraturliste efter tilmelding til kurset.
  • Kurset er intensivt og kræver forberedelse inden kurset og hjemmearbejde under kurset – herunder udarbejdelse af rapport i sejladsplanlægning af en oceansejlads.
  • For alle Watergames kurser gælder det, at vi giver dig beståelsesgaranti. Det vil sige, at skulle du af en eller anden årsag ikke bestå Yachtskipper 1 prøven efter endt kursus, kan du tage et nyt kursus helt gratis. Dog opkræves nye prøvegebyr. Beståelsesgarantien forudsætter at du har deltaget i undervisningen.


  • Hos Watergames har vi prisgaranti. Det betyder, at finder du et tilsvarende kursus billigere hos en anden udbyder, får du samme pris hos os.

Det praktiske

  • Kurset er intensiv og vores undervisningsplan er skræddersyet til et internationalt anerkendt pensum. Vi skal gennem emner som navigation, sømandskab og kommunikation, meteorologi og sundhedslære og en grundig forberedelse giver dig derfor det bedste udbytte af undervisningen.
  • En del hjemmearbejde er påkrævet både før og under kursusforløbet for at bestå Yachtskipper 1-eksamen.
  • I løbet af kurset skal du skrive en individuel rapport om sejladsplanlægning af en oceansejlads. Rapporten skal være mellem 10 og 40 sider.
  • Selve eksamen består af en mundtlig prøve på 45 minutter med udgangspunkt i en tværfaglig projektopgave om oceansejlads.
  • På vores klassehold giver vi kaffe, te, frugt, mv. under kurset, men du må selv tage madpakke med til frokost.
  • Udover kursusprisen opkræves et prøvegebyr på 1000 kr. på selve dagen. Prøvegebyret dækker honorar til censor, kortudstedelse, prøvematerialer, lokaler etc.

Kommende kurser i Yachtskipper 1

ByKøbenhavnDato01/11/2024 - 03/11/2024
15/11/2024 - 17/11/2024
TidspunktFre 18-21, Lør 10-16, Søn 10-16Pris  
ByAarhusDato08/11/2024 - 10/11/2024
22/11/2024 - 24/11/2024
TidspunktFre 18-21, Lør 10-16, Søn 10-16Pris  

yachtskipper 3 grad

  • WEATHER ALERT Heat Advisory Full Story
  • WEATHER ALERT Excessive Heat Watch Full Story
  • building fire

Chicago firefighters strike out West Side blaze at Grand and California, no injuries reported

WLS logo

CHICAGO (WLS) -- A second massive fire on the city's West Side in two days has been struck out, the Chicago Fire Department said.

ABC7 Chicago is now streaming 24/7. Click here to watch

Chicago fire officials said the fire broke out at 2810 West Grand Avenue around 6 p.m., in a T-shaped building housing multiple businesses. The front of the building, which runs north-south at Grand and California, is home to a two-story construction business office. The back part contains two businesses running east-west along Grand Avenue. The west side of the building houses a landscaping company, while the east side has a car and truck battery business that also has a body shop.

Thick black smoke and towering flames could be seen, even from a distance, when the fire began. Approximately 200 firefighters responded to the scene.

yachtskipper 3 grad

Fire officials said they quickly identified the structure as a bow truss and steel truss construction, allowing them to go on the defensive. They did not say if anyone was inside the business at the time of the fire, but said no one was injured, including firefighters, and that everyone is accounted for.

The building is a complete loss, fire officials said. The car and truck batteries also appear to still be intact and on their pallets.

The cause of the fire and where exactly it started is still under investigation. Fire officials say they believe it could have started near the body shop area, but will not be able to confirm that until an official investigation is complete.

The fire was declared struck out at 8:20 p.m.

Less than one day ago, a massive fire engulfed a pallet yard in West Town . While no injuries were reported, the blaze destroyed a nearly 50-year-old family business and continued smoldering and flaring up a day later. The cause of that fire is still under investigation.

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Could Ohio State make history in the 2025 NFL Draft? It’s possible

Could Ohio State make history in the 2025 NFL Draft? It’s possible

Last summer, Michigan had a loaded roster on paper. The Wolverines followed through on that potential by winning the national championship and then leading all college programs with 13 draft picks in April.

This summer, Ohio State has a veteran-stocked roster flush with soon-to-be NFLers. Plenty will happen between now and April 2025, but right now, I have draftable grades on 15 draft-eligible Buckeyes.


Ohio State had just four players selected in the 2024 NFL Draft — the program’s lowest number of the last decade. But the main reason for the Buckeyes’ “off year” was the number of players who elected to return to school, setting up a potential record-breaking draft class for head coach Ryan Day’s program.

Michigan’s 13 draft picks set a school record but fell shy of the modern-day NFL Draft standard of 15, set by Georgia in 2022. Ohio State will have a chance to compete for that mark in the 2025 NFL Draft. Let’s break it down:


A guide to scouting the 2025 NFL Draft: How our experts start the process

Preseason top 100 draft grades

Dt tyleik williams (6-foot-2 1/2, 325 pounds).

Williams was my favorite player of this group to study — don’t be surprised if he is the first Buckeye selected next April. He plays with outstanding run awareness and the point-of-attack strength to stack, detach and make stops at the line of scrimmage.

With prospects like Williams, Michigan’s Mason Graham and a few others, defensive tackle should be well represented early in next year’s draft.

Edge JT Tuimoloau (6-4 1/8, 268)

I don’t think anyone would use the word “dominant” to describe Tuimoloau’s 2023 tape. But his motor, savvy and big-man athleticism consistently show up on film, and he gives blockers all they can handle while rushing the quarterback or stopping the run. Considered a borderline first-rounder by NFL scouts had he entered the 2024 NFL Draft, Tuimoloau has work to do this season to cement a top-32 spot.

RB Quinshon Judkins (5-11 1/8, 219)

An Ole Miss transfer, Judkins announced himself as a future NFL back with a combined 2,725 rushing yards and 34 touchdowns the past two seasons in the SEC. For a bigger back, he runs with nimble feet and quick reads to gash the defense with his physical run style (the play below is only a 5-yard gain, but it would have been a negative play for most backs).

Judkins has the talent to be a top-60 pick and an NFL starter.

RB TreVeyon Henderson (5-10, 214)

Given the nature of the running back position, Henderson was the most surprising returnee among Ohio State’s underclassmen last year.

He is built low to the ground to grind through contact and also shows wiggle in his lower body to shake defenders in space. With his receiving skills and take-it-the-distance talent, Henderson will enter the season as the top senior prospect at his position.

CB Denzel Burke (5-11 1/4, 193)

After a standout freshman season in 2021, Burke had an up-and-down sophomore campaign. But he bounced back well last season as a junior and surprised many when he bypassed a potential top-100 draft spot to return to Columbus. He needs to be more consistent as a tackler and when making early contact once his back is to the quarterback, but with a strong final season, Burke can be the first senior defensive back drafted in April.


Re-ranking the 2020 NFL Draft class: Who are the top 5 players at each position?

WR Emeka Egbuka (6-0 3/4, 204)

Although he’s not a no-doubt first-rounder like recent Ohio State receivers Marvin Harrison Jr. , Garrett Wilson and Chris Olave , Egbuka has the skill set of an NFL starter. Working mostly out of the slot for the Buckeyes, he is tough to cover and has quarterback-friendly ball skills. His 2023 season was interrupted by a midseason ankle procedure, but a healthy Egbuka will enter this year as the No. 1 senior wide receiver prospect in my rankings.

Edge Jack Sawyer (6-4 1/4, 265)

Sawyer isn’t the most deceptive pass rusher, but he is always in chase mode with the balanced athleticism to slip blockers and heavy hands to create movement. He led the Buckeyes last season in sacks (6.5) and forced fumbles (two) and projects as a long-time quality NFL starter.

CB Davison Igbinosun (6-1 3/4, 190)

After spending his freshman season at Ole Miss, Igbinosun transferred to Ohio State last year and earned a starting role. With Burke on the other side, offenses weren’t shy throwing at Igbinosun — which led to plenty of volatility on his 2023 tape. He needs to play with better control in coverage, but his length and athleticism will give him a shot to be drafted on Day 2.

Preseason Day 3 draft grades

Lg donovan jackson (6-3 3/8, 318).

It is easy to see why Jackson was a five-star recruit out of high school. He has the traits to be a Day 2 draft pick but needs to improve his timing, finish and overall consistency as a senior to cement a top-100 grade. Based on early scouting, it doesn’t appear to be a strong interior O-line draft class, which would help Jackson.


Revisiting Dane Brugler's initial 2024 NFL Draft top 50 board

CB Jordan Hancock (6-0, 190)

Playing primarily as a nickel, Hancock put himself on the NFL radar last season and has earned draftable grades from NFL scouts. Now in his fourth year in Columbus, he will be looking to take another positive step and improve upon his mid-round draft grade.

QB Will Howard (6-4, 243)

Ohio State received solid quarterback play in 2023 — but solid isn’t good enough in Columbus. Can Howard be a substantial upgrade over Kyle McCord ? The Kansas State transfer is a good-sized athlete with the mobility to evade the rush and keep plays alive. At times, Howard can be too willing to throw into tight coverage, but he also shows the anticipation needed to be a consistent downfield passer.

S Lathan Ransom (6-1, 205)

Ransom was expected to be a mid-round draft pick in the 2024 class, but a non-contact foot injury last November altered those plans and he returned to Ohio State for one more season. He plays with the range and read-and-drive quickness that demand the attention of NFL scouts.

LB Sonny Styles (6-4 1/4, 239)

Is he a linebacker or safety? Or maybe stuck in between? Those are the questions being asked about Styles, a former five-star recruit with a ton of talent. He is more potential than production and must show improved anticipation in 2024. But he enters the season with draftable grades because of his intriguing promise.

DT Ty Hamilton (6-2 1/2, 295)

It can be easy to overlook Hamilton, as he shared time with Williams and Mike Hall Jr. on the 2023 tape. But he was more than a role player for the Buckeyes, using his physical hands to create push at the point of attack and disrupt the play. Hamilton is a late-round prospect.

LB Cody Simon (6-2 238)

Simon spent much of 2023 coming off the bench, but he filled a key role down the stretch as Ohio State dealt with injuries — he had his best performance against Missouri in the bowl game. With Tommy Eichenberg and Steele Chambers in the NFL, the Ohio State defense will rely on Simon’s veteran presence in the middle.

There are also several players considered priority free-agent-level prospects who can improve their statuses this season, including offensive linemen Seth McLaughlin , Josh Simmons and Josh Fryar . And there are other draft-eligible Buckeyes who haven’t put enough on film yet but could announce themselves as draftable prospects, like edge rushers Kenyatta Jackson Jr. and Caden Curry and linebacker C.J. Hicks .

(Photos of JT Tuimoloau and Emeka Egbuka: Justin Casterline / Getty Images; Ian Johnson / Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

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Dane Brugler

Dane Brugler is a national NFL writer for The Athletic covering the NFL Draft. He previously covered the NFL Draft for NFL Draft Scout and CBS Sports. Follow Dane on Twitter @ DPBrugler


Titans Get Impressive Grade for Offseason

Jeremy brener | jun 18, 2024.

Wide receiver Calvin Ridley (0) runs after a catch during Tennessee Titans practice at Ascension Saint Thomas Sports Park in Nashville, Tenn., Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

  • Tennessee Titans

The Tennessee Titans made a splash or two this offseason in hopes to get out of last place in the AFC South.

ESPN writer Seth Walder graded all 32 teams for their offseason work and gave the Titans a "B" for their efforts.

"Tennessee augmented its roster in two key ways --trading for and signing Sneed and signing wide receiver Calvin Ridley. Both moves come with upside. While I'm normally down on deals that involve giving up draft capital for the right to pay a player, I'm good in this case because the free agency pool typically lacks stars, the Titans had tons of money to spend, and again, they are in Year 2 of a rookie QB window," Walder writes.

The Titans had a good offseason, but it wasn't perfect. While they made some bold moves in free agency, the energy wasn't matched with the draft.

"My biggest gripe about the Titans' offseason is that they didn't trade down in the draft. In the first round they stood pat at No. 7 to take offensive tackle JC Latham, but you must wonder if they could have worked out a deal to move down with a QB-needy team such as the Vikings, Broncos or Raiders," Walder writes. "More egregiously, the Titans took defensive tackle T'Vondre Sweat in Round 2 at pick No. 38 -- one spot before the Rams gave up a fifth-round pick and a 2025 second-round pick to move from 52 to 39. That deal was likely also available to Tennessee."

The Titans certainly could have been more aggressive during the draft, but they got the guys they wanted. Latham and Sweat should be Day 1 starters, and if both of them can contribute immediately, the gripe against them being aggressive in the draft will go away.

The draft decisions made by general manager Ran Carthon over the past two years will be put to the test this season, and a lot of that pressure will be put on Will Levis's shoulders. If Levis makes that second-year leap, the Titans will be a threat in the AFC. If not, they will have to go back to the drawing board, and Carthon's seat could start to warm up.

Make sure you bookmark All Titans for the latest news, exclusive interviews, film breakdowns and so much more!

  • Titans Training Camp Start Date Revealed
  • Titans Chances to Win AFC South Revealed
  • AFC South Rankings: Titans QB Surpasses Anthony Richardson
  • Titans Should Sign Former Broncos All-Pro
  • ESPN Makes Predictions For Titans QB Will Levis

Jeremy Brener


KXAN Austin

TEA releases 2024 STAAR results for grades 3-8

by: Erica Pauda

Posted: Jun 15, 2024 / 09:01 PM CDT

Updated: Jun 15, 2024 / 09:01 PM CDT

AUSTIN (KXAN) — The Texas Education Agency (TEA) released its Spring 2024 STAAR assessment results for grades 3-8, which showed mathematics and science performance across all grade levels declined.

TEA said in a news release that this decrease in math proficiency had not “recovered to pre-pandemic levels.”

“Results from the 2024 STAAR 3-8 assessments reveal the significant gaps in mathematics achievement across our schools. While we continue to see progress in other areas – which is a testament to the dedication and skill of our Texas educators – it’s clear that math performance is not where students need it to be for success after graduation,” said Texas Education Commissioner, Mike Morath, in the release.

yachtskipper 3 grad

Moreover, results in the reading-language arts assessment showed proficiency for students varied across grades. Grades 3, 5 and 8 showed a decrease, with each dropping by 2%, the release said. Students in grades 4 and 6 “rose by three and four percentage points.” Furthermore,

yachtskipper 3 grad

Lastly, results showed a “percentage of students who scored on grade level in social studies held steady, mirroring results from 2023,” the release said.

yachtskipper 3 grad

The Spring 2024 STAAR test for high school students released earlier this month, showed mostly “steady performance” by students since the test’s redesign in 2023, according to TEA.

If parents would like to view their child’s STAAR 308 results, they can log on to the TEA family portal at TexasAssessment.gov .

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Are banks, post offices, UPS and FedEx open on Juneteenth 2024? Here's what to know

yachtskipper 3 grad

If you need to visit a bank or post office this week, you may want to consider going before or after Wednesday.

That's because Wednesday, June 19 is Juneteenth , a holiday that commemorates the day when Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas in 1865 with 2,000 Union troops to proclaim that more than 250,000 enslaved Black people in the state were free – two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863.

Juneteenth, known as American's Second Independence Day , has been commemorated as a federally-recognized holiday since 2021, providing millions of Americans with a paid day off and the opportunity to commemorate the end of slavery.

While most restaurants, grocery and retail stores will be open on the holiday, banks and the United States Postal Service will be closed.

Here's what you need to know about banks, post offices and shipping services, and whether or not they'll be open on Juneteenth.

Learn more: Best current CD rates

What's open and closed on Juneteenth?: Details on Costco, Walmart, Starbucks, Target, more

White House Juneteenth celebration: The White House's Juneteenth celebration includes a concert: Who will perform?

When is Juneteenth 2024?

Juneteenth is always celebrated on June 19. This year, the date falls on a Wednesday.

Is the post office open on Juneteenth? Will mail be delivered?

All post offices will be closed for retail transactions and there will be no regular residential or business mail deliveries on Wednesday, June 19, the USPS confirmed to USA TODAY.

Priority Mail Express is available 365 days a year, including federal holidays.

Are banks open on Juneteenth?

Branches of Capital One, Bank of America, PNC, Truist, CitiBank and JPMorgan Chase will be closed on Juneteenth, the companies confirmed to USA TODAY. Capital One Cafes will remain open.

Is UPS open on Juneteenth? Will packages be delivered?

UPS pickup and delivery services will be available on Juneteenth, according to the company's website. UPS Store locations will also be open.

Check with your local store for specific hours of operation.

Is FedEx open on Juneteenth? Will packages be delivered?

FedEx pickup and delivery services will be available on June 19, according to the company's website. FedEx Office locations will also be open.

Contributing: Eric Lagatta, USA TODAY

Gabe Hauari is a national trending news reporter at USA TODAY. You can follow him on X  @GabeHauari  or email him at [email protected] .

3 shot, 1 killed, in Grand Boulevard

Preliminary evidence indicates multiple assailants opened fire early sunday morning in the 4500 block of south evans avenue, according to chicago police..

Police cars with their lights flashing.

Three people were shot, one fatally, on June 16, 2024, in Grand Boulevard.

Google Maps

Three people were shot, one fatally, early Sunday in Grand Boulevard on the South Side.

The shooting happened about 12:25 a.m. in the 4500 block of South Evans Avenue, according to Chicago police.

A man, 35, was struck in the chest and taken to University of Chicago Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead, police said.

He was identified as Christopher Rocquemore by the Cook County medical examiner’s office.

Another man, 38, suffered a gunshot wound to the chest and was transported to the same hospital in critical condition, police said.

The third victim, a woman, 26, was shot in the buttocks and taken to the same hospital in good condition, police said.

Preliminary evidence indicates multiple assailants fled on foot, police said. There was no one in custody.

President Joe Biden (left) stands with former President Barack Obama onstage during a campaign fundraiser at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles on June 15, 2024. (Photo by Mandel NGAN / AFP) (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

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24 mdr. maskintjeneste, heraf 12 mdr. som min. Skibsmaskinist af 2. grad. 5 år. III/3. Sønæringsbevis. Maskinmester. Bevis som Skibsmaskinist af 2. grad. 12 mdr. maskintjeneste *fartstid som aspirant tæller ikke med i de 12 måneder. Heller ikke hvis fartstid er optjent efter bestået eksamen.

Yachtskipper af 3. grad - vinteren 2023/2024 ... For Yachtskipper 3 kursister, der ikke allerede har disse kurser, må påregnes et gebyr på kr. 350,- til dækning af materialer (+ morgenbrød og kaffe/te på kursus dagen). Skulle dette "tillægskursus" give overskud, doneres beløbet til Aarhusbugtens lokale redningsselskab "Nordfalcken". ...

Et kursus i Yachtskipper 3. grad er en højere uddannelse inden for sejlsport er rettet mod erfarne sejlere, som ønsker at føre større både på længere rejser og ud i åbent hav. Forløbet henvender sig til erfarne sejlere, der enten allerede har bestået Duelighedsprøven eller har tilsvarende erfaring. Deltagerne forventes at have en ...

Det fulde pensum til Yachtskipper af 3 grad. Samlet i en bog. Bogen opfylder pensum krav hos alle prøveudbydere i Danmark, som er godkendt af Søfartsstyrelsen. Herunder Dansk fritidssejlerunion og Dansk sejlunion. Ny 2021 udgave.

Sønæringsbevis som yachtskipper af 3. grad giver ret til at føre fritidsfartøjer med en skroglængde på 15 meter og derover, men under 24 meter, i fart i Østersøen, i Nordsøen og den Engelske Kanal, samt fart på de Britiske Øer, Irland, Norge, Færøerne og langs Grønlands kyster i en afstand af ikke over 30 sømil fra kysten.

Yachtskipper 1 er et kursus, hvor krav og pensum er fastlagt af den danske stat. Kurset er en fortsættelse af Yachtskipper 3, hvor viden og færdigheder udbygges og bruges i praksis til udarbejdelse af sejlplan for en oceansejlads. Pensum fra Yachtskipper 3 udbygges med tidevand, ocean meteorologi, storcirkelsejlads, sejladsplanlægning af ...

I waited over 6 months before treatment with a 4+3 unfavorable tumor. So yes, take your time and find the best doctors. Just my opinion, but I believe a cancer center of excellence will be your best choice. If Pca on one side is a lower grade small percentage 3+3 you may still be a candidate for Focal.

Thursday, June 20, 2024 3:43AM Chicago fire crews struck out another commercial fire on the city's West Side in the 2800 block of Grand Avenue at California Avenue.

Preseason Day 3 draft grades LG Donovan Jackson (6-3 3/8, 318) It is easy to see why Jackson was a five-star recruit out of high school. He has the traits to be a Day 2 draft pick but needs to ...

The Tennessee Titans made a splash or two this offseason in hopes to get out of last place in the AFC South. ESPN writer Seth Walder graded all 32 teams for their offseason work and gave the ...

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) released its Spring 2024 STAAR assessment results for grades 3-8, which showed mathematics and science performance across all grade levels declined.

If you need to visit a bank or post office this week, you may want to consider going before or after Wednesday. That's because Wednesday, June 19 is Juneteenth, a holiday that commemorates the day ...

3 shot, 1 killed, in Grand Boulevard Preliminary evidence indicates multiple assailants opened fire early Sunday morning in the 4500 block of South Evans Avenue, according to Chicago police.



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  17. Top 10 Boat Movies: Best Sailing Films to Watch

    From pirates to hidden treasure and more, this is one of the best sailing movies for families. While a private yacht charter won't get you tangled up with wild pirate chases and searches for buried treasure, this family film will certainly bring out the adventurer in you before your own sailing trip. Watch the trailer! 10. The Love Boat (1977-1987)

  18. Superyacht KISMET gets blown up in '6 Underground' movie

    With an A-list cast which includes Ryan Reynolds, 6 Underground promises high-speed drama, exhilarating action and a closer look at the world's 57th largest yacht KISMET . The yacht is at the centre of some explosive scenes- including one where she gets blown up with the help of CGI software. Filming for the Netflix movie took place in October ...

  19. Die Yacht

    Die Yacht - Ein mörderischer Trip ist ein Film von Alessio Liguori mit Marco Bocci, Diane Fleri. Synopsis: Flavio (Filippo Nigro) und Elena (Diana Fleri) laden ihre besten Freunde (Marco Bocci ...

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