yacht chartern mosel

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Marvis 1060

Marvis 1060

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Joylife Boats


Jetten 41 AC

Darekco Megaline 540

Darekco Megaline 540

Vacance 1200

Vacance 1200

Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.0 AC 75 Jahre Edition

Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.0 AC 75 Jahre Edition


Vacance 1100

Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.9 AC

Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.9 AC


Mer Vista 480

Sea Ray 190SPX

Sea Ray 190SPX

Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.9 AC

* Moselle yacht charter * boats for rent * boat rental Moselle *

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Yacht mieten Mosel

Man kann die Schönheit der Welt auf viele Weisen entdecken, doch wenige sind so bezaubernd und einzigartig wie die sanfte Fahrt auf einer Yacht. Stellen Sie sich vor, wie Sie, von sanften Wellen umgeben, den Fluss hinuntergleiten, begleitet vom sanften Rauschen des Wassers und dem leisen Zwitschern der Vögel. Eine solche Reise bietet eine ganz neue Perspektive auf die Welt um uns herum, und das ist genau das, was wir in diesem Beitrag erforschen werden.

Warum eine Yacht an der Mosel mieten?

Yacht mieten Mosel

Im Herzen von Europa schlängelt sich ein Fluss wie ein großzügig geknüpftes, flüssiges Band durch das zauberhafte Mosaik der Landschaften. Es ist die Mosel, ein Nebenfluss des Rheins, deren majestätische Gewässer durch Frankreich, Luxemburg und Deutschland fließen. Ein so gewaltiges Wassernetzwerk zu entdecken, lädt zur Betrachtung aus einer einzigartigen Perspektive ein – vom Deck einer eleganten Yacht aus.

Das Mieten einer Yacht an der Mosel ist weit mehr als eine Urlaubsoption. Es ist eine Einladung, sich in das unermessliche Naturspektakel zu vertiefen, das diese Region zu bieten hat. Es ist, als würde man das Vorhang der Zivilisation beiseiteschieben, um einen Blick auf eine unberührte, wildschöne Bühne zu werfen. Die grünen Hügel, die sich sanft über die Ufer der Mosel erheben, sind in ein Meer von Weinreben getaucht, die in perfekter Symmetrie angelegt sind, und bieten die Kulisse für ein erhebendes Schauspiel der Natur.

Worauf sollte ich beim Yachtcharter an der Mosel achten?

Eine Reise auf der Mosel ist, wie auf einem großartig orchestrierten Musikstück zu segeln, bei dem jeder Takt und jede Note darauf abzielt, das Publikum zu verzaubern. Doch um dieses Stück wirklich zu schätzen, muss man sich um einige Faktoren kümmern, die die Qualität der Erfahrung beeinflussen.

Die Größe der Yacht ist ein kritischer Faktor, den es zu berücksichtigen gilt. Die Mosel ist bekannt für ihre schmalen und gewundenen Pfade, die manchmal eine Herausforderung für größere Schiffe darstellen können. Es ist daher wichtig, eine Yacht zu wählen, die groß genug ist, um Komfort und Luxus zu bieten, aber auch klein genug, um die Flusswindungen zu meistern.

Ein weiterer Faktor ist die Saison. Wie ein Maler, der seine Palette wechselt, durchläuft die Mosel eine faszinierende Veränderung der Farben und Stimmungen mit den Jahreszeiten. Während der Frühling die Flusslandschaft in ein üppiges Grün taucht, färbt der Herbst die Weinberge in ein leuchtendes Orange und Rot. Es ist daher ratsam, die Jahreszeit zu berücksichtigen, die Ihren ästhetischen Vorlieben am besten entspricht.

Yachting Ziele an der Mosel

Es gibt einige hervorragende Orte an der Mosel, die von der sanften Strömung des Flusses zu bezaubernden Haltepunkten auf Ihrer Yacht-Reise führen.

Beginnen wir mit Trier, der ältesten Stadt Deutschlands. Trier, das an der Mündung der Mosel in den Rhein liegt, ist ein lebendiges Museum der römischen Geschichte. Von Ihrer Yacht aus können Sie den Anblick der berühmten Porta Nigra, der alten römischen Stadtmauer, und andere historische Sehenswürdigkeiten genießen. Der Yachthafen Trier bietet eine sichere und komfortable Anlegestelle für Ihre Reise in die Stadt.

🚢 Bernkastel-Kues

Weiter flussabwärts erreichen Sie das bezaubernde Städtchen Bernkastel-Kues. Das malerische Stadtbild mit seinen traditionellen Fachwerkhäusern und der mittelalterlichen Burg Landshut bietet eine idyllische Kulisse für einen Zwischenstopp. Der Yachthafen bietet Ankerplätze und bequemen Zugang zur Stadt.

Schließlich kommen wir nach Cochem, einer charmanten Stadt, die für ihre beeindruckende Reichsburg bekannt ist. Vom Wasser aus hat man einen hervorragenden Blick auf die mittelalterliche Burg, die auf einem Hügel über der Stadt thront. Die Anlegestelle am Yachthafen ist nur einen kurzen Spaziergang von der Stadtmitte entfernt, wo Sie regionale Weine und köstliche deutsche Küche genießen können.

🚢 Traben-Trarbach

Traben-Trarbach ist eine weitere Stadt, die man besuchen sollte. Bekannt für ihren Jugendstil-Architektur, war die Stadt einst das Zentrum des Weinhandels in Europa. Der Yachthafen bietet einen komfortablen Anlegeplatz, von dem aus Sie die beeindruckenden Jugendstil-Gebäude, die unterirdischen Weinkeller und die Thermen besichtigen können.

🚢 Pünderich

Etwas weiter flussabwärts liegt das malerische Dorf Pünderich, das sich wie ein Gemälde zwischen den sanften Weinbergen und der Mosel erstreckt. Hier gibt es keine Yachthafen, aber Ankerplätze entlang des Ufers. Pünderich ist ein perfekter Ort, um sich zurückzulehnen und die natürliche Schönheit der Mosel zu genießen.

Koblenz ist ein weiterer Höhepunkt einer jeden Mosel-Tour. Diese historische Stadt, die am Zusammenfluss von Rhein und Mosel liegt, bietet zahlreiche Sehenswürdigkeiten wie das Deutsche Eck und die Festung Ehrenbreitstein. Der Yachthafen von Koblenz ist gut ausgestattet und bietet eine hervorragende Ausgangsbasis für die Erkundung der Stadt.

🚢 Neumagen-Dhron

Nicht zu vergessen ist die reizvolle Stadt Neumagen-Dhron, die als ältester Weinkulturort Deutschlands gilt. Während es keinen Yachthafen gibt, können Yachten entlang des Ufers ankern. Hier können Sie römische Schiffe in voller Größe besichtigen, die als lebendige Erinnerung an die lange Geschichte der Region im Weinhandel dienen.

Es gibt noch viele weitere malerische Städte und Dörfer entlang der Mosel, wie Zell, bekannt für den Schwarze-Katz-Wein, und Beilstein, das oft als das "Dornröschen der Mosel" bezeichnet wird. Jeder dieser Orte bietet ein einzigartiges Erlebnis und lässt Sie die reiche Kultur und Geschichte dieser Region hautnah erleben. Der Fluss selbst, mit seinen sanften Kurven und der reizvollen Landschaft, ist der beste Reiseführer, den Sie sich wünschen können.

Welche Yacht ist die beste für die Gewässer der Mosel?

Yacht mieten Mosel

Die Frage nach der besten Yacht für die Mosel ist vergleichbar mit der Frage nach dem besten Instrument für ein Orchester: Die Antwort hängt vom Charakter des Spielers und der Musik ab, die er spielen möchte. Einige Yachten sind wie Violinen, filigran und ausdrucksstark, ideal für die intimen Momente der Mosel. Andere sind wie Kontrabässe, groß und mächtig, und ermöglichen es, die volle Breite der Flusslandschaft zu erleben.

Ein gutes Beispiel für eine "Violine" unter den Yachten könnte die Sunseeker Manhattan 52 sein. Mit ihrer Länge von etwa 17 Metern bietet sie eine hervorragende Balance zwischen Luxus und Manövrierfähigkeit, die sich perfekt für die Windungen der Mosel eignet.

Für diejenigen, die eine "Kontrabass"-Erfahrung suchen, könnte die Princess Y72 die richtige Wahl sein. Mit ihren knapp 22 Metern bietet sie eine Fülle von Annehmlichkeiten und ausreichend Platz, um die majestätische Schönheit der Mosel in voller Breite zu genießen.

Es ist wichtig zu bedenken, dass es letztlich nicht die Yacht ist, die das Erlebnis macht, sondern die Natur selbst. In diesem Sinne bietet die Mosel eine unerschöpfliche Fülle von Schönheit und Abenteuer, die nur darauf warten, von Ihnen entdeckt zu werden. Es ist eine symphonische Komposition, die uns einlädt, uns auf das Abenteuer einzulassen und den Fluss mit all seinen Facetten zu erleben. Denn am Ende ist es die Reise, nicht das Fahrzeug, was zählt.

Häufig gestellte Fragen zur Yachtcharter an der Mosel

Wie ein sanfter Flüsternwind durch das Schilfrohr ziehen Fragen durch die Gedanken eines jeden neugierigen Entdeckers. Als Teil dieser Gemeinschaft von Abenteurern ist es unsere Pflicht, auf diese Flüstern zu hören und sie mit der Klarheit und Präzision zu beantworten, die sie verdienen. Daher haben wir hier einige der häufigsten Fragen zusammengestellt, die wir von unseren geschätzten Mitreisenden erhalten haben, und bieten dazu detaillierte Antworten an.

Welche Segelkenntnisse benötige ich, um eine Yacht an der Mosel zu chartern?

Es ist eine gängige Vorstellung, dass das Segeln auf einem Fluss wie der Mosel fortgeschrittene Navigationsfähigkeiten erfordert. Doch in Wirklichkeit ist die Mosel ein ruhiger und freundlicher Fluss, der auch von weniger erfahrenen Seglern befahren werden kann. Trotzdem ist es empfehlenswert, über grundlegende Kenntnisse der Bootsführung und der Flusssicherheit zu verfügen.

Ist es sicher, in der Nacht auf der Mosel zu segeln?

Wie der nächtliche Himmel, der seine Sterne enthüllt, birgt das Segeln in der Nacht auf der Mosel seine eigenen Reize. Die Sicherheit des nächtlichen Segelns hängt jedoch stark von den Bedingungen ab. Es ist ratsam, vor dem Auslaufen genaue Wetterinformationen einzuholen und sicherzustellen, dass die Yacht mit ausreichender Beleuchtung und Navigationsausrüstung ausgestattet ist.

Was ist die beste Zeit des Jahres, um die Mosel zu besuchen?

Die Mosel ist wie ein prächtiger Garten, der mit jeder Jahreszeit sein Kleid wechselt. Der Frühling und der Herbst sind besonders reizvoll, wenn die Weinberge in voller Blüte stehen bzw. die Weinlese stattfindet. Die Sommer können heiß sein, bieten aber lange, helle Tage zum Segeln. Der Winter ist weniger belebt, hat aber seinen eigenen, stillen Charme.

Kann ich meine Haustiere auf die Yacht mitbringen?

Die Entscheidung, ob Haustiere an Bord einer Yacht erlaubt sind, hängt vom jeweiligen Charterunternehmen ab. Einige Unternehmen sind tierfreundlich und erlauben Haustiere, während andere dies aufgrund von Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsbestimmungen nicht tun. Es ist immer ratsam, dies im Voraus mit dem Charterunternehmen zu klären.

Diese Fragen sind nur ein Ausgangspunkt für das tiefe Meer des Wissens, das wir gemeinsam erkunden können. Mögen sie uns auf unserer Reise zu einem tieferen Verständnis und einer größeren Wertschätzung für die wunderbare Welt der Mosel begleiten.

yacht chartern mosel

+49 651 561 514 33  (Di-So: 9-19Uhr)

[email protected]


Bootscharter Trier

Wir haben das passende Boot oder Jetski für Deinen unvergesslichen Ausflug auf der Mosel oder Saar. Unsere modernen Sport- und Freizeitboote bieten genügend Platz für Dich und Deine Gäste.

Saisonbeginn ab 01.05.2024

Flexible Tarife passend zu Deinen Plänen

Full-service bootsvermietung in trier  .

Unsere Sport- und Freizeitboote kannst Du von unserer Charterbasis in Mehring bei Trier wahlweise für 3, 5 oder 10 Stunden mieten. Wähle den passenden Tarif für Deinen Ausflug einfach auf unserer Buchungsseite aus. Dort werden Dir auch alle verfügbaren Termine angezeigt.

Wir kümmern uns um alles, sodass Du Deinen Ausflug auf der Mosel oder Saar voll und ganz genießen kannst! Am Ausflugstag kommt Ihr 30 Minuten vor Charterbeginn zu uns an den Hafen. Wir machen eine kurze technische Einweisung in das Boot und das Revier. Anschließend könnt ihr starten. Wir kümmern uns vor und nach Eurem Ausflug um Tanken und Reinigung.

Quicksilver 505 AO (2016)


Technische Daten:

Offenes Center-Consolen Sportboot

Länge: 5,03 m

Breite: 2,12 m

Tiefgang: 0,37 m

Motorisierung: Mercury 100 PS Außenbordmotor (2023)

Tankinhalt (Benzin): 70 l

Zugelassene Personen: 5

CE-Kategorie: C


Wakebordstange, Biminitop, Soundsystem, Tiefenmesser & Navigation, Sonnenliege Bug, Tisch Bugsitzgruppe, Badeplattform und Badeleiter, USB Ladebuchse


Quicksilver 525 Axess (2023)

Länge: 5,35 m

Breite: 2,29 m

Tiefgang: 0,25 m

Motorisierung: Mercury 100 PS Außenbordmotor

Tankinhalt (Benzin): 68 l

Zugelassene Personen: 6

Badeleiter, Badeplattformen, Verstellbare Bug-Sonnenliege, Bug-Polsterung,

"Jensen" Stereoanlage mit 2 Lautsprechern,

Digitale Tiefenanzeige,

Windschutzscheibe mit zentralem Durchgang,


Bayliner Element E18 (2022)

Offenes Center-Konsolen Sportboot

Länge: 5,53 m

Breite: 2,26 m

Tiefgang: 0,74 m

Tankinhalt (Benzin): 45 l

Zugelassene Personen: 8

Wakeboardtower, Biminitop, High End Soundsystem, Unterwasserbeleuchtung, Fishfinder & Tiefenmesser, Bordcomputer, Sonnenliegen Bug & Heck, Lichtpaket on Board, Badeplattform & Badeleiter

Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-14 um 12.53.55.png


Die Mosel, der längste Nebenfluss des Rheins, hat schon die Hälfte ihres Weges hinter sich, wenn sie bei Perl Deutschland erreicht. Ihre Quelle liegt in 1200 m Höhe in den südlichen Vogesen, ganz in der Nähe von Mühlhausen.

Dabei begleitet und speist die Mosel mit ihrem Wasser den Südabschnitt des Canal des Vosges (dt. Vogesenkanal). Bei Toul und Nancy kreuzt der Canal de la Marne au Rhin (dt. Rhein-Marne-Kanal) auf seinem Weg von Paris nach Straßburg die Mosel.

Ab Metz durchfließt die Mosel das lothringische Industriegebiet und verlässt danach die weite Ebene. Bei Sierck-les-Bains beginnen die Uferhöhen immer näher an den Fluss zu rücken und von nun an ist die Mosel der enge, windungsreiche Fluss steiler Weinberge, bewaldeter Hänge, romantischer mittelalterlicher Burgen und malerischer Fachwerk-Winzerdörfer - so, wie wir sie uns vorstellen.

Nachdem die Mosel Frankreich verlassen hat, bildet ihr Flusslauf noch die 40 km lange Grenze zwischen Luxemburg und Deutschland, um nach weiteren 200 Kilometern bei Koblenz in den Rhein zu münden.

Die Strömung ist bei normalem Wasserstand gering und liegt meistens zwischen 1 und 4 km/h. Ein Grund, dass sich die einzelnen Stauhaltungen zu attraktiven Segelrevieren entwickelt haben.

Von Koblenz bis Neuves Maisons sind 28 Schleusen zu überwinden. Die Großschleusen von Koblenz bis Talange sind rund um die Uhr in Betrieb, von Metz bis Custines von 5:30 bis 23:30 Uhr, von Frouard-Pompey bis Neuves-Maisons von 6 - 20 Uhr. Die Berufsschifffahrt hat Vorrang. In Deutschland werden die Schleusengebühren von den Wassersportverbänden pauschal abgegolten. In Frankreich sind die Kosten über die Vignette abgedeckt.


Verglichen mit anderen deutschen Flüssen sind die Liegemöglichkeiten für Sportboote an der Mosel ausgezeichnet. Clubs mit Gastplätzen, Sportboothäfen und Stege von Gemeinden und Restaurants sind so dicht gesät, dass auch in der Hauptsaison ausreichend Liegemöglichkeiten vorhanden sind. Gastfreundlichkeit wird in den Clubs groß geschrieben, so dass selbst bei Engpässen in der Hochsaison jeder ein Plätzchen findet.


Die abwechslungsreiche Landschaft des Moseltals wird sicher auch die weniger wanderfreudigen Crews über den üblichen Stadtbummel hinaus zu kleineren oder größeren Landausflügen verführen. einen guten Überblick bietet die Infobroschüre "Mosel. Erlebnis, Route - Wandern im Moselland" mit 16 Tourentipps, die kostenlos über www.mosellandtouristik.de erhältlich ist. Für ausgedehntere Touren lassen sich fast in jedem größeren Ort Fahrräder mieten. Auch halten viele Clubs Fahrräder für Ihre Gäste bereit.

Text mit freundlicher Genehmigung aus dem Guide für Sportschifffahrt "Die Mosel - von Koblenz bis Neuves-Maisons" von Wolfgang Banzhaf, Verlag Rheinschiffahrt

yacht chartern mosel


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  • Charter ABC

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Kreusch Wassersport & Freizeitzentrum

CHARTERN – Eine wunderbare Form der Urlaubsgestaltung

Linssen bietet europaweit Charterstützpunkte an: https://www.linssenboatingholidays.com/de/

yacht chartern mosel

Auch vor unserer Tür können Sie exklusiv Urlaub auf einer Linssen Yacht machen:

Linssen yachten an saar und mosel, unterwegs im dreiländereck deutschland – frankreich – luxemburg.

Genießen Sie die herrliche Landschaft an Bord einer eleganten Linssen Yacht! Sie teilen die Leidenschaft für das Leben auf dem Wasser. Dann werden Sie von der Qualität und dem Komfort der Linssen Yachten begeistert sein. Über 2.000 Flusskilometer erwarten Sie im Herzen Europas im grenzenlosen Dreiländereck von Deutschland, Frankreich und Luxemburg, umgeben von duftenden Wäldern, unberührter Natur, viel Sonne und Kultur, genussvolle Kulinarik und Weingütern erster Klasse!

Die luxuriösen Linssen Yachten lassen sich hervorragend mit viel Fahrspaß manövrieren und nur mit einer Mittelleine einfach schleusen. Vom Heimathafen Merzig/Saar sind Rundfahrten, One-Way-Fahrten, Wochen-, Wochenend- oder auch Tagestörns auf Saar, Mosel, Lahn, Rhein, den französischen Kanälen, dem Saarkanal und dem Rhein-Marne-Kanal möglich. Auch Langzeittörns werden vom Vercharterer angeboten!

Für mehr Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an:

Yachtcharter Holiday Tours Auf dem Wasser erleben und entdecken

Deutschland – frankreich – luxemburg.

Delphin Tec Schiffstechnik GmbH Industriestrasse 12 56626 Andernach Telefon: 0049-2632-965590 [email protected]

→ Yachtcharter Holiday Tours

PUUR Yachtcharter natürlich – lebendig – zeitlos

Müritz – havel – berlin – elbe.

Puur Yachtcharter – Bootsurlaub vom Feinsten Sie wollten schon immer mal ein Boot mieten und ganz entspannt Urlaub machen? Erleben Sie bei uns pu(u)ren Urlaubsgenuss in einem außergewöhnlichen Wasserrevier in Deutschland – der mecklenburgischen und brandenburgischen Seenplatte. Pure Natur und Erholung kombiniert mit der Schönheit und Eleganz der Linssen-Yachten. Ausgangsbasis für einen Bootsurlaub auf der Müritz und den angrenzenden Gewässern ist Mirow. Mildenberg-Zehdenick erlaubt die Fahrt von Süden in die Seenplatte aber auch, wie unser Standort Werder an der Havel, die Fahrt ins Revier um Berlin und der Havel-Wasserwege und -Seen. Das Revier zwischen Dömitz an der Elbe und Liebenwalde ist führerscheinfrei befahrbar.

PUUR Yachtcharter Dorfstrasse 25 17209 Buchholz Tel.: 0049-6241-306861 Mobil: 0049-151-6471-9060

→ PUUR Yachtcharter

yacht chartern mosel

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Boat trips on the Mosel and Saar

The sun glittering on the water, green vineyards and clouds casting their shadows across the water’s surface. A fascinating play of light with great views of the villages and vineyards. This is what a boat trip along the Mosel and Saar promises! Available options: Round trips, half-day/day tours and charter trips between Koblenz and Trier, from the Luxembourg side of the Upper Mosel or from the Saar Loop near Mettlach to Saarburg.

Particular highlights include romantic moonlight or light tours with music and dancing and trips with firework displays, which envelope the Mosel vineyards in a magical blanket of colour.

Saar Passenger Shipping

Personen-Schifffahrt Gebrüder Kolb

Personenschifffahrt - Gilles

Moselle cruise MS Goldstück

An unforgettable experience...

... a Mosel tour on the Stella Noviomagi! This ship is an original reproduction of the Neumagen Wine Ship, the world-famous stone monument from Roman times. The Stella is truly majestic as she glides across the Mosel. Charter trips are offered as well as tours on specific dates, which groups and individuals can join.

“Stella Noviomagi” - Roman wine barge

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Yachtcharter Mosel Bucht - Yacht mieten Mosel Bucht

Yachtcharter mosel bucht - top 10 charteryachten in mosel bucht:.

Katamaran Bali 4.5 Yachtcharter in Port Moselle

Katamaran Bali 4.5 Yachtcharter in Port Moselle

  • Bali 4.5 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Cockpitkissen
  • Yachtversicherung
  • Endreinigung
  • Starter Paket
  • Buchungspauschale

Kat Lagoon 52 F Yachtcharter in Noumea

Kat Lagoon 52 F Yachtcharter in Noumea

  • Lagoon 52 F [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Kat Bali 4.3 Yachtcharter in Noumea

Kat Bali 4.3 Yachtcharter in Noumea

  • Bali 4.3 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Kat Bali 4.3 Yachtcharter in Noumea

Katamaran Bali 4.1 Yachtcharter in Noumea

  • Bali 4.1 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Katamaran Bali 4.1 Yachtcharter in Noumea

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Revier und Yachten

Deutschland saar-mosel.

Einfach nur herrlich! Aus den Vogesen kommend, sich durch und um den Hunsrück schlängelnd, auf dem Weg die Saar aufnehmend, um sich am Ende durch das Rheinische Schiefergebirgen in den Rhein zu ergießen: Das ist die Mosel! Berge, Hügel, Wälder, endlose Weinterrassen und uralte berühmte Fachwerkstädtchen wie Traben-Trarbach , Bernkastell und Cochem und nicht zuletzt Trier , älteste Stadt Deutschlands und Weltkulturerbe! Längst kein Geheimtipp mehr bietet diese wirklich einzigartige Natur– und Kulturlandschaft dem Wassersportler ein weitläufiges (über 2.000 km befahrbare Wasserwege) Revier, welches in Europa seinesgleichen sucht.

Passend zu so viel Großartigkeit finden Sie hier ab Yachthafen Merzig/Saar die wunderbaren und hochkomfortablen Motoryachten von Linssen-Yachts . Schöner kann Bootsurlaub kaum sein!

Yachthafen Merzig

Verkehrsgünstig gelegen direkt im Städtchen Merzig an der Saar liegt der Yachthafen Merzig . Von hier starten Sie zu ganz besonderen Törns auf Saar und Mosel oder auch zu längeren Touren wie etwa der berühmten Sauerkrauttour (2-3 Wochen).

Und keine Angst vor Schleusen! Ein Kommunikationssystem der Schleusen untereinander sorgt für reibungslose und damit stressfreie Abläufe. Die gelegentlichen Begegnungen mit Binnenschiffen sind problemlos und bieten eine interessanten Kontrast zur großartigen Landschaft dieser Region.

Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.9 AC Silas de Luxe

Deutschland Yachthafen Merzig – Saar-Mosel

Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.9 AC – Silas de Luxe – 6 Personen ab 2890/Woche

Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.9 AC Sunshine und Sunrise

Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.9 AC – Sunshine und Sunrise – 6 Personen ab 2590/Woche

Linssen Classic Sturdy 40 AC Twin Palatina

Linssen Classic Sturdy 40 AC Twin – Palatina – 4 Personen ab 2330/Woche

Linssen Grand Sturdy 35.0 AC Intero Adventure, Solaris, James Weddell

Linssen Grand Sturdy 35.0 AC Intero – Adventure, Solaris, James Weddell – 4 Personen ab 2550/Woche

Linssen Grand Sturdy 35.0 AC Intero Glenfiddich

Linssen Grand Sturdy 35.0 AC Intero – Glenfiddich – 4 Personen ab 2650/Woche

Linssen Grand Sturdy 60.33 AC Orca

Linssen Grand Sturdy 60.33 AC – Orca – 4 Personen ab 2290/Woche

04821 / 900 66 73

Boote Polch Logo

Motorbootcharter an der Mosel

Wir werden im Schnitt ein bis zweimal die Woche gefragt, ob man denn in Traben-Trarbach ein Boot Chartern kann. Verständlich, denn die Mosel ist ein Traumhaftes, aber dennoch anspruchsvolles Revier. Da wir jedoch spezialisiert auf Verkauf, Service und Unterhalt sind, haben wir selbst keine Boote im Charter.

Charter ist ein eigener Marktzweig mit anderen Kundenanforderungen. Bitte wenden Sie sich an folgende Firmen, die sich auf Bootscharter spezialisiert haben:

Mosel/ Saar Yachtcharter:
Nautique Charter / Bernkastel-Kues:


Zum Prospekt

Bootcharter Schwanke

Wake boarding mosel, rhein-main-boot-charter, yacht charter holiday tours gmbh.

  • Skipper Club

Mosel Boating Center

Adac marina classification, technical equipment & service, catering, provisioning/shopping & leisure, facts & figures, number of berths, max. allowed length overall, jetty lighting, max. current (kph).



Marina closed at night.

Beautifully situated marina

Very quiet at least at night, nearest city/town, services and connections, fresh water at berth, boathouse (winter storage), trockenliegeplätze, outdoor area (winter storage), boat charter, disposal of chemical toilet, trailer park, trailer park closed by fence/gate, toilet for wheelchair users, supermarket, leisure time, bike rental, other leisure offers, stay overnight, accommodation/hotel, accommodation/holiday apartment, accommodation/campsite.

ADAC reference price
ADAC reference price* (€)16.6

Harbour master

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How much does it cost to charter a yacht?

There are many things to consider and first time charterers can be left confused, that's why we've created a comprehensive guide to yacht charter prices (with a checklist).

charter cost explained banner

The good news: It’s easy to grasp the basics of yacht charter pricing. And with one of our experts in your corner, we can help you more accurately estimate the cost of your next once-in-a-lifetime vacation.

The cost of a yacht charter is dependent on a number of factors, including the type of yacht, the charter destination, local taxes, and the base cost. (If the yacht has a celebrity owner, well that too, can add to the cost.)

Therefore, yacht charters have a wide range of base prices. That’s why charters can cost from $10,000 per week on smaller sailing yachts and catamarans, up to $150,000+ per week on the most luxurious motor superyachts.

What else can you expect to pay? This overview – a part of our planning resource, the Charter Advice Guide – offers an in-depth look at charter yacht costs.

Yacht Charter Price Structure: “All-Inclusive” vs “Plus Expenses”

In the world of yachting, two types of crewed yacht charters are available to you – “All-Inclusive” and “Plus Expenses” charter experiences. What do these terms mean exactly? Here’s a quick look:

  • All-Inclusive Yacht Charters – Some charters (mainly catamaran and monohull charters in the Virgin Islands) offer all-inclusive rates. That means rates are based on the number of guests, and they include all food and drink, water sports, and fuel costs. Dockage and taxes, though, are usually charged separately.
  • Plus Expenses Charters – Rates for larger motor yachts do not include running expenses, which must be paid separately. For these luxury charters, the base price is for the yacht only. Additional expenses, i.e. food, bar, fuel, dockage, port taxes, and other expenses, are charged separately. Most frequently, the running expenses are paid by an Advance Provisioning Allowance, or APA, which is typically 35% of the base price; this is an amount that’s paid prior to the charter.

Our chart below offers a quick overview of what’s included in both of these types of charters.

charter cost comparison chart

Average Yacht Charter Cost: Base Prices

What can you expect to pay for a catamaran, a sailing vessel, or motored yacht? Here’s a quick overview of the average cost to rent a yacht (not including extra expenses) for the most common types available:

Average Weekly Sailing Charter RatesSailing Yacht
Average Weekly Catamaran Charter RatesCatamaran
Average Weekly Motor Yacht Charter RatesMotor Yachts

Factors that Affect Yacht Charter Prices

Since charter yachts are privately owned, prices are set by the owner. This can explain, in part, the wide range of differences in price between boats of similar lengths. Yet, several other factors can significantly impact price, including:

  • The Yacht – The year the boat was built, the builder, previous owners, and the boat’s selection of water toys can also increase the cost of a yacht. Boats can also develop a reputation, i.e. the largest or most luxurious, or having a famous builder or previous owner. Reputation can also affect pricing.
  • Season – Prices typically increase in the high season – i.e. high summer in the Mediterranean or winter in the Caribbean – and decrease in low seasons.
  • Destination – Your charter destination also plays a role in charter cost. For example, prices increase in areas without large charter fleets (i.e. the Galapagos), whereas Bahamas yacht charters,   BVI charters , or Mediterranean yacht charter are priced more competitively.

Additional Costs Considerations on Yacht Charter

In addition to the cost associated with running the yacht and provisioning, there are a number of other costs that must be considered. These are the most significant:

Advanced Provisioning Allowance

The APA on Plus Expenses charters equals roughly 35% of the yacht’s base price. This is a fee that’s collected prior to charter, and it’s similar to an expense account the captain can access during the charter. At the end of the charter, you will receive a detailed accounting of your APA account, plus any unused APA funds in cash.

In the case of overages, you may be required to replenish the APA account during the charter. This can be done with cash, although many choose to set up accounts with their charter brokers , which can be accessed if requested by the captain.

Taxes and Value Added Tax (VAT)

Most boats – whether all-inclusive or Plus Expenses – will not include local taxes or a Value Added Tax into their charter rate. The charterer will be responsible for paying those taxes. Taxes range significantly by destination; here’s a look at some of yachting’s most popular destinations:

  • The Bahamas – Tax: 4% plus 10% VAT
  • BVI – Tax: between $6 and $16 per person per day, depending on the flag of the boat
  • Croatia – VAT: 13%
  • Florida – Tax: 6% for Broward County, 7% for Miami-Dade County
  • France – VAT: 20%, however, 10% can be applied when an itinerary includes International Waters
  • Greece – VAT: 12%
  • Italy – VAT: 22%, however 6.6% (over 24m) and 8.8% (under 24m) can be applied when an itinerary includes International Waters
  • Montenegro – NO VAT
  • New England – NO TAX
  • Spain – VAT: 21%
  • Turkey – NO VAT

Charterers can purchase cancellation and curtailment insurance – which is similar to traveler’s insurance. This insurance can help cover costs if a charterer must cancel or shorten the charter. Charter brokers can help you weigh insurance options, and often offer several different options.

Crew Gratuity

While crew gratuity is certainly not mandatory, it is recommended, particularly if you were truly impressed with your charter experience. In general, crew gratuity is roughly 15-20% of the base charter rate, which is handed to the captain at the conclusion of your charter.

Delivery Fees

While these fees do not apply on most charters, you may be asked to pay delivery costs if you are not chartering in the yacht’s normal cruising ground. In most cases, you will only be required to cover the fuel for the trip.

Call Worldwide Boat today to learn more. Our Charter Specialists are here to assist you with every detail and explain all charter costs. Or read our Charter Advice guide for more information and tips for planning your charter vacation.

Showing 1–4 of 288 results

Chakra Profile

282.2ft / 84m

More info

278.1ft / 83m

titania main

239.6ft / 71m

Yacht Serenity 236

Serenity 236

236.3ft / 70m

Additional Charter Cost FAQs

What are standard private charter yacht prices?

There are a number of factors that affect charter yacht pricing. However, on average, a week-long private yacht charter costs anywhere from $10,000 on luxurious sailing yachts and catamarans, and up to $150,000 for superyachts.

What affects charter yacht prices?

There are several things that influence how much your yacht charter will cost. The type of vessel, charter destination, length of trip, base cost, time of year, and local taxes all make a difference.

How much does it cost for a crewed vessel?

Charter yacht prices do increase when hiring a crew along with the boat. At Worldwide Boat, we offer two types of crewed charter experiences: all-inclusive and plus expenses. An all-inclusive charter yacht includes accommodation for all guests, food and drink, water sport activities, and fuel costs – dockage fees and taxes are charged separately. A plus expenses experience accounts for just the yacht’s base price. Things like food, drinks, fuel, dockages, taxes, and other expenses are charged separately and are usually estimated to be about 35% of the base price.

What’s included in all-inclusive boat charters?

At Worldwide Boat, your all-inclusive charter experience includes a diligent and friendly crew, water toys, food, drinks, fuel, water and electric services, and occasionally diving experiences.

What are some additional charter boat costs to consider?

After finding a base price you’re comfortable with and evaluating your package, you’ll also want to consider delivery fees, crew gratuity, insurance fees, taxes, and Advanced Provisioning Allowance rates. If you are responsible for these fees, your crew will handle the necessary transactions on your behalf.

What does it cost to rent a 100- foot yacht charter?

This depends on what type of vessel you’re looking at and how long you’ll need it for. The average weekly cost of a 100-foot sailing yacht is between $50,000-100,000. A weekly 80-foot catamaran charter runs around $40,000-100,000, and a week-long 100-foot motor yacht rental is anywhere between $50,000-80,000.

Does the price to rent a yacht change depending on what type of boat it is?

Yes. Worldwide Boat offers sailing yachts, catamarans, and motor yachts. All of these vessels have different capabilities, but there are other factors that determine the price beyond what type of boat you choose. The year the boat was built, owner, availability of water toys, onboard amenities, and the ship’s reputation can all change how much the ship is priced at.

When is the high season for yacht charters?

The price of a yacht fluctuates depending on the season. A Mediterranean yacht charter cost rises in the summer and drops in the winter, whereas Caribbean boat charter prices are high during the winter and lower in the summer months.

How does my destination affect charter yacht cost?

The more remote an area is, the more expensive it will be to charter a yacht there. That’s because prices go up in areas that have fewer boats. If you were to travel somewhere like the Galapagos, which isn’t a typical yacht destination, you’d pay more than you would if you were traveling to the Caribbean.

How much do I tip the crew when reviewing my yacht charter expenses?

It’s not required that you tip your crew, but it is recommended and appreciated. If you had an enjoyable experience it’s considered polite to tip your crew anywhere from 15-20% at the end of your charter.

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US Virgin Islands

A USVI yacht charter is a perfect blend of laidback relaxation, sophisticated shopping and dining, quaint towns, turquoise waters, stunning beaches and landscapes full of adventure.

Virgin Island Sailing® can help you book the ideal USVI yacht for your sailing vacation.

Speak to a Charter Expert: (800) 382-9666 REQUEST A QUOTE

Easy Wind Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

Easy Wind Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 35.3 Length Total
  • 2 Cabins Total
  • 2 Max. Guests
  • Waypoints Yacht Charters
  • Yacht Type: Sailing Monohulls
  • Yacht Age: 2023
  • Manufacturer: Dufour
  • Model: Dufour 37 - 2 cab.
  • Air Conditioning
  • Water Maker

MY IRISH LADY Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

MY IRISH LADY Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 38.4 Length Total
  • 3 Cabins Total
  • 6 Max. Guests
  • Virgin Islands Yacht Charters
  • Yacht Type: Sailing Catamarans
  • Yacht Age: 2020
  • Manufacturer: Leopard
  • Model: Leopard 39

MORALE COMPASS Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

MORALE COMPASS Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • Yacht Age: 2024
  • Model: Bali Catspace OV

Infinite Blue Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

Infinite Blue Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 38.5 Length Total
  • 4 Cabins Total
  • 8 Max. Guests
  • Manufacturer: Fountaine Pajot
  • Model: Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40

QUARDA JEEPI Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

QUARDA JEEPI Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 39.1 Length Total
  • 11 Max. Guests
  • Dream Yacht Charter
  • Yacht Age: 2022
  • Model: Fountaine Pajot Isla 40 - 4 + 1 cab.

Island Curtisea Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

Island Curtisea Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 4 Max. Guests
  • Model: Fountaine Pajot Isla 40 - 4 cab.

TOLKIEN II_DB Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

TOLKIEN II_DB Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 39.3 Length Total
  • 10 Max. Guests
  • Yacht Age: 2018
  • Manufacturer: Catana
  • Model: Bali 4.0 - 4 cab.

NOBLE SHADOW 2 Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

NOBLE SHADOW 2 Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 40.0 Length Total
  • Model: BALI 4.0

NANCYE IV Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

NANCYE IV Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 40.4 Length Total
  • 7 Max. Guests
  • Model: Bali Catspace OW

SADALBARI _DB Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

SADALBARI _DB Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 40.8 Length Total
  • Manufacturer: Beneteau
  • Model: Oceanis 41.1

CALYPSO Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

CALYPSO Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 41.0 Length Total
  • 5 Cabins Total
  • Model: Astrea 42

SeaSea Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

SeaSea Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 41.3 Length Total
  • Model: Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42

KRUZEN Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

KRUZEN Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 42.0 Length Total
  • Yacht Age: 2021

BELLATRIX Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

BELLATRIX Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 9 Max. Guests
  • Manufacturer: Lagoon
  • Model: Lagoon 42 - 3 + 1 cab.

BELIEVEN Crewed Charters in US Virgin Islands

BELIEVEN Crewed Charters in US Virgin Islands

GOOD TIMES AND TAN LINES_X Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

GOOD TIMES AND TAN LINES_X Bareboat Charter in US Virgin Islands

  • 12 Max. Guests
  • Model: Lagoon 42 - 4 + 2 cab.

MIMBAW Crewed Charters in US Virgin Islands

MIMBAW Crewed Charters in US Virgin Islands

  • Yacht Age: 1999

MIMBAW Captain Only Charters in US Virgin Islands

MIMBAW Captain Only Charters in US Virgin Islands

Request confirmation, terms and conditions, charter experts, llc terms & conditions.

PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (“ Terms ”) CAREFULLY AS THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS, REMEDIES AND OBLIGATIONS AS WELL AS A SECTION GOVERNING THE JURISDICTION AND VENUE OF DISPUTES. THESE TERMS ALSO CONTAIN A LEGALLY BINDING RELEASE, WAIVER OF LIABILITY, AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK. By creating a username, a login, clicking submit, using the services of Charter Experts, LLC d/b/a Virgin Island Sailing® (“ Broker ) or by accessing Broker’s website, you agree that you have read, and acknowledge your acceptance of these Terms. The Terms are subject to change at any time without notice at Broker’s sole discretion. Additionally, any transaction for which you have made payment shall be governed by the form of Terms in effect at the time of such payment notwithstanding any subsequent changes hereto.

If you are obtaining a quote, information, booking travel for and/or securing or procuring a Charter (as that term is defined in Section 1 below) for more than just yourself, all references below to “Charterer” or “you” (and derivations thereof) shall be read to mean you on behalf of yourself and each individual within your group for whom you are obtaining a quote, information, booking travel for and/or securing or procuring Charter.

These Terms shall be read together and construed, to the fullest extent possible, to be in concert with any other agreement by or among Broker and Charterer. To the extent they cannot be so construed, then in the event of any direct conflict between these Terms and any other agreement by or among Broker and Charterer (including but not limited to the agreement executed by Charterer for a Charter Reservation (as that term is defined in Section 1 below), these Terms shall prevail.

  • Prepaid Charter Reservations . Typically, Broker negotiates charter rates in advance with the yacht owner or charter company (“ Charter Provider ”) to obtain cost-effective rates, and facilitate reservations and availability for yacht charters, excursions and travel (the “ Charter ”). Broker also provides services to you by facilitating the booking of reservations for consideration and receives a commission from the Charter Provider (the “ Broker Fee ”). The Broker Fee is included in the pre-negotiated Charter rate provided to you, plus taxes and other fees where applicable. You agree that your payment is for the total amount set forth in the applicable Charter agreement (which Charter Provider may refer to as a Charter Contract, Charter Agreement, Booking Terms & Conditions, Instructions and Terms for Accommodations, as well as other derivations) provided to you by Broker (“ Charter Agreement ”). Upon execution of the Charter Agreement and receipt of the applicable deposit, you will have made a reservation for the Charter that authorizes Broker to facilitate the Charter on your behalf (“Charter Reservation”), including making payment arrangements with the Charter Provider. You further agree that Broker is a third-party beneficiary to the Charter Agreement and shall have the right to enforce such agreement to the extent it deems such enforcement necessary or advisable to protect its rights hereunder or under the Charter Agreement.

  Broker retains the Broker Fee as compensation in arranging your Charter Reservation. The Broker Fee varies based on the amount and type of Charter and/or services provided by Broker.  By making a Charter Reservation, you accept and agree to the relevant cancellation and no-show policy of the Charter Provider set forth in the Charter Agreement. Cancellation and no-show policies vary for each Charter. Carefully read the Charter Agreement and additional information provided to you by Broker. It is expressly agreed by Charterer that the Broker Fee is earned at the time the Charter Reservation is made. Late payment, wrong credit card or debit card details, invalid credit or debit cards, or insufficient funds are for your own risk and account, and you will not be entitled to any refund of any prepaid amount unless the Charter Provider expressly agrees otherwise under the Charter Agreement or in some other signed writing.

  • Charter Rules and Restrictions . Additional terms and agreements will apply to your Charter Reservation and any purchase or rental of equipment or other items, supplies, provisions and travel you may select. Please read those additional terms carefully. In particular, if you have purchased airfare, please ensure that you read the full terms and conditions of carriage issued by the supplier. You agree to abide by the terms of purchase imposed by any supplier with whom you elect to deal, including but not limited to payment of all amounts when due and compliance with the supplier’s rules and restrictions regarding availability, charges, fares, and use of products and services.
  • Payment . All payments must be made by personal check, bank/wire transfer, ACH payment and/or with a major credit card unless otherwise expressly stated. The total price for the Charter Reservation will be billed in U.S. Dollars unless otherwise stated. Some banks and credit card companies impose fees for international transactions. If you are making a reservation from outside of the United States on a US credit card, your bank may convert the payment amount to your local currency and charge you a conversion fee. This means the amount listed on your credit or bank card statement may be in your local currency and therefore a different figure than the amount provided by Broker for the Charter Reservation. In addition, a foreign transaction fee may be assessed if the financial institution that issued your credit card is located outside of the United States. Booking international travel may be considered to be an international transaction by the financial institution or card company. The currency exchange rate and foreign transaction fee is determined solely by your financial institution on the day that it processes the transaction. If you have any questions about these fees or the exchange rate applied to your booking, please contact your financial institution. Broker shall not be liable to you for any such service, conversion, or exchange fee.

  Broker expressly reserves the right to cancel your Charter Reservation if full payment is not timely received as set forth in the Charter Agreement.

  • Cancellation and Rescheduling . You may cancel or change your Charter Reservation as set forth in the Charter Agreement by and among you, the Charter Provider and/or Broker. Please note that some Charter Providers do not permit changes to or cancellation of reservations after they are made, or after a certain date, as indicated in the Charter Agreement. You agree to abide by the terms of the Charter Agreement with respect to your Charter Reservation. Broker will not be responsible for reimbursing Charterer for any previously tendered deposits or payments by Charterer and disclaims all liability for the failure of a Charter Provider to refund or return any such funds.
  • Credit Card Transactions and Chargebacks . If for any reason, any Charter Provider is unable to provide the Charter, or any part thereof, for which you have contracted, your remedy lies against the Charter Provider, and not against Broker. However, Broker will use reasonable efforts to assist you and Charter Provider in reaching a resolution to a dispute between you and the Charter Provider. In the event that your payment has already been transferred from Broker to Charter Provider or to an escrow account, you agree that you will not seek a chargeback against Broker for such amounts transferred. You further agree to indemnify and hold Broker harmless from and against any liability, loss, damage or expense (including without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees) that Broker may incur in connection with chargebacks against Broker or under the Charter Agreement and your performance thereunder. If Broker incurs any costs, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, to recover any payments charged back by your credit card company or other financial institution, you agree that you will be liable for these costs. If your payment is declined for any reason, you agree to settle any amounts owed to Broker via money order, cashier’s check, personal check or bank/ACH transfer immediately.
  • Broker Responsibility . Broker makes arrangements with the Charter Provider. Broker additionally makes additional arrangements with other suppliers for the various components and other services that comprise your Charter (“Charter Suppliers”). Broker is not an agent of these Charter Providers or the Charter Suppliers (and the Charter Providers and Charter Suppliers are not agents of Broker). Broker expressly disclaims any liability for the actions or omissions of the Charter Provider and the Charter Suppliers. The Charter Providers and the Charter Suppliers reserve the right to refuse service to you at their sole discretion. Broker assumes no liability for the acts of the Charter Provider or the Charter Suppliers in refusing service. Broker is not responsible for schedule changes and does not offer compensation for those changes. Broker is not responsible under any circumstances for any injury or damages you may suffer, in connection with sea, air or ground transportation, hotel accommodations, or other travel or excursion services arranged by Broker.

  You understand Broker is not the source or supplier of the Charter or other travel services you requested and acts solely as a broker for the Charter Provider and the Charter Suppliers. You agree that the Charter Provider and Charter Suppliers whose names appear in the information supplied to you are those who are solely responsible for providing the Charter you purchase. You consent to and request the use of the Charter Provider and the Charter Suppliers and agree to not hold Broker responsible should any of them: (i) fail to provide the Charter or travel services you purchased, whether or not such services are listed in the Charter Agreement or otherwise, (ii) fail to comply with any applicable law, or (iii) engage in any negligent act or omission that causes you any sort of injury, damage, delay or inconvenience.

By using Broker’s services, you waive and release any claim against Broker, its affiliated and subsidiary companies, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, and agents, arising out of or in connection with any loss of or damage to property or injury to any person caused by reason of (i) any defect, negligence, or other wrongful act or omission, or any failure of performance of any kind, by any Charter Provider, Charter Suppliers, or any other provider of sea, airline, hotel, ground transportation or any other travel provider connected to or otherwise associated with the Charter, (ii) any claim for inconvenience, loss of enjoyment, mental distress or other similar claim, (iii) any delayed departure, missed connection, substitute accommodation, termination of service or change in fares or rates, and (iv) overbooking, flight or other travel cancellation, lost or misconnected personal property, or any claim arising out of the air transportation portion of your travel, and (v) or any other claim arising out of or otherwise related to the Charter Agreement or services provided by the Charter Provider and the Charter Suppliers.

Excepting only liability that directly arises from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Broker, you will not hold Broker responsible for any injury, damage or loss you may suffer while on a Charter, whether incurred on the Charter or in connection with any other rental, purchase, excursion or activity, regardless of the relationship of any of the foregoing with the Charter Provider or the Charter Suppliers.

  • Your Responsibility . By booking a Charter with Broker, you agree to defend and indemnify and hold harmless Broker, Charter Provider, Charter Suppliers, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, causes of action, demands, recoveries, losses, damages, fines, penalties or other costs or expenses of any kind or nature, including but not limited to reasonable legal fees, arising out of or in connection with: (i) your breach of these Terms or the documents referenced herein; (ii) your violation of any law or rights of a third party; or (iii) your use of the Broker website.

You will review your Charter Agreement and travel documents for accuracy upon receipt. You understand that it is your responsibility to review the accuracy of all details in the Charter Reservation provided to you, and that you may contact Broker if you have any questions.

You assume full and complete responsibility for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of your destination(s), and all conditions regarding health, safety, security, political stability, and labor or civil unrest at such destination(s).

You understand that Broker recommends purchasing travel insurance to cover certain risks inherent in travel such as supplier bankruptcy and the inability to travel due to a medical or personal emergency.

  • No Warranties . All Charters, products, services, advice and information is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied to the fullest extent permitted under the law, including but not limited to, warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose. Without limiting the above, no warranty or guarantee is made (i) regarding the acceptance of any reservation request or Charter Reservation; (ii) regarding the availability of Charters, or any other product and/or services through Broker; (iii) that the use of Broker’s website will be error-free; or (iv) regarding the completeness, accuracy, reliability or quality of any information, content, data, service, advice or merchandise provided by Broker or through Broker’s website.

Broker has no special knowledge regarding the Charter Provider’s or Charter Supplier’s financial condition, unsafe conditions, health hazards, weather hazards, or climate extremes at locations to which you may travel during or otherwise in connection with your Charter.

  • Limitation on Liability . In no event shall Broker, Charter Provider, Charter Suppliers, and/or their respective affiliates, or any employees, agents, officers, directors, members or managers of any of the foregoing (“Broker and Charter Releasees”), be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of, or in any way connected with, your access to, display of or use the Broker’s website, the Charter or services provided to you in connection with the Charter (including, but not limited to, your reliance upon opinions of the Broker), whether based on a theory of negligence, contract, tort, strict liability, consumer protection statutes, or otherwise, and even if Broker and/or any other of the Broker and Charter Releasees have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

If, despite the limitation above, Broker or the Broker and Charter Releasees are found liable for any loss or damage which arises out of or in any way connected with any of the occurrences described above, then Broker, Charter Provider, Charter Supplier and the Broker and Charter Releasees will in no event exceed, in the aggregate, the greater of (a) the Broker Fee, and (b) One-Hundred Dollars (US $100.00).

The foregoing limitation of liability reflects the allocation of risk between the parties. The limitations specified in this section will survive and apply even if any limited remedy specified in these Terms is found to have failed of its essential purpose. The limitations of liability provided in these Terms inure to the benefit of Broker and/or its providers.

The foregoing does not affect any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.

  • Waiver . No waiver by Broker of any term or condition set forth in these Terms shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition, and any failure of the Broker to assert a right or provision under these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
  • Severability . If any provision of these Terms is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of the Terms will continue in full force and effect.
  • Governing Law and Mandatory Venue . The laws of the State of Florida govern the rights and obligations of the parties to this Agreement and the interpretation, construction and enforceability thereof. You agree that any action or proceeding initiated by Charterer against Broker shall be brought solely in the federal and state courts of Hillsborough County, Florida, and you submit to the jurisdiction of those courts and waive any objections to the exercise of personal jurisdiction over you by those courts. In the event any action or proceeding is initiated by Charterer in a court outside of Hillsborough County, Florida, Charterer agrees to pay Broker’s costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees associated with defending such action or proceeding and waives any and all defenses to the transfer of said action or proceeding, whether jurisdictional or otherwise, to a federal or state court in Hillsborough County, Florida.

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How Much Does It Cost to Charter a Yacht? (Updated Prices/Rates)

  • September 20, 2023

Exploring the open waters on a private yacht offers unparalleled luxury and freedom. The cost of chartering a yacht varies based on factors like yacht size, destination, and duration. 

Beyond expenses, understanding the elements influencing pricing can help in making an informed decision for your dream yachting experience. Let’s unpack these prices in this guide!

How Much Does It Cost to Charter a Yacht?

Yacht rentals encompass a broad spectrum of starting prices. Thus, charters begin at around $10,000 weekly for compact sailboats and catamarans, while the pinnacle of opulence, motor superyachts, can exceed $150,000 weekly or more.

What Are the Two Types of Yacht Charter Price Structure?

In yachting, two crewed charter options exist: “All-Inclusive” and “Plus Expenses” experiences. What do these terms entail? Let’s take a brief look to understand them better:

All-Inclusive Yacht Charters

Certain charters, particularly those for catamarans and monohulls in the Virgin Islands, provide all-inclusive pricing. This covers guests, meals, drinks, water sports, and fuel expenses. However, dockage and taxes are typically billed separately from the main rate.

Cruising on a yacht

Plus Expenses Charters

Larger motor yacht rates don’t cover operating costs, which require separate payment. For upscale charters, the initial cost encompasses the yacht alone. Extra expenses like food, bar, fuel, dockage, and taxes are billed independently. 

Often, these costs are covered by an Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA), which typically is 35% of the base rate, paid before the charter starts.

What Are the Different Factors That Affect Yacht Charter Prices?

Embarking on a yacht charter voyage is an exciting endeavor that promises luxury, adventure, and the thrill of exploring open waters. As you set out to plan your dream yachting experience, it’s essential to understand the various elements that influence yacht charter prices. 

From the type and size of the yacht to the destination and duration of the charter, several key factors come into play, shaping the cost of your maritime escapade.

Yacht Type and Size

The type and size of the yacht you choose are fundamental determinants of the charter cost. Yachts come in various categories, including motor yachts, sailing yachts, catamarans, and monohulls, each offering distinct features and amenities. 

Oculus Yacht sailing

Motor yachts often offer more space, speed, and modern conveniences, which can contribute to higher charter rates. On the other hand, sailing yachts and catamarans provide a more traditional sailing experience and can be an appealing option for those seeking a more relaxed pace.

Destination and Itinerary

The geographical location you intend to explore significantly impacts the charter price. Popular yachting destinations like the Mediterranean, Caribbean, and the South Pacific have varying demand levels throughout the year, influencing pricing accordingly. 

High-season periods, characterized by pleasant weather and bustling tourism, can lead to higher rates, while off-peak seasons might offer more budget-friendly options. Moreover, some destinations require longer travel distances or involve additional permits and fees, all of which can contribute to the overall cost.

Charter Duration

The duration of your yacht charter plays a pivotal role in determining the final price. Charter rates are typically quoted every week, with options for shorter or longer durations available. 

Extended charters might offer more favorable rates per week compared to shorter getaways. Moreover, some yachts may have minimum charter durations during peak seasons, so it’s essential to consider your desired travel duration when budgeting for your yacht charter.

Hotel Quality Bedroom

Time of Year

The time of year you plan your yacht charter adventure can significantly affect pricing. Yachting destinations experience high and low seasons, influenced by weather patterns, holidays, and local events. 

High-season periods, often coinciding with pleasant weather and vacation periods, tend to command premium prices due to increased demand. Alternatively, opting for an off-peak or shoulder season can result in more affordable charter rates while still enjoying a delightful yachting experience.

Yacht Amenities and Services

The onboard amenities and services provided by the yacht contribute to the overall charter cost. Yachts equipped with luxurious features such as spacious cabins, gourmet kitchens, Jacuzzis, water toys, and professional crews tend to have higher base rates. 

The quality of service, crew expertise, and additional offerings can elevate the charter experience but may also add to the total price.

Crew and Staff

The crew and staff onboard play a crucial role in enhancing your yacht charter journey. The size and expertise of the crew, including captain, chef, deckhands, and stewards, can impact the cost. 

Luxurious dining experience

A highly skilled and attentive crew can provide exceptional service, ensuring a memorable and comfortable experience throughout your charter. While these services contribute to the cost, they often contribute significantly to the overall enjoyment of your yachting adventure.

All-Inclusive Versus Plus Expenses

Yacht charters offer different pricing structures, with “All-Inclusive” and “Plus Expenses” options. All-inclusive charters encompass costs like food, drinks, water activities, and fuel in the base price, simplifying budgeting and planning. 

Conversely, Plus Expenses charters have a base rate covering the yacht alone, with additional costs for provisions, fuel, dockage, and other expenses. Understanding the pricing model that aligns with your preferences and needs is essential for accurate budgeting.

Running Expenses and Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA)

For larger motor yachts, operating costs are often separate from the base rate. These expenses encompass food, beverages, fuel, dockage, port taxes, and more. Typically covered by an Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA), which is around 35% of the base price, these costs are paid before the charter begins. 

This approach allows for flexibility in provisioning and ensures that operational expenses are adequately covered during the journey.

Living room in a Yacht

Additional Costs Considerations in Charting a Yacht

Embarking on a yacht charter promises a luxurious and unforgettable experience, but it’s essential to consider not only the base charter cost but also the additional expenses that may arise during your journey. 

Beyond the initial price, there are various factors and costs to keep in mind to ensure a seamless and well-budgeted yachting adventure.

Operational Expenses

While the base charter cost covers the yacht itself, operational expenses are often separate. These expenses encompass various aspects of the charter, including fuel, provisioning, dockage, port fees, and more. 

Depending on the charter type and destination, these operational costs can vary significantly. Understanding these expenses is crucial for accurate budgeting and to ensure that you have the necessary funds to cover them.

Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA)

For larger motor yachts, operational expenses are often covered by an Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA). This allowance, typically around 35% of the base charter price, is paid upfront before the charter begins. 

Recreational activity on a Yacht

The APA serves as a fund that the crew uses to cover expenses throughout the journey, such as food, beverages, fuel, and other operational costs. Any remaining funds from the APA are usually returned to you at the end of the charter. 

Clear communication with the yacht’s crew regarding APA usage is essential to manage expenses effectively.

Crew Gratuity

While crew gratuity is discretionary, it’s customary to reward the hard work and exceptional service provided by the yacht’s crew. The recommended gratuity amount usually ranges from 10% to 20% of the base charter price. 

The gratuity is typically given to the captain, who then distributes it among the crew members. Expressing your appreciation for the crew’s efforts through gratuity ensures a positive rapport and acknowledges their dedication to making your charter experience memorable.

Food and Beverages

For charters that operate on a “Plus Expenses” basis, provisioning for meals and beverages is an important consideration. Discuss your culinary preferences and dietary restrictions with the yacht’s chef before the charter to ensure that your needs are met. 

inflatable slides in a Yacht

The cost of food and beverages can vary based on your preferences, the number of guests, and the duration of the charter. Incorporating this aspect into your budgeting allows you to enjoy delectable meals without unexpected financial surprises.

Water Toys and Activities

Many yachts offer a range of water toys and recreational activities to enhance your charter experience. These can include jet skis, paddleboards, snorkeling gear, fishing equipment, and more. 

While these amenities provide entertainment and excitement, they may come with an additional cost. Inquire about the availability and pricing of water toys and activities in advance to plan for any desired experiences.

Berth and Port Fees

When visiting different ports and marinas during your charter, you may encounter berth and port fees. These fees are associated with mooring the yacht in specific locations and can vary depending on the destination and the amenities offered by the port. 

Being aware of these fees and including them in your budgeting ensures that you’re prepared for any unexpected costs that may arise during your journey.

Yacht top view

What Are the Different Types of Yachts?

Embarking on a yacht charter opens up a world of luxury and adventure, with a range of yacht types to choose from. Each type offers unique features, amenities, and sailing experiences. 

Understanding the various types of yachts available can help you select the perfect vessel for your dream maritime journey.

Motor Yachts

Motor yachts are known for their speed, power, and luxurious features. These yachts are equipped with powerful engines that allow for swift and comfortable cruising. Motor yachts offer spacious interiors, state-of-the-art amenities, and ample deck space for relaxation and entertainment. 

With a focus on comfort and convenience, motor yachts are ideal for those who prioritize a smooth sailing experience and desire modern luxuries.

Sailing Yachts

Sailing yachts provide a classic and elegant way to explore the open waters. Driven by the wind, these yachts offer a serene and graceful sailing experience. Sailing enthusiasts often appreciate the traditional aspect of these vessels and the opportunity to engage in hands-on sailing. 

Closer shot

Sailing yachts come in various sizes, from smaller vessels perfect for intimate charters to larger yachts with multiple cabins for group travel.

Catamarans are characterized by their twin hulls, offering enhanced stability and spacious interiors [ 1 ]. These yachts are known for their comfort, especially when at anchor, and are popular choices for families and groups. 

Catamarans often have multiple cabins, spacious living areas, and outdoor lounging spaces, making them ideal for those seeking a relaxed and sociable charter experience.

Monohull yachts feature a single hull, offering a traditional and authentic sailing experience. These yachts are known for their graceful lines and timeless charm. While they may have slightly less interior space compared to catamarans, monohulls excel in their sailing performance and agility, making them a favorite among sailing purists who appreciate the art of navigating the waters under wind power.

The Bow


Superyachts epitomize luxury and opulence. These massive vessels often exceed 100 feet in length and feature a plethora of amenities, including multiple decks, swimming pools, Jacuzzis, helipads, and more. 

Superyachts can accommodate larger groups and are often equipped with a crew to cater to every need. While the charter rates for superyachts are typically higher, the level of luxury and extravagance they offer is unmatched.

Expedition Yachts

Expedition yachts are designed for those seeking off-the-beaten-path adventures. These rugged vessels are equipped to explore remote destinations and endure challenging conditions. 

Expedition yachts combine the comforts of a luxury yacht with the capability to navigate through polar regions, remote islands, and exotic locales. If you’re an adventurer at heart, an expedition yacht can provide you with the opportunity to explore uncharted waters and experience the thrill of discovery.

Luxury Yacht

Classic Yachts

Classic yachts evoke a sense of nostalgia and history. These yachts often have elegant lines, rich wooden interiors, and a timeless charm that harks back to a bygone era of yachting. 

While they may not boast the same modern amenities as newer yachts, their unique character and craftsmanship make them a favorite among those who appreciate the vintage allure of sailing.

Is Chartering a Yacht Worth It?

Chartering a yacht offers an unparalleled experience of luxury, freedom, and exploration on the open waters. The opportunity to tailor your journey, enjoy personalized service, and discover unique destinations makes yacht charters a remarkable investment in memorable experiences. 

The Bow

While the cost can vary, the chance to escape the ordinary, indulge in stunning surroundings, and create lasting memories with friends or family often makes chartering a yacht well worth the investment for those seeking a truly extraordinary vacation.

In the world of yacht charters, costs vary based on factors like yacht type, destination, and services. Understanding these elements helps in budgeting and making informed decisions. Whether seeking relaxation or adventure, clear cost considerations lead to a tailored yachting experience within your means.

Noah Miller

Noah Miller

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Yacht Charter Costs Explained

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A comprehensive breakdown of your charter costs and fees.

When you begin planning a luxury yacht charter it is important to be aware of what is included in the cost of booking your dream charter yacht. although a yacht will have a base charter fee, this may or may not include additional expenses such as food and fuel and this is subject to the terms and conditions within the charter contract. there are various types of charter contracts and which one applies to you will depend on where you wish to cruise., high season.

High season refers to the most popular weeks of the year for yacht charter, whether it’s the winter period in the Caribbean or the height of summer in the Mediterranean , booking in high season requires early planning, determination and a big budget. In addition, planning a yacht charter to coincide with a major event will also be reflected in the price with marine spots for elite events often booking up early. Allow plenty of time when making enquiries to ensure a star studded, well prepared arrival.

Low season typically refers to any time outside of the high season periods. Groups of families and friends looking for a relaxing luxury vacation are advised to avoid high season weeks and opt for weeks outside of this time. The busiest periods are of course reflected in the charter costs and can be up to 15 to 30 percent more expensive than typical low season periods. Chartering a few weeks either side of these busy periods can be almost exactly the same, with the weather almost unchanged in some places, with far less crowds.

Take to our detailed destination guides and browse the yachts available in your chosen destination. Some of the most successful superyachts in the industry can be reserved up to a year in advance and as most yacht brokers will warn away from last minute bookings, it is better to book early and have the pick of the bunch rather than miss out at the last moment. Browse the Events section for details on upcoming festivals and sporting events or visit our Finding a Yacht Broker page to begin your planning your luxury yacht charter.

This article will go into detail of the costs to be expected when planning and booking a yacht charter. From the base charter fee of a yacht, what is covered within the fee and how it may vary in addition to details of contracts and how an Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA) can be used to manage any expenses.

Base Charter Fee

The base charter fee in essence refers to the hire cost of the yacht itself, with all equipment in working order in addition to the cost of food and wages for the crew during the entirety of the charter. This is essentially all the base charter fee covers with additional expenses often applicable on top. The base charter fee will vary from one yacht to another and this may be down to any number of reasons from size and on board amenities to the charter season. For instance, the base rate of a charter yacht may increase in "high season" and reduce during the "low season". "High season" and "low season" refers to the busiest and slowest periods for yacht charters though this may appear misleading, as these peak times refer to periods of weeks as opposed to full seasons. In addition, you may find that a yacht is also more expensive during special events such as the Monaco Grand Prix, Cannes Film Festival and America's Cup. Unless you are keen to charter a yacht for a particular "high season" event, choose your dates carefully as although a "high season" rate will be more expensive than the "low season" the two can sometimes share much of the same weather conditions.

Aside from seasons and events, yachts of the same size may also differ in price and this may be down to a vast difference in on board amenities. A yacht which boasts an on board cinema or lavish water toys may have a higher base rate compared with a yacht of minimal amenities of the same size. If it is unclear as to why two yachts of the same size are vastly different in price, ask your yacht broker to explain what the differences are. Once you are clear on what the base price is and why, it is important to discover what costs will be applicable on top and this is dependent on the type of charter contract used.

The type of charter contract applicable to your charter will depend on where in the world you are cruising, as there are various terms within the industry which dictate how the payment structure is determined. For instance, a MYBA (Worldwide Yachting Association, formerly known as Mediterranean Yacht Brokers Association) contract operates under Western Mediterranean Terms (WMT) and is arguably the most commonly used, particularly with large yachts embarking on a Mediterranean yacht charter. This contract is often referred to as a "plus all expenses" contract and requires that the charterer pay for fuel, food, beverages and dockage fees as an additional expense outside of the base charter fee. Typically, guests can accumulate an additional 25% to 50% of the base charter fee though this is dependent on what is consumed. These expenses can be tracked through the use of an Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA) which we will cover in the next section.

Alternatively, smaller yachts on a Caribbean yacht charter can expect a "mostly all-inclusive" contract known as Caribbean Terms Inclusive (CTI) sometimes referred to as Standard Caribbean Terms (SCT). The Standard Caribbean Terms greatly differ from Western Mediterranean Terms, as the Caribbean terms include three meals a day in addition to four hours cruising per day which is included in the base charter fee.

In addition to the commonly used MYBA terms and Standard Caribbean Terms, there are also less frequently used terms such as Standard Eastern Mediterranean Terms (SEMT) and Greek Terms (GI). Read our guide on Understanding Charter Contracts for more information and if you are unsure as to what is included under the terms of your contract, be sure to ask your broker.

Advance Provisioning Allowance (commonly referred to as APA)

Irrespective of the charter contract it is important for guests to be aware of the Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA). The APA was designed to enable charterers to manage their expenses through a clear and trackable arrangement. An APA is a way to deposit the estimated expense amount of your charter to cover costs such as fuel, food and dockage fees. Typically, the APA accrues to approximately 25% to 30% of the base charter fee, though this does of course depend on the charter parties tastes and requirements and could be far less or far greater than this estimation. For instance, charter guests who intend to regularly dine on caviar and vintage wine can expect to pay more, whereas guests on board a sailing yacht charter can expect to save on fuel costs. Charterers can request an estimated APA amount from the yacht broker based on their on board expectations.

The APA is to be paid approximately one month prior to boarding the charter yacht and is paid directly to the Captain of the yacht. Once the APA has been paid to the captain it will then be retained as a bank account of sorts, from which the captain can make expenditures whilst keeping a record of what has been spent. At any point during the yacht charter guests can request a rundown of accounts from the captain as a way of keeping track of expenditures. The captain will request that any additional funds are paid during the charter should guests exceed the APA. It is therefore a good idea to keep an additional account with your yacht broker on shore, as should the APA become critically low at any time the yacht broker can release additional funds to the captain on the charterers command. Cash can be used if necessary though an on shore account may be deemed as hassle free to some.

It is important to remember that food and fuel for example, are charged at cost without mark up to the charterer and upon disembarking, transactions can be reviewed by the "head" charterer and Captain with any remaining funds to be paid back to the charterer.

Fuel and Dockage Fees

It is important to remember that whilst considering fuel costs, the fuel consumed when using jet-skis and tenders will also apply to the charterer. In addition, whilst docked at a marina the generators used in order to produce electricity will also use fuel. The distance travelled and speed of cruising also affects fuel costs and it is important to bear these factors in mind. Dockage fees may vary from very little to large sums and this is dependent again upon the location and whether you wish to dock during a special event such as the Monaco Grand Prix.

Although insurance costs are not directly connected to the charter costs as such, it is useful to bear in mind should you with to take out Charterers Liability Insurance or Cancellation and Curtailment cover. You can read more information regarding insurance in our How to Book and Plan a Yacht Charter article.

Value Added Tax (VAT)

European Union (EU) tax laws state VAT will apply should you disembark within their waters, for example Italian territorial waters. This may also apply to some Caribbean islands. Commercially registered vessels are usually VAT exempt though vessels which are not commercially registered will be liable for VAT for all charters within the EU.

No request is too large or detail too small on a yacht charter though it is wise to keep in mind the shipping costs should you request an expensive bottle of champagne to be transported to you whilst you are residing in a secluded bay of the Caribbean. It is important to understand the entire payment structure to ensure no unpleasant surprises arise and it is often prudent to keep an escrow account with your broker on shore in order to control charter costs without having to carry cash on board.

Getting Started

  • Understanding Charter Costs
  • How To Choose Your Yacht
  • Finding a Yacht Broker
  • Activities On-Board
  • Yacht Charter Seasons
  • Understanding Charter Contracts

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Featured Luxury Yachts for Charter

This is a small selection of the global luxury yacht charter fleet, with 3697 motor yachts, sail yachts, explorer yachts and catamarans to choose from including superyachts and megayachts, the world is your oyster. Why search for your ideal yacht charter vacation anywhere else?

Flying Fox yacht charter

136m | Lurssen

from $4,368,000 p/week ♦︎

Ahpo yacht charter

115m | Lurssen

from $2,831,000 p/week ♦︎

O'Ptasia yacht charter

85m | Golden Yachts

from $980,000 p/week ♦︎

Project X yacht charter

88m | Golden Yachts

from $1,179,000 p/week ♦︎

Savannah yacht charter

84m | Feadship

from $1,072,000 p/week ♦︎

Lady S yacht charter

93m | Feadship

from $1,501,000 p/week ♦︎

Maltese Falcon yacht charter

Maltese Falcon

88m | Perini Navi

from $490,000 p/week

Kismet yacht charter

122m | Lurssen

from $3,000,000 p/week

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fire on atina heesen yacht

Watch: 47m Heesen superyacht Atina sinks following devastating fire in Olbia, Italy

The 47-metre Heesen yacht Atina has now sunk following a fire that broke out on board yesterday evening (10 August). The incident occurred while Atina was anchored in the Gulf of Olbia in Sardinia, Italy. 

Dramatic new footage released by the Olbia Coast Guard shows the flames spread from the aft portion of the vessel until Atina is entirely engulfed. She then begins to list and sink.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Direzione Marittima Olbia (@guardiacostieraolbia)

The Olbia Fire Brigade had been working alongside the Olbia Coast Guard to tackle the blaze since 8pm local time. Sixteen people were on board but are now evacuated and confirmed "safe" by authorities. No injuries have been reported.

Anti-pollution pads have been placed on the scene and an area prohibition order has been issued. All operations were coordinated by the Maritime Directorate of Olbia.

Atina was delivered by the Dutch shipyard in 2008 and won a Neptune at the World Superyacht Awards the following year.

She has sailed under many names, including Elandess , Raasta and Naseem . The superyacht was most recently sold in 2021 at a last known asking price of €16,250,000. Atina then underwent an extensive, multi-month refit with Turkish shipyard FDC Yachts to optimise her for charter .

The most noteworthy change was the sundeck, which was redesigned with a larger pool set forward of the new navigation mast, a Teppanyaki grill and a large bar that could seat up to 12 guests for parties or sporting events.

The cause of the fire is unknown.

BOAT International will update the story as it develops.

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Hello, future valued customer! Here at Peak's Pontoons, we are dedicated to offering you, your family, and friends, the best experience around the land. It is our job to make sure your group has an awesome day out on the water, and we do nothing more than to serve our customers the best way we can. Book your pontoon rental today by calling (850) 990-7325 for an unforgettable experience! Sunshine and Tides …

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Deshawne was absolutely amazing. He went above and beyond to get us on a boat today, when our reservation got messed up. If you guys are going through peak's pontoons, you need to go through Deshawne he will take great care of you!

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Deshawn went way above and beyond to take care of us. Our first charter messed up for us and went out of his way to find us a captain last minute. So sweet and kind!

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Just go somewhere else unless you want to wait for employees to show up almost an hour past scheduled time and then not at the dock for 30 minutes past when you called to meet at the dock for drop off. Will look elsewhere next time!!

Photo of Donny D.

Good price for a rental, however, we added a floating pad & speaker and the pad looked bad and had a huge rip in the middle. The boat looked OK but the gas gauge (and most the others) didn't work. Dried, dead shrimp in the under seat storage meaning the cleaning is minimal. Our boat sputtered and slowed several times and even slipped out of gear. They told us to watch for max speed because the motor would overheat.... A 50 hp outboard on a 24' pontoon got us about 10 mph max. They refunded the cost of the lily pad but said nothing could be done for the crappy performance of the boat. First and last rental from here.

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Want to See America’s Cup Racing Up Close? These 9 Yacht Charters Let You Watch From the Water

Options range from 200-foot-plus superyachts with side trips to ibiza to intimate sailing vessels catered by michelin-starred chefs. let the races begin., jemima sissons, jemima sissons's most recent stories.

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America's Cup Match Racing

Next week, when the 37 th Louis Vuitton America’s Cup kicks off in Barcelona with its opening ceremony, the contest that began in 1851 with a race around the Isle of Wight between the fastest British and American sloops (the yacht America won handily) will come back to Europe for the first time in 14 years.

The move to the Catalan capital from the 2021 event in New Zealand will make it more accessible to sailing fans in Europe, and even North Americans who want to view the fast, technical AC75 foiling boats in person. Barcelona has been preparing itself for a surge of spectators for the “return” of the Cup, which was held twice in Valencia, Spain, in the aughts.

The America’s Cup may be billed as “the race with no second place,” but it takes three months of racing and four events for one of five Challenger teams to win the Louis Vuitton Cup, and that winner will race Defender Emirates Team New Zealand in the America’s Cup final. The racing runs from August through October, and this year includes a first-time all-women’s America’s Cup as well as an event for the world’s best youth sailors.

Having Barcelona as a venue was a smart move, partly for the gorgeous beaches fronting the race course on the Med. But there is also the city’s magnificent architecture and sense of history as well as vibrant arts, culture and, of course, no shortage of Michelin-starred restaurants.

There are many five-star hotels in the area, but the smartest and most thrilling way to see racing is by water. The vessel options are wide-ranging—from weeklong superyacht charters to luxury suites on a cruise ships to day trips on sailboats with Michelin-starred cuisine. Many can be combined with on-land stays and even cruises to other parts of Spain as part of the itineraries.

One important note: Four zones adjoining the race course allow spectator boats. Before chartering a vessel, be sure to find out which zone the boat will operate in, because that impacts how close you are to the racing.

Here are 9 options to suit the most avid Cup aficionados or those visiting Barcelona who want to sip champagne and watch the AC75 foiling boats battle it out.

Superyacht ‘Resilience’

yacht chartern mosel

Edmiston is offering charters aboard the 212-foot Resilience during the America’s Cup. The ISA-built superyacht, designed by Enrico Gobbi, features a mosaic-tiled pool, circular fire pit and a BBQ for a ringside lunch. Post-race pampering comes via the steam room, sundeck jacuzzi and gym, and there’s even a self-playing Edelweiss piano and projector for evening entertainment. The vessel sleeps 12 across seven cabins. From September 16, weekly charters start at about $645,000 (€600,000).

Explora Journeys

yacht chartern mosel

The soon-to-be-launched Explora II looks very much like its sistership, the Explora I : onyx finishes, self-playing Steinways, on-deck Technogym bikes, a spa with a Himalayan salt room, Dunhill cigar den and a wine cellar boasting decades-old Chateau Latour. With 461 luxury suites, how was the Explora II chosen to become an America’s Cup viewing platform? The idea came from the top down. 

“I love sailing and believe the Med is the most beautiful sea on earth,” Pierfrancesco Vago, executive chairman of the cruise division of MSC Group, told Robb Report during a visit aboard Explora I in Barcelona. “We thought if only our customers could also experience [the America’s Cup], we can call it the ocean state of mind.” 

Explora II launches in mid-September, with itineraries planned to coincide with the different Cup events. On October 6, the vessel will be in port for the Louis Vuitton Cup Final and Puig Women’s Races. Guests can take a walk to the official race village and experience its excitement before watching the races from their suites. A 10-night journey starts from $5,210 per guest.

The Almanac Sailing Experience

yacht chartern mosel

Barcelona’s Almanac hotel has a romantic-gastronomic experience that offers guests front-row seats on a Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 45 sailboat with a capacity for 10 guests. Besides the racing, the package includes two nights at the hotel. The boat comes with the hotel’s branded slippers and Jimmy Boyd bespoke amenities. Enjoy a selection of customized Cava Bellinis from the pop-up bar. Chefs from the hotels’ restaurant will also serve up shrimp salad and fennel ceviche paired with organic Spanish wines. The boat can be chartered every Saturday from August 31 to October 26. The Louis Vuitton Cup round-robin starts on August 29 and lasts through Sept. 8. There’s also the Puig Women’s Race (first all-female America’s Cup in its 171-year history) and, of course, the America’s Cup finals in October. Prices start at $2,940 per couple. 

Superyacht ‘C’

yacht chartern mosel

For a majestic week-long cruise that incorporates America’s Cup summer races and possible side itineraries in Costa Dorada, Sitges and Formentera, Camper & Nicholsons’ expansive 177-ft C is the flashy option, defined by Minotti furniture, lacquered panels and a hamman. It also sleeps 12 in six cabins that feature a master and two VIP suites. Its chase boat also offers a great opportunity for side trips. Weekly charters from Sept. 18-October 31 run from about $513,000 or €400,000.

Sailing Yacht ‘Imagine’

yacht chartern mosel

UK adventure specialists Pelorus offer a private seat on an elegant sailing boat seeped in America’s Cup history. Built in New Zealand by Alloy Yachts, Imagine is a 110-footer that served as an official viewing platform for the America’s Cup in Auckland, but it has also completed three global circumnavigations. Beyond its sailing chops, it’s a beautiful vessel, with a blonde, teak-lined deck, large salon and dining area, and three cabins for sleeping seven guests. It will be available from October 12 for the America’s Cup final. Pelorus is also offering to bookend the week with trips to Majorca and Ibiza. About $101,000 (£79,121)

Superyacht ‘Diane’

yacht chartern mosel

Also available from Edmiston, the 141-ft Diane can accommodate 10 guests in five staterooms for the week. The interior is all about soft hues, featuring cream leather and white marble, boasting a bar and plenty of outdoor seating for watching the races. For the non-race legs, guests can take to the water via the large beach club, complete with seabobs and wakeboards. It has a Balearics license, making a hop to Ibiza or Majorca a possibility. Weekly charter rates from September 23 run about $150,000 per week (€140,000)

Black Tomato Cup Package

yacht chartern mosel

Incorporating a city-stay, Black Tomato’s America’s Cup getaway includes a day’s private day charter to view the race, plus five nights at the Mandarin Oriental as well as visiting the regatta course and different bases of the America’s Cup teams for an insider’s look at the operations and technology. As a dayboat, its Bali Yacht Saxador 400 GTO can accommodate 11 guests. It sets sail from Port Olympic, giving guests a sweeping view of the city on one side and the regatta course on the other. The boat has access to the blue area (for preferred charter boats) on the front line. From $12,750 per person, based on two people.

Superyacht ‘Quasar’

yacht chartern mosel

Camper & Nicholsons recently introduced the 153-foot Quasar to the charter market and what a great way to end the Med season than by viewing the America’s Cup. It has six cabins (including two master suites) that can accommodate 12 guests, along excellent outdoor seating, an upper salon that joins the aft deck area for viewing the races or dining al-fresco. The beach club has a large selection of water toys. Visits to scenic Med ports around Barcelona are also possible on the week’s charter, which start at about $232,000 (€210,000).  

Superyacht ‘Kiawah’

yacht chartern mosel

For front row seats on day charters in the blue zone (the third-closest area to the races), official charter partner ac37 Sailcharters offers different types of vessels and packages. The 110-foot Kiawah features a cocktail lunch on board, a specialized lecture from an expert sailor, and an AV system to follow the race in real time. From August 22 through October 11, daily rates are about $34,000 (€30,800) and during the America’s Cup finals October 12-27, rates move to about $41,000 (€37,400).

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  • America's Cup
  • Louis Vuitton

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