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Aviva – under way into the future

It is one thing to say that opposites attract. Quite another, and all the more seldom, to say that they actually fit perfectly well together. The new Aviva is a beautiful example of such a yacht construction. The nearly 100 metres yacht succeeds in creating harmony between exciting implications and tranquil hydrodynamics, between enormous volume and form, powerful performance and extremely low fuel consumption. You’ll find all typical yacht lifestyle comforts on board, but also something utterly exceptional: a complete, full-size paddle court. Comfort and experience together, on a completely new level.

▶   A closer look to Aviva


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aviva yacht 1

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AVIVA Yacht – Unique $250 M Superyacht

Delivered in 2017, the AVIVA superyacht is a striking sight with its length of 98.4 meters (322.83 ft), ranking it high on the list of largest yachts worldwide .

Built by the renowned German shipyard Abeking & Rasmussen, AVIVA has been a standout in the world of luxury yachts since its inception, winning the Motor Yacht of the Year award at the World Superyacht Awards in 2018.

98m (323 ft)
Abeking & Rasmussen
Reymond Langton
Reymond Langton
20 knots
4,966 ton
US $250 million
US$ 15 – 25 million


Mr. Lewis started his early entrepreneurial life by currency trading, enabling him to have a more thorough insight into the business world.

Making him one of the wealthiest people on the earth with an accumulated net worth of over 4.5 billion pounds; enabled him to buy many luxury cars and Aviva yacht, the 250-million-dollar beast.

AVIVA was built by the boat building company Abeking & Rasmussen , situated in Lower Saxony. Abeking & Rasmussen is a company aimed at engineering yachts, naval vessels, and cruise ships.

They were also responsible for building AVIVA’s sisters Elandess , Cloudbreak, and Excellence.


Reymond Langton Design was responsible for designing this gorgeous yacht. They are an award-winning company that prides itself on its creativity and passion with well over a decade of experience in the superyacht designing industry.

They were also responsible for creating the Serene superyacht and Nobiskrug yacht  Mogambo.

AVIVA Yacht Exterior

AVIVA’s exterior displays a sleek and modern all-blue design, distinctive among today’s superyachts. Notable outdoor facilities include a Jacuzzi, a large swimming pool, a helipad, and a spacious sundeck for relaxation and entertainment.

The yacht also boasts a collection of water toys, including jet skis, sea bobs, and inflatable slides for guests to enjoy.

AVIVA Yacht Interior

Designed by Reymond Langton Design in collaboration with Toby Silverton, AVIVA’s interior offers a contemporary and luxurious aesthetic. The yacht can accommodate up to 16 guests in eight state-of-the-art suites, complemented by a crew of 35.

The owner’s suite, located on the upper deck, features an office, private lounge, and a large en suite bathroom. The remaining guest cabins, consisting of two VIP suites and five double cabins, can be found on the main deck, each outfitted with en suite facilities.

AVIVA’s standout feature is a full-size padel tennis court, located in the lower deck. The yacht also features a beach club, a spa, a gym, a swimming pool, and an elevator connecting all the decks.

Similar to her sister yachts, she is also made of steel and has a solid superstructure made out of aluminum.

Powering this 98-meter-long superyacht are twin diesel-electric MTU engines capable of outputting 3,862 horsepower.

Along with her 364,705-litre fuel tanks, she can run comfortably at a speed of 14 knots and reach a max speed of 20 knots.

AVIVA can now comfortably accommodate 16 guests and carry up to 35 crew members after being refitted twice since its launch.

42365677 239293033434620 2295226246477052361 n

AVIVA Yacht Price

The estimated cost of AVIVA was around US $150 million. The annual running costs are estimated to be between US $12 to 15 million, based on usage.

AVIVA is not currently for sale or available for charter.

AVIVA yacht in Gibraltar

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Daily Nautica

dailynautica.com Ogni giorno un mare di notizie

Megayacht Aviva a Portofino: 98 metri di lusso

L'imbarcazione è di proprietà di joe lewis, presidente del tottenham.

Megayacht Aviva: luso nautica

Megayacht Aviva: ecco le immagini esclusive firmate Liguria Nautica

  • Cantiere: Abeking e Rasmussen
  • Anno di varo: 2016
  • Proprietario: Joe Lewis
  • Lunghezza: 98 m
  • Larghezza: 13,20 m
  • Velocità massima: 20 nodi
  • Velocità di crociera: 16 nodi
  • Ospiti: 16 persone
  • Equipaggio: 25 persone
  • Materiali: alluminio e acciaio

Fotogallery 4 immagini

Megayacht Aviva nel Golfo del Tigullio

Argomenti: Daily Nautica , superyacht

Lusben Sailing ITA

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AVIVA Interior & Exterior Photos

67.9m  /  222'9 | abeking & rasmussen | 2007 / 2020.

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Aviva photo 1

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


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Three Superyachts Visit the Dart.

This morning Dartmouth welcomed the 98m long superyacht ‘Aviva’ to our mainstream mooring buoys in the middle of the town. She joined the 66m long yacht ‘Elysian’ and regular visitor ‘Constance’, which is 47m long, to make a spectacular line up on the Dart.

Whilst superyacht calls are becoming more regular, with many yachts calling to pick up new tenders and support boats from local manufacturers Ribeye, as well as to allow their owners, crew and guest to enjoy the beauty of South Devon, this is the first time we have ever had three yachts of this size on the river. Our mainstream moorings, originally designed by the Admiralty for mooring warships, are extremely flexible and able to be configured to accommodate vessels from small yachts to cruise ships.

Aviva has a hybrid propulsion system, and arrived in port this morning entirely on battery propulsion. Arriving from Troon in Scotland, she entered the river under the guidance of our Pilot, turned at the Higher Ferry and launched a tender from the garage at the stern, before being moored by the harbour team.

Weather and circumstances depending, we expect all three yachts to remain in port until at least Thursday, giving plenty of opportunity for local people to see the boats on the river.

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Yacht, IMO 1012957

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The current position of AVIVA is at North East Atlantic Ocean reported 32 hours ago by AIS. The vessel is sailing at a speed of 0.1 knots. The vessel AVIVA (IMO 1012957, MMSI 319111300) is a Yacht built in 2017 (7 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Cayman Islands .

AVIVA photo

Position & Voyage Data

Predicted ETA-
Distance / Time-
Course / Speed 
Current draught4.0 m
Navigation Status -
Position received
IMO / MMSI1012957 / 319111300
FlagCayman Islands
Length / Beam100 / 18 m

Map position & Weather

Recent port calls, vessel particulars.

IMO number1012957
Vessel NameAVIVA
Ship typeYacht
FlagCayman Islands
Gross Tonnage4966
Summer Deadweight (t)925
Length Overall (m)98
Beam (m)17
Draught (m)-
Year of Build2017
Place of Build
Crude Oil (bbl)-
Gas (m3)-
Classification Society
Registered Owner
Owner Address
Owner Website-
Owner Email-
Manager Address
Manager Website-
Manager Email-

AVIVA current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of AVIVA data.

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Abeking & Rasmussen flagship yacht Aviva delivered

The 98 metre  Abeking & Rasmussen  flagship yacht  Aviva  has been delivered. AIS data shows the yacht arrived into the British port of Falmouth earlier today (May 8) after leaving Lemwerder over the weekend.

Previously known as Hull 6501, this four-deck displacement yacht was launched in January sporting exterior styling by Reymond Langton Design . This is the largest project that the studio has worked on to date, surpassing the 91 metre Lürssen yacht  Lady Lara .

Very few details are known about Aviva so far, although her steel hull is believed to support an aluminium superstructure and she was built to Lloyd’s Registry standards.

As this image shows, her curvy superstructure sports large expanses of glass hinting at a bright interior, while the hull has been finished in a vibrant blue tone. Other key features include a vertical prow and a number of cut-out sections aft, suggesting that the yard has fitted either a side-loading tender garage or a fold-out superyacht beach club . A notoriously secretive yard, Abeking & Rasmussen has not confirmed any of these details as yet.

Other projects currently under development at the German yard include the 80 metre  Abeking & Rasmussen 6502 , which is due to launch next year, as well as two further yachts around the 70 metre mark.

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Aviva Yacht under refit

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Written by Zuzana Bednarova

This image is featured as part of the article Full hull wrap for 68m Abeking & Rasmussen motor yacht AVIVA .

Aviva Yacht under refit

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Aviva Yacht under refit".

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    aviva yacht prezzo

  5. Yacht AVIVA, an Abeking & Rasmussen Superyacht

    aviva yacht prezzo

  6. The successor of Abeking & Rasmussen's motor yacht Aviva in detail

    aviva yacht prezzo


  1. AVIVA Yacht • Joe Lewis $250M Superyacht

    Explore the intricate design, stunning interiors, and unmatched technological prowess of the Aviva Yacht, built by Abeking & Rasmussen and owned by billionaire Joe Lewis.

  2. AVIVA Yacht

    AVIVA is a 98m luxury motor mega yacht built in 2017 by Abeking & Rasmussen. View similar yachts for Charter around the world

  3. Aviva: Inside the 98.4m Abeking & Rasmussen flagship yacht

    Aviva is the third yacht of her name delivered to owner Joe Lewis, British businessman and major shareholder in Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. The first, a 62 metre Winch design, was built at Feadship in the Netherlands; the second, a 68 metre Reymond Langton design, at Abeking & Rasmussen on the banks of the Weser river in Lemwerder, near Bremen.

  4. AVIVA yacht (Abeking & Rasmussen, 98.4m, 2017)

    AVIVA is a 98.4m superyacht built by Abeking & Rasmussen in Germany and delivered in 2017. Explore her photos and specifications here.

  5. AVIVA Yacht

    AVIVA is a 68m luxury motor super yacht built in 2007, refitted in 2020 by Abeking & Rasmussen. View similar yachts for Charter around the world

  6. Take a look at Joe Lewis's stunning $250 million superyacht, Aviva

    Aviva, the wow yacht - Considered the 46th largest luxury vessel in the world at the time of delivery (2017), Abeking's Aviva was a big boat with a simple brief. "Build a big yacht around a padel tennis court was the main brief, I guess," said the yard's project manager Andreas Hering, and three years later, 323 feet Aviva was launched.

  7. The successor of Abeking & Rasmussen's motor yacht Aviva in detail

    The new Aviva is a beautiful example of such a yacht construction. The nearly 100 metres yacht succeeds in creating harmony between exciting implications and tranquil hydrodynamics, between enormous volume and form, powerful performance and extremely low fuel consumption. You'll find all typical yacht lifestyle comforts on board, but also ...

  8. AVIVA Yacht

    AVIVA Yacht - Unique $250 M Superyacht. Delivered in 2017, the AVIVA superyacht is a striking sight with its length of 98.4 meters (322.83 ft), ranking it high on the list of largest yachts worldwide. Built by the renowned German shipyard Abeking & Rasmussen, AVIVA has been a standout in the world of luxury yachts since its inception, winning ...

  9. 68m Abeking & Rasmussen superyacht Aviva sold

    The 68-metre Abeking & Rasmussen former flagship superyacht Aviva has been sold in-house at IYC by Pierre Vezilier.

  10. $250 million 98-metre British billionaire's megayacht with ...

    Barely cracking the first half of the world's 100 largest yachts, Aviva became the first yacht to have an indoor padel tennis court. Built for a UK billionaire, the 98-meter Aviva is also the ...

  11. Il mega yacht Aviva del boss del Tottenham a Portofino!

    Il megayacht Aviva è stato avvistato vicino a Portofino, ovviamente non ci siamo fatti scappare l'occasione di realizzare una gallery esclusiva!

  12. AVIVA Yacht Photos

    Interior & exterior photos of AVIVA, the 68m Abeking & Rasmussen super yacht, designed by Reymond Langton Design with an interior by Reymond Langton Design.

  13. Three Superyachts Visit the Dart.

    This morning Dartmouth welcomed the 98m long superyacht 'Aviva' to our mainstream mooring buoys in the middle of the town. She joined the 66m long yacht 'Elysian' and regular visitor 'Constance', which is 47m long, to make a spectacular line up on the Dart.

  14. Application error: a client-side exception has occurred

    The 68m Abeking & Rasmussen superyacht Aviva is seen here docked in Fort Lauderdale.

  15. AVIVA, Yacht

    The current position of AVIVA is at North East Atlantic Ocean reported 21 hours ago by AIS. The vessel AVIVA (IMO 1012957, MMSI 319111300) is a Yacht built in 2017 (7 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Cayman Islands .

  16. Abeking & Rasmussen flagship yacht Aviva delivered

    The 98 metre Abeking & Rasmussen flagship yacht Aviva has been delivered. AIS data shows the yacht arrived into the British port of Falmouth earlier today (May 8) after leaving Lemwerder over the weekend. Previously known as Hull 6501, this four-deck displacement yacht was launched in January sporting exterior styling by Reymond Langton Design.

  17. Aviva Yacht under refit

    Aviva Yacht under refit. February 17, 2015. Written by Zuzana Bednarova. This image is featured as part of the article Full hull wrap for 68m Abeking & Rasmussen motor yacht AVIVA. Aviva Yacht under refit.

  18. Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo-Oblast-Kuzbass's monthly weather planner

    Planning an event far into the future for Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo-Oblast-Kuzbass? MSN Weather provides an accurate 10 day outlook for the coming month as well as precision historical weather data ...

  19. Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo-Oblast-Kuzbass weather map

    See our radar map for Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo-Oblast-Kuzbass weather updates. Check for severe weather including wildfires and hurricanes, or just check to see when rain is due.

  20. Kemerovo Oblast

    Kemerovo Oblast-Kuzbass ( Russian: Ке́меровская о́бласть — Кузба́сс, romanized: Kemerovskaya oblast — Kuzbass, pronounced [ˈkʲemʲɪrəfskəjə ˈobləsʲtʲ kuzˈbɑs] ), also known by its short names as Kemerovo Oblast ( Russian: Ке́меровская о́бласть) and Kuzbass ( Кузба́сс) [1] after the Kuznetsk Basin, is a federal subject of ...

  21. Tsiolkovskogo Street, 9, Novokuznetsk

    Tsiolkovskogo Street, 9, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo — Kuzbass Region, 654041. Coordinates:. 53.745579, 87.127878