The Top Sailboat Manufacturers (According to Sailors)

Whether you are buying or chartering a boat, or whether you simply want to stay informed, you might be asking the question: who are the top sailboat manufacturers? As is the case with most 'who's the best' questions, the answer isn't simple. So this article takes a stroll among the crowds and asks - “who's your favorite?” .

best american sailing yacht builders

What are the top sailboat manufacturers?

Groupe beneteau.

This is the ultimate all-star list. Now let’s see why.

First of all - I want to make this lineup relatively short. There are tens of names that bounce around when you ask about favorite manufacturers, and if I had made this a long list, in the end, it wouldn’t represent the famous all-stars that really stand out in the eyes of the people. If you want a longer, less detailed list, check out our article about 50 popular sailboat brands . This time though, we are looking only at the manufacturer champions of the ‘popular choice’ contest.

“This is a loaded question!”, the internet forums yell, “there are thousands of options!”, they cry, enraged, “it’s not about the boat, but about the crew!” they scream. But we don’t give up and continue, determined to find out who you all like the most.

Cover Image : Bavaria Cruiser 55 - Copyright BavariaYachtbau under CC BY-SA 4.0

I know, I know, I hear you. Let’s start with the cons of these boats to quench the thirst of the bloodthirsty critics. Yes, Wallys are very costly, they go all the way up to tens of millions of dollars and so won’t be more than a bedroom poster for most of the readers.

That’s about it when it comes to the negatives, though. The reason they made it on this list despite their price tag is that they are pioneers in many aspects. Visually they are beyond gorgeous, and their price allows for exquisite build quality. The cost of these hi-end racer/cruisers means they aren’t particularly user friendly since most users won’t be able to use them, but just as Rolls Royce belongs on the list of the best cars, Wally belongs on the list of the best boats. They are the brainchild of Luca Bassani, founder and chief of the brand, a stylish Italian man who knows what’s right.

And it is this poster worthiness that gained them popularity among the crowds. A video of a simple Atlantic crossing on a 100 foot Wally has millions of views not necessarily because that particular journey would be exciting, in fact, it is quite an uneventful one, but because it is on a boat that makes the design junkies salivate. The Wally designs alone were the reason these boats made it into Hollywood feature films and series, and if you look at one, you’ll understand why. This is what happens when extravaganza meets good taste and has all the money in the world to realize the idea.

What do they make in terms of sailboats? Superyachts around 100 ft long, each focused on sporty cruising, design, and comfort. They only make custom sailboats, no factory models here. Buying a used one is a safe situation, they hold up even after a long time both in terms of quality, performance as well as design. During their existence, Wally only made a handful of boats, so if you ever stumble upon one, take a selfie. It is like meeting a celebrity.

best american sailing yacht builders

To level the scales, let’s now jump at the opposite side of the spectrum and have a look at Catalina, the people pleaser. If Wally was the Rolls Royce of the boating world, Catalina is the Ford, making, as they say, “honest, sturdy boats that hold up to real-world conditions, perform well and cost less to maintain”. The mission of this company then seems to be to make boats as practical as possible for the common folk. That means: a practical interior layout, practical handling, and last but definitely not least, a practical price.

And this strategy has worked out well - according to experiences of hundreds of thousands of sailors, Catalinas stand up to their reputation of a boat that’s got your back. It is one of the largest boat producers in the world, with over sixty thousand of its boats sailing the world. Boat manufacturers oftentimes go through quite a lot of rough patches, that turn into bankruptcy for many, it isn’t an easy business to be in, but Catalina has been on a roll for decades. And this success has come with its perks - the business stability allowed for some impressive manufacturing facilities, which helps mass production, which in turn helps drive the price down. So with Catalina, you’ll likely be getting more bang for your buck than from their competition.

They make boats ranging from tiny daysailers all the way to 50-foot seaworthy vessels. What made them the most famous though are their mid-sized cruisers - the staple of the classical American sailing fan. Whether you like it or not, slow and steady is the name of the game when it comes to mainstream, and that is precisely what Catalina understands so well. They don’t take large risks. Their models are long-running with slight tweaks and facelifts, concepts that don’t surprise or insult, but offer stability. This conservativeness has been what some sailors hold against Catalinas, which is easy to understand when looking at many other brands that offer more in terms of fanciness, but this is the Catalina way, and it has worked out splendidly for them.

The long years of experience make for a great manufacturer that makes boats which won’t be the fastest, won’t be the prettiest or the boldest in terms of design or technological innovation, but they will do precisely what they are made to do - their job.

best american sailing yacht builders

Bavaria is to Europe what Catalina is to the United States. Affordable, practical, nothing special, but does what it’s supposed to. It is the main diet of many Mediterranean sailors. To stay with the cars equivalent, just because I like it so much, if Catalinas were the Ford, Bavarias would be the Volkswagen. They are generally cheaper than Catalinas but don’t see that as an indicator, sailors can’t seem to find one or the other significantly worse or better in build quality. There are of course a few voices rooting for one or the other, but that can be assigned to fandom rather than to actual benefits. The price difference is there partly due to a different manufacturing process, the Bavaria factories are more efficient (they are German after all), and the production is more streamlined, allowing cutting costs without cutting corners.

Reliability, ease of use, and affordability are aspects that lead the design decisions here - which is what makes them so prevalent in charter companies. Even a nonexperienced sailor can get on a Bavaria and operate it with relative ease. But as I’ve been told by the boss of an unnamed charter company, after five or so years, you will start to feel the lower price tag as their reliability starts to go down unless money is put into repairs. With an older Bavaria, you will feel its age more than with other manufacturers. As one owner puts it, they tend to get “quite exhausted”.

So in case you belong among the Bavaria fans and have your eye on a used one, keep the above sentences in mind and when shopping, make sure you understand the ‘health’ of the boat in question. Moreover, be aware of the difference between a boat that was used by a handful of sailors over the years versus one that was chartered to more people than you could count. In other words, you wouldn’t want to buy a few-year-old rental car because who knows what the poor thing had to suffer, - especially since you can bet that many of the clients weren’t particularly good sailors due to generous sailing license policies in Croatia, which allows virtually anybody to ‘become a sailor’ within hours for a friendly fee.

What can you expect when you get on one? Good things - the manufacturers know what their products are used for, and that is why Bavarias are designed as easy comfortable cruisers. Everything you need to have within reach will be within reach, to the point of you having something to hold on almost all the time wherever you go through the boat - Bavaria knows well that many of its users won’t have their ‘sea legs’ and act accordingly. Even smaller models have generous amounts of space because it is the smaller models that are charter kings - Bavaria gives a lot of attention to them. The layouts will be comfy, so Bavarias make good boats for longer voyages - pair that with reliability and price and you will understand why the vox populi speaks so fondly of them.

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The reason I am mentioning the name of the parent company here is that they own both Beneteau and Jeanneau, brands that are distinguishable on the surface, but if you look close enough, you will find them pretty similar, down to the fact that they are produced in the same factory. So since both Beneteau and Jeanneau are very popular sailor’s choices, both deserve a place on this list, but dedicating a subchapter to each would feel like making a duplicate.

By the way, Groupe Beneteau also owns Lagoon, a renowned catamaran maker, Prestige, luxury yacht manufacturer, Monte Carlo Yachts, CNB Yacht builder, the semi-custom sailboat maker, Four Winns, Glastron, Scarab, Wellcraft, Excess, and Delphia… some of these make motor yachts only, but if you combine fans of all of these, you get a sizable crowd. This company has figured out what people of various tastes want and serves quite a few of these niches.

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Business aside, let’s see how this French company managed to find its way into the hearts of so many. Well, first of all, they are French. So chic style is to be expected. And with this, fans come. Image wise (and design-wise to a bit) Jeanneau is the sporty one that sails better, while Beneteau aims at the family comfort market. But on both, you will feel loved by the designer. They are made to make you feel good when you use them, and they’ll spoil you with luxury that fits within the specific price tag.

Comfort is a big deal here. On Jeanneaus for instance, you will sometimes find quite unique layouts, often different from the traditional ones, to really pamper the sailors - such as their two master bedroom setup, with the stern one being under the cockpit. A lot of them come with the 360 docking system, which allows you to move the boat around with a joystick and makes maneuvering in marinas so easy you feel like you are cheating. Or consider their decision to make the hull finer to cut through the water better, resulting in less movement - something that helps with comfort. All of this comes for a price but less so than you would expect since the buying power of the enormous Groupe Beneteau helps with shaving off dollars where smaller manufacturers couldn’t. This is, for instance, the reason why they can afford to use wood on their crafts to an extent you wouldn’t expect from a production boat for that price - again, buying volume allows for this even without you necessarily having to pay the expected premium.

Of course, you will mostly find them in Europe, where they are plentiful in marinas, though the aforementioned Bavarias dominate as far as numbers go. But that is mostly because of charters, since last year, over 80 percent of chartered boats were Bavarias. As personal boats, products of Groupe Beneteau belong among the top choices.

best american sailing yacht builders

Now, this is a bit of a tricky one. The manufacturer doesn’t exist anymore, in fact, it produced boats from 1960 to 1989, making it over thirty years old, but despite that, the Cal models are still a favorite and worthy member of the cruising as well as performance world.

During the company’s existence, almost twenty thousand boats were built, partially because they were one of the first brands to mass-produce fiberglass sailboats. That, along with Cal models winning impressively in races, helped them to make a name for themselves, a name that still sounds to this day.

best american sailing yacht builders

Why is it on this list? Partially because of its prevalence on the seas, partially because of its prevalence in internet forums and pub talks. Cal sailboats are loved by their owners mostly for their responsiveness when under sail, good build quality, (even though many say the interior could have been done way better) as well as reliability even after long years of use. Many of the design features have indeed been improved since, so if thirty years ago you could dominate races with Cals, today you won’t be on the lightest and most up to date boat around anymore. But you won’t be sailing a cruiser either. The boat might not be a pureblood racer, but it was built with racing in mind. Which might give the more sporty ones of your peace of mind that no Bavaria or any traditional cruiser will provide.

Quite a few owners say though that the success from the sixties gained Cal a name that you will pay for when buying one. If you are one of those who want to make sure they are paying for physical value rather than reputation, this might be a dealbreaker for you. There is a certain portion of slight arrogance that comes with racing success, one that shows in later models. But given the brand’s popularity, this is not too big of a deal.

So if cruising is your goal, if long crossings are what you desire, if you simply want a boat that was built with honesty and can take you basically anywhere you want, Cals are a safe bet. You’ll be joining a big, happy and an old family. And an affordable one at that.

In conclusion

To sum it all up, it seems that practicality, affordability, and reliability are the main factors that influence whether a sailboat manufacturer will become popular among sailors or not. As well as extravagant design and beauty, but that’s another story.

There have been many shipyards throughout the ages, some long-lasting, some surviving but a couple of years. Each tried to come up with an angle to sell well. Sometimes it was quirky design, and sometimes it was an intriguing feature, sometimes it was the use of new technology. Sometimes it worked out quite well, other times it did not. But in the end what sailors seem to want is a boat that will not fail them when they need it the most, a boat that is well built enough to cross oceans, because that gives one a sense of freedom and a boat that is built with the user-friendliness in mind. Simply, a boat that is your good friend.

A road to a sailor’s heart is simple, after all.

Daniel O'Connell

Really good article. I was enlightened.

Dan O’Connell

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America’s 10 Best Yacht Builders

Yacht At Last side view

In America, the yachting industry might not be as established. Yet, today, America’s best luxury yacht builders continue to put out award-winning and state-of-the-art designs. Who are America’s best yacht builders?

From Christensen to Trinity, we countdown the best yacht builders in America and highlight what makes each shipyard unique. Here are our favorites:

1. Christensen

Christensen is one of the most established yacht builders in the U.S., and the company is known for its completely custom yachts. Each yacht the company produces is designed according to owner specifications.

Known for its classic hull design, and upscale finishes, Christensen produces some of the most luxurious superyachts in the U.S. That’s thanks in part to the builder’s in-house design team. Many other builders outsource design. Plus, the builder is known for its exquisite interiors, featuring spacious layouts and the finest finishes. Christensen also regularly wins innovation awards for their efficient and powerful displacement systems and state-of-the-art stabilization.

2. Westport

Since 1964, Westport has been a leader in yacht design and manufacturing in the U.S. And its earned a reputation for developing sporty, classically-styled superyachts.

That wasn’t always the case. Originally, Westport designed and built commercial fishing vessels, but today, Westport focuses exclusively on luxury motor yachts, including 34-, 38-, 40- and 50-meter yachts. Westport’s raised pilothouse and tri-deck yachts feature classic nautical hulls with modern touches. The interiors are sleek and comfortable and known for their spacious outdoor deck areas.

3. Derecktor

Derecktor is one of the country’s oldest yacht builders. It was founded on Long Island, NY in 1947, and during its early years, the company produced commercial fishing and passenger vessels. (Even today, Derecktor manufacturers high-speed ferries for cities around the world.)

Derecktor’s output has changed quite a bit in its 70-year history. Today, the company continues to build commercial vessels, but it’s also a top builder of custom motor yachts. Derecktor produces both explorer yachts and motor yachts, and many of its luxury motor yachts feature explorer-inspired designs. Many Derecktor yachts, for example, feature towering superstructures positioned forward. This opens up an abundance of aft-deck space for outdoor dining areas, beach clubs, and even helipads.

In addition to style, Derecktor yachts are renowned for their performance. They might be sizable. But they’re fast, and the ride is stable.

4. Hatteras

Hatteras is a legendary name in American shipbuilding, known for its high-speed and beautiful motor yachts. Initially, the shipyard focused entirely on sportfish yachts – something they’re still known for today. Yet, the company’s line-up of motor yachts offers the best of the best in luxury yachting.

Hatteras offers a full range of superyachts, including the 100 RPH, a stunning 102-foot raised pilothouse motoryacht, and the M90. Hatteras certainly shows its sporty roots in all of its designs; Hatteras exteriors are sleek and streamlined, sharing design details with its sportfish line.

At Trinity , size is the name of the game. The Gulfport-based shipyard produces yachts up to 123 meters (400 feet), including some of the largest luxury yachts ever built in the U.S.

The yachtbuilder has many signatures. For example, classic nautical architecture is one. Trinity produces some of the most inspiring superstructure designs that feature sleek lines and an abundance of glass. When you charter a Trinity yacht, you’ll have plenty of places to relax, as most of their designs incorporate an abundance of deck space. In the past, that’s include beautiful sky lounges and sprawling aft-deck dining/bar areas.

Below deck, Trinity yachts delivers spacious layouts. The yachtbuilder is know for their opulent owner’s suites and staterooms, as well as stunning salons.

6. Broward Marine

Founded by legendary boatbuilder Frank Denison in the 1950s, Broward Marine has been a leader in superyacht design throughout its history. For example, in 1954, Broward launched its first luxury superyacht, ALISA V. At the time, the 96-footer was a behemoth – similar in grandness to today’s megayachts of 150+ feet.

The Alisa paved a path for the company, which shifted its focus exclusively to luxury motoryachts. In the 1980s, for example, Broward was quick to respond to the trend of the superyachts; Broward sold some 80 yachts in the 1980s, an impressive sales feat.

Under new management in the early 2000s, the company continued its focus on stunning megayachts in the 100- to 160-foot range. Broward yachts are grand in scale, with stunning tri-deck and raised pilothouse designs, and they’re also some of the first to feature farmhouse kitchens. Today, the company focuses primarily on refits, but many of their majestic yachts are still available for charter.

7. Hargrave

Hargrave has been producing yachts since the 1950s, and throughout its history, the shipyard has built a reputation for inspiring yacht designs. In fact, the company initially only focused on design. Founder Jack Hargrave, the famed nautical designer, worked closely with other top U.S. yacht builders including Burger and Hatteras, helping to launch numerous brands.

In 1997, the company transitioned from design to designing and building its own luxury yachts. The company quickly made a name for itself. Hargrave has won numerous awards for its sporty tri-decks and sportfish-inspired motoryachts. Hargrave yachts feature contemporary interiors, matched with sleek profiles.

A Horizon yacht has a distinctive look. The company’s yachts have stately exteriors with tons of classic nautical architectural details. Inside, too, Horizon yachts have a lot of character. Most Horizon yachts feature sprawling windows, creating light and airy interior spaces.

Today, the company produces yachts in the 56- to 150-foot range, and their offerings include power catamarans, tri-decks and raised pilothouse motor yachts.

If you’re looking for a power cat, that’s a Horizon specialty. The company’s PC Series features a range of mid-sized power cats up to about 80 feet, with numerous concept yachts in the works. Yet, Horizon does it all. You’ll find Horizon yachts in just about any style, from Fast Displacement yachts (FD Series), to customized tri-decks (CC Series).

The Burger Boat Company is one of the most historic shipbuilders in the U.S. Originally launched in 1863, the company has built more than 500 yachts in its history (more than 250 of which are still in operation). The company was a pioneer in steel yacht building, but today, Burger primary builds aluminum yachts.

Burger produces a range of custom tri-deck motor yachts, ranging from 112- to 214-foot motor yachts. Burger boats have a distinctive look and feel. They have spacious deck areas, like the wrap-around deck on its current 214-foot tri-deck concept, as well as innovative exterior lounge areas.

10. Delta Marine

For more than 50 years, Delta Marine has been producing world-class motor yachts from its headquarters in Seattle. The boatbuilder is known for its sleek exterior designs. Delta Marine yachts feature clean, flowing lines throughout, and the company produces a range of raised pilothouse and tri-deck motor yachts.

Plus, the interiors are completely custom. As such, no two Delta Marine yachts look the same, and the interiors are as unique as their owners. Delta yachts are also well-known for their performance. Many feature performance-minded hulls, and feature state-of-the-art displacement systems.

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Since Huckins was first launched in 1928, our yachts have been and continue to be as unique as the people for whom they are created. By designing and building yachts with our customers — not just for them — we champion individuality in a world that sees fewer examples every day.

But don't let Huckins' classic elegance give you the wrong impression. This is not your grandfather's yacht, and our high-performance hulls certainly aren't hewn from wood. Huckins has been utilizing fiberglass composite core construction for 40 years (initially AIREX ® and today Corecell ™ ), and we were one of the first powerboat builders to do so. All of our yachts are built from the most modern materials available to reduce weight, increase strength and maximize fuel efficiency.

A Huckins isn't for everyone, but we make no apologies. For those who appreciate uniqueness and custom craftsmanship, our yachts represent timeless elegance. Visions come to life. And dreams come true. Not to mention the lightest, sweetest-handling and fuel-stingiest yachts ever to put miles between you and the fuel dock.

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58' Huckins Offshore "Kemosabe"

This 3 stateroom/3 head layout radiates elegance and distinction. Late model classic Huckins repowered in 2010 with QSM11 Cummins 670 HP. Epoxy glassed exterior and epoxy bilges when built. Traditional mahogany paneling in salon and owners stateroom. The fly-bridge and large cockpit make her a practical fishing boat as well as a fast, seaworthy, blue water family cruiser.

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10 Best Yacht Manufacturers In USA

10 Best Yacht Manufacturers In USA

Since the 1900s, did you know that the USA joined the list of the nations with the best yacht makers? So, which firms in the USA make quality yachts?

Well, the answers are right here. We’ll talk about the 10 American yacht builders.

In the USA, there’s no rich history of boat making. Though, today, there are builders that make quality yachts.

Starting from the Trinity and down Burger in Wisconsin, you’ll love what these firms do. They are in various states in the USA.

The yachts are in different models and prices. So, get ready as we look at these great USA companies.

Best American Yacht Builders

1. lyman-morse.


The Lyman-Morse company makes yachts using different hull materials. They build custom and semi-custom boats.

It has been operating since 1978. This firm makes boats with beautiful designs and great technology.

Cabot Lyman and his family own this firm. You’ll get them in Midcoast, Maine, USA. Expect to get boats with wood, aluminum, or fiberglass hull .

Their yachts have a size ranging from 20 to 30.5 meters. One of their new boats in the market is the Stephens Waring. It’s 20 meters long and with a hull made from wood.

This firm also retails yachts . Also, they handle OEM buyers. Besides, Lyman-Morse can refit, service, store, or repair yachts.

Their best yachts include LM46 Hull 2 and Hood 35 LM 1. These crafts have one of the best arts in the interior and exteriors.

Are you low on funds? Don’t worry; Lyman-Morse will make you a yacht that will fit your budget.

2. Christensen Shipyards


Do you want to make a boat according to how you picture it in mind? Then the Christensen firm will make you the best craft that you want.

This yacht firm is one of the best in the USA. You’ll get a yacht with one of the latest designs with lovely finishes.

Remember, many groups get architects from other places. But as for Christensen, they have an excellent art and design team.

Your yacht will have a large vacuum infusion. The feature will make your boat more potent than other steel boats. Also, you can trust this firm to repair and renew your old yacht.

You’ll get them in Vancouver, Washington. Dave Christensen, the founder, began this firm over 40 years ago.

In the 1980s, Dave ordered a fiberglass yacht . After that, many people loved the beauty of the boat. So, that’s how the firm began getting many orders.

Today, this firm has over 35 elegant yachts in the market. One of them is the excellent Silver Lining.

When you visit the Christensen firm, you’ll get them on the land of about 180 000 square feet. They have 120 boat makers that have a fantastic working experience.

3. Hargrave


It’s a firm that has made many yachts since the 1950s. Hargrave is famous for making 80-to-150-foot crafts. You’ll get them at Fort Lauderdale, FL, in the USA.

This company’s legend designer, Jack Hargrave started this company. During those times, this group designed yachts for other firms.

It helped various boat firms to their success. Some of the names are the Hatteras, Praire, Amels, and Burger.

The firm changed from designing to making luxury yachts in 1977. It’s from this point that they had a breakthrough.

In 1997, Jack died, and Michael Joyce took over as the CEO. Michael has similar thoughts as Jack’s.

This current CEO pushes the firm to use computers to bring out the best custom yachts. So, be sure to get an excellent craft from this firm.

Today, Hargrave makes eight to ten crafts at a go. It shows that their makers aim to give the best quality yachts to many people.

These yachts have raised pilot spaces for a better water view. Expect to love their tri-deck looks.

Their yachts have beautiful interiors. Also, Hargrave has won many awards because of their yachts.

4. Nordlund


At the heart of Tacoma in Washington, USA, this firm will give the best true custom yachts. They’ve been in the industry for at least 60 years.

The Nordlund family owns Nordlund in Washington. When you imagine a specific design, they’ll set up to do it and give you the best output.

Remember, they make boats every day. But they make different boats every time.

Each of their new yachts has a fiberglass hull that you can expand. Also, all crafts come with a building item for their super interior looks.

After the launch of a yacht , the maker will destroy the tool. It means that none of their boats will ever look the same. Here, you’ll get crafts from 40 to 115-feet long.

You’ll have beautiful galleys, cozy rooms, and high pilothouses inside the yacht. If you love fishing, the decks will give much space.

Besides making quality boats for you, Nordlund can also repair your yacht. Expect them to do a haul and inspect your vessel.

Never worry when your craft is old. This firm will make it look new.

5. Burger Boat


It’s also another firm that majors the custom crafts. The company has been making boats since 1863.

Burger has offices in Wisconsin, USA. Since Burger have been making boats for many years, expect quality yachts and services from them.

Remember, Burger started to operate from selling commercial yachts to custom ones. So, they sell both custom and retail crafts.

Here, they’ll make you a boat of any design you wish. Whether you want a double or tri-deck yacht, this firm will give it to you.

Their teams make their hulls using steel or aluminum . It means you’ll have strong vessels to use on seas and lakes.

Also, the interiors of these boats are sleek. Most of their boats’ inner parts come from quality wood.

One of their latest models is the Burger 48 yacht. It’s a semi-custom craft that’s 14.6 meters long. This boat has navy finishing done by Vripack.

6. Westport Yachts


You’ll get this group in Vancouver, Washington. It’s the biggest boat firm in North America.

Westport started to work in 1964. Since that time, the firm has made over 200 sporting and classic yachts.

Earlier on, Westport started by making large fishing boats. Today, they only focus on luxury crafts.

The company is best when you want a yacht on time, even with fewer funds. Also, their boats have beautiful designs.

Their teams can make yachts with sizes starting from 112 to 164 feet. Boat makers focus on a tech that makes fast and potent crafts.

Expect your yacht to have infusion and strong materials . These specs will make your craft last for a long time.

Your yacht will have sleek interiors. So, you’ll always feel cozy staying in it.

Each part of your yacht will have many specs. For example, expect it to have some detailed specs on the hull. The aim is to make your boat unique.

Some of their boats in the market are like the W164. It’s a vessel with specs that will make you fall for it every day.

7. Derecktor


This boat firm in New York is among the leading ones to customize a yacht for you. Also, Derecktor makes luxury moto yachts.

Derecktor began to operate in 1947. During the early years, they used to make fishing and passenger crafts. Today, they even make ferries for many cities.

Bob Derecktor began the firm using a simple shop in NY. So, Bob aimed to make the best boats in the world.

Today, the aim is an achievement for him. They also have other yards in FL and Maine, and they make quality yachts.

Here, all yachts have tall and forward structures. You’ll also get an aft deck with ample space.

These features allow you to hold many events and parties on board. Their yachts also have space to design a helipad.

Remember, you’ll get these specs in very few yachts. Well, it’s because the firm has a team that loves to explore different looks.

Besides the beauty of the craft, expect to get a yacht with fast and soft rides. The boat will always give you a wonderful time on the waters.

8. Delta Marine


The Seattle boat company also makes classy motor yachts. You’ll love them because they make crafts with sleek looks on the outsides and insides.

They are in Washington, USA. This firm has made unique yachts according to buyers’ designs for over 50 years.

Delta firm makes many tri-deck yachts with raised pilot rooms. You’ll never get any two Delta yachts that look the same.

The firm’s vessels do well on many lakes and seas. It’s because of their hulls and vital systems.

Remember, the firm uses aluminum and steel hulls. This technology is composite and makes the vessel strong for the waters.

Many captains , customers, and crews love their yachts because of their creative looks. Delta will always become great with every craft they make in the coming years.

Delta Marine’s custom yachts come in sizes of up to 100 meters. Not every boat firm in the USA can make yachts of this size.

Also, Delta works together with other designers to give you the best. The firm won’t let you down with what they make.

9. Horizon USA


Would you love to enjoy the beautiful view of the sea through your yacht’s large windows? Allow the Horizon to make such luxurious yachts for you.

Horizon is one of the most excellent Asian boat firms. They also have a yard in the USA, Europe, and Australia. Their yard is at the North Palm Beach, FL in the USA.

You’ll love Horizon because they make motor yachts with many classic details . Expect to find raised pilothouses and catamarans.

The firm began working in 1987. John Lu, Shan Chiai, and Cheng Shun were the founders.

Today, Lu is the CEO. This CEO has a passion for making dream yachts for you. At Horizon, you’ll get one of the best custom crafts.

Also, Horizon makes yachts that range from 15 to 47 meters long. Remember, these yachts have many luxury specs to make you feel cozy as you cruise.

Horizon can make you a yacht with windows that allow you to spread out your legs. Your vessel will have much light and air inside.

One of their best models today is their power cat (PC). Horizon has designed many models of PCs to meet different customers’ needs.

The firm focuses on great style and safe vessels . When you want to service or repair your yacht, they’ll also help you.

10. Hatteras


As for the Hatteras in North Carolina, they make solid and beautiful speed yachts. You’ll love their crafts because of their sleek hulls meant for sporting activities.

Hatteras has been selling boats for over 60 years. Expect them to make yachts that will give you the best experience on the waters.

Their story goes back to when Willis Slane, their founder, wanted to make a new fishing boat . Willis wanted a craft that would go through the strong waves on Cape Hatteras waters.

After that, the firm started under the name Kit Wits. It made a 41-feet fiberglass yacht. The vessel changed the game in the market.

It was from there that this firm changed its name to Hatteras. Today, they major in making boats with perfect details on many parts.

Hatteras now make excellent sportfish yachts. It’s what brings them many customers.

Also, you’ll find many of their superyachts in the world. One of the best ones is the 100 RPH. This yacht is beautiful and with a 102-feet raise.

Remember, this firm is the house of sporting roots. It’s because of their skilled teams. They’ll make you a boat beyond your imaginations.

Today, there are many boat-making firms in the USA. Most builders make boats in unique styles that make them stand out.

All the boat firms in the USA make custom yachts that will meet your desires. You’ll get much comfort.

The yacht makers will have your back when you have a yacht to repair. Remember, most firms have great designers that will give your craft the best looks.

Also, these companies have rich histories . It shows that they also have a great experience in making yachts.

So, among these firms, which ones do you trust to make your next yacht? Please don’t fear to let us know.

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The Top 10 Best Yacht Builders In The World

Best yacht builders list

Here is our list of the best yacht builders on earth. Deciding which shipyard will build your luxury yacht is a complex and deeply personal choice, depending on many factors including the level of customization you want, your budget, the location of the shipyard, and the ‘feel’ you get for the yard’s vision and people.

Our list of the best yacht builders is naturally subjective and will not feature every well-known brand. Our short selection includes a range of shipyards, from manufacturers of the some of the most iconic custom-built superyachts to hugely popular production yacht builders.

Here are the best yacht builders on earth, sorted by region.

Usa – best yacht builders.

Best yacht builders worldwide list: Westport

Westport is one of the dominant players in the American yacht-building market, with a hugely popular range of tri-deck and raised pilothouse motoryachts built from composite materials. Their models range from from the 112′ to 164′ (34m to 50m) series, allowing the yacht owner to customize the interior layout without the high cost and long timescale of fully-custom construction. As the largest American yacht building company in operation, Westport has a proud history of high quality yacht manufacturing dating back to 1964, with over 100 superyachts and over 170 fishing vessels launched from their Pacific Northwest Shipyard. Westport yachts are extremely popular in the US brokerage and charter market and have a reputation for holding their value well. View current Westport yachts for sale .

Christensen Yachts prides itself on the construction of American-built custom and semi-custom superyachts from fiberglass, including well known yachts M/Y CASINO ROYALE, M/Y SILVER LINING and award-winning M/Y ODESSA. Founded by superyacht owners, Christensen has a loyal following of yacht owners, many of whom are repeat customers. Currently producing yachts at its Vancouver, WA yard between 100’ to 165’ (35m to 50m) in length, Christensen was bought out in 2015 and is in the process of building America’s largest superyacht facility in Tennessee, which will construct vessels up to 70m. View current Christensen yachts for sale .

Northern Europe – Best Yacht Builders

German superyacht builder Lurssen is the builder of the largest superyacht in existence, the 590’ (180m) M/Y AZZAM, which was completed in an astonishingly quick three years. Known for superb build quality and large projects across its superyacht, naval vessel, as well as its’ yacht refit and management divisions, Lurssen is a family-run shipyard with a prestigious yacht building heritage spanning back to 1875, when it constructed the first ever motoryacht. Lurssen is the builder of 5 of the top 10 largest yachts in the world. View current Lurssen yachts for sale.

Feadship, Netherlands: For some yacht owners, the only name worth knowing is Feadship. This prestigious brand is synonymous with Dutch superyacht quality, and has a legion of steadfast and loyal fans. Dating back to 1849, Feadship creates fully custom yachts from a ‘blank slate’ beginning, priding themselves on creating supremely unique, innovative yachts that stand the test of time. There are 450 bespoke yachts currently afloat in the Feadship fleet, including M/Y HASNA, a 239’ (73m) with a revolutionary layout. Read more on Dutch yacht builders . View current Feadship yachts for sale .

Amels’ vast and high-tech superyacht facility is the largest in the Netherlands, producing iconic, high-value yachts up to 330’ (100m), including their 2017 flagship yacht, 272’ (83m) M/Y HERE COMES THE SUN. Amels offer a fully custom yacht building service, as well as their exceedingly popular Limited Edition Series, whereby the yacht owner retains control over interior and exterior design but the yacht is built on a proven platform, thereby slashing the build time. Amels also builds support yachts through their parent company, DAMEN, a heavyweight in global shipbuilding. View current Amels yachts for sale .

Dutch yacht builder Heesen is known for its aluminum and steel superyachts and innovative use of technology, as seen in the revolutionary fast displacement hull form first seen in the multi-award winning M/Y GALACTICA STAR, and the hybrid propulsion utilized in the 2017 launch of M/Y HOME. With a fleet of over 170 yachts launched since inception in 1978, Heesen is known for pushing the boundaries of what is possible in superyacht design and engineering. Heesen builds motoryachts between 100’ to 265’ (30m to 80m) in length at its Oss shipyard. View current Heesen yachts for sale .

Now owned by Lurssen, Blohm + Voss is a yachting powerhouse in its own right, constructing magnificent large superyachts including the iconic MOTOR YACHT A and 531’ (162m) M/Y ECLIPSE, currently the third-largest yacht in the world. The vast Blohm +Voss facility in Hamburg, Germany creates striking custom motoryachts and sailing yachts. View current Blohm +Voss yachts for sale.

Mediterranean – Best Yacht Builders

Best yacht builders worldwide list: Benetti

Benetti is a powerhouse of luxury yacht building, with a very healthy order list and a boat- building pedigree stretching back to 1873. Since 1960, Benetti has been constructing superyachts in Italy, including iconic yachts MY KINGDOM in 1980, then the largest yacht in the world at 280’ (85m), right through to recent launches such as the award-winning M/Y 11.11. Benetti is part of the Azimut-Benetti Group, the largest producer of luxury yachts in the world, building semi-custom and fully custom yachts between 100′ and 330′ (30m and 100m) long. Known for their Italian style and long history of yacht construction, Benetti has a loyal following of yacht owners who return to the yard each time they upgrade. View current Benetti yachts for sale .

Best yacht builders worldwide list: Perini Navi

The creators of one of the most well-known yachts on the planet, S/Y MALTESE FALCON, Perini Navi enjoys a superb reputation as a sailing superyacht builder, and also entered the large motoryacht market in 2007 under its Pichiotti brand. Perini Navi yachts are known for their superyacht luxuries and interior volume, as well as the technically brilliant sailing systems that allow these large yachts to be operated by a small crew. Perini Navi dominates the sailing superyacht market with its range from 130’ to 200’(40m to 60m), constructed at their three shipyards in Viareggio, La Spezia in Italy and also in Istanbul. View current Perini Navi yachts for sale .

UK – Best Yacht Builders

Sunseeker is one of the most instantly recognizable names in the yachting world, building performance luxury yachts known for their speed and sleek looks. Once better known for their smaller sport yachts, Sunseeker is now a major player in the superyacht market, with customizable yacht models from 75′ to 155′, as well as constructing the Predator range with a top speed of 45 knots. Built and engineered in Dorset, UK, Sunseeker is Britain’s most famous luxury yacht builder, creating the hand-finished yachts regularly featured on James Bond films. View current Sunseeker yachts for sale .

Worth Avenue Yachts has extensive experience with each of these yacht brands. To find out more about the relative advantages of these shipyards or the other high-quality shipyards that we recommend, please contact us for an expert discussion.

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Best yacht builders & brands | ultimate guide + financing.

 October 23, 2019

The wealthiest among us have a tender spot for megayachts. But you don’t have to be a billionaire to afford a yacht if you get the right financing. That’s why we provided this article on the world of the best yacht builders. It includes custom yacht builders, luxury yacht builders, and megayacht builders – indeed, the top 10 yacht manufacturers.

Then we’ll provide a geographic breakdown of the best yacht manufacturers, starting with American yacht builders. The yacht builders in the USA include Maine and Florida yacht builders. Next we’ll tell you how Assets America ® can help with yacht financing. Finally we’ll conclude with a few frequently asked questions about custom yacht builders.

You may also be interested in our companion article How Much Does A Yacht Cost? (Ultimate Breakdown Guide) and our Complete Guide to Yacht Financing .

Top 10 Yacht Builders in the World

When you are going to spend a small or large fortune on a yacht, your choice of shipyard is critical. Generally, many yachts conform to a buyer’s spec, and many buyers choose a builder in their own country. But the top 10 yacht builders span the world, and we report them here.

  • Lurssen and Blohm + Voss

Company Overview

Recently, Lurssen acquired the Blohm + Voss shipyard, creating one of the top German yacht builders. The combination gives the parent company, Imperial, the ability to build a new yacht and refit/repair existing ones. Clearly, Lurssen is a world-class builder of iconic superyachts and megayachts in Bremen, Germany.

Impressively, it has been producing yachts since 1875, allowing it to cultivate advance technologies and refined skills . Indeed, the company has built more than 13,000 ships, including yachts, racing boats, and specialized ships. Recently the company reported annual revenues just under $1 billion.

Lurssen acquired B+V in 2016. It brings world-class ship refitting capabilities to the Lurssen portfolio. Note that Lurssen has shipyards in several German cities, including:

  • Wilhelmshaven

Famous Models

The yachts are generally custom, ranging from 200 to 600 feet in length. The company is famous for producing celebrated yachts, include Arkely , Amadea , and Flying Fox . Geographically, Blohm + Voss (B+V) resides in Hamburg, and has a storied history building vessels from yachts to battleships.

In 2013, it delivered the world’s longest yacht to that date, the Azzam . In 2019, in addition to the 446-foot Flying Fox , the company delivered the 380-foot TIS and the 322-foot Madsummer .

How Assets America ® Can Help

Assets America ® can finance the purchase of a new or used yacht (or mega yacht or super yacht) with financing starting at a minimum of $10 million.  We have an extensive network of funding sources including private lenders and banks that are happy to provide funding for a yacht loan.  Depending on the transaction and purpose of the yacht, we can even fund deals up to 100% loan to value! Call us today at 206-622-3000 for a free consultation, or simply fill out the below form and expect and prompt response!

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Amels holland b.v..

Amels is the largest Dutch yacht builder for motor yachts up to 600 feet in length. As you might know, its two shipyards reside in Vissingen, Netherlands, where it celebrated its centennial in 2018. Impressively, the facilities include large, climate-controlled dry docks that can house yachts of 600 feet and more.

Specifically, Amels builds fully custom yachts as well as yachts adapted from its Limited Edition (LE) series. Initially, LE yachts start as a framework built upon a well-proven platform. Then buyers specify the yacht’s design and layout. Importantly, the company recently announced that a new LE yacht, the Amels 60, is available for delivery in 2022.

The company also offers complete refit services. Note that Amels is part of the Damen Shipyards, which it joined in 1991. Critically, the combination with Damen gives Amels access to extensive research and development resources.

Amels’ recent yacht deliveries include Here Comes the Sun , Sea & Us , Volpini 2 , Eji , and Universe . Furthermore, its largest motor yacht is the 246-foot Montkage , built in 1995. Other important launches include the Ilona in 2004 and the 2005 Tigre d’Or .

Christensen Shipyards

Christensen Shipyards is a world leader in composite fiberglass yachts. Historically, Dave Christensen founded the business 40 years ago. Generally, Christensen builds custom and semi-custom yachts ranging in length from 110 to 164 feet.

Located in Vancouver, Washington (technically the largest suburb of Portland, Oregon), its advanced shipyard occupies 180,000 square feet including a large marina. Impressively, the company employs 120 boat builders with 1,000 person-years of experience building boats.

The company is currently constructing a yacht facility in Lake Tellico, Tennessee, which will be the biggest in America. Once completed, the new 55-acre shipyard will be able to build yachts up to 225 feet.

Notably, it will feature 13 large bays for manufacturing and assembly operations in 450,000 climate-controlled square feet of space. Naturally, the new facility will extend the company’s market presence to the East Coast.

Christensen uses state-of-the-art construction processes that utilize large-scale vacuum infusion and proprietary techniques. The result is a strength-to-weight ratio seven times greater than steel’s. That’s why you can travel the world in its transoceanic yachts.

The yachts it builds are not the biggest, but there are none better. Notably, its fleet comprises 35 superyachts, including the large motor yachts Silver Lining and Casino Royale . The latter was renamed after it was featured in the James Bond movie of the same name. You may be able to charter it for $72,000/week .

Feadship stands for the First Export Association of Dutch Shipbuilders. Specifically, it is a joint venture between Royal Van Lent and Koninklijke De Vries Scheepsbouw. Impressively, each owns two royally chartered shipyards.

The two partners also share the De Voogt Naval Architects engineering and design center. The partners have an illustrious history dating back to 1849, and today they are one of the world’s great yacht-builders. Notably, the company’s facilities reside in the following Dutch cities:

Clients invariably work closely with Feadship to develop each yacht design . Usually, the design process takes four to five months, and includes specifying the layout, styling, size, and power. After refining all the details, the shipbuilder begins construction by laying the keel. It may take another two years to complete and christen the yacht. The company is famous for flawless craftsmanship and artistry.

As one of the best Dutch yacht builders, Feadship has built many iconic yachts, including Venus (built for Steve Jobs), Savannah , and Aquarius . To be sure, all of its yachts are pure custom builds. Specifically, every design starts with a blank page and develops as a unique yacht.

Oceanco is another one of the top Dutch yacht builders, located in Alblasserdam, Netherlands. An Omani billionaire owns Oceanco , which owned constructs yachts in the range of 260 feet to 360 feet.

Though the company started in 1987, it has built about 30 superyachts with up to five more under simultaneous construction. That works out to two new yachts per year. Oceanco completely rebuilt its facility in 2010, creating an advanced covered dry-dock.

Notably, the shipyard has direct access to the North Sea via an inland waterway system. The company delivers magnificent yachts, including the 280-foot Sunrays , the 290-foot Nirvana , the 300-foot Tranquility ( renamed from Equanimity after a scandal ), and the 360-foot Jubilee .

It’s latest vessel is the 295-foot Dreamboat , a collaboration between Terence Disdale Design and Espen Øino International . Dreamboat can accommodate 33 crew members and 23 guests. It also features a full carbon canopy mast house and mast, as well as a complex onboard computer operating system.

Fincantieri Yachts

Fincantieri Yachts is one of the top Italian yacht builders. Since 2005, Fincantieri has built custom luxury yachts starting at 230 feet in length. With headquarters in Trieste, its parent company, the largest European shipbuilder, earned revenues of $6.02 billion 2018.

Importantly, its parent company builds ocean liners, giving Fincantieri Yachts unusual skill at handling complex projects. It builds fully custom megayachts as well as semi-custom yachts of various sizes. The company’s Yacht Design Center resides in Muggiano and employs more than 50 expert designers and engineers. Their approach emphasizes:

  • Engineering Techniques: Creates quiet and vibration-free yachts for exceptional onboard comfort.
  • Design: Interior and exterior designers closely collaborate to fulfill the buyer’s requirements while satisfying material-certification and fire-safety regulations.
  • Green Solutions: Applying comprehensive technical expertise is a key factor and innovative theme.

Buyers can adapt semi-custom designs to meet their expectations for a yacht’s profile, layout, and interior styling. The shipyard is exceptional for allowing the buyer’s team to work side-by-side for the entire process.

In 2009, Fincantieri expanded into North America with shipyard purchases in Wisconsin and Ohio. It currently has projects for yachts ranging in length from 230 feet to 525 feet. Two yachts recently launched are the 440-foot Serene and the 460-foot Ocean Victory .

Heesen, one of the Dutch yacht manufacturers, specializes in high-quality, sporty, custom superyachts with singular styling. Oss, Netherlands is the site of Heesen’s 4.4 acre-shipyard, with five dry-docks and nine construction sheds.

In 2016, it added a new 279-foot dry-dock and 295-foot construction hall. The maximum size yacht possible is now 272 feet in length. Heesen has built 170 yachts since its founding in 1978.

Customers celebrate Heesen for innovative engineering and design creating fast-displacement motoryacht hulls and metal yachts . Fast-displacement hull form is a design concept that reduces resistance by 15% to 20% while increasing onboard comfort. Originally specializing all-aluminum designs, it expanded production in 1992 to encompass steel-hulled yachts.

The Galactica Star and Galactica Supernova are examples of its revolutionary designs. Heesen’s fleet includes the speed-record-breaking Octopussy and its sister design, Mirage , with triple waterjet propulsion.

Heesen also builds large sport-fishing yachts. In 2017, Heesen delivered the 164-foot Home , the first hybrid-powered fast-displacement superyacht. Power flows from two electric shaft motors and two conventional engines for fuel-efficiency. Furthermore, Heesen’s Alive implements a Hull Vane system, an underwater, stern-mounted fixed foil that improves fuel efficiency and seakeeping. In 2019, Heesen delivered two 164-foot yachts, Aster and Boreas .

  • Westport Yachts

Westport Yachts designs, engineers, and hand-builds yachts in Vancouver, Washington. It is the largest North American yacht builder, having launched more than 200 vessels since 1964.

Westport prides itself on delivering its yachts on time and on budget. Early on, it adopted advanced composite technology and modular construction techniques to create strong, fast yachts. Indeed, construction utilizes infusion, resin impregnation, and advance coring materials, avoiding corrosion-vulnerable and high-maintenance metals.

Largely, Westport’s popularity comes from raised pilothouse and tri-deck models. Yacht lengths extend from 112 to 164 feet and meet standards for draft, range, speed, and seakeeping abilities. Processes such as computer-driven milling guarantee every part will have a perfect finish. These processes also support more features per part, increasing structural integrity and reducing the number of mechanical fastenings.

The largest model is the W164, which sleeps 12 guests in six en-suite staterooms plus a crew of 12. This tri-deck motoryacht has a cruise speed of 20 knots and a maximum speed of 24 knots. Even more importantly, the fully equipped W164 boasts unsurpassed luxury, predictable performance, and on-time delivery.

Sunseeker is the pride of the British yachtbuilding trade. It is world-famous for its performance yachts and superyachts from 50 to 155 feet long. Sunseeker customizable models are sporty and fast, as epitomized by the Predator series .

Founded in 1960, it is a subsidiary of a Chinese conglomerate residing in Poole, England. Sunseeker’s facilities include seven shipyards and production plants, plus another deep-water shipyard for larger vessels. In addition, it has expanded with a new Isle of Portland site and a new factory in Poole.

Sunseeker yachts are prominent supporting stars in four James Bond movies. Today, the company employs 2,500 expert designers, engineers, and master craftspersons building 150 yachts a year for 74 countries.

The company’s newest superyacht is the Sunseeker 161 , a tri-deck design with outstanding space and volume. The interior is nothing less than opulent, sleeping 10 guests in five cabins. The 161 will launch in 2021.

Nobiskrug is one of the top German yacht builders. It’s a 114-year-old German shipbuilder that began manufacturing yachts in 2000 with the 301-foot Tatoosh . It has since created an enviable portfolio of custom superyachts that are strong on innovation.

The Nobiskrug shipyard resides in Rendsburg, Germany on the Eider River and employs 400 skilled professionals. All work proceeds in two high-tech facilities.

Firstly, the Rendsburg facility extends over 1.9 million square feet, including more than 470,000 square feet of covered sheds. The facility also includes two drydocks, two slipways, and two quays. Secondly, the Kiel-Gaarden shipyard occupies 2.7 million square feet and includes 538,000 square feet of covered sheds. Also housed there are two dry-docks, two piers and a yard harbor.

Nobiskrug’s latest superyacht is the 262-foot Artefact , featuring solar panels, a diesel-electric Azipod propulsion system and wastewater recycling. In addition, Artefact incorporates an 8,000-square-foot, floor-to-ceiling central section with 60 tons of curved glasswork.

The shipbuilder’s largest vessel is the 469-foot Sailing Yacht A weighing in at 12,600 gross tons. Impressively, the three-mast vessel has an underwater observation pod, advanced navigations systems, and a hybrid diesel-electric propulsion system. Sailing Yacht A boasts a steel hull and superstructure plus composite fashion plates.

Best Megayacht Builders

We describe all three companies above.

Yacht Builders by Country

Here is a rundown of yacht manufacturers by country.

Yacht Builders USA

  • Christensen Shipyards (Washington): See above.
  • Westport Yachts (Washington): See above.
  • Derecktor (New York): Derecktor is a leading builder of custom explorer and motor yachts. Its yachts feature tall forward-positioned superstructures and abundant space aft-deck.
  • Hatteras (North Carolina): Builder of beautiful, high-speed motor yachts, especially sportfish. Sleek, streamlined exterior and sporty designs are characteristic.
  • Trinity (Mississippi): Famous for large luxury yachts up to 400-feet long. Designs feature sleek superstructures with abundant glass, opulent staterooms, and spacious salons.
  • Broward Marine (Florida, Michigan): Delivers custom yachts exceeding 100 feet in length. Features vessels with tri-diesel power, raised pilothouses, high performance, country kitchens, and open deck plans.
  • Hargrave (Florida): Maker of inspiring yachts since the 1950s. Specializes in 80- to 150-foot custom yachts with raised pilothouses and tri-deck designs.
  • Horizon (Florida): Produces distinctive, stately motor yachts featuring classic details, large windows, tri-deck designs, raised pilothouses, and power catamarans.
  • Burger (Wisconsin): Historic shipbuilder founded in 1863 producing custom tri-deck motor yachts up to 214 feet long. Yachts feature wrap-around decks and unique outside lounge areas.
  • Delta Marine (Washington): Builder of sleek motor yachts with flowing, clean lines in raised-pilothouse and tri-deck designs.

Maine Yacht Builders

Luxurious yacht builders in Maine include:

  • Artisan Boatworks
  • Back Cove Yachts
  • Brooklyn Boat Yard
  • Calvin Beal Boats
  • Front Street Shipyard
  • Hinckley Yachts
  • Hodgon Yachts
  • Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding
  • Morris Yachts
  • Sabre Yachts
  • SW Boatworks
  • Wilbur Yachts

Florida Yacht Builders

Luxurious yacht builders in Florida include:

  • American Custom Yachts
  • Bertram Yachts
  • Catalina Yachts
  • Derecktor Shipyards
  • Hargrave Custom Yachts
  • Horizon Yacht USA
  • Huckins Yachts
  • Island Packet and Seaward Yachts
  • Merritt Island Boat Works
  • Stamas Yacht

Netherlands Yacht Builders

  • Hartman Marine
  • Royal Huisman
  • Van der Walk

Video:  Yacht Builders of the Netherlands – Heesen, Moonen, Mulder, Hakvoort

Italian Yacht Builders

These are the best yacht builders in Italy:

  • Fincantieri
  • Perini Navi

Taiwan Yacht Builders

These are the top Taiwan yacht builders:

  • Kadey-Krogen
  • Ocean Alexander

Australian Yacht Builders

These are the top Australian Yacht Builders:

  • SilverYachts

Yacht Builders FAQs

How much do yacht builders make.

In 2019, the average annual salary of a boat builder is $55,645, and average total compensation of $57,928. Typically, salaries range between $45,760 and $67,807. Total compensation ranges between $46,056 and $68,316.

How many boats do yacht builders make per year?

It depends on the size. It can take two years or longer to build a large yacht. Some luxury yacht builders deliver only a few vessels per year, but the bigger ones can launch five or more. The total annual output of superyachts is about 150.

Is a luxury yacht a good investment?

Yacht ownership is more a lifestyle choice than a financial investment. Nonetheless, finance is a consideration. Know that yachts do not necessarily depreciate the way cars do. However, yachts have high maintenance costs. 

  • Check out Superyacht Times for news about the best yacht builders and constructions .
  • Fraser Yachts also has news about new yacht constructions across the world .
  • Wikipedia is the best place to find an exhaustive list of yacht builders and manufacturers globally .

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Savoir Beds X National Gallery

Bed and board: introducing the bespoke bed service offering the best night’s sleep on board your yacht

A luxury bed company is bringing an ultra-bespoke USP to getting the best night’s sleep on your boat, says Emma Love

It’s a no-brainer that some of the most successful design concepts are the result of demand, which is how Savoir Beds came to launch its new bespoke service, Savoir at Sea, last year. “A client asked for four Nº1 mattresses for their new yacht, but two of them were too large to fit through the windows of the cabins,” recalls Nic Alexandre, Savoir’s managing director. “They still really wanted them, so we arranged for our craftsmen to visit the Lürssen shipyard in Germany and build the beds in situ. That sparked the idea for Savoir at Sea.”

Of course, the company is used to working with interior designers and international shipyards, from Feadship and Benetti to Heesen Yachts , Baltic Yachts and Fitzroy Yachts . In fact, four of the 10 largest superyachts in the world exclusively feature Savoir mattresses. Whereas in the past the solution to navigating awkward spaces was often a zip-and-link mattress, this new offering means that any specification (shape, size, height) can be accommodated. 

“Everything is handmade,” continues Alexandre, of the breathable mattresses and toppers. “We do that not for the sake of craft but because there aren’t machines that can do it better. Even tufting, if we used a machine, would damage the materials. The fact that we don’t have a production line, and each bed is made by a single craftsman, means that we can physically go to the yacht, whether it’s new or in a dry dock for a refit. We’re the only company to offer the service of handcrafting a natural mattress on board.”

At this point, the process is well practised; superyacht owners – especially those who haven’t had a Savoir bed before – typically have a three-hour private showroom consultation to work out which bed is best for them. Then CAD drawings are created. If the yacht has an existing frame or base, the mattress is shaped to fit, or alternatively Savoir can create one (on special request, a member of the team will even visit the yacht to measure the space and create a custom template).

“Often beds on yachts don’t have a base, partly because of the risk of corrosion, but we use galvanised springs and stainless-steel screws to counteract that,” says Alexandre. At the end of their life, the natural materials will biodegrade and the springs can be recycled, reducing waste and impact on the environment. 

Savoir also designs and makes bespoke headboards and, with its long-established history as a heritage brand, has relationships with all the top fabric houses – whether a client fancies a Loro Piana velvet or a Pierre Frey floral, the team are easily able to source and supply a favourite fabric.

The Savoir story has its origins in London’s Savoy Hotel when, in 1905, opera producer and hotelier Richard D’Oyly Carte couldn’t find a bed to match his exacting standards so commissioned an upholsterer, James Edwards Limited, to make one instead (and to ensure exclusivity, he later bought the company and renamed it The Savoy Bedworks). 

The result was the famous Savoir N°2, slept on by each of the hotel’s illustrious guests, from Winston Churchill to Marilyn Monroe and the late King Hassan II of Morocco. The latter was known to always travel with his own furniture but on one occasion his mattress was damaged in transit; forced to use a Nº2 bed, he declared it “like sleeping on a cloud” and immediately ordered 24 for his palace.

Still sold today, the N°2 comes with a topper that’s filled with loose South American horse tail and encased in a layer of soft wool. It’s finished with Savoir’s trademark Trellis ticking pattern, originally designed by Lady D’Oyly Carte in the early 20th century. Fast forward to 1998 and, with growing demand from hotel clients, the N°4 was launched, made using simpler hand-crafted techniques. 

The company had changed hands a year earlier and become Savoir Beds, with its new owners pledging to continue with the same time-honoured craft techniques. Special commissions from private clients flooded in, including for private jets and yachts, and in 2005 the N°3 was born. More luxurious that the N°4 and less complex to make than the N°2, it was followed five years later by the N°1, Savoir’s deepest mattress yet. In a full-circle moment, The Savoy hotel has one in its Royal Suite.

Today, this iconic company still produces fewer than 1,000 beds each year, retaining its focus on producing quality over quantity. As a finishing touch, each artisan hand-signs their individual creation – which comes in handy for repeat customers who want to replicate their exact purchase so they can sleep as comfortably at sea as they do at home.

First published in the May 2024 issue of BOAT International. Get this magazine sent straight to your door, or subscribe and never miss an issue.

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