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Geographische Lage und Geologie

Der Ortsteil liegt im Eyachtal im Nordschwarzwald auf einer Höhe von 480 m ü.NN. an der Mündung des Mannenbach in die Eyach. Er besteht aus acht Wohngebäuden, einem Gasthof und einem Betriebsgebäude der Mannenbach-Wasserversorgung.

Die Siedlungsfläche liegt im Bereich der untersten Facies des Mittleren Buntsandsteins (Eck`sches Konglomerat) auf einer von der Eyach gebildeten fluvialen Aufschüttungsfläche. An der „Eyachmühle“ endet die öffentliche Straße.


Die „Yach“ (Eyach) wird erstmals 1148 urkundlich genannt. Die Ansiedlung entstand um die Mahlmühle („Eyachmühle“), die „Lehensägmühle“ und die ehemalige Dobler Dorfsägmühle herum. Die erste Sägemühle an diesem Standort wird 1423 erwähnt. Nachweise über die Nutzung der Wasserkraft der Eyach gibt es aber bereits schon aus früheren Jahrhunderten.

Die Eyachmühle, nach der der Ortsteil benannt ist, gab den Betrieb 1894 auf, als die Wasserkraft des Mannenbach, der sie antrieb, für die Pumpstation der Dobler Trinkwasserversorgung gebraucht wurde. Sie wurde zur „Wirtschaft“ umgebaut. Seither ist das Gasthaus „Eyachmühle“ ein weithin bekanntes Ausflugslokal.

Die Eyachmühle ist Ausgangspunkt für Wanderungen und Radtouren ins Naturschutzgebiet Eyachtal und in das große, geschlossene Waldgebiet bis hinauf zu den Hochmooren am Kaltenbronn.

Spaziergang rund um die Eyachmühle

bio restaurant eyachtal

Unsere Hausrunde: Sie starten bei uns an der Eyachmühle und laufen auf der Straße durch das Dorf am Wasserwerk vorbei. Direkt am Ortsausgang sind links Pferdeställe, hier biegen Sie scharf nach rechts ab, den Weg bergauf, und laufen oberhalb des Dorfes entlang. Der Weg schlängelt sich am Waldrand entlag. Nach kurzer Gehzeit überqueren Sie den Mannenbach, der die Eyachmühle vor langer Zeit angetrieben hat, und kommen auf die Fahrstraße, die von Dobel herunterführt, hier biegen Sie rechts ab und kommen nach zirka 3 Minuten zurück zur Eyachmühle.

  • Eyachmühle 14, 75335 Dobel
  • Telefon 07081 / 384109
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  • Küchen-Öffnungszeiten
  • April – Oktober:
  • Montag + Dienstag Schöpferpause
  • Mittwoch – Sonntag 11.30 – 20.30 Uhr
  • Feiertage geöffnet
  • November – März:
  • Mittwoch – Donnerstag 11.30 – 18.00 Uhr
  • Freitag – Sonntag 11.30 – 20.30 Uhr
  • Deutschland /
  • Dobel, Baden-Württemberg /
  • Gasthaus Eyachmühle, Eyachmühle 14

Gasthaus Eyachmühle


Wenn ihr die deutsche Küche bevorzugt, dann lohnt sich ein Besuch in diesem Restaurant. Gasthaus Eyachmühle ist stolz auf gut zubereiteten Kama , gutes Kacamak und perfekt zubereitene Julienne . Viele Leute heben hervor, dass das Personal an diesem Ort großartig ist. Dieses Lokal bietet seinen Kunden eine prompte Bedienung. Das stille Ambiente begrüßt euch in diesem Restaurant. Google bewertet (ihn, sie, sie, es) mit 4.4 Sternen, also könnt ihr Gasthaus Eyachmühle wählen, um hier eine gute Zeit zu verbringen.

Restaurant Menü

Benutzerbewertungen der speisen und merkmale, ratings von gasthaus eyachmühle, meinungen der gäste von gasthaus eyachmühle.

Mathias Rossnagel

MontagMo Geschlossen
DienstagDi Geschlossen
MittwochMi 11:30-21:00
DonnerstagDo 11:30-20:00
FreitagFri 11:30-21:00
SamstagSa 11:30-21:00
SonntagSo 11:30-20:00

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Leckere gerichte in dobel.


Restauranteigenschaften in Dobel


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Gasthaus Eyachmühle

Regionaler Genuss in der Eyachmühle im Nördlichen Schwarzwald

Fisch, Wild und Gemüse aus der Region in Demeter- und Bio-Qualität!

Profile picture of Tourismus GmbH Nördlicher Schwarzwald I Jennifer Neubauer

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Mountains can also be climbed in the northern Black Forest.

Idyllic hike through the northern Black Forest. You can walk over the trees on the treetop path.

The hike begins at the Sommerberg and takes us over the peaks of the Kleiner Wendenstein, the Wildbader Kopf and the Eiberge to Höfen.

This partly quite demanding bike tour takes us from the Sommerberg with its beautiful views to the largest high moor in the Black Forest, then on a ...

From Bad Wildbad take the mountain railway up the Sommerberg, over the Wildline (suspension bridge) to the Grünhütte.

On the ridge between the Murg and Enz valleys.

Nearby Points of Interest

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  • SRH-Gesundheitszentrum Dobel (Kaffee und Kuchen)
  • Dobel's Stüble

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Deep sleep in pure Black Forest air and comfortably furnished rooms in a country house style. The chirping of birds in the morning and a wonderful breakfast buffet that leaves nothing to be desired. Our hotel is located directly on the Enz Valley Cycle Path and at the entrance to the Eyachtal nature reserve with its park-like floodplain and wild, untouched stream landscape as well as rare plant and animal species. An Eldorado for nature lovers, cyclists, hikers and walkers.


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Eyach-Und Rotenbachtal

The Top 19 Attractions in Eyach-Und Rotenbachtal

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html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Eyach Wasserwegle

Hiking Highlight ( Segment )

Beautiful root path along the wild Eyach. Comfortable to walk on hot days. You can always find places where you can get to the water and cool your feet. The most beautiful path in the Eyachtal!

html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Gasthaus Eyachmühle

Hiking Highlight

Went hiking with friends and ended up going to the Eyachmühle. We ate and drank excellently. Nice, courteous service (I think it was the boss). 😋

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html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Wonderful meadow path

The meadow path runs parallel to the little road and is more pleasant to walk.

Tip by haertera

html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Forellenzucht Zordel

Bike Touring Highlight

Here you can eat fresh trout. In addition, you can observe various fish in different pools.

html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Waldhexe

Mountain Biking Highlight

Good place for a little break.

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  • Althengstett
  • Bad Teinach-Zavelstein
  • Bad Liebenzell
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The 8 Best Restaurants in Moscow

From the traditional to the modern, fine dining destinations in Moscow celebrate the best that Russian cuisine has to offer.

By Elite Traveler

With many of the best restaurants in Moscow also doubling as bars and clubs, the atmosphere is nearly always one step away from a party, and many of the city’s elite come dressed to impress. Of course, there are still many elegant and family friendly restaurants for those who prefer a quieter evening. With such a large selection available, Elite Traveler has compiled a suitable list for diners of all persuasions.

Café Pushkin

Designed to recreate the feel of a 19th century aristocrat’s house, Café Pushkin has become one of the most popular restaurants in Moscow, thanks to the quality of its food, impeccable service and the excellent vodka selection. The atmosphere of pre-Revolution Russia is delightfully charming, from the flowery script of the menu to aristocratic country house décor. Pushkin is the ideal destination if you want to be treated like Russian nobility and dine like a Tsar – but book ahead, the restaurant’s popularity requires reservation well in advance.

Lavishly decked out with chandeliers and hand-painted furniture, the menu selection may come as a surprise to first-time guests, with options ranging from Pi Pa duck with melon and truffle to beefsteak with foie gras. Turandot puts a French spin on pan-Asian cuisine, and does so with incredible style and boldness. Whilst the interior décor is certainly to be marvelled at, it is the thoughtfully conceptualized and perfectly executed menu options that make for an incredible dining experience.

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Confidante: Beautiful Branded Hotels

Azerbaijan, dubai and beyond: fairmont expands luxury portfolio, fairmont to expand to moscow.

When the Ginza Project, a company that owns some of the finest restaurants in Moscow, announced that they would be opening a restaurant on the 29th floor of Radisson Royal Hotel, the excitement and anticipation was palpable.

The company has a reputation for the high quality of its restaurants that grace the streets of the capital, and Buono is no exception. The views from Buono are unashamedly spectacular, while the décor is elegant, with soft creams complementing the fine views on offer. The food is classical Italian; Chef William Lamberti is well known throughout Europe and has created an excellent menu. It’s always best to book ahead at Buono, as the window seats that offer the finest views over the city are quickly taken.

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Italian for ‘small’, Piccolino is a cozy, homely restaurant – something of a rarity in Moscow.

Serving typical Italian food, the family friendly establishment is laid back, but this doesn’t compromise the quality of the food: good, hearty portions that are exceptionally tasty. The interior of Piccolino has been designed to replicate that of a large country house, and the décor is entirely fitting with the atmosphere of the restaurant. In a city where many of the establishments value the names of their guests over the quality of their dishes, Piccolino is the place to come if your preference is quality of food rather than famous faces.

Twin Gardens

With two tasting menus and an à la carte option, the Twin Gardens at the heart of Moscow caters to any palette. With the restaurant concept based on the symbiosis of science and nature, their Vegetables set menu explores all manner of produce from seedling to peeling, delicately plated in a tasteful homage to the natural life cycle of wild plants and flowers. For more adventurous types, their Rediscover Russia menu offers a culinary tour of various local specialties found in provinces across the vast continent. They also have a wide selection of Russian wines.


Located in an elegant 19th century mansion, CDL is one of the most sophisticated restaurants in Moscow.

The interior has been gorgeously designed to recreate the grandeur of the Silver Age of Russian culture, with antique balustrades and bas-reliefs throughout the Oak Hall main room. The staircase in the Oak Hall is a particular masterpiece; it was built without a single nail or screw. The fireplace is equally impressive and has been used as a meeting room by President Dmitry Medvedev. Guests can also hire additional rooms such as the Cigar Room and the Cabinet Room. A menu of authentic Russian cuisine has been created by top chef Alexander Popov, with organic dishes bursting with flavor and a splendor to match the opulent surroundings. With so much luxury and class on display, it’s little wonder that former US Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush have chosen to dine here. Situated in the center of the city between Bolshaya Nikitskaya 53 and Povarskaya Ulitsa 50, it’s worth booking ahead to avoid disappointment.

White Rabbit

With a domed window inviting soaring views of the Moscow cityscape, White Rabbit has recently undergone extensive renovations, to both its interior and its menu. Renowned architect Natalia Belonogova has transformed the restaurant into an airy, modern space, perfected by the addition of a summer veranda. To connect the dining options with the new interior, head chef Vladimir Mukhin has created a new menu, Metamorphoses, to reflect the lifecycle of the mayfly butterfly.

Delight your palette with scallop, strawberries and blackcurrant or, for dessert, dandelion honey with melted cottage cheese. This summerlike and refreshing menu has its roots in Russian soil and its head in the clouds above Moscow’s skyline.


One of the best places to see and be seen, the O2 Lounge is half stylish seafood restaurant and half trendy pre-club hangout.

The food on offer is delicious Japanese fare, with sumptuous sushi prepared in front of diners by the team of talented chefs led by Nicholas Courtois. Located on the 12th floor of the Ritz-Carlton hotel, the restaurant has spectacular panoramic views over Red Square and The Kremlin. After dark the restaurant becomes one of the coolest bars in town, with award-winning cocktails and a selective wine list.

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Countrymen's Bierhall


Yep… That’s right.

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What we bring to the table in Moscow, ID


Work with local Craftsmen, Tradesmen and Artists in Moscow to promote the local economy and those who call Moscow Home.


Bring local and regional breweries to bear on one of our 18 taps, with selection across the spectrum of roasts and styles.


Promote and revive rural American traditions, harkening to its European roots, and to build and host events befitting the legacy of the region.


Provide Bavarian inspired entrées for an affordable price the whole community can enjoy.


Adventures Begin Here

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A gastronomic journey to Deutschland, where sausages are dignitaries, pretzels hold court, and schnitzels whisper centuries-old culinary secrets with every bite. These dishes are like whispers of history served on a plate, where every forkful is a taste of tradition and innovation harmoniously mingling.


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Moscow Restaurants 2024

Top 20 restaurants you should definitelly visit during your stay in Moscow.

Looking for the best restaurants in Moscow? Checkout our latest list of the top places to eat in the capital of Russia.

Most of the trendiest restaurants are located around the famous Patriarch Ponds neighborhood, also known as the main gourmet center of Moscow and the neighboring Bolshaya Nikitskaya street. (our picks include Gvidon, Pino and Loro restaurants)

The list also includes a number of the beloved classics like Pushkin and White Rabbit that was awarded a Michelin star in 2022.

1 . Pushkin Restaurant

Pushkin Restaurant

Pushkin restaurant is located in a 19th century mansion in the heart of the city. One of the best places to experience Russian cuisine. During summer they open summer verandah located on top of the restaurant's building and overlooks Pushkin Boulevard.

2 . Erwin Restaurant

Erwin Restaurant

Erwin is a seafood restaurant that occupies 2 floors of the building located at the bank of the Moscow River in close proximity to the Radisson Royal Hotel. Erwin's menu features an extensive selection of crabs that includes king crab, snow crab, frog crab, blue king crab, spiky crab and hairy crab.

3 . Dr Zhivago Restaurant

Dr Zhivago Restaurant

Dr. Zhivago is located in the heart of Moscow, just one block away from the Red Square and Kremlin. It occupies the ground floor of the legendary Hotel National built in 1902. The restaurant carries the name of the legendary novel, as well as creates its own intriguing story line.

4 . White Rabbit Restaurant

White Rabbit Restaurant

In October of 2021 White Rabbit received it's Michelin star. The restaurant represents the so called “new Russian cuisine”. At White Rabbit they use local products to cook traditional Russian dishes with a modern touch.

5 . Sixty Restaurant

Sixty Restaurant

The Sixty restaurant, located on the Federation Tower's 62nd floor, offers stunning panoramic views and stands as one of Europe's highest dining spots.

6 . Novikov Restaurant & Bar

Novikov Restaurant & Bar

Novikov Restaurant & Bar is located on the first floor of the Ritz-Carlton hotel on the central Tverskaya street. The menu is focused mostly on PanAsian dishes.

7 . Gvidon Restaurant

Gvidon Restaurant

Gvidon restaurant is located in a restored mansion of the pre-revolutionary era. The historic building with large windows resembles old Moscow architecture. The extensive multi-page menu is divided into 3 sections that include seasonal dishes, raw bar, and main menu.

8 . Savva Restaurant

Savva Restaurant

Savva restaurant is located inside the famous 5 star Metropole hotel right across from the Bolshoi Theater and TSUM department store.

Savva’s menu was compiled by chef Andrey Shmakov with a primary focus on Russian cuisine. Although you’ll find some French and Italian items in the menu as well. The menu also includes Raw Bar.

9 . Pino Restaurant

Pino Restaurant

Pino is an Italian restaurant located in the heart of the trendy Patriarch Ponds area in the central part of Moscow. Pino’s extensive international menu has a dedicated section with dishes that can be shared among all guests at the table. Checkout their breakfasts served daily from 8:00 to 12:00.

10 . Bolshoi Restaurant

Bolshoi Restaurant

Bolshoi restaurant is located in the heart of Moscow next to the world famous Bolshoi Theater and TSUM department store. Local menu includes culinary classics from around the world. There are items from traditional Russian and Soviet era cuisine that are mixed with select Italian and French dishes.

11 . Sakhalin Restaurant

Sakhalin Restaurant

The Sakhalin restaurant is located on the 22nd floor of the AZIMUT City Hotel Smolenskaya that offers a 360-degree panoramic views of Moscow.

The restaurant’s menu features one of the best selection of seafood dishes in the city including crabs, shrimps, a variety of shells and fish brought directly from the Far East of Russia.

12 . Butcher Restaurant

Butcher Restaurant

Butcher on Tsvetnoy Boulevard is a premium steak house located on the first floor of the modern business center minutes away from the TSUM department store. Butcher specializes in premium meat from Argentina, Uruguay and Russia, so its a good place to have one of the classic steaks.

13 . La Bottega Siciliana

La Bottega Siciliana

La Bottega Siciliana is a premium Italian restaurant located in the same building as the Four Seasons Hotel. The menu at La Bottega Siciliana listed on many pages is huge. It has all varieties of Italian dishes as well as some original items compiled by the chef Claudio Pirovano.

14 . Turandot Restaurant

Turandot Restaurant

Turandot is a premium pan-Asian restaurant located on Tverskoy Boulevard in the center of Moscow. The restaurant was created by the same restaurateur who created Pushkin restaurant located in the same building.

15 . Ivanka Restaurant

Ivanka Restaurant

The Ivanka restaurant is located in the Neva Towers skyscraper in the Moscow City district. The main menu reflects the personal view of chef Ivan Negutarov on Mediterranean gastronomy with a primary focus on Italy. Checkout the menu’s dedicated “Carpaccio”, “Tartare”, “Crudo”, “On Ice” and “Caviar” sections!

16 . Le Pigeon Restaurant

Le Pigeon Restaurant

Le Pigeon is a restaurant that specializes in Parisian cuisine where traditional French dishes are served with some creative modern twists. For those that are just starting their acquaintance with French cuisine, the chefs recommend trying some snails in white wine.

17 . Boston Seafood & Bar

Boston Seafood & Bar

Boston Seafood & Bar has 2 major advantages that make it stand out among other restaurants in Moscow also serving seafood. The first advantage is pricing policy that is extremely attractive considering high quality of their food.

18 . Aist Restaurant

Aist Restaurant

Aist restaurant is located in the trendy Patriarch Ponds area in the center of Moscow. The restaurant is mainly focused on European cuisine but also has some signature Asian dishes. The restaurant is located in its own 3 story building and has one of the best summer verandahs in Moscow.

19 . Loro Restaurant

Loro Restaurant

Loro was originally opened in the winter of 2019 and became famous for its fresh Moscow take on Italian classics. The menu consists of just one sheet and six sections. There is a raw section that has oysters, sea urchins, several kinds of carpaccio and tartare. The desert menu has all Italian classics like Tiramisu, Pistachio ice cream and Crème Brûlée.

20 . Yug 22 Restaurant

Yug 22 Restaurant

Yug 22 restaurant’s name is translated from Russian as “south” and the number refers to the building’s address. The restaurant is located on Bolshaya Nikitskaya street, famous for its restaurant scene and pedestrian area.

The front door of the restaurant is decorated with yellowish tones. You will definitely like the restaurant’s floor to ceiling windows that they open during warm summer months.

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Bio, the unmissable vegan paradise at Hotel Xcaret México

  • March 27, 2023
  • Grupo Xcaret , Hotel Xcaret Mexico , Hoteles Xcaret , Mexico Destination Club
From the mind of renowned vegan chef Miguel Bautista 

bio restaurant eyachtal

In recent years, veganism has gained great relevance in Mexico and the world. 

Beyond the limits of vegetarianism, vegans completely abstain from any animal-based foods, including dairy, eggs, and even honey, making it often difficult for them to find enough food options to satisfy their hunger and appetite. 

Aware of the role and importance that vegan diners are gaining around the world, the hotels from Grupo Xcaret feature two restaurants completely dedicated to plant-based food, and this time we will talk about one of them: Bio. 

Bio, a succulent proposal by chef Miguel Bautista  

Following the fundamental line of wellness cuisine – that food should therapeutically heal the body – Chef Miguel Bautista surprises members and guests with dishes that are light in calories and abundant in flavor. 

His Mexican dishes stand out among the menu options, respecting ancestral traditions, attending to food preferences and using local ingredients. 

Regarding Bio, Bautista defined the restaurant as “a cuisine experience in which you think of things that can only be made with animal protein, but you are surprised to discover that they come from fruits and vegetables. 

“We make our burgers, patties, cold-pressed juices, breads, and spreads. It’s like doing everything the old-fashioned way.” 

At Bio, dishes that emulate the most iconic creations of Mexican gastronomy are prepared with twice the care and dedication, such as tacos al pastor, which replace the meat with marinated and grilled mushrooms, garnished with pineapple and avocado sauce, for example. 

Thus, virtually any dish can have the original touch and seasoning that characterizes it without involving products and ingredients of animal origin. 

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Wellness kitchen, Chef Miguel Bautista’s legacy 

With more than twenty years as a vegan, Miguel Bautista defined his career with innovation and legacy, beginning in fine dining restaurants in Los Angeles. 

“I wanted to be a chef, play with proteins and learn about ingredients from all over the world. Being vegan and vegetarian began as an extension to all culinary art”, he referred to in an interview for Food and Travel in 2021. 

“The good thing about being a chef focused on this is that I provide dishes and ingredients that are a source of nutrition and improve the health of sick or suffering people. Vegetarian cooking is sustainable, it has to do with caring for the planet, for animals and with the best way to absorb plant nutrients into the body”, he added. 

As part of his work philosophy, in addition to ingredients of animal origin, packaged products, fryers and Teflon utensils are forbidden. 

In addition to Bio at Hotel Xcaret México, Miguel Bautista also features a vegan line of alternative dishes at each of the restaurants in Hotel Xcaret Arte, so that members and guests can enjoy an easy access to his flavors. 

If you have joined the ranks of the vegan community in recent years, or are curious about the delights of vegan cuisine, we invite you to sample the delicious guilt-free concoctions at Bio. 

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Farm to Table Willowcroft Wine Pairing Dinner

Come enjoy a delightful culinary evening featuring a sumptuous meal made with the freshest local ingredients, perfectly paired with wines from Willowcroft Farm Vineyards. Bia Kitchen's Chef/Owner, Shane O’Connor and Lew Parker, winemaker at Loudoun’s oldest winery, will present each tasting. The event proudly benefits All Ages Read Together (AART), a local nonprofit providing free preschool programs in under-resourced communities throughout Northern Virginia.

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Three best friends came together with a culinary vision inspired by a love for exceptional service that echoes the feel and taste of quaint towns and villages they had visited over the years throughout Europe. They imagined a semi-open kitchen design and a chef’s counter that offered diners a sense of inclusion as they experience the highest quality of culinary preparation. Bia Kitchen is the brain child of renowned Head Chef Shane O’Connor and partners Eric Major and John Wolff. Together, the trio bring decades of experience in good business, culinary virtuosity, and unparalleled service. Bia Kitchen exhibits a warm and modern European design, offering an attractive social gathering spot for the local community.

Meet Chef Shane

As an immigrant from Ireland in the late 1980s, Shane began his restaurant career at age 16 as a dishwasher, learning the ins and outs of the kitchen business. He was introduced to the culinary arts by a classically French-trained chef named Robert Mayer, who spent most of his early years working in Paris. As Shanes’ culinary interests grew over the years, he had the opportunity to work with a wide range of talented chefs. After 20 years spent assessing and operating the different components of the industry, Shane recognized that his skills directly contributed to the growth and success of the restaurants with which he was involved. In 2006 he became the owner and operator of the Blackthorne Inn and Restaurant in Upperville, Virginia. As Co-owner and operator of Bia Kitchen, he believes consistency, quality, and service are the three main ingredients to success.

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What Weapons Is North Korea Accused of Supplying to Russia?

Moscow needs conventional arms like artillery shells and missiles that North Korea could provide to give it an edge in its war of attrition in Ukraine.

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Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un, wearing suits, stand at a railing, with other men surrounding them.

By Lara Jakes

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia will travel to North Korea for a two-day visit starting Tuesday to meet with one of the main arms suppliers for his war against Ukraine.

As the war has dragged on, Russia has found itself in dire need of conventional weapons, including artillery shells, that North Korea could supply.

Here’s some background on what has happened so far and why it matters.

What do we know about earlier arms shipments?

The United States first accused North Korea of selling artillery to Russia as far back as September 2022, seven months after the war started. At the time, North Korea denied the accusations.

Then, last August, the White House warned that Mr. Putin and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, were conducting arms negotiations , and in September, Mr. Kim visited Mr. Putin in eastern Russia . Just weeks later, U.S. officials said that North Korea had shipped more than 1,000 containers of arms to Russia for use in the war in Ukraine. By March, officials said, North Korea had sent close to 7,000 containers of weapons to Russia.

If filled with 152-millimeter artillery shells, the containers could carry as many as three million rounds, South Korea’s defense minister said. Or, if filled with 122-millimeter rockets, they could hold more than half a million rounds. They could also have held a mix of both weapons, he said. In his latest estimate , the minister, Shin Won-sik, last week put the number of North Korea shipping containers sent to Russia at 10,000.

Additionally, the White House said in January that Russia had begun launching ballistic missiles produced in North Korea. Arms control experts said that fragments of the short-range Hwasong-11A ballistic missile have been found in the aftermath of Russian airstrikes on Ukrainian cities for months, including in Kharkiv in February. North Korea may also be supplying anti-tank missiles, and portable surface-to-air missiles, as well as rifles, rocket launchers, mortars and shells, South Korean military officials told journalists in November .

Both Moscow and Pyongyang deny trading in arms, which is banned under United Nations sanctions imposed on North Korea.

How important are these weapons?

The war in Ukraine is a war of attrition, with Russia and Ukraine trying to outgun each other, firing thousands of artillery shells, missiles and rockets every day. That means that all of the munitions that North Korea gives helps Russia maintain an edge over Ukraine.

The Hwasong-11A series missiles, in particular, have a high degree of precision and are difficult to shoot down, experts have said.

But at least some of the other weapons are thought to be old or otherwise somewhat ineffective. Last fall, the top U.S. military official at the time, Gen. Mark A. Milley, said he doubted it would be “decisive” when asked if 152-milimeter rounds provided by North Korea would have a big impact on the battlefield.

“Would it have a huge difference? I’m skeptical of that,” he said shortly before stepping down as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Because of an editing error, an earlier version of this article misstated the given name of the South Korean defense minister. He is Shin Won-sik, not Wok-sik.

How we handle corrections

Lara Jakes , based in Rome, reports on diplomatic and military efforts by the West to support Ukraine in its war with Russia. She has been a journalist for nearly 30 years. More about Lara Jakes

Our Coverage of the War in Ukraine

News and Analysis

President Vladimir Putin of Russia and North Korea ’s leader, Kim Jong-un, revived a Cold War-era mutual defense pledge between their nations, signing a new agreement that calls for them to assist each other  in the event of “aggression” against either country.

President Biden and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, announced that a record number of allies were meeting their military spending commitments  as they sought to present a united front against Russia.

Scores of countries at a two-day summit in Switzerland joined Ukraine in calling for “dialogue between all parties” to end the war , but world leaders were divided on how to engage Russia.

Narrowing Press Freedoms: Journalists in Ukraine say they are subject to increasing restrictions and pressure from the government , adding that the measures go beyond wartime security needs.

Images From the Border: Photographs from two trips along Ukraine’s northeastern border regions, in the months before Russia renewed an offensive there, reveal loss and transformation .

A Russian City Adapts:  While in Moscow the fighting feels far away, residents of Belgorod, 25 miles from the border with Ukraine, have learned to duck for cover when the sirens wail .

How We Verify Our Reporting

Our team of visual journalists analyzes satellite images, photographs , videos and radio transmissions  to independently confirm troop movements and other details.

We monitor and authenticate reports on social media, corroborating these with eyewitness accounts and interviews. Read more about our reporting efforts .


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