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Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of July 8, 2024 on DAYS

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Bobby told Jada that he had seen Li's real killer. Gabi exposed E.J.'s lies. Nicole asked for a divorce. E.J. vowed revenge. Nicole told Eric he was Jude's father. Stefan and Gabi butted heads. Tate and Holly set their summer plan in motion. Chad confirmed that Abigail's coffin was empty. Sarah and Theresa leaned toward a double wedding. Theresa signed a prenup. Leo turned down sex. Bobby made a deal with Connie to keep quiet, then pretended to be Everett. Connie stabbed Rafe.

Bombshell truths are dropped about Jude and Li

Bombshell truths are dropped about Jude and Li

Monday, July 8, 2024

In Everett's hospital room, Jada demanded that Bobby "let me have it." Bobby smirked and said he loved it when Jada "talk[ed] dirty." She grew impatient and threatened to leave if he didn't talk. Bobby finally confessed that he knew about the murder of Li Shin. Jada doubted his claim, since Bobby hadn't known the man.

Jada also reminded Bobby that the police had identified Li's killer. Bobby smiled and assured Jada that the police had the wrong suspect. Bobby argued that all the evidence against Gil Carter had been circumstantial. Jada wanted Bobby to tell her who had killed Li if Gil had not. She asked if it had been Gabi, after all.

Bobby said that Gabi had been "rightfully" exonerated, and he chided Jada about the police misidentifying the murderer twice. Jada got angry and again demanded Bobby tell her how he knew about the murder. "Because I saw the person who killed Li," Bobby revealed. Jada scoffed at Bobby's claim, since Li had been murdered in his apartment. She insisted Bobby couldn't possibly have seen the murder...unless he had committed it.

Bobby grinned and assured Jada he was not confessing to the crime. He explained that when Everett had first moved to town, Everett had gotten upset. Bobby had taken over, and it was then that he had seen the murderer. "It's not often you come face to face with a killer," he mused. Jada wanted the name of the person.

When Bobby said he didn't know the person's name, Jada asked if he could recognize them. Bobby suddenly yawned and claimed he needed to get some sleep. He fell back on the bed, despite Jada's protests, and promised he would tell her more the following day. Jada tried to get his attention again, but he pretended to snore loudly. After a frustrated Jada left, Bobby opened his eyes, smiled, and pulled out his book.

Connie entered her apartment, which was Li's old apartment, and thought back to Li in the apartment. During the flashback, Li was preparing to make a call when someone raised a knife behind him and stabbed him in the back. He crumpled to the ground, revealing a blood-splattered Connie behind him. Connie emerged from her flashback and insisted it hadn't been her fault, but Gabi's instead. Suddenly, Li spoke from a nearby table and reminded Connie that Gabi hadn't stabbed him.

Connie rushed to Li and hugged him. She proclaimed it a miracle that he was alive. Li pushed Connie back and corrected that he was still "as dead as they come." Connie ought to know, he stated, because she had killed him. Connie contested that Gabi had been the one who had "tricked and humiliated" Li.

But Connie had killed him, Li's apparition persisted. Connie shouted at Li to stop saying that. She then grew eerily calm and placed her head against Li's shoulder. "What happened will stay between us forever," she said with a dreamy smile. Connie continued to cast blame on Gabi and then moved on to Melinda.

Connie reminisced about her and Li's first date. Li remembered that they had discussed "tigers and true crime and biscuits." Connie proclaimed it "magical." She asked why Li hadn't called her back. When he said he had thought her crazy, she exclaimed that she was "not crazy." She grew wistful again and claimed she had moved into the apartment to be closer to Li.

Connie vowed that she would make everyone responsible for Li's death pay. She got up to leave and promised Li they would "snuggle" together and watch a true crime show when she returned. "Won't that be grand?" she beamed.

Later, in his room, Bobby flashed back to himself walking through the park. He overheard a woman crying. The woman, Connie, claimed she had not meant to hurt Li.

At the press conference in Horton Town Square, Nicole inquired what role E.J. had played in Gabi's release. Gabi smiled and said she couldn't forget E.J., who had indeed been responsible for her release, even though he had been the one to wrongfully prosecute her. E.J. hissed at Gabi that she wasn't helping his cause, while Stefan looked on with consternation. An unfazed Gabi claimed that E.J. had freed her for love. "Not for me, of course," she added.

Gabi continued that E.J. had done it for Nicole. Upon a confused Nicole's questioning, Gabi clarified that E.J. had been afraid of losing Nicole to the man Nicole truly loved, Eric Brady. And then Gabi delivered the final blow by informing the gathering that Eric was Jude's father. As the reporters furiously scribbled in their notebooks and the photographers snapped pictures, Stefan asked Gabi what she was doing. Rafe also approached Gabi and told her it was not the time or place.

Gabi disagreed and said it was the "perfect place." E.J. called Gabi "confused" and tried to end the press conference, but Gabi stopped him. E.J. then rushed over to Nicole with claims that Gabi was lying. Gabi returned to the podium and announced that she had proof of Jude's true parentage. Nicole wanted to hear Gabi's "proof," so Gabi asked Nicole to think about Sloan's motives.

Gabi claimed that Sloan had felt less guilty about taking the baby because Sloan had been able to reassure herself that the child would remain with his true father. Nicole countered that they had run DNA tests, but Gabi said Sloan had switched the results. As Nicole processed the information, E.J. glared at Gabi.

E.J. insisted Gabi was lying for revenge. Gabi shot back that her motivation had been righting the "terrible wrong" that E.J. had committed. Nicole refused to "upend" her and E.J.'s lives without proof. Upon Nicole's persistent demand for Gabi's source, Gabi relented and said, "My husband told me." Stefan tried to slink away, but Nicole demanded Stefan tell her if what Gabi had claimed was true.

Stefan began stuttering out a response, and Gabi asked sweetly if he was going to call her a liar in front of everyone. Stefan assured her he would not. When Gabi prodded him to say it louder, Stefan reluctantly admitted that Gabi had told the truth. Nicole remained in denial and accused Gabi and Stefan of trying to hurt E.J. Gabi proclaimed that Stefan had seen the DNA test results personally.

Gabi again compelled a pained Stefan to tell the truth. He told E.J. he was sorry then confessed. E.J. angrily sputtered a "Damn you!" at Stefan then turned to Nicole, who began to say to E.J. that she was sorry. Gabi scornfully asked Nicole why she was apologizing to E.J., because E.J. had already known the truth. Gabi proceeded to fill Nicole in on Stefan having found the DNA results in E.J.'s safe.

After Stefan confirmed Gabi's recounting, Nicole spun around and asked E.J. if it was true. E.J. continued his insistence that Gabi and Stefan were acting out of revenge. Rafe wondered why Gabi would be seeking revenge when E.J. had freed her. Gabi claimed that while she hated E.J., she was telling the truth. She asked Nicole to think about why Melinda had been granted immunity and why Gabi herself had suddenly been released.

Gabi argued that E.J. had been trying to cover his bases by giving in to Stefan and Melinda's blackmail. "If you want proof, then I'm standing right here," Gabi declared. An irate E.J. called Gabi a "vindictive, ungrateful bitch" and rushed toward her. Rafe stopped him, but E.J. continued to verbally rage at Gabi. She got in his face and shouted that E.J. was the vindictive one, since he had prosecuted Gabi for a crime she had not committed. "After everything you've done in your miserable life, you deserved ten times the sentence you got," E.J. sneered.

The truth sunk in for Nicole, and she angrily asked what E.J. had to say to her. She wondered if she would even get a "sorry." Nicole roared, "Answer me," which caused E.J. to flinch and recoil. "You knew," she shouted, then she ran off. When E.J. tried to follow her, Rafe halted him and stated that E.J. wasn't going anywhere. Rafe wanted E.J. to go to the police station and make a statement about his alleged fraud. E.J. angrily told Rafe to take it up with the D.A.'s office and stormed off.

Rafe asked Gabi and Stefan to answer questions. Gabi pledged that she and Stefan would make statements at the station the next day. Stefan requested privacy so he could speak with his wife. Rafe complied. After Rafe left, Stefan commanded Gabi to tell him what she had been thinking.

Stefan reminded Gabi that they'd had an agreement with E.J. Gabi said she knew. "Then why did you blow it all to hell?" he asked.

Later, outside the pub, Jada met up with Rafe. She asked about the press conference, and he called it eventful but wouldn't go into details. He wanted to know about Jada's meeting with Bobby. Rafe expressed surprise and skepticism when Jada updated him on Bobby's claims. Jada felt that Bobby's story might actually have merit, and she wanted to see the case through. After Jada and Rafe entered the pub, Connie emerged from the shadows and looked inside the pub.

An upset Nicole arrived at the DiMera mansion, with E.J. close behind. He pleaded for a chance to explain. With tears in her eyes, she said that he'd known the truth the whole time. E.J. corrected that he hadn't known for months, but he had taken the actions he had for love. Nicole contended that it couldn't have been love because only hate could drive such a despicable action. "It was love; it will always be love," E.J. emotionally insisted.

Nicole said E.J. owed her the truth, so E.J. recounted how he had discovered the truth about Jude being alive from Leo. Sloan had then confirmed the news, but she had dealt E.J. another blow that had left him "devastated." When he'd learned that Jude was not his son, E.J. claimed that he hadn't been able to bear the thought of losing the boy all over again. Nicole cried as she pushed E.J. to continue.

E.J. admitted that he could not imagine Nicole raising a child with another man, especially a man whom Nicole had loved. It would have been "a stab in the heart to someone who has already given his whole heart to you," E.J. added. He explained that he hadn't wanted to lose her. "Now you have," Nicole tearfully replied. She went upstairs and left an upset E.J. to ponder his regret.

Later, Nicole returned downstairs with Jude in tow. E.J. begged her to stay and said they had weathered "rougher storms." Nicole grew enraged at E.J.'s seemingly flippant words. E.J. professed his love, and Nicole deemed the proclamation "empty words" that she never wanted to hear from him again. When E.J. inquired where Nicole was going, she stated it was none of his business and walked out the door.

Alone, E.J. poured himself a drink and turned to Stefano's portrait. He vowed revenge on Stefano's other son and hurled the glass against the wall. E.J. grabbed his head and let out a scream before composing himself.

Outside the Brady Pub, Eric phoned Holly and told her goodbye. He assured her that he would stay in touch and visit her. He also promised her that her bad situation would not last forever. After he ended the call, Eric went into the pub to tell Roman goodbye. Eric surmised that his father thought he was "running away."

Roman reminded Eric that he had once done something similar, so he understood. Eric had said his goodbyes to Marlena and at the paper. The mention of the paper prompted Roman to ask about Nicole. Eric said he'd shared a brief goodbye with Nicole, but she had needed to leave for a press conference. Roman wondered if Eric had told Jude goodbye.

Eric confided that seeing Jude before he left would be too difficult because he'd had a dream that Jude was his and Nicole's son. He attributed the dream to his imminent departure from Jude's life. Eric grew sad as he remembered having found out that E.J. was Jude's father. Roman emerged from behind the bar and offered to take Eric to the airport. Eric declined the invitation and said Brady was taking him.

Roman made Eric promise to stay in touch. He reminded Eric that he would always have a home in Salem. Father and son hugged, and both said, "I love you."

At the airport, Eric remembered bringing Jude to Nicole and E.J. He heard an intercom announcer call for final boarding on his flight. Eric was perplexed when he saw that Nicole was calling him. He prepared to leave, anyway, but before he could, Nicole rushed into the airport with Jude. "I had to stop you from getting on that plane," she breathlessly said.

A confused Eric asked what Nicole meant. "He's yours, Eric. Jude is your son," Nicole announced. Eric reacted with wide-eyed astonishment.

Tate sets his summer plan in motion

Tate sets his summer plan in motion

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

by Spalding

At the airport, Nicole told Eric that Jude was his son. "What are you talking about? That's impossible," Eric said. Nicole explained that the tests had been falsified by Sloan. "He's our son," Nicole said. "How do you even know about this?" Eric asked. Nicole told Eric the whole story and how Gabi had told the truth. With a smile, Nicole picked up Jude.

"I always thought of you [when I looked at Jude], because he has your smile," Nicole said. Nicole placed Jude in Eric's arms. With tears streaming down Eric's face, he kissed his son. "I can't believe it. My son," Eric whispered. The flight attendant made a final boarding announcement for Eric's plane. Nicole noted that Eric was going to miss his flight.

"[Jude] has missed you. I know he has because he's cried so much. And E.J. and I have had such a hard time comforting him because I just, I think he knew that he was taken away from his daddy," Nicole said. Nicole noted that Jude was happy in Eric's arms. "[Sloan] knew," Eric whispered. Nicole nodded yes. "I think maybe she felt less guilty knowing that you'd be raising your own son," Nicole said. "And letting you and E.J. believe that your son was dead? I can't imagine what [E.J.] must be going through right now," Eric said. Nicole scowled.

"I wouldn't feel so sorry for E.J.," Nicole muttered. Nicole told Eric that E.J. had known the truth about Jude. "And he let me believe that [Jude] was his?" Eric asked. "I think [E.J.] thought that if the truth came out, if you and I knew that Jude was our son, we would get back together," Nicole said. Eric blinked a couple times, and then he asked Nicole to leave town with him.

In the park, Tate met up with Aaron to talk about their plan to switch places at lacrosse camp. When Tate gave Aaron his license as proof of identity, Aaron noted that they looked nothing alike. "I doubt they are going to look too closely at it," Tate said. Tate explained that he had ordered a replacement license from the DMV.

As Alex jogged by, he stopped and said, "You guys up to no good?" Tate introduced Alex to Aaron. After a moment, Alex admitted he had overheard Tate and Aaron. "I know what you're doing," Alex said. Tate begged Alex not to tell his mother. "Relax, I'm not going to say anything. I had a fake ID once. I had a few of them, actually" Alex said. Tate visibly relaxed as he realized that Alex had not overheard his plan to skip lacrosse camp.

"Yes. That's what I'm doing," Tate said. Alex told Tate to be responsible, and not to drink and drive. "I will never do that ever," Aaron promised. Alex wished Tate a good time at camp, and he ran off. Tate and Aaron breathed huge sighs of relief. Tate handed Aaron a fresh plane ticket with Aaron's name on it for the trip. "In a couple hours, you'll be in New York. And I'll be free to spend my summer with Holly," Tate said. Tate thanked Aaron for his help.

Theresa stopped by the penthouse to deliver a bag of snacks to Tate for his flight to lacrosse camp, but only Brady was at home. "[Tate] had better not be with Holly," Theresa growled. Brady assured Theresa that Tate had likely gone out to run an errand. Theresa was certain that Tate had gone to see Holly. "You were supposed to be watching him, Brady!" Theresa shouted. Brady urged Theresa to calm down, and he reminded her that their son would be 1,000 miles from Holly by the end of the day.

After a moment, Theresa asked Brady why he had implied to Alex that Theresa was only interested in Alex's money. "Why do you even care? Because Alex doesn't think that way," Brady said. Theresa argued that Brady had crossed a line. "Why are you setting out to hurt me?" Theresa asked. Brady explained that he had been speculating about their time in Greece. Curious, Theresa pushed Brady to tell her about his speculations.

"I think there's a chance that you may have gone through my grandfather's briefcase. The one that your dad brought to the room," Brady said. Theresa was taken aback. "I thought you already knew that Alex was Victor's heir when you slept with him," Brady said. "That is absurd," Theresa stammered. Theresa said that it was insulting for Brady to accuse her of having rifled through a newly deceased person's belongings.

"So, you're saying you didn't do it, right?" Brady asked. "Yes, that is what I am saying. I mean, I was grieving Victor's death, too, you know," Theresa said. Brady admitted that he found that hard to believe. When Theresa said that she had loved Victor, Brady scoffed. Brady added that even if Theresa had loved Victor, it did not mean she would not have gone through his briefcase.

"I did not go through his briefcase!" Theresa shouted. Theresa said that she was hurt by Brady's accusations. "I'm not like that anymore. I've matured," Theresa argued. Theresa said that she wanted her son to be proud of her. With a nod, Brady apologized. "Besides, if you were only after Alex's money, you would have never agreed to sign the prenup," Brady said. Theresa paced nervously, then she complained that Tate would be late for his flight.

When Brady noted that Tate would be back in time, Theresa countered that Brady's lax attitude was why Tate felt he could get away with anything. "You never pay attention," Theresa grumbled. As Theresa started to leave to look for Tate, he returned home. "Where were you?" Theresa yelled. Tate explained he had been saying goodbye to Aaron. Brady offered to drive Tate to the airport, but Tate declined.

"I want to see you off," Brady said. "That's okay. Besides, Aaron offered to give me a ride," Tate said. Theresa narrowed her eyes with suspicion. "Aaron? Who you just said goodbye to?" Theresa asked. Tate explained that Aaron had left to run an errand and would return to pick him up. Theresa argued that Tate could not be trusted. "We are taking you to the airport," Theresa insisted.

Alex called Theresa's phone, and he asked her to meet him at the house to sign the prenup. "Can it wait? I'm just about to take Tate to the airport," Theresa asked. Alex insisted that they needed to sign the agreement before the end of business that day. With a sigh, Theresa promised to return home.

Theresa turned her attention to Tate, and she said she understood if Tate hated her for making him go away for the summer. "I'm just looking out for your best interests. And I hope that one day, you will see that," Theresa said. Theresa and Tate said "I love you" to one another.

In the DiMera living room, E.J. looked at the portrait of Stefano, and he vowed that Stefan and Gabi would pay for what they had done to him. E.J. threw his glass at the fireplace, and he screamed in frustration. "They are going to wish they were never born," E.J. growled. "Who is going to wish they were never born?" Holly asked as she entered the room. E.J. apologized. Holly asked E.J. if he had been talking about her and Tate, and E.J. said no.

E.J. told Holly that Gabi had talked about his personal business at the press conference. "That's really messed up of her," Holly said. With a sigh, E.J. informed Holly that Jude was Eric's son. "I'm really sorry," Holly said. "You're really kind, but I'm afraid your sympathy is misplaced," E.J. said. Holly and E.J. sat on the couch, and he told her that he had learned the truth before Eric had returned Jude.

"And you kept that to yourself?" Holly said. "Which was terribly wrong of me, obviously," E.J. admitted. Holly asked why. "Honestly? And I know this is going to sound heartless, but I wasn't thinking of Eric at all. I was thinking of your mother. I was afraid that if she learned the truth, if she knew that Eric was the father, it would drive her right back into his arms. And I'm quite certain I'm right, because as soon as she left here a little while ago with the baby, I think I know exactly where she went," E.J. said.

When Holly remained silent, E.J. noted that he could not imagine what Holly thought of him. "I'm pretty shook right now," Holly admitted. Holly told E.J. that she did not know how to feel about the situation. With a nod, E.J. noted that Holly clearly thought he was a villain. "You just admitted to doing a horrible thing. You not only hurt Eric, you also lied to my mom. You're supposed to be the one guy she trusts the most. So, can you really blame me for hating what you did to both of them?" Holly said. E.J. hung his head in shame.

"But if I'm being completely honest, I get why you did it," Holly confessed. "Do you?" E.J. asked. Holly said she understood what it felt like to believe that a lie was one's only option. Holly thought about her scheme to spend the summer with Tate. "Thank you for saying that, Holly," E.J. said. With a nod, Holly walked out to meet up with Tate and Aaron in the park.

Theresa returned to the Kiriakis mansion, and she asked Alex about the papers. "They should be here any minute," Alex said. Alex apologized for having interrupted Theresa's goodbye with her son. With a smirk, Theresa noted that Tate was probably happy that she had not gone with him to the airport. "I actually ran into [Tate] in the park earlier," Alex said. "That's weird. He didn't tell me that he ran into you," Theresa said. Alex noted that Tate likely had his mind on other things. "I'm sure he does," Theresa muttered.

At the airport, Tate and Holly walked Aaron to his gate. "As soon as I get on that plane, as far as the world is concerned, Tate Black is spending his summer at lacrosse camp. Which means you guys are free to do whatever it is you're gonna do," Aaron said. Tate thanked Aaron for his help. After Aaron walked away, Tate asked Holly where she wanted to spend her summer.

In the square, Stefan asked Gabi why she had gone back on her promise to him to keep E.J.'s secret. "For the record, I never promised anything," Gabi stressed. Gabi argued that Eric had had a right to know the truth about his son. "After all that time being kept away from my daughter, not knowing how she was doing or what she was feeling, wondering if she needed me, knowing that I couldn't be there for her -- I couldn't let another parent suffer that loss. I couldn't let Eric suffer that loss," Gabi said. Stefan questioned Gabi's motives.

"If this were about Eric, you would have told him privately. But you didn't do that, did you?" Stefan said. Stefan noted that Gabi had instead made a public announcement at a press conference. "You made the choice to embarrass E.J. in the most public way possible because you hate him for what he did to you," Stefan argued. "He sent me to prison!" Gabi countered. Gabi noted that E.J. would have let her remain in prison.

"So, as far as I'm concerned, he got off easy. And yet, for some reason, you're suddenly on his side," Gabi said. Stefan stressed that he hated E.J. for what he had done to Gabi. "Your brother got what he deserved. End of story. Now, can we just please go home and forget about this?" Gabi said. "No. We can't," Stefan whispered. Stefan told Gabi that he loved her, but he was furious with her.

"I'm furious with you, too. How can you side with E.J. over me?" Gabi growled. "For the last time, I am not on E.J.'s side," Stefan argued. Stefan reminded Gabi that he had given E.J. his word to keep silent about the secret, and Gabi's actions meant that Stefan was at war with his brother.

After Stefan stalked off, Gabi sat down in the caf. Eric approached her with Jude's stroller. "I see you've been reunited with your son," Gabi said. "I understand I have you to thank for that," Eric said. Gabi smiled sheepishly. "Who knew even I could do the right thing? The honorable thing? I owed you one. Especially after I withheld my bone marrow from Rachel to get my immunity deal," Gabi said. Eric told Gabi he was grateful. "You did the right thing," Eric said. Gabi admitted she was glad she had, even though it had meant trouble with her husband.

After Eric's conversation with Gabi, a cheerful Eric went to the penthouse with baby Jude. "Why aren't you on a plane to Paris?" Brady asked. "Well, I thought you'd like to meet your nephew," Eric said. Brady stared in stunned silence.

At the DiMera mansion, E.J. thought about when Nicole had grabbed Jude to leave the house. "We've weathered worse storms than this," E.J. had pleaded. "That's what you think this is?" Nicole had said. Nicole had told E.J. that he had caused their nightmare. "But I love you," E.J. had whispered. Nicole had sniffled back tears, and she'd told E.J. she had not wanted to hear those words from him ever again. Nicole had walked out.

As E.J. sipped a drink, Stefan returned home. "I've always been aware that trusting any member of my family would be a risky enterprise. Still, I overrode my instincts and made a deal with you. I let that despicable Melinda Trask walk so your wife could go free. And what did I ask in return? Your silence. You simply had to do nothing. And you couldn't even manage that," E.J. said.

"I don't expect this to mean much because the damage has already been done. But this was not some elaborate scheme that Gabi and I cooked up. I had every intention of taking your secret to the grave. Gabi had other ideas," Stefan said. With a nod, E.J. countered, "Thanks to your wife, I've lost my wife forever." Nicole walked into the room. Stefan quietly left.

"Thank God you came back. Now, we can finally talk," E.J. said. Nicole cut E.J. off, and she explained that she was only there to pack. As Nicole started to cry, she removed her wedding rings, and she handed them to E.J. "I want a divorce," Nicole said. E.J. shook his head no in disbelief.

Jack learns Abigail could be alive

Jack learns Abigail could be alive

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

In Horton Town Square, Leo typed an article about "the press conference from hell." He complimented the "diva-est of divas" Gabi in the article and gushed over his own writing. In the midst of Leo's writing, Xander jogged by and asked for Leo's glass of water, to Leo's delight and chagrin. While Leo ogled him, Xander thanked Leo and called him a "valued employee." He also asked if Leo wanted to join him for a work "write-off" drink at the pub.

Leo was puzzled at himself when he declined the invitation. As Leo finished his article, another man approached Leo, who grabbed his water and declared the table a "no-sharing zone." The confused man said he'd just wanted to know if Leo was Lady Whistleblower. Leo asked if the man wanted a retraction, but the man instead called himself a big fan. He raved about Leo's wit and charm and added that Leo was "easy on the eyes."

Leo brightened considerably at the compliments. The man introduced himself as Kerry and asked Leo if he'd be willing to share his secrets. Leo jokingly called himself discreet, and Kerry flirtatiously suggested they take the conversation somewhere more private.

Later, Leo and Kerry were in Leo's hotel room, talking about the show Beverly Hills, 90210 . Kerry compared Leo to the character Dylan, while Leo fancied himself more of a Brenda. They suggestively agreed to share secrets "all night." Leo thought Kerry needed sustenance and gave him a menu to peruse. When Leo recommended ordering oysters, Kerry declared that he wanted to get to the "main course" and took off his shirt as he sidled up to Leo.

Leo commended Kerry for having "the second-best chest I've seen in the past hour" and asked Kerry if he was really a fan. At Kerry's affirmative response, Leo marveled that he had his "first groupie." He asked if "this is really happening," and Kerry replied that when he was attracted to someone, he didn't like to waste time. He kissed Leo, who responded with enthusiasm.

At the Brady Pub, Justin and Bonnie enjoyed a meal and bantered about what might go wrong at the upcoming weddings. Bonnie speculated that Xander might show up without a shirt, and she suggested she wouldn't mind if her "hubba-hubba-hubby" followed Xander's lead. Justin expressed relief that Theresa had agreed to sign a prenup, but Bonnie reminded him that Theresa could still be marrying Alex for Alex's money. Bonnie continued her skepticism of Theresa but backed off when she noticed how worried Justin was about Alex. She tried to reassure him that Theresa might be marrying Alex for the right reasons, then she excused herself to help Sarah with the wedding planning.

While alone at the table, Justin sadly reminisced about holding Alex in his arms when Alex had been a baby. Xander interrupted the reverie and asked if Justin would like to join him for a drink. Justin joked about Xander needing to "save [his] pennies" after Xander had turned down his part of Victor's fortune. Xander noted that Victor had not truly wanted him included in the will, and he took a shot at Alex and Alex's treatment of Justin.

Justin defended Alex, since Alex's entire life had been "upended." Xander countered that Justin's life had been affected, too, but Justin had not changed for the worse. Xander expressed empathy for Justin having been hurt the most in the aftermath of Victor's death. Justin recalled having dealt with the issue of Alex's paternity before, after Anjelica had claimed someone else had been Alex's father. However, Dr. Tom Horton had run a blood test and confirmed that Justin and Alex were father and son.

Justin attributed the result to Alex and Justin still being related by blood. He could not understand how Victor could have kept the secret for so long, though. Xander asked if Justin was having doubts about the assertion that Alex was not Justin's son. Justin admitted that the letter from Anjelica had validated the truth. Justin was still grappling with Victor having lied to him for Alex's entire life.

Xander conceded that Victor was "an ends justify the means type of guy." Justin lamented the questions he still had, which would never be answered, since both Victor and Angelica were dead.

Bonnie sat with Sarah in Sarah and Xander's place and browsed through bridal magazines. Bonnie encouraged Sarah to wear anything she wanted at her wedding. Bonnie excitedly suggested rhinestones but noted Sarah's expression and moved on from the idea. Bonnie also reintroduced the subject of a double wedding and mentioned that Theresa was in the process of signing a prenup. Sarah was still not receptive to the idea.

Sarah reminded Bonnie that Xander did not get along with either Alex or Theresa. Bonnie believed the double wedding could serve as the perfect opportunity to bring the family together for "a new beginning." Sarah relented and promised to discuss the idea with Xander. The talk moved to wedding RSVPs, and Bonnie remembered having retrieved the invitation for Xander's mother from the trash. She slyly asked Sarah if Sarah had received any unexpected RSVPs, to which Sarah responded in the negative.

Before Bonnie could clarify, Xander arrived. He and Bonnie exchanged greetings, and Xander offered to leave the women alone. Bonnie said she needed to leave, and she prodded Sarah to discuss the potential plan with Xander. When Bonnie left, Xander wondered what Bonnie had meant. Sarah reluctantly admitted that Bonnie had suggested a double wedding with Alex and Theresa. Xander scoffed and asked why he'd want to share his big day with "those two wankers."

Sarah believed Bonnie had made good points in favor of the double wedding, but she was willing to drop the idea if Xander had reservations about it. Xander reminded Sarah that his last double wedding had ended in disaster, but that was likely because he had been marrying the wrong woman. He could see that Sarah had taken to the idea, so he expressed openness to it. Sarah hesitantly asked if she should call Bonnie and confirm the double wedding.

In the Kiriakis mansion living room, Theresa and Alex made out on the sofa. He teasingly grabbed a brochure from her, and she confessed that she'd been scouting ideas for their honeymoon. Alex was surprised that the brochure detailed a super-yacht. Theresa made the case for Alex to buy one but stopped herself after she realized that she would be giving Brady and Justin more ammunition to think of her as a gold-digger. Alex assured her that the prenup would "silence all the doubters."

Theresa called the prenup "insulting." After he noted Theresa's reticence, Alex asked if she had been having second thoughts about signing the document. Maggie interrupted the inquiry with a delivery for Alex: the pre-nuptial agreement. Both Theresa and Alex defended their reasoning for getting the document to Maggie. Theresa turned to Alex and claimed she was ready to sign.

Later, Theresa sat with Alex and complained about the "legalese" of the document. She noted a clause that said she would get nothing if she committed adultery or fraud. Theresa snarked about what she would get if Alex did the same, and he jokingly suggested she could have a vase in the mansion she'd been "eyeing." Alex grew serious and affirmed his belief that neither he nor Theresa had anything to worry about with regard to the other. Theresa signed the prenup, and the couple sealed the deal with a kiss.

Maggie rejoined Alex and Theresa for snacks. They talked about potential conflicts between Theresa and Alex's wedding and Sarah and Xander's wedding. Theresa mentioned that Bonnie had broached the idea of a double wedding, which prompted Maggie to tell Alex and Theresa about her own double wedding that had included Maggie's daughter Melissa. Theresa was skeptical about the couples' styles clashing, and Alex doubted he could get along with Xander. Maggie suggested that combining the weddings could turn into a "bonding experience" for the entire family.

Alex was still unsure, so Maggie invoked Victor and what he would want from his heir. Namely, Victor would want the family to present a "united front." Maggie asked Theresa what she thought, and Theresa reasoned that her and Xander's mutual disdain "canceled each other out." Besides, she had wanted to get married as soon as possible, even it meant "hitching their wagon" to Xander and Sarah. As Theresa made the case, Alex gradually warmed to the prospect, as well.

Justin arrived; Alex handed the prenup to him and testily said Theresa had already signed it. Justin was pleased that the "protections" were in place. Theresa replied that it wouldn't be necessary because she planned on spending the rest of her life as "Mrs. Alex Kiriakis." As Theresa and Alex agreed to the double wedding, Bonnie received a call from Sarah. Bonnie beamed after Sarah stated that she and Xander were in, and she confirmed to the group that "Operation Double Wedding is a go!"

At the Horton House, Chad made a call to Kayla and updated her on his request to exhume Abigail's body. He was frustrated because he had not heard back from Paulina. Just then, Jack stormed into the room and demanded to know "what in the hell" Chad was doing. Chad ended the call with Kayla, and Jack informed him that a friend had contacted Jack and alerted him to the exhumation request. While Jack had initially thought it to be a mistake, he had learned that the request had come from Chad.

Jack asked Chad why Chad would want to "desecrate" Abigail's grave. Jack said he'd put a halt to the process until he'd had a chance to confront Chad. He again demanded answers. Chad blurted out that Clyde had claimed Abigail was alive. Jack was shocked at the claim and expressed doubts about the source. Chad compelled Jack to understand why he had kept quiet, but Jack angrily reminded Chad that Julie had known.

Chad said Julie had been helping him, and he insisted they all needed to know the truth. Jack cut Chad off and proclaimed that the exhumation was not happening. He chastised Chad for believing Clyde's lies. Chad shot back that he hadn't been relying only on Clyde's word because there was evidence. He pulled up the video of the mystery woman on his laptop.

As a shaken Jack watched the video, Chad confided that sometimes he'd convinced himself it was Abigail and that she was afraid and alone. Other times, he'd called himself an "idiot" for believing Clyde. He asked for Jack's opinion. Jack shakily reached out a hand to touch the screen but stopped himself and jumped up from the chair. He emotionally claimed that he couldn't be sure, but he wanted to know why Clyde would have needed to rely on a grainy video as proof.

Chad admitted he'd had the same questions, but Clyde had been transferred to supermax before Chad had been able to get answers. Jack asked if "it [was] the only way," and Chad pleaded with Jack to move forward with the exhumation. However, he offered to back down if Jack objected. Chad then received a call from Paulina informing him that the exhumation crew was ready.

Later, Chad and Jack anxiously waited while the crew dug up Abigail's grave. Chad thanked Jack for agreeing to the exhumation. Jack expressed revulsion and called the process "ghastly." The crew foreman announced that the coffin was ready to be opened. Jack and Chad braced themselves for the moment.


Abigail's coffin is opened

Thursday, July 11, 2024

by Rob Pivarnik

Kayla stopped by the Horton house and saw Julie. Kayla said that she was worried about having been unable to contact Chad. Julie told Kayla that Chad was at Abigail's grave. Julie informed Kayla that she knew Kayla had been the one to suggest the exhumation. Kayla knew that Chad had taken his request to Paulina, so that, as mayor, Paulina could approve the exhumation. Kayla had also heard that Chad had hit a snag.

Julie explained that the "snag" had been Jack. Julie explained that Jack had been "horrified" and "furious" at the thought of exhuming Abigail's body. Kayla told Julie that, even though Kayla had been the one who had declared Abigail dead, with everything that had happened to herself and Steve, Kayla would be foolish to call Abigail still being alive "impossible." Julie pointed out that their family had had its share of losses but had had its miracles, too.

A bit later, Doug joined Kayla and Julie in the living room. Julie asked if Kayla wanted to stay and watch the season finale of Yellowstone with Doug and Julie. Kayla declined, informing them that she had promised to wait and watch it with Steve, when he returned to town.

Doug asked, "So, Kayla, what brought you here today?" Kayla didn't know how to respond. Julie spoke up. "Darling, there's something I haven't told you about, but now that Jack knows..." "Now that Jack knows what?" Doug asked. Julie replied, "Darling, there's something you have to hear." After Doug had been brought up to speed, he declared that if Abigail was alive, it would be "wonderful, wonderful news."

At the cemetery, Chad and Jack learned from one of the gravediggers that Abigail's coffin was ready to be opened. Chad asked if Jack was okay. Jack was upset that Clyde Weston had set the whole thing up just to inflict more pain on Abigail's family by forcing them to relive the horror of losing Abigail again. Chad and Jack steeled themselves. The worker opened the lid of the coffin -- and it was empty.

The head gravedigger asked what Chad wanted him to do. Chad said that he and Jack would take it from there. Chad dismissed the workers. Chad and Jack stared into the empty coffin. Jack wondered what it meant. "I don't know, Jack," Chad replied.

Rafe approached, saying, "I just got a call from City Serv -- oh, my God." Rafe realized what he was looking at. Rafe assumed that the grave had been desecrated. He swore to Chad and Jack that he would return Abigail to "her final resting place." Chad interrupted Rafe. "That's the thing. Neither one of us knows if this actually was her final resting place."

At Leo's hotel room, Leo and Kerry started making out. As they sat at the edge of Leo's bed, kissing, Leo pulled away from Kerry. Kerry told Leo that it was okay if Leo wanted to slow things down. "Actually, I don't know if I want us to sleep together at all," Leo said.

Leo told Kerry, "Excuse me while I have a complete mental break, but I think we should... I think we should... stop." Leo apologized, calling Kerry "incredibly hot" and "irresistible," but he admitted to having felt "no spark." Kerry said, "It happens," as he picked up his T-shirt and put it on. "That's a funny way to treat your first groupie, though," Kerry remarked. "Oh, God," Leo moaned.

Kerry turned to leave. Leo called him back for one last kiss. After the kiss, Leo thought about it for a brief moment then glumly said, "I just wanted to be sure." Kerry left. Leo sat back down on the edge of the bed, confused. "What is wrong with me?" Leo asked himself.

Jada showed up at Marlena's apartment. Marlena told Jada that Bobby had wanted another visit from Jada. Jada informed Marlena that she had visited Bobby but had been unsuccessful at getting Bobby to let Everett's persona come out. Marlena also reported an unsuccessful attempt. Jada told Marlena that Bobby had claimed to know who had killed Li Shin, because Bobby had seen the killer right after the murder had taken place.

Marlena opined that conversations with Bobby felt like a chess match. Jada agreed. She told Marlena that she had been reading up on DID. Jada asked if the Bobby persona could have his own motivations, apart from protecting Everett. Jada explained that it was obvious that Bobby was trying to restart his relationship with Jada. Jada asked Marlena, "In your professional opinion, do you think Bobby is telling the truth about Li Shin's murder case, or is he just stringing me along to give me a reason to keep coming back to Bayview?"

Marlena told Jada that there was no way to know if Bobby was telling the truth. Jada declared that if there was any chance that Bobby really had evidence, she would have to listen to him. Marlena offered to help in any way she could. Marlena expressed her wish for Li, her former patient, to get some justice. Jada thanked Marlena, and she left.

Later, as Marlena flipped through a book, Leo showed up at her door, uninvited. Leo started to frantically babble compliments at Marlena. When Marlena finally had gotten Leo calmed down enough to explain his presence, Leo declared that he needed to book an appointment with her as soon as possible. Leo explained that he thought he might be morphing into a different person. Marlena offered to let Leo sit and talk with her.

After Leo had told Marlena about what had happened with Kerry, he described it as a "scene from Invasion of the Body Snatchers ." Marlena asked Leo to consider the possibility that Leo's unusual behavior could really be about Dimitri. She reminded Leo that Dimitri had hurt him badly, so perhaps the encounter with Kerry had triggered Leo's fight-or-flight response.

Leo wondered if he was as over Dimitri as he had thought he was. He asked Marlena if it meant that Leo would never be attracted to another man. "Am I straight now?" Leo asked. "No!" Marlena immediately exclaimed. Marlena explained that she was not worried about that and that Leo would meet a nice man and fall in love again. She advised Leo to "be patient and let yourself heal from the breakup with Dimitri."

Leo agreed to try to be patient with himself. He thanked Marlena for having been helpful. Leo noticed the time and got agitated. He declared that he had to get home to watch RuPaul's Drag Race . Marlena offered to let him stay and watch it with her. "Yes!" Leo joyfully accepted. Leo and Marlena shared a bowl of popcorn as they watched the show.

After having been informed of the events leading up to the exhumation, Rafe declared that Abigail's gravesite was a crime scene. He suggested that Chad and Jack go home and "get a handle on [their] thoughts." Jada joined them. Rafe sent Jada to call in a forensics team.

Rafe told Chad and Jack that the first step would be to see if the coffin had been tampered with after Abigail's body had been put inside it. Rafe speculated, "Clyde could have just created all of this to support his story of Abigail still being alive." "Wouldn't put it past him," Chad remarked glumly. "I'll be in touch" Rafe said as Chad and Jack left the cemetery. Jada returned. She glanced into the empty coffin then asked Rafe, "So, what is going on?"

After Rafe had brought Jada up to speed, Jada asked if it was possible that Abigail could be alive. Rafe admitted that it was the most extreme of possibilities, but a possibility, nonetheless. Jada suggested that it was also possible that Clyde had perpetrated a hoax. Rafe told Jada that he could see that Chad was still holding out hope.

Rafe had figured that if Clyde had stolen Abigail's body, he would have to have found a secure location in which to keep it. Jada suggested that Clyde might have buried the body somewhere else. Rafe added the possibility that Abigail had never been in the coffin at all. Jada called the whole situation "strange and sad." Jada informed Rafe that she planned to go see Bobby at Bayview the next day.

At Bayview, Bobby was lying on his bed, reading a book. There was a knock on the door. Bobby called out, asking if it was Jada. "Sorry to disappoint," said Connie, as she stood in the doorway. "Well, aren't you going to say hello?" Connie asked. Bobby flashed back to having overheard Connie crying in the park on the night Li had been murdered.

Bobby decided to play dumb. He asked Connie, "Do we know each other?" "I'm Connie Vanitsky," Connie replied. Bobby said he'd never heard that name before. Connie closed the door and walked toward Bobby. Connie asked, "What about the name 'Li Shin'? Does that one ring any bells?" Bobby claimed that, as a journalist, stories ran together for him, though he might have heard the name. Connie asked him, "If you don't know anything about Li's murder, why did you tell the police you do?"

Connie sat at the edge of Bobby's bed and cheerfully told him that she had overheard Commissioner Hernandez and Detective Hunter talking about how Detective Hunters' ex-husband knew who had really killed Li Shin. Connie told Bobby that she and Li had been "very close" and that Connie had been "devastated by his death."

Connie claimed to have been happy that Gil Carter had been "zeroed in on by the police." She told Bobby, "But if you happen to have information that points to someone else, I'd really appreciate it if you could share it with me." Bobby replied, "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you." Connie told Bobby that she had suspected he would not be forthcoming and that he might need a hint. Connie moved a bit closer to Bobby and asked, "You wouldn't have been talking about me, by any chance, would you?"

Connie maintained her cheery demeanor as she wove a story about how she had just been taking in the night air in the park when she had heard someone behind her. When Connie had looked, however, she had not seen the face of the person who had been walking away. Connie claimed that once she'd heard the two cops talking, she had wondered if Bobby had been the one she'd seen.

Connie giggled as she remarked, "I don't know what could have given you the impression that I had anything to do with Li's death! It's silly!" "Totally! I don't know what could have given me that impression!" Everett said as he giggled back. In the next moment, Everett's expression and tone suddenly changed, and he got deadly serious. "You were covered in blood, and I heard you say, 'I'm so sorry, Li! I didn't mean to do it!'" Connie's smile dropped as she stared at Bobby.

Connie advised Bobby to mind his own business and to stop bringing up the subject with Detective Hunter. "Sorry, lady. No can do," Bobby replied. Bobby explained that he liked having Jada come around. Connie hinted that she could kill him because no one knew she was there. Bobby laughed that notion off. He pointed out that Bayview had security cameras everywhere and that if he was murdered, it would be easy to trace the crime back to Connie.

Bobby told Connie that soon, Jada would realize what she had been missing out on. "Man, what an ego!" Connie remarked. Connie told Bobby that everybody knew Jada was dating the police commissioner, so no matter how long Bobby waited "to name names," Jada would always be going back to Rafe's "warm bed," while Bobby would be stuck in his bed at Bayview.

Chad and Jack returned to the Horton house. Doug, Julie, and Kayla were shocked to learn that Abigail's coffin had been empty. Kayla declared that the hospital had done everything "by the book." She wondered if Clyde had stolen Abigail's body in order to create a hoax. Doug asked, "But are we sure it is a hoax?" "Or is it possible Abigail's alive?" Julie added.

Later, after everyone else had left, Julie talked with Doug about how Chad had never really stopped mourning Abigail. Julie lamented Chad's emotional dilemma: hoping that Abigail was alive and fearing that she wasn't. Julie also lamented all the time Abigail had been apart from her children. Julie remarked that Chad and Abigail had never had much time together, while Doug and Julie had had "years and years."

Julie smiled and asked Doug, "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Doug chuckled and replied, "Nope. You never did." Julie took her husband's hands. She confessed, "Well, first time I set eyes on you... I was lost. Then, all those trials we had, all those missed connections... And then, I finally won the gold ring. And all your songs were for me. All your passionate kisses were mine." Doug explained, "Well, I had become a new man. I had to change to deserve you."

Doug and Julie agreed that they had made a good team, especially in how they had raised Hope. Julie praised Doug for being such a good family man, despite his having been raised in an orphanage. Julie reminisced about having seen the world with Doug. She told Doug, "Our love outlasted time."

"Now, you'd better give me another kiss," Doug said. "With pleasure," Julie said with a beaming smile. Julie leaned in, and they kissed.

At the Brady Pub, Chad and Jack reviewed the video of the captive woman. Chad reasoned that the only way to know if the woman in the video was Abigail was to find that woman.

Connie told Bobby that once Jada had solved the case, she would go back to Rafe. She offered Bobby an alternative. "What if there's an easier solution for both of us?" Connie asked. "Like what?" Bobby asked. Connie replied, "You keep my name out of this, and I'll take care of the commish."

[This episode marked the final performance of the late Bill Hayes as Doug Williams, a role he originated in 1970.]

Everett make a deal with Connie

Everett make a deal with Connie

Friday, July 5, 2024

Bobby was standing in his room at Bayview, reading a book, when Marlena walked in. "I've nothing to say to you. I'll speak to Jada. No one else," Bobby said. Marlena asked Bobby about his visit with Jada. "I think our conversation was quite productive," Bobby said. Marlena told Bobby that she was happy that his conversation had gone well.

"But shouldn't you consider Everett? I mean, couldn't you just briefly let him out?" Marlena asked. Bobby declined. "He's not ready to face his past," Bobby said. Marlena asked about the past. "I have a sense that you're more concerned about yourself," Marlena said. Bobby asked Marlena to leave, and she did.

At the Brady Pub, Jada told Rafe that she had talked to Bobby. "The doctors haven't been able to reach Everett," Jada said. "So, he made good on his threat," Rafe noted. Jada explained that Stephanie had asked her to talk to Bobby, but she had hit a wall with him. "So, it was a total waste of time," Rafe said. Jada disagreed.

When Jada mentioned that Bobby had told her he still wanted her back, Rafe smirked. "It must be so flattering to be hit on by someone who isn't even real," Rafe said. "He was real to me," Jada countered. Rafe apologized. Jada told Rafe about Bobby's offer to help her solve a murder case.

"[Bobby] didn't give me any details, but he said we could further discuss it if I go back and visit him today," Jada said. Rafe argued that Bobby was bluffing in order to spend more time with her. Jada was unsure. "It's pure manipulation," Rafe said. "Either way, I'm going back. I need to hear him out," Jada said. Rafe reminded Jada that Bobby was mentally unstable and that Rafe was concerned about Jada's welfare.

"I think that you should stay as far away from him as possible," Rafe said. "It's very rare for alters to be violent," Jada countered. Rafe argued that it was too risky. "My job is to investigate crimes," Jada said. Rafe insisted that he go with Jada, but Jada argued that Bobby would not open up if Rafe were there. "This is all about trust. And I just need to go there alone," Jada said. Rafe reiterated his objections, and he cautioned Jada to be careful.

When Jada arrived at Bayview, Bobby smiled. "I was hoping you'd come back," Bobby said. "I almost didn't. And just so we're clear, I won't let you keep me on the hook. I'm gonna need answers. You said you had information about a murder, so I need you to tell me what you know," Jada said. Bobby promised to tell Jada about the murder if she secured his release from Bayview.

"I knew you were just playing games," Jada muttered. "I do actually have the information you need to know," Bobby said. Jada rolled her eyes and noted that Rafe had been right. With a sigh, Bobby said he would give Jada the information. Jada warned Bobby to tell her something useful, or she would leave. "It's about the murder of Li Shin," Bobby said.

At the Spectator , Nicole was working when Eric stopped by the office. Nicole asked Eric to take pictures of E.J.'s press conference. "I don't work here anymore," Eric said. Eric explained that he had secured a job in Paris. Nicole was surprised. "I'm flying out today," Eric said. Eric explained that he was eager to start his new life as soon as possible.

"I need time. I need distance," Eric said. With a nod, Nicole told Eric she would miss him, and he said the same about Nicole. "Maybe this is for the best. For all of us. I mean, E.J. never did like us working together," Eric said. "He liked it even less when he saw us kissing," Nicole said with a chuckle. Eric's eyes bugged out. Nicole told Eric about her conversation with E.J.

"If we were together, I don't know what I'd do if I saw you kissing another man," Eric admitted. Unsure how to respond, Nicole stammered that she needed to prepare for the press conference. Nicole offered to let Eric visit Jude before he left, but Eric said no. "But thank you for the offer," Eric said. With tears in her eyes, Nicole whispered, "How about we just don't say [goodbye]." Eric nodded in agreement, and he hugged Nicole goodbye.

In the DiMera mansion, an annoyed E.J. stomped into the living room and asked about Gabi. Stefan explained that Gabi was flying back from Arizona. Curious, Stefan asked E.J. why he was so eager to see Gabi. "Mayor Price feels that my reinstatement isn't playing well with her constituents. I'm holding a press conference today to boost my image," E.J. explained. E.J. said he needed Gabi to talk about how he had fought for her release.

"It's not like you overturned Gabi's conviction because it was the right thing to do. You did it so I wouldn't tell Nicole the truth about Jude's paternity," Stefan said. E.J. reminded Stefan that he had secured Gabi's release as promised. "Hold up your end [of the bargain] and keep your mouth shut," E.J. said. Stefan informed E.J. that despite Gabi's questioning, he had not told her about Jude. When Stefan told E.J. not to worry, E.J. asked Stefan to stop phrasing "everything like a threat."

E.J. complained about Melinda, and he told Stefan that he had been forced to secure a job for Melinda to keep her quiet. When Stefan argued that E.J. could not make such a promise, E.J. countered that he had caught Kristen in a good mood. As E.J. and Stefan bickered about who was at fault for Melinda's threats, Gabi returned home. "What did I miss?" Gabi asked. Stefan greeted his wife, and he asked her about Arianna.

Impatient, E.J. interrupted Gabi's conversation with Stefan to ask Gabi to join him at his press conference. Gabi complained that she was exhausted. "You owe me, Gabriela. Stefan, you, too," E.J. said. "We'll be there," Stefan agreed. After E.J. left, Gabi asked Stefan if he really wanted her to help E.J., and Stefan said yes.

"Fine. But only if you tell me how you strongarmed E.J. into overturning my conviction," Gabi said. Stefan reiterated that he had appealed to E.J.'s family loyalty. "I don't buy it. Especially after I just overheard you talking about blackmailing him when I interrupted you two before," Gabi said. With a sigh, Stefan closed the doors to the living room. Stefan told Gabi that E.J. was not Jude's father, and he explained what had happened.

"In E.J.'s defense, he hasn't known about this since the very beginning," Stefan said. "When exactly did Sloan tell him the truth?" Gabi asked. Stefan admitted that it had been months, but E.J. had not told Nicole because he was afraid to lose her. "I bet he's right," Gabi whispered. Stefan explained that he had used the paternity test results as leverage to secure Gabi's freedom.

"And now Eric will get his child back," Gabi said. Stefan's smile disappeared. "What?" Stefan said. Gabi argued that they could not keep the truth from Eric. "It's the right thing to do. It's the only thing to do," Gabi said. "I can't believe you're even saying this," Stefan countered. Gabi was surprised that Stefan did not want to tell the truth. Gabi reminded Stefan that it had been painful to be separated from her daughter for so long.

"Do you expect me to stand by and let Eric miss out on his child's entire life?" Gabi asked. "I don't love it, either, but E.J. came through for us. You are free," Stefan said. Gabi argued that they had what they wanted, and there was no reason to keep the truth from Eric. "A very solemn promise. That's what's stopping us," Stefan argued. Stefan noted that he did not want to start another war with E.J., since they were at peace.

"I get that. But Eric's a really great guy. He's Arianna's great-uncle. What did he do to deserve this?" Gabi asked. Stefan pointed out that Gabi's recent imprisonment was a reminder that life was sometimes unfair. "Despite E.J.'s faults, he is also a very good father," Stefan argued. Stefan told Gabi that it was the price for her freedom, and he begged her to keep the secret. "I just got you back. I can't risk anything getting in the way of us living in harmony," Stefan pleaded. Gabi reluctantly agreed.

Melinda was waiting impatiently for Kristen at the caf in the town square when Connie approached her. "You," Melinda growled. Melinda said she remembered when Connie had attacked her and blamed her for Li Shin's death. Connie apologized, and she explained that she had been jealous of Melinda. "I suppose we all have our moments," Melinda said. With a nod, Connie walked away.

When Kristen arrived, she asked Melinda why E.J. wanted her to hire Melinda as general counsel for DiMera. Melinda noted that E.J. felt guilty for having stolen the D.A. job. Kristen scoffed. "DiMeras are generally not wired for a guilty conscience," Kristen said. Melinda made a couple of arguments, but Kristen dismissed them.

"Why do you want to work for me? I assume that you still blame me for your daughter's death," Kristen said. "You did push her down a flight of stairs," Melinda muttered. Kristen reiterated that she had been lost in her grief, and she had been horrified by what had happened.

"Well, I've been out of my mind with grief since I lost her, my only child. And since you are responsible for her death, even if unintentionally, I am triggered just being in your presence. But nevertheless, I am a professional. So, for the sake of the job, I can put aside our personal differences," Melinda said. "Wonderful. I can't say the same," Kristen countered. Melinda gaped.

"And here I was thinking that I was the one with the very serious grievance with you. Not the other way around," Melinda snapped. With a shrug, Kristen explained that she did not want to worry about Melinda exacting revenge. "You can stop worrying. I plan to keep my head down and work my ass off. Period," Melinda said. Melinda added that she was an asset to the company. "I do owe you. I just don't think it's a smart move for me at this moment," Kristen said. E.J. plopped down in the chair between the two women.

"Hello, ladies. Settle on a starting salary, just negotiating the perks now?" E.J. asked. Melinda explained that Kristen refused to hire her. "Melinda is extremely qualified," E.J. argued. "What? To stab me in the back?" Kristen countered. Frustrated, Melinda yelled that she was no threat to Kristen. E.J. asked what Kristen wanted to "seal the deal." When Kristen started to say no again, E.J. offered her his DiMera shares.

"You have fought tooth and nail for those shares. And now you just want to hand them over to me?" Kristen asked. E.J. argued that the board had no interest in reinstating him, so he had no use for the shares. "Plus, I am completely content being D.A.," E.J. said. Suspicious, Kristen argued that E.J. was giving up a lot of money. E.J. clarified that although Kristen would have the voting power of the shares, he would still collect the dividends.

"Either there's something that you're not telling me, or being a new father has turned your brain into mush," Kristen said. E.J. shrugged. Kristen agreed to the deal, and she confirmed that she would get the paperwork for the shares and Melinda's contract initiated. After Kristen walked away, E.J. reminded Melinda that he had bought her silence forever.

"Nicole won't hear about it from me," Melinda said. "Won't hear what?" Nicole said as she walked over. Melinda explained that Kristen had hired her to work at DiMera. "And I guess you have now indeed heard it from me," Melinda said. Confused, Nicole asked why. E.J. explained that he had wanted to tell Nicole the news himself. With a smirk, Melinda walked away.

"I don't get it. Don't Melinda and Kristen have a terrible history?" Nicole asked. "My guess, Kristen hired her to spite me," E.J. said. Nicole groaned. E.J. changed the subject to his press conference, and Nicole admitted that she was there as a reporter. "Please have Eric take a rather flattering photo of me for the front page," E.J. said. Nicole informed E.J. that Eric was moving to Paris.

"[Eric] realized that living in the same town as Jude is too hard. He needs a clean break," Nicole said. "That makes sense. I know it's a big change, but I think that Eric has made the right decision. For everyone," E.J. said. When Nicole explained that Eric was flying out that night, E.J. said he was glad that Nicole had been able to say goodbye. "You're loving this, aren't you?" Nicole asked. E.J. explained that he felt bad for Eric because he had lost his wife and his child.

At the penthouse, Eric told Marlena about his new job and the move. Marlena was disappointed that Eric's new life was so far away from home. "Do you think I'm weak?" Eric asked. "Nobody blames you for needing space. You've got a lot of adjusting to do," Marlena said. Eric thanked Marlena for her support and for not mentioning that Nicole was the other reason he was leaving town.

"You asked me not to bring up Nicole. I respect that you don't want to talk about it," Marlena said. "Now that I'm leaving, I can be honest with you. Not just you, but myself, too. I tried to move on. But the one simple fact is that Nicole will always have a piece of my heart," Eric confessed.

Kristen summoned Melinda to the DiMera mansion, and she handed Melinda the contract for her new position. As Melinda looked over the contract and signed it, Kristen noted that Melinda answered to her. "Why did my brother push so hard to get you this job?" Kristen asked. "All I can say is your brother was doing what's best for him," Melinda said.

As everyone gathered for the press conference in the square, Gabi thanked Rafe for his show of support. As Gabi chatted with Stefan and Rafe, Connie walked over. "I just wanted you to know how happy I was to hear that you were exonerated," Connie said. Connie noted that Li would be able to rest in peace. Gabi thanked Connie for her kind words.

Connie returned home to her apartment, and she furrowed her brow. Connie thought back to the night of Li's death and how she had stabbed him in the back.

In the square, E.J. started the press conference, and he read a statement. "As the D.A., I hereby recommit myself to upholding the law and making sure justice prevails, no matter how hard the fight," E.J. said. Gabi looked at Stefan. E.J. talked about the Li Shin murder case and Gabi's false imprisonment. "The system works, because today she has her freedom," E.J. announced. E.J. ceded the podium to Gabi for her to speak.

Gabi spoke about the toll the previous eight months had taken on her. Gabi acknowledged her husband and how he had never doubted her innocence. Gabi next thanked Jada and Rafe for their pursuit of justice. "And finally, there is one more important person I need to acknowledge, the victim, Li Shin," Gabi said. Gabi noted that Li could rest in peace, since the real murderer had been identified.

Nicole shouted out a question to Gabi about how E.J. had helped overturn Gabi's case. "Of course. How could I forget? Much credit must go to your husband. He was the one who approved the immunity deal for Miss Trask, who then handed over the evidence needed to exonerate me. Even though D.A. DiMera was the one who wrongfully prosecuted me in the first place under the flimsiest of circumstances," Gabi said. E.J. whispered, "You're not helping."

Gabi noted that in the end, E.J. had admitted that he had been wrong. "[He admitted] that he let his personal animosity toward me cloud his judgment," Gabi said. Gabi looked at E.J., and she noted that they were similar. "Sometimes, we let our emotions guide our decisions. In your case, you sent me to prison out of hate. But you freed me out of love," Gabi said. E.J. appeared puzzled. Gabi clarified that she meant E.J.'s love for Nicole.

"Nicole has nothing to do with this," E.J. said. "Of course, she does. This is all about Nicole," Gabi said. Stefan furrowed his brow, concerned. "What are you talking about?" Nicole asked. "The only reason he exonerated me was because he was desperately afraid of losing his beloved wife to Eric Brady," Gabi said. Nicole asked why. "Because you're still in love with Eric. And he's the father of your baby," Gabi announced.

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Yacht Week to return with dazzling destinations in 2024

The renowned floating festival continues to deliver unforgettable adventures as it reveals a return to Sardinia’s luxurious Emerald Coast, new themed routes to Greece, plus party-starting routes in Croatia with Ultra Music Festival and Drumcode.

The iconic floating festival, Yacht Week, has announced its dazzling destinations for 2024, each guaranteeing an unforgettable adventure for hundreds of like-minded travelers. Over a sublime seven days of sailing, exploring, and dancing, Yacht Week will bring back the former sell-out Sardinia route, as well as introduce Latin, hip hop and Afrobeats weeks, as choices on its popular Greece or Croatia routes. 2024 also sees the welcome return of the party-starting Croatia Ultra Festival route and for techno aficionados, the Drumcode takeover. Bookings for all Yacht Week destinations (May – Aug 2024) open on 28th September 2023. Sign up now via www.theyachtweek.com .

Following a sold-out summer in 2023 – and now entering its 18th year – Yacht Week is the original festival of the seas. It’s a special, shared experience for both single travelers and groups of friends. Unplug and relax, or party like there’s no tomorrow, with natural bay swims, hikes, seaside yoga, quad biking, dockside discos, ancient fort raves, regatta racing, and so much more. Yacht Week is recognized as the trip of a lifetime for a community of travelers, each setting out to explore paradise in their own premium yacht with a skipper and host. Each year Yacht Week adds a new route to its offering and for 2024, it brings back Sardinia and the crystal blue Emerald Coast. For two weeks in June, this route sees luxury meet wild terrain as the flotilla moors in beautiful archipelagos and enjoys wellness activities, renowned beach clubs such as ‘Rituals’, stylish parties in stunning locations such as La Maddelena Dock and the exquisite Cone Club, and a sumptuous mix of local cuisine in contemporary restaurants.

Also new for 2024, Yacht Week delivers two themed weeks on the Greece route. Applebum (Jun 8-14) will serve up a week of carefully curated hip hop, while Vibras (June 13-19) will bring the sultry sounds of Latin music to Yacht Week from reggaeton to Brazilian funk, and Latin pop to Latin house. These Yacht Week parties will be filled with the perfect soundtrack for sunkissed beaches and sizzling nights. 

The Croatia route will see an intrepid crowd dive headfirst into a carefully curated week of incredible experiences with a flotilla of new friends from around the world. Every night there are parties in amazing locations from clubs to deserted islands, to parties at sea with DJs performing on the ‘Buzz Boat’ – a floating DJ booth alongside the world’s first floating dance floor. During the day is sailing, swimming, and snorkeling in crystal blue waters; exploring, hiking, and shopping; kicking back at the coolest beach clubs; enjoying the best food and drink on offer, and much more.   

Music is always a central part of the Yacht Week experience and 2024 is no different. For fans of Afrobeats and dancehall, Yacht Week caters with its own in-house brand, Rhythm & Waves (June 22 – 28). While those with true party stamina can take on the Croatia Ultra Festival route (July 6-12) letting Yacht Week guests attend one of the world’s best house and techno festivals as VIPs. This week puts the ‘rave’ into travel and there is no better way to arrive than by yacht!

Yacht Week 2024 also collaborates with cutting-edge techno label, Drumcode for a third year. This hugely popular week (June 1-7) continues to redefine what a music festival can be as some of the world’s preeminent techno artists, including Drumcode founder Adam Beyer, join the flotilla in an intimate and unforgettable journey. Parties take place in captivating locations such as a lighthouse, a deserted island, a submarine shelter, a historic fortress, and more.



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Yacht Week Announces 2024 Destinations

The wordrobe.

  • September 19, 2023
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yacht week greece 2024

Ideal for a few days of fun and frivolity, the iconic floating festival, Yacht Week, has announced its impressive destinations for 2024

Offering different routes throughout summer, each featuring over a sublime seven days of sailing, exploring, and dancing, for 2024 Yacht Week will bring back the former sell-out Sardinia route. Music lovers can also book their spaces to enjoy Latin, hip hop and Afrobeats weeks, as choices on its popular Greece or Croatia routes.

2024 also sees the welcome return of the party-starting Croatia Ultra Festival route and for techno aficionados, the Drumcode takeover. Bookings for all Yacht Week destinations (May – Aug 2024) open on 28th September 2023, via  www.theyachtweek.com . 

yacht week greece 2024

Following a sold-out summer in 2023 – and now entering its 18th year – Yacht Week is the original festival of the seas. It’s a special, shared experience for both single travellers and groups of friends. Unplug and relax, or party like there’s no tomorrow, with natural bay swims, hikes, seaside yoga, quad biking, dockside discos, ancient fort raves, regatta racing, and so much more.

Yacht Week is recognised as the trip of a lifetime for a community of travellers, each setting out to explore paradise in their own premium yacht with a skipper and host. Guests can either fill a yacht with up to 12 friends, or use the platform’s handy Crew Finder to connect with other travellers.

Each year Yacht Week adds a new route to its offering and for 2024, it brings back Sardinia and the crystal blue Emerald Coast. For two weeks in June, this route sees luxury meet wild terrain as the flotilla moors in beautiful archipelagos and enjoys wellness activities, renowned beach clubs such as ‘Rituals’, stylish parties in stunning locations such as La Maddelena Dock and the exquisite Cone Club, and a sumptuous mix of local cuisine in contemporary restaurants.

yacht week greece 2024

Also new for 2024, Yacht Week delivers two themed weeks on the Greece route.  Applebum  (Jun 8-14) will serve up a week of carefully curated hip hop, while  Vibras  (June 13-19) will bring the sultry sounds of Latin music to Yacht Week from reggaeton to Brazilian funk, and Latin pop to Latin house. These Yacht Week parties will be filled with the perfect soundtrack for sunkissed beaches and sizzling nights. 

The Croatia route will see an intrepid crowd dive headfirst into a carefully curated week of incredible experiences with a flotilla of new friends from around the world. Every night there are parties in amazing locations from clubs to deserted islands, to parties at sea with DJs performing on the ‘Buzz Boat’ – a floating DJ booth alongside the world’s first floating dancefloor.

yacht week greece 2024

During the day is sailing, swimming, and snorkelling in crystal blue waters; exploring, hiking, and shopping; kicking back at the coolest beach clubs; enjoying the best food and drink on offer, and much more.   

Music is always a central part of the Yacht Week experience and 2024 is no different. For fans of Afrobeats and dancehall, Yacht Week caters with its own in-house brand,  Rhythm & Waves  (June 22 – 28). While those with true party stamina can take on the Croatia Ultra Festival route (July 6-12) letting Yacht Week guests attend one of the world’s best house and techno festivals as VIPs. This week puts the ‘rave’ into travel and there is no better way to arrive than by yacht!

Yacht Week 2024 also collaborates with cutting-edge techno label, Drumcode for a third year. This hugely popular week (June 1-7) continues to redefine what a music festival can be as some of the world’s preeminent techno artists, including Drumcode founder Adam Beyer, join the flotilla in an intimate and unforgettable journey. Parties take place in captivating locations such as a lighthouse, a deserted island, a submarine shelter, a historic fortress, and more.

Yacht Week is more than just a holiday. It’s true guests are left with a stunning Insta feed, but the knowledgeable crew members know exactly where to go and what to do to help create memories that last. 

Prices start from just £562 / €641 / $699 / CA$944 / A$1082 per person. For more info, early bird pricing, and early access to the best yachts, please visit theyachtweek.co m .

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Where is yacht week?

Where is Yacht Week?

Yacht Week is a renowned sailing event that takes place annually in various locations around the world. If you’re wondering where the next Yacht Week will be, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to explore the different destinations where Yacht Week has been held and where it’s headed next.

The Origin of Yacht Week

Before we dive into the destinations, let’s take a brief look at the history of Yacht Week. The event was founded in 2005 by a group of friends who wanted to create a unique sailing experience that combines partying, socializing, and sailing. The first Yacht Week was held in Croatia, and since then, the event has grown in popularity, with events taking place in various locations worldwide.

Destinations of Yacht Week

Yacht Week has been held in several destinations over the years, each offering a unique experience. Here are some of the most popular destinations where Yacht Week has taken place:

• Croatia : The birthplace of Yacht Week, Croatia has been a popular destination for the event. The country’s stunning coastline, crystal-clear waters, and picturesque islands make it an ideal location for sailing. • Greece : Greece has been a favorite among Yacht Week participants, with its beautiful islands, charming villages, and rich history. The event has been held in various locations in Greece, including the Ionian Sea and the Aegean Sea. • Bali, Indonesia : In 2019, Yacht Week ventured to Bali, Indonesia, offering a unique cultural experience to participants. The event was held in the waters around Bali and included visits to local temples and beaches. • Thailand : In 2020, Yacht Week was held in Thailand, with the event taking place in the waters around Phuket and Koh Samui. The destination offered a mix of sailing, beach parties, and cultural experiences. • Montenegro : This small Balkan country has become a popular destination for Yacht Week, with its stunning coastline, crystal-clear waters, and picturesque towns. • Turkey : Turkey has also been a popular destination for Yacht Week, with the event taking place in the waters around the Turkish Riviera. Participants can explore ancient ruins, enjoy stunning sunsets, and experience the vibrant nightlife of Turkey.

Upcoming Destinations

So, where is Yacht Week headed next? Here are some of the upcoming destinations:


What to Expect at Yacht Week

So, what can you expect at Yacht Week? Here are some of the things that make the event so unique:

• Sailing : Yacht Week offers a range of sailing experiences, from relaxing cruises to action-packed racing. Participants can choose from a variety of yacht sizes and styles to suit their preferences. • Beach Parties : Yacht Week is known for its beach parties, which take place on secluded islands and beaches. Expect stunning sunsets, DJ sets, and dancing under the stars. • Cultural Experiences : Yacht Week often includes cultural experiences, such as visits to local villages, temples, and historical landmarks. • Food and Drink : Yacht Week offers a range of culinary experiences, from gourmet meals to beach BBQs. Participants can also enjoy cocktails and other drinks on board their yachts. • Socializing : Yacht Week is all about socializing and making new friends. Participants can mingle with other sailors, join parties, and take part in team-building activities.

Yacht Week is a unique and unforgettable experience that combines sailing, socializing, and cultural experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a beginner, Yacht Week has something for everyone. With its growing popularity, the event is sure to attract even more participants in the coming years. So, if you’re looking for an adventure of a lifetime, be sure to check out Yacht Week’s upcoming destinations and join the party!

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THE TRUTH ABOUT YACHT WEEK | 6 Things To Know Before You Go

Last summer, my friend and I spent a week exploring Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro then met up with Kiersten ‘The Blonde Abroad’ and the rest of our all-girls crew for a week of sailing in Greece with The Yacht Week . As a whole, I loved the experience, but there were several things I wish I would have know prior to booking the trip that would have allowed me to enjoy it to the fullest. So here are 6 things you should know before you go on Yacht Week.


1) The Yacht Week will be more expensive than you think!

I budgeted around $75 a day for food and drinks for our seven day trip and quickly realized that that was not going to be enough. Upon arriving, we were told we needed to go shopping for costumes for the sailing competition and parties. Next, we had to put money in for the “Kitty Fund,” which is food and drinks for the boat for the week. We also had to pitch in money to tip our skipper and pay for gas for the boat. At the parties you usually get 1 or 2 free drinks with your wristband, but after, that you pay for your drinks. So it can get expensive, especially if you want to splurge on bottle service. It’s nice to have a heads up on all this so you can budget accordingly. Bottom line: if you plan to drink and eat out and don’t want to worry about running out of money, you should plan to spend around $130 USD/day. Here’s a quick budget breakdown…

$150 Kitty $50 Costumes $525 ($75/Day Restaurants + Drinks x 7 Days) $100 Gas/Tip for Skipper $100 Bottle Service _______ $925 TOTAL


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2) The Yacht Week is more about partying and less about sailing

Yes, you will sail from island to island (my favorite part of the trip!), but the main focus of Yacht Week is the parties they throw. There is a big welcome party the night you arrive, and for the rest of the trip, there are day parties and night parties every single day. I didn’t fully understand this coming into the trip so I wasn’t in the right frame of mind, but once I realized the basic agenda was sailing from party to party, I was able to just go with the flow and also plan some other stuff I wanted to do, without feeling like I was going to miss out.

With that said, I highly recommend skipping one or two of the day parties and exploring instead. On the Greece Route , forget the day party at Love Bay Beach (it’s a dirt beach and not that pretty) and check out Poros! There is a lot to see and you only get one night there, so skip the day party and wander around this cute little town. Also, Hydra Island ( my favorite stop on the Greece Route ) is another must see! Definitely ditch the day party and spend your time exploring this magical place. There are so many gorgeous spots to take photos on both islands.


3) Unless you splurge on a bigger, nicer sailboat, you will not be able to use the toilet onboard for #2!

You can go pee on all the sailboats, but you can’t flush toilet paper down the toilets, and on many of them, you cannot go #2. I am sorry. I know this is a disgusting topic, but it is even more disgusting and horrifying to find yourself on a boat, sailing for hours or docked somewhere overnight, and realize there is nowhere that you can go to the bathroom. My friend Misha and I stayed at several hotels along the way because neither of us wanted to handle not having proper use of a toilet for days on end, but many girls were not as lucky, and there are some very embarrassing stories that I will not repeat here. Had we known about the bathroom situation prior, we would have splurged on a bigger sailboat that could accommodate people using the toilet. So make sure you look into this before you book your boat!


4) Your boat will get dirty real quick!

We had an all-girls crew and our cabin still got crazy dirty every day. Make a pact to all help clean. If everyone pitches in, it takes just a few minutes a day to keep your boat clean. Stay on top of dishes. Do them right after you are done eating, and try to keep all your personal stuff in your own cabin. The last thing you want is to spend a week in a tiny cramped, filthy space. This is the real Yacht Week v. your Instagram Yacht Week…


5) There is no air conditioning on the smaller sailboats

This is really not a big deal but when it’s very hot, it is hard to sleep in the cabins. I recommend bringing a yoga mat or buying one the first night you are there, so you can lay it out and sleep on the deck of the boat at night. And if you do choose to sleep on the deck, make sure someone sleeps next to you. A lot of people will be walking to and from the boats at all hours of the night, so it is safer to use the buddy system, especially for girls.


6) You will have the time of your life!

Just go!   If you can’t find a friend to go with you, just go on your own. Every single girl on our boat was amazing and our skipper,  Gregor , was one of the kindest and most responsible guys I have ever met! I had the time of my life and I can’t wait to go on another Yacht Week trip, especially now that I know what to expect. It is nothing like the real world and it will be an amazing experience!



Do you have you been on Yacht Week? Please share your stories, tips, and questions in the comments below! 

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6 Things To Know Before You Go On The Yacht Week

Vanessa Rivers

Hi! I’m Vanessa Rivers, a California surfer girl living in Malibu after seven years in London. I started Glitter&Mud to share my adventures around the world to help my readers make the most of their travels. I am a Founder of the popular travel community We Are Travel Girls and a proud mom to a little travel girl named Sadie. I hope my stories inspire you to travel more, see the beauty in the world around you, laugh more, love more and believe that anything is possible! EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER. BELIEVE. LOVE.

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Great article Vanessa! I have been on Yacht Week a couple of times now, its super fun, but its definitely good for newbies to Yacht Week to hear how to prepare to make sure they really enjoy it! Completely agree on splurging on a bigger better boat, we went for a much larger yacht for BVI than we had in Croatia and it made such a difference! (Having a stand up cubicle shower next to my cabin was a treat!!) Thanks for sharing your tips! You girls and the bikinis are really cute too!! xoxo

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Done yacht week three times – great experience. But as you said its about party. Now moved on to Sailing Nations which focuses more on sailing and has super interesting sailing destinations.

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Hi Bob! Thanks for sharing! I will have to check out Sailing Nations. Sounds very cool! I love being out on the water. Sailing makes you feel so free!

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I’ll be leaving in a few weeks. Wondering what the currency will be like and how much to exchange. Did you use Euros? Or Kuna?

Hi Liz! Greece is on the EURO. Are you coming from the US? Right now 1 USD = .90 EURO – Enjoy your trip! X

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Croatia is on the Kuna.

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Great article ! really helpful for rookie yacht weeks . I will leave in a few weeks for the Italy route. Do the budget shown here applies for italy as well?

Hi Gil! I haven’t bee on the Italy route yet but the activities and cost will probably be similar. Have fun!!!

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What currency is your estimated cost list in? Thanks so much!

Hi Eloise! It is in USD! X

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Hello Vanessa. I’ve got a group of 4-6 guys who want to go to Croatia next June and definitely want a higher end boat. I assume we should be able to set this up as their must be others who are willing to spend more to get more. A couple of questions; are all boats single sex boats? Would it be wise to get a few hotels at some of the ports/stops? How about paying for a single cabin? Basically I’m trying to gather as much information as possible before booking starts in a couple of weeks. Thank you, Chip

Hi Chip! If you just want the boat to be your 6 friends I am sure you can find a high-end boat that will work for you (you’ll just need to pay more for a nicer boat) but generally Yacht Week wants there to be at least 50% girls on the boat. So there are all girl boats and mixed male/female boats but rarely all male boats. However I am sure it is possible to have an all male boat. I would contact Yacht Week directly to ask about this: [email protected] | As far as hotels, if you get a nice boat with proper bathrooms you won’t need to rent hotel rooms. I would recommend putting the money you would spend on hotels rooms towards getting a nicer boat with nice, proper bathrooms. Have a blast on your trip! X

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Hi Vanessa, excellent piece of work! I wanted to ask you few things because i’m planning to go with some friends of mine from Argentina. If you can answer, that will be appreciated. 1. I read that a Hostess is really helpfull. But, the captain that is not included, is 100% neccesary? 2. How much is the bottle service approximately? 3. How much did you spend, between food, drinks, extras and yatch during the entire week? 4. It’s recommended to make a reservation just for me and my friend, and then the company join us with another group for the 50% rate of men?

Hi Juan! Thanks for your questions! 1) You don’t need a hostess but I am sure it would be nice to have one. You absolutely need a captain or a skipper to sail the boat. 2) Bottle service prices vary depending on where you go. We did the Greece route and I think our bottle service was about 150 EURO for 1 bottle but again this varies. 3) In my post you will see the price breakdown. It was approx $925 USD for the week for my trip. 4) Yes, I would book spots for you and your friend and the rest of the boat will be filled with a mix of males and females for a 50% female/male ratio.

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Your review was so helpful! We just booked a yacht for Greece!! Cannot wait!

Hi Sharita! I’m glad my post was helpful! Have a blast in Greece!!! X

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Hi Vanessa. Thanks for your blog post # 1 was most important for me as I definitely wanted to know how much additional cost I would be spending. I typically budget $100 per day for trips. Great blog post in general. I will be sharing this with my crew.

Thank you Orane! Glad you found the post useful! And thanks so much for sharing it. If you or your friends have any questions about The Yacht Week you are welcome to post them in the comments section here and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. X

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Hi! When I think of yacht week, I want those typical parties where the boats link together in the ocean and create a mini village to mingle for the day. I’ve only heard of this on Croatia routes. Does this happen for Greece at all?

Also what’s the age range like?

Hi Arly! This does happen on the Greece route, and I think all of the routes! The age range is typically a majority of people in their early to late twenties, with some people a little younger and some people in their early to mid thirties. Most people you will be in there twenties. I think I was twenty-nine when I went, which is on the older side! Have a blast!

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Hi Vanessa! Great article. My best friend and I plan on doing Croatia this summer! The $130/day you estimated, does that include the port fees and electric fees at each port? Thanks!

Hi Lindsey – thanks for reaching out. I don’t remember specific cost for port fees or any electric fees but I know our Kitty Fund that everyone pitched money into at the start of the trip cover all the boat related costs on the trip, so yes, all your boat fees are included in the $130/day! X

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Hey Lindsey, are you and your friend booking your own yatch? We’re looking for two girls to join our crew for week 25.

Question: the catamarans seem a lot more stable (and thus probably a better place to gather people for the party) whereas the Beneteau Oceanis 60 is just a sexy beast. We want to make sure we can have people over at our boat to party (and that it is stable enough for it). Which one do you think is the way to go (from your observations)?

Hi Kay – I am not a boat expert but I think any sailboat would be fine to have people on to “party” as long as you don’t go over the max weight limit for the boat. The skipper will let you know how many extra people you can have. X

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Have you reviewed or compared the two routes? I can’t decide between Croatia and Greece. I have visited both and loved them both for different reasons. But, I am so torn between the two routes.

Hi Jami! I have been to both Croatia and Greece but I have only done Yacht Week Greece. I can personally say YW Greece was amazing but don’t have any experience with the Croatia route. However I am sure it is amazing too! My friend Kirsten – The Blonde Abroad – has done both and she gives a good review here: http://theblondeabroad.com/2014/11/03/best-route-yacht-week/

Hope this is helpful!

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Hello Hello, may I ask what marina did you leave from and did you happen to see any yacht week prop stores near the marina are on your route? Someplace to buy floaties, temporary tattoos, UV body paint, and the like. We’re trying to maximize our carry on space by strategizing what we can buy in Athens.

Hi Lynette! I took this trip a few years ago so sorry I do not remember the name of the marina but I remember stores for everything we wanted to buy were within walking distance of our boat including a place to buy floaties, body paint and costumes etc! So unless there is something specific you want you can just go buy stuff with your boat crew when you arrive! 😉

Where do the floaties go after Yacht week? I leave in about 3 weeks and am purchasing floaties now. But every photo I see everyone is on a floatie. Would it make sense to just buy some off of them instead of lugging them half way accross the planet in a carry-on? Or is somewhere in Split just the location of the worlds largest floatie graveyard

Hi Jason! On the Greece route there was a store right in the harbor where we bought floaties the day before we set sail. I don’t know what people do with their floaties after yacht week. Mine got holes along the way and deflated so I threw them away but I would have given them to someone if they made it to the end! You can probably just wait and buy them when you get there. Maybe buy one floatie before and then get the rest when you arrive that way you know you at least have one!

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Vanessa, Great article. I’m planning on doing this with a few friends. I noticed that you kept bringing up bottle service as being expensive. What if we ended up buying a lot of supplies (booze included) before getting on the boat. Would that be an issue? Maybe you pointed this out already and I stupidly missed it. Thanks.

Hi Allen! Thanks for your comment! I just mentioned that if you want to splurge on bottle service it is expensive and can add up quickly. You can also of course buy supplies and just drink on the boat and not spend money when you go out to the parties but you can’t bring alcohol with you the clubs obviously, so if you want to drink while there you will need to factor in the extra cost of drinks. TYW gives you a wrist band that usually gives you at least 2 free drinks at each party but you have to buy your own drinks after that so just be sure to factor in the cost if you plan to drink when going out!

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Great read, very helpful! I noticed you mentioned 100$ for tip/gas (how many people were on the boat total?) Just trying to get a rough estimate on how much we should tip our skipper, including myself, we have 7 people.

Hi Jade! We had a crew of 8 girls. I think the amount you tip should depend more on how good your skipper is/ how much he does and how much your sailboat cost to rent. We had a small, cheaper boat but our skipper was really awesome so we wanted to tip him well. He went above and beyond to make sure we were all safe, happy and having fun! Hope this helps. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have more questions! Have fun!

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Is there a farewell party Friday night on the Greece route?

Hi Alyssa – Thanks for your comment. I don’t remember there being a farewell party on Friday night! X

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Thanks for the help! Does anyone have any recommendations for other cities/countries to visit before/after Croatia yacht week? Trying to book a 2-week trip overall, and there are so many options! Would love help narrowing it down! 🙂

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Hey Vanessa, There are 8 of us girls looking into booking this summer, Greece or Montenegro route but we are concerned about the age range. We are between 30-35…what was the age range like? Also, we were debating on if we book in pairs (cabins) and be on separate boats or if we book our own, what are your thoughts?

Hi Kelsy! Thanks for your comment! Most people are in their 20s on yacht week but there are lots of people in their 30s too so you girls won’t feel out of place. I would try to rent your own boat all together. It will be easier if you are all together otherwise you will spend most of the trip just trying to meet up. Yacht week is about relaxing and having fun so you don’t want to work about stuff like that on your trip. You will also have plenty of time to mix and mingle with other people at the parties and when you are docked together or anchored during the day together! Hope you ladies have a blast! If any of you want to write a guest post about what it is like to do yacht week in your 30s I would LOVE to publish your story here! X, Vanessa

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how much was it for each bottle for bottle service? would it be liter bottles or standard US 750ml bottles?

Hi! Bottle service in Greece when I went was around 150-200 EURO for US 750ml bottles. Cheers!

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Is there a ‘best’ month to do yacht week? My friends and I don’t want to do the Ultra music festival. Curious if July or August is better. Thanks!

Hi Kelly! I don’t think there is really a best month but you might find cheaper flights and the places you go to might be a little less crowded in August. June and July are peak high season so best to try to avoid touristy spots during those months if you can.

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Do you remember how much of your budget you were able to pay for with credit card, or how much of it had to be paid for with cash? I want to avoid converting too much of my money into cash euros for the Greece trip.

Hi Kurt! I paid for my spot on our boat with my credit card online prior to the trip. Everything else I paid for in cash. It is much easier if you have cash on hand to pay for meals and drinks etc. If you get bottle service at a bar you will be able to pay with a card but a drink here or there and meals where you are in a group it is much easier to each just throw in some cash. I would suggest taking maybe $300 out before you start the trip then getting more at one of your stops along the way that way just to be safe. I did not have anything stolen from me on the trip but it is always a risk if you have too much cash with you. Have fun! X, Vanessa

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Yacht week made easy

You don't have to book a full Yacht to get the full Yacht Week experience. Dig into our solo and 2-3 person cabin products - the easy way to get on the water this Summer.


Thinking of joining us on on you own? With a friend? Or with a crew? We've got you covered.

Solo Cabin

Book a solo spot in a bunk bed cabin, paired with a fellow traveler of the same gender. You will join a diverse group of like-minded individuals on a mixed-gender yacht.



Book a cabin for yourself and one other, and get paired on a yacht with people from all corners of the world. The cabin features a shared bed for your comfort.

Full Yacht

Book a full yacht for between 6-12 guests with between 3 and 6 cabins. You can also ppt for added comfort with choices including a host and air conditioning.

Cabin BG


Make it happen, fast..

Two-person cabins are your stress-free solution to the best summer of your life as all you need is one best friend to join us for the Summer of Love.

Circle raft

Yacht Week, your way.

Pick a week, destination or festival that suits you. Then choose from our Monohull or Catamaran, Classic or Premium options to build the package that suits you best with the same experience as a securing full boat.


A curated crew.

Join a crew of brand new best friends. Our cabin yachts are built with the crew in mind, so we'll pair you with the right mix of like-minded explorers from all over the globe, no matter what package you pick.

group of friends

Get the gang together.

Once you’ve secured your spot, you still have the option to add extra cabins or upgrade to a full boat later as your friends feel the FOMO.

Solo travellers welcome

Adventure calls, and going solo on Yacht Week has never been more inviting. Our cabins are the perfect haven for the independent explorer, offering privacy without sacrificing the social buzz.

book a whole cabin

Book a whole cabin to yourself

Claim your own slice of paradise by booking an entire cabin just for you. It's the ultimate luxury - an intimate space where you can unwind, soak in the sea views, and have every amenity at your fingertips.

quad bike

Book a bunk spot to share with one other person

For those who thrive on shared experiences, booking a bunk spot is the way to go. Share your cabin with one other adventurous soul and double the fun. It's an opportunity to forge connections, create memories together, and enjoy the camaraderie that makes Yacht Week truly special.

Classic Monohull

Premium monohull, classic catamaran, premium catamaran, our guest feedback.

Annelyse Malcolm

My partner and I recently had the pleasure of embarking on Yacht Week Croatia, and we couldn't be more thrilled with the experience. We booked a cabin and were paired with the most amazing people from all over the world - who have now become lifelong friends!

Sarah is the best host I could have asked for. She prepared amazing food and I ate better than I normally do on land. Riley our skipper was super fun as well. We did a cabin booking and lucked out with a very down-for-anything crew. The parties are legit.

Katrina Benke

NOTHING like the real world! This was hands down the best week of my life! My best friend and I did a cabin booking and had so much fun we're looking at going back next summer! Its hard to describe the week but if you're up for a party then this is the week for you!

Denise Billbow

Loved my experience! It's very organized, but they cater to what the guests are interested in. All the staff is great and makes sure everyone is having a good time and the hostesses are amazing! These trips are perfect for groups or solo travelers. Everyone is inviting and you make friendships that can last a lifetime. I plan to do other trips with The Yacht Week in the future.

I traveled to the YW solo and met my crew on the Facebook CrewFinder page. I am so glad I did. I met so many amazing people, went to places I had never been and partied the night away with like-minded people from around the world. As soon as we returned, we booked another trip. Can't wait for many more. Worth every penny.

I had an epic time and met some amazing people. I went solo on my trip for the ultra and yacht week combo. Everyone was so welcoming and no bad vibes and we became a family after the week.

Meghan Murphy

I have been wanting to go to Yacht Week for years but could never get enough people to commit so when they opened up the “cabin only” booking I was sold. I booked a cabin with my best friend and was able to get on the same yacht with another two friends that had booked as well. The other 6 people were complete strangers who have now turned into what I know will be life-long friends. Shoutout to Lydia for the amazing pairing, I couldn’t have picked a better crew to sail with for the week.

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Can i book as a solo traveller, is food included, can i be placed on the same yacht as my friends, when will i be assigned to my yacht and meet my crew, save your summer with yacht week.

“Life-changing”, “magical”, “best summer of my life”. See why Yacht Week get the reviews with our quick Insider’s Guide. 3 emails over 3 days, all you need to know about booking Yacht Week for 2024. The Best Summer of Your Life is just a few clicks away.


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Yacht Week 2024: Set Sail on the Ultimate Floating Festival Adventure!

Croatia Yatch Week 2023

Ahoy, travel enthusiasts! If you've been yearning for the ultimate sea adventure, the iconic Yacht Week has just dropped anchor with some thrilling news. The renowned floating festival is back, and it's bigger, bolder, and more dazzling than ever for 2024!

Sailing into New Horizons

For those unfamiliar, Yacht Week is not just any festival; it's a week-long maritime extravaganza. Entering its 18th year, this original festival of the seas has been the go-to for hundreds of like-minded travelers. Whether you're a solo voyager or cruising with your squad, Yacht Week promises a shared experience like no other. From serene bay swims and seaside yoga to electrifying dockside discos and ancient fort raves, it's a blend of relaxation and revelry.

Destinations to Die For

2024 is set to be a landmark year for Yacht Week. The festival is making a grand return to the luxurious Emerald Coast of Sardinia, a former sell-out route. But that's not all! New themed weeks are on the horizon, with Latin, hip hop, and Afrobeats taking center stage on the popular Greece and Croatia routes. And for the techno enthusiasts? The Drumcode takeover is back, and it's bound to be a beat-dropping experience.

Party with a Purpose

Music is the heartbeat of Yacht Week. From the sultry sounds of Latin music during the Vibras week in Greece to the heart-pounding beats of the Croatia Ultra Festival route, there's a rhythm for every traveler. And speaking of Croatia, get ready to dive into a curated week of unmatched experiences. Think parties on deserted islands, DJs on floating dancefloors, and the world's first floating DJ booth, the 'Buzz Boat'. It's an experience that truly puts the 'rave' in travel.

More Than Just a Holiday

While Yacht Week guarantees an Insta-worthy feed, it's the memories that will stay with you forever. The seasoned crew ensures every traveler gets a taste of the best local experiences, from the finest beach clubs to the most delectable cuisines.

Ready to Embark?

With prices starting from just £562, this is an adventure that won't break the bank. Bookings for all Yacht Week 2024 destinations open on 28th September 2023. So, mark your calendars and get ready to set sail on the trip of a lifetime!

For more details and to secure your spot, chart a course to www.theyachtweek.com .

Bon Voyage!  

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Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

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Nafplion, Greece

27 Apr - 1 May 2024

By Katie Scott

Gearing up for another exciting season in the Mediterranean, the yachting industry professionals and brokers descend once again to the beautiful town of Nafplion in Greece.

Firmly back on the scene following a highly successful 2023 edition, the Mediterranean Yacht Show is scheduled to run from 27 April- 1 May and invites industry professionals and yacht brokers to peruse the latest offerings of luxury charter yachts .

As an ideal opportunity for the industry to get acquainted with some of the most incredible charter yachts on the market, the East Mediterranean event is organized by the GYA (Greek Yachting Association) with Captains and crew also attending in order to provide valuable insights into every working aspect of the 100+ yachts on display.

Portion of harbour in Nafplion, Greece, with beautiful superyacht in foreground.

In addition to the comprehensive tours of the attending fleet of Mediterranean charters , visitors to the show can also expect the popular Chef's Competition with talented yacht chefs battling for culinary glory, plus an impressive amount of exhibitors from all niches presenting their latest gadgets and premium buys.

Extending the experience of the show is a must, with an enticing social calendar running alongside the main event. Mix with fellow yacht enthusiasts over vibrant cocktails and enjoy exclusive trips out on the water to get a real feel for this stunning setup in Greece .

For more information about the yachts attending this year's event, get in touch with your preferred yacht charter broker today.

Related yachts

The following 92 luxury yachts will be on show at the Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024, including several charter yachts, please contact your preferred yacht charter broker if you would like them to visit the yacht.

O'Pari Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

95m Golden Yachts

Lady Vera Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

74m Nobiskrug

Magna Grecia Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

64m Elsflether Werft

Itoto Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

61m Dauphin Yachts

IDyllic Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

59m Benetti

O'Mathilde Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

56m Golden Yachts

Rare Find Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

55m Turquoise Yachts

Persefoni I Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

54m Admiral Yachts

Vera Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

52m Abeking & Rasmussen

Vertigo Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

52m Golden Yachts

Xasteria Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

52m Perini Navi

Baracuda Valletta Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

50m Perini Navi

Alexandra Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

50m Benetti

Barents Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

50m Ortona Navi

Akira One Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

52m Benetti

Invader Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

50m Codecasa

Almyra II Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

50m Admiral Yachts

La Pellegrina Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

50m Mondo Marine

Africa I Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

47m Benetti

Kassandra Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

48m Feadship

Ancallia Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

46m Feadship

Natalia V Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

45m Picchiotti

Lady G II Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

45m Mondo Marine

Bliss Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

43m Overmarine

Boji Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

43m Codecasa

I Sea Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

42m Palmer Johnson

Seabiscuit Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

42m Holland Jachtbouw

Timbuktu Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

42m Baglietto

Serenity Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

42m Mondo Marine

Aquila Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

41m Baglietto

Ability Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

42m Codecasa

Le Verseau Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

40m Princess

Aqua Libra Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

40m Sunseeker

Pathos Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

40m Westport Yachts

White Knight Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

39m Codecasa

Mabrouk Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

40m Cantieri di Pisa

Kintaro Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

38m Cantieri di Pisa

Idylle Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

37m Benetti Sail Division

Mobius Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

37m Posillipo

Let It Be Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

36m Tecnomarine

Apmonia Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

37m Benetti

Gitana Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

36m Perini Navi

Sole Di Mare Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

35m Baglietto

O'Neiro Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

36m Cantieri di Pisa

Can't Remember Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

36m Tecnomar

Oak Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

35m Benetti

Makani II Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

35m Sunseeker

Maoro Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

35m Codecasa

Whisper V Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

34m Custom Line

White Pearl Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

33m Esterel

Princess L Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

33m Notika Teknik

Alaya Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

33m Lurssen

Bianca Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

32m Sanlorenzo

Rare Diamond Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

31m Lowland Yachts

Shooting Star Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

31m Cantieri di Pisa

Oval Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

31m Vitters

Black Lion Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

31m Perini Navi

Infinitas Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

31m Custom Line

Why Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

30m Posillipo

Elvi Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

30m Tréhard Marine

Karma Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

30m Picchiotti

Seven S Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

30m Custom Line

Flori Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

29m Sanlorenzo

Nommo Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

28m Jongert

Elysium Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

28m Sanlorenzo

Meli Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

28m Ferretti Yachts

Zen Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

27m Sanlorenzo

Meliti Charter Yacht at Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024

26m Admiral Yachts


This event is NOT open to the general public. If you are interested in any particular yacht please contact your broker to inspect it and meet the crew on your behalf.

Mediterranean Yacht Show (MEDYS) 2024 Location

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  • Mediterranean Yacht Show

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19th - 23rd Feb 2025

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Featured Luxury Yachts for Charter

This is a small selection of the global luxury yacht charter fleet, with 3697 motor yachts, sail yachts, explorer yachts and catamarans to choose from including superyachts and megayachts, the world is your oyster. Why search for your ideal yacht charter vacation anywhere else?

Flying Fox yacht charter

446ft | Lurssen

from $3,329,000 p/week ♦︎

Ahpo yacht charter

378ft | Lurssen

from $2,893,000 p/week ♦︎

O'Ptasia yacht charter

279ft | Golden Yachts

from $1,001,000 p/week ♦︎

Project X yacht charter

289ft | Golden Yachts

from $1,223,000 p/week ♦︎

Savannah yacht charter

274ft | Feadship

from $1,111,000 p/week ♦︎

Lady S yacht charter

305ft | Feadship

from $1,556,000 p/week ♦︎

Maltese Falcon yacht charter

Maltese Falcon

289ft | Perini Navi

from $490,000 p/week

Kismet yacht charter

400ft | Lurssen

from $3,000,000 p/week

As Featured In

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yacht week greece 2024

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Yacht Week Croatia was a phenomenal…

Yacht Week Croatia was a phenomenal experience!! I have never done something like YW and was definitely terrified going in to it having no idea what to expect. What I received was FAR beyond my expectations. With a host, the meals were INCREDIBLE (Thanks a MILLION Samantha, the best host ever), the views were stunning, the parties were a great time and the people on the trip were so fun and friendly beyond my wildest dreams. EVERYONE at Yacht Week was SO enjoyable and were truly all there to make friends and have a fantastic time. I cannot wait to do it again!!!

Date of experience : August 17, 2024

Yacht Week Croatia was phenomenal

Yacht Week Croatia was phenomenal! Our skipper Finn and host Babi worked incredibly hard to ensure we had an epic sailing experience and delicious, beautifully presented food. They constantly restocked our ice and kept everything clean. The circle raft and line raft were so much fun and the entire events team and DJs were really welcoming, friendly and fun, bringing all the energy. It felt like one big, extremely professional family. Very well organised and the parties at the venues were also fantastic. Plus we met so many wonderful people. A truly unforgettable experience. Highly recommended.

Yacht Week was Epic

Yacht Week was everything I hoped it would be. It was a major bucket list trip after seeing all the amazing videos of the circle and tunnel raft parties. Our skipper Leo was incredible. He took great care of us and helped set up the Blue Caves excursion and always made sure the coolers had ice. Our host Ella was beyond incredible. I was so impressed by her. It was so fun seeing what she cooked up for us everyday. It was always delicious and beautifully presented. This was an incredible experience! I think I'll be fighting the post vacation blues for a while.

Date of experience : August 10, 2024


The whole experience was amazing! All the skippers were great and the events were so fun. The best part was meeting the people!

Date of experience : July 20, 2024

First Timer! SO FUN

This year was my first tear doing Yacht Week, I did Croatia. My friend and I just did a cabin together and did not know what to expect going into with strangers...immediately turned to life long friends! Madds was our host and was AMAZING. This truly was one of the best weeks not only of my summer but something I will cherish forever. She was amazing keeping us well fed and making sure we all had a blast. Croatia was stunning and the staff really were all amazing and it felt like one big family. I can't recommend this more. The fact that my entire boat came into the week all as strangers and left as good friends was amazing.

Date of experience : August 03, 2024

Croatia Week 32

Sailing with Justin and Katrina was an experience of a lifetime! They were amazing every step of the way, and they went above and beyond the entire trip. 10/10 recommendation for both of them.

Yacht Week Croatia 2024

Honestly, Yacht Week was one of the best weeks of my life. It was so well run, and had such an amazing crew of people. The events crew kept the vibes high, and made sure everyone was included. All the planned events were so much fun and well organized. I was never bored and wondering when the next activity was

Greece Yacht Week 2024 - Rum Strummer

What really made our experience great was the team The Yacht Week provided to us. Our Skipper (Orlagh) and our Host (Olof) were a great duo who both went the extra mile to ensure we had the best time possible. Orlagh has a great reputation with all the business owners in Greece as well as knowledge of the coolest things to do in the area to make sure you maximize your time off the boat. Olof is an exceptional Chef that really wowed us with every meal he plated for breakfast and lunch. On top of that, he's a great guy who knows how to have fun and fit in seamlessly with our group. For future Yacht Weekers, pray that you get these two on your ship!

Date of experience : July 29, 2024

Trip of a lifetime

After having my eye on yacht week trips for YEARS, I was finally able to make it happen and attend yacht week Greece ! From the day parties to the tunnel raft and everything in between, this trip was everything I thought it would be and more. It truly could not have happened without the help of our skipper Jake and hostess Eva. Jake was so attentive and helpful, he booked us table service when needed, dinner reservations, massages, ATVs, and anything else we asked for. Eva literally kept us alive and hydrated through the entire week with the BEST food, she really spoiled us. We all joked that they were our mom and dad for the week because they really took care of us. I hope to return to another yacht week sooner than later !

Date of experience : July 27, 2024

Yacht week changed our lives!

The best part of yacht week (minus the beautiful water and the epic beauty of greece) was meeting our new travel family on Amici and last but not least…our skipper Bram and host Dorus. The best group of people we could have hoped for. So grateful for the memories and incredible food ❤️

Ultra Yacht Week

A trip I've wanted to take for years and finally made it happen! It was even better than I anticipated hearing from friends and seeing online. The food was far beyond what I ever expected, we were in awe every meal. I highly suggest paying for a host to enable you to sit back and enjoy your trip! Yacht Week did a great job putting together an exciting itinerary, like I said better than even expected. However we really owe it to our captain and host for making our Yacht Week one that we can't wait to "run it back!" Thank you Aisling and Nejc for the phenomenal recommendations, great company, and most importantly creating an atmosphere for us to take in the full potential and really enjoy our trip. Can't wait to rebook!

Date of experience : July 13, 2024

Best week of my life!!!

I couldn't have had a better time in Croatia with Yacht Week. The pre-planned events were so much fun, the boat was perfect, and our skipper Jaka and host Nicola went above and beyond to make our week memorable! Our cabin mates became our besties, our host's food was incredible, the clubs were so fun and the fact that water taxi transport was all planned for us made everything so seamless so we could just focus on having a good time :) can't wait to do it again!

Date of experience : July 12, 2024

First of many Yacht Weeks

This was my first Yacht Week after an adjacent experience to friends on their first YW in 2023 and it was an incredibly fulfilling experience. Bartol and Rose were a great skipper & host team that made a bucket list trip even better with their guidance and hospitality. If you gain nothing else, it would be 100 new friends and 1,000+ smiling photos to cherish when it’s done.

Life time experience

My first yacht week, was incredible. The experience exceeded all expectations and was one of the best I've ever had. It's something I'll remember and talk about for a lifetime. I met amazing people, and everything was perfectly organized. Shout out to our skipper, Nejc, and host, Aisling, for going above and beyond for us, I can't thank them enough. Thank you Yacht Week ❤️

Date of experience : July 15, 2024

Great 1st yacht week

Host Ashley & Skipper Hellen were amazing! They made the trip really come together. Most everything was amazing really. Only thing I’d change is better vetting/informing of venues for new routes - the ordering, serving, and charging at the big group dinners was rocky at best, venues didn’t seem at all prepared, which made for confusion & stress for guests.

Date of experience : September 10, 2023

Luka = best skipper

Get Luka as a skipper. The week is incredibly fun

Date of experience : August 18, 2024

Best week of my life thanks to Bozo & Helen!!

Fantastic time, Best week of my life!! Bozo & Helen were the best skipper & host for this trip. They recommended all the best foods and places to see while keeping everyone safe on board. they made the entire trip worth it and really represented Yacht Week as trust worthy & prestige brand. 10/10 experience.

First time and I can’t wait to do it again

First time and I can’t wait to do it again! What an incredible experience with my friends. We had an amazing skipper, James Minkley and host, Sarah Henderson. They both were absolutely incredible, helpful, thoughtful, nice and downright fun. Will be requesting them if I can in the future!!

Date of experience : July 05, 2024

The Yacht Week was exactly what I…

The Yacht Week was exactly what I didn’t know I needed. It was the perfect combination of sightseeing and fun! I’ve met lifelong friends and made incredible connections with people from all over the world. Our skip and host were phenomenal and so knowledgeable that our group never had to worry about making plans. 10/10 would recommend

Date of experience : June 03, 2023

Quarterdeck Academy in May 2024

Trained with Quarterdeck in May 2024. I have done multiple seasons and found it to be an incredibly toxic work environment. You’re not placed for the full season (sometimes not even consecutive weeks) and, therefore, you are expected to fly to/from Croatia throughout the season. This was a real issue for many people not placed in Europe. I made my situation very clear to recruitment before training but I was assured it would be okay and many people were in the same boat. Most people on my training got around 6 non-consecutive weeks for the full summer if they had full availability. Regarding pay, I would anticipate to come out on minus figures for working 50-60 hour weeks in a humid galley. In my opinion, you would HAVE to rent somewhere or have the funds to travel Europe in your first season.The pay is also 350 euros for the first 2 weeks, rather than 550 because you’re on probation. They’re VERY big on company loyalty and how they are perceived on instagram rather than a quality service and treatment of their staff. If you work longer for the company and post about it on instagram, the more likely you are to get more assignments. You’re assessed for an entire week, your trainer even lives on the boat with you - they asses everything you do and you get barely any free time. Even the nights out felt like a test. It is an extremely high pressure environment and they essentially set you up to fail with 2hr time limits, no equipment on board and an oven that takes 4-5x longer to cook anything. I felt like I’d failed the training week as soon as I expressed concerns about the job role due to financial and logistical feasibility as it didn’t align with the information given to me by recruitment. I ended up having a panic attack over the environment and treatment of us as it was so mentally exhausting and not at all what I was expecting. They don't want you to express concerns, everybody who did failed the training week. Overall, I found it hostile, belittling and pretentious - if you have a parents house or a base in Europe then I think it could be a good summer but I would not recommend it as a host. Skipping looked slightly different and felt like an academy whereas I did not feel like I gained any skills or learnt much as a host.

Date of experience : May 03, 2024

Reply from Yacht Week

Dear Ellie, Thank you for your feedback - we are sorry to hear that you did not find your week training at our Quarterdeck Academy to become a staff member on our trips worthwhile. We have trained hundreds of skippers and hosts through these weeklong courses and unfortunately since we aim to maintain an extremely high staffing standard, not all applicants will pass the course and successfully become a Yacht Week team member. We apologise if you were not aware of the pay structure or work guarantees before starting the course, and we will aim to make these more clearly communicated for any future applicants. If you wish to discuss further, please reach out to the Academy team at [email protected] who can provide additional feedback on your experience training with us.

Travel Byte: Yacht Week dazzles for 2024

  • September 21, 2023

Our favourite floating festival, Yacht Week, has announced its dazzling destinations for 2024. Over a sublime seven days of sailing, exploring, and dancing, Yacht Week will bring back the former sell-out Sardinia route, as well as introduce Latin, hip hop and Afrobeats weeks, as choices on its popular Greece or Croatia routes. 2024 also sees the welcome return of the party-starting Croatia Ultra Festival route and for techno aficionados, the Drumcode takeover . Bookings for all Yacht Week destinations (May – Aug 2024) open on 28th September 2023.

Yacht Week is the original festival of the seas. Grab your best pals, grab a premium yacht with skipper and host, then unplug and relax, or party like there’s no tomorrow, with natural bay swims, hikes, seaside yoga, quad biking, dockside discos, ancient fort raves, regatta racing, and plenty more.

For 2024 Yacht Week returns to Sardinia and the crystal blue Emerald Coast. For two weeks in June, this route sees luxury meet wild terrain as the flotilla moors in beautiful archipelagos and enjoys wellness activities, renowned beach clubs, and stylish parties in stunning locations.

Also new for 2024, Yacht Week delivers two themed weeks on the Greece route. Applebum (Jun 8-14) will serve up a week of carefully curated hip hop, while Vibras (June 13-19) will bring the sultry sounds of Latin music to Yacht Week from reggaeton to Brazilian funk, and Latin pop to Latin house. On the Croatia route Rhythm & Waves (June 22 – 28) brings the Afrobeats and dancehall, while those with true party stamina can take on the Croatia Ultra Festival route (July 6-12) letting Yacht Week guests attend one of the world’s best house and techno festivals as VIPs. Yacht Week 2024 also collaborates with cutting-edge techno label, Drumcode for a third year with top DJs including Adam Beyer and parties in captivating locations such as a lighthouse, a deserted island, a submarine shelter, a historic fortress, and more.

I know what you’re thinking – how much is it and where do I sign up?!

Sign up now via www.theyachtweek.com . Prices start from just £562 / €641 / $699 / CA$944 / A$1082 per person.





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  27. Home

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