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  • Familienbetrieb seit 1905
  • Boot mieten ohne Führerschein

Bootsurlaub Holland

Boot mieten bei yachtcharter westerdijk in holland im alde feanen national park friesland, willkommen bei yachtcharter westerdijk.

Herzlichen Willkommen bei Yachtcharter Westerdijk in Eernewoude /Earnewald. Wir Vermieten Noblesse Yachten , Linssen und Jetten . Am Rande des Naturgebietes "De Princenhof" hat das Familienunternehmen Yachtcharter/ Jachtwerf Westerdijk seit 1905 seinen Sitz. Vom Zentrum Frieslands in Holland fahren Sie ohne zuerst Brücken oder Schleuzen zu passieren zum Seengebiet und die große und kleine Kanäle.

Suchen und buchen Sie Ihren Bootsurlaub

Bootsurlaub in holland.

Vom Zentrum Frieslands fahren Sie zum Seengebiet

Bootsverleih Information

Reservierung, Mietvertrag und Abfahrts- und Rückgabezeiten

Yachtbau Noblesse Cruiser

Auf unserer Werft bauen wir den Noblesse Cruiser 42.

Unsere Boote


AMAZONE NoblesseCruiser 42 OC (Do.-Do.)

Elegance 42.JPG

ELEGANCE Noblesse 42 Cruiser 13.00 Meter (Do.-Do.)


BELUGA Noblesse Cruiser 42 13.00 Meter (Fr.-Fr.)

Luna Bild 1kl.jpg

Luna Jetten 44 AC (Fr.-Fr.)


CLAUDETTE 38 XL 12.20 Meter (Sa.-Fr.)


Schaluppe 840


HUDSON NoblesseCruiser 47 14.00 Meter (Fr.-Fr.)

Mrs Nelson.jpg

Mrs. NELSON Linssen GS 410 12.85 Meter (Fr.-Fr.)

Linssen Yacht 35 Lina.jpg

LINA Linssen 35 AC Intero 10.70 Meter (Do.-Do 2024 / Sa.-Sa.2025)

evitadeur2012 012kl.JPG

EVITA 9.60 Meter (Fr.-Fr.)


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Ab 2025 wird die Luxus Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.0 AC, genannt 'Anna Sophie',...

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Zu mieten ab 2023: Motoryacht Linssen Intero 35 AC 'LINA'

Ab Juli 2023 hat Yachtcharter Westerdijk eine neue Ergänzung: die luxuriöse...

segelyacht chartern friesland

Neu in der Flotte: NoblesseCruiser 47 Motorboot für 6 Personen

Ab 2022 wird die neue NoblesseCruiser 47, genannt 'HUDSON', zur Flotte von...

Was unsere Gäste sagen

Wir haben viel Vercharterer kenn gelernt. Yachtcharter Westerdijk war und ist der Beste. Die Schiffe sind voll in Ordnung und bestens gepflegt. Immer wieder. Liebe Güsse von Andreas und Anja   Andreas Fiebiger ★★★★★
Wir haben die Amazone für eine Woche gemietet. Zunächst wurden wir herzlich umpfangen. Nachdem wir ausreichend Zeit hatten uns im Boot einzurichten erhielten wir ein umfangreiche Einweisung zum Boot. Hier buchen wir jederzeit gerne wieder. Herzlichen Dank an die Familie Westerdijk. Harald Pettke ★★★★★
Friesland ist immer eine Reise wert und ein Charterboot von Westerdijk war eine erstklassige Entscheidung! Freundlicher Empfang, problemlose Übergabe eines tollen Bootes. Wir sind mit viel Freude kreuz und quer durchs schöne Friesland geschippert. Alles war perfekt. Vielen Dank für die schöne "Beluga" und den prima Service! Beatrice Valjevac ★★★★★
Ein sehr angenehmes und hilfsbereites Familienunternehmen. Die Übergabe der Yacht bei An- und Abreise war sehr unkompliziert und schnell. Die Boote selbst sind in einem tollen Zustand und Friesland ist immer eine Reise wert. Daniela Kaspari ★★★★★
Wir haben dieses Jahr das erste Mal bei Westerdijk gechartert und waren mit der Freundlichkeit der Inhaber, dem top Zustand der Schiffe und der gesamten Abwicklung super zufrieden. Selbst die älteren Schiffe Eureka und Ostara sind top gepflegt. Wir werden in jedem Fall dort wieder chartern! Dirk Osthoff ★★★★★

Ein Bootsurlaub in Holland ist eine fantastische Erfahrung. Docken Sie jeden Tag in einem anderen Wassersportdorf an oder gehen Sie an einem der friesischen Seen vor Anker und genießen Sie die Aussicht und den Sonnenuntergang! Genießen Sie auch die Freiheit auf dem Wasser mit einem Boot von Yachtcharter Westerdijk.

Dort wählen Sie Yachtcharter Westerdijk

Motorboot ohne führerschein mieten.

Alle unsere Boote können ohne Führerschein und möglicherweise mit einem Segellehrer gemietet werden

Familienbetrieb seit 1905 in Holland

Seit 1905 in Earnewald, inmitten des Naturschutzgebiets De Princenhof des Nationalparks 'De Alde Feanen'

Bootfahren Sie zu den friesischen Seen

Ohne Brücken oder Schleusen zu passieren, fahren Sie zu den friesischen Seen und wunderschönen Wassersportdörfern

Sehr komplette Flotte 6 Personen

Unsere Flotte besteht aus 9 Motorboote und 1 luxus Dieselschaluppe von 8.40 Meter.

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  • +31 (0) 515 79 65 49

Plattbodenschiff segeln auf IJsselmeer und Wattenmeer. Mieten bei Sailcharter Friesland

Perfekt gepflegte private Plattbodenschiffe direkt vom Eigner. Sail Charter Friesland ist seit über 25 Jahren die Adresse für die Charter von luxuriösen Lemsteraken und anderen tollen Plattbodenschiffen in Holland.

Plattbodenschiff mieten in Holland

Perfekt gepflegte plattbodenschiffe direkt vom eigner.

Charter von Lemsteraak, Visserman-Aak, Zeeschouw, Hoogaars, Bol, Grundel. Segelyachten für 2 bis 12 Personen.

Ohne Erfahrung und Führerschein Plattbodensegeln

Zu unserem Charter Programm gehören auch Segelkurse, Manövrierkurse und individueller Privatunterricht.

Segeltörn mit Skipper

Einige unserer größeren Lemsteraken bieten wir auch inkl. Skipper an. Dieses Angebot richtet sich an Gäste, die wenig (oder gar keine) Erfahrung mit dem Segeln auf Plattbodenschiffen haben

Ideale Ausgangsbasis für ein riesiges Wassersportgebiet

Innerhalb kürzester Zeit auf IJsselmeer, Markermeer, Wattenmeer und auf den malerischen friesischen Seen von unserer Charterbasis in Workum.

Segeln pur auf dem IJsselmeer, Wattenmeer und Markermeer

Bei Sailcharter Friesland finden Sie eine einzigartige, abwechslungsreiche Charterflotte mit traditionellen Plattbodenschiffen. Lassen Sie sich an Bord von dem enormen Platzangebot, den perfekten Segeleigenschaften und der einzigartigen Atmosphäre einer luxuriösen Lemsteraak Segelyacht begeistern. Das ist Segeln wie ein König: echt traditionell oder in Kombination mit dem Komfort der von uns entworfenen „Easy Sailing“-Takelage.

Traditionelle Segelschiffe zu vermieten

Lemsteraak blauwe heks.

blauwe heks easy sailing.jpg

Lemsteraak De Luije Man

luije man zeilend 2.jpg

Bol De verandering


Lemsteraak Dorothee

dorothee easysailing.jpg

Hoogaars Wiede Weerga

wiedeweerga slider.jpg

Zeeschouw Duvel


Visserman Aak HA 4

HA4 zeilend friese meren.jpg

Lemsteraak Wadwaai


Lemsteraak Bellefleur

bellefleur easy.jpg

Lemsteraak Windbreeker

windbreeker easy.jpg

Hervorragende Plattboden Yachten zur Miete ab Workum/ Friesland

Verleih von liebevoll gepflegten Lemsteraak, Visserman-Aak, Zeeschouw, Hoogaars, Schokker, Bol und Grundel. Alle diese Segelyachten können Sie bei uns mieten, ab 2 bis 12 Personen.

Unser Heimathafen ist Workum, inmitten der friesischen Seenlandschaft in Holland. Perfekt für Segeltörns auf dem Ijsselmeer, dem Markermeer, dem Wattenmeer und nicht zu vergessen auf den malerischen friesischen Seen. Eine Plattboden Yacht ohne Erfahrung mit dem Plattbodensegeln mieten? Kein Problem! Zu unserem Charter Programm gehören auch Segelkurse , Manövrierkurse und privater Segelunterricht. Für neue Charter-Kunden ist eine Kurs oder ein Erfahrungsnachweis obligatorisch.

  • Nachrichten

Lemsteraak Windbreeker

Corona Update 1. Juni 2021

Lemsteraak Windbreeker

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Was unsere Gäste sagen

Zeeschouw Duvel Leuk bootje! Degelijk, praktisch, ruim, comfortabele matrassen, goed onderhouden. Alles doet het. Zeilt verbazingwekkend goed: had ik nooit gedacht. Een aanrader. 4,5 Marco
Wiederholungstäter Nach mehreren Lemsteraaken haben wir diese ein zweites Mal für eine Woche gechartert. Ein tolles Schiff für eine kleine Crew! Problemlos zum Beispiel zu zweit. Sehr gepflegt! 5,0 Sven Schumacher
Mooie boot, goede zeileigenschappen We hebben een week lekker gezeild, het IJsselmeer met windkracht 4/5 is prima te doen met 2 of 3 mensen. De boegschroef is erg handig met dit redelijk zware schip. 5,0 Jaap en Peter
Kurzwoche mit der Zonnewind Moin. Wir, eine fuenfkoepfige Familie, haben zum ersten mal eine Aak gemietet. Damit haben wir ab Workum bei bestem Wetter Kanaele erkundet und sind zwei Tage auf dem Ijsselmeer gesegelt. Ein Erlebnis fuer uns alle, in schöner Umgebung mit einem tollen Schiff. Die Übernahme des Schiffs, als auch die Abgabe am letzten Tag an den Vermieter verliefen reibungslos und sehr freundlich. Vom Schiff selber sind wir begeistert und das Handling hatten wir nach kurzer Zeit heraus. Wir können dieses Erlebnis... 5,0 J.B.
Henriette Selinde Wir hatten eine wunderbare Segelwoche auf dem Wattenmeer und dem Ijsselmeer, auch mit 10 Personen an Bord war es nicht zu eng und alle waren begeistert von dem schönen Schiff und dem spannenden Segelrevier. Der Service von Michael war hervorragend, bei Fragen oder kleineren technischen Problemen war er für uns immer erreichbar und hat sofort und unkompliziert Hilfestellung geleistet. Das hat auch zu der entspannten Atmosphäre während des Törns beigetragen, vielen Dank nochmal dafür ! 4,5 Mirko
Ervaring HI 30 Fantastisch schip om te bezeilen met beperkte ervaring. Compleet uitgevoerd, alles er op en er aan. Goede service van de verhuurder. Goed telefonisch bereikbaar voor vragen tijdens vaart. Enigste minpunt….geen horren bij de ventilatieluiken. Heerlijk gezeild 4,0 Paul kwakkenbos
Fijn schip voor jong gezin Wij hebben twee weken heerlijk gevaren met de Windbreeker. Technisch in orde en een plaatje om te zien. Wij hebben 4 kleine kinderen en een hond, en het schip voelde ruim aan. 5,0 Anneloes & Familie
Blauwe Heks Heerlijke week met de familie (5 volwassenen) gezeild op de Waddenzee. Fijne Lemsteraak, goed onderhouden en die makkelijk en goed zeilt. Hij ligt maar 65cm, dus je kan op veel plekken droogvallen. 4,8 Ties
Dûvel weekend heerlijl gevaren met simpel en technisch zeer goed uitgevoerde boot. met name koelkast en zeer goede accu maakte dat bier en bbq vlees dagen koel bleven. 4,5 Michiel Mak
Absolut zu empfehlen Wir haben einen 10-tägigen Segelurlaub auf der Plattbodenjacht Blauwe Heks verbracht und waren begeistert! Der Service war toll, freundlich und unkompliziert. Das Boot war hervorragend ausgestattet und in sehr gutem Zustand. Wir hatten eine fantastische Zeit! Besonders zu empfehlen ist das Flotillientraining vorab, das uns viel Sicherheit im Umgang mit dem Boot gegeben hat. 5,0 Familie W.

Echtes Segeln auf dem IJsselmeer, Wattenmeer und Markermeer

  • Alle Plattbodenschiffe
  • Lemsteraak mieten
  • Vissermanaak mieten
  • Segeln mit Skipper
  • Gesamtübersicht verfügbarkeit
  • Gästebewertungen
  • Praktische Gruppen-Schulungen
  • Intensivtraining: Flottillenfahrt
  • Privat Segelkurse
  • Segelroute IJsselmeer - Stavoren
  • Segelroute Wattenmeer - Leeuwarden
  • Segelroute Oostwad - Leeuwarden
  • Segelroute IJsselmeer - Makkum

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  • +31 (0) 566 - 68 93 05

Rent a boat in the Netherlands and sail on the Frisian lakes and the IJsselmeer

  • Sailboat rental

Various yachts from 22 to over 34 foot!

  • Motorboat rental

Perfectly maintained motorboats

  • Falcon rental

Adventurous sailing with our "Hoora" Poly- Falcons

  • Sloop rental

Enjoy Holland at your own pace

  • Holiday home at the lake

Boating and comfort come together in Terkaple

Sailing in Friesland starts at Maran Yachtcharter

Sailing in the Netherlands starts at Maran yachtcharter, perfectly located in the middle of Friesland, next to the Sneekermeer Lake. You like to do business with a trusted partner that has over thirty-five years of experience with the hiring of sailing boats and motorboats in Holland? Do you want service and quality for a fair price, book now your sailing holiday at Maran Yachtcharter. We offer many opportunities to rent a boat in Friesland. Whether it is for a week, midweek and/or an weekend. Customization is often possible.

Rent a boat in the Netherlands and sail on the Frisian lakes and the IJsselmeer

Perfectly located in the Netherlands

Sailing in Holland starts at Maran yachtcharter, perfectly located in the middle of Friesland next to the Sneekermeer Lake

35 years of yachtcharter experience

A trusted partner that has over 35 years of experience and offers service and quality for a fair price

Perfect boating holiday in Holland

We offer many opportunities to rent a boat and experience Friesland, sail the IJsselmeer and the Wadden Sea

We have a boat for everyone

From a comfortable 28 feet motorboat, a luxury 34-footer sailing yacht,up to an open sailing boat the polyvalk

On a boating holiday in Friesland

Sailing trough Friesland is the ultimate way to experience the Netherlands followed by the IJsselmeer and the Wadden Sea. Start your holiday at Maran Yachtcharter - Terkaple near the Sneekermeer, ideally located in the middle of the Frisian Lake area, the largest contiguous Lakes area of Europe!

Latest news

Boat rentals and Corona virus

Boat rentals and Corona virus

Maran and COVID-19

Sustainable on vacation!

Sustainable on vacation!

Wind - (energy) a beautifully sustainable and proven concept.

What kind of water sportsman are you? Do the check!

What kind of water sportsman are you? Do the check!

Do the water sports check now and maybe Maran can do something for you!

Be the first to receive the latest news and attractive offers of Maran in your mailbox!

  • Smooth sailing package
  • Last-minutes and special offers
  • Prices and availability
  • The Torfroute
  • The Weerribben
  • Lits-Lauwersmeerroute
  • Routes with mast standing
  • The South West Route
  • What to bring with you?
  • Arrival and instruction
  • Additional costs
  • Bridges operation
  • Marrekrite moorings
  • Sailing with kids
  • Route description
  • Newsletter sign up
  • Business data
  • Boating holiday in the Netherlands
  • Why rent a sailboat?
  • Why rent a motorboat?
  • Rent a boat without a license
  • Boats for sale
  • Insurance and own-risk
  • Cancellation insurance

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Motorboot, Hausboot oder Segelboot mieten in Friesland

  • Boot mieten Friesland
  • Zuverlässiger HISWA bootsvermieter
  • Sehr günstige Angebote
  • Alle Boote sind versichert

{{count}} Boote gefunden {{capacity}} {{period}} {{month}} in Friesland

Friesland ist bekannt als die Wassersportprovinz der Niederlande. Es versteht sich von selbst, dass Sie hier die meisten Bote mieten kann. Mit den schönsten Seen und den malerischen friesischen Dörfern gibt es viel zu tun. Die Wasserstraßen zwischen den friesischen Städten und Seen sind ursprünglich für den Warentransport auf großen Schleppkähnen vorgesehen. Als Wassersportler können Sie jetzt diese einzigartige Infrastruktur nutzen. Genießen Sie die 100 verschiedenen großen und kleinen Naturschutzgebiete, die Friesland zu bieten hat, segeln Sie auf der Route der elf Städte und entdecken Sie die schönsten Wassersportplätze. Begeben Sie sich auf ein Abenteuer und mieten Sie ein Boot in Friesland!

Proficiat kruiser 'Iris'

Bitte beachten Sie: dieses Schiff wird nur für ganze Wochen vermietet. Der Tag von Abfahrt ist immer am Samstag 15:00 Uhr, der Tag von Abgabe ist immer am Samstag 9:30 Uhr.

Jetten 44 AK 'Van Speijk'

Bitte beachten Sie: dieses Schiff wechselt am Samstag und wird nur für ganze Wochen vermietet.

Polyvalk Extra mit Gasfedersystem, um den Mast leicht zu bügeln

Polyvalk Extra mit einfacher Mastbügelinstallation Hoora Valk

Langweerder Sloep 6.50 Classic

Die ideale Schaluppe für einen gemütlichen Tag auf dem Wasser. Diese Schaluppe bietet Luxus und Komfort und eignet sich wegen der geringen Abstandshöhe dafür, die kleinen Flüsse und Fahrrouten von Friesland gut zu erreichen und...

Eelex 8000 Electric

Mieten Sie ein elektrisches Boot mit Kapitän. Eine Elektrobootsfahrt ist ein Genuss! Mit der modernen Eelex 8000 erleben Sie unvergessliche Stunden auf dem Wasser.

Console 420

Schönes einfaches Motorboot. Max 4 Persone (2 Erwachsene und 2 Kinder). Der Fahrer muss mindestens 16 Jahre alt sein. 9,9 PK Außenbordmotor. .

Schaluppe Maril 6.25 "Just4Fun" 1-8 Personen

Schöne, geräumige Polyester- Schaluppe mit praktischem Layout und wunderschönem Finish mit Badeleiter

Friendship 26 sport - Breeze

Bitte beachten Sie! Wir haben dieses Kajütsegelboot an De Drijfveer in Akkrum verkauft. Für Buchungen werden Sie auf deren Website weitergeleitet.

Lady Caroline

Lady Caroline ist ein Privateer Vlet 12.50, geeignet für 4 / 6 Personen. Ein Vlet mit einem robusten Aussehen und fantastischen Segeleigenschaften.

Lady Belle ist ein Hellingskip 935. Dieser 5-Personen-Hellingskip ist mit einer Länge von 9,35 Metern ein handliches Boot zum Segeln.

Schaluppe 840

Ein Schaluppe 840 Meter Mieten mitten im Naturpark  De Princenhof.

Viel Segelvergnügen für die kleineren Segler

Friendship 26 free - Heron

Schaluppe maril 625 "just4us" 4-8 personen.

Schöne, geräumige Polyester- Schaluppe mit praktischem Layout und wunderschönem Finish mit Teak und Badeleiter.

Jetten 44 AK 'Hubertus'

Langweerder sloep 5.90.

Dé perfecte sloep voor een gezellige dag op het water! Deze sloep is zeer geschikt voor een dagje genieten op het het water, maar ook voor langere afstanden. Door de geringe doorvaarthoogte zijn de gezellige slootjes en vaartjes van Friesland ze...

Ein schönes, schnelles und sportliches offenes Segelboot.

Langweerder Sloep 7.50 Classic

Für Gruppentouren oder als gemütliche Camping-Slup! Diese Schaluppe ist so eingerichtet um Mehrtagestouren so komfortabel wie möglich zu machen. Es befinden sich deshalb auch alle möglichen Annehmlichkeiten an Bord; es gibt eine Koc...

RiverCruise 20

De RiverCruise 20 is een behendige en comfortabele sloep voor 4-6 personen. Deze compacte sloep is uitermate geschikt voor een dagtochtje over de kleine wateren van Friesland.

Gehen Sie auf große Fahrt mit einer der attraktivsten Kajüt-Segelyachten der Niederlande, denn sehr gute Segeleigenschaften, ihre Robustheit und ein problemloses Handling auf allen Kursen haben die Fox 22 in kürzester Zeit zu einem der beliebtesten Ch...

  • Keine Präferenz
  • houseboats/aqualodges
  • Motoryachte
  • Offene segelboote
  • Plattbodenboote
  • Traditionelle Segelschiffe
  • vistourboot
  • Kajütsegeljachten

Monat wählen

Mieten sie ein boot friesland ohne führerschein.

Als eine der wasserreichsten Provinzen der Niederlande ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass es eine große Auswahl an verschiedenen Bootstypen zu mieten gibt. Welches Boot am besten zu Ihnen passt, hängt davon ab, wohin Sie fahren wollen und mit welcher Gruppe. Von Luxusbooten mit modernster Ausstattung bis hin zu historischen, authentischen Plattbodenschiffen und großen Segelyachten. Welches Boot Sie auch wählen...., Sie werden Friesland am schönsten vom Wasser aus erleben! Auch wenn Sie keinen Bootsführerschein besitzen, haben Sie eine große Auswahl an Booten. Bei Holiday Sailing können die meisten Boote auch ohne Segelschein gemietet werden. Boote, die kleiner als 15 Meter sind und eine Geschwindigkeit von 20 km/h nicht überschreiten, dürfen ohne Bootsführerschein gefahren werden. Das macht das Mieten eines Bootes in Friesland sehr viel einfacher. 

Schaluppe mieten Friesland

An der Spitze von Friesland liegt Zoutkamp. Ein Knotenpunkt zwischen vier Gewässern, der sich perfekt als zentraler Ausgangspunkt eignet, um anschließend die unberührte Landschaft in einer leicht zu steuernden Whaly-Schaluppe zu genießen. In der Nähe von Langweer können Sie in Friesland auch eine  Schaluppe mieten . Das Langweerder Wielen liegt südlich des Sneekermeers und beherbergt eine außergewöhnlich schöne Natur entlang des langgestreckten Sees. Mit einer Langweerder Schaluppe lässt es sich bequem segeln, ohne auf den Genuss des Wassers verzichten zu müssen. In der luxuriösen offenen Schaluppe können Sie im Hintergrund das Wasser rauschen hören, während das schwankende Gras den Blick auf das Meer freigibt. Sie können auch eine Schaluppe in den idyllischen Dörfern Heeg, Akkrum und Terherne mieten. Mit den luxuriösesten Schaluppen können Sie an den umliegenden friesischen Dörfern vorbei und sogar durch sie hindurch fahren. 

Elektrobootverleih Friesland

Auch bei Freizeitaktivitäten kann man die Umwelt nicht außer Acht lassen. Nachhaltigkeit im Tourismus ist wichtig, weil sie die Auswirkungen des Sektors auf die Umwelt, die Gesellschaft und die Wirtschaft verringert und gleichzeitig das nachhaltige Wachstum positiv beeinflusst. Dies zeigt sich auch in der Vielfalt der Boote, die für die Ferienschifffahrt gemietet werden können. Mehrere Mietboote sind mit Solarzellen ausgestattet oder sogar völlig autark. Wenn Sie ein Elektroboot mieten in Friesland, können Sie es so luxuriös machen, wie Sie wollen. Die Palette der vollelektrischen Yachten reicht von einer 7-Meter-Luxus-Elektroschaluppe bis zu einer sehr luxuriös ausgestatteten 12-Meter-Elektromotoryacht. Unbeschwertes Segeln mit einem Elektroboot Ihrer Wahl. 

Segelboot mieten Friesland

Im Zusammenhang mit der Nachhaltigkeit sollte das Segelboot nicht vergessen werden. Friesland mit seinen friesischen Seen ist wie geschaffen für Segelfans. In der Nähe des Sneekermeers und der umliegenden Seen können Sie verschiedene Arten von Segelbooten mieten. Mit einem sportlichen Polyvalk oder Valk können Sie die Natur während eines Segeltörns optimal genießen. Ob Sie nun ein erfahrener Segler sind oder einfach nur Ihre Segelkenntnisse verbessern wollen. Sie können auch wendige Segelboote wie einen Laser Pico, Optimist oder ein Fusion-Segelboot finden. Eine andere Möglichkeit ist das Mieten eines Segelbootes mit einem Hauch von Nostalgie, wenn Sie ein Waarschip mieten. Mehrere Segelboote eignen sich aufgrund ihrer Kabine für einen längeren Törn. Einige Boote sind sogar luxuriöser als andere, wenn man sich die größeren Segelyachten ansieht. Möchten Sie mit einem erfahrenen Kapitän in See stechen? Bei vakantievaren können Sie in Friesland eine große Segelyacht mieten, die z. B. über die Ijsselzee oder zwischen den Watteninseln hin und her segelt.

  • Vorige seite
  • Boot mieten

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segelyacht chartern friesland

Sailing area Friesland (NL)

Home » Sailing area Friesland (NL)

Friesland is also called the ‘water province’ of the Netherlands: no wonder it’s a true paradise for water sports enthusiasts. Did you know that the beautiful Frisian lakes are all connected? This makes Friesland the perfect place to explore by boat. And do you need a break? Everywhere in the province you’ll find more than enough mooring options, or as the Frisians call it: marrekrite moorings. These marrekrite mooring places can be found at the most beautiful spots in nature.

segelyacht chartern friesland

To explore Friesland, you can rent our boats from our marinas in Drachten and Woudsend. Both marinas are great starting points: from there, you can easily sail to well-known Frisian water sports places such as Grou, Lemmer and Sneek. Would you like to sail a little longer? You can even enter the bustling canals of the Dutch capital Amsterdam by boat.

And, if you prefer a little more peace and quiet time in nature: the beautiful national park Alde Feanen is closeby and easy to discover by boat. In addition, you can take longer boat trips to other surrounding nature reserves such as the Weerribben, the IJsselmeer and the Wadden Islands.

More information about the sailing area Friesland can be found below:

  • Sailing routes in Friesland
  • Follow a skipper training
  • (Marrekrite) mooring places in Friesland
  • The three most beautiful nature-rich spots in Northern Netherlands
  • Sightseeing in Friesland
  • Our 3 favourite cycling routes in Friesland
  • General practical information about renting a boat

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Rent a boat in Friesland with or without skipper

  • Yacht rental
  • Rent a boat in The Netherlands

Charter Motorboat stil 660 Akkrum

stil - 660 |  (2022)

From €180 per day.

Charter Motorboat Maril 625 Joure

Maril - 625 |  (2020)

From €150 per day.

Charter Sailboat Geuzenboats Polyvalk Heeg

Geuzenboats - Polyvalk |  (2013)

From €86 per day.

Charter Sailboat Hoora Polyvalk Workum

Hoora - Polyvalk |  (2013)

Charter Houseboat Pedro Solano 33 Grou

Pedro Solano - 33 | 2 cabins  (2020)

Charter Houseboat Bies Gienah Sneek

Bies - Gienah | 2 cabins  (1921)

From €171 per day.

Charter Motorboat Linssen Yachts Grand Sturdy 30.0 AC Sneek

Linssen Yachts - Grand Sturdy 30.0 AC | 2 cabins  (2021)

From €320 per day.

Charter Motorboat Linssen grand sturdy 34.9 Sneek

Linssen - grand sturdy 34.9 | 1 cabin  (2015)

From €314 per day.

Charter Sailboat Friendship Friendship28 Warns

Friendship - Friendship28 | 1 cabin  (1983)

From €99 per day.

Charter Sailboat Dehler Dehler 28 Top Warten

Dehler - Dehler 28 Top | 2 cabins  (1987)

From €136 per day.

Charter Houseboat Bies Jobke Sneek

Bies - Jobke | 1 cabin  (1921)

From €121 per day.

Charter Houseboat Brandaris Pedro 1000 AK Jirnsum

Brandaris - Pedro 1000 AK | 2 cabins  (1990)

From €218 per day.

Charter Motorboat Linssen Grand Sturdy 35.0 Ac Sneek

Linssen - Grand Sturdy 35.0 Ac | 2 cabins  (2023)

From €400 per day.

Charter Motorboat Crescent 21 Akkrum

Crescent - 21 |  (2022)

From €225 per day.

Charter Sailboat Esslinger & Abt Alpha 32 Warns

Esslinger & Abt - Alpha 32 | 1 cabin  (1976)

From €111 per day.

Charter Sailboat Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 349 Makkum

Jeanneau - Sun Odyssey 349 | 3 cabins  (2021)

From €249 per day.

Charter Houseboat Vri-Jon - Koudum

Vri-Jon - - | 3 cabins  (2015)

From €336 per day.

Charter Motorboat Linssen Linssen Grand Sturdy 45 SL Sedan Sneek

Linssen - Linssen Grand Sturdy 45 SL Sedan | 2 cabins  (2024)

From €594 per day, discover friesland by boat.

Friesland , located in the northern Netherlands , is a picturesque province known for its extensive waterways and rich maritime heritage. Renting a boat here offers a unique way to explore its charming towns, scenic landscapes, and vibrant culture. With calm waters, well-marked routes, and traditional sailing events like “Sneek Week”, Friesland provides an excellent sailing experience for all levels of sailors.

Explore the Frisian Lakes , participate in outdoor activities, and immerse yourself in the region's history and traditions. Whether you're seeking outdoor adventure, cultural exploration, or simply a peaceful retreat amidst nature, Friesland awaits your next unforgettable yacht rental adventure.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in Friesland?

The cost of renting a boat in Friesland depends on several factors such as the season, duration of rental, type of boat, chosen port or marina, whether you opt for a skipper, and any additional extras you may require. For instance, during peak summer months, prices tend to be higher, while longer rental durations or larger and more luxurious boats typically come with increased fees. Please check with the boat owner before booking.

How much does it cost to charter a skippered yacht in Friesland?


  • Full day: from €50+

Motor Yacht:

  • Included in the price

Keep in mind that skipper prices can be included in the final price.

How much does it cost to charter a crewed yacht in Friesland?

The cost of chartering a crewed yacht in Friesland can also vary widely depending on several factors such as the size and type of yacht charter, the duration of the charter, the time of year, the specific amenities and services included. Generally, prices can range from a few hundred euros per day for smaller boats to thousands of euros per day.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in Friesland for a day?

From €150 in low season and €180 in high season, per day.

From €125 in low and high season, per day.

Boat without Licence

From €180 in low and high season, per day.

From €100 in low and high season, per day.

From €1,850 in low season, per day.

Where to sail in Friesland?

Discovering Friesland 's waterways begins with finding the right port or marina to charter your private boat:

Located centrally in Friesland , Sneek offers various marinas with boat charter options, making it a convenient starting point for exploring the region.

Friesland 's capital, Leeuwarden , boasts several marinas along its canals, providing easy access to both urban amenities and sailing routes.

Heeg is renowned for its water sports facilities and offers a range of boat rental services catering to different preferences and budgets.

Grou is a popular destination for boating enthusiasts, featuring marinas with modern facilities and a nice waterfront atmosphere.


Located near the IJsselmeer , Lemmer is a bustling maritime town with numerous marinas offering boat rentals, ideal for exploring both inland waters and coastal areas.

These ports and marinas in Friesland provide excellent starting points for your boating adventure.

What season is the best to rent a boat in Friesland?

Best season to rent a boat in friesland:.

The optimal time for boat rentals in Friesland hinges on two key factors: prices and weather conditions.

  • Off-peak seasons, like spring and autumn, generally offer lower rental rates compared to peak summer months.
  • Summer, particularly from June to August, often sees increased demand and higher prices due to warmer weather and heightened tourism.

Weather Conditions:

  • Summer months typically provide pleasant weather with warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours, ideal for leisurely sailing and outdoor activities.
  • Spring and autumn also offer enjoyable sailing conditions, with milder temperatures and fewer crowds.

Plan your rental in advance to secure the best availability and rates for your Friesland boating experience.

Why should you sail for a weekend in Friesland?

Advantages of sailing for a weekend in friesland with your yacht rental:.

  • Scenic Beauty: Explore picturesque landscapes and charming villages along tranquil waterways.
  • Relaxation: Unwind amidst calming waters, enjoying activities like fishing and sunbathing.
  • Cultural Exploration: Discover Friesland 's rich maritime heritage and vibrant local culture.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in Friesland for a weekend?

From €450 in low season and €540 in high season, per weekend.

From €375 in low and high season, per weekend.

From €540 in low and high season, per weekend.

From €300 in low and high season, per weekend.

From €5,550 in low season, per weekend.

What type of boat is best to rent for a weekend in Friesland?

For a weekend in Friesland , renting a motorboat is often the best choice due to its convenience and speed. Motorboats allow you to cover more ground in a shorter time, making them ideal for exploring the region's extensive network of waterways and picturesque villages. With a motorboat, you can enjoy leisurely cruises, and easy access to waterfront dining and attractions.

Which places are best to visit when renting a boat in Friesland for a weekend?

When renting a boat in Friesland for a weekend, consider visiting these five places:

Sneek: Explore its historic city centre and vibrant waterfront, known for its typical markets and picturesque canals.

Leeuwarden: Discover the capital of Friesland , renowned for its cultural attractions, including museums, galleries, and historic landmarks.

Grou: Navigate through its scenic waterways and enjoy its harbour, surrounded by charming cafés and restaurants.

Heeg: Visit this little village known for its traditional shipyards and sailing culture, offering a serene atmosphere and beautiful surroundings.

Terherne: Explore the idyllic lake village, famous for its water sports facilities, scenic marinas, and family-friendly attractions.

Why should you sail for a week in Friesland?

Advantages of sailing for a week in friesland with your yacht charter:.

  • Extended Exploration: You have more time to explore the diverse landscapes, visit multiple destinations, and fully immerse yourself in Friesland 's natural beauty
  • Flexibility: A longer duration allows for greater flexibility in your itinerary, enabling you to adapt to weather conditions, and indulge in spontaneous adventures along the way.
  • Skill Development: Sailing for a week provides an excellent opportunity to enhance your sailing skills, gain confidence in different water conditions, and deepen your understanding of maritime navigation.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in Friesland for a week?

From €1,050 in low season and €1,260 in high season, per week. houseboat.

From €875 in low and high season, per week.

From €1,260 in low and high season, per week.

From €700 in low and high season, per week.

From €12,950 in low season, per day.

What type of boat is best to rent for a week in Friesland?

For a week in Friesland , renting a sailboat is ideal. Sailboats offer an immersive experience, allowing you to explore at a leisurely pace and embrace the region's maritime heritage and scenic beauty. With ample time, sailing provides a sustainable and enjoyable way to navigate Friesland 's waterways and villages, promising an unforgettable adventure.

Which places are best to visit when renting a boat in Friesland for a week?

When renting a private boat in Friesland for a week, consider visiting these eight places:

Hindeloopen: Explore its rich maritime history, colourful streets, and traditional wooden bridges.

Workum: Visit its historic harbour, renowned for its museums, art galleries, and traditional Dutch architecture.

Franeker: Discover its well-preserved historic centre, featuring the iconic Eisinga Planetarium and charming canals.

Dokkum: Cruise through its scenic waterways and visit its medieval fortress and picturesque town square.

Sloten: Navigate through its charming canals and explore its well-preserved city walls and historic windmills.

Woudsend: Enjoy its peaceful atmosphere, quaint streets, and scenic waterfront, perfect for relaxation and exploration.

Bolsward: Explore its picturesque canals, historic buildings, and vibrant town centre, known for its cultural events and festivals.

Lemmer: Visit its bustling harbour, famous for its historic lighthouse, sandy beaches, and lively waterfront promenade.

What is the capacity of boats in Friesland?

Boat Capacities in Friesland :

  • Max Capacity: 2 to 12 passengers
  • Min Capacity: 2 to 4 passengers
  • Cabins: 1 to 3 cabins (average).
  • Max Capacity: 2 to 10 passengers
  • Cabins: 1 to 3 cabins (average), additional sleeping accommodations for larger models.

Boat without Licence:

  • Max Capacity: 2 to 6 passengers
  • Cabins: none, open deck space.
  • Max Capacity: 6 to 20 passengers
  • Min Capacity: 6 to 8 passengers
  • Cabins: 3 to 10 or more cabins.

Frequently Asked Questions about Friesland

How much does it typically cost to charter a boat in friesland during peak and off-peak seasons.

During the high season in Friesland, the average daily rental cost for a boat is around €263, while in the low season, it's approximately €219.

Are boats available for rent with a skipper in Friesland?

In Friesland, you have the option to charter a boat with a skipper through Scansail. They offer 6 boats in Friesland with skippers, though please note there is an additional fee of approximately €186 per day.

Can you rent a boat in Friesland if you don't have a license?

In Friesland, you can rent one of 143 boats without a license.

Which boat brands are popular choices in Friesland?

The top boat brands in Friesland are Bali and Lagoon.

What length do boats typically have in Friesland?

The typical boat length in Friesland is 12 meters.

Charter a boat near Friesland

In Friesland, privately owned yachts are available for charter. See other yachts in the area.

Rent a boat in Friesland with or without a licence

  • Yacht charter
  • Charter a yacht in the Netherlands at the best price

Charter Houseboat Triton Aquanaut 1000 AK Jirnsum

Triton Aquanaut 1000 AK  (2018)

From €211 per day.

Charter Houseboat Sara Elite Ryna 1400 Jirnsum

Sara Elite Ryna 1400  (2016)

From €454 per day.

Charter Sailboat Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 439 Lemmer

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 439  (2012)

From €357 per day.

Charter Houseboat Durapel Elite Boarncruiser 38 Jirnsum

Durapel Elite Boarncruiser 38  (2015)

From €314 per day.

Charter Houseboat Captain Willem Barentsz Elite Catfish 1300 Jirnsum

Captain Willem Barendsz Elite Catfish 1300  (2012)

Charter Houseboat Mariska Elite Bonito 1500 Jirnsum

Mariska Elite Bonito 1500  (2012)

Charter Houseboat Poseidon Elite Vacance 1500 Jirnsum

Poseidon Elite Vacance 1500  (2012)

Charter Houseboat Jordy Elite Stevens Columbuskruiser 1500 Jirnsum

Jordy Elite Stevens Columbuskruiser 1500  (2012)

Charter Houseboat IJssel Elite Bege 980 OK Jirnsum

IJssel Elite Bege 980 OK  (2012)

Charter Houseboat Regina Boarnkruiser 1000 Jirnsum

Regina Boarnkruiser 1000  (2012)

Charter Houseboat Iris Elite Valk 1160 Jirnsum

Iris Elite Valk 1160  (2012)

Charter Houseboat Liona Elite Valk 1300 Jirnsum

Liona Elite Valk 1300  (2012)

Charter Houseboat Mirella Elite Valk Content 1260 Jirnsum

Mirella Elite Valk Content 1260  (2012)

Charter Houseboat Lauryn Elite Elite Jirnsum

Lauryn Elite Valk Content 1270  (2012)

Charter Houseboat Maurice Elite RIVERLINE 1400 Jirnsum

Maurice Elite RIVERLINE 1400  (2012)

Charter Houseboat Vera Elite Vision Line Jirnsum

Vera Elite Vision Line  (2012)

Charter Houseboat Fantasy Elite Irnzor 1220 Jirnsum

Fantasy Elite Irnzor 1220  (2012)

Charter Houseboat Twarres Vri-Jon Contessa Jirnsum

Twarres Vri-Jon Contessa  (2012)

Boat rental in beautiful friesland.

Rent the ultimate boat for your day trip or boating holiday via Click&Boat! Click&Boat is the online platform for private and professional boat rental. You can rent all types of boats via the platform, from a sloop, sailing boat, cabin boat to a fishing boat with motor. Given the endless water network, you can spend days on the water. Rent a boat with family, friends or go out as a couple! Via Click&Boat you can contact the boat owner directly to ask all your questions, after which you can reserve the boat immediately!

Enjoy the water in Friesland

Friesland, also called Fryslân, is the ultimate water sports province in the Netherlands . Known for sailing, beautiful sailing routes and many marinas. Friesland has endless waters, from canals to lakes and the Wadden Sea. As a result, Friesland has a great diversity of sailing routes. Between the IJsselmeer and the Lauwersmeer lies a series of dozens of large and smaller lakes: the Frisian Lake District. The Frisian Lakes area has 24 official lakes and can rightly be called a unique area because of the many sailing connections, sailing routes and the clean water. The perfect location to rent a boat. From motor yachts to sailing boats, sloops and fishing boats, everything is possible.

Cruising or sailing holiday in Friesland

Lakes, seas, rivers, canals, lakes, canals, streams and ditches. Friesland is known for its beautiful water landscape. With endless lakes and located on the Wadden Sea, Friesland is the perfect destination for water sports enthusiasts. You can rent a sailboat for a day or multi-day sailing holiday. A motorboat / motor yacht for a sailing holiday of one or two weeks. Or a sloop or boat for a morning or afternoon on the water with family or friends. Don't have a boating license? No problem! You can easily rent a boat without a boating license. Before departure, the boat owner will provide you with a detailed explanation. If you have never sailed before, you can also book a sailing course in advance. This can be done in consultation with the boat owner.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in Friesland?

The price of a boat depends on the type of boat. Depending on whether you rent a sailboat, motorboat, yacht, sloop or fishing boat. In addition, the length of the rental period and the season also play a role; preseason, high season or postseason. You can rent a motorboat for 6 people from €120 per day. For one day on a sailboat, prices start from €89 for 6 people. The price for a larger sailing boat with sleeping accommodations for six people starts at €149 per day in Friesland. The price for a sailing boat for one week is on average between € 1000 and € 1450.

You can also rent a smaller boat in Friesland, such as a sloop or fishing boat. 

Rent a boat for 2 people in Friesland

You can rent a boat for 2 people from €85 per day. For example, consider renting a small sloop to discover the rivers of the beautiful province.

Rent a boat for 6 people in Friesland

Do you want to go with a larger group of people? If you rent a boat, you can rent a boat for 6 people from € 136 per day.

Rent a boat for 10 people or more in Friesland

Choose to go with a group of friends or your family to discover beautiful Friesland for a day or even a week. You can rent a boat in Friesland for 10 people from €214 per day. You can also choose to rent a boat for a week. You can rent a boat for 10 people from € 1,600 per week.

What to do in Friesland

Friesland has no fewer than four national parks, the Wadden area, vast landscapes and clear waters . You will also find the 11 famous Frisian cities here. Known for the Elfstedentocht, which used to be completed on skates and is now fully accessible for boats.

The Frisian Lakes

The Frisian Lakes is a tourist area in the southwest and center of Friesland. The area attracts many water sports enthusiasts, especially in the summer. The Frisian Lake District is known for its diversity and is particularly suitable for boating trips with family and friends. Rent a sloop, motorboat or sailboat and discover the Frisian Lake District!

De Alde Feanen National Park

You can rent a sloop in Friesland and discover the De Alde Feanen National Park! The Park de Alde Feanen is a beautiful nature reserve surrounded by water. If you really want to explore the heart of the park, you can only do so by water. This way you get to all the small islands in the park.

Wadden Islands

The Wadden Islands were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2014. Vlieland, Terschelling, Ameland and Schiermonnikoog are four of the five largest Wadden Islands in the Netherlands and belong to the province of Friesland. The Wadden Sea is unique in the world. Typical are the sandbanks that dry out during low tide, separated by deep and less deep water channels.

The Wadden Sea is a beautiful area for sailing! Rent a sailboat and look for seals, spot the striking lighthouses and enjoy the beautiful views. If you choose a boat trip across the Wadden Sea, there is a chance that your boat will dry up on a mudflat due to the strongly changing tides. A unique experience!

Visit the Frisian Cities

The 11 Frisian cities are of course known from the Frisian Eleven Cities Tour. Choose to rent a boat in Leeuwarden, the beating heart of Friesland. You can also opt for boat rental in Grou, Sneek, IJlst, Sloten, Stavoren, Hindeloopen, Franeker, Workum, Bolsward, Harlingen or boat rental in Lemmer. All cities are connected by Friesland's large water network. The small towns do not owe their city rights to their size, but to their historical significance. The water connections between the towns offer an excellent opportunity to discover the whole of Friesland by boat! In addition, you can find one or more ports in every city. You can also easily rent a boat in places such as Drachten and Lemmer and start your holiday in Friesland.

Leeuwarden is the capital of Friesland and the cultural capital of Europe in 2018. Throughout the year there is a rich cultural program with hundreds of fantastic and unique events. There is an extensive range of festivals, shows, performances and concerts to visit in Frisian cities and the countryside.

Sneek is centrally located in the lake area of ​​Friesland and is a real water city. The water sports facilities are endless, but the city should also not be missed for culture and fun during a visit to Friesland. In addition, Sneek is a good starting point by boat towards the Frisian Lakes.

Other cities that are definitely worth a visit are the port city of Harlingen, Stavoren, the city on the IJsselmeer, rest on the beach in Hindeloopen or walk through the cozy streets in Workum. 

How do I reach Friesland?

It of course depends on where you are in the Netherlands and where you want to go in Friesland. Fortunately, Friesland is very easily accessible by public transport. Major train stations in the province are Leeuwarden, Heerenveen, Sneek, Harlingen and many more. From there you can easily get around by bus or taxi. You can also travel to Friesland by car. You can often find good parking at the ports in Friesland, so you don't have to worry about your car.

Boat rental Friesland

Looking for a boat rental in Friesland? Click&Boat has a variety of boats available throughout Friesland. Create a free account, contact various owners and find the perfect boat! You can rent a sailing boat, rubber boat, motor boat or sloop in Friesland, it is all possible via Click&Boat. If you do not have a boating license, you can also rent a boat with a skipper. This way you can enjoy a fantastic time on the water without any worries!

The Netherlands also offers many beautiful destinations. In the Netherlands, for example, it is popular to rent a sloop in Amsterdam. You will find many different perfect sailing destinations on the Click&Boat platform. Feel free to take a look at the platform and find the perfect boat for you!

Verder biedt Nederland nog tal vaan prachtige bestemmingen. In Nederland is het bijvoorbeeld populair om een sloepje te huren in Amsterdam. Op het Click&Boat platform vindt je dan ook veel verschillende perfecte vaarbestemmingen. Neem gerust een kijkje op het platform en vind de perfecte boot voor jou!

Frequently Asked Questions about Friesland

What is the cost of renting a boat in the high season and the low season in friesland.

The average cost of renting a boat in Friesland in the high season is around €250 per day, while in the low season it is around €231 per day.

How much does a skipper cost per day in Friesland?

The price of a skipper varies depending on the destination and the owner of the boat. In Friesland, you can expect to pay an average of €177 per day for a skipper.

Can I add equipment like snorkel gear, SUP boards or a wakeboard to my boat rental in Friesland?

Many owners offer various extras that you can add to your booking in Friesland. This can be for example Oven/stove, Fridge or Heating.

What types of boats can I rent in Friesland?

In Friesland you can rent for example a Houseboat, Motorboat or even a Sailboat.

How many cabins does a boat have in Friesland?

Boats in Friesland have an average of 2 cabins. If you travel with a large group, you can book boats with up to 14 cabins.

Good to know

Number of boats:322 boats available
Types of boats:Houseboat, Motorboat, Sailboat
Average price: €241 per day
Minimum price: €50 per day
Maximum price: €4,500 per day
Manufacturers:Lagoon, Bali, and more

Charter a boat near Friesland

In Friesland, privately owned yachts are available for charter. See other yachts in the area.

Our most searched destinations

Do you want to explore alternatives to Friesland? Discover and rent a boat in our most popular destinations.

Yacht Charter Friesland - Yacht Rentals Friesland

Top-rated yacht charters in friesland - preselected yacht rentals:.

Sailing yacht Bavaria 38 Cruiser for hire in Lemmer

Sailing yacht Bavaria 38 Cruiser for hire in Lemmer

  • Bavaria 38 Cruiser [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]
  • Yacht Insurance
  • Final cleaning

Sailboat Bavaria 46 Cruiser for charter in Lemmer

Sailboat Bavaria 46 Cruiser for charter in Lemmer

  • Bavaria 46 Cruiser [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Yacht Bavaria 33 Cruiser available for charter in Lemmer

Yacht Bavaria 33 Cruiser available for charter in Lemmer

  • Bavaria 33 Cruiser [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Sailboat Sun Odyssey 439 for hire in Lemmer

Sailboat Sun Odyssey 439 for hire in Lemmer

  • Sun Odyssey 439 [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]
  • Cockpit cushion

Sailboat Bavaria 37 Cruiser available for charter in Lemmer

Sailboat Bavaria 37 Cruiser available for charter in Lemmer

  • Bavaria 37 Cruiser [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Yacht Bavaria 37 Cruiser for rent in Lemmer

Yacht Bavaria 37 Cruiser for rent in Lemmer

Sailing yacht Bavaria 40 Cruiser for charter in Lemmer

Sailing yacht Bavaria 40 Cruiser for charter in Lemmer

  • Bavaria 40 Cruiser [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Yacht Bavaria 41 Cruiser available for charter in Lemmer

Yacht Bavaria 41 Cruiser available for charter in Lemmer

  • Bavaria 41 Cruiser [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Sailing yacht Bavaria 36 Cruiser available for charter in Lemmer

Sailing yacht Bavaria 36 Cruiser available for charter in Lemmer

  • Bavaria 36 Cruiser [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Yacht Varianta 44 for hire in Lemmer

Yacht Varianta 44 for hire in Lemmer

  • Varianta 44 [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Yacht Bavaria 33 Cruiser available for charter in Lemmer

Sailing yacht Sirius 32 DS for hire in Lemmer

  • Sirius 32 DS [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Sailing yacht Bavaria 36 Cruiser available for charter in Lemmer

Sailing boat Bavaria 45 Cruiser for hire in Lemmer

  • Bavaria 45 Cruiser [Yacht Price incl. Taxes] brand logo

Sailing yacht Bavaria 40 Cruiser for rent in Lemmer

★★★ yacht charter friesland ★★★, sailing in friesland.

Friesland is a beautiful region with an exciting history. After forming a single state for the Frisian people, the 3rd century is when the first documentation of Friesland and its inhabitants came to be. Named after the people for whom it was created, Friesland today extends through Germany onto the Netherlands , from the Weser River, the Jadebusen Bay over East Friesland, Emsland and the Rhine-Maas Delta to the Belgian city Bruges. In the 7th and 8th centuries, this same area was called the “Great Frisian Kingdom” (Magna Frisia). After the Francs invaded the region, the Frisians were quickly known as brave fighters and warriors as well as skilled boat builders and zealous seafarers, the latter skill leading them to gain the so-called “Frisian Freedom” (Fryske frijheid), which the coastal inhabitants achieved through their victories in battles with the Romans, Vikings and Normans between the 9th and 15th centuries. Because of the subordination under the Emperor and the lack of a feudal system in the area, the “Seven Sea Countries” of Friesland enjoyed great independence and self-confidence. Only at the end of this privileged time did the area divide into many small tribes of constantly fighting groups led by very powerful and self-assured “chiefs” (hovedlinge). Nevertheless, Frisians are to this day connected with the consciousness of a stand-alone and culturally authentic nation with old traditions and a language of its own. As one of the four officially recognized national minorities in Germany, the Frisians enjoy representation and protection of their interests through the Friesenrat in the Schleswig-Holstein Federal State Parliament. Besides the customs meetings such as the “Friesen-Droapen” (Frisian Meeting) on Helgoland, individual professional groups and the “Fryske Akademy” (Frisian Academy) in Leeuwarden also take care of Friesland’s interests. A radical state independence, like from the “Groep fan Auwerk” (Group from Aurich), was proclaimed in 2003, but these days, the majority of Frisians aren’t aiming for that.

West, East and North, continuously following the Coast and the Water: Today’s Frisian Towns

Sailing in Friesland

A lot of water and even more wind speed boats and boards along in the best way

This list of cities, towns and regions along the North Sea coast of the Netherlands and Germany probably make the hearts of many water sport partakers and skippers beat a little faster. Indeed, almost all of the named towns of both countries enjoy very good reputations as relevant and known destinations for beach-going and the many activities one can do on, in, or under the water. Sailors and surfers going on vacation will appreciate the proverbial “stiff breeze” on the Frisian North Sea. The island Sylt is the setting of the annual German Windsurf Cup on Brandenburg Beach by Westerland, and the additional surf and sail spots on the Blidselbucht Stronghold between Kampen and List, as well as by Rankum, enjoy international renown from wave riders. On the island Norderney, a spot at Januskopf is another great place to surf, though it is very demanding and causes even old birds of surfing to be taken by surprise by the speed of the waves. In St. Peter-Ording, a lane of water is specially designated for wind- and kitesurfers to use. In East Friesland, surfers of all levels make a pilgrimage to the Ems estuary of the Dollart and to the local Ort Knock after going to Echwarderhörne on the Butjadingen peninsula, on the Große Meer (Great Sea) between Aurich, Emden and Norddeich. They also visit the North Sea resort in Horumersiel-Schillig in Wangerland, in the district Upleward von Krummhörn, on the East Frisian islands, and Hooksiel north of Wilhemshaven. In that area, the spots at Banter See, Geniusbank and Suedstrand are also worth visiting. In Dutch Friesland, the Ijsselmeer  and its surfs spots on the western bank in Gaast, Hindeloopen, Lauwersoog, Makkum, at the Mirns Cliff, Molkwerum in Starvoren and Workum, and on the coasts of both the Ameland and Terschelling islands are very popularly visited and well liked.

Whether in the Frisian east or west, the boats from Yachtico are the best

More than 70 sailing and motorboats in Dutch part of Friesland and four sailboats in the German part are waiting for adventurous skippers and captains at the new platform for worldwide yacht charter, . The best value German sailing yachts are ready to rent for a little over 400 euro per week, but there area other options as well. The sailing yacht Feeling 30 DI, built in 2010 and which feature 6 berths in 3 cabins, is available from the marina in Hooksiel from 1600 euro per week. In the Frisian marinas in Germany, you can get a smaller yacht from 400 euro for seven days. For the historic sailboat Brave Hendrik, built in 1917 and featuring 5 cabins, you can sail from Zuiderhaven for a bit more than 3700 euro for a week.

Several well-known and traditional regattas take place in Friesland every year, such as the “North Sea Week” around Helgoland on Pentecost, which has been held every year since the 1920, the 100-kilometer long “Ronde om Texel” (round on Texel) in June, and the JadeWeserPort-Cup in Wilhelmshaven in August. The Frisian coast is also filled with professional, hobby, and leisure-time captains through October. If you can’t make it to the larger competitions in the area, or simply don’t want to take part in them, there are other sailing options in the area. The 25-hectare Timmeler Lake near Großfehn, the 73-kilometer long Ems-Jade-Kanal between Wilhelmshaven and Emden, the 60-hectare large Hooksmeer by Hooksiel, and the Leda-Jümme and the surrounding area of the town Detern in Leer are also all lovely sailing areas. If you’d rather go out onto the water via paddling instead of sailing, the environment around Marienhafe in the environs of Brookmerland in Aurich is highly recommended. In the vacation region Störtebekerland (named after a pirate) in the heart of East Friesland, you can enjoy a lovely tideland around Großheide and the climatic health resort Hage along with the widely distributed interwoven network of waterways from the canoe loading areas to the Upgant-Schott and Wirdum marinas before discovering the area in peace.

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segelyacht chartern friesland

Charterboote - Suche

zurücksetzen: Schnellsuche

Segelyacht-Charter Friesland - Segelboot mieten (chartern)

Maxus Evo 24 Electric

Maxus Evo 24 Electric


2 mast Klipper

3 mast Klipper

3 mast Klipper

Clever 23

Dehler Varianta 65

Bavaria Caribic 340

Bavaria Caribic 340


Delphia Sportina 25

Delphia Sportina 680

Delphia Sportina 680

Friendship 33

Friendship 33

Dehler 32

Noordkaper 22 en 31

Fellowship 28

Fellowship 28

Balt 27

Lemsteraak Visserman 16,5m

* segelboot-charter * yachtcharter friesland * boot mieten * segelyacht mieten * vermietung *, segelboote mieten - andere charter-reviere, * segelboot-charter * boot mieten * segelyacht mieten * yachtcharter friesland * vermietung *.


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Lemsteraak yacht rental in Holland

Sailcharter Friesland rents the most beautiful Lemsteraak yachts from Workum. Below you will find an overview of all Lemsteraak yachts available for rent. From competition yacht to relaxed bobbing, from 2 to 12 people, basic to extreme luxury. Charter the most beautiful boats in Friesland with us now!

Lemsteraak HI 30

Lemsteraak HI 30 for hire

Lemsteraak Zonnewind

Lemsteraak Zonnewind for hire

Lemsteraak Dorothee

Lemsteraak Dorothee for hire

Lemsteraak Zandloper

Lemsteraak Zandloper for hire

Lemsteraak Blauwe Heks

Lemsteraak Blauwe Heks for hire

Lemsteraak Windbreeker

Lemsteraak Windbreeker for hire

Lemsteraak Bellefleur

Lemsteraak Bellefleur for hire

Lemsteraak Henriette Selinde

Lemsteraak Henriette Selinde for hire

Lemsteraak De Luije Man

Lemsteraak De Luije Man for hire

Lemsteraak Wadwaai

Lemsteraak Wadwaai for hire

Sail on a traditional Frisian sailing ship

Explore the ijsselmeer and te wadden sea on a lemsteraak.

The lemsteraak is a traditional Frisian sailing ship, with deck-house. The design comes from Lemmer, developed from the Frisian visaak (suitable for the Frisian inland waters). The barge was used for transport and storage of fish, which was provided for by a (covered) bun on the front deck, which could be up to 2.5 meters in size. Due to its speed the barge was also used for the transport of other (live) fish, mussel seed to Zeeland and mussels from Zeeland to Belgium (up to Brussels). Before long the well-to-do bourgeoisie realized that the lemsteraak was also perfectly suitable as a pleasure yacht.

Besides Lemsteraak yacht rental, you can also contact us for Vissermanaak yachts and other flat-bottomed yachts . Also take a look at our recommended sailing routes .

Lemsteraak yacht rental in Holland

Do you want to sail yourself or sail with a skipper?

We also offer some of our larger Lemsteraken sailing yachts for sailing trips with a Skipper. This offer is intended for guests who have little (or no) experience with flat-bottomed sailing, but still want to enjoy the special atmosphere on board these classic sailing yachts. Rental of a vessel with no experience in flat-bottomed sailing? No problem! Sailing courses, maneuvring courses and sailing tuition are part of our charter programme.

  • All flat-bottomed yachts
  • Lemsteraak Yachts
  • Vissermanaak Yachts
  • Sailing with skipper
  • Total overview of availability
  • Practical sailing course "Sailing with flat-bottoms"
  • Intensive training: Flotillla trip
  • Private sailing course "Sailing with flat-bottoms"
  • Sailing route IJsselmeer - Stavoren
  • Sailing route Waddenzee - Leeuwarden
  • Sailing route Oostwad - Leeuwarden
  • Sailing route IJsselmeer - Makkum

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segelyacht chartern friesland

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Distance Calculator

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  • Saint Petersburg

Distance from Saint Petersburg to Pinellas Park

Distance between Saint Petersburg and Pinellas Park is 8 kilometers (5 miles). Driving distance from Saint Petersburg to Pinellas Park is 9 kilometers (6 miles).

Distance Map Between Saint Petersburg and Pinellas Park

Saint Petersburg , Tallahassee , United States ↔ Pinellas Park , Tallahassee , United States = 5 miles = 8 km.

How far is it between Saint Petersburg and Pinellas Park

Saint Petersburg is located in United States with (27.7709,-82.6793) coordinates and Pinellas Park is located in United States with (27.8428,-82.6995) coordinates. The calculated flying distance from Saint Petersburg to Pinellas Park is equal to 5 miles which is equal to 8 km.

If you want to go by car, the driving distance between Saint Petersburg and Pinellas Park is 9.48 km . If you ride your car with an average speed of 112 kilometers/hour (70 miles/h), travel time will be 00 hours 05 minutes. Please check the avg. speed travel time table on the right for various options. Difference between fly and go by a car is 1 km.

City/PlaceLatitude and LongitudeGPS Coordinates
Saint Petersburg 27.7709, -82.6793 27° 46´ 15.0960'' N
82° 40´ 45.3720'' W
Pinellas Park 27.8428, -82.6995 27° 50´ 34.0800'' N
82° 41´ 58.3440'' W

Estimated Travel Time Between Saint Petersburg and Pinellas Park

Average SpeedTravel Time
30 mph (48 km/h) 00 hours 11 minutes
40 mph (64 km/h) 00 hours 08 minutes
50 mph (80 km/h) 00 hours 07 minutes
60 mph (97 km/h) 00 hours 05 minutes
70 mph (112 km/h) 00 hours 05 minutes
75 mph (120 km/h) 00 hours 04 minutes

Related Distances from Saint Petersburg

402 km
412 km
398 km
404 km
188 km

Related Distances to Pinellas Park

165 km
9 km
32 km
151 km
361 km
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Each of the intensive treatment provided here is Determined by the core therapy services which are:

Getting the customized, quality addiction treatment in Saint Petersburg, Florida truly makes all the difference. To help finance it all, Operation PAR Inc accepts Money or self-payment, Medicaid, State financed medical insurance policy other than Medicaid, Private medical insurance and Federal.

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Get the necessary individualized therapy for alcohol or drug addiction yourself or a loved one to day. If you want extra details on services at this facility, we invite you to reach them out directly so that they might appropriately address your questions and concerns.

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  1. Home

    Yachtcharter Friesland has its home port in the water sports village Grou, located directly on the Pikmeer. Due to its central location in Friesland, Grou is the ideal starting point for various sailing routes. Friesland, a water-rich province, is ideal for your boating holiday. Discover the charming villages and harbors by boat or go into ...

  2. Home

    Das Yachtcharter Friesland hat seinen Heimathafen im Wassersportdorf Grou, direkt am Pikmeer. Wegen seiner zentralen Lage in Friesland ist Grou der ideale Ausgangspunkt für verschiedene Segelrouten. Friesland, eine wasserreiche Provinz, ist ideal für Ihren Bootsurlaub. Entdecken Sie die charmanten Dörfer und Häfen mit dem Boot oder gehen ...

  3. Yachtcharter Westerdijk in Holland

    Wir Vermieten Noblesse Yachten, Linssen und Jetten. Am Rande des Naturgebietes "De Princenhof" hat das Familienunternehmen Yachtcharter/ Jachtwerf Westerdijk seit 1905 seinen Sitz. Vom Zentrum Frieslands in Holland fahren Sie ohne zuerst Brücken oder Schleuzen zu passieren zum Seengebiet und die große und kleine Kanäle. Boot mieten.

  4. Sail Charter Friesland

    Lemsteraak Wadwaai. from€2850.00 p.w.2 - 10 personsRent this boat. About Sail Charter Friesland. Superb flatbottomed boats for for hire, from Workum. Lemsteraak, Visserman, Sea-going Scow or Hoogaars, you can hire all of these sailing yachts from us, which accommodate from 2 to 12 persons.

  5. Flat-bottomed yacht charter in Holland

    Flat-bottomed yacht charter in Holland. Lemsteraak, Visserman, Sea-going Scow or Hoogaars, you can hire all of these sailing yachts from us, which accommodate from 2 to 12 persons. Our harbour of departure is in the middle of the Frisian Lakes region, in Workum in the Netherlands. Perfect for sailing trips to the IJsselmeer, the Wadden Sea and ...

  6. Sail Charter Friesland

    Hervorragende Plattboden Yachten zur Miete ab Workum/ Friesland. Verleih von liebevoll gepflegten Lemsteraak, Visserman-Aak, Zeeschouw, Hoogaars, Schokker, Bol und Grundel. Alle diese Segelyachten können Sie bei uns mieten, ab 2 bis 12 Personen. Unser Heimathafen ist Workum, inmitten der friesischen Seenlandschaft in Holland.

  7. Booking

    We also offer some of our larger Lemsteraken sailing yachts for sailing trips with a Skipper. This offer is intended for guests who have little (or no) experience with flat-bottomed sailing, but still want to enjoy the special atmosphere on board these classic sailing yachts.

  8. Rent a boat for an unforgettable experience

    Welcome! We are Yachtcharter De Drait. We develop and build our beautiful ships on our own shipyard in Drachten, after which they are rented from our ports in Drachten and Woudsend (Friesland, the Netherlands) and Brandenburg an der Havel (Germany). Our team has been doing this for over 35 years, and we are very proud of that. We love the job.

  9. Sailcharter Friesland

    Charter country: Netherlands, port: Workum. Company: Sailcharter Friesland. boat/day: 750 €, boat/week: 1,245-1,700 €. week charter, day charter. go to the top. Sailcharter Friesland - well-kept boats and yachts for rent. The right boat for your boating holidays - a powerboat or a sailboat.

  10. Boat rental in the Netherlands

    From a comfortable 28 feet motorboat, a luxury 34-footer sailing yacht,up to an open sailing boat the polyvalk. On a boating holiday in Friesland Sailing trough Friesland is the ultimate way to experience the Netherlands followed by the IJsselmeer and the Wadden Sea. Start your holiday at Maran Yachtcharter - Terkaple near the Sneekermeer ...

  11. Home

    Bootverhuur in hartje Friesland. Aan boord stappen op een van onze huurboten betekent ongekend vaarplezier. Yachtcharter Friesland heeft haar thuishaven in het watersportdorp Grou, direct gelegen aan het Pikmeer. Door de centrale ligging in Friesland, is Grou het ideale vertrekpunt voor diverse vaarroutes. Friesland, een waterrijke provincie ...

  12. Boot mieten Friesland

    Wenn Sie ein Elektroboot mieten in Friesland, können Sie es so luxuriös machen, wie Sie wollen. Die Palette der vollelektrischen Yachten reicht von einer 7-Meter-Luxus-Elektroschaluppe bis zu einer sehr luxuriös ausgestatteten 12-Meter-Elektromotoryacht. Unbeschwertes Segeln mit einem Elektroboot Ihrer Wahl. Segelboot mieten Friesland

  13. Sailing area Friesland (NL)

    More information about the sailing area Friesland can be found below: Sailing routes in Friesland; Sailing without a navigation licence. Follow a skipper training; From our blog: (Marrekrite) mooring places in Friesland; The three most beautiful nature-rich spots in Northern Netherlands; Sightseeing in Friesland; Our 3 favourite cycling routes ...

  14. Yacht charter Friesland & Boat rental at the best price

    The cost of chartering a crewed yacht in Friesland can also vary widely depending on several factors such as the size and type of yacht charter, the duration of the charter, the time of year, the specific amenities and services included. Generally, prices can range from a few hundred euros per day for smaller boats to thousands of euros per day.

  15. Yacht charter Friesland & Boat rental

    For one day on a sailboat, prices start from €89 for 6 people. The price for a larger sailing boat with sleeping accommodations for six people starts at €149 per day in Friesland. The price for a sailing boat for one week is on average between € 1000 and € 1450. You can also rent a smaller boat in Friesland, such as a sloop or fishing boat.

  16. Yacht Charter Friesland

    from $ 1,665 per week. View Details. Sailboat Sun Odyssey 439 for hire in Lemmer. Yacht Charter Friesland › Lemmer (Lemsterland) Sailing boat - Sun Odyssey 439 - Built in: 2015 - Cabins: 4 - Berths: 10. Bareboat charter. Max 10 persons. The price is calculated for 7 day charter and 1 passenger. Price includes:

  17. Information

    Departure and arrival. Boarding takes place on Friday 4.00 p.m. and the ship must be returned the following Friday at 10.00 a.m. Other times of departure and arrival are possible after consultation.

  18. Segelboot-Charter Friesland

    Boot/Wochenende: 292-395 €, Boot/Woche: 495-670 €. Wochencharter, Tagescharter, Wochenend-Charter, Kurzwochen-Charter. De Drijfveer Bootsverleih ist seit 1986 ein Begriff in Friesland. Wir befinden uns im gemütlichen Jachthafen "Tusken de Marren" im lebendigen Herzen des wasserreichen Frieslands.

  19. Lemsteraak yacht rental in Holland

    Lemsteraak yacht rental in Holland. Sailcharter Friesland rents the most beautiful Lemsteraak yachts from Workum. Below you will find an overview of all Lemsteraak yachts available for rent. From competition yacht to relaxed bobbing, from 2 to 12 people, basic to extreme luxury. Charter the most beautiful boats in Friesland with us now!

  20. Home

    We are full time professional yacht brokers, with a real office, in a real marina with real listings and a sincere passion to help our clients realize their boating dreams. Preferred Yachts is committed to the highest level of ethical, professional and knowledgeable representation for our clients.

  21. Distance from Saint Petersburg to Pinellas Park

    How far is it between Saint Petersburg and Pinellas Park. Saint Petersburg is located in United States with (27.7709,-82.6793) coordinates and Pinellas Park is located in United States with (27.8428,-82.6995) coordinates. The calculated flying distance from Saint Petersburg to Pinellas Park is equal to 5 miles which is equal to 8 km.. If you want to go by car, the driving distance between ...

  22. Operation PAR Inc

    Read Reviews, costs, treatment and Leave Ratings for Operation PAR Inc in Saint Petersburg, Florida 33709 on Find Rehab Centers.

  23. Sailing Florida Charters

    141. About. Departing daily from the Legendary Marriott Renaissance Vinoy Resort built in 1925 and located in downtown St Petersburg, Florida. We have over 27 yachts available for charter, including Power, Sail, and Fishing boats. The yachts include Jeanneau, Catalina, Fountaine Pajot, Sea Ray, Viking, Beneteau, and Hunter yachts.