Bored Ape Yacht Club

Bored Apes

Bored Ape Yacht Club

BoredApeYachtClub #3105


BoredApeYachtClub #5230



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How Four NFT Novices Created a Billion-Dollar Ecosystem of Cartoon Apes

By Samantha Hissong

Samantha Hissong

J ust last year, the four thirtysomethings behind Bored Ape Yacht Club — a collection of 10,000 NFTs, which house cartoon primates and unlock the virtual world they live in — were living modest lifestyles and working day jobs as they fiddled with creative projects on the side. Now, they’re multimillionaires who made it big off edgy, haphazardly constructed art pieces that also act as membership cards to a decentralized community of madcaps. What’s more punk rock than that?

The phenomenal nature of it all has to do with the recent appearance, all over the internet, of images of grungy apes with unimpressed expressions on their faces and human clothes on their sometimes-multicolored, sometimes-metal bodies. Most of the apes look like characters one might see in a comic about hipsters in Williamsburg — some are smoking and some have pizza hanging from their lips, while others don leather jackets, beanies, and grills. The core-team Apes describe the graffiti-covered bathroom of the club itself — which looks like a sticky Tiki bar — in a way that echoes that project’s broader mission: “Think of it as a collaborative art experiment for the cryptosphere.” As for the pixel-ish walls around the virtual toilet, that’s really just “a members-only canvas for the discerning minds of crypto Twitter,” according to a blurb on the website, which recognizes that it’s probably “going to be full of dicks.”

(Full-disclosure: Rolling Stone just announced a partnership with the Apes and is creating a collectible zine — similar to what the magazine did with Billie Eilish — and NFTs.)

“I always go balls to the wall,” founding Ape Gordon Goner tells Rolling Stone over Zoom. Everything about Goner, who could pass for a weathered 30 or a young 40, screams “frontman,” from his neck tattoo to his sturdy physique to the dark circles under his eyes and his brazen attitude. He’s a risk taker: Back during his gambling-problem days, he admits he’d “kill it at the tables” and then lose it all at the slot machines on the way to the car. He’s also the only one in the group that wasn’t working a normal nine-to-five before the sudden tsunami of their current successes — and that’s because he’s never had a “real job. Not bad for a high school dropout,” he says through a smirk. Although Goner and his comrades’ aesthetic and rapport mirror that of a musical act freshly thrust into stardom, they’re actually the creators of Yuga Labs, a Web3 company. 

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Goner and his partners in creative crime — Gargamel, No Sass, and Emperor Tomato Ketchup — were inspired by the communities of crypto lovers that have blossomed on platforms like Twitter in recent years. Clearly, people with this once-niche interest craved a destination to gather, discuss blockchain-related developments, and hurl the most inside of inside jokes. Why not, they thought, give NFT collectors their own official home? And Bored Ape Yacht Club was born.

This summer, 101 of Yuga Labs’ Bored Ape Yacht Club tokens, which were first minted in early May, resold for $24.4 million in an auction hosted by the fine-art house Sotheby’s. Competitor Christie’s followed shortly thereafter, auctioning off an art collectors’ haul of modern-day artifacts — which included four apes — for $12 million. Around the same time, one collector bought a single token directly from OpenSea — kind of like eBay for NFTs — for $2.65 million. A few weeks later, another Sotheby’s sale set a new auction record for the most-valuable single Bored Ape ever sold: Ape number 8,817 went for $3.4 million. At press time, tokens related to the Bored Ape Yacht Club ecosystem — this includes the traditional apes, but also things called “mutant” apes and the apes’ pets — had generated around $1 billion. “My name’s not even Gordon,” says Goner, who, like the rest of Yuga Labs’ inner circle, chooses to hide his true identity behind a quirky pseudonym. “Gordon Goner just sounded like Joey Ramone. And that made it sound like I was in a band called the Goners. I thought that was fucking cool. But when we first started, I kept asking, ‘Are we the Beastie Boys of NFTs?’ Because, right after our initial success it felt like the Beastie Boys going on tour with Madonna: Everyone was like, ‘Who the fuck are these kids?’ ” (Funnily enough, Madonna’s longtime manager, Guy Oseary, signed on to rep the foursome about a month after Goner made this comment to Rolling Stone .) He’s referring to the commotion that immediately followed the first few days of Bored Ape Yacht Club’s existence, when sales were dismal. “Things were moving so slowly in that weeklong presale,” recalls Goner’s more soft-spoken colleague, Emperor Tomato Ketchup. “I think we made something between $30,000 and $60,000 total in sales. And then, overnight, it exploded. All of us were like, ‘Oh fuck, this is real now.’ ” The 10,000 tokens — each originally priced at 0.08 Ethereum (ETH), around $300 — had sold out. While the crypto community may have been asking who they were, the general public started wondering what all the fuss was about. Even Golden State Warriors player Stephen Curry started using his ape as his Twitter profile picture, for all of his 15.5 million followers to behold. 

Bored Ape art isn’t as valuable as it is because it’s visually pleasing, even though it is. It’s valuable because it also serves as a digital identity — for which its owner receives commercial usage rights, meaning they can sell any sort of spinoff product based on the art. The tokens, meanwhile, act like ID cards that give the owners access to an online Soho House of sorts — just a nerdier, more buck-wild one. Noah Davis, who heads up Christie’s online sales department for digital art, says that it’s the “perennial freebies and perks” that solidify the Bored Ape Yacht Club as “one of the most rewarding and coveted memberships.” “In the eyes of most — if not almost all of the art community — BAYC is completely misunderstood,” he says. However, within other tribes of pop culture, he continues, hugely prominent figures cherish the idea of having a global hub for some of the most “like-minded, tech-savvy, and forward-thinking individuals on the planet.” Gargamel is “a name I ridiculously gave myself based off the fact that my fiancée had never seen The Smurfs when we were launching this,” says Goner’s right-hand man, who looks kind of like a cross between the character he named himself after and an indie-music-listening liberal-arts school alum. He’s flabbergasted at the unexpected permanence of it all. “Now, I meet with CEOs of billion-dollar companies, and I’m like, ‘Hi, I’m Gargamel. What is it that you would like to speak to me about?’ ” 

The gang bursts out in laughter.

In conversing, Gargamel and Goner, whose relationship is the connective tissue that brought the others in, are mostly playful — but they do bicker, similar to how a frontman and lead guitarist might butt heads in learning to share the spotlight. They first met in their early twenties at a dive bar, in Miami, where they were both born and raised, and immediately started arguing about books. “He doesn’t like David Foster Wallace because he’s wrong about things,” Goner interjects, cheekily, as Gargamel attempts to tell their story. “He hasn’t even read Infinite Jest . He criticizes him, and yet he’s never read the book! He’s like, ‘Oh, it’s pretentious MFA garbage.’ No, it’s not.” Gargamel then points out that he has read other books by Wallace, while No Sass, who still hasn’t chimed in, flashes a half-smile that suggests they’ve been down this road more than once before. “I think, on the whole, he was the worst thing to happen to fucking MFA programs, given all the things people were churning out,” says Gargamel. They eventually decide to agree that Wallace, like J.D. Salinger, isn’t always interpreted correctly or taught well, and we move on — only after Goner points out the tattoos he got for Kurt Vonnegut and Charles Bukowski “at like 17,” but before diving too deep into postmodernist concepts. Goner and Gargamel’s relationship speaks to how the group operates as a whole, according to No Sass, whose name is self-explanatory. “There’s always a yin and yang going on,” he says. Throughout the call, No Sass continues to make sense of things and keep the others in check in an unwavering manner, positioning him as the backbone of the group — or our metaphorical drummer. “It’s like, I’ll come up with the idea that wins us the game,” Goner says, referencing his casino-traversing past. “And his job is to make sure we make it to the car park.” No Sass’ rhythm-section counterpart is clearly Tomato, the pseudo-band’s secret weapon who’s loaded with talent and harder to read. (He picked his name while staring at an album of the same name by English-French band Stereolab.) The project’s name, Bored Ape Yacht Club, represents a club for people who got rich quick by “aping in” — crypto slang for investing big in something unsure — and, thusly, are too bored to do anything but create memes and debate about analytics. The “yacht” part is coated in satire, given that the digital clubhouse the apes congregate in was designed to look like a dive bar in the swampy Everglades. 

Gargamel, whose college roommate started mining Bitcoin back in 2010, got Goner into crypto in 2017, when the latter was bedridden with an undisclosed illness, bored, and on his phone. “I knew he had a risk-friendly profile,” Gargamel says. “I said, ‘I’m throwing some money into some stupid shit here. You wanna get in this with me?’ He immediately took to it so hard, and we rode that euphoric wave of 2017 crypto up — and then cried all the way down the other side of the roller coaster.” At the start of 2021, they looked at modern relics like CryptoPunks and Hashmasks, which have both become a sort of cultural currency, and they looked at “crypto Twitter,” and wondered what would happen if they combined the collectible-art component with community membership via gamification. The idea was golden but they weren’t technologically savvy enough to know how to build the back end. So, Gargamel called up No Sass and Tomato, who both studied computer science at the same university he had attended for grad school. “I had no idea what was involved in the code for this,” Gargamel admits. “I read something that said something about Javascript, so I called them and said, ‘Do you guys know anything about Javascript?’ And that couldn’t be further from what you’re supposed to know.” While they were tech-savvy, No Sass and Tomato were not crypto-savvy. They both wrote their first lines of solidity code — a language for smart contracts — in February of this year. “I was like, ‘Just learn it! It’s going to be great. Let’s go,’ ” recalls Gargamel. “From a technical perspective, some of the stuff that we’ve built out has had relatively janky workflows, which people then seize upon, asking us how we did it,” says Tomato. “It’s actually stake-and-wire or whatever, but nobody else has done it.” A lot of “stress and fear” went into the first drop, according to No Sass: “We were constantly on the phone going, ‘Oh, shit, is this OK? Is it going to explode?’ ” He shakes his head. “I wish we still had simple NFT drops. We can pump those out superfast now.” “Every single thing we do scares the shit out of me,” adds Tomato.

They started out with unsharpened goals of capitalizing on a very clear trend. But a fter one particularly enervating night of incessant spitballing, Goner realized that all he really wanted was something to do and for like-minded people to talk to in an immersive, fantastical world. Virtual art was enticing, but it needed to do something too. “We’d see these NFT collections that didn’t have any utility,” Goner says. “That didn’t make any sense to me at the time, because you can cryptographically verify who owns these things. Why wouldn’t you offer some sort of utility?”

Gargamel told him the next day he loved the clubhouse idea so much that he’d want to do it even if it was a failure. They realized they just craved “a hilarious story to tell 10 years later,” Gargamel says. “I figured we’d say, ‘Yeah, we spent 40 grand and six months making a club for apes, but it didn’t go anywhere.’ And that’s how we actually started having fun in the process.” Goner chimes in: “Because at least we could say, ‘This is how we spent our summer. How ridiculous is that? We made the Bored Ape Yacht Club, and it was a total disaster.’ ”  Gargamel interjects to remind everyone that Tomato ended up reacting to their springtime victory by buying a Volvo, the memory of which incites another surge of laughter. They haven’t indulged in too many lavish purchases since then, but they all ordered Pelotons, Tomato bought a second Volvo, and they all paid their moms back for supporting them in becoming modern-day mad scientists. “I’ll never forget the night that we sold out,” says No Sass. “It was like two or three in the morning, and I hear my phone ring. I see that it’s Tomato and think something has gone terribly wrong. I pick up the phone and he’s like, ‘Dude, you need to wake up right now. We just made a million dollars.’ ” Nansen, a company that tracks blockchain analytics, reported that for one night Bored Ape Yacht Club had the most-used smart contract on Ethereum. “That’s absurd,” says Gargamel. “Uniswap [a popular network of decentralized finance apps] does billions and billions of transactions. But for that one night, we took over the world.” At press time, the foursome — let’s just go ahead and call them the Goners — had personally generated about $22 million from the secondary market alone. “Every time I talk to my parents about how this has blown up, they literally do not know what to say,” adds Tomato, whose mom started crying when he first explained what had happened.

Since its opening, the group has created pets for the apes via the Bored Ape Kennel Club, as well as the Mutant Ape Yacht Club. The latter was launched to expand the community to interested individuals who weren’t brave enough to “ape in” at the beginning: Yuga Labs unleashed 10,000 festering, bubbling, and/or oozing apes — complete with missing limbs and weird growths — via a surprise Dutch auction, which was used to deter bots from snatching up inventory by starting at a maximum price and working its way down. With a starting price of 3 ETH — or about $11,000 — this move opened up the playing field for about an hour, which is how long it took for the mutants to sell out. (The team also randomly airdropped 10,000 “serums,” which now pop up on OpenSea for tens of thousands of dollars, for pre-existing Apes to “drink” and thusly create zombified clones.) When they sold 500 tangible hats to ape-holders in June, the guys spent days packaging products in Gargamel’s mom’s backyard in Florida. “Immediately, some of them sold for thousands of dollars,” Gargamel exclaims. “It was a $25 hat. We were like, ‘Holy shit, we can be a Web3 streetwear brand. What does that even look like?’ ”

bar interior mutant arcade bored apes yacht club

But the team is still searching for ways to create more value by building even more doors that the tokens can unlock. They recently surprised collectors with a treasure hunt; the winner received 5 ETH — worth more than $16,000 at press time — and another ape. And on Oct. 1, they announced the first annual Ape Fest, which runs from Oct. 31 through Nov. 6 and includse an in-person gallery party, yacht party, warehouse party, merch pop-up, and charity dinner in New York. Goner tells Rolling Stone that they’re currently discussing partnership ideas with multiple musical acts, but he refuses to reveal additional details in fear of jinxing things. Further down the line, the Goners see a future of interoperability, so that collectors can upload their apes into various corners of the metaverse: Hypothetically, an ape could appear inside a popular video game like Fortnite , and the user could dress it in digital versions of Bored Ape Yacht Club merch. “We want to encourage that as much as possible,” says Gargamel. “We’re making three-dimensional models of everybody’s ape now. But, y’know, making 10,000 perfect models takes a little bit of time.” At the start of the year, the guys had no idea their potentially disastrous idea would become a full-time job. They were working 14 hours a day to get the project up and running, and after the big drop, they decided to up that to 16 hours a day. “None of us have really slept in almost seven months now,” says Goner. “We’re teetering on burnout.” To avoid that, Yuga Labs has already put a slew of artists on staff and hired social media managers and Discord community managers, as well as a CFO. “We want to be a Web3 lifestyle company,” says Goner, who emphasizes that they’re still growing. “I’m a metaverse maximalist at this point. I think that Ready Player One experience is really on the cusp of happening in this world.” If Bored Ape Yacht Club is essentially this band of brothers’ debut album, there’s really no telling what their greatest hits will look like.

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Bored ape yacht club leads nft sales with us$1.55 million.

The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) non-fungible token (NFT) collection led daily sales for the second consecutive day on Thursday, according to CryptoSlam data.

BAYC recorded US$1.55 million in daily revenue across 40 transactions involving 29 unique buyers and 43 sellers.

BAYC’s ranks second in all-time NFT sales, now at US$3.18 billion, behind Axie Infinity’s $4.27 billion.

For Thursday’s second-ranking collection Pudgy Penguins, which resides on the Ethereum blockchain like BAYC, had a sales volume of US$950,857.

DMarket on Mythos Chain came in third with US$710,878, dropping from the top spot it claimed earlier this week.

Immutable’s Guild of Guardians Heroes and Solana’s DeGods came in fourth and fifth respectively, both staying put for the second straight day.

Guild of Guardians Heroes recorded sales of US$576,868.4, while DeGods followed closely with US$465,782.34 in sales.

The Ethereum blockchain where Thursday’s top collections operate led all blockchains in sales with US$6.21 million rising from the US$4.33 million recorded the previous day.


#1 name in bored ape news .

  • 9 hours ago

Bored Ape Yacht Club Members Can Now Reserve Their Dot Ape Domain Names Via Ape Names! Find Out More:

The domain game is officially monkey business after d3 inc. invited bored ape yacht club members to claim their dot ape identities through their new platform, ape names.

bored ape yacht club #9093

Things are anything but boring around the swamp and the broader $Ape ecosystem this weekend as Ape Names announced that BAYC members can now reserve their Dot Ape Top-Level Domain names via its ApeCoin-powered Ape Names platform!

"own an ape it’s time to #nameyourape ,” the company tweeted earlier this week. “connect wallet (tokenproof supported) . search for a name. reserve a name for your ape . refresh browser until launch.”, by reserving a name on ape names today, community members will eventually receive an interoperable dot ape domain name once apechain officially launches., note that ape names supports warm and delegate wallets, so you do not need to connect your cold wallet to claim your name., as the bored ape gazette previously reported, the apecoin dao approved d3’s ape names aip, aip-395, in april 2024., with this aip’s approval, d3 will apply to have .ape recognized as a top-level domain by the internet corporation for assigned names and numbers (icann) this year., this will allow the apecoin dao to operate and monetize .ape domains, positioning .ape alongside other top-level domains. this new source of revenue will benefit the dao as users and companies obtain their .ape domains, according to d3 inc. ceo and bayc member fred hsu., “the .ape tld has the potential to create a lucrative, perpetual source of revenue for apecoin dao, enabling growth of the community through new .ape domains, and cement apecoin (and $ape) as a major real-world asset with interoperability and utility at its core,” hsu wrote in his proposal. “d3 plans to offer a patent-pending tokenized ape (e.g. sam ape) as an immediate web3 identifier for users, while in parallel submitting the icann application for the real .ape tld to enable future interoperability and native resolution seamlessly across web2 and web3. apecoin dao will receive 50% of all gross revenues generated from the *ape name tokens and the .ape top-level domain.”, for more information on ape names or to claim your dot ape today, visit their website here::, the bored ape gazette will continue to follow ape names and will keep you updated on d3’s next steps with dot ape. stay tuned.

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AIP-303: Bored Ape Yacht Club Documentary


Bored Ape Yacht Club/Web3 Documentary


Ecosystem Fund Allocation

In production since May 2021, BORED AS F*CK is a feature length documentary directed by Francis Bored Apela (BAYC #9081 ) that tells the comprehensive story of the Bored Ape Yacht Club and the ever evolving world of web3. We’re industry veterans who aped into BAYC a few weeks after mint to tell its story using the very IP that granted us membership into the club. A movie about NFTs directed by an NFT. Today we’re seeking a community grant from the ApeCoin DAO to support the film in our final stages of production / post-production.


Francis Bored Apela (aka BAYC #9081 ) is a collective of three Los Angeles based filmmakers (Mike Wagstaffe, Joe Heslinga, and Logan Cascia) who have worked together for nearly a decade in film and television. Their first collaboration was the award winning documentary “FOOSBALLERS” which premiered on ESPN and has a 100% fresh score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Joe Heslinga is a documentary filmmaker and comedy writer most known for writing / producing the hit animated series “F IS FOR FAMILY” starring Bill Burr, which ran for five seasons on Netflix and was nominated for 2 Primetime Emmys. Joe has worked in film and television for over 15 years, with credits on Netflix, Adult Swim, TBS, ESPN and more. Joe’s directorial debut and first collaboration with Wagstaffe and Cascia was the critically acclaimed documentary FOOSBALLERS.

Mike Wagtaffe is a documentary filmmaker currently working as a producer at Yahoo! Sports. Before venturing into the non-scripted space, Mike was creative partners with David Zucker (AIRPLANE!, NAKED GUN), where he worked in development for nearly a decade and produced SCARY MOVIE 5 for Dimension Films.

Logan Cascia is a prolific documentary filmmaker, cinematographer, and producer with credits on ESPN, Discovery+, Hulu, and more. His cinematic approach to documentary filmmaking on ESPN’s E:60 and SC FEATURED has won him numerous Emmy Awards, and countless more nominations. He most recently was the director of photography for the ESPN documentary “MIGHTY DUCKS: ONCE UPON A TIME IN ANAHEIM”.

We have a strong background in film and television – having produced award winning content for the world’s biggest streamers and platforms. We’re repped by United Talent Agency, one of the entertainment industry’s leading talent and literary agencies.

Our sensibilities range from irreverent comedy to heartfelt documentaries with deep substance.

BORED AS F*CK is somewhere in the middle.

We entered the NFT space as objective documentarians who were fascinated by the early creative potential of NFTs and the cult-like phenomenon of BAYC. We set out to make an authentic, immersive, and captivating documentary about our experience going down the rabbit hole of web3. We intend to tell a story that is fun, irreverent, and authentic - bringing the story of BAYC and NFT culture to a mainstream audience.

We have been living and breathing this space and self-funding this documentary for over two years, amassing over 60 TBs of footage and over 100 interviews. We filmed at the first ever meet-ups in LA, both Ape Fests, Art Basel, and everything in between.

One thing about web3 that continues to capture our attention is the potential for it to disrupt the way traditional media is made. We love the idea that a community can rally behind a project, and that creators don’t have to rely on predatory financial models to see their vision become a reality.

A portion of the documentary follows our own journey into BAYC, and includes the “making of” the documentary itself (and yes, we were rolling during our first pitch to our team and the day we bought BAYC #9081 ). Having a grant to partially fund the film would be a great way to show the power of the community and could inspire others to take a non-traditional approach with their own creative endeavors.

Our proposal offers a unique opportunity for the ApeCoin DAO to help bring our documentary to life and to a mainstream audience. The film will not only feature the ApeCoin community through various BAYC storylines, but we’d like to include the AIP process in the film itself. What better way to showcase the functionality of the DAO than to have it featured in the film it partially funded.

In regards to the ApeCoin’s guiding values, our film is certainly weird, bold, and new. Directed by an NFT? Check. A feature documentary funded by a DAO and not a traditional investor? Check. Making an obscure and often misunderstood culture accessible to a mainstream audience? Check.

We have been in talks with and plan to hire artists, musicians, and animators from within the ApeCoin (and greater web3) community to work on the film. For several of our team and crew members, we are in negotiations for them to be compensated directly with $APE, which would expand the ecosystem and onboard new members into the community. Additionally, we plan to license various NFTs from ApeCoin holders for the scripted animated segments in the film. License fees for these would also be paid in $APE.

Animation is the biggest line item in our proposal’s budget, and we feel it is crucial to making the documentary accessible and engaging to a wide audience. Scripted animation is also the perfect way to showcase the various IP we plan to license. Our 2d animated segments (which you can see an example of in our teaser below) will be done under the direction of the amazingly talented Jacopo Lanza ( @idrawanimation ), who will be bringing Francis Bored Apela to life in different locations throughout the movie (combining live action and animation ala Roger Rabbit). Before entering web3, Jacopo has worked with big names in animation, including Cartoon Network, Disney Jr., and MTV. Recently, he was the creative director for Universal Music’s Kingship, and has been an active member in the community since 2021 when he started animating community members PFPs.

In addition to 2d animation, we will be utilizing a mixture of various other types and styles of animation throughout the film that will be created by different artists and teams we’ve met along our journey into the BAYC and various web3 communities. These humorous segments will be designed to help the audience comprehend the new tech and harder to understand concepts that we will be covering in the documentary. Once the film is complete, these stand alone segments would be great content that could be used across social channels to educate people on blockchain technology.

Our friends at TokenProof have agreed to host our teaser, which includes a sneak peek at our footage and showcases a few of the interviews we’ve shot thus far: BORED AS F*CK

NOTE: Since the documentary is still in production, we decided to keep the teaser token gated for $APE holders only. Just like the DAO, you only need to hold one $APE to be able to access the link, and you will need to have the TokenProof app. For purposes of this proposal, the teaser is meant to be private and confidential much in the same way we would treat materials if we were pitching directly to investors or studios. Once we complete the movie and secure distribution, we will be releasing a public trailer along with other traditional marketing materials.


The biggest benefit to the $APE ecosystem is to provide awareness and education through an easily accessible, fun and entertaining documentary that is designed for a broad audience - not just the ones who already know and live in the space. This will be a documentary that can be enjoyed by web3 maxis and non-crypto people alike.

Additionally, we plan to offer additional content, host events, and create merchandise and other collectibles associated with the film that can be purchased/minted with $APE. We will have a ton of additional footage that will be left on the cutting room floor, and we plan to make this available in the form of extended interviews, deleted scenes, and behind the scenes content that can either be purchased directly with $APE or live behind a token gate that can be accessed by anyone that has at least one $APE in their wallet.

Our hope is that a large number of non-crypto people will see the movie on traditional platforms and will be motivated to seek out more information and explore the ecosystem that we showcase in the film.


Our production team primarily shoots on Netflix approved Arri cinema cameras (A35 and Alexa Mini) and Arri Master Prime lenses, and we have a bunch of other tools in our bag including RED and Sony FX Series cameras, DJI Drones, Movis, and a ton more. Our post-production suite includes 2022 Mac Studio edit bays and our post-production team works with Avid, Adobe Premiere, After Effects, DaVinci Resolve, Pro Tools, and other industry leading software.

For the animated portions of the film, we plan to utilize a variety of animation types and styles, including 2D, 3D, and stop-motion.

Specs for delivery vary depending on the distributor / streaming platform, but we plan to deliver with Dolby Vision, and our sound mix will be optimized for both theatrical and streaming.


BORED AS F*CK is not a speculative project. We have been working on this film for the past two years and our team has already invested a considerable amount of time and money into the film. Should our proposal be approved, we will implement our next steps in production / post-production immediately and seamlessly.

The majority of funds will be used for post production and animation, with the remaining funds being allocated for additional shoots / interviews and to cover delivery costs to a major distributor for both theatrical and streaming. We want the scope of the documentary to be global, and we’d like to add some international dates to our production schedule to showcase the various BAYC communities around the world.

Our core team is fully proficient in shooting, editing and motion graphics, however we will need to build and expand our team in these final stages of production.

Below is a breakdown of line items from our budget-

Additional Production (travel / studio rentals / crew hires / etc) - $30K (7.5%) Post Production (additional picture editors, motion graphics, compositing) - $100K (25%) Full Color Animation (2d and 3d - includes character design, animatics, etc.) - $150K (37.5%) Voice Talent (includes recording studio, pick-ups) - $10K (2.5%) Music Licensing - $15K (3.75%) NFT Licensing - $10K (2.5%) Archive Footage Licensing - $15K (3.75%) Additional Harddrives $5K (1.25%) Legal (Clearances / Fair Use Attorney) - $25K (6.25%) Color Grade -$15K (3.75%) Sound (includes sound design, music editing, full channel 5.1 and stereo sound mix) - $15K (3.75% Delivery (includes online / conform, DCP creation, textless versions for broadcast, etc.) - $10K (2.5%)

TOTAL: $400,000

The project has been in continuous production for the past two years, and with the funds from the proposal, we would implement the next stage of the process immediately. Though the nature of documentaries can make timelines fluid, our team aims to have the film completed by Q4 of this year and will be engaged in confidential negotiations with distributors at that time.

$400,000 USD paid in $APE

This is EPIC journey. MUST.

Wow i totally agree with this, really dope for us to watch and would bring mutch more people into

All for this idea, but would really like to see a more detailed breakdown of how exactly the funds are going to be utilized in each area of production. I know animation is expensive, but how much $$ goes into animation vs talent vs additional production, etc. Also would love to see a casting call of sorts open to the entire BAYC/MAYC community if you are looking to license apes into the film. Even if the funding isn’t DAO approved, I would imagine there are a ton of apes who would be interested (I for one am for sure!). Best of luck!

Great idea! Was just wondering if you could provide a more detailed cost for the $400k request? (ex: how much each line item costs)

I’m stoked to hear you had the foresight to document so much BAYC history. The past 2 years have been INSANE and I would love to see this documentary come to fruition!

That sounds like a fun and valuable project for the community. Can’t wait to hear even more about it and can’t wait to actually watch it!!!

Francis - interesting proposal.

NounsDao also in process to create their movie ( Nouns DAO ). This might be a good reference for you later in writing your proposal.


Thanks for taking the time to write this AIP, Francis. I’d love to see a documentary, but it’s hard to vote yes without knowing what footage you’ve shot so far and what the script is. A list of main scenes you’ve shot + script outline or direction would help me as a voter.

A rough trailer would go a long way, or at least a teaser.

This going to be interesting. Would be epic if this is approved

I like the idea but you mentioned this has been ongoing for 2yrs, has an attempt been made to get a buyer for it or receive funding from an outside source? Does a trailer exsist or sonething that could be shared? If going on for 2 years why just now proposing this AIP? I look forward to seeing more about this


Thanks @Hank below is s a full breakdown of the numbers (we’ll also have a detailed breakdown in the AIP)

We love the idea of a casting call for BAYC / MAYC and are planning to do that once the segments are written. We are also absolutely open to extending the casting call to other communities with similarly granted IP rights as well.

Additional Production (travel / studio rentals / crew hires / etc) - $30K (7.5%)

Post Production (additional picture editors, motion graphics, compositing) - $125K (31.25%)

Full Color Animation (2d and 3d - includes character design, animatics, etc.) - $125K ($31.25%)

Voice Talent (includes recording studio, pick-ups) - $10K (2.5%)

Music Licensing - $15K (3.75%)

NFT Licensing - $10K (2.5%)

Archive Footage Licensing - $15K (3.75%)

Additional Harddrives $5K (1.25%)

Legal (Clearances / Fair Use Attorney) - $25K (6.25%)

Color Grade -$15K (3.75%)

Sound (includes sound design, music editing, full channel 5.1 and stereo sound mix) - $15K (3.75%

Delivery (includes online / conform, DCP creation, textless versions for broadcast, etc.) - $10K (2.5%)

Hey @8zal ! Here’s a more detailed breakdown of costs (We’ll also have a detailed breakdown in the AIP)

Awesome- sounds great!

Thanks @Sasha We plan to share more footage / materials with our official proposal. As far as scenes, script, etc- we want to tell the comprehensive story of BAYC- from both a micro of the club to the macro of the NFT / web3 space as a whole. We’ve done extensive interviews with OG and prominent members, the BAYC founders and everyone in between. The story will cover the past two years in full (ape fests, other events, the crazy summer of 2021, market crashes, etc) with side trips to explore CryptoPunks and some of the historical origins of NFTs and blockchain.

Thanks! It’s been really cool to see what they are doing over at Nouns and following their proposal. I love the approach and that first animation they did was just phenomenal.

Thank you for the breakdown. Love the thoughtfulness and how detailed the approach is. Hope it works out, you’ve got my support!


Bored Club Association

The Association of Local Communities of the Bored Ape Yacht Club


Association members.

The most boring communities

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UK Ape Club

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Bored Club Canada

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French Ape Yacht Club

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Bored LApes

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Portugal Ape Club

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Iberian Apes Club

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Japan Ape Club

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Apes of Korea

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German Ape Club

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Magic City Apes

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Singapore Ape Club

bored ape yacht club #9093

Malaysia Ape Club

bored ape yacht club #9093

Turkish Ape Yacht Club

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Ladies of BAYC

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Chinese Ape Club

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Dubai Ape Club

bored ape yacht club #9093

Elite Apes HK

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Czech & Slovak Ape Yacht Club

bored ape yacht club #9093

Ape 101 TW Club

bored ape yacht club #9093

United Georgia Apes

bored ape yacht club #9093

Southwest Apes

bored ape yacht club #9093

Want to join the Association?

Let’s talk about your boring idea.


  • Disabilitas

Bored Ape Yacht Club Pimpin Penjualan NFT, Geser Rekor DMarket

BAYC memimpin penjualan NFT harian dengan perolehan luar biasa sebesar USD 919.152, melampaui DMarket, yang telah bertahan di posisi teratas selama hampir seminggu.

Pipit Ika Ramadhani

Diperbarui 18 Agu 2024, 10:31 WIB Diterbitkan 18 Agu 2024, 10:31 WIB

Ilustrasi Kripto atau Penambangan kripto. Foto: Freepik, Jakarta - Bored Ape Yacht Club terus membuat gebrakan di pasar token non-fungible (NFT), merebut kembali posisinya sebagai kekuatan dominan. Pada hari Rabu, BAYC memimpin penjualan NFT harian dengan perolehan luar biasa sebesar USD 919.152, melampaui DMarket, yang telah bertahan di posisi teratas selama hampir seminggu.

Lonjakan ini tidak hanya menyoroti popularitas koleksi NFT Bored Ape Yacht Club yang sedang berlangsung, tetapi juga menggarisbawahi sifat dinamis pasar NFT.

Lamborghini Gandeng Raksasa NFT Animoca, Siap Luncurkan Proyek Baru

Donald trump bakal luncurkan koleksi nft baru di tengah kampanye pilpres as, membedah kripto alice coin dan gerak harganya.

BAYC, yang berada di blockchain Ethereum telah lama menjadi pemain penting di ruang NFT. Dikenal karena seni digitalnya yang unik dan sangat dicari, koleksi tersebut telah mencapai penjualan NFT sepanjang masa sebesar USD 3,18 miliar, menjadikannya koleksi NFT terlaris kedua secara global. Koleksi ini hanya tertinggal di belakang Axie Infinity, yang telah mengumpulkan penjualan sebesar USD 4,27 miliar.


Melansir Cryptocurrency News, Minggu (18/8/2024), kebangkitan BAYC ke puncak penjualan NFT harian merupakan bukti daya tarik koleksi yang abadi dan permintaan yang kuat untuk NFT berkualitas tinggi. Penjualan senilai USD 919.152 yang tercatat pada hari Rabu tidak hanya mengakhiri rekor penjualan DMarket, tetapi juga menunjukkan kemampuan BAYC untuk menarik pembeli serius bahkan di pasar yang berfluktuasi.

Meskipun kinerja BAYC mengesankan, DMarket dari blockchain Mythos tetap menjadi pesaing kuat, mengamankan posisi kedua dengan penjualan harian senilai USD 698.815. Ini merupakan sedikit peningkatan dari USD 685.764 pada hari sebelumnya, yang menunjukkan minat yang stabil terhadap penawaran platform tersebut. Namun, ketidakmampuan DMarket untuk mempertahankan posisi teratasnya menggambarkan sifat kompetitif pasar NFT, di mana pergeseran kepemimpinan dapat terjadi dengan cepat.

* Follow Official WhatsApp Channel untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terkini dengan mengklik tautan ini .

DeGods dari Solana

Ilustrasi NFT (Foto: Unsplash/Andrey Metelev)

DeGods dari Solana juga tampil kuat, mengklaim posisi ketiga dengan penjualan harian senilai USD 651.574. Performa yang solid ini memperkuat pengaruh Solana yang semakin besar di ranah NFT, yang terus menarik minat kolektor dan investor yang mencari alternatif NFT berbasis Ethereum.

Koleksi Guild of Guardians Heroes, yang dihosting di blockchain Immutable, mengalami sedikit penurunan, turun ke posisi keempat dengan penjualan harian sebesar USD 532.034. Ini menandai penurunan dari performa sebelumnya di awal minggu ketika bertahan di posisi kedua selama dua hari berturut-turut.

Sementara itu, Mad Lads di blockchain Solana melengkapi lima besar dengan penjualan sebesar USD 430.919. Kehadiran Solana yang konsisten di jajaran atas peringkat penjualan NFT harian menyoroti ekosistem platform yang kuat dan kemampuannya untuk mendukung beberapa koleksi NFT berkinerja tinggi.

* Fakta atau Hoaks? Untuk mengetahui kebenaran informasi yang beredar, silakan WhatsApp ke nomor Cek Fakta 0811 9787 670 hanya dengan ketik kata kunci yang diinginkan.

Non-Fungible Token atau NFT adalah berkas digital yang identitas dan kepemilikannya unik diverifikasi pada rantai blok (buku besar digital)


Arthur Gideon


bored ape yacht club #9093

Intip Kinerja Kripto GMT Coin 11 Juli 2024, Menguat atau Melemah?

bored ape yacht club #9093

Penjualan Bitcoin NFT Turun 48%, Kini di Bawah Ethereum

bored ape yacht club #9093

Pemilik NFT Kena Tipu, Rugi sampai Rp 3,9 Miliar

Deretan gim nft yang wajib dipelototi di semester ii 2024, penjualan nft anjlok 46,31% di juni 2024, apa penyebabnya.

bored ape yacht club #9093

OpenSea Berhasil Salip Blur sebagai Pasar NFT Terlaris

bored ape yacht club #9093

Desa di Jepang Ini Pakai NFT untuk Jaga Populasi yang Makin Menua

Ustaz Adi Hidayat (Instagram: @ustadzadihidayat)

Makna Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus Menurut Ustadz Adi Hidayat

Cokelat Band dengan kostum ala pejuang kemerdekaan. (dok. Cokelat Band)

Rayakan Kemerdekaan RI Ke-79, Band Cokelat Sampaikan Pesan Mendalam lewat Citra Pejuang

Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno mengibarkan bendera di bawah laut Pulau Pramuka. (dok. Biro Komunikasi Publik Kemenparekraf)

Sandiaga Uno Kibarkan Bendera di Bawah Laut Pulau Pramuka, MenLHK Pimpin Upacara HUT ke-79 RI di Gunung Rinjani

Upacara Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-79 Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia berlangsung khidmat di Washington DC, AS. (VOA Indonesia)

Makanan Indonesia dan Lomba Khas 17-an Meriahkan Perayaan HUT ke-79 RI di Washington DC

Sebanyak 80 pekerja Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) melaksanakan upacara dalam rangka HUT ke-79 RI. (Dok. PHE ONWJ)

Gelar Upacara HUT RI di Laut Jawa, PHE ONWJ Lepas Kapal Penampung Minyak Tertua di Dunia

Pengukuhan 76 anggota Pasukan Pengibar Bendera Pusaka (Paskibraka) yang akan bertugas saat peringatan HUT ke-79 RI di Istana Negara Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), Kalimantan Timur, pada 17 Agustus 2024. (Dok. Youtube Sekretariat Presiden)

BPIP Bantah Pergantian Paskibraka Pembawa Baki HUT RI di IKN pada Menit-Menit Terakhir

Ikn nusantara.

Upacara militer peringatan Detik-detik Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI akan digelar di Istana Negara, Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), Kalimantan Timur, Sabtu (17/8/2024) ( Egeham)

Kementerian PUPR Lanjutkan Pembangunan Infrastruktur di Pusat Pemerintahan IKN pada 2025

Staf Khusus Plt Kepala Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara (OIKN) sekaligus Juru Bicara OIKN Troy Pantouw, berbagi refleksi mendalam mengenai perjalanan panjang pembangunan IKN yang penuh dengan tantangan dan pencapaian.

Sukacita Perjalanan Pembangunan IKN: Dari Awal hingga Peringatan HUT ke-79 RI, Jadi Ikon Baru Indonesia

Intip Desain Istana Kepresidenan dan Istana Garuda di IKN - dok: ist

Intip Desain Istana Kepresidenan dan Istana Garuda di IKN

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengenakan dua macam pakaian adat dari dua provinsi berbeda saat HUT ke-79 RI di Istana Negara Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim). (Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden)

Makna 2 Baju Adat yang Dipakai Jokowi saat Peringatan HUT ke-79 RI di IKN

Ketua DPR RI Puan Maharani/Istimewa.

Top 3 News: Cerita Puan Maharani Bermalam di Rumah Tapak IKN yang Akan Jadi Rumah Dinas Menteri

Jokowi juga menitipkan Indonesia kepada Presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto. (AP Photo/Tatan Syuflana, Pool)

Prabowo: Insyallah Tahun Depan Upacara HUT RI di IKN

Hut ri ke-79.

Penanaman 20 ribu bibit mangrove di Mamuju (Foto:

Semangat Kemerdekaan, Pemprov Sulbar Tanam 20 Ribu Mangrove Bersama Masyarakat

Sekretaris Jenderal Mohammad Zainal Fatah bertindak sebagai Inspektur Upacara saat upacara Peringatan HUT ke-79 RI di Lapangan Sapta Taruna, Kementerian PUPR, Sabtu (17/8/2024)

Peringatan HUT RI ke-79, Kementerian PUPR Berkontribusi Aktif Wujudkan Infrastruktur Indonesia Maju

Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono mengenakan baju adat peci bercorak khas Suku Dayak saat menghadiri Upacara HUT Ke-79 Kemerdekaan RI Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), Kalimantan Timur.

Upacara HUT RI ke-79 di IKN Pertama dalam Sejarah, Menteri Basuki Pakai Baju Adat Dayak

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Pemain Persija Jakarta, Hanif Sjahbandi (kiri) duel udara dengan pemain Persita Tangerang, Heri Susanto pada laga pekan keenam BRI Liga 1 2022/2023 di Stadion Patriot Candrabhaga, Bekasi, Rabu (24/8/2022). ( Iqbal Ichsan)

Jadwal dan Link Live Streaming BRI Liga 1, Minggu 18 Agustus di Vidio: Bali United vs Semen Padang, Persita Tangerang vs Persija Jakarta

Bek PSIS Semarang, Alfeandra Dewangga, tampil mengesankan saat membantu timnya mengimbangi Persija Jakarta dengan skor 2-2 pada BRI Liga 1 2021/2022. ( Iqbal Icshan)

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Hasil bri liga 1 2024/2025: borneo fc tuntaskan dendam pada arema fc.

Pemain Arema FC, Charles Lokoli Ngoy (kiri) berebut bola dengan pemain Borneo FC, Ronaldo de Souza pada laga final Piala Presiden 2024 di Stadion Manahan, Solo, Minggu (4/8/2024). ( Lazuardi)

Jadwal dan Link Live Streaming BRI Liga 1, Sabtu 17 Agustus di Vidio: Arema FC vs Borneo FC, Persis Solo vs PSIS Semarang

BRI Liga 1 2021/2022 (

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Video terkini.

bored ape yacht club #9093

bored ape yacht club #9093


  1. 9093

    bored ape yacht club #9093

  2. What is Bored Ape Yacht Club, and how it has taken over the NFT world

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  3. How the Bored Ape Yacht Club Became The Most Successful NFT Brand

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  4. Bored Originals Ape Yacht Club [Legendary Edition] NFT floor price and

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  5. Bored Ape Yacht Club: A Complete Guide

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  6. Bored Ape Yacht Club

    bored ape yacht club #9093


  1. 9093

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to THE BATHROOM, a collaborative graffiti board. Future areas and perks can be unlocked by the community through roadmap ...

  2. Bored Ape Yacht Club

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to THE BATHROOM, a collaborative graffiti board. Future areas and perks can be unlocked by the community through roadmap ...

  3. Bored Ape Yacht Club-Tribute Edition #9093

    BAYC-Tribute Edition

  4. 11.40 Ξ Bored Ape Yacht Club

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to THE BATHROOM, a collaborative graffiti board. Future areas and perks can be unlocked by the community through roadmap ...

  5. Bored Ape Yacht Club

    Drag to explore. Click to see collection. The boredCollections. Welcome to the official home of BAYC and MAYC. Log in if you're a member or learn more about the collections, perks, unique IP rights, and more.

  6. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Floor Price Chart

    Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is an NFT collection. Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) price floor today is $26,989, with a 24 hour sales volume of 105.09 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 9,998 NFTs minted, held by 5,459 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $269,832,554.

  7. Bored Ape

    Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), often colloquially called Bored Apes or Bored Ape is a non-fungible token (NFT) collection built on the Ethereum blockchain with the ERC-721 standard.The collection features profile pictures of cartoon apes that are procedurally generated by an algorithm.. The parent company of Bored Ape Yacht Club is Yuga Labs. [1] The project launched in April 2021. [2]

  8. Bored Ape Yacht Club

    The BAYC clubhouse is home to Bored Ape Yacht Club and Mutant Ape Yacht Club apes (and occasionally some friends and visitors). When you become an apeBored or Mutant(Bored or Mutant) , you become part of an exclusive club — the NFTs double as membership passes, giving you access to ape-only events, games, adventures, and more.

  9. Bored Ape Yacht Club

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to THE BATHROOM, a collaborative graffiti board. Future areas and perks can be unlocked by the community through roadmap ...

  10. What's the Story Behind Bored Ape Yacht Club Creator Yuga Labs?

    That was until Yuga Labs came along. That's the company behind the $3 billion Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) collection. Unlike most NFT projects before it, Yuga Labs introduced new and improved ...

  11. Bored Ape Yacht Club

    Welcome Apes is a Bored Ape Yacht Club community initiative with the sole focus of "on-boreding" new BAYC and MAYC holders into the ecosystem. We aim to celebrate new members and help make the first few weeks of their Club experience positive. LEARN MORE.

  12. Exploring the Creative Landscape of Bored Ape Yacht Club

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), created by Yuga Labs, is an immensely popular collection of 10,000 unique digital images. Each Bored Ape boasts distinctive traits, from fur patterns and clothing ...

  13. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Collection Sells for $24 Million in Sotheby's

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club or BAYC NFT bundle from Sotheby's was composed of 101 apes. On top of that, the auction also sold another 101 Bored Ape Kennel Club NFTs for a whopping $1.8 million.

  14. How Bored Ape Yacht Club Created a Billion-Dollar Ecosystem of NFTs

    This summer, 101 of Yuga Labs' Bored Ape Yacht Club tokens, which were first minted in early May, resold for $24.4 million in an auction hosted by the fine-art house Sotheby's. Competitor ...

  15. Bored Ape Yacht Club leads NFT sales with US$1.55 million

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) non-fungible token (NFT) collection led daily sales for the second consecutive day on Thursday, according to CryptoSlam data. BAYC recorded US$1.55 million in daily ...

  16. Bored Ape Yacht Club Members Can Now Reserve Their Dot Ape Domain Names

    "D3 plans to offer a patent-pending tokenized APE (e.g. SAM APE) as an immediate Web3 identifier for users, while in parallel submitting the ICANN application for the real .APE TLD to enable future interoperability and native resolution seamlessly across Web2 and Web3.



    STRAWBERRY PEACH YOGURT. The flavor to enrich your day with delicious, creamy activia lowfat yogurt with fruit infused with the fresh taste of strawberry & peach. FEATURING BORED APE YACHT CLUB #9093. Share store details, promotions, or brand content with your customers. The flavor to enrich your day with delicious, creamy activia lowfat yogurt ...

  19. AIP-303: Bored Ape Yacht Club Documentary

    PROPOSAL NAME Bored Ape Yacht Club/Web3 Documentary PROPOSAL CATEGORY Ecosystem Fund Allocation ABSTRACT In production since May 2021, BORED AS F*CK is a feature length documentary directed by Francis Bored Apela (BAYC #9081) that tells the comprehensive story of the Bored Ape Yacht Club and the ever evolving world of web3. We're industry veterans who aped into BAYC a few weeks after mint to ...

  20. Bored Club Association

    The Bored Club Association is a trade organization of Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT local communities. Based on BAYC's values of collaboration and mutual aid, the association's mission is to help the communities come together in order to connect, share, learn and support each other. By creating a dynamic and innovative space, the Association also ...

  21. Bored Ape NFTs Are Mooning Again

    At the time of publishing, the Bored Ape Yacht Club's floor price is consolidating around 12.58 ETH after a recent rally. In the past 24 hours, the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection has led ...

  22. Bored Ape Yacht Club Pimpin Penjualan NFT, Geser Rekor DMarket, Jakarta - Bored Ape Yacht Club terus membuat gebrakan di pasar token non-fungible (NFT), merebut kembali posisinya sebagai kekuatan dominan. Pada hari Rabu, BAYC memimpin penjualan NFT harian dengan perolehan luar biasa sebesar USD 919.152, melampaui DMarket, yang telah bertahan di posisi teratas selama hampir seminggu.. Lonjakan ini tidak hanya menyoroti popularitas koleksi NFT ...

  23. Attendees at Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Event Report 'Severe Eye Burn

    People who showed up to Yuga Labs' recent three-day event celebrating a collection of Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs have reported eye and skin irritation, potentially from UV light used at the event. Yuga Labs' ApeFest, held Nov. 3-5 in Hong Kong, included a brightly lit party held on Saturday. Several of those who attended …

  24. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Prices Plunge as Machi Big Brother Makes Major

    In a single transaction, Machi Big Brother dumped 19 Bored Apes on Blur for over $1 million. Make Yahoo Your Homepage Discover something new every day from News, Sports, Finance, Entertainment and more!

  25. 9055

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to THE BATHROOM, a collaborative graffiti board. Future areas and perks can be unlocked by the community through roadmap ...

  26. Banks Crash Bitcoin Booms Bored Ape Yacht Club E11even ...

    Banks Crash Bitcoin Booms Bored Ape Yacht Club E11even Micheal Simkins FTX Crypto Currency Scams XRP. Next video playing soon. Click to cancel. Autoplay has been paused. ... P Diddy investigation puts Club E11even, Michael Simkins, E11even Partners President and CEO, Miami E11even Residences in the spotlight again, as the Moscow Terrorist ...