Aboard the one and only German Volvo Ocean Race Winner

  • September 9th, 2020
  • Sailing Yacht

It was a hot summer´s day back in June this year when I visited Oliver Schmidt-Rybandt in Rostock at his “Speedsailing”-base near the city center. I went there to take a closer look at Dehler´s new 30 OD One Design which had already caught my imagination back in Cannes on her world premiere. Upon walking along the pontoon I noticed three large sailing yacht. True racers for which Speedsailing initially was best know for: Prior to becoming a Sales Agent for Dehler 30 OD this company was founded to keeping alive legendary racing yachts and offer a true racing experience to people. Their crow jewel of course is the GLASHÄGER, better know under her previous name, ILLBRUCK.

illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

After Oliver showed me around on the Dehler 30 OD for more than two hours in detail, we walked back to the shore and came by the yacht. “Wanna take a look inside?”, he offered. Well, what a question? Of course I wanted! So I climbed aboard that 60 feet behemoth and instantly felt kind of being drawn into the amazing story of that yacht. For me as a German the name ILLBRUCK has a very special tone to it: She is the first, one and to date only German boat to ever win the Volvo Ocean Race. As I said: A true legend.

Inside ex-ILLBRUCK

The boat has been drawn as part of the one-design V.O.60-class and was built prior to the 2001 race. The campaign however was financed by German businessman Michael Illbruck who in turn is the son of Wilhelm Gustav Illbruck, a sailing legend and sponsor of Admiral´s Cupper PINTA who won the race in 1983. So, here we are aboard that classic. When I went down into what on other yachts is called the “saloon” it was almost like a magic moment: How many hundred times must have the crew of 2001/2002 Volvo Ocean Race come down and up the Kevlar-made “steps” of the companionway?

illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

Down below the boat shines in yellow. The unmistakable hint of the boat´s prime material: Kevlar. Before the Carbon fibres became common sense in boat building it was a class rule of the V.O.60-boats to be built with Kevlar. This was the state-of-the-art stuff as it had a much higher impact resistance – back in those days there haven´t been any route-limitations for the crews, called “ice gates”, and so the boats were made as strong as possible to withstand possible impacts with growlers. The ex-ILLBRUCK weighs in 13.5 tons which is half the displacement of the Oceanis Yacht 62 ! Her bulkheads cling, making a strange sound when I knocked on it. Like being under some kind of tension. The strange yellow color of the unpainted, bare material instills a feeling of raw, naked power. Made for one sole purpose: Going fast.

illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

The ILLBRUCK – now re-christened GLASHÄGER in honor for her new sponsor, a German mineral water brand – had the top-equipment available back in the days. The early 2000 years, sounds as if they had been passed by just the other day, in reality, that´s twenty years ago. In 5 years that will be a quarter century! A modern boat of her time, the pinnacle of yacht design and materials, today a slight scent of being antiquated – in the best sense of the word!

Unimaginable living conditions

Just like humans in a WW2 uboat , the crew of ILLBRUCK was not the primary concern when the yacht had been conceived. Everything on this boat seems to be envisioned and then made to make her go fast. Living conditions, human demands, comfort – these are words which did not play a single role in construction phase. Simple lightweight, slim and most certainly uncozy berths made of pipes plaster the hull walls.

illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

A net makes the mattress. That´s it. A simple lashing can adjust the berth to the heeling and tack of the boat, that´s it. The crew probably had simple sleeping bags, most certainly wet and cold, a makeshift pillow, maybe the oilskin . There is no privacy here whatsoever, no cabins nor simple curtains or blankets. It must have been a hard trial being part of ILLBRUCK´s crew for sure.

illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

I contemplate the water closet, cramped in a somewhat shadowy corner, half shadowed by a bulkhead, recessed into the hull. The ceramics would have been adjusted to counter the heeling as well and – although I cannot see one – I hope the crew would had made up for a blind, a curtain or something: As a guy obsessed with having at least two closed doors between me and civilization when taking a dump, this WC would most certainly have been my “Nope, thanks!” when being asked to join the crew.

A racing veteran

Apart from that, the ILLBRUCK has some pretty impressive features still valid. The nav station for example. Navigation back in the day already had been satellite-driven and digital, weather routing and evaluating weather data the digital way by means of a computer was available. So the navigator had his dedicated “nav station” in front of a screen rather than sitting on an old-fashioned chart table .

illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

The Diesel-tank which makes up for the seating of the navigator are tilted in a way that when sailing heeled the navigator would sit upright. I took the seat and closed my eyes for a short minute: I tried to imagine the sound of the waves smashing against the hull, the flow of water alongside – ILLBRUCK´s speed record still stays at whopping 39 knots, which is 72 kilometres per hour. Just try to imagine the sound, roaring winds in the rigging from above, crashing waters from below. Around the world!

illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

Carbon indeed was part of the boat. I spotted the typical matte-black color in form of the power train from the huge grinders to the winches. Again I tried to imagine the sound when two people turn the winches with full power and the clacking and cracking noise of the tubes transmit throughout the boat. It´s a loud awkward sound in normal cruising yachts, just think of it manyfold stranger on this racing machine!

Keeping the legend alive

Oliver is seemingly proud: Along with ex-ILLBRUCK the company owns two more V.O.60, which is ex-SEB (now OSPA) and ex-TOSHIBA (which is now ROSTOCKER). Three V.O.60 yachts identical in construction: The boats can be chartered and match raced under real conditions, skippered by the Speedsailing team. The spirit of racing lives inside the boats, the team around Oliver is creating this worldwide unique atmosphere of high-class offshore racing – and it´s just a one hour drive from my home town!

illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

When I left Oliver after thanking him for his time, I looked back onto this proud fleet. Well maintained and often raced, these veterans of offshore racing are not rusting on a pier or being put on dry stand, de-masted, de-capitated. They keep the spirit alive and – by judging from the atmosphere I was able to grasp there among the Speedsailing-staff – they all love what they do in providing a unique experience. Sitting in my car, driving back home I make a not to myself: “Ask the boss if we could do a match race on these as a big event for our staff.” Maybe as a company´s birthday present.

illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

ILLBRUCK at her big time has been under the command of legendary U.S.-skipper John Kostecki. The first, one and only German boat to ever win this highly well endowed race sported a crew of 12 people of which just one had been German. Nobody cared whatsoever: After setting up a world record of 484 miles in 24 hours and winning the toughest offshore race to date, the boat arrived in Kiel in 2002, being frantically greeted by a fascinated nation. I thought I had heard an echo of this down in her hull. What a chilling cool experience!

Thanks for the tour, Oli!

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Illbruck Victorious in Volvo Ocean Race

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Southampton, England, June 9, 2002 - An ocean race of epic proportions reached its final conclusion today (Sunday, June 9), after 32,700 miles of racing. Winners, losers, glory and defeat, this race has seen it all. A script for an ending such as this could not have been written better. Djuice, the boat that struggled all the way around the planet claimed victory in the leg while illbruck took the race in a convincing manner.

Starting a race as the clear favourite was a heavy burden, but illbruck lived up to the highest expectations right from the start. With a conservative approach illbruck took the early lead in the race even though disaster struck on the first day of leg two as the bow section filled with water and for some dramatic hours it was unclear whether the yacht was in danger of sinking. In an impressive team effort the crew around John Kostecki got the yacht going again in last place, but it took them just a few days to sail straight through the whole fleet on a middle course to reclaim dominance on the fleet. They were rewarded with a spectacular victory in Sydney end never returned the lead on the overall table.

The extremely well organized and developed sail program allowed illbruck to save four new sails for the ultimate leg and they went well armed into the final battle they won against Swedish archrival ASSA ABLOY.

The illbruck Challenge crew finished in Kiel to an enthusiastic reception from friends, family, illbruck employees and customers and the thousands of German sailing fans who have been following the team since the around-the-world race started on September 23, 2001. Sail trimmer and sail designer Ross Halcrow from New Zealand, the only crew member on board illbruck who ever won the America's Cup (1995 with Team NZL) exclaimed enthusiastically: "This welcome has been huge and double as big as whatever I have seen in the America's Cup."

Illbruck was the first German yacht to secure victory in a leg and in the overall race, but they are just continuing a strong German tradition in this race. Peter von Danzig sailed the first race in 1973/74 finishing 14th, followed by Walross III in 1981/82 and Schluessel von Bremen in the 1989/90 race. Inspired from the early competitors, professional sailor Timmy Kroeger sailed the 1993/94 race on Intrum Justitia (second) and 1997/98 on Swedish Match (third).

The first place on this ultimate leg of the Volvo Ocean Race is a big reward for the endurance djuice has shown in their difficult sail around the world. Stricken by gear failure on the first leg and slow boat speed in spite of endless hours of two boat sail testing in the remaining legs djuice managed a second place on the fourth leg to Rio as their second top result. Finally they have overtaken Scandinavian rival SEB, who they put to seventh place in the eight-strong fleet after the disastrous losses of their rudder and mast in the Southern Ocean.

Figures about the number of spectators vary from 50000 to 100000 and the boats on the Kieler Foerde were so tightly packed that one could have crossed the water on dry feet.

Volvo Ocean Race Position Report, Day 2, 1708 GMT

PS Yacht Latitude Longitude DTF CMG SMG TFHR DTL ETA PO

3 AART 54 31.12N 010 17.84E 12 229 11 158 12 09/06/02 18:22 55

4 ATOO 54 31.68N 010 18.88E 13 230 10.9 158 13 09/06/02 18:27 16

5 AONE 54 31.84N 010 19.16E 13 230 11.1 157 13 09/06/02 18:31 44

6 TSEB 54 39.84N 010 36.40E 26 223 11.1 145 26 09/06/02 19:56 32

7 TYCO 54 40.68N 010 38.12E 27 226 11 146 27 09/06/02 20:02 42

8 NEWS 54 41.12N 010 39.32E 28 227 11.1 144 28 09/06/02 20:08 41


PS Yacht Points

1 illbruck 61


3 Amer Sports One 44

5 News Corp 41

6 Djuice 33

7 Team SEB 32

8 Amer Sports Too 16

PS - Position; DTF - Distance to Finish; CMG - Course made good; SMG - Speed made good; TFHR - 24 hours run; DTL - Distance to leader; DTL-C - Distance to leader change; ETA - Estimated time of arrival; PO - accumulated Points

ILBK illbruck Challenge

AONE Amer Sports One

ATOO Amer Sports Two


NEWS News Corporation

TYCO Team Tyco


DJCE djuice dragons

Volvo Ocean Race Background

The Volvo Ocean Race is run every four years. It started in Southampton, England on September 23rd 2001 and finished in Kiel, Germany, on June 9th 2002. Over a period lasting some nine months, the Volvo Ocean Race will reach a broad audience around the world via modern communication technology.


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Legends Race : The "illbruck" has not forgotten how to win...

Tatjana Pokorny

 ·  23.06.2018

Legends Race: The "illbruck" has not forgotten how to win...

Parallel to the last spectacular leg of the Volvo Ocean Race, the Legends Race brought former participant yachts to the course from Gothenburg to The Hague. The result was not only a kind of exciting and attractive class reunion for boats and crews old and new who were successful in the race around the world decades ago, but also an exciting race and lots of fun for the crews at sea and in the Volvo Ocean Race finish harbour of The Hague. The Legends Race was and is a really good idea! Oli Schmidt-Rybandt, Speedsailing partner and skipper of the "Glashäger", reports on his experiences.

  The view into the harbour of the "Ospa" (ex-"SEB") and the "Glashäger" (ex-"illbruck")

By Oli Schmidt-Rybandt

I keep muttering to myself: "Oh man, what have we experienced?" The race of the legends as part of the last stage of the current Volvo Ocen Race was a kind of compulsory programme. As we run three of these legends in a species-appropriate manner, of course we have to be there when it really comes down to the wire. Two boats from the fleet are entered. "Ospa" (formerly "SEB") with skipper Otto Timm and the "Glashäger" (formerly "Illbruck") under me.

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  The legends also got down to business in the North Sea

The fact that the finish finally corresponds to the order in the race around the world at that time is like a twist of fate and anything but planned. The competition proves to be stubborn.

The road there was tough. Harder than feared. With 35 to 40 knots of wind, the North Sea is uncomfortable. Waves seven metres high are measured from the drilling platforms. We get them from the side. The boats slide at a monkey's pace along the wandering mountains without a name. The overflowing water first impairs visibility. Later it makes it impossible, even later you can't breathe standing at the helm because of the overcoming water. We don't have ski masks with us. Folly. We knew that they can sometimes be invaluable. Now we have to do without them. We are not in the Southern Ocean. Sometimes the only thing telling me how to take the next wave is the angle of heel of the boat under my feet. It works surprisingly well. Illbruck always remains under control. Although the effort required at the wheel is considerable, the current at the rudder blade never stops. You really do get used to it.

  "Flyer" was also part of the party

We are travelling with a group of guests. A Polish club has booked "Glashäger / illbruck". The men have varying degrees of sailing skills, plenty of team spirit and an astonishingly low cancellation rate due to seasickness. Club skipper Jaroslav / Jarik gives nothing away. He has his crew work the grinders to the limit of exhaustion, pumping the boat's mainsail at every wave. We fly along like this and only now and then does someone from the free watch stick their head out of the companionway to think about the food again. The constant stream of water barely lets the vomit touch the cockpit floor. It is immediately washed away and is found seconds later in the wake. Fellow skipper Otto Timm on "Ospa / SEB" has to contend with more failures and sails one reef more. As a result, the racing sister lags a little behind.

It's a short ride. Early in the morning we come out of the Skagerrak into the North Sea, and by the evening we already have the Dutch coast on our port side. As the wind drops, the work with the sails begins. The reef goes out and a staysail is added. Then the Reacher 1 replaces the jib. From there we switch to the small flat asymmetric spinnaker and when the never-ending traffic separation areas on the port side offer a slip-through, we drop off, switch to a large top runner and jibe immediately. 'Assa Abloy' is almost within hailing distance in the wake. A jibe duel begins. For each manoeuvre, the staysail and the spinnaker pole are removed, only to be set again on the other side immediately afterwards. We gain another mile lead and defend it with further sail changes right to the finish. Illbruck has won her race again and we wonder what they have been up to.

  After a reliable day's work in the harbour: "Ospa" and "Glashäger"

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illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

illbruck finishes Leg 7 of the Volvo Ocean Race

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illbruck Challenge arrived in La Rochelle, France, crossing the finish line of Leg 7 of the Volvo Ocean Race at 1315 GMT on Friday May 10. This is their fourth winning leg in the grueling nine-leg race that will finish in Kiel, Germany. Leg 7 is also a record-breaker for illbruck, with a daily run of 484 nm.

The yacht's crew was besieged by the flu on this leg, but despite their ill health, they accumulated 8 points for the leg, bringing their total point score to 49. With two legs of the race remaining, Assa Abloy is not far behind, with a total of 41 points.

Leg 8 is scheduled to depart La Rochelle for Goteborg, Sweden, on May 25, with an ETA in Goteborg of May 31, 2002.

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By Ocean Navigator



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Illbruck crosses Equator

Yachting World

  • October 10, 2001

Illbruck is the first yacht in the Volvo Ocean Race to cross the equator and enter the southern hemisphere

Illbruck is the first yacht in the Volvo Ocean Race to cross the equator and enter the southern hemisphere. The German-flagged yacht is currently 17 miles ahead of Assa Abloy.

On board Illbruck, her crew have been quietly preparing to induct the four crew that have yet to cross from north to south. Richard Clarke (helmsman/trimmer), Ian Moore (navigator), Jamie Gale (mast) and Tony Kolb (bow) will all incur the wrath of King Neptune, who, as justice for past crimes, dishes out punishment in many smelly and sticky forms.

“I saw Stu ‘Waffler’ Bettany busy getting the King Neptune crown ready, and a bucket on deck contains some brew,” explained navigator Juan Vila.

For the rest of the fleet, it’s still plain sailing and a pure test of horse, or rather sail, power in the steady south-east trades as they simply race towards the same waypoint (Fernando de Noronha).

These straight line sailing conditions are the true acid test of every yacht’s sail testing programme and final inventory selection, as News Corp’s Alby Pratt commented: “With a Volvo boat, the yachts have to cover both upwind and downwind plus all the reaching angles in between which can lead to a massive variation in sail designs and sizes. It is easy to see why most teams have seven figure budgets for their sails.”

Still some 300 miles off their equator ceremony, the crew on Amer Sports Too are feeling the immense frustration of falling further behind the fleet with every six hourly report. “We are officially parked, or let’s say, illegally parked,” said navigator Genevieve White. “Our worst fears have been realised – the lead pack of five boats whom we have kept within general striking distance to date have slipped though the doldrums just ahead of us while we have stopped in our tracks just behind by a breezeless, shifty area combined with sloppy confused seas. Nevertheless, the crew is really positive, itching to get moving again and get on with the job.”

Position Report Day 18



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  • By Dave Reed
  • Updated: October 22, 2001

John Kostecki’s illbruck Challenge, the pre-start favorite of the Volvo Ocean Race was the first to reach the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone this morning. That bragging right, however, was a double-edged sword. As the first team to enter the squall-dotted zone north of the equator, illbruck hoped to be the first to escape, leaving its competitors wallowing as they blasted towards the next waypoint, the Archipelago de Fernando de Noronha off the coast of Brazil. On the other hand, as they sailed from cloud to cloud, working towards the exit door, those close behind could have reduced the gap, or worse, passed by under the cover of darkness. Yet, shortly before 2000 GMT, after an astonishingly short passage, illbruck reported that they were free.

“Well, after several calls that we were through, maybe this afternoon, we have finally sailed out of the doldrums,” wrote illbruck watch captain Mark Christensen. “From 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. there was not a squall cloud in sight but as our watch ended there were a couple approaching on the horizon, nothing too dramatic I hope. At least now, the wind direction is lining up with the forecasted direction and strength. We are currently on the wind in 10 knots with the masthead Code Zero up. The general feeling on the boat is upbeat. We were warned that we could lose our whole lead in the doldrums but we have escaped with a handy margin.”

Illbruck’s apparent exit from the Doldrums will be a harsh reality for Gurra Krantz’s Team SEB. Today, the crew onboard the Swedish entry is watching the fleet slip away at a frightening pace. The last 10 days have been an emotional roller coaster ride for them following a series of events sparked by a single broken mainsail headboard car. Forced to sail east to stop in the Canary Islands last week for parts, they were eventually on the historically unfavored side of the rhumb line. A bit of luck and strategy got them to more breeze, but with every mile they sailed south, they sacrificed as many miles towards Fernando de Noronha to the west. They were also putting themselves at risk of crossing the doldrums at one of its widest points.

They rode their southbound train into the lead this weekend, and at one point sat atop the leader board by 20 miles over illbruck. Yet, with each subsequent position report, illbruck and its pursuing pack-Roy Heiner and Mark Rudiger’s Assa Abloy, Kevin Shoebridge’s Tyco, and Ross Field and Jez Fanstone’s Team News Corp-were carving away at SEB’s lead, mile by mile. By Saturday afternoon, illbruck had not only taken the lead, but also in doing so established the best 24-hour run in this race, 278 miles. Assa Abloy later upped that mark to 286 miles. The ride ultimately ended for SEB on Sunday as it slipped to fifth, and then sixth. In today’s 1600 report, they were seventh, 160 miles in illbruck’s wake.

“We have gone from great joy to great disappointment and I think we all feel a bit gutted but we have got used to it now and we are struggling for every meter to get out of the doldrums and into the southeasterly trades and start looking forward again,” SEB’s navigator Marcel van Trieste told race headquarters. “I think where we missed out is when we did our easterly course after the Canary Islands, and, although that eventually paid off, it could have paid off earlier, it could have paid longer and it could have paid off a lot more.”

While the bells toll for SEB, the others in the lead pack, today Assa, Tyco, News Corp, and Grant Dalton’s Amer Sports One are focusing on either staying close to illbruck or avoiding windless clouds. At the latest position report, which reflects the ever-changing nature of the racecourse, Assa moved into second, passing Team News Corp in the process. “Halfway through this first leg and we have some hell of a yacht race with the first four boats in sight after 14 days,” said News Corp’s Fanstone. “As this carries on, what little hair I have left will be gray by the end.”

Tyco, after reportedly positioning itself to the west, slipped further behind News Corp. Amer Sports One continued to hold even despite reports from the boat of its Code Zero headsail exploding and halyard locks failing. Thus far, it has not been an easy first leg for the five-race veteran and his squad.

“This morning at 10:00 the sked news looked really good with big gains for our gray boat,” wrote navigator Roger Nilson on Sunday. “The last two skeds we had shown promising speed. Then it all started … the second, only remaining spinnaker lock at the masthead became history. It just simply gave in. We were about to change sail as the backside of the easterly wave [weather system] hit us, with strong southeasterly gusts and rain. But the spinnaker was stuck and we had to struggle downwind with Jeff Brock at the masthead. For a while we could not even get him down. After six sail changes in 2.5 hours, as the wind shifted a lot in direction and strength, we settled down with our fast code 3 reaching spinnaker. Back in the game we felt … bang … Suddenly the sail exploded and we have a vulnerable gap in our sail wardrobe.”

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Lobnya, Moscow Oblast is located in Russia. UTC offset is +3 h . Here you can find the exact time in the city of Lobnya and difference in time at your location.

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Lobnya, location.

The geographical coordinates of the Lobnya city: latitude: 56.017231, longitude: 37.485264. The geographical coordinates of the Lobnya city in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates: X (easting): 405575.365353, Y (northing): 6209032.453888, zone: 37, northern hemisphere.

Lobnya, distance between cities

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631 ml

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illbruck yacht volvo ocean race


  1. Volvo Ocean Race: Illbruck: Wieder im Wind und in Führung

    illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

  2. Kiels Comeback im The Ocean Race: Das Ocean Race nimmt Kurs auf Kiel: "Fly-By" für die Fans

    illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

  3. Aboard the one and only German Volvo Ocean Race Winner

    illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

  4. Illbruck rounds Ushant on leg 8 of the Volvo Ocean Race 2001-02.

    illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

  5. Volvo Ocean Race: "illbruck" vor Etappensieg

    illbruck yacht volvo ocean race

  6. Illbruck gewinnt das Volvo-Ocean-Race 2002

    illbruck yacht volvo ocean race



  2. Volvo Ocean Race 2008-2009

  3. Preparing To Attack

  4. Itajaí In-Port Race

  5. The Journey To Europe Has Begun



  1. Aboard the one and only German Volvo Ocean Race Winner

    For me as a German the name ILLBRUCK has a very special tone to it: She is the first, one and to date only German boat to ever win the Volvo Ocean Race. As I said: A true legend. Inside ex-ILLBRUCK. The boat has been drawn as part of the one-design V.O.60-class and was built prior to the 2001 race. The campaign however was financed by German ...

  2. illbruck Victorious in Volvo Ocean Race

    Illbruck was the first German yacht to secure victory in a leg and in the overall race, but they are just continuing a strong German tradition in this race. Peter von Danzig sailed the first race in 1973/74 finishing 14th, followed by Walross III in 1981/82 and Schluessel von Bremen in the 1989/90 race. Inspired from the early competitors ...

  3. Illbruck Victorious in Volvo Ocean Race

    Illbruck Victorious in Volvo Ocean Race. Southampton, England, June 9, 2002 - An ocean race of epic proportions reached its final conclusion today (Sunday, June 9), after 32,700 miles of racing. Winners, losers, glory and defeat, this race has seen it all. A script for an ending such as this could not have been written better.

  4. Melges 20 World Championship: Volvo Ocean Race winner Illbruck World

    His team Illbruck-Challenge had won the Volvo Ocean Race, and the entrepreneur made two attempts at the America's Cup. Now he has become world champion

  5. Illbruck Challenge

    Illbruck Challenge is a Volvo Ocean 60 yacht. She won the 2001-02 Volvo Ocean Race skippered by John Kostecki. Illbruck Challenge was launched in 2001. References This page was last edited on 30 June 2017, at 14:44 (UTC). Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution ...

  6. Legends Race: The "illbruck" has not forgotten how to win...

    The "illbruck Challenge" won the Volvo Ocean Race 16 years ago. Now she has won again in a new look as the "Glashäger": the Legends Race in her class. Webreader. Abo-Shop. Yachts. Alle Themen. Yachts. Superyachts. Small cruiser. Cruising yachts. Dinghies. Catamarans | Trimarans. Regatta yachts.

  7. Former winner illbruck on start line for Volvo Ocean Legends Race

    As the German entry of Michael Illbruck in the Volvo Ocean Race 2001-02, illbruck and her crew had an intense and prolonged preparation. ... About illbruck Class: Volvo Ocean 60 Designer: Farr Yacht Design Rig: Fractional sloop LOA: 64' (19.4m) Crew: 12 Results 1st Volvo Ocean Race Best result: winner Leg 1, 2, 4, 7 Skipper: John Kostecki/USA

  8. illbruck Challenge Wins First Leg of Volvo Ocean Race

    Cape Town, South Africa After almost 32 days at sea, the illbruck Challenge team won the first and longest leg of the Volvo Ocean Race, finishing at 10:19 pm local time today. Wives, children, frie

  9. Volvo Ocean 60

    Illbruck Challenge in Kiel during 2001-2002 Volvo Ocean Race Illbruck Challenge in Kiel during 2001-2002 Volvo Ocean Race Team SEB, Team Tyco and News Corp in Kiel during 2001-2002 Volvo Ocean Race. The Whitbread 60 (W60), later known as the Volvo Ocean 60 (VO60), was a class of ocean racing yacht built to a "box rule" specifying key design parameters of the 10 smaller yachts which took ...

  10. Illbruck wins the first leg of the Volvo Ocean Race

    Matthew Sheahan reports from the dock in a windswept Cape Town and talks to Illbruck's skipper John Kostecki as well as Grant Dalton who crossed the line two hours later to finish second aboard ...

  11. illbruck finishes Leg 7 of the Volvo Ocean Race

    illbruck Challenge arrived in La Rochelle, France, crossing the finish line of Leg 7 of the Volvo Ocean Race at 1315 GMT on Friday May 10. This is their fourth winning leg in the grueling nine-leg race that will finish in Kiel, Germany. Leg 7 is also a record-breaker for illbruck, with a daily run of 484 nm.

  12. 2001-2002 Volvo Ocean Race

    Illbruck Challenge in Kiel Illbruck Challenge in Kiel Team SEB, Team Tyco and News Corp in Kiel. The 2001-02 Volvo Ocean Race was the eighth edition of the around-the-world sailing event Volvo Ocean Race, and the first under the name Volvo Ocean Race.For the 2001-02 the sponsorship of the race was taken over by Volvo and Volvo Cars.The race was renamed the Volvo Ocean Race.

  13. illbruck Challenge Christens Boat for Volvo Ocean Race

    The race boat was christened illbruck by Christiane Illbruck, wife of illbruck GmbH founder, Willi Illbruck, and mother of illbruck GmbH CEO Michael Illbruck.

  14. Illbruck begins Volvo Ocean Race campaign

    The illbruck Round the World Challenge is focused on winning the 2001-2002 Volvo Ocean Race with an international team. We will keep you updated on our progress, from shore or sea, these next five ...

  15. Volbvo Ocean Race

    John Kostecki and the illbruck Challenge Volvo Ocean Race team arrived in Auckland, New Zealand today after an exhilarating 3,270-mile training run from Fremantle, with a top speed of 30.6 knots and a peak 24-hour run of 414 miles.

  16. Illbruck crosses Equator

    Illbruck is the first yacht in the Volvo Ocean Race to cross the equator and enter the southern hemisphere. ... Illbruck crosses Equator. Yachting World; October 10, 2001. 0 ...

  17. illbruck Challenge Volvo Team Begins Southern Ocean Training

    John Kostecki and the illbruck Challenge Volvo Ocean Race crew sailed from Fremantle, Australia today embarking on a 3,270-mile trek through the Southern Ocean to Auckland.


    Illbruck-First In, First Out

  19. Pinta (yacht)

    The Volvo Ocean 60 yacht Illbruck Challenge won the 2001-02 Volvo Ocean Race. Picture gallery. Pinta in Hayling Bay, east of Isle of Wight, Admiral's Cup 1993. Willi celebrates the Admirals Cup 1993 win with Pinta team members Russell Coutts, Ross 'Roscow' Halcrow and Niels Henrik Sodemann, Plymouth 1993.

  20. Lobnya, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Distance (in kilometers) between Lobnya and the biggest cities of Russia. Moscow 31 km closest. Saint Petersburg 607 km. Novosibirsk 2816 km. Yekaterinburg 1419 km. Nizhny Novgorod 1828 km. Kazan 729 km. Chelyabinsk 1500 km.

  21. Lobnya, Russia: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024 ...

    Lobnya Tourism: Tripadvisor has 1,022 reviews of Lobnya Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Lobnya resource.

  22. Istra

    Istra is famous for its New Jerusalem Monastery which was established to serve as a Russian version of the Holy Land. Today the monastery has been completely restored following the damage it suffered at the hands of the Nazis and Bolsheviks, and remains the main reason for visiting Istra. The city can easily be visited as a day trip from Moscow.

  23. Lobnya

    Lobnya, location. The geographical coordinates of the Lobnya city: latitude: 56.017231, longitude: 37.485264. The geographical coordinates of the Lobnya city in the ...