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MO-FR: 08.00 - 19.00 SA-SO: 09.00 - 18:00

  • An einer Kreuzfahrt interessiert
  • Bereits eine Kreuzfahrt gebucht

MSC Yacht club gold and white logo | MSC Cruises



MSC Yacht Club | MSC Cruises


      luxus, privatsphäre und exklusivität.

blue box

MSC YACHT CLUB SPECIAL: Restauranterlebnis Chef's Table geschenkt

MSC Yacht Club Butler service 24/7 | MSC Cruises

Unvergleichlicher Komfort und Exquisiter Luxus

Erleben Sie die elegantesten Unterkünfte während Ihrer MSC Yacht Club Luxuskreuzfahrt . Entdecken Sie luxuriös ausgestattete Suiten , die mit viel Liebe zum Detail konzipiert wurden.

Genießen Sie den Inbegriff von Komfort mit luxuriöser Ausstattung und eleganten Details . Entdecken Sie unten alle MSC Yacht Club Suiten, die Sie buchen können.

MSC Yacht Club Owner’s Suite With Whirlpool Bath| MSC Cruises

  • Größe ca. 104 m2 , mit großem Balkon 48 m2, Deck 16
  • Schlafzimmer mit Doppelbett
  • Separater Wohn- und Essbereich mit Schlafsofa, umwandelbar in ein Doppelbett
  • Absenkbare Fensterfront und Glastüren
  • Großer privater Balkon mit Whirlpool, Esstisch und Stühlen
  • Marmorbad mit Badewanne, Dusche und „Med“-Bio-Pflegeprodukten
  • Hochwertige bestickte Handtücher und Bettwäsche aus 100% Baumwolle
  • Plüschhausschuhe und Bademäntel aus 100% Baumwolle zur Verwendung an Bord
  • Geräumiger begehbarer Kleiderschrank
  • Minibar, Kühlschrank, Nespresso-Maschine, frisches Obst, Willkommensgeschenk und Venchi-Schokoladen jeden Tag
  • Interaktives TV, Telefon, Safe und Klimaanlage

Die Bilder sind nur repräsentativ: Abgebildete Suite auf der MSC World Europa.

Größe, Aufteilung und Ausstattung können (innerhalb der gleichen Suitenkategorie) variieren.

MSC Yacht club Royal suite | MSC Cruises

  • Größe ca. 51-58 m2, Balkon 42-51 m2, Deck 16-18
  • Separates Wohnzimmer mit Schlafcouch, umwandelbar in ein Doppelbett
  • Marmorbad mit Badewanne, Dusche und „Med“-Bio-Pflegeprodukten (einige Suiten haben nur eine große Badewanne)
  • Minibar, Kühlschrank, Nespresso-Maschine, frisches Obst Willkommensgeschenk
  • Venchi-Schokoladen jeden Tag

MSC Yacht Club Duplex Suite with whirlpool| MSC Cruises

  • Größe ca. 46 m2, Balkon 28-31 m2, Deck 16
  • Suite über zwei Decks im vorderen Bereich des Schiffes

Hauptebene (Eingang der Suite)

  • Offener Wohn-/Essbereich mit Esstisch und Schlafcouch, umwandelbar in ein Doppelbett
  • Marmorbad mit Dusche und „Med“-Bio-Pflegeprodukten

Zweite Ebene

  • Großes Schlafzimmer mit komfortablen Doppelbett, das in zwei Einzelbetten umgewandelt werden kann (auf Anfrage)
  • Marmorbad mit Badewanne und „Med“-Bio-Pflegeprodukten
  • Privates Sonnendeck mit Liegestühlen, erreichbar über die Außentreppe
  • Geräumiger Kleiderschrank

Jede Suite ist ausgestattet mit

  • Minibar und Nespresso-Maschine
  • Frisches Obst Willkommensgeschenk
  • Interaktives TV und Telefon auf jeder Ebene verfügbar
  • Safe und Klimaanlage

MSC Yacht Club Grand Suite| MSC Cruises

  • Größe ca. 46 m2, Balkon 6 m2, Deck 16

Hauptebene (Eingang der Suite):

  • Balkon mit Esstisch und Stühlen

Jede Suite ist ausgestattet mit:

MSC Yacht Club Executive & Family Suite | MSC Cruises

  • Größe ca. 40-53 m2, Deck 12
  • Doppelbett, das in zwei Einzelbetten umgewandelt werden kann (auf Anfrage), mit einem geschlossenen Panoramafenster an der Seite (ohne Zugang nach draußen)
  • Separates Wohnzimmer mit Sofas und Stühlen mit einem geschlossenen Panoramafenster (kein Zugang nach draußen)
  • Plüschhausschuhe aus 100% Baumwolle zur Verwendung an Bord
  • Minibar, Wasserkocher & Frisches Obst Willkommensgeschenk

Die Bilder sind nur repräsentativ: Abgebildete Suite auf der MSC Fantasia.


MSC Yacht Club Grand Suite | MSC Cruises

  • Größe ca. 31-43 m2, Balkon 8-21 m2, Deck 16-19
  • Schlafzimmer mit Doppelbett, das in zwei Einzelbetten umgewandelt werden kann (auf Anfrage)
  • Balkon mit Stühlen und Esstisch
  • Minibar, Nespresso-Maschine und frisches Obst Willkommensgeschenk

Die Bilder sind nur repräsentativ: Abgebildete Suite auf der MSC Seashore.

Hinweis: Einige MSC Yacht Club Grand Suiten sind für Gäste mit Behinderungen oder eingeschränkter Mobilität geeignet.

MSC Yacht club deluxe suite | MSC Cruises

  • Größe ca. 15 m2, Balkon 5 m2, Deck 15-21

Hinweis: Einige MSC Yacht Club Deluxe Suiten sind für Gäste mit Behinderungen oder eingeschränkter Mobilität geeignet.

MSC Yacht Club Interior Suite| MSC Cruises

  • Größe ca. 15 m 2 , Deck 15-16


Der MSC Yacht Club ist ein echtes „Schiff im Schiff“: Jeder Ort im MSC Yacht Club wurde sorgfältig gestaltet , um unseren Gästen ein Höchstmaß an Komfort und Privatsphäre zu bieten .

Lassen Sie sich von unserer Auswahl an privaten Rückzugsorten inspirieren.


Top Sail Lounge

Die Top Sail Lounge des MSC Yacht Clubs im vorderen Bereich des Schiffes bietet eine atemberaubende Aussicht sowie hervorragendes Essen und Service. Als Teil eines luxuriösen Kreuzfahrterlebnisses ist diese exklusive Lounge rund um die Uhr für die Gäste des MSC Yacht Clubs geöffnet. Eine kostenlose Bar erwartet Sie mit erstklassigen Getränken den ganzen Tag über und köstlichen Gourmet-Snacks zu verschiedenen Tageszeiten. Genießen Sie jeden Abend Live-Musik und nehmen Sie an Veranstaltungen wie dem High Tea und dem Officers' Welcome Cocktail an Bord teil.

MSC Yacht Club Restaurant

Das MSC Yacht Club Restaurant ist ein exklusiver und privater Ort, der nur für Sie reserviert ist und mit einen spektakulären Meerblick beeindruckt. Begeben Sie sich auf eine kulinarische Reise und lassen Sie sich von Gourmet-Kreationen und Fünf-Sterne-Service verwöhnen. Von À-la-carte-Menüs mit mediterraner und internationaler Küche der Spitzenklasse bis hin zu einem engagierten Team internationaler Köche, die die besten lokalen Produkte einkaufen, ist alles darauf ausgerichtet, Ihren Gaumen zu verwöhnen. Unser engagierter Sommelier berät Sie gerne bei der Kombination von Speisen und Weinen und stellt Ihnen die große Auswahl an Weinen vor.

MSC Yacht Club Grill & Bar

Der MSC Yacht Club Grill & Bar ist eine eigene Außenterrasse, auf der die Gäste den ganzen Tag über Speisen und Getränke genießen können. Beginnen Sie den Morgen mit einer großen Auswahl an Frühstücksoptionen, von Müsli bis hin zu Omeletts, French Toast und Spiegeleiern. Unsere Kellnerinnen und Kellner kümmern sich an der Poolbar um Ihre Wünsche: Genießen Sie eine große Auswahl an Getränken, von hausgemachten Cocktails über Bier und Wein bis hin zu einem kühlen Glas Champagner zum Ausklang des Abends.

Der MSC Yacht Club Grill ist auf den Schiffen Meraviglia, Seaside und World Class verfügbar.

MSC Yacht Club Sundeck & Pool

Der MSC Yacht Club Sundeck & Pool ist ein exklusiver und luxuriöser Außenbereich mit einem atemberaubenden Swimmingpool, einem geräumigen Sonnendeck und großen Whirlpools für ein außergewöhnliches Luxuskreuzfahrterlebnis. Im MSC Yacht Club erwartet Sie ein herausragender Service inklusive frischen Handtüchern und Putztücher für Ihre Sonnenbrillen, während Sie den One Pool genießen. Auf ausgewählten Schiffen stehen auch elegante, private Cabanas zur Verfügung.


Von eleganten Suiten bis hin zum Butler - Service rund um die Uhr bietet der MSC Yacht Club ein All-Inclusive-Luxuserlebnis, bei dem Privatsphäre und Exklusivität an erster Stelle stehen. Aber auch alle anderen Einrichtungen auf dem Schiff, können Sie jederzeit nutzen.

Mehr erfahren:

MSC Yacht Club priviledges | MSC Cruises

Gönnen Sie sich eine luxuriöse Kreuzfahrt mit dem MSC Yacht Club. Genießen Sie unvergleichlichen Komfort und persönlichen Service auf einer atemberaubenden Reise an Bord unserer schönsten Schiffe mit besonderen Einrichtungen wie einem privaten Restaurant, einer Lounge, einem Swimmingpool und einem Solarium. Alle bieten einen All-inclusive Getränkeservice.

  • 24-Stunden Butler-Service
  • 24-Stunden Concierge-Service
  • All Inclusive Getränkepaket Premium Extra in allen Schiffsbereichen
  • Internetpaket "Browse" mit unbegrenztem Datenvolumen für zwei Geräte
  • Priority-Check-in und Check-out
  • 24-Stunden Zimmerservice
  • Freier Zugang zum Thermalbereich im MSC Aurea Spa
  • Entspannungsmöglichkeiten in jeder Suite (einschließlich Bademantel und Hausschuhe) und ein Kissenmenü
  • Sonstige persönliche Dienstleistungen wie Gepäckauf- und -abgabe, Zeitungsservice
  • Das lohnendste Erlebnis für MSC Voyagers Club Punkte
  • Eine Kreuzfahrt kostenlos umbuchen**. (Bitte beachten Sie die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen)

MSC Yacht Club exclusivity| MSC Cruises

Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt, in der sich Privatsphäre und Luxus vereinen und jedes Detail sorgfältig ausgearbeitet ist, um selbst Ihre höchsten Erwartungen zu übertreffen. Willkommen auf einem Schiff im Schiff, wo Sie ein abgeschiedener und eleganter Bereich erwartet.

  • Großzügige Suiten mit einem hohen Maß an Komfort auf den Vorderdecks
  • Exklusiver Poolbereich mit Sonnendeck, Whirlpools und Grill & Bar
  • Gourmet-Dinner im privaten MSC Yacht Club Restaurant ohne feste Tischzeiten
  • Panorama-Top-Sail-Lounge mit Bar, Teeservice am Nachmittag, Auswahl an kleinen Snacks 20 Stunden pro Tag
  • Live-Musik jeden Abend in der Top Sail Lounge
  • Auf Wunsch maßgeschneiderte Landausflüge und Shoppingerlebnisse (nicht im Reisepreis eingeschlossen)

MSC Yacht Club a world of choice | MSC Cruises

Genießen Sie in Ihrem eigenen Tempo die Privatsphäre und den Luxus des MSC Yacht Clubs oder verlassen Sie Ihren privaten Bereich und nutzen Sie die unzähligen Erholungs-, Entspannungs- und Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten auf dem gesamten Schiff.

  • Zugang zu allen Einrichtungen des Schiffes (Bars und Lounges, Spezialitätenrestaurants, Swimmingpools etc.)
  • Angebote für ermäßigte Pakete
  • Premium Buffet
  • 10% Rabatt auf alle Spa-Anwendungen (bei Buchung an Bord)
  • Spektakuläre Shows im Broadway- und Las Vegas-Stil
  • Unterhaltung für Erwachsene, Babys und Kinder
  • Freizeitangebote für Kinder
  • Open-Air Sportanlagen
  • Modernes Fitnessstudio mit Panoramablick

Entdecken Sie mit dem MSC Yacht Club die schönsten Reiseziele der Welt und genießen Sie einzigartigen Service, unvergleichlichen Komfort und exquisiten Luxus. Die Privilegien des MSC Yacht Clubs gehen weit über das Schiff hinaus. Entdecken Sie unsere exklusiven Stranddestinationen mit eigenem MSC Yacht Club Bereich

Nehmen Sie an den MSC Yacht Club Ausflügen teil und entdecken Sie versteckte Schätze bei einzigartigen Aktivitäten mit erfahrenen lokalen Reiseführern, die speziell für unsere geschätzten MSC Yacht Club Gäste entwickelt wurden und eine breite Palette an fein abgestimmten Erlebnissen und Vorteilen bieten.

MSC Yacht Club, Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve | MSC Cruises


sir bani yas island, Yas Island, Sir Bani Yas, Dubai


MSC Yacht Club a ship within a ship |MSC Cruises

MSC Yacht Club FAQ

Was ist der msc yacht club.

Der MSC Yacht Club ist ein exklusiver und privater Bereich, der ganz dem Luxus, der Privatsphäre und dem Komfort gewidmet ist. Ein echtes „Schiff im Schiff“ mit eleganten Suiten , 24-Stunden Butler-Service und eigenem Concierge-Service für ein außergewöhnliches Luxus-Kreuzfahrterlebnis. Im MSC Yacht Club haben Sie exklusiven Zugang zu raffinierten, privaten Veranstaltungsorten , darunter ein Restaurant, eine Lounge, ein Pool und ein Sonnendeck, sowie einen All-inclusive Getränkepaket . Unbegrenzter Internetzugang und eine große Auswahl an Freizeit- und Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten , wie der Thermalbereich im MSC Aurea Spa und Theatershows im Broadway-Stil, bereichern Ihre Luxuskreuzfahrt. Für den Familienurlaub erwartet die kleinen Reisenden an Bord von MSC Cruises eine Welt voller Aufregung, vom Kinderclub bis zum Aquapark , der grenzenlose Spaß garantiert.

Welche Arten von Suiten stehen im MSC Yacht Club zur Verfügung?

Alle Suiten im MSC Yacht Club sind elegant und wurden so entworfen, dass sie Ihnen ein Höchstmaß an Komfort und Privatsphäre bieten. Der MSC Yacht Club umfasst eine Auswahl von 8 verschiedenen Suiten , jede mit ihrer eigenen, einzigartigen Note von Luxus und Komfort. Obwohl nicht alle Suitentypen auf jedem Schiff zur Verfügung stehen, bieten wir immer aus einer Auswahl an eleganten und komfortablen Suiten, die Ihren persönlichen Wünschen gerecht werden. Alle MSC Yacht Clubs auf unseren Schiffen bieten elegante Deluxe Suiten mit Balkon und geräumigen Kleiderschränken sowie Royal Suiten mit direktem Zugang vom Schlafzimmer zum Balkon und eigener Terrasse. Auf den Schiffen der Fantasia-Klasse haben Sie außerdem die Wahl zwischen Grand Suiten mit großzügigem Wohnbereich und Executive & Family Suiten mit Panoramafenster und separatem Wohnbereich. Genießen Sie auf unseren neuesten Schiffen eine hochwertige Unterbringung mit innovativen Suiten. Die Schiffe der Meraviglia-Klasse verfügen über Duplex-Suiten mit Whirlpool , die sich im vorderen Bereich des Schiffes befinden und eine atemberaubende Aussicht bieten. Auf den Schiffen der Seaside-Klasse bieten die MSC Seashore und die MSC Seascape Owner Suites mit großen Balkonen und privatem Whirlpool sowie Grand Suites an. Auch unsere Schiffe der World Class verfügen über Owner Suiten, darunter Duplex Suiten, die wahlweise mit oder ohne Whirlpool ausgestattet sind. Alle unsere neuesten Schiffe verfügen außerdem über elegante Innensuiten.

Von Myform-Memory-Matratzen über Bettwäsche und Matratzen aus ägyptischer Baumwolle bis hin zum Dorelan-Kissenmenü, von Marmorbädern bis hin zu kostenlosen Minibars - für eine wahrhaft außergewöhnliche Luxuskreuzfahrt ist an alles gedacht.

Was beinhaltet der MSC Yacht Club?

Der MSC Yacht Club bietet Ihnen ein luxuriöses All-Inclusive Kreuzfahrterlebnis mit einer Vielzahl an exklusiven Privilegien, angefangen beim 24-Stunden Butler-Service über Priority Check-in und Check-out bis hin zum 24-Stunden Concierge. Das All-Inclusive Getränkepaket Premium Extra beinhaltet Getränke nicht nur im MSC Yacht Club, sondern auf dem gesamten Schiff. So können Sie Ihre Lieblingsgetränke an verschiedenen Orten wie dem Buffet, dem Hauptrestaurant, den Spezialitätenrestaurants und den Bars an Bord genießen. Mit dem Internetpaket Browse steht Ihnen während der gesamten Kreuzfahrt eine Wi-Fi-Verbindung für zwei Geräte pro Person zur Verfügung.

Im privaten MSC Yacht Club Restaurant mit flexiblen Essenszeiten können Sie sich kulinarisch verwöhnen lassen. In der Top Sail Lounge gibt es jeden Abend Live-Musik, während die Panoramic Top Sail Lounge 20 Stunden am Tag mit Barbetrieb, Nachmittagstee und einer Auswahl an leichten Speisen auf Sie wartet. Alle MSC Yacht Club Suiten befinden sich im vorderen Bereich des Schiffes und bieten Ihnen außergewöhnlichen Komfort mit Zimmerservice rund um die Uhr. Sie haben unbegrenzten Zugang zum Thermalbereich des MSC Aurea SPA, wo Sie sich rundum entspannen können. Darüber hinaus genießen Sie Ermäßigungen im Spa , Pakete für Spezialitätenrestaurants , Open-Air Sportanlagen , Kid's Club, Aquapark und ein abwechslungsreiches Programm mit Broadway- und Las Vegas-Shows.

Sind Getränke im MSC Yacht Club inklusive?

Welches internetpaket ist im msc yacht club enthalten.

Gäste des MSC Yacht Club profitieren von dem Internetpaket Browse mit unbegrenztem Datenvolumen für zwei Geräte pro Person während der gesamten Kreuzfahrt. Mit diesem Paket können Sie:

  • Im Internet surfen.
  • E-Mails und Bilder senden und empfangen.
  • Chatten mit Messenger-Apps (z. B. WhatsApp).

Sobald Sie an Bord sind, können Sie das Internetpaket „Browse“ gegen eine zusätzliche Gebühr auf das Paket „ Browse and Stream “ erweitern.

Was sind die MSC Yacht Club Ausflüge? Wie kann ich sie buchen?

Die MSC Yacht Club Ausflüge wurden exklusiv für unsere MSC Yacht Club Gäste zusammengestellt. Sie bieten die Möglichkeit, verborgene Wunder zu entdecken, an einzigartigen Aktivitäten mit lokalen Experten teilzunehmen und garantieren den MSC Yacht Club Gästen ein intensives Erlebnis mit einer Mischung aus Luxus, Exklusivität und Premium-Privilegien. Die MSC Yacht Club Ausflüge bieten eine breite Palette an sorgfältig abgestimmten Erlebnissen , die den Vorlieben der Gäste entsprechen. Freuen Sie sich auf Ausflüge zu begehrten Reisezielen, aufregende Abenteuer, authentische Küche mit traditionellen Aromen, paradiesische Strandaufenthalte in erstklassigen Resorts, aufschlussreiche Kunst- und Handwerksworkshops mit lokalem Einfluss und historische Architekturbesichtigungen, die den Geist beflügeln.

Die MSC Yacht Club Ausflüge können vor der Kreuzfahrt online im Bereich „My MSC Area“ , telefonisch über unser Contact Center Team oder über Ihr Reisebüro gebucht werden. An Bord ist Ihr Butler oder Concierge speziell geschult, um Ihnen bei der Buchung zu helfen und Sie optimal zu beraten.

Wie ist der Dresscode für den MSC Yacht Club? Gibt es Themenpartys, für die ich speziell packen soll?

Die Kleiderordnung kann je nach Veranstaltungsort und Tageszeit variieren. Top Sail Lounge - Dresscode Um das exklusive Ambiente der Top Sail Lounge voll auskosten zu können, empfehlen wir Ihnen, sich angemessen zu kleiden.

  • Tagesüber: Legere Kleidung, einschließlich T-Shirts und Tops, wir bitten Sie joch die Lounge nicht in Badekleidung zu betreten.
  • Abends: Elegante Freizeitkleidung, Kleider, Röcke, lange Hosen, Jeans und Hemdblusen sind gerne gesehen. Bitte vermeiden Sie kurze Hosen und Flip-Flops.

MSC Yacht Club Restaurant - Dresscode Um das außergewöhnliche Ambiente dieses Privatrestaurants zu wahren, bitten wir Sie, sich der Exklusivität entsprechend zu kleiden.

  • Tagesüber: Fühlen Sie sich in legerer Kleidung wohl, auch in T-Shirts und Tops, aber um eine respektvolle Atmosphäre zu wahren, bitten wir Sie, zu keiner Zeit Badekleidung zu tragen.
  • Abends: Wir bitten Sie, elegante Freizeitkleidung zu tragen. Dazu gehören Kleider, Röcke, lange Hosen, Jeans und Oberteile mit Knopfleiste. Bitte vermeiden Sie kurze Hosen und Flip-Flops.
  • Für Galaabende: Kleiden Sie sich elegant und glamourös für Ihr Foto an Bord mit raffinierten Outfits wie Cocktailkleidern, Röcken, Hosen, Designerjeans, eleganten Tops, Blazern oder sogar Smokings und Kleidern.

MSC Yacht Club Grill & Bar - Dresscode Tragen Sie Badesachen, T-Shirts, Tanktops, Hüte und Sonnenbrillen, wie Sie wollen. Oben-ohne-Baden ist in diesem familienfreundlichen Bereich nicht erlaubt.

Können externe Gäste wie Familie oder Freunde, die auf dem Hauptschiff übernachten, in den MSC Yacht Club-Bereich mitgenommen werden?

Ist die freigepäckmenge im msc yacht club höher als für normale gäste, sind kinder und babys im msc yacht club willkommen, wie werde ich mitglied im msc yacht club muss ich mich für den msc yacht club anmelden, sammeln sie als msc yacht club gast mehr msc voyagers club punkte als bei anderen erlebnissen.

Ja, der MSC Yacht Club ist das lohnendste Erlebnis von MSC Cruises:

  • Für Kreuzfahrten mit weniger als 5 Nächten oder 6 Tagen erhalten Sie 800 MSC Voyagers Club Punkte.
  • Wenn Ihre Kreuzfahrt 5 bis 9 Nächte oder 6 bis 10 Tage dauert, erhalten Sie 1.500 MSC Voyagers Club Punkte.
  • Wenn Ihre Kreuzfahrt länger als 10 Nächte oder 11 Tage dauert, erhalten Sie 2.000 MSC Voyagers Club Punkte.

Wie erhalte ich ein Upgrade für den MSC Yacht Club?

Können gäste, die in den msc yacht club upgegradet wurden, genauso msc voyagers club punkte sammeln wie andere msc yacht club gäste, allgemeine hinweise, allgemeine hinweise.

  • **MSC Yacht Club Gäste können die Kreuzfahrtdaten oder das Reiseziel einmal kostenlos ändern. Eine solche Änderung muss spätestens 30 Kalendertage vor der Abfahrt erfolgen, damit die neue Kreuzfahrt innerhalb von 90 Kalendertagen nach der ursprünglichen Abfahrt stattfinden kann. Jede Kreuzfahrtänderung muss über MSC Book oder unsere Contact Center beantragt werden.
  • Es gibt die Möglichkeit, je nach Reiseroute maßgeschneiderte Ausflüge zu organisieren.
  • Für weitere Informationen über das All Inclusive Getränkepaket Premium Extra klicken Sie hier .

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MSC Cruises


Mon-Fri 9am - 7pm EST Sat-Sun 9am - 6pm EST

Experience yacht club luxury like this couple who is relaxing in the solarium pool area, attended by a dedicated butler serving refreshing drinks and ensuring a premium level of comfort and service.


Step into the MSC Yacht Club, an exclusive private sanctuary onboard only accessible by key card. Here, you can discover elegance with luxury suites offering a 24/7 butler service. Enjoy curated menus in a private restaurant and unwind on the secluded pool deck. An elevated experience awaits you on a vacation that’s a step above.

yacht club msc vorteile


A MSC Yacht Club butler in white gloves serves cruises guests tea and coffee with delicious pastries on a tiered.

Experience unparalleled service from the moment you check in. Gain access to priority embarkation and disembarkation, your own concierge team, a dedicated butler available 24/7, and premier room service delivered to you at any hour.

This is the private Yacht Club pool onboard MSC, featuring a spacious pool with easy-access stairs set against a vibrant blue sky with intriguing elements like a dinosaur figure, horses, and more, creating a unique and leisurely atmosphere.

Enjoy access to areas that are exclusive for MSC Yacht Club guests during your cruise vacation. Delight in fine dining at our dedicated restaurant, unwind on a private sun deck, and admire captivating sunsets from the Top Sail Lounge.

A man and woman each hold a glass of complementary champagne as they relax in their luxurious stateroom and enjoy their ocean cruise views through their balcony window.

When you choose MSC Yacht Club, you unlock unique exclusives, all-inclusive packages, and VIP access available only to you including entry to Ocean House Beach on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve, our private island in the Bahamas.

Allow us to indulge you

Step into a world where your suite is just the beginning and where every detail is meticulously attended to.


Our butlers are prepared to meet your needs, whether that be bringing a late-night treat-or turning down your room. From the minute you step on board, your dedicated butler will be by your side for a memorable experience.

Ask your MSC Yacht Club concierge to secure the best reservations at all our incredible venues, including specialty restaurants, and consider it done. Revel in VIP seating for entertainment, partake in private shopping trips, and enjoy curated excursions.

Your journey with us is tailored to perfection, guaranteeing every moment is marked by exceptional comfort and convenience.

A MSC Yacht Club Butler in a distinguished black suit and white gloves serves tea with finger foods to a couple in a private yacht club area. They relax on a couch, savoring the moment while enjoying breathtaking ocean views.


Allow our dedicated MSC Yacht Club team to bring your ultimate cruise vacation to life. We prioritize every detail, from the perfect pillow selection from our exclusive Dorelan® menu to a fully stocked personalized mini bar at your fingertips.

Any questions you may have can always be answered by our 24-hour concierge service, available to you from the moment you step on board.

Young couple entering the Yacht Club's front lobby, where they enjoy the perks of luggage delivery and personalized service from the butler, catering to their cruise needs.


Immerse yourself in elegant spaces and experience elevated design in a beautiful setting.

In the private Yacht Club lounge, a couple enjoys cocktails, while in the background, a woman sips her drink while listening to a man play the piano on an MSC cruises.


The Top Sail Lounge is the ultimate place to rest and relax after shore excursions or days at sea. Throughout the day, take in crystal-clear panoramic views of the ocean while enjoying crafted drinks, gourmet finger foods, and desserts. At night, relish in exclusive access to live music and after-dinner drinks.   

When you visit the Top Sail Lounge, you'll have the time to unwind and watch the world sail by.

Experience luxury in the exclusive Top Sail Lounge, a private retreat for Yacht Club members on MSC Cruises. The lounge features plush white leather sofas, abundant natural light, and stunning panoramic views.


Recharge on a sundeck featuring dipping pools and whirlpool baths where you can cool off and lounge for total relaxation. Take in the sun and the ocean breeze with your preferred poolside beverage delivered right to your chair.

Indulge in the Yacht Club's exclusive Private Solarium on MSC Cruises, where a couple is pampered by a butler, offering personalized service for drinks, food, towels, and more. The image features a crystal-clear, elevated hot tub, epitomizing luxury and relaxation.


With a dedicated restaurant on each ship, the MSC Yacht Club offers an elevated menu. Enjoy fine dining served with five-star service and a selection of beverages and wines from around the world.  

You can savor the finest flavors in a space meant for you—no reservations needed.

An elegant moment at the Yacht Club restaurant on your luxury cruise, as a delighted woman smiles while being served a gourmet dinner with a red and white wine pairing by the attentive Yacht Club staff, epitomizing the essence of dining and indulgence in luxury.


The MSC Yacht Club experience continues on land at the private Ocean House Beach on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve. A serene space with ocean views, beachfront cabanas, and complimentary amenities.


MSC Yacht Club offers guests luxurious onboard accommodations for the ultimate in comfort. Explore our wide range of staterooms to enhance your MSC Cruises luxury experience.

The Owner's Suite on World Europa offers opulent luxury with a spacious balcony featuring a sofa, hot tub, and breathtaking ocean and sunset views, providing the ultimate in privacy and indulgence aboard MSC Yachts

The Owner's Suites feature a spacious living area, a walk-in closet, a large balcony with a private whirlpool, and a panoramic glass wall. 

Step into the luxurious Royal Suite on Seascape within the Yacht Club, featuring an inviting living room adorned with green couches and a TV, offering an exclusive and opulent experience.

Every Royal Suite has a separate living area and all the comforts you would expect in first-class accommodations. 

The Deluxe Suite on Euribia, is a well-lit and stylish indoor space in varying shades of grey exudes a modern and minimalist vibe. Notable features include a staircase hinting at spaciousness, a versatile table with chairs, and ample natural light through a window, creating an inviting atmosphere for your cruise vacation.

These two-deck suites offer a separate living space with a double sofa bed, walk-in closet, and a balcony with a private whirlpool. 

This inviting indoor living room is part of the Executive Family Suite on MSC Divina. It features a warm brown color theme with two comfortable couches surrounding a central coffee table with a television for everyone to enjoy on your family cruise vacation.

These suites are ideal for families with children. They come with a separate sitting area and a bathroom with a bathtub.

The Deluxe Suite on Seashore, is a well-lit and stylish indoor space in varying shades of grey exudes a modern and minimalist vibe. Notable features include a staircase hinting at spaciousness, a versatile table with chairs, and ample natural light through a window, creating an inviting atmosphere for your cruise vacation.

These suites have also their own private balcony and all the comforts you expect in first-class accommodations. 

An interior stateroom on MSC Europa, featuring a room with a bed and a mirror, a mattress, pillows, and a grey floor with white lines, with no faces or objects detected.

Guests on our newest ships can enjoy all the comforts of the MSC Yacht Club with an interior suite.


An elegant moment at the Yacht Club restaurant on your luxury cruise, as a delighted woman smiles while being served a gourmet dinner with a red and white wine pairing by the attentive Yacht Club staff, epitomizing the essence of dining and indulgence in luxury.


Our Premium Extra Package is included as an MSC Yacht Club benefit. Delight in a wide selection of beers, cocktails, wines, top-shelf liquor, and an array of non-alcoholic beverages.

Stay connected while cruising with MSC as a passenger surfs their cell phone using an onboard internet package, ensuring seamless connectivity and convenience during the voyage.


Stay connected with a premium internet package from anywhere on board, an exclusive benefit for guests. Unlimited Wi-Fi allows you to browse on up to two devices.

Indulge in serene spa moments on MSC Cruises, as a woman in a plush spa robe sits by a window, savoring ocean views and relaxation in the tranquil spa setting.


Experience ultimate pampering at the MSC Aurea Spa, where you can enjoy complimentary access to the serene Thermal Suite, enhanced further by an exclusive 10% discount on all treatments.

explore further

Discover the best of both worlds as a guest of MSC Yacht Club. Enjoy VIP access to amenities throughout

your journey, from dining to captivating entertainment, while experiencing the personalized touch that

extends from your suite to every corner of the ship.


Savor the flavors of exquisite specialty restaurants such as Butcher's Cut, Kaito Sushi & Teppanyaki, HOLA Tacos, and Ocean Cay.

Elevate your dining experience with exclusive perks like priority reservation times, premium seating, and the luxury of a personal butler escort if you choose.

An image of a couple delighting in an a la carte sushi dining experience at the premium dining venue in the MSC Yacht Club, savoring a delectable selection of sushi dishes.


As an MSC Yacht Club guest, there’s always more to discover. Get priority access to our show-stopping Broadway and Vegas-style shows brought to you by Carousel Productions at Sea.

Plus, you can always explore the myriad of entertainment areas on board, from thrilling water parks to trying your luck at the state-of-the-art MSC Casino.

Captivating top-tier entertainment in the MSC Yacht Club, featuring an acrobatic performer executing mid-air splits while suspended by fabric, delivering a mesmerizing experience.


Unleash your active side by checking out our sports facilities, including outdoor walking tracks, basketball courts, and a fully-equipped gym boasting Technogym® equipment.  

For those seeking an even more tailored experience, indulge in specialty classes and personal training sessions, reserved by your MSC Yacht Club concierge team.

Enjoy a premium fitness experience on MSC Cruises as two individuals work out on treadmills in the well-appointed gym, offering scenic views of the ship and the expansive ocean beyond.

discover more

Journey to the ultimate destinations on board the MSC Yacht Club, whether it’s crossing places off your bucket list or delighting in quick weekend getaways.




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Is MSC Cruises' Yacht Club Worth It?

Dive into the indulgent world of exclusivity and amenities to decide if the premium experience justifies the cost.

Book MSC Cruise

MSC Cruises Yacht Club is a place of luxury among luxury cruising worldwide. The yacht club was introduced on MSC Fantasia in 2008, and later on, all the subsequent ships, including the latest addition to the fleet, MSC Seashore , are premium experiences that have become a staple. Yacht Club is a refuge within a mega-ship, featuring high-class treatment and many privileges for its customers interested in an exquisite cruise.

Does MSC Cruises Provide Value for Money?

The yacht club experience.

The exclusive amenities of the Yacht Club form its heart, along with a separate section of the ship. Passengers have deluxe rooms, including a private lounge, pool, and restaurant. The yacht club concept was first introduced on MSC Fantasia and later extended to newer ships such as MSC Seashore, a place of tranquility amid mega-ship activities.

Yacht Club Across the Fleet

Over the years, the concept of the Yacht Club has been extended to numerous ships such as MSC Splendida , MSC Divina , MSC Preziosa , MSC Seaside , MSC Meraviglia , MSC Seaview , MSC Bellissima . This premium offering continues to be added consistently across the fleet to endorse its popularity and success.

Yacht Club Fares

It is undoubtedly expensive to stay in a Yacht Club, and in most cases, it costs twice as much as a cabin. Prices also differ, with an interior cabin being around $2,800 for two passengers, whereas a balcony can cost up to $4,100 . But the Yacht Club is worth every penny owing to its high-class amenities and ultimate luxury.

Yacht Club Perks

The Yacht Club attracts people because it has many unique privileges. For example, among others, one of the remarkable advantages is the premium drink package, which is added to all Yacht Club suites. The $15 package covers a variety of beverages that are either alcoholic or non-alcoholic. To ensure complete relaxation, there is an extra two-device WiFi package and access to the thermal spa suite.

Embarkation and Disembarkation

VIP treatment from the time the customers arrive at the port is one of the most fascinating characteristics of the yacht club. There is a separate check-in zone, quicker security checks, and priority embarking to make this process smooth. Priority disembarkation is also reserved for the Yacht Club guests who thus skip the crowds.

No Membership Fee

Unlike loyalty programs, the Yacht Club does not charge a membership fee. Instead, they can book a suite within the Yacht Club and become part of this exclusive enclave. This premium cruise experience is trendy, so planning is a must since the suites tend to sell out pretty early.

Yacht Club Design and Atmosphere

The Yacht Club's design philosophy is focused on building a calm and sophisticated setting. It is an enclave that exudes elite sophistication and classiness with neutral tones. Expansive balconies, soft loungers, and chic sun deck cushions help create a luxurious atmosphere inside and outside.


The Yacht Club is not restricted to adults. Families get the best of both worlds. The ship provides unique places and facilities for kids to be entertained and have distractions. The Yacht Club maintains its sophisticated atmosphere, with disruptions from younger guests being infrequent.

Yacht Club Restaurant Excellence

The most outstanding feature of the Yacht Club is its particular restaurant, which provides a more elaborate selection than the other main dining rooms. Yacht Club restaurant offers a high-quality dining experience using quality ingredients and a personal approach. The culinary journey in the Yacht Club goes beyond the recommendations to accommodate the dietary restrictions.

The Ultimate Luxury

A personal butler, which takes the Yacht Club experience to another level. The butler sees everything, from making dinner reservations to ensuring your bed on the Top Sail sundeck is ready. The VIP treatment goes beyond the line's ship, including priority access to shows, shore excursions, and Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve.

Also Read:   Top reasons to cruise with MSC Cruises

The answer to whether the Yacht Club is worth the splurge is evident as we evaluate its pros and cons. The Yacht club is a category of cabins, but it's much more than that; it is an experience where luxury, convenience, and exclusivity are combined. Yacht Club provides this level of indulgence from embarkation and through the butler's personalized service. The Yacht Club is a fitting purchase for those seeking to unwind in a plush setting amidst the luxury of a mega-ship. A cruise on board will be a lavish holiday of life on the sea. For more information about the Yacht Club, visit .

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I tried a ship-within-a-ship cruise experience and it was worth it for the endless perks—here’s why

The MSC Yacht Club affords travelers a totally different cruising experience, but you’ll have to splurge.

Erica Lamberg

I heard tales of luxury from people about the ritzy MSC Yacht Club , the ship-within-a-ship concept where discerning passengers enjoy their own area of the cruise ship that includes a dedicated restaurant, private lounge, separate pool and sundeck as well as private butlers and concierges to take of any whim while cruising. The elevated Yacht Club boasts priority everything while sailing MSC.

I sailed on a four-night cruise on the new MSC Seashore, a glitzy ship with Italian flair intermingled with references to New York City at every turn. Although the ship was well-appointed and had amazing dining, drinking and entertainment venues, and a bountiful Top Sail main buffet, thousands of passengers made the ship feel crowded at times, elevators were slow, and as I strolled through the general pools, they were boisterous and crowded.

RECOMMENDED: 10 things about cruising on an adults-only ship that might surprise you

Switch gears to MSC Seashore’s Yacht Club, passkey-protected for lucky guests, and is a 180 from the ship’s general spaces. Once you scan your handy Yacht Club wrist badge, or your room key, you’re instantly given entrance to a breathtaking retreat of 131 staterooms and suites. All this luxury does come at a price. Cruise fares will vary based on destination, time of year, and cabin category, but generally speaking you can expect to pay double for the Yacht Club. And from my experience, it’s worth it. Read more about why you should splurge.

You’re fast-tracked through everything

The Yacht Club’s exclusivity and impeccable service standard started from the moment I got dropped off at the Port Canaveral cruise terminal. There were hundreds of people waiting to board at 1pm on embarkation day. I saw in the distance a canopy that said MSC Yacht Club. My husband and I wheeled our carry-on luggage to the representative under the canopy. I gave her my name and within two seconds, she gave me a sticker to wear and up we ascended on the escalator to check in. Just five minutes later, I was directed to the dedicated check-in area for Yacht Club guests. To my right, I saw about 1,000 people serpentine through ropes to do general check-in. I felt a sense of relief; who wants to wait in that line? Five minutes later, a butler from the Yacht Club insisted on wheeling my luggage to board the ship and I was in my room in a total on 12 minutes from the time I stepped foot out of the car to my stateroom in the Yacht Club.

Relaxing and streamlined

In addition, Yacht Club guests have the freedom to get off the ship first for excursions. Your butler will happily escort you off the ship with a smile. Guests also can disembark on the last morning first, which is a big convenience. Your butler walks you right to the place you disembark, bypassing crowds and hassles. Port Canaveral is about an hour away from Orlando International Airport, and we took a 10 am flight home. We didn’t have to linger around until the afternoon for our flight home.

Another perk is that there’s a special seating area in the theater for shows. All the shows were excellent during my voyage. All other ship passengers have to make reservations in advance for shows but that’s not the case for the privileged Yacht Club passengers. As long as you arrive about 10 minutes before any show you choose, a crew member from the Club will allow you entry into a special roped-off section. Again, no rushing through dinner—you have the flexibility to plan your evenings your way.

MSC Seashore

Your Yacht Club package is packed with remarkable value

The price tag may sound daunting, but there’s lots of value there. All Yacht Club cabins and suites include a premium drink package that covers beverages up to $15. You can use this perk both in the Yacht Club and throughout the ship. In addition, your package includes a two-device Wi-Fi package, which worked well during my sailing. Finally, you get access to the thermal spa suite, which is a place to indulge after a day in port or a sea day. Commonly, there’s a taboo regarding mini-bars, but not in the Yacht Club. It’s stocked each day with the beverages you want; just tell your butler and consider it done.

You get perks ashore too

If your sailing includes a call to Ocean Cay, MSC’s private island, Yacht Club guests get an elevated experience there too. Yacht Club guests enjoy a private area, and a dedicated restaurant called the Ocean House. While other ship guests were hosted to a buffet of predictable fare, I enjoyed a lobster roll, and my husband chose carne asada. In my opinion, one thing that could be improved was the tram service to the Yacht Club’s private area. We were told the last tram back was 3:30pm if we didn’t want to trek a 15-minute walk in the heat. Since we were docked in Ocean Cay for the evening and weren’t sailing, I was a bit dismayed by this logistical quirk. I felt like I was keeping an eye on my phone to make sure I didn’t miss the last tram.

You have private areas with curated food and drink and outdoor spaces

Within the Yacht Club complex, there’s the Yacht Club Restaurant, Top Sail Lounge and the One Pool Buffet, which are all exclusive to Yacht Club guests. Obviously, the food and service are steps above other dining venues of the ship, I can vouch for that. Although the food is delicious, if you don’t want to pay extra to dine at the specialty restaurants or fuss in the main buffet, eating three meals a day in the Yacht Club restaurant can get a bit monotonous. The breakfast is the same daily, and lunch and dinner offer a menu with daily specials plus a few standby selections like a hamburger or pasta each day. Although the Yacht Club Restaurant concept is desirable, I would strongly suggest dining in other venues on board, especially for dinner. I thoroughly enjoyed specialty dining in Ocean Cay Restaurant, Butcher’s Cut, and Kaito Teppanyaki. I also want to mention that late afternoon high tea is offered daily at the Yacht Club Restaurant. It was one of the nicest I have experienced at sea.

MSC Seashore

Also available exclusively to Yacht Club passengers is the Top Sail Lounge, which offers panoramic water views and has chef-curated selections from morning through late night. We enjoyed popping into the lounge at all hours to try finger foods and sweets. The One Pool Buffet offers a more casual option for breakfast and lunch by the pool. The buffet has grilled fish, sandwiches and lots of delicious options if you want to dine outside.

There’s also an exclusive area with a private pool and two whirlpools for Yacht Club guests only. The sun deck loungers are very comfortable and I never had to worry about finding a lounger, there are ample. One issue I had was that there was almost no shade on the sun deck; there were shaded day beds for Royal Suite and Owners Suite guests, but beyond those, I couldn’t find any shade, which was disappointing.

You can justify the price at the end of your cruise

Overall, the best way to explain my enthusiasm for my MSC Yacht Club experience is this: it’s better to book an interior stateroom in the Yacht Club than a luxe cabin outside the Yacht Club. It’s worth the splurge and you return home feeling truly pampered and it’s money well-spent. And I make this prediction: Once you try a ship-within-a-ship concept like the MSC Yacht Club, you won’t want cruise any other way. Bon Voyage!

Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

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The msc yacht club offers a variety of luxurious accommodations, such as suites with ocean views, private balconies with whirlpool baths, and lavish amenities. exclusive access to the top sail lounge, private sundeck with pool and bar, and panoramic views is included in the msc yacht club experience of cruising. additional privileges offered by the msc yacht club encompass a dedicated 24-hour butler service, priority check-in and check-out, vip services, exclusive shopping sessions, private excursions, and complimentary utilization of the thermal suite and msc aurea spa. furthermore, guests also have private-access opportunities to destinations such as msc ocean cay marine reserve and sir bani yas island..

Geneva, Switzerland – October 19 2023 – The MSC Yacht Club ‘ship within a ship’ concept offers an exclusive holiday sanctuary on board many of MSC Cruises’ ships, providing guests an unparalleled cruise experience with complete serenity, added exclusivity and privacy within a world of choice. This privatised, key-card access area of the ship is only accessible to MSC Yacht Club guests, offering stylish facilities, lavish accommodations with a host of dedicated amenities, such as a panoramic lounge, high-end restaurant, elegant pool and secluded sun deck. Guests staying in the MSC Yacht Club benefit from a range of privileges and personalised service, that is sure to make them feel pampered. These perks are available around-the-clock and are designed to cater to their specific needs and preferences, ensuring a seamless luxury experience at sea. The MSC Yacht Club also offers a myriad of dedicated leisure and entertainment possibilities, allowing guests to enjoy the exclusivity of a private club while also having access to the countless recreation and entertainment options available throughout the larger ship. Whether guests are looking for a relaxing escape or a lavish holiday, the MSC Yacht Club provides an exclusive haven for guests to savour the sophistication and elegance of a luxury cruise experience, ensuring the utmost privacy and comfort where every detail is designed to surpass guests’ expectations and create memories of a lifetime. MSC Yacht Club is available on more than half of MSC Cruises’ modern fleet, allowing travellers to experience the same level of exceptional, personalised services across many destinations. Highlights of the MSC Yacht Club benefits include:


MSC Yacht Club’s all-inclusive experience is fully personalised with a dedicated 24-hour butler service and concierge, making the cruising experience truly personal and tailored to each individual guest’s needs. The butler service will quickly get to know each guest’s personal preferences, providing the highest level of customised service to ensure all guests feel pampered and relaxed. From shoeshining to 3 a.m. room service, no request is too small. Meanwhile, the dedicated concierge is on hand to facilitate any request, from organising shore excursions and making reservations for the spa to arranging for the newspaper to be brought to the cabin each morning.


MSC Yacht Club is sure to exceed expectations with a host of privileges that create an effortless experience, from the moment guests step on board to the moment they depart. This luxurious cruise experience offers a dedicated priority check-in and check-out, ensuring a seamless embarkation and disembarkation, so guests can start enjoying their holidays as soon as possible. They will also receive the full VIP service with a variety of offerings including the possibility to organise a tailored shopping session in the onboard boutiques outside regular opening hours, embark on exceptional private excursions or take advantage of the complimentary use of the Thermal Suite and MSC Aurea Spa to decompress and rejuvenate while at sea. These private-access areas extend ashore in a number of destinations:

  • MSC Ocean Cay Marine Reserve, The Bahamas – MSC Cruises’ private island, founded on a strong commitment to the preservation of marine resources and the conservation of coral reefs and marine life. Northwest of Ocean Cay lies a private beach area exclusively reserved for guests of the MSC Yacht Club, with privileged access to enjoy sunbeds and cabanas with butler service as well as a dedicated restaurant to relax, sip a cocktail and enjoy a 3-course dedicated lunch surrounded by sea breezes.
  • Sir Bani Yas Island, United Arab Emirates – A beach lover’s paradise just off the southwest coast of Abu Dhabi, offering guests a stunning tropical oasis to unwind. The island features a MSC Yacht Club zone with premium sunbeds and dedicated transportations, barbecue lunch and bar service to ensure the utmost comfort and privacy for guests during a day ashore.


Designed to provide the utmost in service and comfort, MSC Yacht Club guests have exclusive access to a range of private and elegant spaces to enhance their cruise experience. From the dedicated Top Sail Lounge, offering panoramic views for guests to sit back and relax in a sophisticated setting while indulging in an array of gourmet finger foods, delicious drinks and high tea service, as well as enjoy live music every evening. The club’s private sundeck, complete with a private pool, whirlpool, sundeck and bar, will offer guests the chance to soak up the sun and enjoy complimentary refreshments in complete comfort while taking in the best views on board across the bow of the ship and out to sea.


Experience the finest luxury accommodation with the MSC Yacht Club’s wide variety of suites to meet all guests’ preferences. The stylish and spacious accommodations set themselves apart and include options with stunning ocean views from the cabin’s private balcony, as well as suites like the Duplex Suites, Royal Suites and Owner’s Suites, offering a private whirlpool bath on the balcony. From sumptuous Myform Memory mattresses and crisp Egyptian cotton bedding to an indulgent Dorelan pillow menu, luxurious marble bathrooms and complimentary minibars, the MSC Yacht Club offering will surely provide unparalleled comfort for an unforgettable holiday.


With a dedicated restaurant, the MSC Yacht Club offers guests the opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of an exquisite fine-dining experience with five-star service. Offering sophisticated cuisines with an à la carte menu, guests can savour an array of the finest dishes served exclusively for them from a dedicated kitchen staff, accompanied by a spectacular selection of drinks, including fine wines from around the world with a dedicated sommelier available to further enhance the food and wine pairing experience. The private restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner where guests can dine at any time that suits their needs. This is on top of MSC Yacht Club guests having a premium drinks package included as standard. From the finest whiskey or vodka brands to glasses of champagne – toast to total relaxation.

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How MSC’s private island experience is different for cruisers in suites

Ashley Kosciolek

Do you enjoy large cruise ships but still want to feel like you're in the lap of luxury? Passengers booked in MSC Cruises' Yacht Club cabins and suites have access to high-end amenities – both on the ship and off.

Butlers, exclusive dining and a private pool delight guests on board, but perks also await on MSC 's private island, Ocean Cay Marine Reserve , in the Bahamas. You can expect dedicated trams, towel service and a chance to book the nicest cabanas on the island, among other extras.

yacht club msc vorteile

Read on to find out how the MSC Yacht Club Ocean Cay experience differs from that of the average cruiser.

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MSC Ocean Cay Yacht Club beaches vs. regular beaches

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MSC's Ocean Cay Marine Reserve private island is home to seven (soon to be eight) beaches, and all are public, except one — Ocean House Beach, which is the Yacht Club's exclusive swath of sand. Beyond its exclusivity, the beach has a few other differences from the island's regular beaches.

There, use of lounge chairs and umbrellas is free. Chairs at the other beaches are also free and available on a first-come, first-served basis; however, umbrellas come with an extra cost.

Passengers must sign out towels on board the ship before heading ashore to Ocean Cay's main beaches. Yacht Club passengers can skip that hassle and ask for towels at the towel tent found on Ocean House Beach.

yacht club msc vorteile

Interestingly, I found that several of the public beaches were less crowded than Ocean House Beach. At the latter, chairs were positioned much more closely to one another. If you're willing to walk or hitch a ride on one of the island's trams, you'll find fewer crowds on the farther beaches than if you stick close to the ship.

MSC Ocean Cay Yacht Club food vs. regular dining

yacht club msc vorteile

Free lunch is included for all cruisers who visit Ocean Cay. For Yacht Club travelers, the Ocean House Restaurant — an exclusive waiter-served dining venue where passengers enjoy their meals on a shaded porch — exudes upscale beach vibes.

yacht club msc vorteile

During my visit, the menu included starters like crab ceviche, charred octopus and a salad with romaine, tomatoes, jicama, a poached egg and candied bacon in a citrus dressing. Mains featured locally sourced blackened mahi-mahi, lobster roll, carne asada, a grilled portobello mushroom sandwich and one of the best burgers I've ever tasted during a cruise — a blend of Angus chuck, short ribs and grilled brisket with red onion jam and Monterey Jack cheese. Desserts consisted of creme caramel, mango cheesecake and chocolate cake with coffee sauce.

yacht club msc vorteile

The meals at Ocean House are definitely superior to the fare found at the Seakers buffet, which is where cruisers not staying in the Yacht Club can go for a beach barbecue that serves hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, macaroni and cheese, red beans, roasted potatoes and a slew of salads, drinks and desserts.

yacht club msc vorteile

The food is tasty, but lines can be long. An alternative is to head to one of several food trucks throughout the island. Some are free and dole out the same items offered on the buffet but with shorter lines. Others sell entirely different menu items — lobster grilled cheese, fried calamari, shrimp with watermelon, Caribbean ceviche and octopus salad — with the cost charged to cruisers' onboard accounts.

yacht club msc vorteile

Additionally — and also for an extra fee — a stand near the ship offers specialty coffee and ice cream. (If you're a coffee lover, trust me when I say you won't want to miss the Coco-Nilla Latte.)

MSC Ocean Cay Yacht Club cabanas vs. regular cabanas

yacht club msc vorteile

There are three types of cabanas on Ocean Cay: Ocean Cay Beach Cabanas, Ocean View Yacht Club Cabanas and Beachfront Yacht Club Cabanas. All three types are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

They can hold up to six people each and include cold water, beach towels and chairs, as well as floating mats for use in the water. As the prices increase, so does the number of inclusions. The last two types are only available for booking by Yacht Club passengers.

Ocean Cay Beach Cabanas, found on South Beach, North Beach and Bimini Beach, are the most affordable on the island at $250 for the day. They've got walls on three sides, and they're outfitted with cushioned couches. They include the basic amenities mentioned above, and anyone can rent them.

Next up are the Ocean View Yacht Club Cabanas, which cost $400 for the day and also entitle you to free lunch and drinks, as well as fresh fruit skewers, four sets of snorkel gear and four floating mats. They're found on the Yacht Club's private Ocean House Beach, so they're off-limits to non-Yacht Club guests.

yacht club msc vorteile

The most expensive, however, are the Beachfront Yacht Club Cabanas, located in a different section of the Ocean House area. They carry a $450 price tag but offer all the same extras as Ocean View Yacht Club Cabanas.

The draw? They're closer to the water and, therefore, have better views. Although they aren't on the main part of Ocean House Beach, they are still in the exclusive area, near the restaurant, so you don't have to go far to grab food.

Ultimately, the only thing being in the Yacht Club affords you in this case is the option to book more expensive cabanas.

MSC Ocean Cay Yacht Club trams vs. regular trams

yacht club msc vorteile

At 95 acres, Ocean Cay is sizable. If you're fit, you can walk from one end to the other in about 15 minutes, but if you don't have great mobility or if you're easily overheated, reaching some of the island's more remote beaches can be difficult on foot. That's why MSC offers tram shuttles.

Passengers in standard cabins will find tram stops with shaded waiting areas throughout the island. However, waits can be long, especially if many other people are also in need of a lift.

Yacht Club cruisers can take advantage of trams exclusively for the Yacht Club. They run between a special tent (with free cold water to sip while you wait) set up just inside the entrance to Ocean Cay and the Ocean House beach and restaurant area.

You can make special requests for stops, which the regular trams usually won't accommodate. For example, you might ask to go straight from the tent to South Beach for a volleyball game without stopping anywhere else first.

MSC Ocean Cay Yacht Club activities vs. regular activities

yacht club msc vorteile

This is the one category where the island's public spaces beat the Ocean House area by a mile. If you're looking for something to do other than eating, drinking or lazing by the beach, you'll have to head back toward the ship because there's not much going on in the exclusive areas.

Everything from massages, lighthouse tours and water sports equipment rentals to beach parties, volleyball games and shore excursions takes place elsewhere. However, perhaps that's by design. The Yacht Club is generally quiet, even on board, and the line likely prefers to keep the raucousness to other locations.

Bottom line

yacht club msc vorteile

The MSC Yacht Club experience is more exclusive than the standard one at Ocean Cay, with extras like butler service, dedicated trams, towel service, access to pricier cabanas and a private beach and restaurant with better food and shorter waits.

However, all of the action — shore excursions, pickup volleyball games, beach parties, the lighthouse show — happens in the areas that are accessible to everyone, which significantly levels the playing field.

Additionally, items like specialty coffee, ice cream and for-fee food truck orders cost extra for everyone — even Yacht Club passengers.

Overall, Ocean Cay offers a great day for anyone who enjoys the beach, regardless of cabin type.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • Top ways cruisers waste money
  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin

Der Kreuzfahrttester

Kreuzfahrt News & Informationen & Kreuzfahrten im Test!

Bewertung – Der MSC Yacht Club im Test: „Vom Kreuzfahrttester empfohlen“

vom Kreuzfahrttester empfohlen der MSC Yacht Club

Wenn es um Luxuskreuzfahrten geht, ist der MSC Yacht Club eine der ersten Adressen für anspruchsvolle Reisende. Doch wie schneidet dieser exklusive Bereich auf den MSC-Kreuzfahrtschiffen tatsächlich ab? In unseren Artikeln werden wir den MSC Yacht Club genauer unter die Lupe nehmen und Ihnen unsere Bewertung präsentieren. Und das Beste daran: Der MSC Yacht Club erhält von unserer Redaktion das begehrte Gütesiegel “Vom Kreuzfahrttester empfohlen”.

Was ist der MSC Yacht Club?

Der MSC Yacht Club ist ein einzigartiges Konzept, das Luxus und Exklusivität auf hoher See vereint. Es handelt sich dabei um einen privaten Bereich auf ausgewählten MSC-Kreuzfahrtschiffen, der speziell für Gäste konzipiert ist, die das Besondere suchen. Hier genießen Sie höchsten Komfort, erstklassigen Service und eine exklusive Atmosphäre.

Reisebericht MSC Yacht Club Teil 1

Der Check-in im Yacht Club

Schon beim Check-in beginnt Ihr exklusives Erlebnis. MSC Yacht Club-Gäste werden an eigenen Schaltern empfangen und genießen eine bevorzugte Abfertigung. Dadurch sparen Sie wertvolle Zeit und können Ihren Urlaub sofort entspannt beginnen.

Die Suiten im Yacht Club

Die Suiten im MSC Yacht Club sind großzügig geschnitten und bieten einen atemberaubenden Ausblick auf das Meer. Hier erwartet Sie modernes Design, hochwertige Ausstattung und ein persönlicher 24-Stunden-Butlerservice, der sich um all Ihre Wünsche kümmert.

Exklusive Restaurants und Lounges

Im MSC Yacht Club haben Sie Zugang zu exklusiven Restaurants und Lounges, in denen Sie kulinarische Höhepunkte erleben können. Hier werden Sie mit Gourmetgerichten und erlesenen Weinen verwöhnt.

Service der Extraklasse

Was den MSC Yacht Club wirklich auszeichnet, ist der erstklassige Service. Jeder Gast hat einen persönlichen Butler, der sich rund um die Uhr um seine Bedürfnisse kümmert. Egal, ob Sie Ausflüge planen, besondere Wünsche haben oder einfach nur entspannen möchten, Ihr Butler ist für Sie da.

Das Gütesiegel “Vom Kreuzfahrttester empfohlen”

Unsere Redaktion hat den MSC Yacht Club ausführlich getestet und ist von diesem exklusiven Angebot restlos begeistert. Die Kombination aus Luxus, Service und exklusiver Atmosphäre hat uns überzeugt. Daher verleihen wir dem MSC Yacht Club das Gütesiegel “Vom MSC Yacht Club Bewertung empfohlen”.

Die wichtigste Frage – Lohnt es sich den MSC Yacht Club zu buchen?

Msc yacht club bewertung – fazit.

Als Gast im Yacht Club von MSC Cruises verbinden Sie das umfangreiche Angebot eines MSC Schiffes mit der privaten exklusiven Atmosphäre des Clubs.

Der MSC Yacht Club ist ein wahrer Geheimtipp für anspruchsvolle Kreuzfahrer, die das Besondere suchen. Hier erleben Sie Luxus und Exklusivität in ihrer reinsten Form. Wenn Sie auf Ihrer nächsten Kreuzfahrt etwas ganz Besonderes erleben möchten, sollten Sie den MSC Yacht Club definitiv in Betracht ziehen. Unser Gütesiegel “Vom Kreuzfahrttester empfohlen” ist hierfür die Bestätigung.

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Claus A. Blohm

„Der Kreuzfahrttester“ wird bereits seit 1999 redaktionell durch verschiedene Blogs und Interseiten zum Thema Kreuzfahrten betrieben. Chefredakteur und Inhaber Claus Blohm gilt mit weit mehr als 5.000 Nächten an Bord verschiedener Schiffe als erfahrener Kreuzfahrtexperte.

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COURTESY MSC Cruises: Geneva, Switzerland – October 19, 2023 –  The MSC Yacht Club is a ‘ship within a ship’ concept offered onboard many MSC Cruises ships, providing guests with an unparalleled cruise experience full of complete serenity and exclusivity. This private area of the ship is only accessible to MSC Yacht Club guests, offering stylish facilities and lavish accommodations with a host of dedicated amenities, such as a panoramic lounge, high-end restaurant, elegant pool and secluded sun deck.

Guests staying in the MSC Yacht Club benefit from a range of privileges and personalized service. These perks are available around-the-clock and are designed to cater to guests’ specific needs and preferences, ensuring a seamless luxury experience at sea. The MSC Yacht Club also offers numerous dedicated leisure and entertainment possibilities, allowing guests to enjoy the exclusivity of a private club while also having access to the countless recreation and entertainment options available throughout the ship.

Whether guests are looking for a relaxing escape or a lavish vacation, the MSC Yacht Club provides exclusive areas to savor the sophistication and elegance of a luxury cruise experience, ensuring the utmost privacy and comfort where every detail is designed to surpass guests’ expectations and create memories of a lifetime.

MSC Yacht Club is available on more than half of MSC Cruises’ modern fleet, allowing guests to experience the same level of exceptional, personalized services across many destinations.

Highlights of the MSC Yacht Club benefits include:


MSC Yacht Club’s all-inclusive experience is fully personalized with dedicated 24-hour butler service and a concierge, making the cruising experience truly personal and tailored to each individual guest’s needs. The butler will quickly get to know each guest’s personal preferences, providing the highest level of customized service to ensure all guests feel pampered and relaxed. Meanwhile, the dedicated concierge is on hand to facilitate any request, from organizing shore excursions and making reservations for the spa, to arranging for a newspaper to be brought to the cabin each morning.


MSC Yacht Club is sure to exceed expectations with a host of privileges that create an effortless experience, from the moment guests step on board to the moment they depart. This luxurious cruise experience offers a dedicated priority check-in and check-out, ensuring a seamless and quick embarkation and disembarkation, so guests can start enjoying their vacations as soon as possible. They will also receive the full VIP treatment with a variety of offerings including tailored shopping sessions in the onboard boutiques outside regular opening hours, embarking on exceptional private excursions, or the complimentary use of the Thermal Suite and MSC Aurea Spa to decompress while at sea.

These private-access areas extend ashore in a number of destinations:

  • MSC Ocean Cay Marine Reserve, The Bahamas – MSC Cruises’ private island, founded on a strong commitment to the preservation of marine resources and the conservation of coral reefs, has a private beach area exclusively reserved for guests of the MSC Yacht Club. With privileged access to enjoy sunbeds and cabanas with butler service, the private area of the island also features a dedicated restaurant to relax, sip a cocktail and enjoy a 3-course dedicated lunch surrounded by sea breezes.
  • Sir Bani Yas Island, United Arab Emirates – A beach lover’s paradise just off the southwest coast of Abu Dhabi offers guests a stunning tropical oasis to unwind. The island features an MSC Yacht Club zone with premium sunbeds and dedicated transportation, barbecue lunch and bar service to ensure the utmost comfort and privacy for guests during a day ashore.


MSC Yacht Club guests have exclusive access to a range of private and elegant spaces to enhance their cruise experience. The dedicated Top Sail Lounge offers panoramic views for guests to sit back and relax in a sophisticated setting, while indulging in an array of gourmet finger foods, delicious drinks and high tea service, as well as live music every evening. The club’s private sundeck, complete with a pool, hot tub, sundeck and bar, offers guests the chance to soak up the sun and enjoy complimentary refreshments in complete comfort, while taking in the best views on board across the bow of the ship and out to sea.


Experience the finest luxury accommodation with the MSC Yacht Club’s wide variety of suites to meet all guests’ preferences. The stylish and spacious accommodations set themselves apart and include options with stunning ocean views from the cabin’s private balcony, as well as options like the Duplex Suites, Royal Suites and Owner’s Suites, offering a private hot tub on the balcony. From Myform Memory mattresses and crisp Egyptian cotton bedding to an indulgent Dorelan pillow menu, luxurious marble bathrooms and complimentary minibars, the MSC Yacht Club suites provide unparalleled comfort for an unforgettable vacation.


With a dedicated restaurant, the MSC Yacht Club offers guests the opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of an exquisite fine-dining experience with five-star service. Offering sophisticated cuisines with an à la carte menu, guests can savor an array of the finest dishes served exclusively for them from a dedicated kitchen staff, accompanied by a spectacular selection of drinks, including fine wines from around the world with a dedicated sommelier available to further enhance the food and wine pairing experience. The private restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Guests can dine at any time that suits their needs.

A toast to relaxation, MSC Yacht Club guests can also enjoy the finest spirits with the premium drink package included in their booking.

MSC Yacht Club is an all-inclusive experience with a host of privileges:

  • Dedicated priority check-in and check-out as well as priority departure and return on excursion days
  • 24-hour butler service and a dedicated concierge
  • Unlimited drinks throughout the ship with the Premium Extra package
  • Unlimited dining within the MSC Yacht Club
  • Inclusion of the Browse Internet package with unlimited data for two devices
  • Complimentary access to the Thermal Suite in the MSC Aurea Spa
  • Tailormade shopping experiences
  • Private excursions available with priority departures and returns to and from the ship
  • Complimentary welcome bottle of either wine, Spumante, Champagne or spirit
  • A complimentary personalized mini bar offering juices, soft drinks, water, and beer replenished daily, and complimentary snacks
  • Room service available 24 hours
  • Other personal touches such as luggage unpacking and packing service, newspaper delivered to the cabin each day and something different delivered at turn down each night – a different selection of sweet or savory canapés each day

  Private facilities on the ship only accessible to MSC Yacht Club guests :

  • Suites featuring a pillow menu and Egyptian cotton sheets with memory-foam mattresses for the most comfortable night’s sleep
  • Panoramic Top Sail Lounge with bar, afternoon tea service, light bites available day and night and live entertainment in the evening
  • Gourmet restaurant with a la carte dining for breakfast, lunch and dinner where guests can dine at a time that is convenient for them
  • A private and spacious pool deck that offers whirlpool baths and sunbathing area and outdoor bar

About MSC Cruises

MSC Cruises is the world’s third largest cruise brand as well as the market leader in Europe, South America, the Gulf region and Southern Africa. It is also the fastest growing global cruise brand with a strong presence in the Caribbean, North America and the Far East markets.

Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, MSC Cruises is one of the two brands that sit within the Cruise Division of MSC Group, the world’s leading and privately held shipping and logistics conglomerate with over 300 years of maritime heritage. MSC Cruises – the contemporary brand – has a modern fleet of 22 vessels combined with a sizeable future global investment portfolio of new vessels, terminals and other assets. The fleet is projected to grow to 23 cruise ships by 2025, with options for six more vessel orders in place through 2030.

MSC Cruises offers its guests an enriching, immersive and safe cruise experience inspired by the Company’s European heritage, where they can enjoy international dining, world-class entertainment, award-winning family programs, and the very latest user-friendly technology on board.

The line’s number one priority has always been the health and safety of its guests and crew, as well as the communities at the destinations its ships serve. In August 2020, MSC Cruises implemented a new comprehensive and robust health and safety protocol to become the first major line to return to sea.

MSC Cruises has long been committed to environmental stewardship, with a long-term goal to achieve net zero emissions for its operations by 2050. The Company is also a significant investor in next-generation environmental marine technologies, with the objective to support their accelerated development and availability industry-wide.

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MSC Yacht Club - Das Schiff im Schiff

Das schiff-im-schiff konzept des msc yacht club ist seit der einführung ein voller erfolg. alle möglichkeiten und annehmlichkeiten eines großen kreuzfahrtschiffes - und trotzdem ein stück exklusivität und privatsphäre. dieses konzept wurde, am beispiel der msc meraviglia , 2017 mit dem deutschen kreuzfahrtpreis ausgezeichnet., in diesem beitrag erfahren sie.

  • Alles über die Privilegien
  • Suiten & Service


  • Schiffe, die das "Schiff im Schiff" anbieten
  • Erster Eindruck mit useren Bildern

Beachten Sie auch unseren Erfahrungsbericht mit Video über den MSC Yacht Club auf der MSC Meraviglia!

Hier finden Sie alle Kreuzfahrten mit Schiffen, die den Yacht Club anbieten Beachten Sie die Sonderpreise: Mit unserem MSC Yacht Club Special erhalten sie außerdem auf ausgewählten Mittelmeer-Kreuzfahrten mit der MSC Seaview oder der MSC World Europa den Flug und den Transfer im Wert von 450€ pro Person* geschenkt. Dieses exklusive Angebot ist nur buchbar bis zum 31.05.2024!

MSC Yacht Club im Überblick

Der Yacht Club erstreckt sich meist über drei Decks im oberen, vorderen Bereich des Schiffes. Zutritt haben nur Clubmitglieder. Alle anderen Passagiere können mit ihren Karten die Türen zu diesem Bereich nicht öffnen. Ganz oben liegt der Außenbereich " One Pool " mit ausreichend Sonnenliegen, Pool und Bar. Darunter die Suiten , die " Top-Sail"-Lounge, der Concierge-Desk und meist das eigene Restaurant . Ein privater Aufzug bringt Sie in den ein Deck tiefer liegenden Spa-Bereich.  All das sorgt für eine angenehme, ruhige und exklusive Atmosphäre während der Kreuzfahrt. Trotzdem können Sie jederzeit im öffentlichen Teil des Schiffes alle Unterhaltungs- und Freizeitangebote wahrnehmen. Außerdem genießen Sie noch

  • Priority-Check-in und Check-out in einem eigenen Bereich
  • Separater Eingang zum Schiff - keine Wartezeiten beim Aus- und Einsteigen im Hafen
  • Butlerservice & Concierge-Rezeption rund um die Uhr
  • Nespresso-Kaffeemaschine und kostenlose Minibar in jeder Suite, personalisiert auf die individuellen Vorlieben der Gäste
  • Flauschiger Bademantel und Hausschuhe in jeder Kabine
  • All-inklusive - eine kostenfreie Auswahl alkoholischer und alkoholfreier Markengetränke in allen MSC Yacht Club-Bereichen, der Minibar sowie allen Restaurants & Bars an Bord
  • Zugang zum MSC Aurea Spa sowie unbegrenzter Zutritt zum Thermalbereich mit Sauna, Dampfbad und Ruheraum
  • Ein inkludiertes Internet-Paket mit unbegrenztem Datenvolumen für zwei Geräte
  • Weitere persönliche Aufmerksamkeiten wie ein Auspack- und Einpackservice für das Gepäck, eine Zeitung, die jeden Tag in die Kabine geliefert wird, eine Kleinigkeit, die jeden Abend zum Betten-Aufschlagen auf dem Kopfkissen zu finden ist sowie jeden Tag eine andere Auswahl an süßen oder herzhaften Canapés.

Die Suiten liegen auf den obersten drei Decks im vorderen Teil des Schiffes. Sie haben alle einen privaten Balkon und sind mit mindestens ca. 25m² überdurchschnittlich groß. Auf den neuen Schiffen sind auch Innenkabinen buchbar. Die luxuriöse Suiten mit eleganter Möblierung wurden von dem italienischen Designbüro De Jorio Design entworfen und bestechen im Detail: Es erwarten Sie ein Marmorbad, viskoelastische Memoryschaum-Matratzen, feinste Bettwäsche aus ägyptischer Baumwolle und Dorelan Kopfkissen-Sets. Natürlich genießen Sie auf Ihrer Suite rund um die Uhr den Kabinenservice und können jederzeit Ihr Menü oder Cocktails in der Kabine zu sich nehmen.

Sie treffen die Butler bereits am Terminal - bevor Sie überhaupt auf das Schiff gehen. Ein Butler kümmern sich dort um Ihr Gepäck, ein anderer begleiten Sie indessen zu dem separaten Check-in Bereich für die Gäste des Yacht Clubs. Während der Reise versuchen die Butler wirklich Ihnen jeden Wunsch von den Augen abzulesen. Ob in der Lounge, in der immer Snacks bereit stehen, oder im Restaurant zum Frühstück, Mittag- oder Abendessen. Auf Wunsch werden Sie werden zu Veranstaltungen im Theater begleitet, wo Sie alle Wartenden umgehen und zu den reservierten Plätzen gebracht werden. Natürlich kümmern sich die Butler auch um die Schuhe und die Wäsche - genauso wie auf Wunsch ums aus- und einpacken der Koffer. Koordiniert wird dies vom Concierge, der rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung steht. Hier können Sie auch, ohne Wartezeiten, alle anderen Dinge erledigen. Der Concierge organisiert individuelle Ausflüge oder bucht die regulären Landausflüge. Hier erhalten Sie auch alle Hafeninfos. Er organisiert Ihr privates Einkaufserlebnis außerhalb der regulären Öffnungszeiten in den Bordboutiquen und reserviert Plätze im Theater oder in der Disko.

Zu den Annehmlichkeiten gehören:

  • Exklusives Gourmet Restaurant Hier erwarten Sie exquisite A-la-carte Gourmetmenüs zum Mittag- und Abendessen, die selbst anspruchsvolle Gäste begeistern. Natürlich ohne feste Sitzordnung oder feste Sitzungszeiten. Selbstverständlich können Sie hier auch frühstücken.
  • Top Sail Lounge mit Panoramablick Fast 24 Stunden steht die "Top Sail Lounge" zu Ihrer Verfügung. Diese Panorama-Lounge liegt direkt über der Brücke und garantiert eine spektakuläre Aussicht. Dabei genießen Sie einen Cocktail und bedienen sich bei den feinen Delikatess-Häppchen bei Tag und Nacht und lassen sich von Live-Musik am Abend unterhalten.
  • Poolbereich „The One“ mit Sonnendeck und Bar Auf dem obersten Deck finden Sie den Außenbereich, der nur Yacht Club Gästen zur Verfügung steht. Auf diesem weitläufigen, privaten Sonnendeckherrscht auch an Seetagen kein Mangel an Liegestühlen. Daneben genießen Sie Pool oder Whirlpool. Gerne nehmen Sie Ihr Mittagessen hier ein oder lassen sich an der Bar bedienen.
  • Concierge Desk Sollten Sie einen Wunsch haben - der  Concierge macht (fast) alles möglich

Der MSC Yacht Club wird auf allen Neubauten Meraviglia- und Seaside-Klasse ab 2017 angeboten: MSC Bellissima, MSC Euribia, MSC Grandiosa, MSC Meraviglia, MSC Seascape, MSC Seashore, MSC Seaside, MSC Seaview, MSC Virtuosa, MSC World Europa und MSC World America. Dazu kommen noch die älteren Schiffe der Fantasia-Klasse: MSC Preziosa, MSC Divina, MSC Splendida und MSC Fantasia Da auf den Schiffen der Fantasia-Klasse dieser exklusive Bereich erst nachträglich installiert wurde, gibt es hier eine Besonderheit : Das Restaurant befindet sich auf diesen Schiffen nicht im Bereich des Yacht-Clubs, sondern Achtern - also im hinteren Bereich des Schiffes. Um zum Restaurant zu kommen muss man also den Yacht-Club verlassen und nach ganz hinten marschieren. Ein Butler begleitet Sie auf Wunsch gerne.

Hier finden Sie alle Kreuzfahrten mit Schiffen, die den Yacht Club anbieten

 Einige Impressionen zum MSC Yacht Club




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Everything you Need to Know about the MSC Yacht Club

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MSC is the largest cruise company in Europe, and other parts of the world, and in the last 5 years, this cruise line has been trying to break into the North American market. MSC offers gorgeous ships, exotic itineraries at a fantastic price for all guests, but they also have perfected the ship within a ship experience with their yacht club. This is mass market cruising at its absolute best, and I’m excited to introduce you to MSC’s yacht club.

MSC Yacht Club

MSC offers a variety of rooms that include the yacht club experience- from interior cabins to royal suites, these rooms come with incredible perks that will elevate your cruise vacation.

I recently sailed on the MSC Grandiosa, in a duplex whirlpool yacht club suite. We sailed in the Mediterranean out of Barcelona, which was just incredible! I loved the yacht club and am excited to share more with you.

Harmony Skillman, Your MSC Yacht Club Travel Agent

Where are the MSC Yacht Club rooms located?

The MSC yacht club does require key card access- although not all yacht club rooms are behind the yacht club doors.

On the MSC Grandiosa, our duplex suite was located on deck 12, among the regular rooms. But most of the yacht club rooms are located within the private yacht club area, which on our ship was on decks 15 – 19.

One of the nice things about the MSC yacht club, is that interior cabins are offered- this is a great way to experience the MSC yacht club, at a lower price point.

MSC Yacht Club Interior Room

For families, I love the larger yacht club suites that can accommodate 4 guests. The duplex suite we had was amazing. Over 600 square feet, which is larger than two balcony rooms and for what it’s worth, I paid less for this yacht club experience than two Central Park view cabins on the Icon of the Seas .

We also had two full bathrooms, a living room, dining room, and balcony whirlpool tub.

MSC Yacht Club Duplex Whirlpool Suite on the MSC Grandiosa

What does MSC Yacht Club Include?

Besides having the amazing suites, what else is included with your MSC yacht club stay?

MSC Yacht club guests have a dedicated butler to assist with everything you need. When it’s time to get on or off the ship, they escort you, and you skip all lines.

MSC Yacht Club Butler

Room service and pizza delivery are included, and your butler brings everything to your room.

There is also nightly turn down service, and robes/slippers provided in your cabin.

When you book into the MSC yacht club, the drink package is included for all guests, as well as browse WIFI for two devices per guest. That’s an amazing value!

Yacht club guests (age 18+) have unlimited access to the hydrotherapy circuit at the Aurea spa. Hubby and I loved indulging in this!

On the ship, MSC Yacht club guests have a dedicated pool and sun deck, with a small buffet open for breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks. At the Yacht Club pool, there is a bar and pool side drink service as well.

MSC Yacht Club Pool on the MSC Seascape

For dining, no stress – MSC Yacht club guests have a dedicated ala carte restaurant for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The food here was great, as was the service.

MSC Yacht Club Restaurant

Lastly, the MSC Topsail lounge is a great spot to grab a snack, drink, and listen to music each evening. They always have a small buffet of treats, continental breakfast, or appetizers available.

MSC Yacht Club topsail lounge

Not having to deal with crowds, and top service is what the MSC yacht club experience is all about! And I have to say, compared to the price of similar experiences like the Haven on Norwegian Cruise Line , suites on Royal Caribbean , or the Retreat on Celebrity Cruise Line you CANNOT beat the price point of the MSC Yacht Club.

Planning a cruise is tough! I know all the cruise lines and can help you plan to perfect sailing. 

Long Island Travel Agent

MSC Yacht Club Tips

You will want for nothing as an MSC yacht club guest, but here are some tips to maximize your time on board.

Visit the Topsail lounge on deck 16, for snacks, a great bar, and piano player/singer in the evening.

On Deck 16 you will find the concierge. They are amazing and can help with anything. I used them to exchange my large bills into smaller ones, to call for the butler, confirm excursions, and they assisted with an issue my kids’ had with their shipboard account. No waiting in lines at customer service!

The MSC Yacht Club restaurant offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I did find the operating hours are a little limited and do vary by day, so be sure to check the app or the newsletter they put in your room each evening.

MSC Yacht Club Pool Deck on the MSC Grandiosa


You meet in the yacht club for excursions and shows. The butlers then escort you and you skip all lines.

Before the cruise, you will receive an email to pre-order one bottle of alcohol, make your pillow, and newspaper selection.

Check out high tea offered each day at 4pm.

You will have a Coffee maker in the room, and a mini bar with water, soda, juice and beer. This will be restocked daily. But note, the food in mini bar does come with a small charge.

MSC Yacht Club guests do have the browse WIFI package for two devices included. If you upgrade to the stream package, have to do it for both devices, otherwise a device drops off your package. Also with MSC, you CANNOT toggle between devices (unlike on Holland America or Norwegian Cruise Line ). Once you sign into one device, that’s it.

You do tip your butler at the end of your cruise. Some guests will tip the MSC yacht club bartenders and concierges.

Get the fun pass for your kids. This is an MSC general tip, but it’s a great value. You get about $140.00 of value for $70.00 ( Exact a mounts may vary ).

MSC Yacht Club guests can order breakfast the night before. Fill out the order sheet and put the card on your door before 2AM.

They give you lots of water, which I so appreciated.

If you book an excursion through the ship, they don’t tell you excursion times until the night before. The butler will leave your tickets in your stateroom.

One night, we didn’t have reservations to the show (it was sold out) but they told us to meet in lounge 15 minutes before the start and they take you. There is a dedicated part of the theater for yacht club guests and we had no problem getting seats. This was for the complimentary theater shows.

If you are leaving the ship for a non-yacht club excursion, the butler will still assist with walking you off the ship. Our butler even took us all the way out to help get us in a taxi.

MSC Yacht Club Duplex Whirlpool Suite


Is an MSC Yacht Club Upgrade Worth It?

Now that we’ve had a chance to experience the MSC Yacht Club, I don’t think I can go back to regular cruising! Upgrading to yacht club is 100% worth it. It’s really a great experience and you will not be disappointed in anything. Of course its always best to book your cruise with a travel agent . There are so many great ships and cruise lines and I can assist you with finding your perfect cruise. Your next sailing is a just a click away .

MSC Yacht Club

Have you sailed on MSC? Have you experienced the yacht club?

MSC Yacht Club

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  • MSC Cruises

Yacht Club...what is not included?

By kaz828 , May 12, 2023 in MSC Cruises

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50+ Club

Never been on MSC and intrigued by the Yacht Club. What do I need to know? What is not included? 

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(MSC link with info)

Specialty chocolate/drinks at Jean-Philippe or Venchi are not included (Venchi used to be included).

Gelato and crêpes aren't officially included (anymore...used to be) but you might get a butler to bring either to you at no charge. 

Specialty dining venues are not included.

(A short article on Yacht Club)

It's easier for forum members to answer specific questions so if you have any, feel free to ask. 



I was just in YC on the meraviglia.  It was my 3rd MSC cruise but first time in the YC.  This trip was wonderful...will never sail non-YC again.  

Excursions aren't included.  Specialty restaurants aren't included (and not necessary).  There were 2 "extra shows" not included. 

You might want to say what you're looking we can tell u if it's included or not.

Thanks, what about spa areas? 

10 minutes ago, kaz828 said: Thanks, what about spa areas? 
  • Complimentary access to the Thermal Suite in the MSC Aurea Spa



4 hours ago, kaz828 said: Never been on MSC and intrigued by the Yacht Club. What do I need to know? What is not included? 

You need to know that a TA will save you allot of grief if you encounter any issues.

What's not included? Customer service and a decent website.


The premium streaming internet is not included. Surprising when compared to other suite products like Celebrity but to me that is the only shortfall. Fortunately the upgrade doesn’t do much, so it’s not really necessary, but also I made the mistake my first time and they wouldn’t switch me back. 

2 hours ago, sbcs5390 said: The premium streaming internet is not included. Surprising when compared to other suite products like Celebrity but to me that is the only shortfall. Fortunately the upgrade doesn’t do much, so it’s not really necessary, but also I made the mistake my first time and they wouldn’t switch me back. 

I watched live shows on the meraviglia last week.  No problem with speed or connection.  I was able to text....but sometimes with a delay.


Minibar snacks "refills" not included

21 minutes ago, xcell said: Minibar snacks "refills" not included

But....there were "snacks galore" in the lounge.  The ones in the evening were wonderful (nuts,chips, macarons, fancy candy)and the butler brought some things to the cabin also. 

Water, soda and juice were refilled.


6 hours ago, MsTabbyKats said: I watched live shows on the meraviglia last week.  No problem with speed or connection.  I was able to text....but sometimes with a delay.

Did you have Browse or Stream?

16 minutes ago, Bgwest said: Did you have Browse or Stream?

I used Chrome on an android phone.  I didn't watch anything on Netflix etc...but I did use youtube.  I watched "my shows" that broadcast live (shopping etc)...without any issues.

52 minutes ago, MsTabbyKats said: I watched live shows on the meraviglia last week.  No problem with speed or connection.  I was able to text....but sometimes with a delay.

Was this regular or premium Wi-Fi?

12 minutes ago, kaz828 said: Was this regular or premium Wi-Fi?

It was "whatever the YC comes with".  I didn't upgrade.

5,000+ Club

I’ve sailed in YC on The Meraviglia, I can’t imagine needing anything they didn’t offer.  

Excited to read this thread. We have been on 10 MSC cruises from Inside to Balcony, but never Yacht Club. Happened to watch a you-tube on Interior Yacht Club experience couple weeks ago and booked March 2024 on Seashore. Now reading anything I can about Yacht Club. 

1 minute ago, cellfree said: Excited to read this thread. We have been on 10 MSC cruises from Inside to Balcony, but never Yacht Club. Happened to watch a you-tube on Interior Yacht Club experience couple weeks ago and booked March 2024 on Seashore. Now reading anything I can about Yacht Club. 

Can you share that YouTube video?

3 minutes ago, kaz828 said: Can you share that YouTube video?

Hope I can - parodeejay YouTube - their names are Dee and Jay - they did a B2B on Meraviglia - if I remember correctly 4 nights on ship, not sure type of cabin but then moved to 3 nights in Yacht Club.

@kaz828  Not my video, but my cabin

In addition, my post cruise thoughts

4 hours ago, MsTabbyKats said: I watched live shows on the meraviglia last week.  No problem with speed or connection.  I was able to text....but sometimes with a delay.

The main problem I had was with sending photos on iMessage. One  picture would take 8-10 minutes to go back home. Things worked OK on my work computer. I wonder if they throttle iMessage. This was 4/22 on Meraviglia. I was just surprised because on Celebrity when you have that issue and upgrade to the premium wifi (which is included in all suites) it goes away. 

9 minutes ago, sbcs5390 said: The main problem I had was with sending photos on iMessage. One  picture would take 8-10 minutes to go back home. Things worked OK on my work computer. I wonder if they throttle iMessage. This was 4/22 on Meraviglia. I was just surprised because on Celebrity when you have that issue and upgrade to the premium wifi (which is included in all suites) it goes away. 

I sent a few pics with text messages.  No problems.  Most times the texts went thru immediatley; sometimes it said "waiting for connection"....and a couple of times it said "could not send".  The only thing I used was an android phone.  As a fact I texted a pic to my son and I got his response text back in seconds.

My husband, who is "tech cluelss" used his phone without needing my assistance the entire week (meaning never disconnected and never had to wait for a site to load).

I guess "it just depends".......

MsTabbyKats, crazy question - is there Conditioner in Yacht Club cabins? I usually bring my own but if not necessary…..

17 minutes ago, cellfree said: MsTabbyKats, crazy question - is there Conditioner in Yacht Club cabins? I usually bring my own but if not necessary…..

Not such a crazy question (because I had mine with me).  Yes...there was conditioner, shampoo, body wash and body lotion upon arrival.

They all lasted the entire 8 days...but I assume the butler would bring you more upon request.

20 minutes ago, MsTabbyKats said: Not such a crazy question (because I had mine with me).  Yes...there was conditioner, shampoo, body wash and body lotion upon arrival. They all lasted the entire 8 days...but I assume the butler would bring you more upon request.  

Much appreciated. Also read the Thread you started, something like “yacht club- please.” Glad you enjoyed it so, am afraid I’ll never want to go back to another type cabin - ha. 



2 hours ago, MsTabbyKats said:     @kaz828  Not my video, but my cabin   In addition, my post cruise thoughts    

That would be one of my videos 👍🏻 I have a YC Deluxe also in signature 

There will also be one of a Grand Deluxe Suite on Seascape soon too

And then one of a unique inside YC on Seaside 

This inside on Meraviglia was perfect and the price for YC entry level, can’t be matched by any other cruise line 

We are enjoying trying various different YC style suites and really can’t wait for our Owners Suite YC4 16002 on the World America 

MSC is a great product, just need to iron out a few kinks to finally crack the US market 

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This Brand-new Ship Has One of the Largest Yacht Clubs in Its Fleet, Endless Adventure, and a Glass-bottomed Bridge

MSC Seascape just set sail — here's what it's like on board.

yacht club msc vorteile

Christine Burroni

The MSC Seascape may share many similar — or even identical — features with its predecessors, but when it comes to luxury, the fleet’s newest vessel certainly leveled up. The new ship sailed on its inaugural journey with guests from Rome to New York City this past weekend and will go on to sail out of Miami to the Caribbean for future trips.

While the European cruise line has become known for its luxury ship-within-a-ship concept, called Yacht Club , the Seascape boasts one of its largest clubs with 131 suites — with five categories to choose from — taking up 32,000 square feet. Located at the front of the ship, most exclusive Yacht Club spaces, like the private dining area or pool deck, are afforded sweeping ocean views.

Courtesy of MSC Cruises

In addition to a private restaurant with a regularly changing menu, and both indoor and outdoor lounge space, passengers who make a Yacht Club reservation are treated to expedited embarkation, 24-hour butler and concierge service, and access to the spa’s Thermal Suite where a sauna, steam room, and whirlpool awaits. Members will also have access to the ship's Top Sail Lounge for coffee, tea, and light bites at any time of day.

Yacht Club guests also enjoy the ship's premium drink package, an unpacking or packing service, a morning newspaper delivery of their choice, and the ability to select a specific pillow for customized comfort.

Sailing the blue water of the Caribbean while tucked in a super-exclusive setting may seem exceptionally relaxing, but the MSC Seascape also offers just the opposite for those looking for a bit of an adrenaline rush — with an extreme thrill ride and virtual reality experiences.

Adrenaline junkies can take a ride on the ship's Robotron , an attraction unique to the ship that will bring riders nearly 175 feet above water and flip upside down, moving in all directions to offer unobstructed 360-degree views. 

Those looking to keep their feet on the ground can still get their adventure fix with a walk across the Bridge of Sighs, a 72-foot-high glass-bottomed bridge.

The MSC Seascape is also home to a variety of virtual reality experiences. Riders can choose from Formula 1 racing, a flight simulator, and motorcycle riding.

“ MSC Seascape is an exciting addition to our fleet of Seaside Class ships with its elevated onboard experiences that will surprise and delight all ages," Ruben Rodriguez, President, MSC Cruises USA exclusively told Travel + Leisure. " From one of the largest and most luxurious Yacht Clubs in our fleet to interactive, high-tech experiences like the first Robotron at sea and immersive VR experiences, MSC Seascape brings unparalleled entertainment and thrills to our guests.”

Elsewhere on board, the ship’s interior is very similar to that of MSC’s other vessels, like the line's one-year-old MSC Seashore, including its Times Square–inspired décor, Swarovski crystal–adorned staircases, and Atrium space where live entertainment takes place.

Fans of the ship's fleet will also recognize its signature restaurants including Butcher's Cut steakhouse, Ocean Cay seafood restaurant, and more. Its lively sports bar is the perfect spot to catch any game around the world — and there are 18 other bars and lounges on board, some of which offer live music.

MSC Seascape journeys set sail from Miami to the Caribbean where passengers can visit the company's private Bahamas island, Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve.

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An insider’s guide to msc ‘meraviglia’.

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MSC Meraviglia

Christened in Le Harve in the Normandy region of northern France by famed Italian actress Sophia Loren, MSC Meraviglia (meaning ’a wonder’) is one of the newest Italian chic meets utopian-style cruise ships by the Swiss-based cruise line, MSC Cruises, offering passengers a taste of the Mediterranean way of life .

Sailing with 5,714 passengers, Meraviglia stretches 315 meters from bow to stern, set across an impressive 19 decks with 2,760 cabins, 20 bars and lounges, a flight simulator, 4D cinema and a fully-fledged floating aqua park.

Swarovski crystal staircases float through its glittering Infinity Atrium boasting a two-story central promenade, Galleria Meraviglia , under a giant 480 square-meter LED roof (the longest at sea) that transforms from a starry sky to a virtual aquarium.

It is filled with lavish artwork, quirky cocktail bars, gourmet restaurants, and a myriad of cozy boutiques stocked with over 300 brands from fine jewelers to wineries, crepe parlors, and the Jean-Philippe Maury chocolaterie by the namesake French master-pâtissier, where chocolatiers prepare oozing handmade bonbons, macaroons, and truffles live in an open kitchen.

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Galleria Meraviglia

From spinning salsa classes at Meraviglia Bar to wine tastings, themed street parties, and lucky bets on blackjack at Casino Imperiale , you’ll find plenty to do onboard Meraviglia with four swimming pools, a sports complex, a waterpark, and a towering high ropes course.

Buried at the core of Infinity Atrium, Infinity Bar is surrounded by the hustle and bustle of Meraviglia’s nightlife – but for a more serene evening, meander to the chic Champagne Bar with champagne flute-shaped chairs guarding its black mirrored bar, and an impressive crushed ice display, serving chilled Moët & Chandon with fresh oysters and caviar.

Champagne Bar

Home to a dance floor, late-night karaoke, and full TV studio, head to the high-tech TV Studio & Bar broadcasting live games, quizzes, and talent contests whilst transforming to a comedy club – or visit Brass Anchor Pub on Deck 7, Meraviglia’s traditional British pub with oak barrels, anchors, dartboards and chesterfield booths, where you can sample 12 beers on tap and snack on fish ‘n’ chips.

Next door to the Amusement Park with two F1 simulators, a full-size bowling alley, a 4D cinema, a flight simulator, and a video games arcade, the Sports Bar bears the feel of a traditional American diner where you can graze on popcorn, hot dogs and tasty milkshakes – whilst the alfresco Horizon Bar serves spicy margaritas under the stars.

Brass Anchor Pub

Sky Lounge is the Soho House of Meraviglia – a glamorous top-of-the-ship lounge, art deco and licorice-colored, with panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, sexy jazz, and throat-tickling cocktails.

Down on Deck 5, you’ll find the plush red velvet 985-seat Broadway Theatre, producing six shows per cruise (two runs per night), from musical variety shows to magicians and Motown.

Whilst Carousel Lounge is home to highly immersive, experimental productions from the high-flying aerial circus show, House of Houdini , to the mid-air rock solos of Rock Circus , where acrobats spin and leap to the greatest hits of AC/DC and Guns & Roses.

Broadway Theatre

As the sun rises, shoot a game of basketball at the Sportplex, negotiate beams along the Himalayan Ropes Course (with a bridge where you can cross the ship 60 meters above sea level), or whiz down waterslides and champagne funnels at the Polar Aqua Park, twisting and turning, with spray guns and water dunkers for children.

MSC Aurea Spa

Glide through a pistachio reception adorned with gigantic rocks as you enter the MSC Aurea Spa , complete with 20 treatment rooms, a Jean Louis David beauty salon, a nail boutique, and The Thermal Suite.

With glass cubed chambers and little nooks, it houses sensory steam baths, an ice waterfall, a salt room, a Finnish sauna, a crystal Mediterranean sauna, salt relaxation rooms, a walk-in rainforest shower, two aromatherapy rooms, two thalassotherapy pools, black marble ergonomic beds and a snow grotto.

Its Balinese therapists offer a plethora of treatments from hot stone lava massages to lymphatic drainage and shiatsu – as well as aromatic candle massages, anti-cellulite treatments, and its signature Himalayan Dream massage using rare fossil salts from the Himalayan Mountains.

Or indulge in a thalassotherapy treatment using ingredients like seawater, seaweed, sea mud, and mineral salts, such as the Aurea Papaveris with a body scrub made from poppy flowers, grape seeds, and sea salt to improve elasticity of skin, reduce cellulite and remove toxins from the body.

Treatment room at the MSC Aurea Spa

You’ll also find the MSC Gym by TechnoGym overlooking Meraviglia’s pool deck with floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows, treadmills, exercise bikes, cardio, and kinesis equipment, and a spinning room and fitness studio holding yoga, pilates, and HIIT biking classes. You can also opt for a fitness package during your voyage that includes two full-body analysis scans and three private sessions with a personal trainer.

The Yacht Club

MSC Yacht Club Pool

Appointed with 94 lavish sites, The Yacht Club is MSC's exclusive ‘ship within a ship’ concept, offering guests VIP treatment onboard with a 24-hour butler service, a dedicated concierge, priority embarkation, and a private lounge, restaurant and sundeck.

Set across 700 square feet, its Royal Suites are grand and taupe, with plush velvet sofas, Egyptian cotton sheets, a sweeping balcony with a private whirlpool, sun loungers, and a dining table; a commodious living room and a whitewashed marble bathroom with a deep soaking tub and rain shower – you’ll also get premium Wi-Fi, 24-hour room service, lavish bathrobes and slippers, and an unlimited complimentary mini-bar.

Royal Suite

Up on Deck 19, you can swan onto your private sundeck bordered by cream sun loungers with a bright turquoise pool, a bubbling hot tub, curved leather booths, and a solarium grill serving buffet breakfasts and light lunches from fresh seafood to a carvery.

Sommelier serviced with fine white clothed tables and elephant velvet armchairs, the Yacht Club Restaurant is the epitome of fine dining onboard Meraviglia, serving dishes like burgundy snails, blue cheese soufflé, champagne risotto, and grilled lobster tail.

Yacht Club Restaurant

Tiptoeing across dark marble walkways into the Yacht Club’s Top Sail Lounge with curved cherry sofas, mirrored ceilings, and wraparound panoramic windows, sip a glass of Dom Pérignon at a gold-wrapped bar, or indulge in afternoon tea as you sail out of port at sunset.


Feast your way through 12 dining venues onboard, from Mexican street food to East-West sushi bars, boasting culinary partnerships with Michelin-starred chefs like Ramón Freixa.

Hidden behind reception, Waves offers classic dining with low ceilings, rose chairs, and jazzy striped carpets, where you can take your Gala Dinner , savoring creamy salmon rillettes and wild mushroom pappardelle before chewing a tender 14-oz porterhouse steak with a glass of rich Californian merlot.

Waves Restaurant

L’Olive Doree is divided by a central walkway, lavish and royal, with golden pillars and a twining wine cellar at its center. Make a stop here for your Serata Italiana dinner nibbling on fried calamari and zucchini before swirling linguine alle vongole around your fork, paired with a Jermann Italian pinot grigio.

With panoramic windows, burnt orange floors, and a swirling utopian-style chandelier hanging above, head to Panorama for a slice of the Caribbean, gorging on Guadeloupe shrimp tails, island meatloaf, and blackened red snapper with coconut rice.

L’Olive Doree

Casual bites are served at Marketplace buffet, open 20 hours a day, with open kitchens, grills, rotisseries, and serving stations stacked with pizzas, creamy pasta, and light bites from China, India, and the Mediterranean, as well as a mozzarella factory area where you can watch it being stretched live.

Bright and lemon with high oak stools, HOLA! Tacos & Cantina serves tasty Mexican street food and Latin American bites from blue corn tacos to crab meat puff sandwiches, Iberian gourmet burgers, authentic beef empanadas, and tamales paired with reposado tequila, tobala mezcal, the ‘king of mezcals’ and bottomless jugs of Spanish sangria.

HOLA! Tacos & Cantina

Butcher’s Cut is Meraviglia's American steakhouse, wrapped in dark oak with an open kitchen and a sweeping wine cellar, serving thick, juicy, tender cuts of 36-oz dry-aged tomahawk and 24-oz T-bone paired with cabernet sauvignon from Napa Valley – complete with a weighty slice of New York cheesecake or bittersweet lava cake from Jean-Philippe’s .

Welcoming just 32 guests, Kaito Teppanyaki is a cozy and intimate teppanyaki restaurant featuring two neon cooking stations with eight tangerine stools on each side, where you’ll sip miso soup and graze on small plates of grilled salmon Sake Teriyaki, and Dragon Rolls with tempura prawns, roasted glazed eel, cream cheese and avocado cooled down with matcha tea ice cream.

Outside Kaito , you’ll stumble across a long sushi bar serving sashimi, maki, nigiri, and thick udon noodles to slurp.

Kaito Teppanyaki

Ocean Cay sits just off the promenade, rich, silver, and formal, with a sliced hull-shaped bar, fish mosaic murals, glass partitions, and portholes peeping out. Here, you’ll find an abundance of seafood from seasonal oysters to imperial oscietra caviar and mammoth seafood sharing platters filled with spiny lobsters, red king crabs, langoustines, and Argentinian shrimp before cleansing your pallet with a bourbon vanilla crème brulée .

And with a high-tech interactive wristband to scan at hubs around Meraviglia and book your gourmet dinners, activities, front-row seats for shows, and indulgent spa treatments, a world awaits you onboard.

For more information, visit .

Lewis Nunn

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Worldwide msc international, five reasons why the msc yacht club is the ultimate way to cruise.

London, UK – 19 October 2023 – The MSC Yacht Club ‘ship within a ship’ concept offers an exclusive holiday sanctuary on board many of MSC Cruises’ ships, providing guests an unparalleled cruise experience with complete serenity, added exclusivity and privacy within a world of choice. This privatised, key-card access area of the ship is only accessible to MSC Yacht Club guests, offering stylish facilities, lavish accommodations with a host of dedicated amenities, such as a panoramic lounge, high-end restaurant, elegant pool and secluded sun deck.

Guests staying in the MSC Yacht Club benefit from a range of privileges and personalised service, that is sure to make them feel pampered. These perks are available around-the-clock and are designed to cater to their specific needs and preferences, ensuring a seamless luxury experience at sea. The MSC Yacht Club also offers a myriad of dedicated leisure and entertainment possibilities, allowing guests to enjoy the exclusivity of a private club while also having access to the countless recreation and entertainment options available throughout the larger ship.

Whether guests are looking for a relaxing escape or a lavish holiday, the MSC Yacht Club provides an exclusive haven for guests to savour the sophistication and elegance of a luxury cruise experience, ensuring the utmost privacy and comfort where every detail is designed to surpass guests’ expectations and create memories of a lifetime.  

MSC Yacht Club is available on more than half of MSC Cruises’ modern fleet, allowing travellers to experience the same level of exceptional, personalised services across many destinations.

Highlights of the MSC Yacht Club benefits include:


MSC Yacht Club’s all-inclusive experience is fully personalised with a dedicated 24-hour butler service and concierge, making the cruising experience truly personal and tailored to each individual guest’s needs. The butler service will quickly get to know each guest’s personal preferences, providing the highest level of customised service to ensure all guests feel pampered and relaxed. From shoeshining to 3 a.m. room service, no request is too small. Meanwhile, the dedicated concierge is on hand to facilitate any request, from organising shore excursions and making reservations for the spa to arranging for the newspaper to be brought to the cabin each morning.


MSC Yacht Club is sure to exceed expectations with a host of privileges that create an effortless experience, from the moment guests step on board to the moment they depart. This luxurious cruise experience offers a dedicated priority check-in and check-out, ensuring a seamless embarkation and disembarkation, so guests can start enjoying their holidays as soon as possible. They will also receive the full VIP service with a variety of offerings including the possibility to organise a tailored shopping session in the o nboard boutiques outside regular opening hours, embark on exceptional private excursions or take advantage of the complimentary use of the Thermal Suite and MSC Aurea Spa to decompress and rejuvenate while at sea.

These private-access areas extend ashore in a number of destinations:

  • MSC Ocean Cay Marine Reserve, The Bahamas – MSC Cruises’ private island, founded on a strong commitment to the preservation of marine resources and the conservation of coral reefs and marine life. Northwest of Ocean Cay lies a private beach area exclusively reserved for guests of the MSC Yacht Club, with privileged access to enjoy sunbeds and cabanas with butler service as well as a dedicated restaurant to relax, sip a cocktail and enjoy a 3-course dedicated lunch surrounded by sea breezes.
  • Sir Bani Yas Island, United Arab Emirates – A beach lover’s paradise just off the southwest coast of Abu Dhabi, offering guests a stunning tropical oasis to unwind. The island features a MSC Yacht Club zone with premium sunbeds and dedicated transportations, barbecue lunch and bar service to ensure the utmost comfort and privacy for guests during a day ashore.

Designed to provide the utmost in service and comfort, MSC Yacht Club guests have exclusive access to a range of private and elegant spaces to enhance their cruise experience, including the dedicated Top Sail Lounge. It offers panoramic views for guests to enjoy, while they sit back and relax in a sophisticated setting and indulge in an array of gourmet finger foods, delicious drinks and high tea service, as well as enjoy live music each evening. The club’s private sundeck, complete with a private pool, whirlpool, sundeck and bar, will offer guests the chance to soak up the sun and enjoy complimentary refreshments in complete comfort while taking in the best views on board across the bow of the ship and out to sea.

The high tea service particularly, is sure to fascinate and delight British tea enthusiasts and is exclusive only to Yacht Club guests. The star of the show is MSC Cruises’ own Tea Master from Sri Lanka, with over 35 years of expertise in the science and artistry of tea alongside encyclopaedic knowledge of the growing process and optimal brewing method. MSC Cruises’ direct relationships with tea producers allow them to source the freshest, finest quality teas for guests and the full team is equipped with the knowledge to get the best out of any of the teas available for passengers, whether that be the unique properties of each tea or the best tea for the time of day.


Experience the finest luxury accommodation with the MSC Yacht Club’s wide variety of suites to meet all guests’ preferences. The stylish and spacious accommodations set themselves apart and include options with stunning ocean views from the cabin’s private balcony, as well as suites like the Duplex Suites, Royal Suites and Owner’s Suites, offering a private whirlpool bath on the balcony . From sumptuous Myform Memory mattresses and crisp Egyptian cotton bedding to an indulgent Dorelan pillow menu, luxurious marble bathrooms and complimentary minibars, the MSC Yacht Club offering will surely provide unparalleled comfort for an unforgettable holiday.


With a dedicated restaurant, the MSC Yacht Club offers guests the opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of an exquisite fine-dining experience with five-star service. Offering sophisticated cuisines with an à la carte menu, guests can savour an array of the finest dishes served exclusively for them from a dedicated kitchen staff, accompanied by a spectacular selection of drinks, including fine wines from around the world with a dedicated sommelier available to further enhance the food and wine pairing experience . The private restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner where guests can dine at any time that suits their needs.

This is on top of MSC Yacht Club guests having a premium drinks package included as standard. From the finest whiskey or vodka brands to glasses of champagne – toast to total relaxation.

To learn more about MSC Cruises’ Yacht Club, click here

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yacht club msc vorteile

Everything you need to know about MSC Cruises cabins and suites

A relative newcomer in the North American market, MSC Cruises is equal parts elegant and kitschy. The line tends to appeal to a wide swath of cruisers, from Europeans who like to party into the wee hours of the morning to American families who book because of affordable fares and "kids sail free" pricing.

To satisfy its diverse passenger base, MSC offers accommodations to fit all types of travelers. Rooms include inexpensive inside cabins that sleep two people, midlevel staterooms with windows and balconies, and high-end suites that offer cruisers with larger budgets a private oasis in the form of the MSC Yacht Club .

A variety of connecting rooms and cabins with extra bunks accommodate larger groups and families who wish to share space.

Because your cruise cabin will be your home away from home for several days, it's important to book one that fits your needs. That's especially true if you're sharing it with several people.

Whether you're looking at an inside cabin for a cruise with friends, balcony accommodations for you and your significant other or a suite for your family, here TPG breaks down what you can expect when you book a room on one of MSC's ships.

For more cruise news, reviews and tips, sign up for TPG's cruise newsletter .

MSC Cruises cabin primer

MSC Cruises has become one of the fastest-growing lines in the cruise industry, with about two dozen ships in its fleet. The vessels fall into six classes : Lirica, Musica, Fantasia, Meraviglia, Seaside and World.

Although cabin offerings can vary from ship to ship and class to class, the standard types remain the same: inside, outside, balcony and suite.

Additionally, you'll find the same basic amenities in each room, unless otherwise noted below. They include two twin beds that can be joined to form a queen- or king-size bed; an in-cabin bathroom with a shower, a sink, a toilet and basic soap, shower gel and shampoo; a couple of nightstands; a chair or sofa; a desk/vanity; a closet; a safe; a hair dryer; a minifridge; a phone; USB outlets and a selection of both North American and European outlets.

On all ships except MSC Lirica, MSC Opera, MSC Sinfonia and MSC Armonia, you'll also find an interactive TV that allows you to view the daily schedule, check your onboard account and choose from a selection of live TV programs and movies.

Twice-daily room tidying is provided by a room steward assigned to each cabin, and room service is available throughout the day for an added fee.

One confusing aspect of MSC's bookings is that you'll have to select an experience package in addition to a cabin type. Package tiers determine things like your ability to choose a specific cabin and preferred dining time and whether you'll receive welcome amenities in your room. Certain cabin types are only available in conjunction with certain package experiences and vice versa. Those are noted in each respective section below.

Accessible cabins , including accommodations for wheelchair users, are available on every ship in MSC's fleet. In addition to more space, they feature wider doorways and lowered sinks and toilets in the bathrooms, as well as grab bars.

MSC Cruises' experience packages

Here's what you get when you book each of MSC's three experience packages, which determine the perks you'll receive on your sailing.

  • Accommodations
  • Complimentary food in the dining room and buffet
  • Broadway-style theater entertainment
  • Access to the onboard gym, pool and kids club
  • MSC Voyagers Club points
  • One for-fee change to your cruise booking (with some restrictions)
  • Drink package discount at time of booking
  • All Bella perks
  • Choice of specific cabin and location
  • One free change to your cruise booking (with some restrictions)
  • Ability to choose between early and late seating for dinner
  • Room service (complimentary for breakfast, but fees apply for other meals)
  • Discount on pre-cruise specialty dining package
  • All Fantastica and Bella perks
  • Flexible My Choice dining, which lets you eat at any time you choose between set hours
  • Free 24-hour room service delivery
  • Pillow menu
  • A welcome package, including Prosecco and chocolates
  • Complimentary access to your ship's solarium and thermal area
  • A 10% discount on all spa treatments purchased on board
  • Special Balinese massage offer when booked pre-cruise
  • Complimentary use of bathrobe and slippers
  • Priority boarding and luggage drop-off

Inside cabins on MSC Cruises ships

Inside cabins — rooms with no windows — are available on all ships in the MSC fleet. Ranging from 140 to 301 square feet (depending on the ship), they make for great sleeping because they're so dark. They're also ideal for passengers who are on a budget.

In addition to the standard amenities mentioned above, they provide room for anywhere from two to four passengers to sleep. (Rooms that sleep more than two feature bunks that pull down from the ceiling.)

These cabins are available with the line's Bella and Fantastica experiences.

If you're sailing solo, some MSC vessels offer cabins for one outfitted with a twin bed that converts into a couch. These interior studio accommodations are only available with the Bella package on MSC Meraviglia , MSC Bellissima and the line's World Class ships.

Ocean-view cabins on MSC Cruises ships

Ocean-view rooms are similar to insides in that they provide basic amenities — but with a view.

Offering 129 to 269 square feet of space (depending on the specific ship and ocean-view category), these staterooms allow you to see outside through a porthole or a window that doesn't open.

MSC's outside cabins are available to passengers who book Bella and Fantastica packages.

Additionally, if you're traveling with your family or another group, several of MSC Cruises' ships — particularly those in the Meraviglia and Seaside classes — feature space for as many as 10 passengers via a series of connecting rooms. Options are available at the ocean-view and balcony levels.

Balcony cabins on MSC Cruises ships

You might be surprised to discover that most of MSC Cruises' balcony cabins provide less interior square footage than what's available in inside or ocean-view staterooms.

Balcony rooms run anywhere from 129 to 205 square feet, but their key feature is, of course, a private balcony, which does add an extra 32 to 129 square feet, depending on the vessel and specific type of balcony room booked. These cabins are bookable in conjunction with MSC's Bella, Fantastica and Aurea experiences.

Although balcony cabins offer upgraded amenities, including MSC's brand of hand lotion and toiletries, they are largely the same as inside and ocean-view accommodations.

MSC's newest ships — including those in the Meraviglia, Seaside and World Classes — house connecting balcony rooms that can sleep up to 10 in the same group traveling together.

Additionally, on its World Class ships, the line has introduced inward-facing balconies, similar to the ones Royal Caribbean pioneered in 2009 with the debut of its Oasis Class vessels . On World Europa, for example, they overlook the ship's promenade, offering views of the activity below, rather than the ocean.

MSC Cruises suites

All ships in MSC's fleet have suites that can be booked as part of the Fantastica and Aurea packages, but it's Aurea that offers the largest number of perks, as outlined above.

The several types of suites vary by ship in terms of size and amenities. Some come with balconies, while others only offer floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows.

Junior Suites

Although this room type is listed as a suite, it's essentially a balcony cabin with a bit more space — 183 square feet of interior accommodation with a balcony that ranges from 140 to 183 square feet.

Standard suites include rooms with huge balconies larger than the cabin's interior space and ones with private whirlpool tubs. They run from 269 to 355 square feet, with balconies measuring 32 to 409 square feet.

Grand Suites

Coming in between 377 and 420 square feet, with balconies spanning from 32 to 495 square feet, Grand Suites — found on Seaside and World Class ships — come in two types. They include standard one-bedroom Grand Suites, as well as two-bedroom varieties.

The latter has one bedroom with a queen-size bed and another with two twins. It sleeps up to five passengers and offers two bathrooms — one with a shower and the other with a bathtub.

While most suites are designed for double occupancy, some suite accommodations on MSC Bellissima, MSC Grandiosa, MSC Virtuosa and MSC Magnifica can sleep up to five people.

MSC Yacht Club suites on MSC ships

All cabins located in the MSC Yacht Club — an exclusive, gated area on select ships — are called suites, even the smallest and least expensive, which don't have windows or balconies.

Yacht Club suite types range from insides to two-deck duplexes, all of which come with butler and concierge services, luxuriously appointed furnishings (such as real marble finishes, memory foam mattresses and Egyptian cotton sheets) and access to members-only restaurants, bars (alcohol is free there), lounges, pools and sun decks.

The Yacht Club features seven different types of rooms. Ships that have the MSC Yacht Club on board include MSC Bellissima, MSC Divina, MSC Fantasia, MSC Grandiosa, MSC Meraviglia, MSC Preziosa, MSC Seaside, MSC Seascape, MSC Seaview, MSC Seashore, MSC Splendida, MSC Virtuosa and MSC World Europa.

Note: Not all Yacht Clubs have the same suite types available.

MSC Yacht Club Interior Suites

Although these 161- to 226-square-foot cabins don't offer a view or fresh air, they are elegantly decorated and include all the Yacht Club benefits mentioned above.

MSC Yacht Club Deluxe Suites

These Yacht Club digs are the equivalent of a balcony cabin — but in a dedicated area that includes all the exclusive perks. They run 236 to 366 square feet and have balconies ranging from 54 to 86 square feet, so they also come with a bit more space, both inside and outdoors.

MSC Yacht Club Deluxe Grand Suites

Similarly, Deluxe Grand Suites are like the Yacht Club equivalent of booking a Grand Suite with more perks. Depending on the ship, they offer anywhere from 269 to 463 square feet of space, plus 65- to 129-square-foot balconies. Some Grand Suites also have two bedrooms instead of one. Further, these rooms on Seaside Class ships include bathrooms with bathtubs, as well as separate living areas.

MSC Yacht Club Duplex Suites

Rising two decks, MSC's duplex staterooms measure 495 to 635 square feet and come with 65- to 334-square-foot balconies. They feature living rooms with two-person sofa beds downstairs and master bedrooms upstairs, which also sleep two passengers.

Each of these accommodations comes complete with two walk-in closets and two bathrooms — one with a bathtub and one with a shower. Most duplexes on Meraviglia and World Class ships also have their own private whirlpool tubs.

MSC Yacht Club Executive and Family Suites

The line's Executive and Family Suites, available only on Fantasia Class vessels, are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to stay in the Yacht Club with a family or other group of more than two people.

This option, which is one type of suite (despite its confusing name), has space for up to five cruisers via a combination of bunk beds, sofa beds and beds that pull down from the ceiling, depending on the ship. The suites clock in at around 431 to 549 square feet, depending on the vessel.

The only drawback is that these staterooms have no balconies and no in-room dining areas, but they do include all the perks you'd find in Yacht Club cabins.

MSC Yacht Club Royal Suites

Although they only occupy one level, at 388 to 667 square feet, MSC's Yacht Club Royal Suites are right up there with the Duplex Suites in terms of space. They offer the second-largest amount of square footage after the Owner's Suites. They come with huge balconies comprising 355 to 753 square feet of outdoor area.

Additionally, bathrooms in these suites offer bathtubs on Fantasia, Meraviglia, Seaside and World Class ships, and the latter three have private whirlpool tubs, as well. All four classes' Royal Suites also include separate living room areas.

MSC Yacht Club Owner's Suites

The largest and most impressive of all MSC's cabins are the Owner's Suites found in the Yacht Club. Offering an impressive 840 to 1,119 square feet — larger than some land-based apartments — plus 269- to 670-square-foot balconies, they're some of the most luxurious rooms afloat.

Specific amenities vary by ship, but as an example, Owner's Suites on MSC World Europa offer floor-to-ceiling windows and walk-in closets. These accommodations on both the line's Seaside and World Class vessels also feature bathrooms with separate showers and bathtubs, as well as private whirlpool tubs and separate living room areas.

Bottom line

Although MSC Cruises' cabin types are straightforward, the line's add-on experiences can complicate things a bit.

Overall, what's key to remember is that MSC Cruises offers a wide variety of rooms and pricing to meet just about any budget or style of cruising. Each ship will offer accommodation choices from the least expensive, bare-bones interior rooms to the priciest suites, which come with butler and concierge services.

When you sail with MSC Cruises, you can expect function, style and comfort, regardless of the cabin type you book.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • Top ways cruisers waste money
  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin

Editorial disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, airline or hotel chain, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.

"Y.C. Ada Balcony 15039-2.jpg"


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  10. Five Reasons Why the Msc Yacht Club Is the Ultimate Way to Cruise

    Geneva, Switzerland - October 19 2023 - The MSC Yacht Club 'ship within a ship' concept offers an exclusive holiday sanctuary on board many of MSC Cruises' ships, providing guests an unparalleled cruise experience with complete serenity, added exclusivity and privacy within a world of choice. This privatised, key-card access area of the ship is only accessible to MSC Yacht Club ...

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    COURTESY MSC Cruises: Geneva, Switzerland - October 19, 2023 - The MSC Yacht Club is a 'ship within a ship' concept offered onboard many MSC Cruises ships, providing guests with an unparalleled cruise experience full of complete serenity and exclusivity. This private area of the ship is only accessible to MSC Yacht Club guests, offering stylish facilities and lavish accommodations with ...


    Der MSC Yacht Club ist ein Schiff-im Schiff Konzept - Alle Vorteile eines großen Schiffes und trotzdem ein Stück Privatsphäre und Exklusivität: Ihr Spezialist für Fluss- und Seereisen ... Der MSC Yacht Club wird auf allen Neubauten Meraviglia- und Seaside-Klasse ab 2017 angeboten: MSC Bellissima, MSC Euribia, MSC Grandiosa, MSC Meraviglia ...

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    This is an MSC general tip, but it's a great value. You get about $140.00 of value for $70.00 ( Exact a mounts may vary ). MSC Yacht Club guests can order breakfast the night before. Fill out the order sheet and put the card on your door before 2AM. They give you lots of water, which I so appreciated.

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    MSC Yacht Club Owner's Suites. The largest and most impressive of all MSC's cabins are the Owner's Suites found in the Yacht Club. Offering an impressive 840 to 1,119 square feet — larger than ...