new silver gull yacht

New Silver Gull rides again – one man's dream

Kenneth Grahame wrote in his wonderful children's book, ‘The wind in the willows’ “believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” I think Ratty got it right – to a timber boat tragic, there is no better way to describe the joys of owning such a beautiful 'living' thing.

This is the story of the bringing back to life of a traditional timber yacht, New Silver Gull. Having been left to the elements for too long, she was recovered just in time and restored to be, now, a classic yacht in every way.

 The beginning

A bright and sunny day way back in 1989, we had our first look at this dilapidated wreck of a boat, New Silver Gull, looking forlorn and uninviting, tied up to an equally dilapidated jetty, on the banks of the mighty Clarence river town of Ulmarra. 'What were we thinking' was the feedback received from our good sailing mate when he viewed the photographs we brought back from our visit. “You guys are unbelievable”.

Original owners/designers/builders, Harry and Oceana Newton-Scott, both in their late 60's, sailed the Gull from Sydney in 1946 to Chicago via Hobart, Auckland, Fiji, Canton Island, Honolulu, British Columbia, San Francisco, Caribbean and US East Coast and Nova Scotia, to the Great Lakes. Twelve years later, she returned to Australia via the US Intercoastal Waterway, West Indies, Panama and Galapagos, then cruised a number of archipelagos including French Polynesia and Marquesas, Cook Islands and Society Islands, Fiji and Vanuatu. All this with just paper charts, a sextant, compass, trailing log and accurate time keeping device. True sailors!

Prior to our purchase of the Gull, she was used as a sail training and charter vessel plying the waters of Botany Bay, before being taken over by an ABC radio presenter. She was a welltravelled sailing vessel, but badly needed lots of attention and TLC.

Looking at the Gull today, we feel proud and very honoured to be the custodians of this wonderful yacht, it forming a part of Australian blue water history. But it did not happen quickly, nor easily.

We moved the Gull from Ulmarra to Ballina for a below waterline survey. All good, money changed hands. We failed, however, to look at the watertightness of the decks and cabin tops.

The delivery trip from Ballina to Gold Coast was epic. Crossing the notorious Ballina bar at daybreak ensured we were left in no doubt of the level of work effort required to bring the Gull back to life. A couple of waves over the deck made life for the cook difficult.

As the interior of the yacht had been totally dismantled by the previous owner and then stacked along the floors from bow to stern, a level of agility and balance was required to ensure the camping stove, delicately placed on top of the pile of rubble, stayed in place. Add to this the need for the cook to share his wet weather jacket by hovering over the stove with arms outstretched, to ensure the burners continued to function as water poured through the deck drowning everything beneath.

The bilge pumps ran continuously.

Fuel for the engine came from two 18 gallon beer kegs tied to the frames with rope. These kegs were subsequently used as trestles to support the two mast rebuild.

Hoisting one of the staysails gave us another matter to consider: each wave we banged into shook the mizzen alarmingly, with showers of splintered wood and rust from the two huge G clamps holding the metal spreader bands and timber spreaders in place and broken pieces of rotten mast timber.

I started to think my mate may have been correct in his summary of our actions – unbelievable.

New Silver Gull was launched in Sydney in 1939 on the banks of Yowie Bay, where, on a narrow shelf along the water's edge, Harry Newton-Scott, engineer, surveyor and accomplished yachtsman, built a cruising yacht to his own design using input from his good friend and respected yacht designer in America, Fritz Fenger.

With the war making access to essential materials difficult, it took four years to build the yacht. The final completion for the interior was undertaken in Tasmania where the wooden boat building business was less affected.

With no shore power available, hand tools only were used. Access to the work site required all tools and materials had to be delivered by dinghy from the other side of the bay.

This included rafting the twelve metre long planks required for the hull exterior, being towed by an oared dinghy. Midtide would see the water level rise above the yard floors, which was a problem should a tool be dropped; one had to wait for low tide to retrieve.

The timber used for our rebuild, was decided upon by maintaining the original traditional yacht appearance. Spotted gum was used below waterline, Douglas fir above waterline over spotted gum steambent frames. Laid beech decking over Oregon beams and New Guinea rosewood sub-decking. Cedar and mahogany fit out below decks. Spar grade Oregon masts and three Oregon wishbone timber booms.

The dimensions of the yacht now are 16.5m length overall, 4.5m beam, 14.4m LWL, 2.5m draft, 21m air draft, 25 tons displacement. She flies six working sails plus an asymmetric spinnaker.

Power is provided by a Yanmar 100hp turbo diesel and 4Kva Panda genset. With a 12 metre long keel and 25 ton, she is a handful manoeuvring in confined waters. Oh, for a bow thruster.

Rig/sail plan

Fritz was also one of the original proponents of the use of wishbones for booms, with the mainsail boom hauled up the mainmast until the boom was parallel to the deck, then sheeted home via the top of the mizzen mast.

With six working sails plus an multipurpose sail (MPS), the Gull carries a ‘cloud of sail’. Needless to say that with mostly only sailing twoup, plus our delightful ship’s cat Bella, we rarely set more than three sails at any one time.

The fisherman trys'l is boomed at the second spreader of the main mast and sheeted back to the top of the mizzen mast. Two furled sails set forward, Yankee and stays'l, provide adequate drive when sheets are eased. The mizzen stays'l is set under the main trys'l and a mizzen sail set aft off the mizzen mast.

In light airs and when crew feeling energetic, a jib top can be set in front of the forward furled sails, set high to the top of the main mast. When crew are extremely energetic, the MPS can be set from the end of the bow sprit to the mast head of the main mast.

MPS does not suffer from over-use.

To reduce canvas when wind pressure demands, is simply a process of lowering sails in order of jib top, main trys'l, Yankee, mizzen, forward stays'l and finally mizzen stays'l. Sound complicated? Not really and, provided sail reduction undertaken in a timely manner, little effort required.

But at times, the proverbial does hit the fan and master and owner exchange robust opinions and strong conversations!

In restoring the Gull, it was our intent to preserve as much of the style, fittings and finish as close to the original as possible. It was, however, our wish to make the Gull easier to sail and enjoy our time afloat by including modern equipment and systems.

As such, we set about to include in the design items such as refrigeration, state of the art navigation systems and other modern cruising boat features. To keep our goals of authenticity and appearance, these modern additions were carefully installed out of sight, either under bunks or behind closed hatches and sliding doors. This has resulted in an interior and exterior appearance of a classic traditional sailing yacht.

We were very lucky to have the ideal position allocated to start our massive rebuilding project on a disused jetty at Jacobs Well Marina. Out of the main traffic streams and room to store our tools, material and countless other items allowed us to work with minimal disruption.

The task, however, became increasingly visited by many others who wandered over to the work site offering comments and suggestions, which our shipwright, Pat Catterson formerly of Norman Wright and Sons, grew increasingly annoyed. Passerby: “what timber are you using there?” Pat: “Beena”. Passerby wanders off, mumbling and shaking head: ” yeh, I'm sure I've heard of that”.

‘Beena’, of course, refers to 'been a tree'. Pat had little tolerance for tyrekickers!

Fitting the systems, plus the battery banks to support them, into a yacht that we wanted to honour mid 1930's aesthetics, was a challenge. At the outset, it was our plan to use as much of the reclaimed timber as possible to keep the costs under control.

Our budget allowed for labour and materials to complete the task to sail-away within 18 months. Needless to say, in true boat building fashion, the budget allocation was never likely to achieve our desired outcome but we soldiered on: boat = bring out another thousand, many times over.

Over the years, the Gull has been acknowledged by clubs and organisations for the presentation and authenticity of build. In 1991 New Silver Gull won the coveted Sanctuary Cove Classic Yacht Concourse – best presented yacht. A beautiful Waterford crystal ships decanter, presented by Kerri-Anne Kennerley, now takes pride of place on the saloon cocktail bar.

She has featured in advertising projects: press and TV, plus had a lead role in a ‘Skippy the bush kangaroo’ film. New Silver Gull has been granted ‘Historical Yacht’ status by the Australian National Maritime Museum. The Gull now proudly sails under the Southport Yacht Club burgee.

I assisted with the build process by attending the site at any spare time I had available. As I was working shift work at Brisbane airport. I was the 'apprentice': handing the tools required to Pat when he hollered; plus I wrote the cheques.

I would be onsite at 0730 in the morning when Pat arrived and leave for the airport around 1130 for an afternoon shift. Morning shifts allowed me to be onsite from around 1330 until Pat left at 1700.

If a night shift was rostered, I would work all day at the boat site and a quick trip home, early meal and power nap saw me at the airport by 2300. Signing off at 0600 saw me back onsite by 0730. It was a full on schedule which resulted in minimal time at home for the 18 months til launch day.

Our plan to re-use materials formerly fitted to the boat did not fit in with the standard of finish Pat wanted to achieve. Pat, being a true perfectionist, required carefully selected timber best suited for the task and always with the visual finish he considered met our desires, if not our budget, was sought.

Honduras mahogany and Queensland cedar were the main timbers used for the interior, while beech for decking and clear spar grade Oregon for the masts and booms. None of these exotic timbers came cheap.

Work proceeded at a frenetic pace. On one occasion, the turtle back forward deck hatch needed a piece replaced. Chipping away with sharp chisels and saws resulted in a mishit, badly cutting Pat's finger. Blood everywhere, yelling profanities Pat grabbed a large sledge hammer and completely demolished the entire hatch.

After the five minute tirade, he turned to me and quietly said “I'll take that off the bill”. Took almost a week to rebuild the complete hatch; it remains today totally watertight and looks a million dollars!

As with the exterior, the interior refit and upgrading process has been undertaken with the desire to retain, as much as possible, the traditional boat feel and appearance. The furniture in the sleeping cabins, saloon and galley are all polished timber with studded leather covers and laid beech cabin soles.

Where possible, 21st century luxuries, such as microwave oven, air conditioning and washing machine, TV and electronics etc. are discretely hidden behind closed doors or panels. This then gives a feel of a 'gentlemen's club' atmosphere below.

The original Hupmobile engine would only drive the yacht at four knots, so lots of sailing was required. With the centre of buoyancy well forward, that made for an easy motion and clean wake, Harry commented 'gentlemen don't go to windward', so rarely neither do we sail higher than 60 degrees apparent – that is when we crank up the iron tops'l, the ever reliable Yanmar.


Owning and maintaining a traditional timber yacht requires more than just hosing off salt, dirt and grime. What needs to be understood is that beneath the finish substrate lies a living product of wood that can quickly become reduced to a sorry mess if careful and fastidious maintenance is not applied.

Some may consider this a tiresome chore. We look at it as an opportunity to make our yacht even more beautiful.

With new generation of fastenings, paints, sealants and finishes now available, this effort is significantly reduced from what was required in years gone by. Epoxy systems are the most advanced product available for wooden boats and careful application of these timber sealing and joining systems are extremely effective. But, they must be applied as prescribed and any damaged areas treated immediately if longevity and seaworthiness is to be retained.

Fresh water is the enemy. In days gone by, salt shelves were built in the original construct, immediately below the wooden deck. These shelves had raw salt sprinkled on their surface so that any water leaking through the deck dissolved the salt and this pickling effect found its way into the bilges, thus reducing the ability of fungus and rot forming, often in places not able to be seen. Epoxy sheathing beneath the laid timber decks has removed this problem.

The effort required to keep a timber boat shipshape can at times be onerous, but provides much satisfaction. The comments received from interested and knowledgeable people can be most gratifying.

Interest in owning and restoring traditional and modern timber boats would seem to be on the increase, if numbers at wooden boat festivals held for such boats is to be believed. Tasmania's bi-annual WBF continues to grow and additional festivals in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide, amongst others, have proved to be increasingly popular. Attending such events gives us much stimulus to get back onboard and do that bit extra to make our pride and joy just a little more appealing.

New Silver Gull continues to sail the waters of the east coast of Australia, making her owners extremely proud and very comfortable.

Her travels, since 1989, have taken her from southern tip of Tasmania to the top of the Queensland east coast. She is now based on the Gold Coast, Sanctuary Cove, an interesting contrast to the fleet of white boats. She continues to receive many favourable comments, which adds to the pleasure of owning such a classic yacht.

I now know that Ratty did get it right – “Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats”. ≈

M.O.S.S Australia


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A Fleet of Candela’s Electric Foiling Yachts Is Rolling Out to the Red Sea in 2025

The eight p-12 vessels will help commuters get around a new tourism destination in saudi arabia., rachel cormack.

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Candela P-12

Candela is taking its flying yacht to new heights.

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Announced in June 2022 and launched in November 2023, the P-12 is the fourth model in Candela’s fleet, following the C-7 , C-8 , and P-8 Voyager that debuted in 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively. (The yard also launched a C-8 Polestar Edition in July.) The zero-emission 39-footer “flies” above the waves using computer-guided hydrofoils that are adjusted 100 times per second to ensure smoothness and stability. Candela says the P-12 uses 80 percent less energy than conventional shuttle ships and will emit 97.5 percent less CO2 during its lifetime than a traditional diesel-powered vessel of the same size.

Equipped with two of Candela’s electric C-POD motors and four 63 kWh batteries, the P-12 has a top speed of 30 knots and a range of 40 nautical miles at a cruising speed of 25 knots. The yacht also creates a minimal wake and is well-suited to coastal cruising. The fleet serving the Red Sea will be able to carry 30 passengers around the northwestern shores of Saudi Arabia.

“We’re extremely proud to provide a vessel system designed with both passengers and the environment in mind,” Hasselskog adds.” Short waiting times, quick connections, and a very enjoyable experience without taxing the environment with wakes, emissions, and noise will revolutionize how we travel on water.”

The P-12 will debut as part of Stockholm’s public transport system this fall. The NEOM fleet will then be delivered in 2025 and early 2026.

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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NEW SILVER GULL at sea with its full sail set,  date unknown, but probably in the early 1950s,

New Silver Gull

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KATHLEEN GILLETT racing in Gaffer's Day 2004 on Sydney Harbour.

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SILVER FOX is a 47.60M luxury motor yacht delivered by Baglietto in 2018. She is currently available for charter with World Yacht Group.

SILVER FOX is a 47.60m motor yacht delivered in 2018 by Baglietto, most recently refitted in 2024. This tri-deck luxury vessel is the ideal charter yacht, boasting an excellent toy selection, a beach club with steam room and dedicated gym and stunning interiors that are flooded with natural light. 


Up to 12 guests can be accommodated onboard SILVER FOX, across five cabins. They are configured as three doubles (of which one is a full-beam master suite) and two convertibles. A crew of 9 ensure impeccable service onboard.

The particulars on this page are a general guide to give a broad description of the yacht. They are not intended to constitute part of an offer or contract. All prices, photographs, measurements, plans and specifications referred to are given as a guide only and should not be relied upon for the charter of this yacht. The copyright of all details,photographs and deckplans remains the property of their respectful owners.

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Sail monohulls 50ft >,          wishbone boats for sale, wishbone silver gull ketch boats for sale.

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48' Classic Staysail Ketch "New Silver Gull"

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Sail monohulls 40ft > 50ft.

NEW SILVER GULL at sea with its full sail set,  date unknown, but probably in the early 1950s,

New Silver Gull

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KATHLEEN GILLETT racing in Gaffer's Day 2004 on Sydney Harbour.

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Kids under threat of diarrhea outbreak linked to chlorine-resistant parasite, docs warn.

Talk about a splash landing.

A Kentucky water park’s pool became the unfortunate breeding ground for a mighty infection that gives painful symptoms like diarrhea , nausea, fevers, and painful cramping.

The Silver Lake water park and adventure center in Erlanger, a Cincinnati suburb, was host to the chlorine-resistant Cryptosporidiosis, abbreviated to crypto.

Silver Lake water park shut down its pool after an outbreak of a diarrhea causing parasite resistant to chlorine.

Johns Hopkins reports that the parasitic disease has an outer shell that keeps it alive against typical germ-killing methods in water and is “one of the most common causes of waterborne disease in the US.”

Adding insult to injury, how the masses contract vomit-inducing crypto is barf-worthy itself.

“Most people get the parasite after swallowing food or water tainted with stool. This includes swallowing water while swimming,” warns Johns Hopkins.

The Northern Kentucky Health Department recently advised that “several” victims of the regional outbreak were from the local aquatic center. In total, there are “approximately a dozen confirmed cases and numerous probable cases,” according to the agency.

Health department spokesperson Skip Tate told the Cincinnati Enquirer that those impacted range from a two-year-old to an adult.

In response, Silver Lake shut down its outdoor pool for a “super chlorination” treatment to kill off crypto for two days, the facility announced.

On social media, the park called the health drama a “sanitation event” and limited who was allowed to comment on its Facebook post .

Silver Lake's pool was a source of the crypto outbreak.

Tate added that another person contracted it while kayaking in Ohio’s Little Miami River.

Typically, most people develop symptoms a week after contracting crypto but the incubation period is entirely between two and 10 days, according to the department.

Johns Hopkins notes that “no treatment works fully against the infection” and that good hygiene is the best preventive measure.

“If you have a healthy immune system, you will likely recover on your own. People who are in poor health or have a weak immune system may get a more serious infection.”

Those who have a bad case of diarrhea may be given medication to deal with the fierce fecal flow.

The health department also advises those who have been infected not to use public swimming areas for at least two weeks after symptoms seized.

Silver Lake water park shut down its pool after an outbreak of a diarrhea causing parasite resistant to chlorine.


Notice: To all our customers near and far, we hope you are keeping safe and well in these unprecedented times. We just wanted to touch base and let you know that we are still open with a reduced size team. We are processing and dispatching orders as usual even though our onsite store is currently closed.

Please place chandlery orders online or email [email protected] If you have a new or used boat enquiry please email [email protected]

Stay safe and we hope to see you on the water soon.

T. 01332 369751

Hartley boats gull complete ready to sail £10995 incl vat, specification.

Length 3.35m

Draft 0.91m

Weight 88.0 kg

Sail Area Main & Genoa 6.78msq

Spinnaker 5.57 m sq

Portsmouth No: 1363 RN

To say Hartley Boats were pleased to add the Gull to our existing range would be a lie. When we bought the Wayfarer and Wanderer copyrights from the Proctor family, Roger asked me “do you want the Gull?”.  The response for this 11ft (3.35m) little boat which I had seen many times in different locations was, “not for us, this was not a boat I have aspirations to build”.  Again, Roger insisted it was a great boat, sells well and sails fantastic, you should take it.  Reluctantly we did, we bought the tooling and produced and sold Gulls for several months.

Unlike both the Wayfarer and Wanderer, we did not re-design the boat to avoid spending the many thousands of £’s involved in producing patterns, moulds and templates needed when you produce a new boat, no, not for this average boat!  All this changed, the day we delivered and completed a handover of a Gull to a new owner at a Sailing Club.  "Come and sail with me it’s a great day, good winds and I am a novice sailor, I would enjoy you helming my new boat".

That sail taught me so much, as well as proving I had been a fool and I had got the Gull wrong.  I should have known that the man that designed the Wayfarer, Wanderer and over 100 other fantastic boats would also design the Gull to be a special boat.  Within a short-time my eyes were opened, the boat felt stable and light on the tiller, it sailed as if it was a much larger boat.  I was surprised, amazed and totally sold on this boat.  The Gull has the same chined hull as the Wanderer and Wayfarer and is also a very special boat. 

Next day, a made a phone call to my Naval Architect, Phil Morrison. “I have an urgent job for you, we are going to make changes and improvements to the Gull.  Can you start now? I will send you the list of improvements and benefits and give you the plans for you to get cracking”.  I was excited for the boats future and realised with Phil’s help this boat could be a fantastic boat with a great and long-term future. The list of changes required were very difficult for Phil to achieve but Phil’s respect for Ian Proctor made him determined to ensure the new boat would be special.

The list was headed by, no hull change at all.  This chined, Proctor designed 11ft (3.35m) hull is so stable, easy to sail and handles big seas and waves as if it was a larger boat, we had the most stable platform of any 11ft (3.35m) sailing dinghy. Not only does it give confidence to the crew but the boat moves well through the water and is a pleasure to sail.  The changes would be to the deck layout.  Firstly, design a new foredeck to improve the look of the boat, make it look beautiful and sleek.  Re-design the rear locker to give style to the boat, make it big enough to carry clothing, outboard and cheese and wine for cruising trips.  The seating is very comfortable, lower the cockpit floor to give even more leg room and facilitate for self-bailers to be fitted.  These changes with the very special hull design have delivered a very special 11ft (3.35m) sailing boat.  Every year the fleet grows with nearly 3,000 sold. 

Why is the Gull the best 3.35m cruiser in the world?  Firstly, the hull design, this is the most STABLE 3.35m dinghy in its field, tested for two adults and two children or is great as a single-hander, comfortable seating, with plenty of leg room, a high boom makes tacking and gybing a doddle.  The boat comes with a main and genoa but you can add a spinnaker for those enthusiastic sailors. 

For those long-haul cruising sailors, you can have a slab reefing main with a reefing genoa, this allows you to fully reef down your boat within twenty-five seconds, you can then sail comfortably in big seas and strong winds. This boat although very STABLE in the right wind conditions will get up and go, this is not a boring boat.  With the benefit of the integral rear locker you can switch to an engine if required or even row the boat.

As well as choosing the boat specification to suit your needs you can choose the colour of your hull, foredeck, deck and non-slip floor.  We can even put a logo of your choice on your boat.  This boat is a very special 3.35m sailing dinghy.  It is double handed or is great to sail single handed.

The new boat can be built to your specification be it to a limited budget or with all the bells and whistles, you decide your requirements with the knowledge that the Hartley Boats Team will give you sound advice to ensure you get the fit-out right for your needs.

For those racing enthusiasts we are able to offer a racing set up, the boat has a great PY of 1363 and does well in handicap racing.

When we sell a new boat Hartley Boats likes to complete a full boat handover to ensure that you fully understand how to rig your boat and most importantly that you get the best from your new investment.  This helps you enjoy sailing your new boat and helps make sure you come off the water with confidence and want to return and sail again. With a hull weight of only 88kgs it makes towing, launching and recovery a doddle, even for a single-handed sailor.

We at Hartley Boats are very proud of our standards and build quality, to demonstrate that statement we are the only manufacturer to offer a 4-year guarantee. Should it be needed we are able to deliver.

Hartley Boats

Mailing List

More information.

Collections & Research

Frederic A. Fenger Papers

Manuscripts collection 223.

G. W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport
Fenger, Frederic A., 1882-1970.
Frederic A. Fenger Papers
ca. 12,000 pieces
Correspondence, calculations, descriptions, sketches, articles, photographs, and other papers, chiefly relating to Fenger’s development of the Main-Trysail rig. Includes his log and related information concerning his cruise on the canoe YAKABOO in 1911. Logs and charts from HOWADJI (canoe) and OUINNETKA (canoe) are also included.
Coll. 223

Biography of Frederic A. Fenger

Frederick A. Fenger was a yacht designer, sailor, and author. His main contribution to yacht design are his use of the dhow-form hull, the wishbone rig, and the main trysail rig. Fenger was an inventive designer, and while some of his innovations never became popular, they did enjoy a following, and the wishbone rig has recently had a revival of interest in commercially produce yachts. Fenger was particularly interested in rigs which would be manageable when sailing short handed. The collection consists of personal papers, including copies of correspondence and photographs, with a large part of it related to Fenger’s design for sailing rigs.

In 1911 Fenger sailed the canoe YAKABOO in the Caribbean, and this collection include the log of the YAKABOO as well as a draft of his book written about the cruise, Alone in the Caribbean.


Restrictions on Access

Available for use in the Manuscripts Division

Restrictions on Use

Various copying restriction apply. Guidelines are available from the Manuscripts Division.

Index Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in the catalog of the G. W. Blunt White Library. Researchers desiring materials about related topics, persons or places should search the catalog using these headings.

Corporate Bodies (Including Vessels):

Yakaboo (Canoe)

Howadji (Canoe)

Ouinnatka (Canoe)

Masts and rigging–Design and construction Voyages and travels Yachting Yachts–Design and construction

Document Types:

Logs (records)


Yacht designers

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Coll. 223, Manuscripts Collection, G. W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc.

Abbott, Gordon 3/5
Adams, Charles Francis 5/6
Alden, John 2/2, 4/8, 7/1, 7/2
Alker, James W. 2/4
Allen, George 5/6
Anable, Tony 6/1
Anderson, Oscar A. 2/2
Ashworth, G. Fred 2/3, 2/5, 2/6, 3/6, 4/2
Ashworth, J. Fred 4/1
Atwater, David (Jr.) 7/5
Ayers, ? 6/2
Badham, Mike 4/9
Baker, Charles H. 2/1
Barbour, Thomas 6/1
Barito, George 1/3
Barnes, Bill 3/4
Bein, Bill 5/7
Bein, Marge 5/7
Belles, N.J. 3/5
Belmar, Henry 1/3
Berry, Wilfred 5/6
Biddle, Nick 3/3
Birt, Douglas H.C. 6/1, 7/3, 7/4, 7/6
Bloemhard, Walter J. 7/1
Blomhard, Walter 7/2
Bond, Jack 5/7
Bonnell, George 5/7
Borge, Victor 4/8
Bottger, Bob 7/5
Bowden, C.E. (Lt. Col.) 7/2
Bowen, J. Richard 5/1
Bradfield, ? 6/3
Bradfield, Dot 4/8
Bradfield, Stanley 4/7, 4/8, 6/3, 6/6, 6/8, 7/1, 7/2
Breed, Robert G. 2/5
Bremen, Fred A. 6/5
Briggs, George K. 3/5
Briggs, J.F. 2/1, 2/2, 2/3, 2/6, 3/1, 3/2, 3/5, 5/3, 5/9
Britt, Albert 5/9, 6/5
Britton, Ralph 7/2
Broughton, C.F. 2/6
Brown, A. (Mrs.) 5/8
Browning, Frederick (Lt. Gen.) 4/9, 5/7, 7/1, 7/2
Browning, Frederick A.M. 7/4
Buford, Coleman (Dr.) 5/7
Burgess, ? 4/1
Burr, Carleton 3/7, 5/9, 7/5
Burr, Tucker 3/1
Butler, Harrison 7/2
Byrd, W.R. 5/7
Cabot, Paul 3/1
Cabot, Tom 2/6
Carlson, A.F. 3/6
Carpenter, George B. 2/1, 2/3
Chadwick, ? 6/4
Chadwick, ? (Capt.) 3/4, 5/6, 5/9, 6/1
Chadwick, Guy 3/4, 3/5, 5/9
Chaflin, Ann 6/1
Chambers, Al 5/9
Chambers, J. Albert (Capt.) 3/6
Chapelle, ? 5/1, 7/2
Chapelle, Hank 2/1
Chase, Phil 3/7
Chittick, Ruth 5/7, 5/8
Clark, Dale 5/7
Clark, Joan 6/3
Clarke, Joan 6/2, 6/3
Clarke, Michael 6/2
Clarke, Peter 4/7, 4/8, 5/7, 5/8, 6/2, 6/3
Clinch, Lindsay 6/2
Clinch, Sally 6/2
Coburn, Fred 7/5
Colburn, George L. 2/6, 3/1
Cole, Fred 7/5
Cook, Victor 6/3
Cousens, Harold B. 2/3, 2/6
Crane, Clinton 7/1, 7/2
Crocker, Samuel S. 7/1
Cross, Henry L. 2/7, 3/1, 3/5
Cunningham, Foster 3/2, 3/3, 3/4, 3/5, 3/6, 3/7, 5/6
Curren, Arthur 3/2
Daggett, ? 2/6
Dahlgren, Oscar (Mrs.) 2/5
Darrell, Mac I. (Rev.) 1/3
Davidge, Lorna 5/7
Davidson, Kenneth S.M. (Prof.) 7/1
Davis, Thomas A.R (Dr.) 5/6
Dawson, Will 5/7
De Coppet, Bobby 7/5
De Fontaine, W.H. 7/5, 7/6
De Lamarter, Eric 2/3, 2/4
Delme-Radcliffe, Peter A. 4/7, 4/8, 4/9, 7/2
Derecktor, Robert E. 6/8
Dodge, Chet 5/3, 5/4
Dodge, Ernest 5/7
Doherty, J.L. 3/1
Donovan, Stephen J. (Dr.) 6/4, 6/5, 6/6, 6/7
Du Maurier, Daphne 7/4
Dumpleton, Owen 7/2
Dunbar, F. Spaulding 4/4
Dunn, Gano 5/7, 5/9
DuPont, Henry 3/7
Dyer, Helen 7/5
Dyer, William H. 5/2
Dyer, William J.H. 7/5
Ecknes, Henry 7/6
Edwards, Lita C. 4/6
Ellsworth, H.H. 5/4
Emerson, Edward W. 3/4
Emerson, Raymond 2/6, 2/7
Esbenshade, J.H. 4/7
Eshom, C.W. (R. Adm) 4/5
Eshom, R. Adm. 5/7
Fenger, Bill 7/7
Fenger, Christian (Dr.) 3/5, 5/5, 5/9, 6/4, 7/1, 7/5
Fenger, Frederic Cruff 5/9
Fenger, Katherine 7/7
Fenger, Kitty 4/7, 4/8, 5/6, 5/7, 5/8, 5/9, 6/1, 6/3, 7/7
Fletcher, Leslie 5/7
Floissac, Frederic 1/3
Fomenko, Michael 6/3
Forbes, Alexander (Dr.) 2/5, 2/6, 2/7, 3/1, 3/2, 3/3, 3/4, 3/5, 3/6, 3/7, 4/1, 4/9, 5/1, 5/4, 5/6, 5/7, 5/9, 6/1, 6/6, 6/8, 7/2
Forbes, J.M. 2/6
Forbes, Stewart Archibald 3/5
Forbes, W. Cameron 5/4
Forescue, J. 6/2
Fox, Uffa 7/2, 7/3
Franklyn-Evans, ? (Dr.) 5/7
Franzen, Fred (Capt.) 5/1
Franzen, William A. 5/1
Freydberg, Nicholas 6/6, 6/8
Freydberg, Peggy 6/8
Fristrom, Carl 6/3
Frothingham, Joe 3/5
Frothingham, Nat 3/5
Fuller, Horace 4/8
Furber, Edward P. 5/1
Furnans, Charlie 5/4
Gallagher, Chick 3/3
Gammel, Bill 7/5
Garden, Bill 7/6
Gari, Bill 7/6
Gauss, ? 6/8
Gill, George R. 5/6, 5/7, 6/1, 7/4
Goldstein, Rudolph (Dr.) 4/8
Goodell, Philip 5/3, 5/4
Goodhue, Nat 2/6, 3/4
Goodnow, John M. 2/6, 3/2, 3/4, 3/5
Goodwin, Lester 7/5
Gould, Albert T. 2/6, 3/1
Grass, Albert 3/5
Green, Charles H. 1/1
Gregg, Rodger 3/5
Gregg, Ward (Dr.) 3/2
Griffiths, ? 5/7
Griffiths, Maurice 4/8, 5/1, 6/1, 7/2, 7/4
Grigor, Lloyd 5/7
Gruber, H. 4/1
Gulliford, ? 5/4
Gustafson, H.V. 2/6, 3/1, 3/5, 5/4
Haase, Florence Wellington 5/9
Haase, Martin Rudolph 2/5, 3/4, 3/5, 5/8, 5/9, 6/1, 6/3, 6/4, 6/5, 6/6, 7/2
Haase, Mickie 5/9, 6/1
Haase, Roy T. 6/1
Haase, Teddy 6/1
Haffner, Fred (Capt.) 3/2
Haggarty, Francis 5/3, 5/4, 7/5
Hall, ? 5/1
Hamilton, Burton E. (Dr.) 3/7
Hamlin, Cyrus 7/1
Hammond, ? (Dr.) 7/7
Hammond, Paul 4/1, 7/1
Hanna, John C. 4/8
Hanna, Terrence P. 3/2
Harrison-Butler, T. 4/7
Harvie, Jim (II) 5/2
Hasse, ? 4/8
Hasse, Rudy 5/7
Hayes, A.V. 2/3
Hayes, Archie 5/1
Hecker, J. Charles 2/3
Hedge, William 5/4
Heinze, Robert A. 7/6
Henville, H. (Capt.) 1/3
Herreshoff, Francis 2/2
Herreshoff, L. Francis 5/6, 5/9, 6/1, 7/1, 7/2, 7/6
Herreshoff, Nathaniel 5/6, 7/1
Herrmann, E.P. 2/4
Hirschy, Louis L. (CDR.) 5/7
Hiscock, Earl 4/4, 4/8, 4/9
Holmes, ? 6/8
Holmes, G.W. (Jr.) 3/3
Hood, Fred E. 3/6
Hood, George W. 3/2, 3/4
Howard, Henry 5/9
Howland, Waldo 3/2, 3/3, 4/1, 4/3
Huggins, John 1/3
Hunt, Fred 6/1
Hurtak, Frank 4/8, 6/3
Hutchings, Ralph 5/3
Hutchins, Carlton B. 2/1, 2/2
Hutchins, Ralph G. 2/2, 2/3
Hyde, Benjamin D. 7/5
Jackson, Betty Ann 6/7
Jackson, Herbert 6/6
James, Dean 2/2
James, Dean K. 2/2, 5/4
Jellett, ? (Capt.) 5/7
Jensen, J.S. (CDR.) 4/6, 7/1
Johnson, Barney (Capt.) 5/7
Johnson, Barny 5/7
Johnson, Irving 4/4
Johnson, J. Seward 4/4
Johnson, Joel J. 7/5
Keeble, Gordon 6/3
Kirschoff, Stan 6/3
Klinger, John H. 7/6
Knowlton, John 5/9
Kornman, H.S.M. 4/4
Laham, G.H. 7/5
Lake, Thomas P. 2/3
Larson, Bill 6/8
Larson, William 5/8, 5/9
Larson, William A. 2/5, 3/1, 3/3, 3/4, 3/5, 3/6, 3/7, 4/5, 5/3, 6/1
Lathrop, Walter J. 3/5
Lauer-Leonardi, Boris 5/7, 7/1, 7/3, 7/4, 7/6
Lawley, ? 4/8
Lawrence, John S. 7/1
Lentsch, De Vries (Jr.) 4/4
Loomis, Alfred 5/4
Loring, Gus 3/5
Lundstrom, R.G. 7/5
Lyford, Percy Lang 5/6
Lyford, Pert 5/7
Lyman, Richard W. 5/9
MacDougall, Charles H. 3/5
MacDougall, Hume G. 3/6, 3/7
MacDougall, William 3/7
MacDougall, William G. 3/2, 3/5
Magill, John W. 2/5
Maginns, Charles D. (Jr.) 7/5
Manchester, Thomas S. 3/2, 3/3
Marden, Wallace 4/4
Marie, Marin 4/1
Matheson, Hugh

Maynard, A.C.



McClellan, Charles P. 3/2
McIntosh, D.C. (Jr.) 5/1, 5/3, 5/4
McKerrer, A.W. 3/4
McKittrick, Bob 5/7
McMullan, Richard D. 5/4
McPaul, E. (Mrs.) 5/7, 5/8
Merriman, F.W. 2/2
Merriman, Frank 4/1
Merriman, Franklin 2/5, 3/6, 3/7, 6/1
Merriman, Ike 7/5
Miller, Charles J. 6/1
Miller, Conrad 4/8, 7/2
Milner, Thomas 3/1
Mitchell, Carleton 7/6
Mitchell, Carlton 7/2
Moffat, Sandy 4/1, 4/4
Monk, Edwin 2/2
Monplaisir, V.J. 1/3
Monteith, M.L. 5/7
Moore, Garry 5/7
Moreton, Walter H. (Jr.) 3/3
Morgan, Jasper 2/2, 2/3
Morwood, John 4/7, 4/8, 6/2, 7/6
Morwood, John (Dr.) 4/9, 7/1, 7/2
Mottle, George 6/3
Mowood, James 7/1
Mueller, Adele 5/9
Mueller, Bill 5/9
Mueller, G.A.M. 2/4
Mueller, William E. 2/5, 6/1
Munroe, Wirth 2/1, 2/2, 5/9
Nelson, Alice 2/6
Neviws, ? 7/6
Newton-Scott, Harry (Capt.) 4/5, 4/7, 4/8, 4/9, 4/10, 5/7, 5/8, 6/1, 6/2, 6/3, 6/4, 7/1, 7/6
Nibbs, Peter 5/7
Nicholson, Charles 7/6
Nickerson, Ed 3/4, 3/6
Nickerson, Hoffman 5/2
Noble, Arthur 6/2, 6/3
Nordbjaerg, E. 2/6, 2/7, 3/1
O’Neil, ? 6/3
Osborne, Bedford 4/9
Osborne, J.B.J. 6/3
Paine, A.C. 2/1
Painten, Ralph 7/5
Palmer, George H. 2/4
Parham, H.J. (Major Gen.) 7/1
Parkinson, Bob 6/1
Parkinson, Bobbie 5/1
Parkinson, Jack 3/5, 5/7, 5/9, 6/1, 7/5
Parkinson, John 5/3, 7/1
Parkinson, Robert 3/4, 3/5, 3/6, 5/9
Perkins, Jim 4/1
Perkins, Tom 3/7
Perry, W.M. 5/7
Peters, Harold 2/1
Philip Goodell 5/5
Phillips-Birt, Douglas 5/7, 7/2, 7/6
Pockell, Wayne 3/4
Porter, Burnham 3/1
Pratch, Rad 5/6
Price, Lyall 5/7
Prince, Gordon 2/1, 6/8
Prince, Gordon O. 2/3
Ramsay, E.F. 3/1, 5/4
Ramsey, ? 1/3
Ratsey, Colin 5/7
Ratsey, Ernest 2/5, 3/2
Ratsey, George 6/3, 7/1
Raymond, Ed 7/5
Raymond, Edgar 6/8
Reed, Phillip 2/3
Reed, Verner 7/5
Rhodes, Phil 4/1
Rhodes, Philip 7/1, 7/5
Rhodes, Philip A. 7/5
Rigg, Linton 2/2
Riggs, Linton 5/9, 6/1
Rimington, Critchell 5/6
Robar, Warren A. 4/2
Rodgers, ? (Dr.) 5/7
Ross, Robertson 4/5
Ross, Thorvald 3/1
Ross, Thorvald S. 2/7
Rouse, Jack A. 7/6
Russell, ? (Mrs.) 7/7
Sagrera, Fernando 5/2
Sanborn, ? 7/1
Satterthwaite, Charles 7/2
Sawyer, Rodger 5/5
Sawyer, Roger 6/4
Sawyer, Roger I. 5/1
Scott, Oceana 5/6, 5/7, 5/8, 6/2
Shaw, C.E. 2/2
Shepherd, Jonathan 5/6, 5/7, 7/6
Simmerer, Ernie 5/6
Simpson, Dwight 2/2
Slasor, Dee 5/7
Slasor, Jack 5/7
Slocum, Victor 1/3
Smith-Petersen, ? (Dr.) 6/1
Smith, F.W.A. 4/8, 4/9, 7/1
Smith, G. Whitfield 1/3
Smith, Herbert U. 5/1
Smith, Owen 3/4
Smith, Paul 7/5
Soule, R.W. 5/4
Speirs, Arch 4/10
Stadel, George H. (Jr.) 5/4
Stafford, Ken 5/8
Stafford, Peggy 5/8
Steele, Tom 4/8
Steers, George 7/2
Steevens, Joan 4/9
Stephens, Olin 7/1
Stephens, William P. 4/1
Sterns, Dick 6/5
Stevens, Mike 7/5
Stevens, Olin 2/2, 7/2
Stone, Herb 5/1, 6/1
Stone, Herbert 5/7
Stone, Herbert L. 5/6
Strahan, C.P. 1/1
Sutter, Peter 6/5
Swazey, Loring 7/2
Tamm, Bror 2/3, 3/7, 6/1, 7/6
Taylor, ? 6/2
Taylor, Bill 6/4
Taylor, D. Foster 2/5
Taylor, Foster 7/5
Taylor, William H. 5/6
Taylor, William Watson 5/3, 5/4
Thayer, Ann 7/7
Thayer, Gordon 7/7
Tiebout, J. 2/3
Tiebout, W. 2/3
Tomlinson, R. 2/6
Tousey, Coleman (Dr.) 6/1
Towne, Harry 7/5
Trimby, Robert H. (Dr.) 6/4
Trimby, Robert T. (Dr.) 6/6
Turner, Doug 3/7
Udall, Margaret 5/7
Vail, Malcolm 2/2
Van Dusen, William H. 6/8
Wagstaff, Hallet S. 3/2
Walker, (Mr.) 1/3
Wallace, William T. 1/3
Waller, Otway (Capt.) 4/1, 5/7, 6/1, 7/4
Waring, Jack 2/3
Waring, Lloyd 3/2
Warlick, ? (Adm.) 6/1
Watson, George 3/6
Webster, Fred 3/6
Wellman, John 6/4
Wells, Frank 7/1
Wharram, James 7/2
White, ? 5/1
White, Fred 5/7, 5/9, 6/1, 6/8
White, Frederick L. 7/5
White, Jerry 7/6
Wickwire, J. Wm. 2/2, 2/6, 5/3
Wildman, Jack 1/3
Wildman, John L. 1/1
Williams, ? (Dr.) 5/7
Williams, Rodger 6/8
Wilson, Prescott 4/1
Winfield, J.H. 4/2
Woodward, ? 4/8
Woodward, Stanley 4/8
Wyman, Jeff 3/5
Advance Nautical Equipment Co. 3/1
Ajax Co. 2/2
All American Sailmakers 6/5
Amateur Yacht Research Society 7/1, 7/2
Anchorage, Inc. 7/5
Armour & Co. 2/3
Atlas Tack Corp. 2/1
Bay Boatbuilding Co. 6/2
Bingham, Dana & Gould 3/1
Black and Blue Prints Co. 7/5
Blood Brothers Machine Co. 3/5
Boston Insurance Co. 5/4
Boston Yacht Club 3/5
Bowker & Budd 6/3, 7/2
Boys’ Camps, Inc. 3/2
Britt Bros. 5/4
Buda Co. 2/1
Burr Brothers Boats 3/7, 5/9
C.E. Beckman Co. 2/1, 2/2, 2/3, 2/6, 3/1, 3/2, 3/4, 3/5, 5/3, 5/9
C.F. Woodcraft Co. 5/4
Cape Cod Marine Service, Inc. 3/2, 3/5, 3/7
Charles E. Lauria & Co. 6/8
Charles E. Lauriat Co.

Charles H. Slack



Chase Copper & Brass Co. 2/2
Chemiseal Co. 3/2, 3/6
Cohasset Boat Storage & Suppy Co. 7/5
Colburn Gear & Mfg. Co., Inc. 2/6, 3/1
Colter Bros. Lumber Co. 2/2
Concordia Co., Inc. 3/2
Concordia Company, Inc. 3/3, 4/3
Cousens & Pratt 2/2, 2/3, 3/5
Cousens & Pratts, Inc. 3/2
Cox & Stevens 2/2, 7/1, 7/5
Crane & Co. 2/3
Crosby Steam Co. 7/6
Cummings Engine Co. 7/5
D.A. Comstock & Co., Inc. 3/2
Duell, Sloan & Duell 5/7
Edison Corp. 2/2
Edson Corp. 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 5/3
Edson Corporation 2/6
Edson Mfg. Co. 5/3
Ellsworht’s Boat Yard 7/5
Ellsworth’s Boat Yard 5/4
Fairbanks, Morse Co. 2/2
Fisher-Pierce Co. 3/2
Fyles & Rice 7/5
George F. Huggins & Co. 6/1
Gundry-Preston Metal Products 3/6
Hall Harding, Ltd. 4/9
Hardward Products Co. 3/4
Hardware Products Co. 2/6, 3/5
Harrinton, King & Co. 2/3
Hathaway, Reiser & Raymond, Inc. 6/8
Henry Hughes & Son 2/6
Howe & Bainbridge 3/1
Huckins Lumber Co. 5/1
Hutchins Lumber & Storage Co. 2/1, 2/2
Hyde Windlass Co. 2/3, 3/1, 5/3, 5/4
Invermay Yacht Yard 4/6
J.H. Taylor & Co. 4/2
J.H. Taylor & Son 2/2, 2/3, 3/1, 3/2
J.H. Taylor Foundry, Inc. 2/5, 3/4, 3/7, 5/1, 6/1, 6/5, 6/8
J.L. Mott Iron Works 2/3
J.M. Forbes & Co. 2/7, 3/5
J.M. Forbes Co.

J.T. Bennett

J.W. Davis & Sons




James Lumber Co. 2/2
John H. Faunce, Inc. 3/1, 3/5
Kainer Co. 2/2
Kidder, Peabody & Co.

Lake Michigan and Superior Trans. Co.



Larson & Sutter 6/5
Larson & Sutter, Inc. 3/6, 6/1
Larson & Sutters, Inc. 3/7
Lathrop Engine Co. 3/5
Lawley’s Shipyard 7/1
MacWhyte Co. 2/5
Marine Compass Co. 3/7, 6/6
Marine News 2/4
Matewson Machine Works 5/2
Mathewson Machine Works 2/5, 5/5
Mathwson Machine Works 5/3
McMillan Co. 3/3
Merriman Bros. 2/2
Merriman Bros., Inc. 2/3, 2/5, 4/1, 4/2, 6/1
Merriman Brothers 3/1
Merriman Brothers Inc. 6/5
Merriman Brothers, Inc. 2/5, 3/3, 3/4, 3/5, 3/6, 3/7, 5/9
Merriman, Brothers 2/6
Murphy & Nye 6/5
Nelson A. Taylor Co., Inc. 6/4
Neville Chemical Co. 3/6
Neville Co. 3/4, 3/5
New England Sales Corp. 5/1
North Sail Co. 6/8
Northeast Shipbuilding Co. 7/5
Onset Bay Boat Yard, Inc. 3/4
Onset Bay Yacht Yard, Inc. 3/5, 3/6, 5/9
Palmer & Parker Co. 2/3
Pennsylvania Coal Tar Products Co. 2/5
Perkins-Eaton Machinery Co. 3/4
Pierce & Kilburn Corp. 3/3
Pilot Enterprises 6/1
Providence Cornice Co. 2/4
Ratsey & Lapthorn, Inc. 3/2, 5/7, 6/4, 6/5, 6/6, 7/2
Robert Ross & Co., Ltd. 7/3, 7/6
Roebling Co. 2/3
Royal Ocean Cruising Club of England 5/6
Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania 5/6
Simpson-Lawrence Ltd. 2/6, 3/1
Simpson-Lawrence, Ltd. 6/3
Spaulding-Moss Co. 3/6, 5/2, 5/9
Stamford Foundry Co. 2/3
Stevens Institute of Technology 7/1
Stone & Downer 3/5
Stone & Downer Co. 2/6, 3/1
Swayzey, Raymond & Page 7/1
Swedish American Line 2/6
T. C. Ashley & Co. 3/4
Tarr & Wonson, LTD. 2/2
Tiverton Boat Yard, Inc. 7/5
U. S. Plywood Corp.

Union Ticket Office & Dock



W. & J. Tiebout & Co. 2/2
Walter H. Moreton Corp. 2/6, 3/1, 3/5, 5/4
Wamsutta Mills 2/6
Whitehead Metals Products Co. 3/1
Wilcox, Crittenden & Co., Inc. 2/1, 2/2, 2/4
Wilcox, Crittenden Co. 2/3, 3/1
William Fife & Son 4/6
Wilson & Silsby 2/2, 5/1
Wilson & Silsby, Inc. 2/3
Yachting, Inc. 2/4
Zephyr Products 7/5
ACTIVE (Whale boat) 1/3
ADIOS (Yacht) 4/8
ADVANCE (Schooner) 7/1
ALAMAR (Yacht) 5/9, 6/1
AMERICA (Schooner) 7/1
ANDIAMO (Yacht) 6/1
ANTARES (Yacht) 5/3, 5/4
ARCTURUS (Motor sailer) 7/5
ATMAH (Yacht) 1/3
AVELINDA (Yawl) 2/6
B. G. TOO (Ketch) 4/2
BAGATELLE (Yacht) 7/5
BALTIMORE (Whaleboat) 1/3
BELISARIUS (Yacht) 4/8
BEN BOW (Schooner) 3/3
BILLY II (Ketch) 4/1
BINKER (Yacht) 7/2
BLACK DUCK (Yacht) 2/6, 3/1, 3/2, 3/3
BLUE DOLPHIN (Yacht) 3/1
BLUE HERON (Yacht) 5/7
BLUE PIGEON (Dyer dhow) 7/5
BLUENOSE (Fishing schooner) 7/1
BOLERO (Yawl) 5/9
CALIFORNIA (Schooner) 5/6
CHALLENGER (Yacht) 5/7
CHAUVE SOURIS (Schooner) 4/2
CONSTELLATION (Schooner) 7/2
CREOLE (Yacht) 7/1
D’VARA (Ketch) 4/7, 4/8
D’VARA (Yacht) 6/3, 7/2
DAPHNE (Yacht) 6/8
DAWN (Yacht) 5/9, 6/1
DAWN (Yacht) 2/5
DEE DEE (Dyer dhow) 7/5
DELTA (Yacht) 7/5
DIABLESS (Ketch) 4/6
DIABLESSE (Ketch) 3/4, 3/5, 3/6, 3/7, 4/8, 4/10, 5/6, 5/7, 5/9, 6/1, 6/2, 6/3, 6/4, 6/5, 6/6, 6/7, 6/8, 7/1, 7/2, 7/4, 7/5, 7/6
DIABLESSE (Schooner) 5/3
DIABLESSE (Schooner) 2/3, 2/5, 3/3
DORADE (Yacht) 2/2
ELF II (Yacht) 5/4
ESMERELDA (Barkentine) 6/3
FAWN (Yacht) 3/7
FICARIA (Steamship) 6/6
GLEN NEVIS (Yacht) 1/3
GOLDEN LION (Yacht) 5/7, 6/1, 7/1
GRAY GOOSE (Yacht) 7/6
GRETEL (Yacht) 4/8
HELEN M.D. (Sloop) 1/3
HO HO 2 (Yacht) 5/6



13/1, 13/3

JASPER GALE (Ketch) 7/6
JEANNE D’ARC (Ketch) 4/9, 7/1, 7/3, 7/4
JEANNE D’ARC (Yacht) 5/7
JIHAN (Ketch) 6/2, 6/3
JIHAN (Yacht) 4/8
JOHN H. HASSEL (Schooner) 1/3
K. W. KILSBY 5/7
KAY (Yawl) 3/6
KITONE (Ketch) 5/6
LANDFALL (Ketch) 4/1
LORNA D. (Schooner) 5/7
LUCREZIA (Ketch) 4/9
MAHDEE (Schooner) 4/1
MAHOURETCH (Ketch) 4/8
MARION (ketch) 2/1
MARU (Ketch) 5/6
MARWAL (Sloop) 4/4
MARY ROSE (Yacht) 7/1
MELODIE (Yacht) 2/2
MISCHIEF (Yawl) 6/2
MON REVE (Ketch) 4/5
MON REVE (Yacht) 5/7
MORNING STAR (Ketch) 7/6
NEW SILVER GULL (Ketch) 4/5, 6/3
NEW SILVER GULL (Schooner) 4/7, 7/1
NEW SILVER GULL (Yacht) 5/7, 6/1, 6/2, 7/6
NINA (Yacht) 71
NOMAD (Ketch) 6/4, 6/5, 6/6, 6/7
NOMAD (Yacht) 5/7
OCEAN PEARL (Yacht) 7/2
OCEAN PERAL (Yacht) 4/4
ORNAUT (Schooner)



13/2, 13/3

PHYSALIA (Yacht) 5/4
PRAXILLA (Sloop) 4/1
PRAXILLA (Yacht) 2/3
PTAGMIGAN (Yacht) 3/1
PURITAN (Schooner) 4/8
PUSTACAUN (Schooner) 5/3
PUSTACAUN (Yacht) 2/5
QUINTILA (Ketch) 4/8, 4/9
QUINTILLA (Yacht) 7/1, 7/2
RAKA (Yawl) 4/3
RAMAH (Schooner) 4/1
RAMONA (Sloop) 5/6
RAMONA (Yacht) 3/5
RANGER II (Yacht) 7/1
RESOLUTE (J boat) 7/2
RESTLESS (Ketch) 7/5
RESTLESS (Schooner) 6/1
ROCDUNDA (Yacht) 3/4
ROCDUNDA (Yawl) 5/9
ROSE OF ARDEN (Sloop) 4/7
SABRE (Yacht) 5/7
SABRINA (Yacht) 6/1
SARABELLE (Ketch) 4/8
SCEPTRE (Yacht) 7/2
SEA GOOSE (Yacht) 7/2
SEER (Motor sailer) 7/6
SHAMROCK (Yacht) 7/2
SILVER GULL (Yacht) 5/6
SOLO (Yacht) 6/3
SPEROID (Steamer) 1/1
STAGHOUND (Yacht) 7/6
STORMCOCK (Yacht) 3/2
STORMSVAL (Ketch) 5/7
STORMSVALA (ketch) 2/5, 2/6, 2/7, 3/1, 3/2, 3/3, 3/4, 3/5, 3/6, 3/7
STORMSVALA (Ketch) 4/9, 5/1, 5/4, 5/6, 5/9, 6/1, 6/6, 6/8, 7/1, 7/2, 7/6
SULUAN (Yawl) 7/5
SYBIL OF CUMAE (Cutter) 7/1
TAKULL (Ketch) 5/7
TAW (Whale boat) 1/3
THEBAUD (Fishing schooner) 7/1
THIALFI (Yacht) 6/1
THISTLE (Yacht) 7/2
THREE BROTHERS (ketch) 2/2, 2/3
TUMBLE HOME (Cutter) 4/1
UNICORN (Yacht) 4/8
VAGRANT II (Ketch) 7/6
VAGRANT II (Yacht) 5/5
VAMARIE (Yacht) 7/1
VAMARIE (Yacht) 2/1, 2/2, 2/3, 2/5
VELILA (Ketch) 4/8
VICTORY CHIMES (Schooner) 6/1
VIM (Yacht) 6/3
VIXEN (Yacht) 5/4
VOYAGER (Ketch) 6/3
WANDERER III (Yacht) 4/8
WEETAMOE (Yacht) 7/1
WEETAMOE (Yacht) 2/3
WHITE CLOUD (Schooner) 5/6
WIND WHISTLE (Yacht) 5/4
YAKABOO (Canoe) 1/2, 1/3, 1/4
YAKABOO (Sail canoe) 7/1
YAKABOO (Sailing canoe) 7/2
YANKEE (Ketch) 4/4, 6/8
YANKEE (Yacht) 7/2

Detailed Description of the Collection

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

1 1 Papers, letter and various; 1911
2 Papers, Original Log of the YAKABOO; 1911
3 Papers, typed Log of the YAKABOO; 1911
4 Papers, miscellaneous sheets from the original Log of the YAKABOO; 1911
5 Paper, First half of draft fro Alone in the Caribbean, about voyage of the YAKABOO
6 Paper, Second half of draft fro Alone in the Caribbean, about voyage of the YAKABOO
2 1 Correspondence re. construction of main trysail ketch THREE BROTHERS for Hutchinses; 1934
2 Correspondence re. construction of main trysail ketch THREE BROTHERS for Hutchinses; 1934-1935
3 Correspondence re. construction etc.; 1935-1936
4 Correspondence re. construction of main trysail ketch for G. A. M. Mueller; 1934-1936
5 Correspondence re. construction of main trysail rig for William E. Mueller; 1941-1950
6 Correspondence re. construction of STORMSVALA with Dhow hull and main trysail rig for Alexander Forbes; 1935-1938
7 Correspondence with Nordjaerg, builders of STORMSVALA re. her construction; 1937-1938
3 1 Correspondence re. construction of STORMSVALA for Alexander Forbes; 1938
2 Correspondence re. improvements to and upkeep of Alexander Forbes’ STORMSVALA; 1946-1947
3 Correspondence re. improvements to STORMSVALA; 1948
4 Correspondence re. improvements to STORMSVALA; 1949
5 Correspondence re. improvements to STORMSVALA; 1950-1952
6 Correspondence re. improvements to STORMSVALA; 1953-1955
7 Correspondence re. improvements to STORMSVALA; 1955-1962
4 1 Correspondence with Paul Hammond re. twin spinnakers and trade and after twins; 1932-1957
2 Correspondence re. conversion of J. H. Winfield’s CHAUVE SOURIS and B. G. TOO to twin spinnakers; 1935-1954
3 Correspondence with Waldo Howland re. construction of twin spinnakers; 1956-1957
4 Correspondence with F. Spaudling Dunbar re. twin spinnakers; 1956-1960
5 Correspondence re. conversion of C. W. Eshom’s MON REVE to wishbone rig; 1953
6 Correspondence with J.S. Jenson re. conversion of SIBYL OF CUMAE to wishbone ketch; 1956-1959
7 Correspondence re. construction of wishbone-rigged yacht D’VARA for Stanley Bradfield; 1956-1960
8 Corrspondence re. Bradfield’s wishbone-rigged yacht D’VARA; 1961-1965
9 Corrspondence re. adaptation of E. W. A. Smith’s QUINTILA for a split-sprit; 1957-1963
10 Correspondence re. conversion of Arch Speirs’ boat to wishbone rig; 1959
5 1 Correspondence re. construction of motor sailer model by Herbert U. Smith; 1934-1940
2 Correspondence with Fernando Sagrera re. plans for Dyer Dhow Senior; 1953-1954
3 Correspondence re. construction of boat according to Fenger’s D-12 design for Philip Goodell; 1938-1939
4 Correspondence re. construction of boat according to Fenger’s D-12 design, for Philip Goodell; 1939-1940
5 Correspondence with Philip Goodell re. D-12; 1948
6 Correspondence with H. Newton-Scott re. SILVER GULL; 1946-1952
7 Correspondence with H. Newton-Scott re. SILVER GULL; 1953-1961
8 Correspondence with H. Newton-Scott re. NEW SILVER GULL; 1960
9 Correspondence with Martin Haase re. DIABLESSE; 1949-1950
6 1 Correspondence with Martin Haase re. DIABLESSE; 1951-1957
2 Correspondence re. rig of Peter Clarke’s JIHAN; 1958-1960
3 Correspondence re. rig of Peter Clarke’s JIHAN; 1960-1963
4 Correspondence re. improvements of Stephen Donvan’s NOMAD (PUSTACAUN), sister of DIABLESSE; 1959-1963
5 Correspondence re. Stephen Donvan’s NOMAD (PUSTACAUN), sister of DIABLESSE; 1960-1961
6 Correspondence re. improvements of and sale of Stephen Donvan’s NOMAD (PUSTACAUN), sister of DIABLESSE; 1960-1965
7 Correspondence with Herbert Jackson, new owner of NOMAD (PUSTACAUN), sister of DIABLESSE; 1962
8 Correspondence re. Nicholas Fredyberg’s YANKEE
7 1 Correspondence re. Amateur Yacht Research Society (AYRS); 1956-1963
2 Correspondence with John Morwood; 1959-1965
3 Correspondence with Douglas Birt re. his book; 1954-1955
4 Correspondence re. Sir Frederick Browning’s modified wishbone-rigged yacht JEANNE D’ARC; 1951-1965
5 Correspondence with W. J. H. Dyer re. design of Dyer Dhow Senior; 1945-1957
6 Correspondence with J. A. Rouse re. his education as a designer; 1953-1963
7 Correspondence with wife Kitty; 1958
8 1 Rigs, main trysail rig, research; 1926
2 Rigs, main trysail rig, appliation; 1926-1962
3 Rigs, main trysail rig, application and adaptation; 1930-1943
4 Rigs, D-5 (Dhow, main trysail), data and calculations; ca. 1930
5 Rigs, 60′ main trysail ketch, data and application; ca.1940
5 Rigs, D-7 (main trysail) data and application; 1934
6 Rigs, D-7 (main trysail) data for Hutchinses’ THREE BROTHERS; ca. 1934
7 Rigs, main trysail rig, appliation; 1940-1947
8 Rigs, main trysail halyards, data and calculations; 1945-1952
9 Rigs, main trysail standing rigging, data and calculations; 1945-1950
10 Rigs, handling the main trysail, data; 1947
11 Rigs, main trysail rig, application (W. E. Mueller’s DAWN); 1947-1948
12 Rig, main trysail batten sprit, data and calculations; 1947-1951
9 1 Rigs, main trysail rig, data and applications; 1951-1952
2 Rigs, main trysail rig, data, calculations and applications; 1954-1958
3 Rigs, main trysail rig, data, calculations and applications; 1951-1955
4 Rigs, main trysail sheeting, data, and applications; 1956
6 Rigs, main trysail, cored and shroudless
7 Rigs, main trysail, application (H. Newton-Scott’s SILVER GULL); 1947-1956
8 Rigs, main trysail, application (H. Newton-Scott’s SILVER GULL); 1954-1958
9 Rigs, main trysail, application (H. Newton-Scott’s SILVER GULL); 1956-1957
10 Rigs, Dhow and main trysail patents and copyrights; 1927-1934
11 Rigs, Dhow and main trysail, applications; ca. 1930-1950
12 Rigs, 60′ Dhow, data and application; 1921-1923
13 Rigs, Dhow model, data and calculations; 1926-1929
14 Rigs, Dhow, data and application; 1927-1932
15 Rigs, Dhow model trials (D-4), data; 1927-1933
10 1 Rigs, Dhow displacement curves, data and calculations; 1931
2 Rigs, Dhow hull, data; 1942-1958
3 Rigs, Dhow lateral plane, data and calculations; ca. 1935
4 Rigs, Dhow model photos; ca. 1930
5 Rigs, twin spinnakers, data and applications; 1934-1956
6 Rigs, twin spinnakers vs. twin staysails, data; 1934-1961
7 Rigs, trade and after twins, data and calculations; 1952
8 Rigs, weather twins, data; 1951
9 Rigs, weather twins, data and applications; 1951-1953
10 Rigs, weather twins and self steering, data; 1961-1963
11 Rigs, old design sketches; ca. 1915
12 Rigs, 60′ main trysail, motor sailers, auxiliaries; 1934
13 Rigs, D-6, built for DeLamarter, data, calculations, and applications; ca. 1930
14 Rigs, D-10, main trysail-rigged STORMSVALA; 1938-1947
15 Rigs, D-14, main trysail, wishbone gaffs, application; ca. 1945
16 Rigs, D-15, data and calculations; 1951-1953
17 Rigs, D-15, data and calculations; 1951
18 Rigs, Dyer Dhow Senior, data and calculation; 1945-1954
11 1 Rigs, Dyer Dhow Senior, data and application; ca. 1945
2 Rigs, Wishbone rig, data and applicaton; ca. 1960
3 Rigs, Wind tunnel trials, calculations; ca. 1960
4 Rigs, Double rig halyard toggle, data; ca. 1950
5 Rigs, cored masts, data and calculations; 1946-1958
6 Rigs, cored masts, data and calculations; 1927-1959
7 Rigs, bending masts, data; 1957-1963
8 Rigs, bending masts, data; 1961
9 Rigs, cored masts for offshore yachts, data; 1963-1964
10 Rigs, wind curves; 1929-1952
11 Rigs, true and apparent wind and windward ability in relation to the main trysail; 1936-1955
12 Rigs, apparent wind shift vs. C. E. heights, data; 1951
13 Rigs, velocity and pressure curves, data; 1952
14 Rigs, leech contours, data and calculations; 1949
15 Rigs, sail design, data; 1951
16 Rigs, angle of incidence, data and calculations; 1951
17 Rigs, leech curvature and contour, data; 1952
18 Rigs, sail reductions and heeling angles, data and calculations; 1953-1954
19 Rigs, mizzen reverse flow, data; 1954
20 Rigs, draft allowance, data; ca. 1950
21 Rigs, shrouds and stays, data and application; 1948
22 Rigs, sheet-vang; 1951
12 1 Rigs, fore and aft stays, data and calculations; 1955
2 Rigs, sheet pull, data; 1958
3 Rigs, forestaysail sheet, data; 1957
4 Rigs, drogues, data and application; 1932-1933
5 Rigs, drogues, data and application; 1932-1955
6 Rigs, design data (glues, propellers, etc.); ca. 1925-1955
7 Rigs, heeled waterlines; ca. 1935
8 Rigs, tang design, data and application; ca. 1945
9 Rigs, clew lever, data and calculations; 1946
10 Rigs, catalogs from Macwhyte – rigging, tie rods, cables, etc.; 1947
11 Rigs, construction notes on cruising yacht design; 1948-1953
12 Rigs, speed-length ration, data and calculations; 1949
13 Rigs, sail power and draw-bar pull, data and calculations; 1951
14 Rigs, runners and runner take-up, data and calculations; 1951-1954
15 Rigs, runners and runner take-up, data and calculations; 1954
16 Rigs, sprit ends, data; 1955
17 Rigs, triangular mizzen boom, data and calculations; 1955
18 Rigs, swinging spreaders, bending masts, data and calculations; 1956-1957
19 Rigs, CLR and CE, data and calculations; 1956-1957
20 Rigs, model tank test data from Stevens Institute; 1956-1963
21 Rigs, self-steering, data and application; 1957
22 Rigs, mizzen stay traveler and brackets, data; 1957






Rigs, pitch and toss, data and application; 1960

Howadji logs, 1893, 1903-06

Ouinnetka photos, invoices 1902-03

Charts, log of Ouinnetka 1903


IMO ---
MMSI 503016190
Call Sign AV402Q
Size 16 x 3 m
GT ---
DWT ---
Build ---
Status Active

Current Trip

Hope island.


Trip Time 8 days
Trip Distance 34.81 nm
AVG Speed 5.2 Knots
MAX Speed 7.3 Knots
Draught 0 m
AVG Wind 13 knots
MAX Wind 24.9 knots
MIN Temp 17.8°C / 64.04°F
MAX Temp 20.7°C / 69.26°F
Position Received 2024-07-06 02:26

Current Position

Longitude 153.34832°
Latitude -27.86603°
Status Default
Speed 0.1 Knots
Course ---
Area Coral Sea
Station T-AIS
Position Received 2024-07-06 02:26


The current position of NEW SILVER GULL is in Coral Sea with coordinates -27.86603° / 153.34832° as reported on 2024-07-06 02:26 by AIS to our vessel tracker app. The vessel's current speed is 0.1 Knots and is currently inside the port of HOPE ISLAND .

The vessel NEW SILVER GULL (MMSI: 503016190) is a Sailing It's sailing under the flag of [AU] Australia .

In this page you can find informations about the vessels current position, last detected port calls, and current voyage information. If the vessels is not in coverage by AIS you will find the latest position.

The current position of NEW SILVER GULL is detected by our AIS receivers and we are not responsible for the reliability of the data. The last position was recorded while the vessel was in Coverage by the Ais receivers of our vessel tracking app.

Temperature 19.3°C / 66.74°F
Wind Speed 12 knots
Direction 143° SE
Pressure 1029.9 hPa
Humidity 57.2 %
Cloud Coverage 20 %

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Last port calls.

Port Arrival Departure Time In Port

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Port Arrivals
Origin Departure Destination Arrival Distance
'>2024-06-27 '>2024-07-05 34.81 nm
Time Event Details Position / Dest Info
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  1. New Silver Gull rides again

    New Silver Gull was launched in Sydney in 1939 on the banks of Yowie Bay, where, on a narrow shelf along the water's edge, Harry Newton-Scott, engineer, surveyor and accomplished yachtsman, built a cruising yacht to his own design using input from his good friend and respected yacht designer in America, Fritz Fenger.

  2. Hull 5

    bold 85m world explorer. launched 2019. speed 23 knots. length 85.3m

  3. Ship NEW SILVER GULL (Sailing Vessel) Registered in Australia

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    exterior design by espen Øino. Follow us on Instagram. Copyright SILVERYACHTS 2024

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  7. New Silver Gull

    Harry Newton Scott launched his self-designed and built NEW SILVER GULL in December 1940 at Yowie Bay, on the eastern shore of Botany Bay, NSW. He was a civil enginee …

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  11. Wishbone Silver Gull Ketch

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  14. New Silver Gull

    AMSA's forms and online payment system will be unavailable on Thursday 8 th February from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm AEST.. Forms that require payment will be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience

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  16. Used 48' Classic Staysail Ketch "new Silver Gull" for Sale

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  17. New Silver Gull

    Harry Newton Scott launched his self-designed and built NEW SILVER GULL in December 1940 at Yowie Bay, on the eastern shore of Botany Bay, NSW. He was a civil engineer and surveyor, and had built the yacht right on the shore, in fact at high tide the water lapped under the hull as it was being built. Launching as a result was relatively easy. He started construction some years earlier, but ...

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    The Silver Lake water park and adventure center in Erlanger, a Cincinnati suburb, was host to the chlorine-resistant Cryptosporidiosis, abbreviated to crypto. 3

  19. Gulf Craft's new SilverCat 40 Lux

    The 40ft power catamaran is the flagship of the Silvercraft range of fishing boats and family cruisers. The SilverCat 40 Lux has a large cockpit for enjoying the day's catch! Priced from US$260,000, the SilverCat 40 Lux has a beam of 13ft 7in (4.13m) and a draft of 3ft 10in (1.18m). It can be fitted with twin 440hp Volvo Penta D6 inboards or ...

  20. Sailing Dinghy

    Length 3.35m. Beam 1.44m. Draft 0.91m. Weight 88.0 kg. Sail Area Main & Genoa 6.78msq. Spinnaker 5.57 m sq. Portsmouth No: 1363 RN. To say Hartley Boats were pleased to add the Gull to our existing range would be a lie. When we bought the Wayfarer and Wanderer copyrights from the Proctor family, Roger asked me "do you want the Gull?".

  21. Frederic A. Fenger Papers

    Correspondence re. construction of boat according to Fenger's D-12 design, for Philip Goodell; 1939-1940: 5: Correspondence with Philip Goodell re. D-12; 1948: 6: Correspondence with H. Newton-Scott re. SILVER GULL; 1946-1952: 7: Correspondence with H. Newton-Scott re. SILVER GULL; 1953-1961: 8: Correspondence with H. Newton-Scott re. NEW ...

  22. Sailing Dinghies for sale, Gull Sailing Dinghies, used boats, new boat

    Built in 2014 it has a Silver Grey Deck, Oxford Blue Double Waterline hull and a White Bottom. If you have not the budget for a new boat, this is your opportunity to become a Gull sailor. The boat was well fitted out with a host of extras as follows : Jib Furler, Slab Reefing Main Sail, Centre Main, Padded Toe Straps, Top Cover, Combi-Trailer ...


    Details and realtime position for the vessel NEW SILVER GULL with MMSI 503016190, IMO 0 that is registered in [AU] Australia

  24. ABERTON Moscow Russia Official Dealer

    AZIMUT YACHTS - ABERTON is the official Azimut Yachts dealer in Moscow, Russia. We're always here to help. Experience the luxury of Azimut Yachts now. ... We take 360 care of our clients including transactional tasks, new build management, crewing, afrtersales and many others. 01. 06. Maksim Riabenkov. CEO. Tel: +79037997915, +35699077001 ...

  25. The Silver Gull canal boat operating out of Springwood Haven

    Here is a brief overview of The Silver Gull canal boat operating out of Springwood Haven. Design : The Alvechurch Gull is a 66ft long, 6 berth cruiser stern narrowboat, with side doors. It has a quiet water-cooled diesel engine with simple to use controls. Features : There is full radiator central heating on the boat.

  26. Boats for Sale in Russia

    View the latest selection of Boats for Sale in Russia at Great Prices - Part Exchange, Warranty & Finance - Approved Boats - International Yacht Brokers Skip to Content Tel: 02380 456 544