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Wow, that was fast! Why trimarans are SO much fun to sail – and how to do it

  • Theo Stocker
  • February 13, 2024

For their size, trimarans can punch well above their weight in speed, cruising potential and fun. Monohull sailor Theo Stocker gets to grips with how to handle one

Humans tend to gravitate into tribes of like-minded enthusiasts, enjoying the encouragement, support and sense of identity, while often looking askance at others; sailors at motorboaters, cruising sailors at racers, monohull sailors at raft, I mean, multihull sailors, and everyone looks askance at jet-skiers.

Large cruising catamarans (40ft now counts as a small one) are a world apart from monohull sailing, but there’s a sub-tribe of sailors dedicated to life on three hulls and builders such as Dragonfly, Corsair, Farrier, and Astus give them plenty of choice.

I’ve been sailing a 22ft (7m) Astus 22.5 this season, with just enough space for a family of four and a minimum of creature comforts. Thanks to her VPLP-designed hulls and 650kg all-up weight, we can sail upwind at 7-plus knots and downwind at over 10 knots with ease, all on a roughly even keel, while the kids play Duplo down below. It can also be beached and is towable behind a car.

Having, it seems, caught the trimaran bug, I wanted to get better at sailing and handling the boat, but my monohull sailing experience and habits were proving something of a hindrance, so we sought advice from some existing trimaran owners, and well as the UK’s top multihull sailors.

Much of the advice will apply to all multihulls , whether two or three-hulled, while other parts are just for small trimarans. I also found that brushing-up some of my rusty dinghy sailing skills helped get my head around what we were trying to do.

To try out our expert tips we went out sailing to see what difference they made. On the day, we got a solid Force 4-5 southwesterly, averaging 16 knots, but fluctuating between 12 and 20 knots true.

a trimaran boat

Blasting about on a sporty trimaran is a whole world of fun, but is much calmer than it looks

Trimaran sail trim

One of the biggest differences between a cruising monohull and a multihull is how the mainsail is trimmed. Leech tension on a yacht is often largely controlled by the kicker and the backstay, while the mainsheet sheets the mainsail in and out, predominantly controlling the angle of the boom to the centreline, and there may be a short traveller.

On a mulithull, however, there’s more than enough space for a good, wide traveller. Those who sail on performance monohulls will also be used to this. The sail shape is mainly controlled by the mainsheet, and the traveller then moves the boom towards or away from the centreline.

This is exaggerated on a multihull which has wide shrouds, swept well aft with no backstay, making space for a powerful square-top mainsail with full-length battens. There’s no backstay to bend the mast and flatten what is anyway a pretty rigid mainsail.

a trimaran boat

The mainsheet purchase creates enough power to control the leech of the square-top mainsail

Depowering a trimaran

Sailing on a monohull, heel and weatherhelm and eventually a broach give loads of warning that you’re pushing too hard. With straight hulls and little heel, those warning signs don’t really apply to multihulls.

In reality, however, there are a host of warning signals that it’s time to back-off; they’re just a bit different. Even then, there’s still a large safety margin before you get close to danger.

By way of reassurance, with the boat powered up on a beat, Hein, from Boats on Wheels, the boat’s owner, stood on the leeward hull and lent on the shrouds. Even as his feet got wet and the wind gusted at the top of Force 4, the boat didn’t bat an eyelid, thanks to the huge buoyancy of the floats.

a trimaran boat

Even with a person on the leeward float the boat was extremely stable

On the water – sail trim

My first inclination was to point the boat as high upwind as possible, pin the sails in and go for height. Doing that resulted in a not-terrible boat speed of 5-6 knots and a good pointing angle.

Free off by a handful of degrees however, and ease the sails just a smidge, and the speed leapt up to 8-9 knots – over 50% more; a huge increase. So, don’t pinch. If you had a decent chartplotter on board, you could find your optimum speed to angle using velocity made good (VMG).

I was also tempted to pinch in the gusts, but it’s better to hold your course and let the speed increase until the main needs easing.

a trimaran boat

On the wind, it’s time to get the boat fully powered up

If that’s the case, drop the main down the traveller an inch or two or ease some twist into the mainsail and it makes all the difference in the world, but not so far that the top battens fall away and invert – that really isn’t fast. Push too hard and the boat will slow down, largely from the drag of submerging the leeward float and crossbeams. If you’re still overpowered and the main is luffing, it’s time to reef. Downwind is different, but we’ll get onto that later.

After we put a reef in the main, our boat speeds upwind remained largely the same, and the boat was much happier. I came away feeling reassured that even a little trimaran like this would be pretty difficult to capsize, and there were always plenty of warning signs telling me to take my foot off the pedal a little.

Article continues below…

a trimaran boat

Catamaran sailing skills: Mooring and anchoring a multihull

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Monohull multihull

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Tacking and gybing a trimaran

Everyone knows that multihulls don’t tack as well as monohulls. Straight hulls and wide beam don’t lend themselves to turning, especially when coupled with the displacement and fixed keels of big cats. Trimarans are a little easier, with a single central daggerboard to act as a pivot, and one or other of the floats will generally be clear of the water. On the downside, light displacement means that there isn’t much momentum to keep you going through the turn and plenty of windage to stop you.

a trimaran boat

On a trimaran the central daggerboard helps the boat to turn by providing a central pivot point that catamarans lack

Speed is your friend. Build speed up before the tack to give you as much momentum as possible. The helm needs to steer positively into and through the turn, and if necessary, keep the jib backed on the new windward side to help the bow through the wind. Don’t worry about scrubbing speed off, but you don’t want to get stuck in irons.

When it comes to gybing, speed is again key. The turning bit isn’t going to be an issue as you’ll be scooting along, but the faster you’re going, the less load there will be on the sails. The more you slow down, the more the true wind will pile up.

Trimaran sailing skills

Tacks took a bit of practice. It felt plain wrong to jab the tiller across the boat, slamming a big break on in the water but I ended up putting us through the tacks far too slowly, losing a lot of speed. A more aggressive approach worked better. On the Astus, the traveller was between me and the tiller, so the tiller extension needed to be swung around the stern behind the mainsheet onto the new side.

Similarly, old habits of controlling a gybe needed to be modified. With the asymmetric set, we were planing at well over 10 knots, and the ideal is to stay on the plane. Heading dead downwind and centring the main lead to a more violent manoeuvre than flying into the gybe as fast as possible and, as the boom was never that far out thanks to the apparent wind angle, it didn’t need much extra controlling.

Coming up onto the wind after the gybe helped the asymmetric around the front of the jib and to fill on the new side. Stay too deep and it’ll get blanketed by the main. Once we had built up some apparent wind, we could bear away again.

a trimaran boat

You’ll be on a course deep downwind before you know it, hitting speeds in the double digits

Downwind in a trimaran

Upwind cruising may be fun in a multihull, but bearing away and going with the wind is what it’s all about. Easily-driven hulls, a generous sailplan and light weight mean you can be up and planing, leaving displacement boats wallowing in your wake.

The big difference comes from apparent wind. If you’re in a boat that can do 15 knots downwind in 20 knots of true wind, the resulting wind angles can really mess with your head.

To get going then, says Brian Thompson, ‘Use those leech tell-tales again when sailing downwind and reaching to set the correct twist through the mainsheet, and use the traveller to set the correct angle of the whole sail to the wind.’

As the wind and your speed builds, bear away and trim the main accordingly.

In theory, you shouldn’t need to ease the traveller at all, but you may need to if you want to sail deep downwind. As the gust fades, you’ll find the boat slows down, so you can come back up towards the wind a little to pick up some more breeze, and then bear away as you accelerate again.

a trimaran boat

Bear away as the boat accelerates. Your course will be something of a slalom as you look to keep a consistent wind angle

This results in something of a ‘slalom’ course, and will also be accentuated if you’re sailing down waves, but that’s all quite normal for apparent wind sailing. Ultimately, you’re looking for a consistent apparent wind angle, even if the resulting wake isn’t straight.

It’s worth remembering that apparent wind reduces the felt effect of the wind, so you need a sailplan to suit the true, not apparent wind speed.

I found that the boat was more sensitive to having a balanced sailplan and trim downwind than upwind, largely because you’ve got almost double the canvas up, with the bowsprit as an extra lever. When weather helm built, I needed to ease the mainsheet to increase twist to depower so that I could bear away. I must admit, getting the boat balanced, sailing fast and light on the helm at 15 knots was something I came away feeling I needed more practice at.

Reviewing the images, I suspect the asymmetric was sheeted in too hard, with too much twist in the main.

a trimaran boat

Getting a float fully submerged is when it’s time to back off

On the water

Unfurling the gennaker worked best on a beam reach, giving plenty of airflow over the sail to help it fully unfurl. This was also roughly the fastest point of sail, ideal for getting up some speed for apparent wind sailing. We mostly had the sails set for a close reach, even when we were beyond 120º off the true wind on a broad reach.

It was possible to soak deeper downwind, but lose the apparent wind benefit downwind and our speed dropped off dramatically, prompting us to point a bit higher to find some more speed.

As the boat powered up, it paid to hold a slightly higher angle than I would have done in a monohull for the boat to properly take off and get up into double digit speeds – topping out at 15 knots. Lymington to Cowes would have taken us just half an hour at that speed. It’s easy to give yourself a heck of a beat back!

We were sailing on a pretty flat day, so didn’t have to contend with any waves to speak of. On the recent RTI this is what caused the capsizes of at least two multis, a sobering reminder that you need to sail much more conservatively in lumpier conditions.

a trimaran boat

The bows want to point downwind, so a stern-first approach works with rather than against the boat

Coming alongside

A 650kg boat with no draught and plenty of windage feels dreadfully skittish when manoeuvring in confined spaces. Straight hulls with no forgiving curves and fragile-looking sharp bows make berthing tricky. You’ve got a couple of advantages on your side, however. In the Astus, the floats are at pontoon height making stepping off easy.

Whether you have an engine in each hull of a cat, or one in the central hull of a tri, there’s also a lot more leverage to play with to turn the boat and drive her on or off the pontoon. A steerable outboard gives you even more options.

If the boat has a lifting keel or daggerboards, put them down if there’s enough depth to give you a pivot and to resist drifting. Think about getting corners onto the pontoon, rather than putting the boat alongside. On tris, you won’t be able to get to the bow to fend off as it’s too narrow. You can rig a fender up forwards on a line, and two fenders are enough on the flat sides.

a trimaran boat

Steering with the outboard towards the pontoon will drive the stern in more; steer away to drive the bow in more

Offshore wind

Coming onto the pontoon with wind blowing off, it worked well coming in stern first. If there’s a tide running, you’ll want to be heading into the tide, so find a spot down wind and down tide to start your approach so you come in at an angle.

On our first attempt we had a bit of tide under us to start with so we came in at a much steeper angle, almost 90º, although this worked out OK in the end.

The crew could then step ashore, taking a line from the stern quarter round a cleat.

Drive forwards against the line and the bow will obediently drive up towards the pontoon, bringing you flat alongside. Getting off was simple, releasing the bowline, and allowing the bow to swing out the before slipping the stern line.

a trimaran boat

Coming in astern and stopping upwind of the berth meant the bows blew towards the pontoon far to quickly

Onshore wind

Getting onto and off a pontoon with onshore wind proved rather trickier. On our first attempt we came in stern first. The issue was that once we were just upwind of our desired berth and stopped, we lost steerage and the bow immediately blew off with alarming speed towards the pontoon.

Going ahead would only increase the force of the impact, while going astern only increased the bow’s sideways drift. I managed to back out without smashing the bow, but only just, and ended up awkwardly stern to the wind with the bows pointing at the pontoon.

On our second attempt we came in bows first but having aimed at the berth, I had to motor the stern to leeward to stop the bow hitting, making for a rather forceful coming alongside.

On take three, I came in forwards and began ferry gliding towards the berth early, keeping the bows to windward of the stern. Being able to steer with the outboard meant I could go ahead to keep the bow up, and go astern with the engine pulling the stern down toward the pontoon. In this way, it was possible to come in pretty well controlled and parallel to the berth.

a trimaran boat

To get out, motoring astern against a bow line pulled the entire boat clear before slipping the line

Leaving was a different proposition all together, as I didn’t want to drag the bow along the pontoon, or to drive hard onto it to spring off. Instead, we rigged a slip-line from the forward cross beam. Going astern against this, and then turning the engine towards the wind, I could pull the stern, and the rest of the boat, out and away from the pontoon.

Keeping power on astern, once we’d reached a decent angle, we slipped the line and went astern, finding steerage way almost at once, with the bow following obediently in our wake with more control than I had anticipated.

Whether the wind is blowing onto, or off the pontoon, you want the engine to be driving or pulling the boat off the pontoon with a line on the corner you are going away from. That way you avoid point-loading fine ends where it’s hard to fender.

a trimaran boat

You’ll want a bridle to reduce swinging, but keep the pick up lines on the bow as backup

Anchoring and mooring a trimaran

While mooring a catamaran is complicated by the lack of a central bow, things should be simpler on a trimaran, and they are, mostly. Picking up a mooring buoy from the main hull bow with a low freeboard and dropping the pick-up line onto a cleat is easier even than a monohull.

The bow may be narrow, but for any lines that pass through a ring on the buoy, you still need to take it back to the same cleat to avoid chafe. That should be it, but windage from the two extra bows and the lack of keel mean the boat can dance merrily around the mooring buoy in a breeze.

a trimaran boat

Rig the bridle so the buoy sits to one side to stabilise the boat

In practice, we found that a trimaran benefits from a mooring bridle in the same way that a catamaran does. It can’t be rigged from the floats’ bows, as there are no mooring cleats, so a line passed around the outboard ends of the forward beams gave a pretty good angle, again with long lines passed through the mooring and back to the same side. The main pick-up lines stay as a safety backup.

The other trick is to rig the bridle asymmetrically so that the buoy sits to one side or the other, just enough to not be dead head to wind, making it much more stable in the wind.

On the plus side, the lack of draught or keel means that you’ll nearly always be lying head to wind, so the cockpit remains nice and sheltered whatever the tide’s doing.

We ran out of time on the day to try anchoring, but rigging a bridle, effectively a long snubber to a point on the anchor chain in a similar way wouldn’t be tricky.

If you needed not to swing, or to behave more like deeper boats nearby, hanging a bucket over the stern can help, or there’s always anchoring with a kedge, either out ahead in a V, or in line astern.

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The complete list of trimarans.

There is no single trimaran that is best for everyone. Where some prefer luxury cruisers for long trips with family and friends, others might opt for a high performance racing tri for thrilling rides at breakneck speeds. With the recent spike in trimaran popularity, these days there is a perfect tri for every sailor. So to help prospective trimaran owners decide which boat is just right for them, we here at WindRider have put together a comprehensive list of the best trimarans on the market today! Read through for simple at-a-glance trimaran comparisons of boats both big and small, exhilarating and relaxing, and for all price points.

Jump to a specific sailing trimaran: Neel Weta Corsair WindRider Dragonfly Catri Astus Hobie Sea Pearl Farrier Sea Cart Multi 23 Triak SeaRail Warren Lightcraft Diam Radikal Challenger

a trimaran boat

Known for their award-winning luxury trimarans,   NEEL   is based in La Rochelle, the capital city of sailing in France. NEEL trimarans are built for fast cruising with an average cruising speed of about 10 knots, and are even configured to facilitate that sustained speed under motor propulsion. The NEEL 45 was notably named Cruising World’s Most Innovative Vessel in 2013, and by all accounts is an easy-to-sail, high performance boat that is just plain fun.

At a glance:

Models: NEEL 45, 65

Length: 45’ – 65’

Cost:   $$$$$

Use: Luxury cruiser

a trimaran boat

A fan favorite,   Weta trimarans   are fast, stable, and remarkably easy to rig. This single-sailor tri has a capacity of up to three, and the ease with which it can be transported and stored makes this a great, versatile boat for beginners. The Weta was named Sailing World’s 2010 Boat of the Year, and one ride is enough to know why: simply put, the Weta is an absolute ton of fun to sail regardless of skill level.

Models: Weta

Length: 14’5”

Cost:   $$ $$$

a trimaran boat

The high-end   Corsair trimaran   definitely holds its own in the categories of versatility, performance, and convenience. Boasting a rigging time of 30 minutes from trailer to sailor ,   the Corsair 42 – whose convenient folding amas makes trailering possible – is a simple option even for single sailors, though cabin space is suitable for two adults. These boats are wicked fast, capable of reaching speeds of 20+ knots, and were made for skilled sailors seeking solid construction and high performance vessels, not for beginners.

Models: Pulse 600, Sprint 750 MKII, Dash 750 MKII, Corsair 28, Cruze 970, Corsair 37, Corsair 42

Length: 19’8” – 37’

Cost:   $$$$ $

Use: Sports cruisers

a trimaran boat

Built for the sailor who wants to maximize the joys of sailing while minimizing any hassle, WindRider trimarans are notoriously fast, very safe, and a blast to sail from start to finish. With several models that can hold between 1 and 6 riders, including adaptive designs to allow participation from sailors of all levels of mobility, there’s something to suit every sailor’s needs. The WindRider 17, an exhilarating ride perfect for families or camper sailors, has been known to reach speeds of up to 20mph. This easy day sailor goes from trailer to sailing in under 30 minutes and is sure to fit in perfectly with whatever adventures you have planned.

Models: WR 16, 17, Tango, Rave V

Length: 10’11” – 18’3”

Cost:   $ $$$$

Use: Day sailor

a trimaran boat

The Danish-built   Dragonfly   trimarans come in a variety of models ranging from 25’ – 35’, all known for their spry performance, comfortable ride, and ease of use. Every model comes equipped with the unique “SwingWing” feature, a motorized system that can unfold the amas even while the boat is already underway – making it accessible to marinas and slips, and even makes trailering possible. Perfect for those who don’t want to sacrifice their comfort for high performance, the Dragonfly can breeze along at 13 knots while remaining one of the quietest compact cruisers out there.

Models: Dragonfly 25, 28, 32, 35, 1200

Length: 25’ – 39’

a trimaran boat

Designed for both safe cruising as well as for high speed racing,   Catri trimarans   will make your day. Especially noteworthy is the Catri 25, a stable yet wildly fast foiling trimaran with accommodations for up to 6 people. With profiles optimized for speeds of 25+ knots when foiling, this is no beginner’s sailboat. The special attention paid to stability in the foil design allows the Catri to be a single sailor vessel, even at foiling speed, with no special physical abilities. Whether you’re taking a small crew for longer rides at shuddering speeds or bringing the whole family along for a shorter, but still thrilling sail, the Catri is truly one of a kind.

Models: Catri 25

Length: 25’

Use: Cruiser/racer

a trimaran boat

A popular brand of trimaran in Europe,   Astus   has recently made its way to the US market to the delight of sailors on this side of the pond. Designed to offer maximum pleasure with minimum hassle, all models of Astus trimarans are fast to set up, quick on the water, inherently stable, and always a joy to sail. Their outriggers are mounted on telescopic tubes for easy stowage and towing, and can even be extended and retracted on the water for access to narrow passageways and monohull slips in marinas. With models in all sizes and price points, Astus trimarans are a great option for any sailor.

Models: Astus 16.5, 18.2, 20.2, 22, 24

Cabin: Some models

Length: 16’ – 24’

Use: Sport cruisers


a trimaran boat

Great for beginners and adventurers alike, the   Hobie Mirage Adventure Island   series is nothing if not just plain fun. With the option to use as a kayak or as a very basic trimaran, the Hobie is transportable, versatile, unintimidating, lightweight, and wonderfully affordable. The pedal system known as “Mirage Drive” allows a person to pedal the kayak using their legs for an extra kick of movement in slow winds. Amas tuck close to the main hull for docking or car-topping, adding serious ease and convenience to the exhilarating experience of the Hobie.

Models: Hobie Mirage Adventure Island, Mirage Tandem Island

Length: 16’7” – 18’6”

Use: Convertible kayak/trimarans

a trimaran boat

Best known for its use in camp cruising excursions, the   Sea Pearl   offers a roomy main hull and particular ability to sail in very shallow waters, making beaching and launching a breeze. The lightweight Sea Pearl trimaran is easy to tow, and the larger-than-expected cabin opens this vessel up for overnight adventures with plenty of storage space. The simple design makes the Sea Pearl notoriously low maintenance, and the ease it takes to rig and sail it add to the overall delight of owning this boat.

Models: Sea Pearl

Length: 21’

Use: Camper cruiser

a trimaran boat

Quick, lightweight, roomy, and trailerable,   Farrier trimarans   are made for versatility to fit every sailor’s needs. Different Farrier models are available in plan or kit boat form for those who appreciate building their boat themselves, but of course, also as the full production sail-away boat for the rest of us. Single-handed rigging and launching takes under 10 minutes from start to finish, minimizing hassle and getting you on the water fast. All non-racing Farrier designs use a minimum wind capsize speed of 30 knots or more to ensure safety for all those aboard. Add the roomy cabin and high speed capabilities to the equation and you’ve got a boat that is great fun for everyone.

Models:   F-22, 24, 25, 82, 27, 28, 31, 9A, 9AX, 9R, 32, 33, 33R, 33ST, 36, 39, 41, 44R

Length: 23’ – 39’4”

Cost:   $$$ $$

Use: Sport cruisers/racers

a trimaran boat

One of the biggest names in the game,   SeaCart   is internationally noted for its high performance trimarans that far exceed expectations for a production boat of its size. The SeaCart trimaran performs as brilliantly off the water as it does on with its super-light and efficient harbor folding system, making light work of trailering. Notoriously easy to manage and maintain, the SeaCart 26 One Design is the ultimate day racing trimaran, designed for both course and inshore/coastal distance racing. Absolutely worth the international buzz it has garnered, the SeaCart is a thrill from beginning to end.

Models:   SeaCart 26

Length: 26’

a trimaran boat

A high performance racer class, the   Multi 23   is a lightweight, powerful trimaran known for its wicked speed of up to 25 knots. Multi trimarans of both available configurations were designed to give beach cat thrills and speed without any of the stability or seaworthy concerns. Open ocean sailing is no issue for the Multi’s big bows, which do their job to keep her stable. Built for sailors with a need for speed, the Multi makes a perfect weekend boat for racers, especially those with a taste for boat camping.

Models:   Multi 23

Length: 23’

a trimaran boat

Another dual outrigger sailing kayak/canoe design,   the Triak trimaran   was designed to be effortless and fun, especially for beginners. Paddle the kayak with sails furled, use the foot pedals for an extra kick of momentum, or sail with just the mainsail – the only boat in its class to feature an asymmetrical spinnaker – for exhilarating speeds and a blast on the water. Car-top the Triak anywhere for a quick sail or plan for a week long expedition, but always count on having a great time on this easy little boat.

Models:   Triak

Length: 18’

Use: Convertible kayak/trimaran

a trimaran boat

SeaRail trimarans   are known for being affordable, light weight, trailerable trimarans that offer the perfect combination of exciting and relaxing experiences to a wide range of sailors. Whether it’s day sailing with your family, resort or camper sailing, SeaRail trimarans are ideal leisure vessels. Leave the hassle to the other boats – the SeaRail takes you from trailer to sailor in 15 minutes. But don’t let its reputation as a leisure tri fool you: if speed is what you want, rest assured that the SeaRail can deliver that as well.

Models:   SeaRail 19


a trimaran boat

Warren Lightcraft trimarans , another example of a convertible kayak-to-sailboat option, are known for their aesthetically pleasing designs that are also, as the name implies, very light for simple transportation and ease of use. Convert the kayak into a fast, high performance sailboat in just minutes, fly around on the waves all day long, then simply car-top the 68lb Warren for a maximum enjoyment, low-hassle day on the water. Perfect for sailors and paddlers of all skill levels, the Warren Lightcraft is the best of both worlds and an absolute joy to sail.

Models:   Warren Lightcraft

Length: 15’6”

a trimaran boat

Built strictly with racing in mind,   the Diam 24   is a light, powerful one-design class trimaran and a notoriously exceptional performer. Boasting blistering speeds of up to 30 knots, Diam trimarans are not intended for beginners. For racers who crave the very best in terms of intense speeds, smooth handling and impeccable performance, the Diam is the red-hot one-design racing tri for you.

Models:   Diam 24

Length: 24’

a trimaran boat

For the sailor who prefers the finer things in life, the   Radikal 26   delivers. Perfect for bringing the whole family out for a day on the water, this high performance, trailerable sailing trimaran strikes the most luxurious balance between quicksilver speeds and a smooth, comfortable ride. The Radikal 26 trimaran is as convenient to transport and set up as it is pleasant to sail, with a folding system that minimizes rigging hassle and also makes this a trailerable tri. Built for a fast and comfortable sail rather than a hold-onto-your-seats thrill, one-the-water safety and overall pleasure makes the Radikal 26 what it is.

Models:   Radikal 26

Use: Sport cruiser

a trimaran boat

A solidly-built, single-handed trimaran, the Challenger also doubles as an adaptive design – meaning it is made to accommodate sailors of all levels of physical mobility. Best suited to lakes, the Challenger is a very safe, seaworthy boat for sailors of all ages and experience levels. Add to this the ease of owning, transporting and maintaining the Challenger trimaran and what you get is a simple, fun sailboat perfect both for beginners and those seeking a cheap thrill alike.

Models:   Challenger

At a glance comparison:

Astus 16.5, 18.2, 20.2, 22, 24 16’ – 24’ Sport cruiser Some models
Catri 25 25’ Cruiser/racer Y
Challenger - Day sailor N
Pulse 600, Sprint 750 MKII, Dash 750 MKII, Cruze 970, Corsair 28, 37, 42 19’8” – 37’ Sport cruisers Y
Diam 24 24’ Racer N
Dragonfly 25, 28, 32, 35, 1200 25’ – 39’ Luxury cruiser Y
F-22, 24, 25, 82, 27, 28, 31, 9A, 9AX, 9R, 32, 33, 33R, 33ST, 36, 39, 41, 44R 23’ – 39’ 4” Sport cruisers/racers Y
Mirage Island, Mirage Tandem Island 16’7” – 18’6” Convertible kayak/trimarans N
Multi 23 22’ Racer Y
NEEL 45, 65 44’ – 65’ Luxury cruiser Y
Radikal 26 26’ Sport cruiser Y
Sea Pearl 21’ Camper cruiser Y
SeaCart 26 26’ Racer Y
SeaRail 19 18’ Day sailor N
Triak 18’ Convertible kayak/trimaran N
Warren Lightcraft 15’6” Convertible kayak/trimaran N
Weta 14’5” Racer N
WR 16, 17, Tango, Rave V 10’11” – 18’3” Day sailor N

Did we miss one? Let us know. Tell us what you sail and what you like about each boat in the comments below.

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Trimaran Sailboats: Pros and Cons

Sep 22, 2021

less than a min

Trimaran Sailboats: Pros and Cons

Trimarans are boats in the multihull category. So let us give you a simple overview. A monohull has just one hull, a catamaran is a boat with two hulls, while a trimaran as the name itself suggests, has three hulls ( one central hull and two side ones that are smaller ).

There are many reasons why people prefer trimarans to other boats. These vessels are very easy to maneuver and quite light compared to catamarans or monohulls. They are often considered as an advanced form of the catamaran. The reason being, trimarans are faster than the average catamaran and obviously faster than monohulls. 

In addition, trimarans are much more stable than the alternative. The three hulls provide extra balance and lower resistance because even if there are three hulls in a trimaran, they are smaller and narrower. Lower resistance also leads to lower fuel consumption. 

Trimarans are very comfortable to sail in as the main hull is stabilized by the two outer hulls . 

Also, if you enjoy spending more time outdoors rather than indoors (which is usually the case for people who like sailing), trimarans offer more deck area that you can utilize. Whether for meditation, or social gatherings, this space offers plenty of breathtaking views and fresh air. 

Let’s not forget that trimarans have smaller gaps in between the hulls which makes them easier to build and therefore less expensive for the public to buy. 

This article however is titled trimarans pros and cons, so it is time to move into some less appealing characteristics of these vessels. 

While they offer plenty of deck space, the area below the main deck is limited, therefore you cannot have as many people on board as you would in a monohull or even a catamaran. 

In addition, trimarans are not appropriate for every type of activity. If you want to use it for recreational sailing then these boats will provide plenty of enjoyment. If your scope is to find something for the military or fishing, trimarans are not often the best choice. 

If you have your mind set on a specific trimaran, search it on TheBoatDB . Our extensive database includes features, pictures, specifications, and more useful information on a variety of boats. What is most interesting however is that you can also compare a couple of models side by side and decide which one is your favorite by getting all your facts straight. 

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2024 Boat of the Year Best Trimaran: Dragonfly 40 Ultimate

  • By Dave Reed
  • December 20, 2023

Dragonfly 40 BOTY testing

“Classy.” That was the first word that came to mind for Boat of the Year judge Mike Ingham when he stepped aboard the formidable 40-foot trimaran from Dragonfly, an unexpected and welcome late entry to the competition in Annapolis. “It almost feels as if the boat is intentionally understated but overdelivered because once you start looking closer at the details and craftsmanship, it just keeps getting more impressive.”

Builder and company owner Jens Quorning, whose family has been building trimarans in southern Denmark since 1967, says the Dragonfly 40 is the biggest boat they now build and a worthy holder of the flagship title. “Building a boat of this scale is complicated,” he says of the folding trimaran. “It takes three years to develop a new design, and this is for owners looking for a bigger boat, with better performance, capable of more long-distance sailing.”

The result is a powerful trimaran aimed at experienced owners who appreciate the sheer pleasure of racing and cruising on three hulls. This is not your average production multihull. It is a powerful and luxurious sailing machine capable of knocking off fast miles in comfort. Slip down below and you’re immediately immersed in a master class of woodwork and joinery. There are berths for four, including a giant master under the cockpit, plenty of standing headroom, and a comfortable salon and galley arrangement that’s monohull-cozy. “We do not offer a big house on the water,” Quorning tells the judges. “But if you really want a fine and elegant yacht with double-digit sailing, this is what we do.”

For our tests, Dragonfly presented its Ultimate edition, the midrange version. An upscaled Performance model is an all-carbon version with a taller mast. And in the lightest wind of the week, sub-10 knots, the trimaran teased the judges with its potential. Still, in the light stuff, the boat delivered a winning experience.

Dragonfly 40

“It was a dream to sail upwind and downwind, almost effortlessly,” Ingham says. “With the gennaker up, at about 100 degrees true, we were going faster than the wind, and with winch pods on each side of the steering wheel, everything was as ergonomic as you could possibly imagine. The electric winches made it a cinch to furl and unfurl the headsails through the tacks and jibes, and the sails trimmed in perfectly every time.”

The feather-light feel of the helm, Ingham adds, was as smooth as a balanced dinghy. “With tiny movements on the wheel, the boat would immediately respond, but I could also walk away from the helm for a few minutes and the boat would stay right on track. Crazy—I think it steered itself better than I did.”

That’s the trait of a good trimaran, Greg Stewart says. The Dragonfly 40 has a lot of buoyancy in the bows, and while the center hull is substantial, the tall trussed rig and square top mainsail provide plenty of power. “The biggest thing that struck me is how easily accessible everything is,” Stewart says. “Clearly, every detail is painstakingly thought out, and I can’t believe how beautifully built the interior is. It’s top-notch, from the glasswork to the paintwork inside and out. Down below, we were all blown away by the finish.”

There’s no denying the boat is expensive at upward of $1 million, but the test boat had quality race sails, a full electric-winch package, and a long list of high-spec extras. At nearly 15,000 pounds light, it’s a substantial boat—not trailerable, but foldable with Dragonfly’s trademark technique that Corning describes as mimicking parallel rules. The floats are 2 feet longer than the center hull, with buoyancy pushed well forward into the reversed bows, and the center hull is narrow at the waterline before sweeping upward to a high and hard chine. This pronounced hull shape allows for the generous amount of headroom, and high bench seats that flank a long centerline table, which can, of course, drop down to create a double-size berth.

Dragonfly 40 interior

Allen noted that the center hull’s wide side decks provide a secure pathway to the bow, rather than across the trampolines. He was also impressed with the ease of sailing the boat and the comfort belowdecks. “When we were doing 9 knots, I went below and there was silence. It’s comfortable and beautiful. It would be a blast to do some long point-to-point racing on it, doublehanded or with like a crew of four, max.”

Stewart agreed, adding that beyond its noteworthy gunkholing attributes, the engine is well aft on the center hull, allowing it to be motored safely into shallow anchorages. The daggerboard is mechanically raised into the trunk, and the rudder kicks up. “I also think it would be great for a distance race or rally type of event,” Stewart says. “Its performance and versatility are what appeal to me, but the build quality is what really sets it apart.”

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Rapido Trimarans



a trimaran boat

General Details

  • Length: 18.1m (59.3 ft)
  • Beam: 11.7m (38.4 ft)
  • Draft: 1.0m (2.5 ft)
  • Average light displacement (subject to final options): : 9,700 kgs (21,385 lbs)
  • Displacement (max load): 12,000kg (26,456 lb)
  • Headroom (average): 2.1m (6 ft 11 inches)
  • Mast height above water: 25.3m (83 ft)
  • Storage volume of floats (at greatest dimension): (l) 4.5m x (w) 1.3m x (h) 1.5m
  • Storage volume under cockpit (at greatest dim.): (L) 2.2m x (W) 3.3m x (H) 1.4m

Further information:

  • For detailed specifications, click onto  Rapido 60 Specifications (30 Nov. 2021)
  • Click to download Rapido 60 General Arrangement .

Sailing La Vagabonde post a video of the launch of La Vagabonde III (Rapido 60 #04) on 2 November 2023. See video below.

  • Mainsail: 125m² (1,345 ft²)
  • Solent: 71m² (764 ft²)
  • Reacher: 130m² (1,399 ft²)
  • Asymmetric Spin: 225m² (2,422 ft²)
  • Stay sail: 25m² (269 ft²)

General Information

“I  sailed Rapido Hull #01 on the Mediterranean Sea the other day and we were doing 14 knots upwind while cooking in the spacious kitchen!" Ferdinand van West (former F18 World Champion working with designers, Morrelli & Melvin ). ( Click here for original article in Catamaran Racing.)

Billed as the World’s Ultimate Ocean Cruising Trimaran , the Rapido 60 really is the Queen of the Oceans . It offers speed, safety, performance – and luxury.

The inspiration behind the Rapido 60 comes from Paul Koch (co founder of Rapido Trimarans), arguably, the man who has built more production trimarans than anyone else on the planet.

The design is by world renowned naval architects, Morelli & Melvin Design and Engineering who use some of the most sophisticated technology in the world. Triac Composites  is our exclusive builder.

While the foam sandwich and carbon construction is lightweight which gives the boat its speed, it also provides an extremely strong and rigid structure that has been designed to withstand the might of the oceans.

An additional benefit of the foam sandwich construction is the high degree of insulation, protecting the Rapido when the sun beats down.

Morelli & Melvin enjoy a very strong international reputation. Their designs even include entries for the America’s Cup .


[Video caption: Take a tour onboard Rapido 60, Romanza with owners, Dougall and Jaz Love, during Hamilton Island Race Week.]

Morrelli & Melvin’s computer modelling said that the Rapido 60 was very strong. And so we tested it.

We bolted the centre hull of the Rapido to the factory floor in HCMC. We then brought in two mobile cranes – each took a diagonal corner of the two outer hulls. With one diagonal corner each, the two cranes began to lift while the trimaran’s centre hull remained bolted to the floor, causing it to twist. One tonne of lifting pressure… Two tonnes… Three tonnes…

As the trimaran twisted it began to creak and groan. But the sensitive electronic equipment we had measuring every move and twist remained unphased. Everything was within design parameters.

Seven tonnes… Eight tonnes… Nine tonnes…

The pressure was eased and the Rapido spring back into its original condition – totally unaffected by the enormous twisting pressure that had been placed upon it.

The computer modelling had accurately predicted the incredible structural strength of the composites used in the Rapido. The Rapido is built to take on the oceans.

Rapido is, simply, the Queen of the Oceans.

Incredible storage capacity

The Rapido 60 has amazing storage capability in the floats (4.8m x 1.3m), beneath the seats in the cockpit (2.1m x 0.5m) and in the forward cabin (1.4m x 1.2m x 1.2m).

The Rapido 60 has amazing, dedicated storage capacity. Floats (4.8m x 1.3m). Beneath the cockpit seats (2.1m x 0.5m). Beneath the cockpit floor (2.1m x 2.9m x 1.3m). Forward of forward cabin (1.4m x 1.2m x 1.2m).

Other videos

[Video above: Rapido 60, Romanza, races effortlessly at 24 knots during the opening day of Airlie Beach Race Week (Whitsunday Islands, Queensland, Australia) in August 2018.]

[Video above: Owners of Rapido 60, Romanza, take the organisers of Hamilton Island Race Week on a walk thru tour.]

[Video above: Owner of Rapido 60, Ineffable, Steve Bourne is interviewed about his boat for the 39th St Maarten Heineken Regatta.]

[Video above; Rapido 60, Romanza wins the PIC Coastal Classic in New Zealand in November 2020. And it wasn’t all hard sailing out there over the 21 hours.]

  • For more videos, visit the Rapido Trimarans’ You Tube Channel .


Trimarans are safe, powerful and fast as demonstrated by the fact that they consistently win races and hold the solo speed record for circumnavigating the world.

Safety at sea is the No. 1 priority and this thinking is reflected throughout the design and construction of the Rapido.

The Rapido 60 has some truly amazing living spaces which provide more open, private and intimate areas than monohulls or catamarans.

stable and comfortable

Trimarans are comfortable on all points of sail.

The combination of safety, performance and comfort put the Rapido in a league of its own. The enormous trampoline nets add fun and excitement as you watch the blue water rush underneath you – or as you lounge on the nets while gently floating over a reef. You will be instantly hooked..

look inside the

Rapido 60 in action.

See more Rapido Trimarans videos (You Tube)

View all Rapido 60 photos

60 in the media

Below is a list of articles which have appeared in various publications regarding Rapido Trimarans.

  • Sailboat Review, Rapido 40, A sailor’s dream boat , by Mark Pillsbury, Cruising World magazine, 6 May 2024
  • Rapido host much anticipated launch of first Rapido 53XS , Sails magazine, 1 May 2024
  • Rapido 53XS – a peak speed of 24 knots during initial sea trials , by Emmanuel van Deth, Multihulls World, 19 April 2024
  • Rapido 53XS, the new 16m globetrotter of a trimaran , by Aldo Fumagalli, Vela magazine, 24 January 2024
  • First look – Rapido 53XS, a 20 knot cruiser , by Toby Hodges, Yachting World, 29 December 2023
  • Video. Sailing Bliss: Unveiling the Rapido 40 Trimaran – GIDDY UP!!! , by Naval Gazing at Camp David, December 2023
  • Video. The Rapido 53XS: Tour, review and ideas , by Naval Gazing at Camp David, December 2023
  • Rapido 53XS Review , by Yachting World, 9 November 2023
  • Video. Der Kat-Jäger: Carbon-Trimaran Rapido 40 aus Vietnam (“The cat hunter: carbon trimaran Rapido 40 from Vietnam”) by Yacht TV, 12 October 2023
  • Cruising World announces Rapido 40 as Boat of the Year 2024 nominee , Cruising World, 26 September 2023
  • Rapido 40 carbon trimaran from Vietnam – the test , by Michael Good, German Yacht Magazine, 21 September 2023
  • C-foils on a fast cruising trimaran? This looks rapid!, Rapido 40 tour, Yachting World magazine video by Toby Hodges, 8 September 2023
  • Rapido 40: The Alternative Trimaran , by François-Xavier de Crécy with photos by Ludovic Fruchaud, LE MONDE DU MULTICOQUE #24 by Voile Magazine. July, 2024.
  • The Rapido 40 is a 20 knot cruising tri , George Day, Cruising Compass, 24 May, 2023
  • Boat Review of Rapido 40, Zuzana Prochazka, Sail Magazine, 4 May 2023
  • Rapido 40: ultra fast cruising in complete safety on three hulls , Maxime Leriche , SailboatNews.com, 25 April 2023
  • Boat anomaly: Rapido 40 Trimaran , No Frills Sailing, 19 April 2023
  • Rapido 40 – Fast, foldable and worry free!,  Multihulls World magazine, No. 189, May-July 2023
  • Shipyard Focus: Rapido Trimarans , by Kevin Green, Multihulls World, August / September 2022.
  • Rapido, changing the game , by Zuzana Prochazka, Sail Magazine, 23 March, 2022
  • Rapido 40: A livable sailboat for cruising on 3 hulls , Briag Merlet, Sailboat News, 23 February 2022.
  • Rapido, changing the game , (takes a detailed look at the cutting edge design and technology of Morrelli & Melvin) by Zuzana Prochazka, Multihull Sailor, December 2021
  • Boat Review: Rapido 50 , Kevin Green, Boating New Zealand, November 2021
  • Harnessing Speed , by Kevin Green, Boating New Zealand, November 2021
  • Rapido 60 Trimaran Boat Review: A Bold Gamechanger For Performance Bluewater Cruising , by Zuzana Prochazka, Yacht World, 23 September, 2021.
  • Harnessing the wind , by Kevin Green, Multihulls World, September / October 2021 issue, 6 page spread on Rapido Trimarans.
  • Sailing La Vagabonde choose Rapido 60 to sail world’s oceans , video announcement by SLV to their 1.59 million subscribers, You Tube, 8 June 2021
  • The Ultimate Racer-Cruiser: Clients on Romanza are turning heads on the racetrack when they’re not cruising at high speed , North Sails, 19 April, 2021
  • Making Short-handed Short Work – Onboard Rapido 60 , Anna Merchant, Sail-World, 11 February 2021
  • Rapido 50 News from the Shipyards , Multihulls World, 2 February 2021
  • Buyers’ Guide 2021, Rapido 50 , Multihulls World, 18 December 2020
  • “New breed” Rapido 40 & 50 , Yachting World magazine, November 2020
  • Cruising Helmsman reviews Rapido 60 , October 2020
  • Romanza takes top spot in Yates Cup , SEA Yachting magazine, September 2020
  • Rapido Trimarans relocates production arm into Vietnam ,  SEA Yachting  magazine, Nov/Dec 2019.
  • Rapido Trimarans, On the March, Seahorse Magazine , October 2019.
  • (French)  Rapido 40, un trimaran repliable de 12 m , Bateaux.com, 29 August 2019.
  • Rapido 60 – The most exciting production multihull in the world?  (or  click here  for selection of quotes), Multihulls Magazine, Summer (July) 2019.
  • Rapido , Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia, June 2019 (pp23-24)
  • Ineffable’s Steve Bourne: I’m a nutter for sailing , Daily Herald, 26 February 2019.
  • Rapido 60′ the fastest production multihull in the world? , International Multihulls World, December 2017
  • RAPIDO 60’ : Le multicoque de série habitable le plus rapide du monde? , Multihulls World, 23 November 2017
  • Finding Mrs Right , Boating New Zealand, August 2016
  • Blue Water Cruising Trimaran , Australian Multihulls World, August 2016
  • Rapido 60 , Cruising World, 25 August, 2016
  • Rapido 60 , by Emma Bamford, Sailing Today.

What is a Trimaran Boat? Its Terminology, History,

Updated: July 31, 2024     9 Minutes Read

Trimaran Boat

Do you want to know about Trimaran? If yes, you are in the hundred percent right place. A trimaran, also known as a double-outrigger, is a type of multi-hulled boat that features a main hull and two smaller outrigger hulls or floats that are attached to the main hull with lateral beams. Most modern trimarans are used as sailing yachts for racing or recreation, and others are warships used by the navy and ferries. 

The hull design of the Trimaran comes from the double-outrigger hulls of the Austronesian culture of maritime southeast Asia, especially from Eastern Indonesia and the Philippines, where it was used in fishing boats . And the design of double-outriggers originated from single-outrigger boats and old catamarans. 


The term “Trimaran” originated from the combination of tri and maran. The tri means three, and maran is basically derived from catamaran boat s. It’s believed that Trimaran was created by Victor Tchetchet, who is basically a Ukraine-based modern multi-hull designer. A trimaran is featured with a main hull and two smaller outrigger floats on either side, attached by crossbeams. In Polynesian terms, the main hull is generally considered “vaka, ” while each float is referred to as “ama,”  and the connectors that connect them together are usually known as “aka.”  However, trimarans are not considered traditional Polynesian boats; Polynesians generally use single-outrigger canoes and catamarans.

Ownership Costs for Trimarans

Ownership Costs for Trimarans

The ownership cost of Trimarans widely differs according to their model, brand, size, and quality of construction. On average, their ownership price starts at $100,000 and goes up to a million dollars. If you want to determine how much you can afford, use our boat loan calculator .

The first Trimaran, or double-outrigger boat, was designed by the Austronesians and is still most loved by the fishermen of maritime southeast Asia . This double outrigger was improved from the oldest single outrigger boats to resolve the problem of boats tipping over when turning into wind. However, double outriggers did not get populated among austersians in Polynesia and Micronesia, where people use catamarans and single outriggers.

The warships with double outriggers, such as Karakoa, Kora Kora, Lanong, and Borobudur, were broadly used in maritime southeast Asia for many years. These vessels were also called proas by Europeans during the colonial era. And proas is basically a broad term that includes native ships and single-outriggers. 

20th Century 

Recreational sailing with trimarans and catamarans gained popularity in the 1960s and 1970s. Victor Tchetchet, who was basically a Ukrainian immigrant to the US, manufactured two Trimarans by using marine plywood. These trimarans were around 24 feet, or 7.3 meters, longer in length. Then, in the 1950s and 1960s, Arthur Piver designed new plywood kit trimarans, which were heavy and not suitable for seas compared to modern models, but still a few achieved the success of crossing oceans. Several of their additional models, including Chris White, Derek Kelsall, Ed Horstman, Richared Newik, John Marples, Norman Cross, Jim Brown, and Jay Kantola, were built using contemporary construction methods, which basically improved the performance and safety of Trimaran cruisers.

After that, many homebuilders and new boating companies started making trimaran boats. Most of their models were 19–36 feet, or 5.8–11 meters, longer in length and were widely used as “day-sailers’ ‘. They were also trailerable by boat trailers, and their examples include original Ferrier and Corsair folding trimarans like the F-27 Sport Cruiser and the original John Westell and Swing-wing folding trimaran.

Modern Trimarans were constructed in the west and were significantly distinguished from their counterparts. They use a Bermuda rig sail plan instead of unique sails like crab claw or Tanja. These trimarans are also larger and have bigger floats, which provides them with more buoyancy than outrigger canoes . However, these floats may create drag when they get too wet, and their level of immersion shows when to reef. In respect of performance, an objective comparison by Doran in 1972 proved that the traditional double-outrigger vinta of the Philippines and the single-outrigger WA of the Caroline Islands are still amazing at sailing against wind and speed compared to modern trimarans.

Competition And Records

Competition And Records

There are many competitions, and world records exist for Trimaran vessels. Thomas Coville is also one of them, having set the world record for solo sailing all over the world for around 49 days and 3 hours. This world record was made by Sodebo Ultim Trimaran and completed on December 25, 2016.

Before Thomas’ world record, in February 2005, a record was held by a British sailor, Ellen MacArthur , in which she spent around 71 days circling the world. After that, on January 20, 2008, a Frenchman broke the Ellen MacAuthers record by spending just 57 days, 13 hours, 34 minutes, and 6 seconds in Trimaran by exploring the planet.

Additionally, between December 2016 and January 2017, Francis Joyon and his five crew members set a new record for the fastest maritime circumnavigation by fishing the journey in just 40 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes, and 30 seconds. Their standard speed was around 26.85 knots, or 30.71 MPH, and they covered almost 48,915 kilometers, or 26,412 nautical miles. 

In 2020, the same Trimaran completed the race from Hong Kong to London in an impressive 32 days. This time is about one-third of the first record, which was made in 2005. 

 Trimaran Ships

High-speed ferries.

High-speed ferries are managed by specific rules. These rules are applied to those ferries that are used for international journeys lasting less than four hours and cargo ferries that are used for almost eight hours from a safe harbor. Private berths or sleeping areas are not available in these vessels, but every passenger must be given a seat.

The demand for high-speed ferries increased after the 1970s. In the 2000s, there were only two Australian companies, “ Incat and Austal,” building large and high-speed ferries. Incat was busy making catamarans, which basically move forward by cutting water waves, and Austal was an expert in making high-speed trimarans.

In 2010, Austal manufactured a 120-meter ferry called Hull 270, which was sold to Condor Ferries in 2015. After that, Condor Ferries changed its name to HSC Condor Liberation for visits to the Channel Islands. The interest in Trimaran ferries increased in 2017 when Fred. Olsen Express bought two 118 Trimarans from their island routes that were called Bajamar Express and Bañaderous Express . In 2018, a Japanese company also purchased an 83-meter ferry. 

Naval ships

The first and modern use of Trimaran hull design in navy ships was with the RV Triton . RV Triton is basically a research vessel for the Royal Navy and was manufactured with a Trimaran hull to test the hull’s visibility. This vessel has been used by the Australian customs and border protection service since 2007. 

The Indonesian navy’s first stealth Trimaran, the 63M carbon fiber composite Trimaran fast missile boat, was discovered in 2012. This was manufactured by North Sea boats with modern stealth technology and a wave-piercing Trimaran hull, but its design was made by New Zealand naval architects, LOMOCEAN Marine . Unfortunately, this vessel was destroyed by an engine room fire shortly after its launch. 

After that, the 43-meter ocean Eagle Trimaran was built by the Nigel irens and is based on the ocean adventure concept, which provides coastal protection for Mozambique.

Folding Trimarans

Some of the boat manufacturers build fold-able trimarans, which means these trimarans have floats that can be flooded near the main hull. Their foldable feature basically makes them easily trailerable by boat trailers and allows them to easily fit in a typical monohull space in a marina. There are various mechanisms used to store a folding trimaran or amas outrigger, which include demountable fixed tubes that are assembled before launching, telescoping tubes, and a hinge and latch system that allows the amas or foldable trimaran to fold over the main hull to reduce width for trailering. In addition, some Trimarans have a vertical folding system, which basically lifts the floats upward and over the main hull. On the other hand, a few Trimarans feature horizontal articulation, which moves the floats forward or backward at the same level as the hull, or horizontal folding, which folds the floats towards the main hull. These modern techniques for folding trimarans basically make them easier to trailer and transport; that’s why many people use them as sailing trimarans.

Folding Trimaran Safety Features 

There are many features of folding trimarans that assure safer journeys than other boat types . Trimarans have special compartments for protection from sinking, easy-to-reach controls, a system of prevention from collisions, covered and safe cockpits, and fast-draining holes. However, a capsized Trimaran may be harder to flip back, and some may also get damaged. But the new Trimarans are specially designed to easily turn back when capsized. To stay safe, it’s better to reduce sail power in strong winds and use special features like netting and water-shedding decks to protect a capsized Trimaran. 

Benefits of Trimaran Boats

Benefits of Trimaran Boats

The Trimaran configuration is suitable for both navy ships and commercial ferries. An Australian boat manufacturer company, “ Austal ” conducted the study to increase the advantages of Trimaran ships, catamarans, and monohulls and find out the ideal positioning of outer hulls to minimize wave resistance and power consumption when operating at high speeds with heavy payloads of almost 1,000 tons. This change made Trimarans more efficient, reduced motion sickness, and improved roll and lateral force stability, especially in rough seas. These features of Trimarans made it the best choice for warships and passenger ferries. Some of the other advantages of trimarans are: 

  • Trimarans with high-quality construction can move smoothly and quickly in seas, even with heavy loads.
  • They are basically made to be stable and versatile, and they roll well in rough seas.
  • They help to prevent motion sickness.
  • They can be manufactured in larger models.
  • Trimarans can carry low-density cargo or passengers and can go at around 40 knots of speed. 

Disadvantages of Trimarans

  • Trimarans are mostly tough and pricey to build.
  • They are usually challenging to dock because of their design and size. 
  • They may also not be suitable for carrying heavy cargo and passengers. 
  • Their interior space is mostly less than that of Catamarans. 

I'm Raunek Kantharia, a professional marine engineer. I'm also a marine writer who joined the Marine Insight website in 2010 as an expert marine writer. I managed the Marine Insight website. After that, I wrote many articles for magazines and websites. But now, I write for readboating.com. I share my insights and knowledge from my own experience.

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What is a trimaran boat?

Boating enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new and exciting vessels that can take them on adventures across the water. In recent times, the trimaran boat has become increasingly popular due to its unique design and performance capabilities. Trimarans are a type of multihull boat that have three hulls instead of the traditional two on monohull boats.

What sets a trimaran boat apart from other types of boats is its stability, speed, and spaciousness. The three hulls provide a wider base, which provides greater stability and balance, allowing them to sail in rougher seas with ease. This means that trimaran boats can reach higher speeds and maintain them for longer periods of time. The design of the trimaran also makes them agile and highly responsive, which is perfect for racing and high-performance boating.

Trimaran boats are also known for their spaciousness, making them perfect for longer trips or boating with larger groups of people. The wide, stable base provides ample space for any equipment or amenities that passengers may need, such as a kitchen, a bathroom, or sleeping quarters.

Another benefit of the trimaran design is its versatility. It can be used as a sailboat, motorboat, or a combination of the two. This flexibility allows boaters to match their needs to the boat and have an incredibly enjoyable and comfortable experience.

Despite the many advantages of owning a trimaran boat, it’s worth noting that they do require a bit more maintenance than other boats, primarily due to the multiple hulls. However, with proper care and maintenance, owning a trimaran boat can provide years of enjoyment and a unique sailing experience.

In summary, trimaran boats are highly versatile, highly stable and highly responsive, making them an ideal vessel for many boating enthusiasts. Their unique design provides a spacious, comfortable, and highly efficient boating experience, making them the perfect choice for those who want to sail the seas in style. If you’re looking for a boat that can take you on long-distance voyages or race across the waves, a trimaran boat might be the perfect choice for you.

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Cruising Sea

Trimaran VS Catamaran – Which Boat Is Best?

a trimaran boat

If you’re planning to buy or charter a multihull boat, you might be wondering which one is better: trimaran or catamaran. Both have their pros and cons, and the decision ultimately depends on your needs and preferences. In this article, I’ll explain the differences between these two types of vessels to help you make the best choice for your needs.

Post updated: 10 November 2023

Table of Contents

Differences Between Trimarans and Catamarans?

If you’re in the market for a new vessel or plan a family vacation on the water, you might wonder what the differences are between a catamaran and a trimaran. 

Let’s see what they are:

A catamaran is a multihull vessel with two or twin hulls that are parallel to each other and fixed to a wide beam.

This design offers stability and speed, making it a popular choice for cruising long distances comfortably and even racing.

They also provide more interior space than trimarans, allowing for larger cabins and more storage.

When it comes to sailing performance, catamarans are known for their speed and agility.

Their twin hulls allow them to easily glide over the water, making them popular among boaters.

Cats are stable, fast, spacious, and super comfortable and are more stable at anchor than trimarans. However, catamarans tend to perform better in downwind conditions than in upwind conditions.

A trimaran is a multihull vessel that has three hulls. The two smaller outrigger hulls are attached to the center hull, which is larger and used for most of the boat’s functionality. 

This design offers even more stability than a catamaran, making it a great choice for those who want to sail in rough waters safely.

The three-hulled design makes them super stable, and as mentioned above, they can easily handle rough waters. They also have a smaller turning radius, making them easier to maneuver in tight spaces.

Another important thing to know about Trimarans is that they provide a decent degree of livability, but they fall short of catamarans in two regards. First, they heel more than cats, making it difficult to do things like cooking on board. Second, they support much less load than catamarans.

Pros and Cons of Catamarans and Trimarans

Before making a decision whether to sail a catamaran or a trimaran, there are pros and cons you must consider. Let’s see what there are:

  • Stability: Catamarans have two hulls, which makes them extremely stable. This means that you are less likely to experience seasickness or feel the boat rocking in rough waters.
  • Space: Catamarans have a lot of space both inside and outside the boat. This makes them great for large groups or families who want to spend time together without feeling cramped.
  • Speed: While not as fast as trimarans, catamarans are still faster than monohulls . They perform better in downwind conditions than trimarans and are great for long-distance cruising in calm waters.
  • Shallow Draft: Catamarans have a shallow draft, which allows them to enter shallow waters and anchor closer to shore.
  • Cost: Depending on how well the Catamaran is equipped, it can be more expensive than trimarans. Not always, though.
  • Harbor Cost: As catamarans have a very large beam, this means that a berth at the marina will be higher.
  • Navigation: Catamarans tend to struggle sailing close to the wind .
  • Speed:  Trimarans are known for being faster than cats and single-hull boats. They can easily reach high speeds and are great for racing or long-distance cruising.
  • Stability:  Trimarans are more stable than catamarans due to their three hulls. 
  • Space:  Trimarans are wide, but the interior is less spacious than catamarans.
  • Safety:  Provide exceptional buoyancy. If a trimaran capsizes, there is almost no chance it will sink.
  • Navigation: Trimarans can sail in any weather condition and perform much better upwind than cats.
  • Berthing:  Trimarans are more difficult to maneuver in harbors, making finding a berth in crowded marinas more challenging.
  • Maneuverability:  Trimarans require more ability from sailors to beach without difficulty than catamarans.
  • Loading:  Trimarans struggle to carry as much weight as catamarans.
  • Sailing: Trimarans require more effort and work on the deck.

Trimaran sailing yacht on the water

Design and Structure

When it comes to design and structure, there are significant differences between trimarans and catamarans. Below, I’ll walk you through these two multi-hull vessels’ geometry, hydrodynamics, weight, and materials.

Geometry and Hydrodynamics

One of the most significant differences between trimarans and catamarans is their geometry. A trimaran has a central hull with two outriggers connected to a large beam, while a catamaran has two parallel hulls connected by a central platform.

This twin-hull design gives catamarans a unique sense of balance and stability. On the other hand, trimarans offer superior stability and adaptability in various water conditions thanks to their three-hulled design.

The central hull of a trimaran is typically longer and narrower than the hulls of a catamaran, which leads to better hydrodynamic performance.

Both trimarans and catamarans have different hydrodynamic resistance characteristics.

For instance, trimarans have less wetted surface area, which means they experience less drag as they move through the water. This feature makes trimarans faster than catamarans in rough weather conditions and high winds.

Performance and Speed

When it comes to performance and speed, there is a clear winner between trimarans and catamarans . Trimarans are known for their speed and are often faster than catamarans of the same size and weight. This is because of their unique design, which has speed and safety qualities that provide significant advantages over catamarans.

Trimarans have less hydrodynamic resistance than catamarans due to their narrower central hull, which allows them to slice through the water more efficiently in rough seas.

While catamarans are also fast, they often fall short of trimarans in terms of speed and performance. But that’s not always true in downwind conditions because cats are light, and their sails are positioned equivalent to the wind, making them faster than tris in downwind conditions.

Heeling and Capsizing

One of the biggest concerns when it comes to stability is heeling and capsizing. Heeling means the boat leans from one side to one side, while capsizing is when the boat flips over completely.

Both trimarans and catamarans heel, but trimarans provide greater stability and are less likely to capsize due to their three hulls. However, this doesn’t mean a trimaran can’t capsize.

In rough conditions, if a wave gets higher than half the size of the beam, the boat can flip over, but because trimarans have exceptional buoyancy, they float on the surface of the water and can serve as a rescue platform, but they won’t sink!

Comfort and Space

One important factor to consider when choosing between a cat and a tri is comfort and space. So, let’s look at these two types of boat’ accommodation: storage, cockpit, and living quarters.

Accommodation and Storage

One of the main advantages of catamarans over trimarans is the amount of space they offer. Catamarans typically have larger cabins and more storage space than trimarans. This makes them a great choice for longer trips, as you’ll have plenty of room to store all your gear and personal belongings.

Trimarans, on the other hand, have smaller cabins and less storage space. This can make the passengers feel a bit cramped, especially on longer trips. 

However, some trimarans do offer creative storage solutions, such as under-bunk storage compartments or overhead storage racks. Note that the latest models of trimarans are extremely spacious and offer as much comfort and space, if not more, than catamarans do.

Another difference between trimarans and catamarans is their weight. While trimarans can potentially be built lighter than some catamarans, catamarans are lighter on average due to having one fewer hull requiring structure and ballast.

The weight distribution of a trimaran is also different from a catamaran, with more weight concentrated in the central hull. This feature provides better stability and performance in rough seas and upwinds.

Catamarans, on the other hand, can support more load than trimarans. This feature makes them ideal for long-distance cruising and liveaboard lifestyles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: which has better resale value – trimarans or catamarans.

Resale values for both trimarans and catamarans can depend on factors such as the boat’s age, maintenance, and overall condition. Generally, catamarans have a larger market and may hold their value better due to higher demand, especially among cruisers and charter companies. However, a well-maintained trimaran can still attract buyers who value speed and performance.

Q: Which type of boat is more suitable for long-distance travel: trimaran or catamaran?

Both trimarans and catamarans are fantastic for long-distance travel. Still, catamarans are often preferred among sailors for extended cruising due to their larger living spaces and privacy on board. However, if speed is a critical factor for your journey, a trimaran might be a more attractive option.

Q: What factors should I consider when choosing between a trimaran and a catamaran?

When deciding between a trimaran and a catamaran, some key factors to consider include your intended use, performance expectations, available space, and budget. 

You should ask yourself:

  • What are your primary sailing goals – speed, comfort, cruising, or racing?
  • How much living and storage space do you need for your crew and equipment?
  • What kind of stability and performance characteristics do you value most?
  • Are you willing to compromise on space or speed for the sake of your preferred multihull design?

Final Words!

So, what’s the best boat? Well, both are great. The choice between a catamaran and a trimaran will depend on your needs and personal preferences. If you are looking for a peaceful trip at a slower pace with plenty of space for the whole group, a catamaran will be your best bet. On the other hand, if you want to zip through the water and get your blood pumping, a trimaran is what you need!

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Have you sailed a catamaran or a trimaran? If so, please share your experience in the comments below.

Picture of Daniella

Daniella has been passionate about travel, the sea, and nature for many years. As a child, she frequently traveled throughout the Mediterranean and continued with her journeys throughout her adult life.

Her experiences have created the desire within her to share her love for traveling with other passionate and adventurers who want to discover beautiful horizons and new cultures.

26 thoughts on “Trimaran VS Catamaran – Which Boat Is Best?”

Hey, well I’m definitely the Catamaran girl. I love my space and don’t really need the thrill of the ride as much as I value the relaxation and holiday-type feeling. What’s your personal choice? Well since I’m more the sailor’s wife than the sailor, those other problems don’t really apply to me, do they? hahahaha what’s your personal choice?

We have something in common, because I am not a fan of racing . I love comfort and space, so I would go for a Cat!

Have a great day:)

I would go for the trimaran as it’s more stable in tough conditions as I would like to explore the world, not that I want to race. Catamaran is my go to option if I just want a nice vacation boat or something I agree that that one is better if you don’t want to race. I won’t buy a boat in the near future though, I certainly have not got the money, and I live at the wrong location, not far from the sea but still, I can’t even drive (no license). Great article though and I love boats. Wondered what the difference about these 2 are and now I know.?

Hi Stephanie, Sorry for the late reply. I had a minor technical issue:) Yes, trimarans are extremely stable and are faster than catamarans. However, those beautiful boats are quite expensive and if you plan on sailing around the world, you’ll need a small crew with you to handle the boat:). I am glad this article helped you know what’s the difference between a trimaran and a catamaran. Let me know if you need more info. I am always happy to help. Thank you for the comment and I wish you a lovely day.

This is a very informative comparison of the trimaran vs. catamaran style sailboat. They look similar on the exterior to the untrained eye – but it seems like the differences are pretty dramatic. If someone was looking to charter one for a vacation – do you have a specific experience or preference for one or the other?

It will depend on your personal preferences!

What are your needs? Can you be more precise?

I personally love to sail in comfort, I also need a lot of storage, so a cat is my favorite yacht!

Have a wonderful day:)

I have sailed ON a cat but never sailed one myself. Certainly a wonderful experience unlike a single-hulled vessel that rocks and rolls with the swells. That leads me to ask: if caught in rough weather (large swells and strong winds), how reliable is the trimaran? Does either configuration have limitations in this regard?

For the same size of boat, a trimaran have higher sailing performance ,a better ability to tack and go windward. So to answer to your question, a trimaran will handle better in strong winds and will go faster! But! Bear in mind that no matter if it’s a cat, trimaran, or monohull, the safety will all depend on when the sail will be shortened and how the boat will be handled in bad weather.

I hope it helped and if you have any other question , please feel free to get in touch:)

Have a great day!

Awesome write up on the differences between the two beauties. I have learned something new here. I am more of the adventure like person and your quick analysis of the Trimaran, tells me that I probably would lead to this option when choosing between the two.I will certainly browse around your site to check out other interesting articles you have on offer.Take Care, Roopesh.

Hi Roopesh,

Thank you for the compliment and you are very welcome to stroll around my website.

Take care too and wish you an awesome day!

It’s interesting to see the different opinions shown concerning of a debate. I don’t know about these vessels but I enjoyed reading it.

To me, I’ll go for Trimaran because of the modern interiors. I mean, it’s the modern feel that I’m looking for. That’s my main, personal factor.

Still, overall, I think it’s also suffice to say that these two cannot be compared because it’s not like with like. But that’s just my opinion. Trimaran for the win anyways!

So nice to see you again on my website:)

Yes, the trimaran Neel 45 has a modern look, but not every trimaran. Also, they are much faster than catamarans, sailors usually use them more for racing and catamarans for cruising.

Thank you for the comment, I really appreciate:)

I wish you a wonderful day!

I think now the Neel have brought out the 51 the game has changed somewhat. Lots more room ,walk around bed in master room. Lare shower in main head, the inside outside Cocloon as they now call it. Heaps of space below, fantastic headroom down below in central Hull. Much more classic looking boat on the exterior. Add the speed, stability and affordability compared to similar sized Cats and there really does not appear to be any more to be said. Of course it’s just my opinion and if money was not an option i think the Gunboat 60 would be the final choice, but for around 600k the Neel 51 has definitely set the standard. Take a look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-997AEXfsk

Well, that’s a beautiful trimaran you have here, effectively, this one looks much more comfortable and wider than the Neel 45! I would definitely choose the 51 over the 45! I’ve really enjoyed watching the video, and it would be interesting to write an excellent review on the 51:). I agree with you, the Gunboat is such a beautiful cat, and now it makes it even harder to choose between the two of them:) Thank you for the comment and wish you a wonderful day!

Late arrival here but after reading and watching so many negative reviews about the Neel trimarans and the Neel 45 images of one build showing their train wreck quality, there is absolutely no way you can compare a Gunboat and a Neel. You’d be better off comparing it to the Yugo automobile.

The “Sailing Yacht Ruby Rose” did a recent video review of the newer Neel 47 posted on July 18, 2019 showing very clearly that its build quality is extremely lack luster. Although it was the Neel Trimaran that gave me the sea bug, one probably couldn’t purchase a poorer quality boat at any price. It’s an awesome concept but it’s a manufacturer no individual should consider buying from. I’m hoping one of the premium Cat builders will take on the task of providing a similar concept when I’m ready with my money.

Hello Eso, The beautiful thing in life is that everyone has different taste and opinion. I am glad to have you here and thank you for sharing your experience with the readers, this will certainly be useful to many people. I wish you a fantastic day!

Yes I’ve been looking at the Neel 51, Its turning my attention some what. It would make world cruising just that little bit faster and with room and comfort. PS I like the engine room.

Hi Mercury,

Thank you for the comment! The Neel 51 is a beautiful boat. She is more spacious and comfortable than the 45 Neel, but the 65 is even better! However, the 51 is an ideal cruising trimaran to sail in comfort. She provides everything sailors have ever dreamed of such as speed, stability, space, and luxury. What more to ask for:)

Thank you again for the comment and wish you a wonderful day!

I own a Catana 47 with one owner and two guest cabins. I and my wife want four cabin boat so that We can sail with our two daughters and their family including grand children. Should I buy Catana 53, Outremer 51 or Neel 51?

Thank you for commenting!

I am not a boat seller, but I will be more than happy to answer your question. The Catana 53, Neel 51, and Outremer 51 are fantastic boats. And to be honest, I would personally buy the Neel 51 because she is extremely spacious, lightweight and more stable than any catamaran out there.If you bring children, then you would want the boat to be safe. The other boats are also great but tend to perform less well in strong winds and heavy seas than the Neel 51. So yes, the Neel 51 is unbeatable in all categories! At least to me:)

I hope it helped and, please, feel free to contact me if you need to know further information. I am always happy to assist!

Thank you again for the comment and wish you a lovely day!

It’s really a good Information. I have never been in any one of the rides but I feel personally Cat is better. Do you guys know anything similar to this other then Cat trimaran like Semi-Submersible, drone etc. as I am doing a project that will help you to ride Cat Yourself alone!. Wish me good luck and please help me achieve my goal fastly, by sharing your precious knowledge and time. thank you in advance.

Hi Mohammed,

We would like to help you, but we didn’t really understand your question, could you be more specific, please?

Thank you for the comment!

Hello Daniella, Firstly thank you very much for your kind response. I would like to have some info about the Stability equation of Catamaran and different steering Mechanisms.

You are very welcome!

Please, check out these articles, I am sure you will find all the answers to your questions: file:///C:/Users/gofri/Downloads/6962-1-10720-1-10-20130718.pdf


I hope it helped! Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more information, I’ll be more than happy to assist!

Dear Daniela Thankyou very much for your Kind help. Could you please give some Information about the construction guidance of Catamaran. I want to construct my own for my experimental purposes. Thankyou Regards Moulasaheb Md

Hi Mohamed,

I would like to help you, but you are not in the right place for this. If you are looking for sailing holiday, then I’ll be more than happy to help!

If you want to construct your own boat, I highly recommend you to check other websites.

Thank you for the comment and wish you a great day!

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Trimaran – The Ultimate Guide

a trimaran boat

Trimarans have been around for a while, yet racing aside they are not as popular as some other types of boats, especially in the multihull segment largely dominated by catamarans.

It is a shame as sailing a trimaran can be a very thrilling experience, even for the most relaxing yacht trips. Three words define it perfectly: Stability, Speed, and Lightness.

What is a trimaran?

A trimaran is a type of multihull boat composed of three individual hulls.

The center hull is the largest part of the boat, and the other two are floats designed to keep the boat stable by connecting to the center hull through an arm.

A brief history of trimarans

The name trimaran comes from the root word tri, meaning three, and maram, meaning wood or tree.

It is reported that the first trimarans were built by cultures in Asia and the Philippines. It is still the traditional fishing boat today in these parts of the world.

In the 16th century, the first trimaran (and catamaran) prototypes were “Proa” – tiny boats with two parallel hulls. The islanders used these boats in the Pacific Ocean.

Then, the amateur development of the modern sailing trimaran began in 1945 with the efforts of Victor Chetchet, a Ukrainian immigrant to the United States, who built two trimarans out of marine plywood that was later credited with coining the term “trimaran.”

Recreational trimarans grew in popularity in the 1960s and 1970s.

Until the ’90s, the trimaran was mostly chosen by sailors looking for performance.Modern trimarans, however, differ from the popular multihulls of that period in terms of design, speed, and “stuffing.”

In the last 30 years, many Trimarans ranging in length from 19 to 36 feet have been designed and built. Most of these trimarans could be folded and transported in trailers.

Trimarans quickly became a popular mode of transportation. Benchijigua Express, a 127-meter trimaran, was delivered to Spain in 2005. There were 1280 people and 340 automobiles on board! It was the world’s longest aluminum ship at the time, with a peak speed of 40 knots!

Likewise, things have changed in recent years. The cruising multihull market has developed enormously, with trimarans reaching very appreciable cruising levels, such as the new Tricat 30 or, for larger budgets, the Neel 45.

Why choose a trimaran?

a trimaran boat

Trimarans are faster than monohulls or cruising catamarans of the same size. They are also undoubtedly even more stable and secure than a catamaran.

They are masters of competition and records for a reason. For example, Thomas Coville held the world record of 49 days and 3 hours of the solo round the world race on the trimaran Sodebo Ultim.

Main trimaran characteristics

Thanks to its central hull and two smaller outrigger hulls, its three hulls give the trimaran very high stability. During the navigation, the trimaran goes upwind better than a catamaran, which is more prone to drifting phenomena. Therefore, Trimarans are faster.

The renowned NEEL 65, for example, is an atypical and innovative trimaran. Its capacity has been increased to provide roomy staterooms, and its center hull, which is precisely aligned with the mooring line, ensures stability and comfort when at anchor.

A trimaran is very stable

The wind propels a sailboat ahead and causes it to tilt in one direction. The keel under the hull prevents the boat from drifting and the ballast from capsizing in monohulls. As a result, a monohull will list in heavy winds.

Multihulls, on the other hand, benefit from their floats, which can withstand submersion. The catamaran will cruise quietly and will not heel like a monohull, but it will be unpleasant in rough waves.

In contrast, the trimaran’s three hulls provide excellent stability, similar to the little wheels added to a bicycle. The shape of the floats makes recreational trimarans especially stable and enjoyable to sail even in severe waves.

Sailing a trimaran is a thrilling experience

The trimarans offer a real sailing experience in the heart of the ocean racing world. They also allow you to meet with passionate people that will share their technical knowledge, experiences, and adventures with you.

If you choose a cruising trimaran for a luxurious vacation, your experience will be just as enriching. You will enjoy large living spaces, incomparable stability, relaxing safety, and quality crew service along with true sailing sensations.

The wind and the performance of a trimaran are second to none

When the wind pulls a boat upwind or the side, it is essential to offset the wind’s drive, and the hull and daggerboard provide this compensatory thrust.

As compared to a catamaran, a trimaran is more capable of sailing upwind. Thus, trimarans are quicker than catamarans, and this advantage is especially noticeable while sailing against the wind due to the weight centering in the middle hull, which reduces pitching.

Safety: the trimaran is the safest of all multihulls

Among all the multihulls, the trimaran is the safest because of its three-hull design, comprehensive anti-drift scheme, and weight centering.

There are for instance considerable variances in righting torques between a trimaran and a catamaran. Trimarans have a maximum righting moment of 27° of the heel while catamarans have a maximum righting moment of only 12°. This can be attained in strong winds, even in extremely small seas. The margin is therefore much higher on a trimaran.

Furthermore, even if the trimaran were to capsize, the construction would keep it from sinking, making it an extremely safe watercraft.

That being said, all multihulls, including catamarans are generally safe and easy to maneuver as long as you do it correctly.

Racing: a trimaran is a very popular choice

When it comes to racing, trimarans are more popular than catamarans, especially over the last 10 years.

Racing trimarans provide significant speed and safety benefits in extended offshore races. Even in severe seas, they can be pushed harder and are more forgiving than other racing catamarans. These are the primary reasons why trimarans have become so popular in recent multihull competitions.

Read also : Trimaran VS cataman: What are the differences ?

Who can benefit the most from using a trimaran?

a trimaran boat

There are many different types of experiences possible with a trimaran, so many people will find a trimaran to their liking.

The racing enthusiast ready to take on the world, the sailor with a thirst for adventure, or the cruising family, will find the trimaran right for their project.

The main trimarans drawbacks

The biggest drawback to trimarans is their living space. Indeed, most of the models on the market have a living space centered only at the level of the central hull, and the other spaces are rather limited. This is especially true for racing trimarans.

The only manufacturer who offers a solution to this problem is NEEL, with trimarans having large and comfortable living spaces.

Trimaran yacht charter: a unique and thrilling experience

If trimarans aren’t the most popular yachts on the charter market (yet!), it doesn’t mean you should refrain from renting one if you want to discover the sailing experience of a boat with three hulls;

Why should you charter a trimaran?

a trimaran boat

WI Yachts offers you 5 good reasons to charter a trimaran:

  • New concept: Trimaran is the boat of the future, combining the best of the monohull and catamaran world.
  • Unequaled volume: Trimaran’s layout is unique and original, and the cockpit is extra large.
  • Serene navigation: a trimaran is known for its ease of handling, even with a reduced crew, unequaled stability, and guaranteed comfort.
  • Complete autonomy: Trimarans are often equipped with watermakers and solar panels, they are self-sufficient in energy and freshwater.
  • Environmentally friendly navigation: The sailboat is well known to be the least polluting means of travel; you can enjoy an environmentally friendly vacation.

The best destinations to charter a trimaran

Martinique history

BVI: Between the nearby highly cosmopolitan US Virgin Islands and the pristine British Virgin Islands , there are more than 60 islands. They feature several sheltered anchorages and are ideal sailing grounds for first-time charterers or families. Coral reefs and gorgeous beaches may be found all around the archipelago, offering a variety of water activities.

Martinique: When it comes to variety, Martinique excels. Travel north to enjoy the magnificence of the mountainous landscape. Or sail south to relax on the island’s best white sand beaches. Protected by a coral reef, this is a magical sailing ground for your charter yacht vacation.

Known as the island of flowers, Martinique is a French overseas territory. It is also one of the largest islands in the Lesser Antilles.

Saint Martin: Sint Maarten is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, while Saint Martin, the northern half of the island, is a French overseas collectivity. A popular stop for Caribbean cruise ships, the island is known for its lagoons, beaches, and colonial-style architecture.

Guadeloupe: Guadeloupe is a small butterfly-shaped island divided into two main islands: Basse-Terre and Grande-Terre. Separated by a narrow channel and connected by a bridge, the two islands are very distinct. This French overseas department lies in the middle of the Eastern Caribbean, between Dominica and Antigua. Charter a yacht in this part of the Lesser Antilles and discover a unique blend of European and tropical cultures.

Seychelles: Seychelles are all varied, and each offers a personal vision of Paradise. You can explore them all during your cruise thanks to the short sailing distances. The Seychelles yacht charter area extends to the islands of Mahé, Praslin, La Digue, and twenty smaller islands. Beautiful lagoons, white sandy beaches, and a wealth of marine life make Seychelles a unique cruising destination.

How much does it cost to charter a trimaran?

It is possible to charter a trimaran no matter what your budget is; a bareboat trimaran NEEL 45 can be chartered from €3 400 per week.

All our trimaran for charter here.

Buying a trimaran

a trimaran boat

Buying a boat, regardless of the type, depends on the intended navigation. For a cruising-oriented program, we often think of the monohull or the catamaran. The trimaran market seems more naive, yet cruising aboard a trimaran can be an excellent alternative.

However, trimarans are now able to provide all the necessary comfort for each cruising project.

On the other hand, when it comes to determining trimaran costs, most people make a mistake in their value evaluation. Rather than comparing lengths, the underlying value is found in the cost per knot.

Besides, a trimaran will outperform a monohull boat of the same length.

How much does it cost to buy a trimaran?

You can buy a trimaran for about $959,959. With 75 HP engine, fiberglass hull material, this trimaran will have 8.9 meters of the beam and 1.8 meters of draft. It houses 4 guest cabins and 2 crew cabins.

The best trimarans shipyards

a trimaran boat

Among the best trimaran builders we can find:

Neel: The trimarans of the shipyard are unique thanks to the experience and unequaled know-how. They combine unequaled living comfort with incredible sailing pleasure.

Rapido trimarans: Its creator has always been convinced that there was a missing segment in the sailing market: a cruising trimaran at sea, piloted by its owner, powerful enough to accelerate and avoid any potential problem, and able to be sailed safely by two people. This is how their concept was born: to build the fastest production cruising trimaran in the world.

Dragonfly: The shipyard offers 4 models, from 25 to 40 feet, with different touring, sport, performance, evolution, or ultimate, which allows everyone to find a trimaran to suit his needs.

Corsair marine: Created by a New Zealand architect in California, Corsair has built more than 1,200 folding trimarans between 1984 and 2008, making them the leader in this segment.

The best trimarans currently on the market

There are two types of trimarans that currently stand out on the market — those for coastal raids and those for cruising.

NEEL 43 , 45, 51 , 65 for liveaboard

LEEN 56, motor trimaran for liveaboard

The Tricat 25 for summer cruising or day trips

The Dragonfly 40, for simple offshore cruising

Read also : The 5 best sailing boats under 60 feet

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Folding System

Legendary ability, unbeatable reliability.

Folding and unfolding a Corsair trimaran takes only a minute. With just 4 bolts to remove, it is easily managed by one person, and is normally done while afloat. Simply raise (to fold) or press down (to unfold) the inboard end of one cross beam. It can be done from the safety of the cockpit and only a little force is needed due to the folding system’s carefully balanced geometry, and the movement of the floats being mostly horizontal.

The solid aluminium folding struts have absolute control over the folding motion and prevent flexing or racking. A stainless steel bolt on the inboard end of each beam secures the floats for sailing. Crucially, wingnets remain attached during the folding process – their frictionless fixing allows them to tension themselves appropriately through the folding process. The system is so simple and balanced that Corsair trimarans can even be folded while motoring.

a trimaran boat


Corsair Marine trimarans are especially weight-conscious, and sit low on their trailers meaning they have excellent trailering characteristics. They are equally easy to launch, giving you more time on the water, and the ability to expore many more remote cruising grounds or participate in regattas far from home. Some Corsair trimaran models go from trailer to water in 25 minutes, and with practice even the largest boat models can be done in 40 minutes.

Corsair 880 Trimaran | 2022 Boat Review by Multihulls World

Corsair 880 Trimaran | 2022 Boat Review by Multihulls World

Corsair 880 – Drive Out, Fold Out, Thrill Out, Chill Out

Corsair 880 – Drive Out, Fold Out, Thrill Out, Chill Out

Australian Debut of the Corsair 880 at the Sydney International Boat Show

Australian Debut of the Corsair 880 at the Sydney International Boat Show

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Catamaran vs. Trimaran: The Differences Explained

a trimaran boat

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Most boat lovers know the differences between a catamaran and a monohull. But when it comes to differentiating between a catamaran and a trimaran, things can get tricky because it’s not always clear how much difference the extra hull of a trimaran makes in performance, safety, comfort, and handling. If you’re trying to choose between the two, this is a post you’ll want to read before making a decision.

Besides the number of hulls catamarans(two) and trimarans(three) differ in speed, safety, accommodation, helming, and anchoring. Generally, catamarans are more manageable in a marina and provide better accommodation and comfort. Trimarans, on the other hand, are faster and more fun to helm.

In this post, we’ll cover these differences in greater detail to make it easier for you to choose between a catamaran and a trimaran. First, let’s quickly review each multihull type.

Table of Contents

The Lowdown on Catamarans

Informally dubbed a “cat,” a catamaran is a type of multi-hulled sailing craft with two equal-sized parallel hulls. Cats are typically geometry-stabilized, leveraging their wide beams for stability. That’s unlike monohull boats, which use ballasted keels for stability. Catamarans also have a smaller displacement, lower hull volume, and a much shallower draught ( draft ) than similarly sized monohulls.

The earliest forms of catamarans can be traced way back to the 17th century. They were primarily used for fishing by the Pavaras community in Tamil Nadu, who preferred them over other fishing vessels due to the extra balance and stability provided by the twin hulls. Later on, the British adopted the concept of twin-hulled boats and popularized it worldwide.

Modern catamarans are much more sophisticated than their ancestors. They’ve evolved in terms of the usage versatility, construction, and design, giving rise to two primary configurations:

  • Small-Waterplane-Area Twin Hull (SWATH)
  • Wave-piercing catamarans

The hulls in a catamaran with a SWATH configuration are typically submerged. That means they’re less affected by ocean waves , which is great for stability when sailing in rough waters. In the recent past, SWATH configurations have been used on research vessels and rescue ships. 

Their wave-piercing counterparts, on the other hand, have low-buoyancy bows fitted on the twin hulls. The bows allow the hulls to puncture ocean waves instead of riding over them, making catamarans with such a design faster on rough waters than SWATH cats. In the recent past, wave-piercing cat designs have been used on passenger ferries, military vessels, and yachts.

a trimaran boat

The Lowdown on Trimarans

Also known as a double-outrigger, a trimaran is a type of multihull boat with one main hull flanked by two smaller “floats” (technically known as outrigger hulls) connected to the larger hull by lateral beams. Such a design makes trimarans incredibly stable, meaning they’re hard to capsize even in the roughest of waters. 

The earliest forms of trimarans can be traced to the Austronesian people and are still the most common hull design you’ll find on traditional fishing boats in Maritime Southeast Asia. The majority of today’s double outriggers are yachts meant for racing and recreation, but some warships and ferries have this design.

a trimaran boat

The Differences Between Catamarans and Trimarans 

The most apparent physical distinction between a catamaran and a trimaran is that it has three hulls instead of two. 

But other than that, are there other differences between the two vessel types you need to know? Do those differences make one type better than the other?

To find out, let’s compare the two types of multihulls based on the following merits:

Comfort and Accommodation

A Cat’s geometry is ideal for comfort and accommodation. The two load-bearing hulls provide additional habitable space, and you can always create a sizable nacelle between them. Connected to this central living space is a large cockpit, and there are cabins on either end of the hulls. This arrangement is perfect when you’re looking to relax a bit as the party rages on in the saloon because it gives you a bit of privacy. 

And with flybridges virtually standard on modern catamarans, you have extra space for entertainment and lounging. The deck area is safe for kids, and the fact that catamarans don’t heel much means that you can do things like cooking at ease. Also worth mentioning is that cats can carry a decent load, meaning you can stock up on food and gear when going away for an extended period.

While trimarans do provide a decent degree of livability, they fall short of catamarans in two regards. First, they heel more than cats, making it difficult to do things like cooking on board. Second, they support much less load than catamarans. To put things into perspective, some 45 feet (14 meters). Cats can carry nearly three tons of payloads, whereas similarly sized trimarans can barely support half that load.

Overall, catamarans provide better, more comfortable accommodation than trimarans.

a trimaran boat

One of the main concerns when choosing any water vessel is how easy it’ll capsize in the event of a storm. If you’re looking to spend more than just a couple of hours on the water, you want to sail on something that won’t capsize/sink easily because sea conditions can sometimes fluctuate within a short period.

When it comes to safety, three hulls are better than two. Having one main hull and two overhangs on each side makes a trimaran more stable because of two reasons. First, the side overhangs widen the beam of the vessel, which minimizes the chances of the boat flipping over when hit by a large breaking wave from the side. Second, trimarans are typically designed with the weight centered on the main hull, further enhancing stability. 

Multihull stability is a complex topic and should be understood in detail if you want to stay safe at sea!

  • Why do catamarans capsize?

On the rare occasion that a trimaran flips over, it’ll stay afloat. That means if the worst happens, a capsized trimaran will turn into a potential life-saving raft that’s easier to spot from a helicopter. That’s because almost all trimarans designed in the last decade or so come with closed-cell foam distributed throughout the various parts of the boat to provide reserve buoyancy. 

Thanks to this kind of construction, you could cut most trimarans into pieces, and each would still stay afloat.

While catamarans are typically more stable than monohulls, they’re no match for a trimaran in this regard. Hypothetically speaking, it would be easier to tip over a catamaran than a trimaran if both boat types were subjected to equal magnitude storms. That, however, doesn’t mean that catamarans aren’t safe. They’re still harder to flip over than monohulls and will stay afloat when that happens because they come with the same closed-cell foam found in a trimaran.

While on the subject of safety, it’s worth mentioning that trimarans require less vigilance as far as reefing is concerned . Since catamarans heel less, most of the extra wind force translates to more “push” on the rig, increasing speed. But because the pressure exerted on the sail nearly quadruples when the wind speed doubles, you need to be extremely careful when timing your reef to keep a cat sailing flat. 

The same goes for reefing a trimaran, except that the slight heel gives you more room for error in terms of the timing.

a trimaran boat

Most people who’ve ever steered both a trimaran and catamaran will agree that the former is more fun to sail. Most light trimarans, especially tiller-steered ones, have a terrific response to the helm. They have a slight heel that somewhat feels like a monohull, but the angle is a bit limited.

A catamaran is stable, but it doesn’t heel. While heeling may be frowned upon by people who prioritize comfort and accommodation in a boat, it’s one of the most exciting parts of sailing. With three hulls to ensure stability, trimarans combine the heel of a monohull with a catamaran’s stability to deliver the best sailing elements of monohulls and multihulls in a single package.  

Considering that trimarans are more stable, you may be better off with one if you’re looking to have some fun as you perfect your helming skills.

Speed is another area where trimarans outperform their twin-hulled counterparts. Typically lighter than catamarans, trimarans need less sail distance to hit double-digit speed averages. A trimaran can maintain a formidable course up-wind when fitted with centerboards/daggerboards (as is often the case for modern models).

While a catamaran is still faster than a monohull of identical size, it falls short of the trimaran in terms of sheer speed. Understand that this doesn’t make catamarans slow boats; it’s just that tris are typically designed with more emphasis on performance.

Why are Trimarans Faster Than Catamarans?

Trimarans are easier to anchor than catamarans because they allow you to keep the ground tackle in and deploy it from the main hull. 

However, catamarans are more maneuverable and manageable in a marina. They also handle docking lines more conveniently.

Catamarans vs. Trimaran: The Verdict

In summary, here’s what the differences between a cat and tri mean for anyone trying to choose between the two: A catamaran is a better choice if you’re looking to accommodate many people on board for something like a party because it’s more spacious and comfortable than a trimaran. On the other hand, a trimaran is an ideal choice for speed junkies and individuals looking to push their sailing skills to the next level on every stable platform.

Hopefully, that has cleared the air and made it easier for you to pick a more suitable option for your sailing needs.

  • ResearchGate: A comparison of the motions of trimarans, catamarans and monohulls | Request PDF
  • Why are trimarans faster than catamarans?

Owner of CatamaranFreedom.com. A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

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Trimaran vs Catamaran

trimaran vs catamaran

Trimaran and Cataraman are quite similar in design, making it difficult for many people to distinguish between the two, let alone choose one. However, you might be surprised to know that their differences are rather significant.

In this post, we will compare the Trimaran and Catamaran so that you can clearly identify them and make an informed decision when purchasing one.

About Trimaran boats

About catamaran boat, so, which boat do you think is better.

A Trimaran is a type of boat that has three hulls instead of the usual one. The front and back hulls are usually small and used for stability, while the middle hull is larger and used for most of the boat’s functionality.

Some Trimarans can also be configured to be sailed as a Catamaran by removing the front and/or back hulls.

Trimaran boats have several unique features that make them better suited for certain tasks than other types of boats.

  • Trimarans are more stable in rough water than other boats, and they are often used for racing or long-distance sailing
  • The extra hulls make Trimarans more stable and less likely to capsize in rough water
  • They also provide more space inside the boat for passengers or cargo and can be faster and more maneuverable than other boats of similar size
  • Trimarans are also good for sailing in shallow waters since they can float on two hulls while the third one is still submerged

Despite their advantages, Trimarans do have some drawbacks.

  • They can be more difficult to dock or more than other boats, and they require more crew members to operate effectively
  • They are also more expensive to build and maintain than other boats

However, for those who are looking for a fast, stable, and versatile boat, the Trimaran is a great option.

catamaran boat

Catamaran boats are a type of boat that has two hulls, making them comfortable vessels to ride.. They can also be more comfortable to ride in than other types of boats.

Here’re some of this boat’s advantages:

  • Catamaran boats can be sailed by a smaller screw than other types of boats. This also makes them a popular choice for charters and sailing vacations
  • Their prices are more affordable, thus suitable for family use
  • Catamarans are usually built from lightweight materials, making them ideal for speed and agility
  • The most distinguishing feature of a Catamaran boat is the lack of any external rigging. This means that the sails are mounted on the mast and boom directly to the hulls, rather than to a frame that hangs below the hulls
  • Therefore, they have a great range of sail shapes and sizes, which can be adapted to changing wind conditions
  • Another advantage of a Catamaran boat is its stability. Because the hulls are wide and shallow, they offer more resistance to overturning than a monohull boat of the same size. This makes Catamarans an ideal choice for sailing on rough seas

However, Catamarans do have a few drawbacks.

They are less agile than monohull boats, making docking in confined places more challenging

  • Docking these boats is costly
  • In big waves, there is a chance of slapping

trimaran boat

  • Speed – The Trimaran is the faster of the two boats. It can reach speeds of up to forty knots, while the Catamaran can only reach about half that speed.
  • Stability – The Trimaran is more stable than the Catamaran. This is because it has three hulls instead of two. This makes it less likely to capsize in rough seas.
  • Space – The Catamaran is bigger than the Trimaran. This means that it can hold more people and cargo. The Catamaran can also be used for longer trips, while the Trimaran is better suited for shorter trips.

A Trimaran is a multi-hull boat with three hulls, while a Catamaran has two hulls. Both types of boats can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, aluminum, and fiberglass.

More Stable and Ideal for Racing: Trimaran

The main advantage of a Trimaran is its stability in rough waters. Catamarans are also stable boats, but they are not as resistant to strong winds and waves as Trimarans.

Trimarans also typically have more deck space than Catamarans, which makes them ideal for sailing or fishing trips.

A Trimaran is typically faster and more stable than a Catamaran, making it ideal for racing or long-distance travel. A Catamaran, on the other hand, is better at handling rough seas and is more agile.

Ideal for Calm Water: Catamaran

Catamarans are usually faster and less expensive to build than Trimarans, making them a popular choice for recreational boaters. However, due to their size, Catamarans are not as seaworthy as Trimarans and are not recommended for use in rough waters.

Trimarans and Catamarans are both types of sailing vessels . They have many similarities, but there are also some important differences between them. If you’re interested in learning more about these boats or in purchasing one for your use, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of each type.

Overall, the Trimaran is the better boat. It is faster, more stable, and has more space. However, the Catamaran is cheaper and can be used for longer trips. If you are looking for a boat that is good in all areas, the Trimaran is the best choice.

Hopefully, this article has helped you do that. Thanks for reading!

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BASCO Boating

A Comprehensive Guide & Introduction to Trimaran Yachts

When it comes to sailing boats, there are several options to choose from, including monohull boats, cruising catamarans, and multihull boats such as catamarans and trimarans. While catamarans are a popular choice due to their spaciousness and stability, trimarans offer some unique advantages. With three hulls instead of two, trimarans like the Corsair 880 and Rapido Trimaran have a wider beam, which can help increase speed and stability in high winds.

Additionally, trimaran sailing techniques can differ from those used on catamarans due to the placement of the centerboard and the differences in the hull shape. In fact, trimarans can be faster than catamarans in certain conditions, as the wind speed doubles between the sails, creating more lift. Ultimately, the choice between a catamaran and a trimaran will depend on the sailor’s preferences and intended use.

When it comes to choosing a sailboat, there are many factors to consider, including boat speed, comfort, and cost. Trimarans have become increasingly popular due to their speed and stability, and the Dragonfly 32 Trimaran and Strike 18 Trimaran are two great examples. The Neel Trimaran line, including the Neel 43 and Neel 51, offer even more comfort with their aft cabins and spacious designs.

However, the cost of these larger trimarans can be significant, and buyers may want to consider a basic boat incl from Quorning Boats or even a used Neel Trimaran for sale. Ultimately, the right choice depends on the buyer’s priorities, but all trimarans offer the advantage of being able to sail faster than the apparent wind due to their multiple hulls. Whether testing a new model or enjoying an established design, a trimaran is a fantastic choice for sailors looking to maximize their speed and stability on the water.

Give it up for the multihull sector of the boating industry.

Any industry insider will easily see how fast growing that sector currently is. In fact, it is the fastest growing sector if the number of new cruising boat manufacture and sales is anything to go by.

Far from the prejudice of the earliest days, multihulls now seem to be the in-thing and you don’t have to look far away before you’ll see the next catamaran, trimaran yacht for sale.

Sales of catamarans are booming with each passing day. Trimarans, on the other hand, are like a niche within another niche.

Most trimarans are high performing vessels. These sailing yachts are usually designed for purposes ranging from racing to recreational use. This article will provide readers with a brief but comprehensive introduction into the world of trimarans.

So, what then is a trimaran boat in the first place?

For anyone looking for an exciting and versatile sailboat, the aluminum trimaran is a great option. One of the most popular types of trimaran boats is the Piver trimaran, which is known for its stability and maneuverability on the water. The Piver trimaran features three hulls, with the middle hull being the largest and most stable.

This design allows for smooth sailing and comfortable overnight cruising, making it a great choice for those looking to spend a weekend or longer on the water. The aluminum construction also ensures durability and low maintenance, making it a cost-effective choice for sailboat enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a beginner, the Piver trimaran offers a unique and exciting sailing experience that is sure to impress.

What is a Trimaran Yacht?

According to Wikipedia, a trimaran is also known a double outrigger. Trimaran yachts are multihull yachts comprised of the main hull and two other smaller outrigger hulls (which may also be called floats).

These three parts are the basic components of every trimaran sailboat. Each of the outrigger hulls is connected to the main hull with lateral beams.

While most trimaran yachts are usually sailing yachts designed for recreational and racing purposes, some others are still designed to be used as ferries and warships.

(NOTE: Have you been looking for a Trimaran Yacht? Check out this 2006 Racing Trimaran Tantrum Too , a fun & fast competitive seaworthy racer & offshore cruiser. Winner of the ‘2018 Bintam Trophy’ and holder of ‘Around Bintam Record’. Learn more here! )

Trimaran for Sale

The name trimaran was coined from ‘tri’ and ‘maran’

The ‘trimaran’ name has its origin in two words. It was formed from ‘tri’ and ‘maran’. While ‘tri’ means three, the ‘maran’ part means wood or tree.

Trimarans have a kind of interesting design and architecture that makes them exceptionally fast and powerful. It is thus the preferred vessel for most lovers of speed and water adventure.

Read more: What is the best hull material for a houseboat ?

Trimarans have been around since 2000 BC

Although today’s popular sailing trimarans did not get mainstream acceptance until the 60’s and 70’s, these vessels have been in use and existence long before global acceptance, dating back to about 2000 BC.

In fact, the earliest trimarans are still very much in use today.

The development started with the Austronesia people.

Today, traditional fishermen of the maritime region of Southeast Asia, Micronesia, Madagascar, as well as, the Polynesia regions still use trimaran sailboat similar to the first trimarans.

Trimarans are composed of three main parts

We’ve mentioned this in our description of what a trimaran yacht is.

Every trimaran would have a main or center hull and then two other small outrigger hulls attached to the center hull with lateral beams.

These three components form the basic design for all trimarans and modern trimaran sailboat designs always take this trimaran base.

The center hull is the main hull and is also known as vaka. The two stabilizers on the sides are known as the outrigger hulls, or ama(s).

The main hull offers the most buoyancy

The amas are mainly there to offer more stability to the vessel. Most of a trimaran yacht’s buoyancy is provided by the center or main hull.

This arrangement no doubt offers more flexibility to the design.

Because there is usually a wide separation between the hulls, the trimaran yacht requires only a little buoyancy to keep the yacht stable. This reason is why you’d rarely find trimarans having their outrigger hulls or amas in the water.

Trimarans offer better stability and a super stellar performance

Trimarans, when compared to catamarans which are composed of only two hulls, are more stable.

They offer a better stability and a stellar performance which have even been improved with new technologies infused into the design of these boats.

Trimarans are lightweight and are the preferred choice for boat aficionados and connoisseurs.

The stellar performance advantage which is made possible by the design makes trimarans some of the fastest boats when it comes to yacht racing.

They are perfect for sports sailing and are often winners in water races and competitions.

Trimaran Yacht

Different types of trimarans

There are basically just two types of trimarans. These are the regular trimaran and the open trimaran.

Instead of plating, the open trimaran rather has a trampoline in between the hulls.

Trimaran yacht advantages over monohull yachts

When compared to single-hulled yachts, trimarans no doubt have some advantages. Some feature differences also exist.

A trimaran, when compared with a monohull of the same length would have a shallower draft. It would also have a wider beam and a less wetted area.

The trimaran though will be able to fly more sail area compared to the single-hulled yacht.

Because of the wider beam, the trimaran has a better straight-line performance when compared with a monohull.

The trimaran can sail in shallower waters and can still perform well while maintaining its stability in the face of stronger winds.

Trimarans are almost unsinkable

Trimarans have a kind of design that is considered almost unsinkable.

This is because even when it is filled with water, the buoyancy of a single outrigger hull or ama can easily keep the entire yacht afloat.

The ama offers greater resistance to the boats and unlike monohulls, trimarans rarely sink.

Because of the high level of safety and stability, sailors with restricted mobility often prefer some special types of trimarans.

Trimarans are like the bridge between catamarans and monohulls

Catamarans, as well as monohulls, have their areas of excellence. Nevertheless, trimaran yachts have certain capabilities which have made them seem like the bridge between monohulls and catamarans at which there is little or no compromise.

Trimaran sailboats are excellent for high speed.

Trimarans generally have moderate weight carrying capability, moderate space below the main deck, and a larger deck area.

The cross deck design between the amas and the main deck is another advantage.

Catamarans usually have large empty gaps in their cross deck bridges.This complexity then necessitates the need for stronger structures, implying more weight, and higher costs. A trimaran yacht would usually have a much smaller cross deck.

There will be a shorter gap between the hulls and the empty space would not extend through the entire yacht’s length.Because of these, less structural weight is required and heavier loads can also be carried on the cross deck.

While catamaran and trimaran yachts are usually built for different purposes, the most obvious difference out of racing is usually the center hull.The center hull of a trimaran yacht will be much larger than the catamaran hulls.

Trimarans are easy to trail, they have a kind of superior handling and are easier to tack, compared to catamarans.

They are easy to manhandle ashore due to their lightweight design.

The lightweight design also makes it easier to use small and inexpensive engines when motoring. With a trimaran yacht, you’d be getting a stellar performance that will get you higher speeds.

If you want more excitement and thrill, perhaps a trimaran yacht such as the racing trimaran Tantrum Too will be very much suitable for you. Tantrum Too is a 12.7m trimaran yacht designed as a concept yacht for a fast ocean cruiser and cruising trimaran.

2006 Racing Trimaran Tantrum Too

If you’re in the market for a good buy, the trimaran yacht for sale is currently available on auction. You can register here so you can tender your bid for this cruising trimaran.

The purpose of this article is not to pick the better yacht between a trimaran yacht and a catamaran, or a trimaran and a single-hulled boat.

Each of these different watercraft has different areas where they excel. Your choice will most likely have to do with the purpose for which you’re buying.

If you’ve discussed with your sailing crew and have decided to choose a trimaran as your next yacht, all well and good, you’re in for a lot of thrills and fun.

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  • 8200 Fluids
  • 8450 Fluid Loads
  • 8600 Arrangements
  • aker arctic trimaran
  • deadweight coefficient
  • littoral combat ship
  • trimaran icebreaker
  • triton trimaran

Fred Olsen

Why You Want a Trimaran: Pros and Cons of a Trimaran

Three hulls are better than one!  That would be the adage of the trimaran.  It consists of one central hull with two smaller side hulls, called amas.  The average person conceives of the trimaran as something even more extreme than catamarans.  Lighter weight, higher speed, more specialized.  The opposite is actually true; trimarans fill an excellent transition role between monohulls and catamaran.  Recognize the potential applications by understanding the strengths and weakness of the trimaran hullform.

1.0 What Makes a Trimaran

When you seek trimarans, envision stability.  A conventional monohull must balance conflicting needs of resistance and stability.  You want a narrow skinny hull to reduce resistance (and fuel consumption).  But you need a wide hull to maintain vessel stability and keep the ship upright.  The trimaran separates these two design requirements.

In a trimaran, the central hull provides most of the ship buoyancy (90-95% usually).  It does this with a long, narrow hull.  And then the outer hulls, called amas, provide the stability.  This arrangement allows incredible flexibility in the hull design.  Due to the wide separation between hulls, it requires very little buoyancy in the amas to keep the trimaran stable.  That is why many trimarans barely have their amas in the water.  Compare the relative size of the amas vs the main hull in Figure 1‑1.  The amas are just there for stability.

LCS Body Plan

2.0 Advantages

The trimaran offers several capabilities to bridge the gap between monohulls and catamarans:

  • Excellent for high speed
  • Moderate weight carrying capacity
  • Good seakeeping capability
  • Larger available deck area
  • Moderate space below the main deck

Another advantage is the design of the cross deck (Figure 2‑1) between the main hull and amas.  On a catamaran, this cross deck bridges a large empty gap.  Large gaps add complexity to the engineering and require stronger structures.  We don’t like that.  Stronger structures mean more weight and higher costs.  But the trimaran’s cross deck is much smaller.  It requires less of a gap between hulls, and it does not extend for the entire ship length.  Longitudinal bending is less of a concern for the cross deck.  This greatly simplifies the design of that cross deck, giving us many advantages:

  • Heavier loads can be carried on the cross deck
  • Less structural weight required for the cross deck
  • Deadweight coefficients closer to monohulls

LCS Cutaway

The long length of the center hull also offers great advantages for seakeeping.  This length greatly reduces pitch motions in a wave, and the narrow center hull reduces chances of slamming.  To improve things even more, the side amas reduce roll motions.  They add stiffness to prevent large roll motions.  But they also act to reduce roll accelerations.  All together, trimarans make for gentle seakeeping.

The trimaran offers major advantages for damage survival.  The side amas provide excellent protection to the center hull, which military designers find especially useful.  But the cross deck also helps with damage survival by containing massive reserve buoyancy.  Imagine a damage situation where the ship sinks down to its cross deck.  On a monohull, that would be game over.  But on a trimaran, the cross deck suddenly becomes a barge, easily supporting the entire ship weight.  This reserve buoyancy provides extra peace of mind in yachting applications.

Speaking of peace of mind, let’s talk about a sudden loss of stability.  In catamarans, you lose stability once a single ama completely leaves the water.  Push a catamaran past that point, and stability is a losing battle.  A fact that scares many vessel operators.  Trimarans do not have this problem.  They get stability mainly from submerging the amas.  The center hull always stays in the water, and the leeward ama continues to submerge.  This creates a predictable increase in righting moment.  In normal cases, trimarans never experience the sudden loss of stability.

3.0 Disadvantages

The biggest disadvantage for trimarans is lack of experience.  There are few trimarans in military applications, and even less in commercial use.  That lack of exposure instills wariness in many operators.  I appreciate caution, but don’t let that stop you from realizing the benefits of a trimaran.

Trimarans do have a few genuine detractors.  Due to their complexity, they require some extra design effort.  The cross deck introduces a few extra ways to twist and bend the ship, and the engineers must check each of these extra scenarios.  Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is the ideal tool for this.

Don’t worry about the FEA bill.  You should expect a slight increase, but nothing huge.  FEA was already a part of the design process for normal monohulls.  Most ship designs already require FEA to consider global hull bending.  That means the hard part is already done.  Your engineer already had to build an FEA model of the hull.  With minimal effort, engineers can expand that model to account for the additional design scenarios of a trimaran.

Cost definitely factors into trimaran construction.  The cross deck and extra hulls do add extra steel to the design.  You have to pay for that extra steel as part of the build cost. (Figure 3‑1)  But don’t assume this drastically increases the total build cost.  Adding extra structure is far less expensive than adding extra machinery and power.

Consider the alternative to a trimaran:  an equivalent monohull.  For the monohull, we strip off the side amas and widen the center hull to maintain ship stability.  But bad news.  A wider hull requires a larger engine, and associated support machinery.  In general, the machinery accounts for approximately 50% of the total build cost.  The structure is only around 25-30% of the build cost. [3]  Adding larger machinery costs twice as much as adding extra structure.

LCS Cross Section

4.0 Applications

You see trimarans most often in high speed vessels and the occasional military vessel.

  • Car ferries
  • Military ships

One of the first experimental military trimarans was the Triton, a steel vessel with a displacement exceeding 1000 MT. [3]  (Figure 4‑1)  These are not little vessels.

US Triton

Don’t think of trimarans as an expensive hullform.  The prevalence of trimarans with expensive ships is mostly a coincidence.  Imagine if you wanted a high speed ship.  First step is pick a trimaran hullform.  But for high speed, you also build it out of aluminum and load it with powerful engines.  Those are all high priced decisions that get imposed on the trimaran hullform.  The hull shape does not drive the price tag, and trimarans are not limited to high speed.

Aker Arctic even investigated using trimarans as an icebreaking tug. (Figure 4‑2)  Aker found the trimaran configuration especially useful for cutting wide channels through the ice with less power.  Trimarans are just a hull configuration.  How you use the hull is up to you.

Aker Icebreaker Tug

5.0 Conclusion

Don’t let the previous trimarans limit your imagination.  The trimaran hullform bridges the gap between monohulls and catamarans.  It offers some advantages of both deadweight capability and larger deck area.  Primarily, trimarans deliver ship stability in a very power efficient package.  What uses can you imagine with that flexibility?

6.0 References

[1]M. Hanlon, “U.S. Navy Orders a Second Trimaran Littoral Combat Ship,” New Atlas, 21 December 2006. . Available: https://newatlas.com/go/6651/. .
[2]Defense Industry Daily, “LCS: The USA’s Littoral Combat Ship,” Defense Industry Daily, 20 Mar 2018. . Available: https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the-usas-new-littoral-combat-ships-updated-01343/. .
[3]R. Lamb, “High Speed, Small Naval Vessel Technology Development Plan,” Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warface Center, NSWCCD-20-TR-2003/09, Bethesda, MD, May, 2003.
[4]Naval Technology, “Triton Trimaran,” Naval Technology, 05 Apr 2018. . Available: https://www.naval-technology.com/projects/trimaran/. .
[5]Aker Maritime, “Aker ARC 131 Trimaran Harbour Icebreaker,” Aker Arctic, 2014. . Available: http://akerarctic.fi/en/references/concept/aker-arc-131-trimaran-harbour-icebreaker. .
[6]willoh, “Pixabay,” Pixabay, 01 Nov 2017. . Available: https://pixabay.com/en/trimaran-super-trimaran-superyacht-2806619/. .
[7]Wikpedia Contributors, “Trimaran,” Widipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 31 Jan 2018. . Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trimaran. .

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