was assembled from one of our kits. The layout can be varied to suit your particular requirements.

small steel sailboat plans

BUILD YOUR OWN SAILBOAT DETAILS     1, 4 00 PAGE  eBook Building in METAL This chapter covers everything for those who are interested in building in Steel, Aluminum and Copper- Nickel. The benefits and disadvantages of the different metals are explained in detail.   Discusses the right tools and equipment and welding techniques and how they apply to various metals. The differences between the various hull shapes is explained in detail plus  selecting the correct engine(s) and equipment. Other subjects include electrolytic protection, building skegs. keels and pilot houses, in fact everything you need to know about metal boats is covered between the pages of this book. NEW information on building from a KIT ... many kit assembly photos etc etc.

set of parts as they would be cut for your kit or from cutting files. They are laid out as they will be assembled into your hull deck and superstructure.




Messing about in boats since 1975.  Online Since 1997.

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Power and Sailing Yacht Plans List Copyright 2023 Michael Kasten Updated April  2023 This page provides a list of our currently available boat plans, a link to the web page for each design, and a price for each design.  What Do Plans Cost..? Below is a list of prices for each plans package that we offer. The first group lists our Sailing Yacht Designs and the second group lists our Power Yacht Designs .  Some designs are COMPLETED and others are INCOMPLETE.      COMPLETED STOCK DESIGNS :  The Estimating Plans and Building Plans prices given below in BOLD BLACK TYPE are for a FULLY COMPLETED STOCK DESIGN , the plans for which can be shipped immediately on receipt of your order.   Please see our Stock Design web page for a description of what is included, and how our prices have been determined.    INCOMPLETE OR 'SEMI-STOCK' DESIGNS :   Prices given below in PLAIN TEXT indicate plans that are INCOMPLETE.  WHY , you may ask, have I even bothered to list INCOMPLETE designs below...? Since people's circumstances often change, it is inevitable that some boat design projects will be abandoned before they are finished, and in some cases after considerable work has been done.  This can occur as is so well described in the first few pages of Rockwell Kent’s excellent non-fiction sea story, “North by East” , or as the result of a change of fortune, failing health, or for a myriad of other reasons. A few of the INCOMPLETE designs listed below (not very many) have been developed on my own, in other words, with myself as the 'client'.  Others have been created at the behest of an individual client to explore an idea or a concept.  Either way, I believe all of the designs listed below have merit.  We offer these INCOMPLETE designs at a substantial discount versus what it would cost to develop an entirely CUSTOM design, the difference being that the 'discovery' phase of the design process has already been accomplished.  Even so, there is still quite a bit of WORK REMAINING in order to complete the Plans Packages for those INCOMPLETE designs.  The prices given below reflect our actual cost to complete the Estimating Plans or the Building Plans Package for each design, assuming there will be no changes to the design as it is presented.  If you take umbrage with the cost of our INCOMPLETE designs, I urge you to read our Learning Yacht Design web page.  If one of the designs below is "close" to what you have in mind but you would like to tweak it some, I will be pleased to provide a detailed estimate for any revisions you have in mind.  If any of these designs is of interest, please inquire .    CUSTOM YACHT DESIGN :  A new CUSTOM design will necessarily include the process of " discovery " which represents Stage I of the design process, during which all options are on the table including size, type, configuration, layout, rig, materials, etc.  By comparison, given that many of the INCOMPLETE designs listed below have already had a considerable amount of design work done, very roughly the cost to create a CUSTOM design can be on the order of some 20% to 50% greater than the prices listed for the INCOMPLETE designs below, in order to accommodate the "discovery" process on the way to achieving a completed set of Building Plans.  Is the added cost worth it...?   Yes , we believe so. Please see our article on Custom Yacht Design for our best answer to that question, where you will also find an overview of the design process itself.  Our Design Stream article additionally describes how we use CAD to best advantage throughout the design process. If a new Custom Yacht Design is of interest, please inquire for more information.    COMPLETED NC CUTTING FILES :  There are several designs below for which NC Cutting files are ALREADY DEVELOPED , in which case the price is in BOLD BLACK TYPE .    DEVELOPING NEW NC CUTTING FILES :  All other NC Cutting File prices are listed in PLAIN TEXT, and reflect our actual cost to develop NC Cutting Files for that design from scratch, in which case they can be developed for metric or imperial dimensioned materials as needed. Please see our CAD Design Stream article for more information about our NC development process.    ORDERING INFORMATION : All prices are given in US Dollars and are subject to change at any time.  To place an order, please see our contact information below. To order by fax or by mail, a PDF Order Form has been provided for your convenience.    What's Included...? Estimating Plans - Building Plans - NC Cut Files... ESTIMATING PLANS :  Since all the basic information about each of our designs is available here at our web site, and for free, we no longer offer basic Study Plans.   Instead, we offer a much more useful and complete Estimating Plans for each of the designs listed below. Our Estimating Plans include the following: Drawings:    Sail Plan / Exterior Profile Drawing Interior Profile & Arrangement Drawing (one to four sheets, depending on vessel size) Structure Drawings (one or two additional sheets, depending on vessel size)    Documents:    Drawings & Documents List Written Vessel Specification Detailed Equipment List Structural Scantling List Laminate Schedule (if needed) Structure Weight & Surface Areas Builder Short List appropriate to the specific design Cover Letters to Builders re: scope of project, etc.    Our Estimating Plans are useful for study, planning, commentary, or mark-ups in the event you want to consider variations on the layout or the rig.  Primarily though, the Estimating Plans are intended for Cost Estimating .   Considering the price lists given below, the Estimating Plans represent an outstanding bargain and include quite a lot of useful information. Our Designer's Cover Letter serves as an introduction to the builder and outlines the scope of our involvement.  Our Owner's Cover Letter is a template which you can modify as needed in order to provide an introduction to the builder; to outline your intended build timing; and to let them know what stage of completion you intend their quotation to cover. NOTE :  Estimating Plans do not contain sufficient detail for actual construction of the vessel.  However the Estimating Plans do provide enough information so that builders can provide a firm quotation for construction, and to allow a preliminary construction contract to be negotiated.    BUILDING PLANS : Prior to your construction contract being finalized, and in order to actually build the boat, the complete Building Plans will be required.  Our Building Plans include all the contents of our Estimating Plans as listed above, plus all the remaining detail drawings required for construction, including the following: Drawings:    Lines Drawing Offsets (if not CNC cut) Structural Sections Joinery Sections Joinery Details Construction Details (Several Sheets Including Hull & Deck Fittings; Ports; Doors; etc.) Spar Plans (Sail: Several Sheets Including Spar Dimensions; Spar Fitting Details; etc.) Machinery Plans (Power:  Several Sheets as Needed) Numerous Detail Drawings as Needed       Vessel Design Data, including:    Hydrostatics & Trim Stability Compliance Report Performance Analysis Hull Data for Propeller Calcs Endurance & Range Under Power    Building Plans also include a thorough review of and revision of the Equipment List and Vessel Specification in order to suit your specific equipment preferences. If the drawings or documents require further revision for your use, for example to make changes to the layout or the rig, we'll be pleased to provide an estimate for making those revisions. Please see our Stock Plans page for more information about what's included, and how we can customize a stock design to suit your requests.    CUSTOM DESIGN : We can modify any of our Stock Designs to suit a newly defined purpose, or we can work with you to create an entirely new design based on your requests. Please feel free to inquire about any modifications you may have in mind, or about creating a new Custom Design to suit your specific requirements.  In way of inspiration we have provided quite a variety of Prototype Designs , any one of which can be modified as needed to create a fully completed yacht design.    NC CUTTING FILES : Several of the Stock Designs listed below for construction in metal have already been developed for automated NC cutting of the metal parts. "NC" simply means 'Numerically Controlled' - a technology for creating pre-cut boat parts directly from the 3D design model. For details regarding the benefits of NC Cutting and to find out what's included with an NC Cutting File Package , check out our article on Our CAD Design Stream and the articles linked from there.    MORE INFO :  Please see our Site Map to quickly find any of our designs, to peruse our portfolio, and to find our articles on a variety of boat related topics.  

What Will the Boat Cost..?

This is the most difficult question of all, and one for which I do not have a ready answer.  However it is a question that ultimately does have an answer...!   For any meaningful cost discovery it is necessary to solicit actual quotations for construction from a short list of qualified builders. 

For that purpose, we offer completed ESTIMATING PLANS for several of the designs listed below, with their prices listed in BOLD BLACK TEXT .  For any designs listed below that are INCOMPLETE, we have also provided the cost to develop ESTIMATING PLANS for that design, the prices for which are given in PLAIN TEXT.

Please see the following articles for information about boat costs, and about the process of soliciting estimates from builders:

The Cost Question | Affordable Boatbuilding | Estimating Boatbuilding Costs | What Will the Design Cost..?   


IMPORTANT - Please see the Introduction above which describes the difference between  the prices given in BOLD BLACK TEXT vs the prices given in PLAIN TEXT below.

Please also see the AVAILABLE DISCOUNT information below.  

Cutter Aluminum * N/A $19,500 $18,500
Cutter Aluminum * N/A $24,500 $21,500
Junk Cutter / Ketch Aluminum* N/A $26,500 $21,500
Cutter Aluminum* N/A $28,500 $23,000
Gaff Ketch Steel or Aluminum $24,500
Cutter Steel or Aluminum N/A $31,000 $25,500
Cutter Steel or Aluminum N/A $31,000 $25,500
Gaff Schooner Steel or Aluminum $27,500
Gaff Schooner Steel Hull; Wood Deck $25,000
Staysail Schooner Steel or Aluminum $27,500
Gaff Ketch Steel or Aluminum $27,500
Gaff Ketch Steel or Aluminum
Bermuda Rig Cutter Steel or Aluminum $4,750 $39,500 $29,500
Gaff Ketch Aluminum $29,500
Gaff Schooner Steel (metric - steel)
Gaff Schooner Aluminum (imperial - aluminum)
Junk Rig Schooner Steel or Aluminum $5,750 $39,500 $29,500
Junk Rig Schooner Aluminum * $29,500
(aft house) Gaff Schooner Steel or Aluminum $5,950 $48,500 $29,500
(mid house) Gaff Schooner Steel or Aluminum $5,950 $48,500 $29,500
Gaff Ketch Aluminum * (metric - aluminum)
Brigantine Schooner Sawn Frame Wood ** $6,750 $48,500 N/A (Wood)
Brigantine Schooner Steel or Aluminum (imperial - steel)
Bermuda Rig Ketch Steel or Aluminum $7,950 $54,500 $36,000
Brigantine Schooner Sawn Frame Wood ** N/A N/A (Wood)
Tern Schooner Aluminum * (imperial - aluminum)
Motor-Sailing Ketch Sawn Frame Wood ** $55,500 N/A (Wood)
Sailing Ketch Sawn Frame Wood ** N/A N/A (Wood)
Brigantine Schooner Sawn Frame Wood ** $9,500 $56,500 N/A (Wood)
Motor-Sailing Ketch Sawn Frame Wood ** $9,500 $57,500 N/A (Wood)
Sailing Schooner Sawn Frame Wood ** N/A N/A (Wood)
Motor-Sailing Ketch Sawn Frame Wood ** N/A N/A (Wood)
Sailing Schooner Sawn Frame Wood ** $9,950 $67,500 N/A (Wood)
Motor-Sailing Ketch Sawn Frame Wood ** N/A N/A (Wood)
Sailing Ketch Sawn Frame Wood ** N/A N/A (Wood)
Sailing Ketch Sawn Frame Wood ** $10,950 $59,500 N/A (Wood)

*  See notes below about Aluminum vessels. ** See notes below about Wooden Vessels. *** See notes below about NC Cutting Files .  


Tug Yacht Aluminum * (metric - aluminum)
Tug Yacht Aluminum * $23,000
Trawler Yacht Steel or Aluminum $23,500 $23,000
Tug Yacht Steel or Aluminum $20,500
Catamaran Aluminum * (imperial - aluminum)
Trawler Yacht Aluminum * $23,500 $23,000
House Boat Fiberglass & Wood N/A N/A (fiberglass & wood)
Tug Yacht Steel and Aluminum $28,000
Tug Yacht Aluminum * $28,000
Tug Yacht Steel and Aluminum $28,000
Trawler Yacht Aluminum * (imperial - aluminum)
Trawler Yacht Aluminum * (imperial - aluminum)
Trawler Yacht Aluminum * $4,750 $32,500 $29,000
Dream Yacht Steel or Aluminum $4,750 $30,500 $28,000
Trawler Yacht Aluminum * $4,750 $37,500 $29,000
  Trawler Yacht Aluminum * $29,000
Trawler Yacht Steel or Aluminum $29,000
Trawler Yacht Steel or Aluminum $37,500 $31,000
Trawler Yacht Aluminum * $5,250 $38,500 $31,000
Trawler Yacht Steel or Aluminum $5,250 $38,500 $31,750
Fast Motor Yacht Aluminum * $35,750
Trawler Yacht Steel or Aluminum (imperial - steel)
Dream Yacht Steel or Aluminum $42,000 $32,750
Trawler Yacht Steel or Aluminum $43,000 $34,750
Trawler Yacht Aluminum * (imperial - aluminum)
Trawler Yacht Fiberglass & Wood N/A (Fiberglass)
Trawler Yacht Steel or Aluminum $7,400 $47,000 $35,750
Trawler Yacht Aluminum * $52,500 $37,000
Trawler Yacht Aluminum * $7,900 $52,500 $37,000
Classic Yacht Aluminum * $39,500
Luxury Motor Yacht Aluminum * $69,500 $49,000
Luxury Motor Yacht Aluminum * $74,500 $51,000

* See notes below about Aluminum vessels. ** See notes below about Wooden Vessels. *** See notes below about NC Cutting Files .  


  • The cost of Building Plans given above includes the cost of the Estimating Plans for that design..   
  • If you order STOCK Building Plans within 90 days after purchasing STOCK Estimating Plans (for the same design), we will deduct half of what you paid for the STOCK Estimating Plans (less shipping) from your order.   
  • The cost given above to complete the Building Plans for an as-yet INCOMPLETE design includes the cost to develop Estimating Plans for that design.  
  • If you first arrange for completion of as-yet INCOMPLETE Estimating Plans, the subsequent cost to develop Building Plans for that design will be reduced by the full cost of having developed the Estimating Plans for that design.  In other words, the INCOMPLETE Building Plans prices given above already include the cost to develop the Estimating Plans.  
  • For ALL orders, if an already completed set of STOCK NC Cutting Files are ordered along with an already completed set of STOCK Building Plans for that vessel ( both paid for in full at the same time ) we will provide a discount of 10% off your entire order.  And... this discount may be applied in addition to either of the above discount options..! Note however that this does not apply to any of our designs for which the NC Cutting Files or the Design itself remain INCOMPLETE.  

For additional clarification of the above discounts, please inquire .  


GRP or PLYWOOD : Any of our Aluminum or Steel designs can be converted for construction in GRP or cold moulded plywood. The cost of any such revisions will be quoted separately. For more information, please inquire .

STEEL : Any Steel vessel can easily be re-specified with an aluminum structure. To convert a stock steel design to aluminum, please add 20% to the cost of the Estimating Plans or the Building Plans for that design.  Conversion of NC Cutting Files from steel to aluminum will however require a completely new set of NC cutting files, for which please inquire for an estimate.

* ALUMINUM : The Aluminum vessels listed above can only be built in steel if the design is extensively modified for that purpose in order to accommodate the added weight of the structure. For more information, please inquire .  Conversion from aluminum to steel will also require a completely new set of NC cutting files, for which please inquire for an estimate.

** WOOD : Please note that our large Wooden Vessel plans are generally priced higher, since revisions will nearly always be required in order to accommodate the differing wood species that will be available for construction, and the consequent differences in scantlings and overall weight. Those revisions (within reason) are included in the prices indicated above.

*** NC CUTTING FILES : Although a complete Building Plans set is required in order build any of these boat designs, the NC Cutting Files are entirely optional . In other words, the Building Plans are required , even if you purchase the NC Cutting Files for that design. The cost of NC Cutting Files is in addition to the cost of the Building Plans. Please see above for discount options that are available...

The NC Cutting Files shown above with prices given in BOLD BLACK TYPE have already been developed , in which case they will have been created for either metric or imperial dimensioned materials, and for either steel or aluminum (noted in parentheses).

If the vessel will be built in a location that requires changing the measurement system , and / or if there is a change from steel to aluminum or aluminum to stee l structure, then additional work will be required, the cost of which will be quoted separately and in addition to the above prices. Should such changes to any of our designs be of interest, please inquire for an estimate.   


Our aluminum yacht tenders are the perfect companion to any of the yachts described above.

8' to 14' Prams - Building Plans: $250 . NC Cutting Files: $250 . (The Building Plans are required. The NC Cutting File is optional. The cost of the NC Cutting file includes interacting with the cutter of your choice to assure compliance with their cutting equipment.)  


If you don't see a design here that suits your requirements, please see our Prototypes web page for links to other designs that are either under development, or that may offer a few possible ideas in way of inspiration...

Preliminary study sketches may be available for some of our Prototype Designs. If you would like to know more about one of them, please inquire .  

NACA Foil Shaped Low Drag Aluminum Paravanes

Please see our Roll Attenuation article for more information on Paravanes for Motor Yachts.

Plan square area is 383 square inches for the wings, not counting the bulb.
Weight is 79 lb., of which approx. 19.5 lb. is lead in the nose of the bulb.
Appropriate for boats up to approximately 50 to 65' on deck by 15' of beam,
depending on displacement.

* Design and Specification:

Plan square area is 233 square inches for the wings, not counting the bulb.
Weight is approximately 40 lb., of which approx. 10 lb. is lead in the nose of the bulb.
Appropriate for boats up to approximately 35 to 50' on deck by 12' of beam,
depending on displacement.

* Design and Specification:

Plan square area is 138 square inches for the wings, not counting the bulb.
Weight is 17.5 lb., of which approx. 4.25 lb. is lead in the nose of the bulb.
Appropriate for boats up to approximately 35' on deck by 10' of beam
depending on displacement.

* Design and Specification:

- Click for Larger Image

These low-drag paravanes are balanced and are adjustable for different speeds. They make use of NACA foil shaped surfaces combined with a lead ballasted NACA foil shaped bulb. They are designed to be machined out of marine grade aluminum plate and rod so that they can be shaped, and so they are lighter for a given wing area than steel paravanes would be.

The sizes given above are conservatively rated. In other words each size can be used on a larger vessel than is indicated. It is all a matter of degree. The roll attenuation will simply be more or it will be less, as compared to that of a larger or smaller wing area.

Paravane effectiveness is a function of wing area and pole length vs. your vessel’s righting moment. With a larger the vessel the poles can be made longer, achieving greater leverage, therefore a greater effect for the same size paravane.  If you have an existing vessel on which you would like to install these paravanes, but you don't have a paravane rig, we can provide a design for the rig that will fit your boat.

For more information, please inquire .   


Addresses in north america.

PAYMENT OPTIONS : If you would like to make a purchase from the above plans lists, please use our PDF Order Form or please feel free to contact me for additional information. Our payment options are as follows:

  • Bank Check : For orders within the US up to USD $500 your personal check will be suitable. For orders from Canada, a money order or a cashier's check drawn on a US bank in US funds will be equally suitable. For all personal check payments we will wait until your check has cleared prior to sending out your order (for domestically issued cashier's checks or money orders, clearance takes a minimum of 7 business days after it has been deposited ).
  • Pay Pal:  For orders of up to USD $1,000 payment may be made via Pay Pal.  Please inquire for details.
  • Credit Card : For orders of up to USD $1,000 payment may also be made by credit card (Visa, Master Card, Amex) by using our PDF Order Form . The amount billed to your credit card will be the cost in US dollars. The cost in foreign currency will depend on the exchange rate applicable at the time of the transaction. A transaction fee of 5% will be added to all credit or debit card orders.
  • Wire Transfer : For ALL amounts above USD $ 1,000, a direct wire transfer is required (most secure, fastest and least costly). Please inquire by FAX or by email for our wire transfer details. See our FAX number below, or please use our PDF Order Form where our FAX number will also be found.

Please note that all prices given on this page are subject to change at any time at my discretion.  

SHIPPING OPTIONS : For standard first class mail sent to any address in the US or Canada, or for airmail sent to Mexico, please add USD $60 to cover mailing costs. For US Priority Mail to US Addresses, please add USD $75. For US Express Mail to US addresses or for US Global Priority Mail to Canada please add USD $95. For FedEx standard overnight delivery in the US and Canada, or FedEx International Economy to Mexico please add USD $175.   

FREE DELIVERY...! Delivery via email is easy, and is encouraged. It is by far the fastest and most economical way to receive your plans. If you elect this option, delivery is FREE . If you accept delivery by email, we will send you all drawings as PDF plots, and all documents as PDF's, ready for printing and / or plotting, which is easily accomplished at your nearest copy shop.  

Addresses Elsewhere Worldwide

PAYMENT OPTIONS : If you live outside North America, our payment options are as follows:

  • Bank Check : For any amount up to USD $ 1,000, if you wish to pay by cashier's check or money order, it should be drawn on a US bank in US funds. It is most secure when sending funds to use a courier service such as DHL, FedEx, EMS, UPS that provide online tracking, rather than regular postal mail delivery service. If sending a cashier's check by courier, please inquire for our physical shipping address. For all payments made by check or money order we will wait until your check has cleared prior to sending out your order (for foreign issued cashier's checks or money orders, clearance takes a minimum of 10  business days after it is deposited ).
  • Credit Card : For orders of up to USD $1,000, payment may also be made by credit card (Visa, Master Card, Amex) by using our PDF Order Form . The amount billed to your credit card will be the cost in US dollars, plus shipping. The cost in foreign currency will depend on the exchange rate applicable at the time of the transaction.  A transaction fee of 5% will be added to all credit or debit card orders.
  • Wire Transfer : For ALL amounts above USD $1,000, a direct wire transfer is required (most secure, fastest and least costly). Please inquire by FAX or by email for our wire transfer details. See our FAX number below, or please use our PDF Order Form where our FAX number will also be found. 

SHIPPING OPTIONS: For addresses in Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia, England, or any country that uses the Euro Currency, please add USD $150 for 3 to 6 day delivery via US Global Priority Mail . For faster delivery by courier (DHL, FedEx, EMS) or by US Global Express Mail please add USD $250 (usually takes 3-4 business days).

Please note that regular postal mail service s of any kind are not offered to destinations other than those listed above. In most other locations, regular postal mail has proven to be extremely unreliable.  For destinations not listed above, please add USD $350 for 3 to 4 day delivery by courier (DHL, FedEx, EMS). We will select the best delivery method depending on your location.    

FREE DELIVERY...! Delivery via email is easy, and is encouraged. It is by far the fastest and most economical way to receive your plans. If you elect this option, delivery is FREE. If you accept delivery by email, we will send you all drawings as PDF plots, and all documents as PDF's, ready for printing and / or plotting, which is easily accomplished at your nearest copy shop.  

KASTEN MARINE DESIGN, INC. Email us for our mailing address or to arrange a phone appointment.

PDF Order Form  

Please see the  AVAILABLE BOAT PLANS web page. Home   |  Intro   |  Our Design Process   |  Stock Design Info   |  Motor Yacht Designs   |  Sailing Yacht Designs   |  Prototype Designs Plans List   |  Articles   |  Our CAD Design Stream   |  Maxsurf   |  News..!   |  SITE MAP..!   |  Site Search   | Design Team   |  Contact Us
  • All Web Site Graphics, Layout, and Written Content at this Domain Created by Michael Kasten.
  • All Graphic and Written Materials at this Domain Copyright © 1989 - 2023 Michael Kasten.
  • All Content Registered with US Library of Congress and US Copyright Office.
  • Copyright Violations will be Prosecuted. All Rights Reserved.

Duckworks Boat Builders Supply

Plan Finder

  • Plans & Kits

small steel sailboat plans

Introducing our new BOAT PLAN FINDER! (Public Beta Test)

Finding the right boat plan for your dream project can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. Try out our new tool here to filter our catalog of boat plans from designers around the world, and find your next project. 


We're testing the new plan filtering capabilities here with a small sample of our boat plans (only about 200 out of over 2000 are represented here). That's a lot of plans we still need to add data to! We're working with our plan designers to ensure we have correct data for all of them so we can add them to the PlanFinder.

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DUO 800 Study Plans

DUO 800 Study Plans

DUO 800 Assymetrical Plans

DUO 800 Assymetrical Plans

First Mate Printed Plans

First Mate Printed Plans

Flint Printed Plans

Flint Printed Plans

Strike 16 Main Hull Only Plans Download

Strike 16 Main Hull Only Plans Download

Sherpa Full Size Template Instant Download

Sherpa Full Size Template Instant Download

Water Rat Printed Plans

Water Rat Printed Plans

Right Canoe 130

Right Canoe 130

S.C.A.M.P. Plans Instant Download

S.C.A.M.P. Plans Instant Download


Kerisper Study Plans PDF


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SPRAY SAILBOATS : boat plans & FULL SIZE PATTERNS Spray   22   Trailerable sailboat boat plans Spray  28  Cruising Sailboat boat plans Spray   27  Trailerable sailboat boat plans Spray   33   Cruising Sailboat boat plans Spray   36  Cruising Sailboat boat plans Spray   38   Cruising Sailboat boat plans Spray   40  Cruising Sailboat boat plans Spray   55   Cruising Sailboat boat plans

C-Spray 30 Trailerable Sail boat plan C-Spray 34  RB Cruising Sailboat plans C-Spray 36  RB Cruising Sail boat plans C-Spray 38  RB Cruising Sailboat plans C-SPRAY 425 Cruising Sail boat plans C-Spray 45   RB Cruising Sailboat plans C-Spray 50  RB Cruising Sail boat plans








CATAMARAN 11.5m ALUMINUM CATAMARAN 35   FIBERGLASS Power / Sailer CATAMARAN Boat plans CATAMARAN 39 FIBERGLASS Power / Sailer Boat Plans CATAMARAN 400  ALUMINUM Power / Sailer CATAMARAN Boat plans CATAMARAN 46  FIBERGLASS Power / Sailer CATAMARAN Boat plans CATAMARAN 60  ALUMINUM Power / Sailer CATAMARAN B oat plans CATAMARAN 65 MS ALU. & FG Motor Sailing CATAMARAN Boat plans CATAMARAN PS 675 ALU. & FG Power / Sailer CATAMARAN Boat plans   78ft / 24m - 70ft / 21m - 65ft / 20 m FIBERGLASS FAST POWER CATAMARANS. CAT 785 CATAMARAN Cutting files etc. Power or Sailing CATAMARAN Boat CAT plans CAT 1900 & CAT 2400 Cutting files etc. Power / Sailer CATAMARAN Boat plans Euro Catamaran 700 Boat Plans & patterns  power or sailing Fiberglass Catamaran FERRYS & PEOPLE CARRIERS.

HOUSEBOATS - Steel boat plans


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(34)  (83)  (583)  (80)  (49) 

Project GLAMARE © Marigraph


Driftboat Wood Kit

small steel sailboat plans

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Affordable Sailboats You Can Build at Home

Affordable Sailboats You Can Build at Home | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

September 13, 2023

‍ Key Takeaways

  • There are many sailboats that anyone can build from home depending on tastes
  • Budget will be the biggest deciding factor on a majority of the process
  • Consider kits that come with most of what you need or choose ones that are all-inclusive
  • Design complexities and new materials may make the building time process longer
  • Plan the best you can ahead of time to save money and your working hours

‍ Buying a sailboat can be expensive, but building your own can save you money. So what are sailboats you can build from home?

Sailboats that you can build from home will likely be a small boat under 20 feet. These could be from many different boat suppliers such as B&B Yachts, Brooks Boat Designs, and Chase Small Craft. Boat plans will vary based on your budget and how much time you have on your hands.

Based on my previous experience, building your own boat will take much longer than if a professional were to do it. You also have to be able to study plans, consider various sailboat designs, and have tons of supplies such as fiberglass tape or fiberglass cloth. On top of that, you will also have to be good with your hands.

Table of contents

‍ Top 10 Affordable Sailboats Anyone Can Build at Home

Building your own pocket cruiser or other styles from boat plans is an impressive feat, as this will need dedicated time and money to assure your boat sails safely. Boat building takes a lot of patience as well, especially since this will not be completed in a fast manner.

Finding boat plans and materials that fit your budget will be key to being able to complete the project. The time it takes to complete these projects will vary on your overall experience and needs. Below are 10 of the most affordable sailboats that you can build in the comfort of your home.

B&B Yachts

B&B Yacht

B&B Yachts have 14 different boat plans you can choose from to find the boat of your desires. Their shop is located along the Bay River in North Carolina where they construct all of the kits and have a 100 foot dock to show off your project once you complete it.

One popular model to check out is their Core Sound 15, as it is the perfect size for those wanting to build a modest size boat for a handful of people on board. Their website features some videos of completed projects and the plans or kits for purchase.

  • 14 different models to choose from plus some dinghies
  • Various monohull and multihull options
  • Friendly customer service with attractive prices
  • Might be too many options for some that are indecisive
  • Not ideal for those wanting to have a motor sailer

Brooks Boat Designs

Brooks Boat Designs

Brooks Boat Designs has a handful of options to consider for your next sailboat building project. They are located in Brookline, Maine and give the option to buy the kits or have them build one from scratch for you. They have plenty of knowledge, so do not be shy to ask about modifications or custom features you are looking for.

Depending on your specifics, they can attempt to accommodate some of their plans to help fit your desired outcome. By checking out their site, you can see many examples of their construction in progress and what the boats will look like when completed.

  • Offers a variety of kits
  • Plans vary around $50 and up, while materials will obviously add more costs
  • Some plans can be rowing boats that can convert to sailboats
  • Might take a while to hear back from them, as their contact section is a little outdated
  • Their plans may not accommodate a ton of extras for your taste

Chase Small Craft

Chase Small Craft

Chase Small Craft offers a simple process for building boats. Their kits are equipped with everything you need and will help save you time than just buying the materials outright and other parts you could need. This is arguably one of the best bang for buck instances if you want to save time and money searching for pieces to your boat.

They are located in Saco, Maine and will ship everything to your home from there. All the necessary materials are included and all you need are the proper tools and working space.

  • All-inclusive kits with what you need
  • Tons of knowledge on their site for boat building
  • Easy process to order and customize
  • Complete kits can range over $20,000 for larger boats
  • Kits may take up to eight weeks to ship out

Chesapeake Light Craft

Chesapeake Light Craft

You can expect high-quality boat kits from Chesapeake Light Craft . They feature 18 different sailboat kits that vary from eight to 20 feet in length. This should be more than enough to find one for you if you are newer to boat building.

They also have a wide variety of other kits in addition to the sailboat, in the event that you wanted to order a small kayak or paddleboard in addition to your sailboat. The prices vary considerably when considering a small or larger boat, so check the complete list of options to in order to potentially fit your needs.

  • Plenty of sailboat offerings to choose from
  • Different beautiful hull form options to consider
  • Easy to build and perfect for sailing
  • Only has basic materials needed for kit, so you may need to purchase other items
  • Has epoxy shipping fee no matter if you pick up item

Dudley Dix Yacht Design

Dudley Dix Yacht Design has an extensive list of plywood and single skin sailing boat options. They have plenty of sail plans and kits to consider depending on your goals. These follow a classic look for sailboats, which are aesthetically pleasing.

If you are wanting one to accommodate a small family, they have more than plenty to look through. The cost is not as bad compared to others, but keep in mind that you may need to throw in your own supplies or specific tools to get the job done.

  • Plans start at $30 and range up to $7,500 or more for kits
  • More than enough of options to consider
  • Affordable variety of sailboat offerings
  • Might be too many options for those new to sailing
  • Most are wood without the use of aluminum or steel

Farrier Marine

Farrier Marine

If you are in search of a multihull to build, then Farrier Marine is what you need. They offer a unique folding catamaran that is trailerable and give you the option to build it yourself. This not only makes it an appealing option, but anyone can take this multihull boat wherever they want with ease.

It features a thorough construction guide once you receive all of the materials. These also come with stainless steel fasteners and an aluminum mast for high-quality materials. Pricing will vary since you must request which model type you are considering.

  • Ability to build a unique catamaran
  • In-depth construction guide to help
  • Easily handled and trailerable
  • Price may be too high
  • Limited offerings since only a few multihull options

Glen-L Marine Designs

Glen-L Marine Designs

Building a boat from Glen-L Marine Designs can save you time and money. They feature an easy system to order and receive the kits, as well as an in-depth guide to building them. This is an appealing option compared to most boat kit sellers.

The beauty about Glen-L is that anyone can build these from scratch, so you do not have to be the best boat builder in the world to get it done. They offer guides and helpful insights from their team to point you in the right direction. Plans vary around $15, while kits can range well over $1,000 depending on boat size.

  • Nearly 50 designs to choose from
  • Complete guide to help anyone build it
  • Plenty of price points depending on size
  • Might be overwhelming with the amount of options
  • Could take a while to get parts since they are popular

John Welsford Boat Designs

John Welsford Boat Designs

John Welsford Boat Designs invites new and veteran boat builders that want a taste of quality small wooden boats. The boat plans are designed to meet your specifications and are catered to your desires.

There are seven sailboat designs to choose from so you do not feel overwhelmed in the process. However, they do not sell kits all the time, so you would need to have the materials or be on the lookout for the best prices when they are available.

  • Seven sailboat plans with different sizes
  • Quality boat builder and supporting community
  • In-depth knowledge provided to you when you order
  • Might be too small of boat size
  • Kits are not always available

Iain Oughtred

There are plenty of options on the wooden boat store, but you should narrow down your search for Iain Oughtred’s line of sailboat kits and plans. There are 25 different plans to choose from, which should accommodate most everyone looking to build their own boat.

While they do offer some kits, they do not routinely offer sailboat kits. You would need to purchase all of the materials if you are considering one of their sail plans. Keep this in mind if you are considering, as you would need to hunt down the parts yourself.

  • 25 different sailboat plans to look through
  • Various sizes to contemplate for you sailing needs
  • Prices will vary but are not bad compared to market
  • No sailboat kits, only plans
  • Newer boat builders might find too many options unappealing

Paul Gartside Boat Builder and Designer

Gartside Boats is a boat builder company based in Long Island, New York that showcases a variety of boats from traditional and newer methods of boat building. Within that variety, they have boat plans meant for six to 50 feet in length.

With an abundance of options, you will need to contact them regarding prices and any customizable options. Kits may vary as well, as they typically design in-house and build for you.

  • Experienced boat designer that can accommodate with custom plans
  • Many options are trailerable
  • Can have plans for up to a 50 foot boat
  • You will need to contact them for prices
  • Customized options may make process more complicated for new boat builders

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Sailboat at Home?

As you have likely already done so, the math between building your own boat and buying one may be a huge difference. Likewise, you may even enjoy the challenge of taking an older boat that is gutted and restoring with parts from a kit to build one new again.

But how much does it cost exactly to build a boat from the comfort of your own garage or workshop? The prices are going to vary dramatically depending on your situation and material needed to get the job done. In addition, the time that it takes to complete this will also vary.

Sail plans are rather inexpensive if you are aiming to build a small boat. These plans allow you to see the workings of the boat design and what you need to build the boat.

Without these plans, you will not know the exact details of the design and it can cause major issues with the boat’s hull or other areas of the boat. Think of these as the backbone or instructions of the boat’s infancy before being built.

Price Per Square Foot

You should assume to pay anywhere between $300 to $600 per square foot if you are interested in building a boat. Buying a kit outright can be a good way to save time, but oftentimes these do not come with everything you need.

Instead, you should try to source as much of the materials at the best price as possible. Thinking ahead is part of the process and you might be able to score a deal at a lumber yard or hardware store for parts.

Boat Designs Matter

The design of the boat will be much different from one boat to the next, regardless if they are the same size in length. If you are pondering boats that range anywhere between 16 and 20 feet, you should factor in the shape of the hull, any rigging, and various appendages.

Prices tend to increase when there are more complexities within the designs. If you are considering a kit with more details than others, you will also have to pay more for the designs on that as well.

Kits Can Differ

It is important to understand that all kits are not going to be the same. As you gander at sailboat kits online to stitch together, you need to thoroughly look over to see if you have everything you need before buying.

It would also be at your advantage to ask the seller if any additional parts or supplies are needed. This may change your dynamic on the kit buying process and you may pass up one for another if it has everything you need. An all-inclusive kit may cost several hundred, if not thousands, of dollars more to have the convenience of everything in the bundle.

Construction Approaches

Some boat plans may require you to have certain tools to get the job done. This means special saws or planers, which the average person simply does not have.

Purchasing specialty tools might be expensive upfront and hard to find depending on what it is. Your best bet would be to check locally for others trying to sell their tools or consider a boat plan that does not require extensive tools to finish the job.

How Long Does it Take to Build a Sailboat?

An easy to build sailboat could take a while to build from scratch. Many different variances come into play that are difficult to pinpoint for everyone. But how long is that exactly and how will your experience play into this?

A fun project to sail in the wind could take you several months to well over a year depending on the boat plan and how big your boat is going to be. In addition, the materials all need to be accounted for prior to starting in the event a hardware store does not have them in stock.

Time Varies

The time that passes for simple boat designs on small sailing vessels can be done in a few weeks. This is assuming you have everything you need and work non-stop around the clock.

Certain complex situations may make the process long, such as the difficulty of working with some materials. If you are a skilled laborer, it may take you half the time compared to a novice. The amount of time it can take will vary on your availability and skill level.

Planning ahead will undoubtedly offer the most time-saving features. It also helps if you can tackle parts of the project at your own pace.

Complexity of Design

The design of the boat may make the construction process longer. For example, it may take you longer to build a catamaran compared to a similar lengthed monohull.

More complex designs might require more materials, therefore making the process a bit longer to complete. Furthermore, you will also need more experience working with difficult designs and that will affect you more as a newbie.

Be sure to manage your expectations well and do not allow yourself to become too stressed over this fun project. If you can, seek expert boat building advice from a local builder or the company you purchased sail plans through.

Quality Materials

The quality of the materials will matter significantly when building a boat and will greatly affect the time it takes to construct it. Handling fiberglass or carbon fiber might require specialty tools, while wood also demands a certain level of craftsmanship.

If you are not skilled at working with the material at hand, it might affect the quality of the build and you may have to go back to fix mistakes. This will definitely add more time to your project, because mistakes are bound to happen with your first project.

To save time, consider adding the tools and materials throughout the year or as often as your budget allows. You may want to try testing your skills on fiberglass or other materials to get a feel for how to work with it.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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Build your own sail boat with Hartley Boat Plans. Hartley sail boats are the benchmark in reliable and sea worthy trailer sailers, in fact the name trailer sailer was coined by these amazing craft. Many of these build plans also have a printed study pack available to help you through your project.

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Small boat crossings in 2024 pass 15,000

It comes a day after the new prime minister outlined his plans to tackle illegal migration following Labour's scrapping of the Conservatives' Rwanda scheme.

Political reporter @NifS

Friday 19 July 2024 11:57, UK

small steel sailboat plans

The number of people arriving in the UK via small boat Channel crossings this year has now passed 15,000, the government has confirmed.

A total of 317 people made the dangerous journey across six boats on Thursday, bringing 2024's total so far to 15,076.

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The number is higher than the figure for the same date in 2023, where the total had reached 14,071.

But it is still lower than the record breaking year of 2022, where it had reached 15,314 by this date.

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It comes after another person died overnight when their boat, crowded with 86 people, got into trouble in the Channel.

And it also follows fresh commitments from the new government on how it plans to tackle illegal migration.

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Pic: iStock

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Europe comes to Starmer

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Speaking at the European Political Community (EPC) summit last night, Sir Keir Starmer announced his plan to stop the crossings at "source" by putting £84m into health and education initiatives in Africa and the Middle East , helping prevent people wanting to flee their homes in the first place.

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Starmer: UK has 'wasted time and resource' on Rwanda scheme

The prime minister also confirmed a "deepening [of] cooperation" with European partners to tackle the issue, including increasing the UK's presence at Europol, agreeing new arrangements with Slovenia and Slovakia on tackling organised crime, and a commitment to share more intelligence "to put the gangs out of business".

It is a very different approach to the previous Conservative government and their Rwanda deportation plan , which was scrapped by Labour after they took power two weeks ago.

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A Home Office spokesperson said: "We all want to see an end to dangerous small boat crossings, which are undermining border security and putting lives at risk.

"The new government is taking steps to boost our border security, setting up a new Border Security Command which will bring together our intelligence and enforcement agencies, equipped with new counter-terror-style powers and hundreds of personnel stationed in the UK and overseas, to smash the criminal smuggling gangs making millions in profit."

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Boat Building in "Steel"

Radius chine steel hull

The Dutch have led the field when it comes to constructing small boats from steel.

In these days of rising prices, steel has remained the bargain boatbuilding material. After undertaking many detailed cost comparisons, I am convinced that steel is most economical for building boats between 30’ and 70’. As this covers the size range most desired by the cruising yachtsmen, any intending builder would do well to have a good look at steel before making a final decision on which material to select for his vessel.

Most building techniques require the building of some type of shelter. Steel doesn't. It is nicer to have a large shed with a cement floor but it's not necessary, unlike other boatbuilding materials which all require some form of shelter.

tacking the bottom plate

Steel is the strongest of all boatbuilding materials and as one travels to more remote areas where strength, self-sufficiency, and confidence in one's vessel becomes more and more important steel becomes the material of choice.

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Blog Home Office in the media

Home Office in the media

Latest statement in response to small boat crossings

A Home Office spokesperson said:

"We all want to see an end to dangerous small boat crossings, which are undermining border security and putting lives at risk.

"The new Government is taking steps to boost our border security, setting up a new Border Security Command which will bring together our intelligence and enforcement agencies, equipped with new counter-terror-style powers and hundreds of personnel stationed in the UK and overseas, to smash the criminal smuggling gangs making millions in profit.”

  • We have already entered the recruitment process for a highly skilled Border Security Commander to protect our borders.
  • It is the first duty of any government to secure its borders.

Tags: English Channel , illegal immigration , small boats

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    Boat Plans for power, sail and small boats. Free Boat Plans. Kits and supplies plus boat building technical support. Plans for skiffs, small power boats, and sailboats. Power designs include the Phantom 16 and 18 open flats boats and the Mongoose 20. Sail designs include the 20' Vagabond +, 22' Serpentaire, and 30' Corto.

  15. Sailboat Plans

    Choosing the Right Small Craft. PocketShip "PocketShip" is a small cruising sailboat of refined model, meant to sail well on all points, provide dry camping accommodations for two adults, and tow behind a four-cylinder car. More than 60 are sailing or under construction on six continents.... Kits from $4799.00 Plans from $299.00 Northeaster Dory

  16. Build DIY Roberts sailboats. Designs & boat plans 30-40ft

    Boat plans 30 - 40 ft. This section of Bruce Roberts sailboat designs and boat plans cover the following vessels in the range of 30 to 40 foot. The Roberts, Classic, Henry Morgan, Offshore, Power Cat, PCF 36/40, and Canoe Stern designs. Boat building plans using steel, aluminium, fiberglass wood/epoxy, dependant on the design, are available.

  17. Boat Plans

    These boatplans & designs range in size from 5.8 mts to 20 mts and can be built in many different materials. We have boat plans & designs for building in steel or aluminium in either multichine, radius chine or round bilge hull forms. Most boat plans & designs are also in fibreglass using either c-flex, foam sandwich or single skin hull ...

  18. Glen-L Marine

    Boat Plans, Patterns and Supplies For the Amateur Boat Builder! Every year, thousands of amateurs much like yourself build their own boats the proven Glen-L way. Many builders save 50% or more over the price of a factory-built boat. It's easier than you might think, and it can be a rewarding experience. ...

  19. Home

    In 1993 we were one of the first companies to offer CNC Kits publicly and in doing so we helped establish an industry. Today we are pleased to continue to bring you an ever growing stock catalog of precision CNC Kits. Custom Design, and Custom Boat Kit Creation. Home builders can build a boat at a fraction of the cost of buying new. Welding ...

  20. Affordable Sailboats You Can Build at Home

    Sailboats that you can build from home will likely be a small boat under 20 feet. These could be from many different boat suppliers such as B&B Yachts, Brooks Boat Designs, and Chase Small Craft. Boat plans will vary based on your budget and how much time you have on your hands. Based on my previous experience, building your own boat will take ...

  21. Wooden Boat Plans

    Westhaven 32. $ 285.00 - $ 300.00 (USD) Build your own sail boat yatch from 9 feet to 63 feet in length. Fully featured wooden boat plans for home construction in Plywood, Steel and Fibre Glass.

  22. Small boat crossings in 2024 pass 15,000

    Small boat crossings in 2024 pass 15,000 . It comes a day after the new prime minister outlined his plans to tackle illegal migration following Labour's scrapping of the Conservatives' Rwanda scheme.

  23. Boat Building in Steel

    Boat Building in "Steel". Steel as a building material for small boats, that is, boats under 100', has been in use for many years. The Dutch have led the field when it comes to constructing small boats from steel. In these days of rising prices, steel has remained the bargain boatbuilding material.

  24. Latest statement in response to small boat crossings

    "Everyone wants to see an end to the dangerous small boat crossings. They are undermining our border security and putting lives at risk. "We are taking action to smash the people smuggling gangs responsible for this trade, establishing a new Border Security Command to bring together our intelligence and enforcement agencies, equipped with ...