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Asphalt Yacht Club: “Left And Leaving”

Asphalt Yacht Club is a brand that has been making waves in the streetwear and skateboarding world since its inception in 2013. Founded by professional skater Stevie Williams, Asphalt Yacht Club has gained a reputation for its bold designs, high-quality materials, and commitment to the skateboarding community. One of the brand’s most popular collections is “Left And Leaving,” which features a range of apparel and accessories inspired by the idea of moving on to new beginnings.

The “Left And Leaving” collection encapsulates the essence of change and growth. The designs are sleek and minimalistic, with a focus on clean lines and simple color palettes. The collection includes everything from graphic tees and hoodies to hats and socks, all featuring the signature Asphalt Yacht Club logo.

What sets the “Left And Leaving” collection apart is its message of progression and evolution. Each piece is meant to symbolize the journey of leaving behind the past and moving on to new opportunities. The collection is a celebration of change and the power of embracing the unknown.

In addition to its stylish designs, Asphalt Yacht Club is also known for its commitment to giving back to the skateboarding community. The brand sponsors a team of talented skaters who represent the spirit of Asphalt Yacht Club both on and off the board. By supporting these athletes and investing in the future of skateboarding, Asphalt Yacht Club is helping to shape the next generation of talent.

Overall, Asphalt Yacht Club’s “Left And Leaving” collection is a reflection of the brand’s core values of creativity, innovation, and resilience. With its bold designs and empowering message, the collection serves as a reminder to always keep moving forward and never be afraid to leave the past behind. Whether you’re a seasoned skater or just someone looking to make a statement with your streetwear, Asphalt Yacht Club’s “Left And Leaving” collection is sure to inspire and empower.

Jenkem Magazine

What the fuck is asphalt yacht club.

September 12, 2013 / Ian Michna / ARTICLES / Comments: 65


When I first heard rumors that Riley Hawk, Stevie Williams and Nyjah Huston were on some new skateboard team, I thought it was a joke. It sounded like something you would find on the SLAP message boards, along with a photoshopped fake ad and a bunch of people calling bullshit. Things got even stranger when I went to their launch party in Malibu expecting your usual dirtbag skate bar party but instead was rubbing elbows with the likes of Paris Hilton, John Stamos (Uncle Jesse), French Montana and some random reality TV stars.

While other apparel brands are cutting back on skate, it seems like Asphalt Yacht Club is doubling down: supporting a big team, advertising everywhere and not afraid to flaunt a big budget. Curious to know why, I got in touch with Jesse Fritsch, AYC’s Marketing Manager (and former pro skater) along with Stevie Williams to figure out what the hell these guys are doing.

Q & A WITH JESSE FRITSCH (Director of Marketing) & STEVIE WILLIAMS (Owner)

How do you feel about how AYC has been received by skaters so far and did you expect the response you got before you launched the brand?

Jesse Fritsch: Like any new brand it will take time for kids to understand what we are doing with AYC. I’ve been in skateboarding long enough to know that people were immediately going to look at the team and go, why is Stevie next to Figgy, who’s next to Nyjah, who’s next to Riley? It makes no fucking sense. So I knew there was going to be a backlash to some extent as Stevie was doing something completely different with this team than he has done in the past…at the very least there would be a ton of questions about who, what, why, and how. That’s something I love about skateboarding, you can come in, but you’re going to get tested on why you’re here and what you’re doing here no matter if you’re someone random or have been in the game for years like Stevie. So far a lot of the industry and kids have really supported us and we’re doing our best to support them as well. On the other side of that, we have caught more than our fair share of hate from kids online following our launch party with celebrity guests.

What’s the idea behind starting the brand?

Stevie Williams: It’s a lifestyle brand. Skateboarding is a lifestyle just like music and other sports. Our roots are definitely in skateboarding but if other people outside of skateboarding want to support, that’s cool. I have a lot of respect for everybody within the industry, and a lot of respect for DGK and Kayo. I didn’t steal anybody or wanna start a brand born out of negativity.

Jesse Fritsch: Stevie has a ton of respect for this industry and company owners, so when picking the team, we wanted to do something different but we were restricted by the fact that he didn’t wanna take anyone from Kayo, or steal from other skater owned clothing companies. He could easily have thrown money at skaters who were on other teams, but he didn’t wanna do that, which I think is really cool. On top of that, he also wanted guys from different walks of life with unique styles. We talked about it and thought it was cool to start with Stevie and Stefan, who are both legends in their own right, but from different walks of life. They skated together in Miami and had fun, so we went from there. I’m the first to admit that the team as a whole seems like a weird mix, but we have eight guys who all kill it on a skateboard in different ways and it’s fucking rad to watch! The more kids see these guys skating together, the more it will make sense and they will want to be a part of what we are doing.

”I’d say Stevie is giving back at this point rather than ‘selling out'”

Has anyone called Stevie a “sellout” or anything because the brand gives off a bigger budget or more corporate flavor?

Jesse Fritsch: Lots of people have said that in comments. We’re simply fortunate enough to have a budget to put a team together, advertise in magazines, go on trips…etc. Does that mean AYC is a huge corporation, and we forced skaters into doing something they don’t want to do for a ton of cash? Absolutely not. AYC is supporting skaters to continue doing what they love for a living, as well as supporting our magazines, websites, local events, and more. We are doing all we can for skateboarding during a time when many brands have jumped ship or scaled way back. I’d say Stevie is giving back at this point rather than “selling out”

Stevie Williams: Yeah I hear that from friends, fans, it is what it is – I’ve heard it all. It’s OK. I definitley work hard at what I do and what I believe in, and everybody isn’t gonna believe in what I believe in. I’m fine with it. Just work hard and improve, there’s always room for improvement.

courtesy of transworld skateboarding

courtesy of transworld skateboarding

What does AYC have to do with celebrities like John Stamos and Paris Hilton? Why were they at the launch party for the brand?

Jesse Fritsch: Those people have nothing to do with AYC. A friend of ours is simply friends with them and invited them out. First and foremost with the party, everyone that went, yourself included, hopefully had a lot of fun. It wasn’t your typical dive bar skate party but I think everyone that was there had a good time and that was the point. It wasn’t planned that celebs were gonna be the face of the brand, but when the media came in no matter how many skaters were there, they focused on John Stamos and Paris Hilton. That’s the skate media too. But that said, who wouldn’t want their fucking photo with Uncle Jesse? [laughs] I think everyone that was there loved it, but when skaters saw the celebs online they thought, “What the fuck is this? This isn’t skateboarding.” And yes, you are right, that wasn’t just skateboarding. That was just a party to have a good time. I guess there are rules? Maybe you aren’t allowed to have certain types of people at your party or it’s not “cool for skateboarding”? [laughs] We aren’t fazed by the hate though. The party was super fun.

”You do something different and you are bound to catch some hate.”

Do you think skateboarders can be close minded in terms of if people outside of skating get involved with anything, everyone freaks out?

Jesse Fritsch: Yeah that’s one of the funniest things about skateboarding, I mean I’ve spent my whole life doing it, I love it. But you know, skateboarding is like, be yourself… but don’t be too much of yourself or we may hate on you. Be innovative or do whatever tricks you want but don’t do these tricks cause they’re wack. Same thing with starting a brand. You do something different and you are bound to catch some hate.

Stevie Williams: Yeah I mean it’s a gift and a curse. We definitely got some feedback from having celebrities at our parties, and taking pictures. It is what it is. Sometimes it’s the kid’s opinions that count and sometimes it’s the industry’s opinion that counts. Our intentions are skateboarding and I think it’s cool that other people outside of skateboarding support our parties. It makes it bigger, it makes it louder.


There have been rumors that Lil Wayne or Justin Bieber are involved somehow secretly. Is there any truth to this?

Stevie Williams: No. Lil Wayne is definitely a friend, Bieber is cool too. They support skateboarding, a lot of people might not like it, because they are such megastars, pop, or whatever you want to call them. But at the end of the day, that’s how skateboarding got so big. I mean back in the day, rock bands were supporting skateboarding and you had people like Tony Alva and Christian Hosoi. It’s the same now, it’s just our time.

Skateboarding is dope and people in pop culture want to support it, and it just sucks we would turn our back or talk shit. That’s what sucks. That hurts. Skateboarding has come so far, from back in the day, where they knew they used to steal our swag. You know baggy jeans came from us, white T’s and blonde hair, and different types of original styles came from skateboarding and our lifestyle. And now that we have a Lil Wayne or Justin Bieber and they decide to support skateboarding, it’s like we turn our back on them. And I can admit, I’ve done that too, with Pharrell. But I lived and learned and at the end of the day, I respect whoever can make skateboarding bigger and louder so we can create opportunities for more skaters and get kids off of the street and not selling drugs. If Lil Wayne or Bieber can get 10,000 or 15,000 more people to skateboard, that’s 10,000 or 15,000 thousand more kids that will probably make it somewhere in life, other than jail or getting in trouble. That’s how I look at it. And I’ve skated with Wayne and with Bieber, and they are both pretty dope. I respect them for that and I’m grateful that mega pop stars can actually make what we’ve been doing our whole life, a little bit bigger.

Some people have said you used the triangle logos because you are a part of the illuminati, is this true?

Stevie Williams: [laughs] No, there’s no truth to that. Actually Riley Hawk drew that logo . We put it on a shirt and when it dropped it created its own type of hype around it. Even my mom asked me if I was part of the Illuminati. It’s skateboarding, it’s triangles, it’s circles, it’s obstacles, joy, success….

Do you think it’s hard for kids to relate to AYC’s imagery: Yachts, red carpets, success, fame, money and all that?

Jesse Fritsch: You know, the skate kid in me thinks it’s hard to relate to some degree because skateboarding has always been so modest – you know these unwritten rules of skateboarding to not brag about what you got. Which is an awesome part about skateboarding. Now I’m surprised more and more everyday with how many kids do feel comfortable or proud to be ballin’ out or successful and they want to flaunt it, which is a huge change. Now obviously you can take that too far, and just be arrogant, but that is not AYC’s intention at all. Stevie is simply saying, “I worked my ass off, came from nothing, and now I’m successful. I’m proud to be here and you can do it too.” It’s a learning thing for all of us everyday. It’s tough for me as it’s a different world than what I grew up with.

Stevie Williams: Once the kids can support the identity of AYC, the way I put it together, everybody on the team has a set fanbase. Collectively we share a lot of the same fans in a weird way. Like a friend of a Figgy fan, might be a fan of mine or Nyjah or Stefan. We don’t all share the same image, but putting together AYC, just makes it like a cool superteam. When we go do things, we’re gonna have Figgy fans, Riley Hawk fans, Stevie fans, Nyjah fans, everyone can come support it. You don’t feel singled it out. We just have to show how well we work together and represent this brand and how we all have skateboarding in common.

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  • Asphalt Yacht Club
  • Jesse Fritsch
  • John Stamos
  • Paris Hilton
  • Stefan Janoski
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September 12, 2013 11:18 am

Stevie is losing touch.

is asphalt yacht club still in business

September 12, 2013 11:58 am

Who cares? Of course the Marketing Manager is going to put a positive spin on it.

Simple as fact, this shit is wack. Keep Yacht Clubs out of skateboarding.

is asphalt yacht club still in business

September 13, 2013 1:22 pm

I actually thought he wasn’t that bad if you re-read the thing there’s a lot of seemingly honest answers too without too much slant

is asphalt yacht club still in business

September 12, 2013 12:23 pm

Fuck these fucking clowns. I don’t give a fuck how much ‘true love for skating’ that Stevie felt while starting this shit pile up, but it I dislike every single thing they’ve chosen openly to represent and there’s no way in hell they’re gonna make me think that this retarded cashfest is in any way ‘giving back to skating’. Especially with the likes of Polar, Magenta and Josh Stewart still being alive and kicking. Fuck tese god damn fools and anyone who supports them.

Jason Jessee said it best…

is asphalt yacht club still in business

November 13, 2013 8:59 pm

I really fucking hope you don’t support Nike because if you do, you should probably run into traffic

is asphalt yacht club still in business

September 12, 2013 1:28 pm

i dont give a shit about the celebs. i just cant help think that the graphics are gonna suck… some pseudofame and glory bullshit.

is asphalt yacht club still in business

September 12, 2013 11:13 pm

The graphics aren’t that amazing but the team is A+ and the graphics will hopefully get better.. it’s still just a new brand.

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Asphalt Yacht Club

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General info:

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Description: “From The Ground Up”. Born from Skateboarding, Asphalt is built from the expression of individualism through skateboarding, music, art and community.

Founded: 2013

Category: skateboarding

is asphalt yacht club still in business

Company info: Asphalt Yacht Club (AYC) was founded in 2013 by professional skateboarder Stevie Williams, who wanted to create an apparel brand that would recognize the unifying potential of skateboarding fashion. A celebration of the wide-ranging walks of life that all find common ground through skateboarding, AYC is known for genre-bending designs and a skate team that embodies the diversity of the culture it represents. The clothing and the people of AYC speak the same message: Our unity springs from our unique spirit, our power as a group comes from our strength as individuals. We all walk alone, but we all roll together.

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Asphalt Yacht Club on Facebook

AYC's "Tokyo Slaps" Video Japan’s capital houses some of the coolest skate terrain on the planet. The Yacht team made good use of every monument, hubba, and gap to rail they could find. Nice vid, dudes.

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AYC JAPAN TOUR The AYC team including Stevie Williams, Aaron "Jaws" Homoki, Riley Hawk, Cole Wilson, Stephen Lawyer, and Paul Hart are headed to Japan for some signings, demos, and to hit the streets.

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Stevie Williams and Stefan Janoski Talk About Their Latest Brand Asphalt Yacht Club

2013 has been, in many ways, a renaissance year for the skateboarding world. as storied companies.

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2013 has been, in many ways, a renaissance year for the skateboarding world. As storied companies such as Girl, Plan B and Alien Workshop have lost some of their benchmark veterans, many new companies are beginning to form in their wake. While Stevie Williams and Stefan Janoski have both retained their longtime sponsors, they’ve also applied their renowned business savvy to a new venture: Asphalt Yacht Club . Previously, Williams has created an underground movement with DGK, while Janoski’s infamous sneaker design has quickly become a staple shoe in just about everyone’s closet. It’s safe to say that the two know what they’re doing, and building a versatile team that claims Blake Carpenter, Nyjah Huston and Justin Figueroa on the same roster has to be worth its hype. In light of the brand’s forthcoming delivery, we sat down with Williams and Janoski for a small conversation about Asphalt Yacht Club. Enjoy the interview below.

What is AYC…

What spawned the AYC and how does it differ from previous Stevie Williams fashion endeavors?

“The direction is simple: pushing skateboard fashion forward and producing quality material and content. Basically, looking good while you’re skating!”

Building and creating Asphalt Yacht Club…

“There were a few different names that we had in the bag. AYC stood out the most and it represented how I made it and how I live today. It’s about starting from one point to get to another.”

What’s coming up…

“Skaters after skating have always started companies; most of the top companies now were started by skateboarders, so I think it’s natural for people to start there own things…”

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Crew Tee, AYC Gutter Rainbow

Crew Tee, AYC Gutter Rainbow

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In collaboration with Asphalt Yacht Club, this Crew Tee features a modern and clean fit.  

Made with an ultra-soft premium micropoly fabric, then sewn together to ensure a comfortable fit and vivid graphic/image representation.  

Made with pride in California.

Model is wearing a medium. 

Crew Tee, AYC Oil Spill

Crew Tee, AYC Oil Spill

In collaboration with Asphalt Yacht Club, this Crew Tee features a modern and clean fit.  

Tank Top, AYC Gutter Rainbow

Tank Top, AYC Gutter Rainbow

In collaboration with Asphalt Yacht Club, this perforated Tanktop is made with a premium micropoly birdseye fabric, then sewn together to ensure a comfortable fit and vivid graphic/image representation.

Model is wearing a medium.

Tank Top, AYC Oil Spill

Tank Top, AYC Oil Spill

Mesh Shorts, AYC Blue

Mesh Shorts, AYC Blue

In collaboration with Asphalt Yacht Club, these mesh Shorts are made with a premium micropoly birdseye fabric, then sewn together to ensure a comfortable fit and vivid graphic/image representation.

Mesh Shorts, AYC Gutter Rainbow

Mesh Shorts, AYC Gutter Rainbow

                             Elba Mar Boat Club Club                                                           Com. Tim Ames and Lady Julie




Yacht Club Festival announced 2025 dates

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Minnesota Yacht Club Festival in St. Paul (KSTP)

Almost a month after a successful event, the Minnesota Yacht Club has announced it will return for 2025.

After almost not having a festival in July, the Minnesota Yacht Clubs Festival already has a date for 2025 — July 18-20.

The festival’s inaugural date was 2024, which tens of thousands of people attended, many from across the Midwest. It featured large musical acts like The Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Offspring, Gwen Stefani and more.

According to the city of St. Paul, hotels in downtown St. Paul were booked solid during the festival, and bars and restaurants were busy, marking the event as a large success.

Tickets aren’t being sold for the event at this time, and no details have been shared about the lineup plans for 2025.

Updates for the festival can be found here .


  1. Introducing Asphalt Yacht Club

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  3. Stevie Williams & Stefan Janoski Discuss Asphalt Yacht Club

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  4. Asphalt Yacht Club on Behance

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  1. Asphalt Yacht Club: "Left And Leaving"

    Asphalt Yacht Club began as a brand new company a few short years ago and has grown to be respected among many skaters of today. The style of clothing has shown to be very indicative of Stevie Williams' style, but the style of his skaters not so much. The AYC (Asphalt Yacht Club) skate team has been one of the freshest and most unique that we ...

  2. Asphalt Yacht Club: "Left And Leaving"

    Asphalt Yacht Club is a brand that has been making waves in the streetwear and skateboarding world since its inception in 2013. Founded by professional skater Stevie Williams, Asphalt Yacht Club has gained a reputation for its bold designs, high-quality materials, and commitment to the skateboarding community. ...

  3. Stevie Williams & Stefan Janoski Discuss Asphalt Yacht Club

    But AYC—Asphalt Yacht Club—is a clothing company that I skate for. Everybody is still my brothers and I love them dearly, just in case people want to misconstrue shit. DGK is my family since day one. Kayo is my family. Supra is my family. And Asphalt Yacht Club is my new family. It's a new extension of Stevie's vision.


    While other apparel brands are cutting back on skate, it seems like Asphalt Yacht Club is doubling down: supporting a big team, advertising everywhere and not afraid to flaunt a big budget. Curious to know why, I got in touch with Jesse Fritsch, AYC's Marketing Manager (and former pro skater) along with Stevie Williams to figure out what the ...

  5. It's Not Your Fault, It's Not My Fault, It's the Asphalt

    Based on the intro and what you've seen from Asphalt Yacht Club so far (and the party city), you might have thought this entire Miami video would be popping bottles instead of ollies, but get past that first 15 seconds and slow mo ASSphalt and it's straight to ripping from Stevie Williams, Stefan, Nyjah, and more, all dominated by Riley Hawk. What a crew. Ripping skating has had a good track ...

  6. Stevie Williams on Skateboarding Business, Advice, Passion, and Camo

    It's Not Your Fault, It's Not My Fault, It's the Asphalt. 9/12/2013. Based on the intro and what you've seen from Asphalt Yacht Club so far (and the party city), you might have thought this entire Miami video would be popping bottles instead of ollies, but get past that first 15 seconds and slow mo ASSphalt and it's straight to ripping from Stevie Williams, Stefan, Nyjah, and more ...

  7. Introducing Asphalt Yacht Club

    Asphalt Yacht Club will include products such as tees, fleece, cut-and-sew tops, and hats, along with denim and accessories. The collection will be retailing from $30 - $120, and will be available Aug. 15, 2013. Asphalt Yacht Club is founded by pro skateboarder Stevie Williams, along with Stefan Janoski, Nyjah Huston, and Justin "Figgy ...

  8. Boardriding

    Company info: Asphalt Yacht Club (AYC) was founded in 2013 by professional skateboarder Stevie Williams, who wanted to create an apparel brand that would recognize the unifying potential of skateboarding fashion. A celebration of the wide-ranging walks of life that all find common ground through skateboarding, AYC is known for genre-bending designs and a skate team that embodies the diversity ...

  9. Skateboard Shopping with The Body: Asphalt Yacht Club

    It's Not Your Fault, It's Not My Fault, It's the Asphalt. 9/12/2013. Based on the intro and what you've seen from Asphalt Yacht Club so far (and the party city), you might have thought this entire Miami video would be popping bottles instead of ollies, but get past that first 15 seconds and slow mo ASSphalt and it's straight to ripping from Stevie Williams, Stefan, Nyjah, and more ...

  10. Stevie Williams and Stefan Janoski Talk About Their Latest Brand

    While Stevie Williams and Stefan Janoski have both retained their longtime sponsors, they've also applied their renowned business savvy to a new venture: Asphalt Yacht Club. Previously, Williams ...

  11. Asphalt Yacht Club Lookbook

    Asphalt Yacht Club Lookbook. Check out the newest goods from the AYC in its lookbook. Author: TWS. Nov 13, 2013. Check out the newest goods from the AYC in its lookbook. Related Articles. An in depth breakdown of the Nike SB Air Max Ishod. The promo video for the Nike SB x Welcome Skate Shop Madrid Blazer is here.

  12. Stevie Williams

    Williams founded the clothing brand Asphalt Yacht Club (AYC) in 2013 and it was launched in July 2013 with a team that includes Stefan Janoski and Nyjah Huston. [38] In 2023, Williams launched SK8PES, an NFT project described as "Pioneering urban anime and web3 lifestyle | by @steviewilliams_". The project is scheduled to mint summer of 2023.

  13. Asphalt Yacht Club

    Asphalt Yacht Club (AYC) was founded in 2013 by professional skateboarder Stevie Williams, who wanted to create an apparel b rand that would recognize the unifying potential of skateboarding fashion. A celebration of the wide-ranging walks of life that all find common ground through skateboarding, AYC is known for genre-bending designs and a skate team that embodies the diversity of the ...

  14. Working at Asphalt Yacht Club: Employee Reviews

    Reviews from Asphalt Yacht Club employees about Asphalt Yacht Club culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.

  15. Asphalt Yacht Club

    Asphalt Yacht Club has 1 locations, listed below. ... Business Profile for Asphalt Yacht Club. Online Retailer. At-a-glance. Contact Information. 1340 Specialty Dr. Vista, CA 92081. Visit Website.

  16. (@asphalt_yacht_club) • Instagram photos and videos

    64 Followers, 15 Following, 11 Posts - @asphalt_yacht_club on Instagram: "FOLLOW itz_crunch_time & scope_asphalt"

  17. AYC Home Page

    Welcome to the AYC web site! The Associated Yacht Clubs were formed in 1925, when a consortium of 5 yacht clubs in the Toledo, Ohio, area decided to pool efforts for better boating interaction. On filing incorporation papers with the State of Ohio, the full name of the organization was established as Associated Yacht Clubs of Toledo.

  18. MN Yacht Club Festival to return to St. Paul in 2025

    — Minnesota Yacht Club Festival (@mnyachtclub) August 13, 2024 Saint Paul is growing in population and in popularity, becoming a desired destination to both live and recreate.

  19. Asphalt Yacht Club LLC in New York NY

    Asphalt Yacht Club LLC Overview. Asphalt Yacht Club LLC filed as a Foreign in the State of California and is no longer active.This corporate entity was filed approximately nine years ago on Monday, March 2, 2015 as recorded in documents filed with California Secretary of State.It is important to note that this is a foreign filing.

  20. Yacht Club Festival announced 2025 dates

    Almost a month after a successful event, the Minnesota Yacht Club has announced it will return for 2025. After almost not having a festival in July, the Minnesota Yacht Clubs Festival already has ...

  21. AYC Asphalt Yacht Club

    AYC - Asphalt Yacht Club. The abbreviation AYC stands for Asphalt Yacht Club and is mostly used in the following categories: Asphalt, Yacht, Club, Collection, Shopping. Whether you're exploring these categories or simply seeking a quick definition, this page provides comprehensive information on AYC.