Captain's Yacht

Captain's Yacht
Ship specifics
(1 tier ship)
2 Fore, 0 Aft
1 Ensign Universal
1 Engineering, 1 Science, 1 Tactical
400 Day Veteran Reward n/a
Information based on version ST.55.20151120a.25


The Captain's Yacht is available for purchase at Earth Spacedock , Deep Space 9 in the shipyard after obtaining 400 Day Veteran status.

A large auxiliary craft built into the design of several starships, the use of the Captain's Yacht  is a privilege extended to captains with exceptional standing in Starfleet. The Captain's Yacht is a Veteran Reward attained after 400 days of active subscription to the game. Upon unlocking the reward, the Yacht can be purchased from a Shuttle Vendor.

In order to claim the "Shuttle Requisition Authorization" token, you must speak to a separate, nearby NPC and state "I'd like to requisition another Captain's Yacht," even if this is your first one.

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  • 2 Joined Trill

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What are your thoughts on dedicated Captain's Yacht designs?

  • Thread starter KamenRiderBlade
  • Start date Nov 3, 2020



Rear admiral.

  • Nov 3, 2020

Personally, I don't see the value in having the Captain's Yacht designed to fit aboard a cut-out within the StarShips hull. It's just a giant waste IRL and "In-Universe". Why even bother wasting time to implement a one-off custom Shuttle Craft? What value does that little vessel bring that another one of your Shuttle Complement can't fulfill? Honestly, we can just use more internal space within the Saucer and reserve one specific Shuttle Craft within the StarShips Shuttle Complement as the "Captain's Yacht" and give it a unique livery and ID # on board the vessel. Existing Captain's Yacht vessel designs should be re-purposed for other uses within the UFP civilian market or for other purposes IMO.  


Vice Admiral

In my head canon for the 26th century: The Calypso design I re-purposed as a reward for making it to Captain's Rank. It's a civilian use gift for when the Captain is on Vacation and Off-Duty. The moment you earn Captain's Rank, you get to go to a Specialized HoloDeck Customization Program and customize your version of the "Calypso" design and make it personalized to their own Aestheitics on the inside & out. The Cousteau design I re-purposed as the standard Shuttle Craft for UFP Government (Representatives/Senators/Executive Officials/Judges/etc) to travel around the Planetary System in. The AeroShuttle design I re-purposed as the standard Bus-Style mass transit for UFP Government employees.  

Fleet Admiral

In navies of yore, the gig formally dedicated to the Captain was basically the opposite of what the Starfleet Yachts are to the usual shuttles. The gig would have been the smallest of the boats, often nested inside the others, and useless for anything but serving as the Captain's water taxi. In contrast, the E-E Yacht is more like a longboat or at least a pinnace, a larger-than-usual auxiliary that a sailing navy would have used for heavy hauling and amphibious warfare. Perhaps that's exactly what the E-E Yacht is, then? It is well armed, capacious, but not particularly luxurious. It can be quickly deployed, and the one time it gets used, it indeed engages in amphibious warfare/planetary assault (albeit of the unopposed kind - but few sailing navies would have dared attempt an opposed landing!). Picard actually flies around in standard shuttles that have plush couches. His putative Yacht on the E-D may have been an assault craft, too. Or then the E-D never had a Yacht. By which I mean a) the bump at the bottom of the saucer always was an energy emitter for giving CPR to space jellyfishes, or b) the bump was an auxiliary, but not a Yacht, and looked exactly like the Probert design and its Sternbach/Okuda reproduction, that is, it was a nearly immobile barge that could drop down on a planet and become an instant UFP Consulate. Other ships would have other auxiliaries for other purposes, and the one at the bottom of a Nova is for planetary surveys, while the one at the bottom of an Intrepid is <insert preference>. They are then named accordingly. Timo Saloniemi  

C.E. Evans

I tend to see captain's yachts as being more a part of the actual starship than just an auxiliary craft. By its very nature, it could indeed be considered superficial and the times it may actually be needed may be few and far between, but Starfleet seems to have long ago embraced a policy of better to have something and not always needed it than to need something just once and not have it. The need of a yacht is debatable, but then so much of Starfleet is debatable as well. In my own personal view, captain's yachts are really only ideal for special missions that will require the captain to be away from the ship for an extended period of time. Rather than have the entire ship be stuck in one location for who knows how long, the yacht can allow the ship to carry out another mission during that time and then allow the captain to catch up with it later. Sure, a personnel shuttle or a runabout could do the same job, but I do think the yacht is meant to be a superficial vehicle, Starfleet's equivalent of a limo. That could be all there is to it possibly. It's also possible that while Picard may not have had much use of a yacht while in command of the Enterprise , other captains of similarly-equipped ships may have used it more regularly, IMO.  

  • Nov 4, 2020

Which raises the possibility that Picard did not have a yacht on the E-D, but chose to have a nifty sensor package plugged in that socket instead... A yacht is only confirmed for the E-E, and even there only for Insurrection (in First Contact, it seemed to be a q-torp turret instead, perhaps supporting the modularity idea), while OTOH other blatant saucer-bottom auxiliaries are given names other than yacht (even if only off screen). Timo Saloniemi  


In the Eaglemoss book on the Picard’s D, the Calypso yacht was a luxury craft for diplomatic transfers where beaming was inappropriate. Eaglemoss is bringing a model of it in an upcoming release, so we might learn more from the included magazine. In STO, the Aeroshuttle is a combat pet - a craft that can be deployed to aid its mothership in combat. The Aeroshuttle is effective in that. Also in STO, the Enterprise-F has the Aquarius, a small escort (warship) tugged at the rear of the engineering hull. It is so large it can be flown as its own starship. It’s Klingon equivalent is a bird of prey resting on the dorsal “hump” of the imperial flagship. Side note, in STO the captain’s yacht is for Starfleet, the general’s chariot for the Klingon Defense Force, and the Romulans have the commander’s gig.  

Because of Timo, I included the Captain's Gig, Captain's Yacht, & Admiral's Barge as personal Auxilliary Vessels for each level of Captain or Flag Officer to use.  

Once we got the Ent-D having runabouts (or the capacity to have runabouts), the idea of a "larger, more comfortable shuttle" as a dedicated captain's yacht went out of the window.  


The fact we see a captains yacht used only once in several hundred hours of Star Trek really says everything about how useful the craft is. I like the idea of making it a mission specific small craft, because that fits how the Delta Flyer is used, and it should have been the Aeroshuttle. The only problem is, the shuttles are so versatile I don't really see an issue with just stating the normal shuttles are adjustable and versatile enough to handle any situation a shuttle would be needed. The standard shuttle has too weak a hull to survive a gas giant? Then slap more shield emitters on, and fill the cargo area with a power source. Shuttle too slow? Slap bigger warp engines on it. Still too slow? Give it a bigger warp core. Need to infiltrate a contested structure, provide close air support, and deliver combatants? Wrap a shuttle in a high power phaser array, give it transporters, and a tractor conveyor to drop combatants in case of transporter inhibitors.  

  • Nov 5, 2020

The standard shuttle props still suffer from being small - but the partial builds of the Delta Flyer or the Yacht don't exactly help. The problem is the small and clumsy doorways, so that the shuttles are hard pressed to haul even the usual Trek cargo of man-handleable barrels and boxes, let alone classic military gear like burly guys and gals with a dozen pieces of equipment hanging from them. The ST5:TFF prop and its TNG development work the best there; the rest just can't portray effective embarking or disembarking, no matter how impressively large their CGI-faked exteriors, since there are no proper doors. I could very much see the need for special shuttles for special plot purposes, then, budgets allowing. Only, the Yacht(s) so far seen won't be the answer. Timo Saloniemi  

My suggestion: Making captain's yachts gives Starfleet designers a place to flex their imagination and try out new ideas while waiting for the next design generation of ships of the line.  


KamenRiderBlade said: Honestly, we can just use more internal space within the Saucer and reserve one specific Shuttle Craft within the StarShips Shuttle Complement as the "Captain's Yacht" and give it a unique livery and ID # on board the vessel. Click to expand...



Depends on the ship and its Mission enterprise-d probably had a luxurious yacht. For first contacts more formal occasions where the E was more combat oriented and Voyager and the Nova more scientific so it's probably more sturdy craft heavy duty craft that's stuck on. Or the enterprise-d being a luxury craft shuttle up dignitaries and VIPs probably presidents prime ministers excetera  

F. King Daniel

F. King Daniel


  • Nov 10, 2020

I like Probert’s yacht painting . Can you spot Jean-Luc and his tea?  

Arpy said: I like Probert’s yacht painting . Can you spot Jean-Luc and his tea? Click to expand...
KamenRiderBlade said: I love the Calypso Captain's Yacht design, but it's meant to be a Civilian vessel IMO. It doesn't feel like it matches the rest of the StarFleet design aesthetics of it's era IMO. Click to expand...

Well, "yacht" is exclusively a civilian term today, just like "freighter" is. Navies just plain don't do those, or if they do, they are very special civilian vessels under naval protection, such as the Royal Yacht. Might be the Yacht has diffused down to the lowly level of mere Captains in the future, of course. Or then our single reference to a Captain's Yacht in the Star Trek universe is sarcasm - I mean, Troi's INS line otherwise is nothing but. It would be pretty cool for Picard to have his own civilian yacht carried aboard. I mean, he has his own saddle; this isn't qualitatively different... Timo Saloniemi  

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Memory Alpha

Cousteau (yacht)

The Cousteau contained a cockpit (with a dedication plaque ), a small transporter and cargo area, and a docking port which made a direct connection to the Enterprise -E. It was capable of atmospheric flight and landing on a planetary surface. It could also generate tachyon bursts . Only one pilot was needed to fly the craft.

In 2375 , Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his senior staff took the Cousteau to the Ba'ku planet as part of a plan to prevent the forced relocation of the Ba'ku by the Son'a . The yacht carried several weapons and transport inhibitors to the surface, which were deployed by the crew in order to keep the Son'a from removing the Ba'ku from the planet. Later, Data used the Cousteau to create a diversion by firing tachyon bursts into Ru'afo's ship 's shields , forcing him to reset his shield harmonics and allowing Worf to transport the bridge crew to the Federation holoship . Ru'afo was able to seriously damage the Cousteau before he was transported from his ship. ( Star Trek: Insurrection )

A model of the Cousteau was stored in Picard's section of the quantum archive at the Starfleet Archive Museum . ( PIC : " Remembrance ")

Shuttles named
(2366) • (2367) • (2375)
Shuttles of the USS (NCC-1701-E)
Shuttlecraft: •
Other: ground vehicle •

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

Sovereign class Captain's Yacht Cousteau orthographic views by John Eaves

John Eaves' orthographic drawings of the Cousteau

The Cousteau was described as " a diplomatic cruising vessel that's docked out for touring, " by designer John Eaves , who noted: " It's almost 110 feet long, so it's a pretty big ship. " ( The Secrets of Star Trek: Insurrection , p. 39)

Star Trek: Starship Spotter classified the Cousteau as a Mark 2 Captain's Yacht.

A deleted scene established that the Cousteau disintegrated in the atmosphere of the Ba'ku planet shortly after Data's attack. The yacht was not shown attached to the Enterprise -E at the end of the film, so it was possible the yacht was destroyed.

The Star Trek Encyclopedia , 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 117, 165, in the entries "captain's yacht" and " Cousteau ", stated the Cousteau was destroyed. It further stated in the notes to the former entry, " The Enterprise -E yacht was named Cousteau at the urging of Patrick Stewart , in honor of the French oceanographer. The name was inscribed on a dedication plaque in the ship's cabin. Cousteau was designed by Herman Zimmerman and John Eaves . " In the third edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia (p. 590), the name of the yacht was said to have been chosen by producer Rick Berman .

This might be the second captain's yacht and the third auxiliary vessel under Captain Picard named the Cousteau . In the notes to the "captain's yacht", in the fourth edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia , the authors wrote, " The yacht on the Enterprise-D was apparently also named Cousteau , although we never saw it in use. "

A Type 15 shuttlepod from the USS Aries and a Type 7 shuttlecraft from the USS Enterprise -D were also named Cousteau .

Studio model [ ]

  • See: Cousteau model

See also [ ]

  • Cousteau dedication plaque
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Star Trek: Prodigy

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  • Small craft classes

Captain's yacht

Captains yacht

A Sovereign -class captain's yacht.

Sovereign Captain's yacht

Ship views.

The captain's yacht was a type of auxiliary vessel installed aboard several classes of Federation starships in the 24th century , including the Galaxy -class and Sovereign -classes . On both designs, the yacht is launched from the underside of the saucer section and was used by the ship's captain to travel alone or to host visiting dignitaries.

While Captain Jean-Luc Picard commanded the USS Enterprise -D , he didn't often use the yacht in his eight years in command. This trend continued during his command of the USS Enterprise -E . While rarely using the yacht, he lost the Cousteau following a Son'a attack in 2375 and the Calypso was stolen by the Androssi and later destroyed in 2378 . ( TNG movie : Insurrection ; TNG - A Time to... novel : A Time to Be Born )

In the mirror universe, the captain's yacht was used aboard the ISS Enterprise -D . ( TNG - Through the Mirror - Ripe for Plunder comic : " Chapter One ")

  • 2.1 Connections
  • 2.2 External link
  • Thelasa ( STO - Star Trek Magazine short story : " Mirror Image, Part 1 ")
  • Calypso ( TNG - Through the Mirror - Ripe for Plunder comic : " Chapter One ")

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ].

and auxiliary classes
, named classes • • • • • • (warpshuttle) • • • • • (scout) • • • • (warp shuttle) alphanumeric designations A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
type designations • • • • • • type-6C • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
others • • • •
passenger shuttleStarfleet shuttle (2230s)

External link [ ]

  • Captain's yacht article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
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  • 2 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 3 Typhon class
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  4. Captain's Yacht

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    star trek online how to get captain's yacht


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  2. Captain Career Guide

  3. Star Trek Online

  4. Star Trek Online Ship Tactics Trailer

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  1. Captain's Yacht

    The Captain's Yacht is a Tier 1 ( Level 1) Small Craft which may be flown by Starfleet characters. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store. Players can obtain this starship from any Ship and Shuttle Requisitions officer if ...

  2. Captain's yacht

    The Captain's yacht is an obtainable ship in Star Trek Online. It is one of the game's many bonuses for subscribers and Lifetime subscribers, obtainable once a player reaches 400 days subscribed or automatically once the Lifetime subscription is activated. It resembles the Cousteau .

  3. What are the requirements to get the captain's yacht? : r/sto

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.

  4. Captain's Yacht

    A large auxiliary craft built into the design of several starships, the use of the Captain's Yacht is a privilege extended to captains with exceptional standing in Starfleet. The Captain's Yacht is a Veteran Reward attained after 400 days of active subscription to the game. Upon unlocking the reward, the Yacht can be purchased from a Shuttle ...

  5. Captain's Yacht : r/sto

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.

  6. Star Trek Online: Captains Yacht

    Showing off captains yacht.

  7. I'm considering buying lifetime but I have a question about the Captain

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.

  8. Star Trek Online Veteran/Lifetime Rewards

    The Captain's Table: To access this special zone, look for the white glowing anomaly near Earth Spacedock (Fed) or Qo'noS (Klingon). Simply fly up close and interact with the anomaly to transfer to the Captain's Table. Captain's Yacht (Fed)/DujHod Chariot (Klingon)/Commander's Gig (Rom): Speak with a Starship Requisition NPC to claim the vessel ...

  9. Captain's Yacht Shuttle

    For player-controlled vessel, see Captain's Yacht shuttle. The [Captain's Yacht Shuttle] is a non-combat space pet, available by purchasing the [Space Non-Combat Pet - Captain's Yacht] from the Lobi store for 20 . It can also be found on the Exchange. Captain's Yacht. Originally featured as a detachable auxiliary craft on some Starfleet vessels, this small craft was eventually manufactured as ...

  10. Captain's Yacht

    You can get the Captains Yacht from Ensign Byarnezat the bottom of the Main Ramp in ESD the first time. Right near the 'Select Your Ship' NPC, Ensign Obin. If you ever dismiss it you go to Lt. Laurel, the "Starship & Shuttle Requisitions" NPC to get it back. It's under the Small Craft section. I've done it several times.

  11. Star Trek Online

    The Captain's Yacht running some errands around Earth on @startrekonlineNext episode: The Yacht's mothership

  12. star trek online how to get captain's yacht

    Captain's Yacht. View history [[Category:]] The Captain's Yacht is available for purchase at Earth Spacedock , Deep Space 9 in the shipyard after obtaining 400 Day Veteran status.

  13. The Captain's Yacht :: Star Trek Online General Discussions

    Yup, nothing special except that it is completely free. #2. Vellari May 17, 2015 @ 10:05am. Naturally, the cost of either sub or lifetime, but nothing besides that (not even EC). Statistically it is the same as the other basic shuttles in game. #3.

  14. Starship Guide for Beginners and stuff (Updated!)

    Instead of W being the forward, it is actually to look upwards. Here is a list of movements. W=Move starship upward (face up, not move forward) S=Move starship downward (face down, not reverse speed) A=Move left. D=move right. E =E is the basic command to move your starship FORWARD.

  15. What are your thoughts on dedicated Captain's Yacht designs?

    Nov 3, 2020. #4. In navies of yore, the gig formally dedicated to the Captain was basically the opposite of what the Starfleet Yachts are to the usual shuttles. The gig would have been the smallest of the boats, often nested inside the others, and useless for anything but serving as the Captain's water taxi. In contrast, the E-E Yacht is more ...

  16. star trek

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  17. Captains's yacht on pc : r/sto

    Captains's yacht on pc. The lifetime sub is still available. Only the monthly subs were discontinued. 57K subscribers in the sto community. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC….

  18. Shuttle Requisitions

    Danube Class Runabout - 34250 Type 8 Shuttle - 20550 Captain's Yacht - 400-day Veteran Reward Tal'Kyr Support Craft - 34250 Class F Shuttle - 20550 [Phaser Beam Array Standard Issue-S] - 541... Star Trek Online Wiki. Explore. ... Star Trek Online Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

  19. star trek

    (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 1, Issue 16, p. 55) I always thought it was an artifact from the model kit. A hole was left in the underside of the saucer section to display the saucer separated, but when the ship was fully assembled a small oval part fit into the hole labeled "Captain's Yacht".

  20. Thursday Trek: Enterprise-E Captain's Yacht

    Welcome to Thursday Trek, which will consist of shorter videos about various Star Trek topics. This week features the Enterprise-E captain's yacht seen in St...

  21. Cousteau (yacht)

    The Cousteau was a Federation captain's yacht that was in service with Starfleet in the late 24th century, attached to USS Enterprise-E. Cousteau was a large auxiliary craft which normally docked on the ventral side of the saucer section, opposite the bridge, and immediately below the saucer torpedo launcher. When connected to the Enterprise, only the bottom side of the yacht was exposed to ...

  22. Captain's yacht

    The captain's yacht was a type of auxiliary vessel installed aboard several classes of Federation starships in the 24th century, including the Galaxy-class and Sovereign-classes. On both designs, the yacht is launched from the underside of the saucer section and was used by the ship's captain to travel alone or to host visiting dignitaries. While Captain Jean-Luc Picard commanded the USS ...

  23. Deckplans/ interior of the Sovereign-class Captains Yacht?

    Heck we have more fan material for the Aeroshuttle, something we only see docked to the underside of Voyager's saucer and never move. But the captains yacht actually plays an important role in the film. But I'm sure there has to be a DND style interior plan, or some forgotten LCARS schematic. 3. Award.

  24. AV Club

    The A.V. Club covers film, TV, music, games, books and more — pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed.